Inspiration Out of the Box | 2014



A fresh look on management inspiration offered by Movies & TV Series.

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Inspiration out of the boxInspiration out of the box

Professional development tipsProfessional development tips

directly from the digital box

Jürgen Janssens | January 2014

Management | Leadership

Inspiration out of the BoxInspiration out of the Box

Are you also exposed to many (in)direct sources of information?

Have you ever been really intrigued by something you read?

Did a situation ever look very familiar to you?

Already felt inspired when leaving the cinema?

Let’s look at a collection of tips that movies and series can offer

for our professional development, or for collaboration with

colleagues & customers.

Inspiration out of the BoxInspiration out of the Box

1. Intro

2. Series

3. Movies

4. Conclusion


Inspiration out of the BoxInspiration out of the Box

1. Intro

2. Series

• 90’s

• Dr House

• The Mentalist

• Game of Thrones

• Breaking Bad

3. Movies

4. Conclusion


1. 90’s1. 90’s(Mac Gyver)

1. Clearly identify your deadline.

2. Identify constraints, and a way to solve them.

3. Design a complete solution.

4. Never stop learning:


4. Never stop learning:

• Stay up to date in your area of expertise ,

• Follow the evolutions in your industry,

• And learn about related areas.

5. Step out of your comfort zone, but

know your limits.

1. 90’s1. 90’s

6. Sometimes, ask for help (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)

– It’s not always easy to ask for help, but for some types of mistakes or

problems it is part of being professional.

7. Gain respect of your colleagues (Friends)

– Instead of focusing on ephemeral actions, truly earn

respect over time through actions and attitude.


9. Hug (or talk) it out (Full House)

– Emails are useful, but face-to-face communication still matters.

– In some cases, it’s good to discuss problems in person.

respect over time through actions and attitude.

8. It’s your job, not your life (Friends)

– Cultivate meaningful relationships because… they will

be there for you, even when the rain starts to pour.

1. 90’s1. 90’s

10. Success requires organisation (Mission Impossible Series)

– The Flame: know what gets you focused or motivated

for a new challenge.

– The Mission: take time to set your goals.

– The Team: know your team, your stakeholders, and

their specificities.


their specificities.

– The Plan: know where you want to go and plan


– The Organisation: step into action, and remain

attentive. In the end, it is not only the quality of the

plan that matters, but the ability of getting to the

result – with or without adaptations.

2. 2. DrDr HouseHouse1. Tackle the real problem : A healthy result requires curing problems -

not only symptoms. Act accordingly when managing people or projects.

2. Team work is key… : Interact with your team to solve problems.

3. …Independent reasoning too : Coach and

challenge your team, be it individually or as a

team, if you want them to stand on their own feet.


team, if you want them to stand on their own feet.

4. Try to listen to what’s not said: House’s real

genius lies in his ability to understand people’s

motivations and secret agendas. To get there, stay

critical and attentive.

5. Practice what you preach: Do what you say & say what you do.

6. Humor: Humour helps – no matter if it is black, sparkling or dry.

1. Prepare your public presentations

2. Be self-assured

3. Be modest

4. Know your audience

3. The Mentalist3. The Mentalist

4. Know your audience

5. Listen and observe actively

6. Cooperation is key

7. Stay informed on statistics


1. Trust none

– Trust is important, but many people have also their own interests.

2. Keep your friends and family close and your enemies closer

– Don’t get single focused in your work to the point that you neglect to

develop and nurture ties with your loved ones… or with your enemies.

4. Game Of Thrones4. Game Of Thrones


3. Winter is coming

– No matter how secure the present or future

look, change is the only certainty.

4. There is a bit of truth in every legend

– Rumors might not be completely true, but

there might be an aspect of it that you need to

be aware of.

5. Breaking Bad5. Breaking Bad

1. Be passionate about what you do – or know what drives you.

2. Develop a skill in the field you are passionate about.

3. Complement your skills with those of a strong team.

4. Be patient with people – they are

too. It’s part of the process.


too. It’s part of the process.

5. Your network is just as important as

your product or service.

6. Know what you want to achieve…

and how you want to measure your


7. Encountering issues is part of the game. So does finding solutions.

Inspiration out of the BoxInspiration out of the Box

1. Intro

2. Series

3. Movies

4. Conclusion


Inspiration out of the BoxInspiration out of the Box

• Whereas most series spread their inspiration over the

episodes, movies shape ideas in a more focused way.

• Some movies are all-time references:

– Godfather has inspired generations of negotiators.

– Wall Street has boosted many people in pursuit of wealth.

– The pursuit of Happiness clearly believes in the power of determination.– The pursuit of Happiness clearly believes in the power of determination.

– Even movies like Catch me if you can contain clear professional


• But when looking with a different eye, less bold messages are

worth capturing too...


Inspiration out of the BoxInspiration out of the Box

• 12 Angry Men (1957)

– Learn to convince and build consensus. It’s key for

becoming a good leader.

• The Godfather (1972)

– 1. Do like the original Godfather: don't

command respect from others, earn it.


command respect from others, earn it.

– 2. Family & health are the most important

things in life, even more than all money &

power on earth.

• Pulp Fiction (1994)

– Do your due diligence about a situation before

handling it. It will save you a lot of time solving

problems caused by uninformed decisions.

Inspiration out of the BoxInspiration out of the Box

• Star Wars (1977, 1980, 1983, 1999...)

– 1. To be a good leader, having an Empire is good. But leading is better.

– 2. To learn to lead, spend time in the mud.

– 3. Dare to ask for help, even if Obi-Wan Kenobi is not your only hope.

– 4. Fear warps you to the dark side of leadership. Learn to manage it.

– 5. Mentor new leaders, even if you are not their father.– 5. Mentor new leaders, even if you are not their father.

– 6. No matter your position, be open to criticism.

– 7. Have faith… and may the force be with you.


• Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

– Before sending emails or planning meetings,

consider that constantly talking isn’t necessarily


• Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)

– If you only have people that talk but don’t listen, none will take up the

real challenges. Build a complete and complementary team.

• The Social Network (2010)

– If you desperately need something as consumer, but really can't find a

solution, you know that there is an opportunity.

Inspiration out of the BoxInspiration out of the Box

solution, you know that there is an opportunity.



• The King’s Speech (2010)

– 1. Transcend your function. It is the actions and the effort

that give meaning to a title or function.

– 2. Everyone can benefit from a coach or mentor. You too.

• Marley (2012)

– It is worth listening sometimes to Bob Marley: “if you

don’t start somewhere, you’re gonna get nowhere.”

Inspiration is present in many sources.

The challenge is to translate it with a critical eye.







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