Industry 4.0 : Reto. Oportunidad. -


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Industry 4.0 : Reto. Oportunidad.

Jesus Mayordomo

Chief Information Officer

Jun 2016

Industry 4.0

“Digital Vortex” or Digital Disruption by Industry

: (C) 2015 IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation. All rights reserved.

Digitization in Business Strategy

Digitization roadmap for every business

Main topics

Digital Awareness all around the organization,

from Board of Directors to any department or

function such as HR, Purchasing, Operations,

Logistics, Sales, Finances, …

Innovation in the company processes

framework, with entrepreneurship approach

inside, outside or in a mix.

Digitization is a Business Strategy matter,

more than an IT set of projects.

Related concepts to handle with

Customer Experience: Loyalty & Advocacy

Advanced Analytics : Learn from [big] data

IT/OT convergence and IoT platforms

Data scientist and other new skills and profiles

Bimodal mindset: IT & Business

Agile to innovate

Risk analysis in general, cybersecurity in particular

Funding and financing the digitization pathway

New business models: Disrupted or Disruptor?

"Una mente que decide seguir pensando

sin mover las ideas

se parece a un pájaro que decide seguir volando

sin mover las alas"

Jorge Wagensberg