Independence of India


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First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,

then they fight you, then you win.

Indian Independence Movement

The Company Raj 1757-1858

The Brittish Raj 1858-1947


NationalismIndian National Congress 1885Civil ServantsArmy OfficialsWidowsPartition of Bengal – boycottTwo World WarsIndian Participation (1.3 million)Indo-German Conspiracy1916 – Home Rule Movement (Swaraj)Terrorist Attacks x Gandhi

All-India Muslim LeagueCreated in 1906 to promote the interests and

civil rights of the muslim peopleLucknow Pact 1916 - alliance with the

National CongressMuhammad Ali Jinnah disagreed with

Gandhi’s peaceful protests in 1920Dissonance on how to divide power led to a

break-up.Campaigning for an independent State for the

MuslimsFoundation of Pakistan with Jinnah as “Father

of the Nation” and first Governor General.1971 - Bangladesh

SatyagrahaPacifistCivil DesobedienceChristianism – the New TestamentHenry David Thoureau’s Resistance to Civil GovernmentLeon Tolstoy’s anarcho-pacifism

“I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence....I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honour than that she should, in a cowardly manner, become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonour....But I believe that nonviolence is infinitely superior to violence, forgiveness is more manly than punishment.”

Mohandas K. Gandhi 1869 Born into a cast of merchants of Gujurat Graduates as lawyer 1881 Travels to South Africa 1893Starts campaigning for Indians Civil Rights against

racist laws (Transvaal Registration Law) Volunteer in Zulu War, Boer War and WW1 1915 Goes back to India and gets involved with

the National Congress Amritsar Massacre Becomes a leader by 1920. Platform: religious

solidarity, abolition of the Cast System and untouchability, boycott of manufactured goods in favor of cottage industry.

Activism: Salt March, fasting, publishing. Quit India campaign eventually led to the

Independence 1947. Is assassinated by hindu fanatic in 1948.

•14 million migrants•500 thousand killed•1 million homeless•Border issues

The partition

InfluenceNelson MandelaMartin Luther King Steve BikoJames Bevel