INDONESIA Newsletter #2 April 2010


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UNDOC Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Building, Ground Floor, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav C 19, Jakarta 12950For further info: Marsha Suryawinata, Communication Consultant,, Tel: (+6221) 52920731, Fax: +62 21 52907427

Newsletter #2 April 2010INDONESIA

On 12 April 2010, UNODC

launched the European Union

funded project, ‘Support to

improved security by provision of

capacity building to the Jakarta

Centre for Law Enforcement Co-

operation (JCLEC)’. The 3-year project was launched at the JCLEC

Training Center located in Semarang, Indonesia.

Our partners; Partnership for Governance Reform (ID), Charles Sturt

University (AU) and the National Policing Improvement Agency (UK)

also attended the event. The 5 million-Euro project will strengthen the

capacity of law enforcement to investigate and manage transnational

crime-related cases. It is expected that 1,800 law enforcement offi cials

will benefi t from the project.

Transnational Crime and Criminal Justice Project Kicks-off

BAPPENAS (Indonesian National Development

Planning Agency) is the agency responsible for

the development and implementation oversight

of the newly developed National Strategy for

the Eradication of Corruption (STRANAS-PK).

BAPPENAS will work with other government

ministries and civil societies to implement the


UNODC and BAPPENAS in a recent meeting have

agreed that UNODC will support the socialisation and monitoring and

evaluation of the new STRANAS. This activity is in line with UNODCs EC

funded project on Support to Indonesia’s fi ght against corruption.

UNODC to Work Closely with the National Development Planning Agency

Mr. Reginald Gray Sattler joins UNODC

Indonesia as the new HIV Prevention and

Care Expert. Mr. Sattler replaces Dr. Monica

Ciupagea who has taken up a new role at

UNODC Headquarters.

Mr. Sattler has extensive experience in the

HIV and AIDS area. Since 1986 he has worked

with international and regional organizations

in Australia, Viet Nam, Cambodia and Thailand. He has also worked for

WHO in harm reduction issues in the Western Pacifi c region. Mr. Sattler

joins us from the East Asia and Pacifi c Regional Center where he has

worked as UNODC’s Regional HIV/AIDS advisor since 2006.

UNODC Welcomes its New HIV Prevention and Care Expert

UNODC is carrying out a baseline survey on

judicial integrity and capacity in 4 provinces

in Indonesia. This survey is part of a 2-year

project, ‘Strengthening Judicial Integrity and

Capacity in Indonesia, Phase II’, funded

by the German Government. In April, UNODC held a seminar with

representatives from the Supreme Court, Attorney General’s Offi ce,

Indonesian National Police, University of Indonesia and The Indonesian

Legal Aid Institute Foundation to fi nalise the questionnaire.

This survey will involve judges, court staff, prosecutors, police, lawyers,

court users, detainees and businessmen in Southeast Sulawesi,

South Sumatra, East Java and Riau. The survey results will provide

a comprehensive picture of access to justice issues at the local level,

including the timeliness and quality of justice services, public trust in the

judiciary, the existence of integrity safeguards and the extend to which

corruption is occurring within the justice sector.

Seminar on Strengthening Judicial Integrity and Capacity in Indonesia

Speaker : Gretta Fenner Former Director , Basel Institute on GovernanceTopic : “It’s a Shared Responsibility:

Disentagling the Corruption Triangle”

UNODC Talk Series on “Indonesia’s Fight against Corruption” 29 April 2010

To receive our monthly talk series invitation, please contact us

UNODC and Center for International Forestry

Research (CIFOR) are partnering to undertake

a study on the preparedness of Government of

Indonesia and it’s law enforcement agencies

in implementing a future carbon trading and

payment mechanism commonly referred to

Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).

The Study is Funded by Royal Norwegian Government.

The results of the study will provide Indonesia and the donor community

with options for policies and measures relating to future REDD

mechanism, including measures to reduce opportunities for fraud and


Reducing threats to REDD Implementation from Illegal Logging and Corruption

UNODC and Ministry of Foreign Affairs

conducted an International Seminar on ‘The

Use of United Nations Convention Against

Corruption (UNCAC) Assessment Tools

in Identifying and Coordinating Technical

Assistance’. The seminar was held to give

the Government of Indonesia and UNODC an understanding of how

ministries, civil society and donors are utilising UNCAC and its tools to

develop anti-corruption programs and strategies and to allocate technical

assistance. The seminar was held as part of UNODC’s 3-country study

on UNCAC and technical assistance. Over 50 representatives from

government, donor agencies and civil society attended the event.

UNODC and Ministry of Foreign Affairs facilitate an International Seminar on the Use of UNCAC Assessment Tools
