Individual Statement


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  • 8/12/2019 Individual Statement


    Individual Research Report Marc Bosch.

    I want to start this report by stating that I am very satisfied with the way we have conducted our

    research. As much as I wasn't convinced of its outcomes when we started, I am quite positive by

    now that we have been able to produce a decent research outcome. Even if it has not been until the

    last weeks that we have stated our definitive research question, I am satisfied with the way we have

    used our sources in order to create an argument. I think that one of the strong points of our

    research work is that we have been able to work in a coordinated manner, making most of each

    other's individual progress.

    However, the decisionmaking process has seldom been easy! the members of this group have quite

    different academic backgrounds and interests, thus often not agreeing on what and how should beresearched nor on the questions we would like to answer. However, and as "ar# and Engels would

    have put it, from dialectics comes progress! we have found that in the process of working towards a

    compromise we have found a satisfactory course of research that incorporates different elements of

    our areas of expertise, thus building what I consider to be a strong and fle#ible research model,

    including elements of policy analysis, economic history and history of ideas. Another minor

    problem has been that we have been working with different rhythms, thus the coordination has not

    always been easy.

    About my role on this research, I started by bringing in the original idea, and being very

    enthusiastic about it! I managed to convince my colleagues, who were not too sure of it. I did most

    of the $search for secondary literature%, identifying potential secondary sources according to their

    relevance in terms of the quantity and quality of the information they could bring for the historical

    study. &hen it comes to the analysis of these sources, I studied the documents by &eaver and

    ronemer and by (safowaako in depth. &hen it comes to primary source analysis, I also did

    much of the $archival% work, looking for suitable documents and sources, i.e., that its contents

    would be useful for the narrative we have built. )hen, I analysed the two chronologically older

    ones! the booklet $*+amaa! )he basis of African ocialism% -/012 and the $Arusha declaration%

    -/032, thus providing the basis for the analysis of more modern documents.

    Although I am not a historian, I believe that historical research and analysis are a discipline that

    can allow social sciences to build deeper, more complete e#planations! therefore, I e#pect to keep

    including it in my political science research. Also, I intend to keep researching about African

    political theory and forms of state organisation, for which, as I think we have been able to check

    with this paper, historical analysis can be a very valuable tool for doing so.
