Inplementing western cycling solution is Post-Soviet countries



Presentation of Marcin Hyla (Poland) at Veloforum conference in Ukraine (October 2010)

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Marcin Hyła, Marcin Hyła, VeloForum, 16VeloForum, 16thth Oct. 2010 Oct. 2010

How to implement cycling How to implement cycling solutions in a post-communist solutions in a post-communist street system (and mentality)street system (and mentality)

What has communism to do with cycling?No free flow of ideas in society (and between societies)Specific urban planning (or rather non-planning)Little choice for „consumer”; lifestyles - limitedSuppressed demand for cars („western lifestyle”), both cars and bicycles - scarce!Public transport, predominant under communism, reduced need for other mobility

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in the WestUrban (and urbane)Northern Europe (Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland), not the USLong tradition: in 1930's, up to 80% of all trips were made on bicycle in NetherlandsHarmonious development of cities: many mistakes and „dead ends” but a constant process of learning and improving

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Netherlands: high heel cyclingNetherlands: high heel cycling

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Congestion in NetherlandsCongestion in Netherlands

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling up to 30-40% of all tripsCycling up to 30-40% of all trips

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Netherlands & Denmark: inspirationNetherlands & Denmark: inspiration

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Netherlands & Denmark: inspirationNetherlands & Denmark: inspiration

Cycling in the East (at least in Poland)RuralPoor man's transport – or sport (Peace Race)Urban cycling (commuting) was present in Polish cities before WWII but not on a large scale. Poland was predominantly ruralCity development frozen under communism: many cities suffer from bad land use patterns and inadequate transport corridors (e.g. too narrow, inadequate network hierarchization)

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in rural PolandCycling in rural Poland

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling as sport or recreationCycling as sport or recreation

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling as what?Cycling as what?

Specific technical issues in PolandCar parking generally allowed on pavement Street cross-sections often leave no room for bicycle lanesChaotic development in the streets (kiosks, shops, filling stations etc. make it difficult to provide segregated cycling facilitiesHeavy goods traffic often goes through city centres or streets important for intra-city trafficObstacles: rivers, railways, industrial zones etc.

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycle lane vs. pavement parkingCycle lane vs. pavement parking

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

No room for cycle filtering laneNo room for cycle filtering lane

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

„„Cycling infrastructure”Cycling infrastructure”

Cycling infrastructure dilemmas (general)On-road or off-road facilities?How to manage junctions?One way or two way facilities?For whom the infrastructure: the experienced cyclists, the beginners, „weekend cyclists” or just the „potential” or „future” cyclists?Look at transition countries, not only „top cycling countries” (UK, France, Spain vs. Netherlands or Denmark)

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

CROW five requirements ( (100% of journey sources and destinations served)Directness (no detours, detour factor <1,3)Comfort (no stopping, braking, starting, minimizing effort, delay factor: <15 seconds/km)Safety (minimizing conflicts and colision points)Attractiveness (added value: aesthetics etc.)

All have tangible parameters with treshold values

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

The „Bible”The „Bible”

Eastern European (or Polish) dilemmasHeavy winters: lots of snow, ice and dirtVery poor road quality (ruts, potholes etc.)Extremely bad road safety records: dangerous driving (high speeds)People tend to cycle on sidewalks (occasional cyclists, elderly, children) as they are perceived by them as „safer” than roadway

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Heavy winter cyclingHeavy winter cycling

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Studded winter tyresStudded winter tyres

Legal contextLaw is extremely important in the long runWill be discussed at the other presentation on cycling strategiesVienna Convention on Road Traffic and Vienna Convention on Road Signs (both 1968) and their position in the legal system must be researched!Poland has enormous problems with legal regulations (Highway Code and other), over-regulation, very poor quality laws

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world


Who has priority here?Who has priority here?

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world


Vienna Convention: cyclists!Vienna Convention: cyclists!

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

How do they do it in the West?Cycle lanes, not cycle tracksTraffic calmingThe more cyclists, the safer they areIntegrated approach, not isolated oneCycle parking infrastructureBike and ride – bikes and public transport

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Hierarchy of actionTraffic reduction (esp. Heavy Goods Vehicles)Traffic calming (30 kph zones, woonerven)Junction treatment (e.g. small roundabouts)Roadspace reallocation (cycle lanes, shared bus and cycle lanes)Segregated facilities – the very last

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Traffic reduction Traffic reduction

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Traffic calmingTraffic calming

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Small roundabout: no left turn!Small roundabout: no left turn!

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Filtering cycle lane at junctionFiltering cycle lane at junction

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Filtering lane and ASL for cyclistsFiltering lane and ASL for cyclists

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Advanced Stop Line for cyclistsAdvanced Stop Line for cyclists

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Left turn zoneLeft turn zone

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Left turn zoneLeft turn zone

West – East comparison

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Berlin KrakówRoad network 5242 km 1200 km

contraflow 200 km ca. 3 km

traffic calming

More than 10% ca. 1-2%

Cycling infrastructure

820 km – 15 % of road network length

90 km – 8,5 % of road network length

3700 km, 70% of road network length

ca. 80-120 km, <10% of road network length

All cycle friendly infrastructure

4520 km, 85% of road network length

170-210 km, 15% of road network length

Cycling as modal share

How do we do it in the East?Cycle tracks (segregated) along main roads (postulated by cycling groups)Cycle tracks where there's room, not real need (implemented by authorities)Lots of problems and misunderstanding on technical levelOpposition to traffic calming (road engineers)Opposition to contraflow cycling

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Do we need a cycle „track” here?Do we need a cycle „track” here?

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

A „facility”A „facility”

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Segregation provides safety :-)Segregation provides safety :-)

Cycle tracks (segregated)Very tricky at junctionsRequire meticulous planning and designProblems with pedestrians (bus stops, shops, kiosks, entrances)Obvious solution for major roadsProblematic (or extremely problematic) in other, minor roads with many junctions

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycle track: base courseCycle track: base course

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Machinery at workMachinery at work

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA)Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA)

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Small rollerSmall roller

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Good geometry: for all cyclistsGood geometry: for all cyclists

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycle track lower than pavementCycle track lower than pavement

Cycle lanes (on-road)Good when real speed isn't high and no Heavy Goods Vehicles are presentFiltering lanes: may be very good at junctions (good visibility)Work well with Advanced Stop Lines for bikesRequire special solutions at junctions in wider (2 lane or more) streets – Left Turn StopsVery few examples in Poland: traffic engineers don't like them and laws are complicated

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Contraflow cyclingSafe: drivers and cyclists see each other!Safer than alternatives: often allow not to use road or junction where cycling is problematic!Promotes cycling as makes routes shorterCheap and efficientUsually needs no infrastructure or car parking relocationStandard in the West, opposed in the East

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Contraflow cyclingContraflow cycling

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Segregation at curvesSegregation at curves

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Contraflow lane is one - way!Contraflow lane is one - way!

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Contraflow lane is one - way!Contraflow lane is one - way!

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

No surface markings are neededNo surface markings are needed

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Belgium: in all one-way streets! Belgium: in all one-way streets!

Traffic calmingGrass – root demand (local communities, schools, not just cyclists) – room for coalitionsSynergies: road safety for all (not only cyclists)Lack of engineering skills (speed humps need careful planning and design) Small roundabouts (single shared lane): no left turns for cyclists!

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Traffic calming: speed humpsTraffic calming: speed humps

Lessons learnedNo cycling facility may be... OK!Cyclists at the right side of the road may be just fine, if sufficient space for overtaking is provided and surface is goodAvoid left turns. They may be extremely dangerous, especially with multi-lane roadsSegregated facilities must be top quality, must shorten distance and time and must be well connected to the remaining road network

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Two – level junctionTwo – level junction

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cyclists go underCyclists go under


Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cyclists, pedestrians and tramwaysCyclists, pedestrians and tramways

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling tunnelCycling tunnel

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

A simple T-junction solutionA simple T-junction solution

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Wisla river cycle track (Krakow)Wisla river cycle track (Krakow)

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

More than 500 cyclist per hourMore than 500 cyclist per hour

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycle bridgeCycle bridge

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

More than 250 m for cyclistsMore than 250 m for cyclists

Cycling in post-communist worldCycling in post-communist world

Cycling bridge downtown KrakowCycling bridge downtown Krakow
