Innovative Project



english project

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Innovation is defined as the process of making changes to something established by introducing something new. It applies to radical or incremental changes to products, processes or services. Over the years there have been many changes in the way education is designed and delivered in parts of the world. Today, technology is a significant driver behind change, and sometimes plays an important role in innovations in educational design and delivery. There are immense possibilities for greater and wider-spread change with the use of present-day technological advancements, as well as with the implementation of innovative educational programs. The challenge is to ensure that innovation plays a constructive role in improving educational opportunities for billions of people who remain under-served in a rapidly developing world.

Linus is part of the National Education Blueprint and is to ensure Malaysian children acquire basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills after three years of primary school education. Linus 2.0 is part of the National Education Blueprint which was meant to allow students to overcome English literacy issues. Students in year 1 to year 3 will be screened twice a year to determine if they are progressing in English literacy at the expected pace. It is an intervention programme aimed to provide students with access to equality education. The programme is focused on Year 1, 2 & 3 in primary schools. At the early stage of schooling, students will undergo screening tests to identify their strength and weaknesses in literacy and numeracy skills. Weaker students will then be given extra attention and care, so that they will be able to keep up in mainstream classes. The reusable teaching aids are the creating of teaching materials for Linus pupils. These teaching aids are very simple, easy to use, attractive, allowing pupils participation and reusable for other topic. Before teaching we must plan what we want to do make our teaching goals or teaching objective will meet. There is a need for us to determine and plan what we must to do in in our class. The preparation is really important before we enter class because lack of preparation will make we lost our confident we teach pupils. We know in a class, we are facing many students that from different family background and different level of ability and achievement. That why we need to do preparation especially in choosing the right teaching aids to use.. The different topic need we to use different teaching. In choosing teaching aids we must make sure it is suitable with our content of knowledge. We also need to consider about the attractiveness of teaching use with our level of pupils in class. For teaching pupils in primary school we must make sure the teaching is colorful, big and really interesting because pupils in primary school more concentrate with the teaching aids that really attractive and it will make them concentrate with the lesson

2.0 RATIONALE OF THE PROJECT.I choose this particular project for my pupils because I want my pupils can use the reusable teaching aids for any certain topic. At the same time it can expose them to the High Order Thinking Skills ( HOT ). This related with the needed from Education Minister in Malaysia that needs the pupils to learnt and expose to the HOT skills. At the same time it can be implement for the I-Think program. This program relates to HOT skills and recommended the teaching and learning in classroom. Therefore pupils can explore and use their thinking skills as the component in learning. This project is important for me because I can reuse it for other topic as life of teachers we are having problems in managing time to create meaningful activities and cerating suitable teaching aids, I implement these so in the future I can use it for other topic. The program focused on adopting Visual-spatial aids to teach new vocabulary related to any topic. It focused on understanding and learning rather than just mugging up where conceptual understanding and clarity did not take place. The different techniques used for teaching incorporated modern concepts of working in a team, two-way communication, creativity and thinking. This ensured that the above objectives were achieved. The techniques involved drilling, Illustrative charts, drawing & craft, playing games, which trigger imagination and creativity. This helped in developing interest and liking among the Linus students for attending school and learning in a cheerful way and ensured that it was not a boring and painful process.

3.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT.Learning is more meaningful and real when it is linked to concrete real life objects and situations. This often helps a child transcend her learning gaps and grasp abstract logics and concepts. Given that principally language highly abstract in nature, and further given its criticality in overall learning, teaching aids and materials are a useful way to teach.I developed various kinds of learning materials which proved to be much useful for the students in different stages. By using the reuse students file, I recycle it to be the main teaching aids for the Linus students. It is easy to find either you can get it from old students file or we can buy it with low cost. These teaching aids really efficient and affordable because it was simple and easy to do. To create it I just need old students file, magnetic strips, laminate picture cards and laminate word card made from the old students library card. According to my perspective during the implementation of the teaching aids it helped in building the capacity of teachers for using various methods and tools for overall development of the students. This method ofteaching creates a clear understanding on a particular topic and helps in creating long lasting memory. The key focus of the teaching method is to build up thinking that make the most of these aspects building on our creative thinking and cross linking between ideas that exist in the mind. Students are more focus with the activities, enjoy and able to create meaningful learning environment. They are able to do the activities whether in groups, pairs or even individually. To be able to manage thelearning and teaching processcompletely and properly, it is essential that materials should be used in a convenient way to each stage of learning. The materials should be prepared, used and evaluated in order to make the language lessons more effective. Teachers should take into consideration students different learning styles, expectations and needs, levels of motivation while designing materials for the lesson. For me, the reusable teaching aids could cater the Linus students learning style. Students participate more actively now. The materials were also used by the students helped in learning while playing. The various models created in the classes helped the students to relate with their subjects.Gradually it was found that the daily attendance of the students has improved in all the classes because of the adoption of innovative methods of teaching. Students appear to be interested and participative in teaching process and show understanding of subjects taught. The technique is definitely proving to be effective.


I have 9 years experience in teaching of primary school. In these previous teaching years, I use basically traditional teaching methods. In which mainly teachers speak and students only listen. I see the traditional teaching methods put students in the passive position and do not stimulate creative thinking of students. Over the last few months, I have been trained and using the student-centred teaching method and I know Ive achieved greater impact with the new experiences. Innovative depends to many circumstances whether we can used the technologies, or any other method. For me, the innovative play important role for effective teachers. Using the innovative teaching approach, students understand the lesson more and easier. Teachers feel easier in teaching. The innovative approach can be applied to other topic, which I believe the approach is an effective and interesting method in teaching vocabulary or increasing the listening and speaking skills. Students in primary school need to see pictures, need to play the role, then they will easier memories knowledge, and they will internalize what they learn. Teaching with limited resources can be both incredibly challenging and extremely educational. Depending onwhere you teach, you may be faced with the challenge ofteaching classes with limited resources.

Basically, these teaching aids can be used in a number of different ways to enhance teaching in both large groups (lectures) and small groups. The advent of the teaching aids using pictures makes easier to use in the classroom. There are some advantages and disadvantages using the teaching aids. Some of the advantages are it supplement in verbal instructions, and provide variety. It was helpful in attracting attention amongst the Linus students. It also consuming time and energy which meaningful a lot to most of the teachers. Teaching aids also encourages healthy classroom interaction between my students. From my perspective it enable me to create situations for the weaker students. Supposedly, it helps in creating positive environment and cater individual needs. Overall, for me teaching aids provide good substitutes for the real objects as they make learning more effective.


