Ind. #5: Israel Quiz & #1-8 due Friday! Words of the Day: put on your pink paper! 5. Suppress:...



Turmoil (conflict) By WW1 this area is called Palestine & was part of the Ottoman Empire –Palestine: consists of both Muslims (Arabs) & Jews Zionists: Want an independent Israel for Jews

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Ind. #5: Israel Quiz & #1-8 due Friday!

• Words of the Day: put on your pink paper!

5. Suppress: - Prevent the

development or action - He kept his feelings

about her suppressed because he knew she had a boyfriend.

6. Ban- Not allowed- Hats are banned at

Leuzinger. *Quiz – ½ on India &

Israel & ½ on CST review materials, including vocab

**Make up Cold War test? For those w/less than 35 points…..

Israel • Country controlled by the

Jewish people in ancient history through 135 CE– Judaism:

• Oldest monotheistic religion

• Moses brings 10 commandments – laws written for all to follow

Turmoil (conflict)

• By WW1 this area is called Palestine & was part of the Ottoman Empire– Palestine: consists

of both Muslims (Arabs) & Jews

• Zionists: Want an independent Israel for Jews

Balfour Declaration• 1917: British

promise to help create a Jewish state & one for Palestine

• Doesn’t work!

WW2• Persecution of Jews causes many to flee to

Palestine before & during WW2• Post WW2: increased pressure to create

a homeland for the Jews who survive Holocaust

• Britain asks UN to decide what to do:– Partition Palestine into:

1. Israel2. Palestine

1948• Israel becomes an

independent nation• BUT, Palestinians

and Arabs are upset! (Jews taking Arab land!)

• Next day, 6 Arab countries invade Israel

The End?!?• Israel wins after months of fighting & help

from US• Israel & some Arab nations take land set

aside for Palestine • Today – no country for Palestinians

Ind #7: Peace in the Middle East?1. Which country colonized India?2. Who led the civil disobedience for

independence in India? 3. What is partition?4. Which 2 countries were made out of

India?5. Israel was founded as a homeland

for which religion?

Suez Canal• Canal (huge ditch)

connects Med. Sea w/Red Sea

• 1956: Egypt seizes canal – Why is this a problem?

• Isr kicks out Egy• END: Egypt maintains

control of canal

6 Day War• 1967: USSR giving supplies to Egypt

– Nasser, “We are eager for battle in order to force the enemy [Israel] to awake from his dreams, and meet Arab reality face to face.”

• Egy moves troops closer to Isr• Isr attacks back

• Isr wins in 6 days– Isr loses 800 / Arab loses over 15,000

Result:• Israel gains

control of Jerusalem, Sinai Peninsula & West Bank– Gives them a

buffer zone (layer of protection) from Arab attack

Yom Kippur War (1973)

• Egypt surprise attacks Israel on their most important holiday, Yom Kippur

• 1st Egy gets most of their land back• Then, Isr regains majority of land

Peace?• 1977: Egypt offers peace to Israel.

– “We used to reject you…Yet, today we agree to live with you in permanent peace and justice”

– BUT, Israel would have to give up land won in 6 day war

–Should Israel take the deal?

Camp David Accords (1978)• US President Jimmy Carter invites Egypt &

Israel to Camp David to negotiate peace agreement

• Called Camp David Accords (1978):– Egypt recognizes Israel as a legitimate (rightful) state– Israel gives Sinai Peninsula to Egypt

Palestine• PLO: Palestinian

Liberation Organization: wants independence for Pal. – Uses guerilla warfare &

civil disobedience – Israel fights back


• Israeli soldiers and police officers forced Jewish settlers from a contested building in the West Bank city of Hebron on Thursday. Some settlers then went on an angry rampage, and Israel declared the southern West Bank off limits to nonresidents. 2008

• Negotiations are ongoing …..
