In The US Federal Court Of Claims: Clemons et al V US # 1:2013cv00162



Clemons et al V US1:2013cv00162 (only 46 pages long!), as In Re Susan Herbert has morphed into a US Federal Court of Claims filing. This is the closest saved version I have as to what was filed on March 4th, 2013 or so I allege. Our minimum settlement? $2 billion in currency not money as we cannot and may not collect upon what we do not believe in, what's fake and phony and exists only to enslave you.The US is in default and will be for all of time as "The US" was never constitutional. Bye Bye US; Hello America. I had to choose: Philadelphia lawyer version or monkey version and I went for the monkeys. In Geneva I'll behave like a lawyer should on paper.

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This action exists to collect a judgment of default from the United

States as for the very first time in history the US officially

defaulted/plead out as Plaintiff/s filed a constitutional authority case of

original jurisdiction to the Supreme Court of the US directly twice over

and won both times as first the US waived its right thereby waiving the

never lawful 1871 incorporation of the “US” and then the US

defaulted/plead out on November 5th, 2008 as no response came from

the US or from Barack Obama Jr. within 30 days. Then clerks acting on

behalf of the US as individuals and in their official capacity as federal

clerks hid a Motion to Compel The US To Respond within the Court;

they refused to file a good motion and then actually hid the physical

pieces of paper inside the Court building so that The People (and other

clerks acting in defense of The People not the US) never knew of its

existence; later a Petition in Support of that Motion was mistakenly

returned to The People thus the US absolutely and wholly violated the

letter and the spirit of the law.

Plaintiff/s directly filed what is both a civil and a criminal case as

treason is named in our Constitution and no reasonably sane person

can deny that treason has and now is transpiring; not only has every

enumerated right been violated but so has the birthright and women

have never, ever been accorded their full rights or been acknowledged

as persons under the law; corrupted, unjust paid Officers say one thing

but then act to do another or nothing at all and their ‘reasoning’ – their

motive and intent - is always personal profit even if that profit is

nothing but empty, meaningless flattery as the action or inaction of

these Officers constitutes the absolute proof.

Effectively the incorporated US existed only to enslave the citizens

without the citizens ever truly realizing the nature of their enslavement

and this conspiracy worked better than its designers ever anticipated

as even they and their descendants came to be enslaved. Until In Re

Susan Herbert shattered the illusion all of physical reality is not one

single potential Harvard Law Grad thought to slap notice of suit in the

Dean’s hand before he could hit them up with a law degree and only

one American had the big idea to write the word “tribute” in the “for”


space on her check when paying “court fees” as a federal appeals

judge attempted to use money to prevent liberty and justice from


This nation became a nation of willing victims and willing victimizers -

of politicized manipulators and predators - who blindly believed

anything at all as long as it felt good and as long as it was “easy” who

insanely preyed upon The Creator, their own selves and each other but

not always in that exact order. And often they confused The just

Creator with a manmade judgmental God/Lucifer. The first lie the US

told in order to enslave others via judgment and false fear that worked

too successfully?

That secrets exist when there is no such thing as an actual secret in

reality but only what is private between you and your Creator as long

as you in no way at all convey your idea to another homo sapien. In

other words They, The US Government and those who inflicted it upon

this planet thoroughly convinced you, people who are knowing hence

sapient, that…you couldn’t know something, that it was humanly

impossible to know the whole truth. You believed it as you wanted to

believe it and as this lie forms a convenient excuse for you, you being

anybody reading this filing.

And the Defendants almost got away with it. Or so it seems. In reality

nobody ever escapes the consequences of their own actions most

especially the manifestation of their actual motive and intent. The

contents of another person’s heart and mind – the actual reality of who

and what another person is and what they do or do not actually, truly

believe - is always a known quantity not a secret.

Look around you for the planet is what The Creator wrought and the

world is what man wrought; the difference that is this plastic, made in


China, disposable, real world IS the manifestation of man’s actual

motive and intent and it’s not constitutional.

Plaintiff/s are made to be in an impossible legal situation as any

Officers (including lawyers) who are in denial regarding their action/s

to violate US Law and US Case Law i.e. their action/s to injure and

harm The People cannot – cannot - acknowledge their personal truth or

our collective truth or else: They are sane and so temporary insanity is

no longer a valid legal defense available to them. The jig is up so that

unjust men are literally driven to deny reality. It is as Oliver Wendell

Holmes said it is, as the Plaintiffs cannot reason with unreasonable

persons as either they lack the human ability and capacity to reason or

they can but will not reason.

In addition to just compensation Plaintiff/s seek to have the whole truth

of the American Founders and the original American governing

documents known including the fact that Thomas Jefferson not Lord

Calvert answered Isaac Newton’s question regarding the weight of the

Earth and in so doing proved that liberty and sovereignty is the actual

nature of this universe and of men and plaintiff/s seek an injunction

ordering the parties who defaulted/pled out or who are physically

sitting as President and Commander or as any paid Officer but who do

not qualify to act as such as they are not natural born and/or they are

mentally ill or insane to the point of incapacitation to immediately

cease and desist forcibly collecting tribute from The People and/or

promoting themselves in any way as Representatives of “They, The

United States Government” as it was dissolved by right and according

to the named process or of “America” as all authority belongs to The

People and it is the Plaintiff/s who are the acting, legal Officers who

hold the original jurisdiction seats that the paid Officers abandoned.

In case it is yet lost upon the reader: This complaint? The paper chase

has ended and with a big bang not a whimper as nothing but nothing in


this universe is random or accidental and the three ships that sailed

from England to Jamestown were deliberately named The Godspeed,

The Discovery and The Susan Constant.

Betting on the institutions is frivolous as the House aka The People

always win.


This court has jurisdiction because the United States is the defendant

(28 USC 1491), because the injury and harm is directly related to at

least two Executive Orders, #100 and #13489 hence we may invoke

admiralty law, as this court has jurisdiction of the Ft. Laramie Case

thus control of the Black Hills Fund and as there are federal questions

present relating to the reorganization of this court in 1982; this court

may make the award and/or hear this claim as an original case thereby

securing the current 16 judicial seats as original jurisdiction seats as

Abraham Lincoln “created” this court, before 1871. It seems as if

Lincoln like Jefferson predicted future events with 100% accuracy, as

The People will not perish from this Earth.


Plaintiff/s are natural born and naturalized citizens of the united

states for America and are legal residents of various states including

FL, NM, AZ, NY and IL among others. They are men, women and

children. There are two foreigners standing, a Romanian and a

German, who seek citizenship as they were illegally transported here

as minors thus they had no control over this decision and/or who were


wrongly incarcerated here after lawfully entering or who seek return to

their own nation. Except for the two foreign born persons the Plaintiff/s

are Americans. The official, original name of this nation is “The united

states of America” – small u, small s - as we are a Constitutional

Republic; we are living Americans and America; the phrase “United

States” became capitalized upon the 1871 incorporation when The

Living People were unlawfully replaced by a dead business entity. A

more accurate statement of fact is an attempt upon our lives was

made in 1871 but it was not successful. Plaintiff/s are not the US or

paid Officers of the US; they do not self-identify as being of the US.

Plaintiffs sue in their own right with the exception of Susan Herbert

who sues as the next best friend of Jesse Johnson and Tommy Britchard

who passed away during litigation, as the next best friend of Hugh

Everett who died in 1982 and who’s work regarding the nature of time

disproves Niels Bohr’s theory known as “On The Constitution Of The

Atom” and who was never recognized for his accomplishment during

his lifetime as Bohr deliberately acted to suppress Everett’s work and

as the next best friend of logician Kurt Godel who, during his

naturalization ceremony, attempted to warn a federal judge of the

existent possibility of a European style dictatorship rising in America as

our one leader holds two Offices but who was silenced and later

labeled “paranoid” when he was not. Herbert also appears as the next

best friend of James Madison who acted to take meticulous notes of the

Constitutional Convention as he thought to ask the brilliant question

“What exists at the founding of any formerly great government?” as

we know what exists at the fall and of Thomas Jefferson, the author of

“A Summary View On The Rights Of British America”, who correctly

answered the question Isaac Newton asks in Principia regarding the

weight of Earth and who absolutely proved that sovereignty is the

actual reality of this universe in 1793 and Jefferson’s work led to the

discovery of the smallest particle there is, the mean unit of time or



Naturalized American Albert Einstein doesn’t need Susan Herbert’s

help although she did prove Relativity and that Relativity is found

within US Law so that Einstein and Godel, in order to resolve

Uniformity, should have looked inward not outward. They needed to

revisit Jefferson’s work but did not as they did not recognize A

Summary View for what it is. Also, if Herbert did appear as Einstein’s

legal representative, she would prove that his theory regarding

magnetic north is incorrect as the Earth’s core moving independently

from its crust does not account for this total amount of energy or why

it speeds up and slows down. As Herbert knows Einstein secured a

modicum of justice when he was alive by making an appearance in

person in the Court of Royal Astronomers and as Herbert knows an

actual shaggy dog story about a talking dog named Einstein then she

will let sleeping dogs lie.

All constitutional joking aside the Plaintiff/s are the next best friends of

all of the original Founders and every actual American who did live,

who is now alive or who will someday live.

Defendant/s are Barack Obama Jr. and the United States, the

physically sitting but not lawful or legal President of the US and the

paid Officers of the business entity known as “DC” and “The United

States” unlawfully organized in 1871. The Defendants are monkeys or

so they have acted to prove. US sanctioned, government sponsored

monkeys will do incredible things in order to secure a banana (believe

Phil Silvers when he demonstrates why we call them a top banana) but

no monkey is ever motivated to mimic his Creator only as he can so he

will; only men can so they will.

This court doesn’t need to worry about whether or not it has the

intellectual capacity to conquer the involved science or if it has the

ability to discern who is a monkey and who is a man as you can enter


as a monkey as long as you’re willing to exit as a man and as there are

a bunch Floridian aerospace engineers who were recently laid off by

NASA who are looking for work and who will act for both the offense

and the defense as they want to discover whatever the actual answer



We know you asked us not to cite case law and we know we are not to

make our case in our filing but this case is unique among all US cases

as it is first therefore we ARE the Law and the case law; due to the

nature of the case it makes no sense to number the facts - due to

simple, necessary repetition and to the reality of absolute and whole

numbers it’s more confusing to number our facts - and we cannot

possibly write them all down here as it would take up an encyclopedic

length work; you already have the federal record on PACER and it’s

huge as we secured every single solitary answer before we entered

SCOTUS. And: it’s written in conversational, plain English as it’s for The

People not only for a judge/s.

We’ll begin at 1774 as the fight is always the same, thus there are zero

new ideas among monkeys but plenty of new ideas that are good

among men:

In 1774 Thomas Jefferson made the case for sovereignty when he

authored and published “A Summary View On The Rights Of British

America”; we made the case first and then we declared our

Independence unlike any other nation. We served an actual Petition

upon Britain. Every other nation on Earth merely took what is a popular

vote. You can take a popular vote and claim that you are sovereign but

are you in actuality? Jefferson nailed the case legally, scientifically and

theologically but monkeys deliberately stonewalled you and play


games at what is a dead end as if you tell the whole truth about

Jefferson’s good work then your bad work doesn’t hold up, does it?

Unjust men some of whom are women and all of whom are primates do

not want to admit they have lied, cheated and stolen their way to the

top of what is a dung heap as it’s not law or lawful – at times it’s not

even true or truthful - and it’s not anything our Founders meant or

intended for us; all they did is create a teeny, tiny gene pool of insiders

by incorporating and then vote for each other popularly. And women

who are whole thinkers via biological distinction were shut out thus

everything you were taught to believe about math and science is

wrong as its skewed; you cannot possibly have the whole, correct

answer if you have only half of the answer at best.

Jefferson was also doing something else besides making the case for

sovereignty: He was answering the question Isaac Newton asks in

Principia regarding the weight of Earth as he cast his own weight

against that of Earth’s; he would definitively answer this question in

1793 when he devised an experiment to then create an elegant

system of weights and measures for America that would then become

an elegant currency; Jefferson’s work was ignored and denied as

people did not comprehend it nor did they want to and as Lord Calvert

of Baltimore was erroneously given credit for an answer that is no good

by the Royal Astronomers. Jefferson work was entered to the

Congressional record where it still sits.

France adopted Jefferson’s work but changed his numbers as they

abandoned his exacting method and turned it into the Metric system

so the joke’s on France as the Metric system is incorrect.

For over 200 years men have ‘believed’ a bad theory and bad answer

but only as they wanted to believe it as they secured some form of

profit by claiming they believed it. Unfortunately most modern work is


based upon this bad answer. All men ever did is go back and check the

math not the theory. The math is good but the theory is bad.

There is no argument to be had where sovereignty is concerned as it is

the actual reality of this universe thus this nation which is why we have

triumphed and survived our own fall when other nations have not, as

we fell at Bush V Gore but our fall was not permanent as at least one

American knew the whole truth and acted upon it: In Re Susan Herbert.

This case has already been won as first Jefferson won it and then we

won it in 1783 and 1814 and then it has already entered the Supreme

Court of the US directly; to directly enter is to win as adjudication

occurs simultaneous to filing, as the first point of law you reason is that

filing in SCOTUS is a right for you not a privilege.

To do this you cite or challenge a case of constitutional authority and

original jurisdiction in order to uphold it or overturn it thus then uphold

or overturn US Law. To be directly filed alone is to automatically win

and this then makes the Petitioner the acting, legal President and

Commander as in this unique and rarest of all cases the Petitioner,

Susan Herbert, cited two cases of authority and original jurisdiction one

of which is no good as it is fiction: Marbury V Madison and Bush V Gore.

Herbert upheld Marbury via a test and overturned BVG. If men did not

want a woman to overturn their work then they shouldn’t have gone

here and the same applies to Obama, as even if he is natural born he

would yet have to be the test case for Marbury or defend BVG to be

lawfully elected and he failed.

To be clear: Once BVG was brought before SCOTUS then the game was

on – the war was about to be won – as now a person had to test

Marbury in order to level the field forever as our Founders once did for

as long as at least one American carried the torch then the


incorporation was DOA as it was only a matter of time until a

presidential election came to be called by SCOTUS.

When Herbert first contacted SCOTUS in February of 2007 and told a

Clerk calling himself “Will” that she had THE case he then acted to

hear it over the phone and he lost. He made the mistake of asking

Herbert to qualify herself in order to receive a copy of the rules when

that is a violation of US Law and FL Law; in only 3 case citations

Herbert won as she cited BVG, Lassiter and Marbury as this clerk’s

opening proposition - his legal theory – is: SCOTUS does not hear

original cases.

Herbert said: BVG is an original case; YES you do hear original cases;

he then countered that the Court never heard custody issues; YES you

do as Lassiter began as a custody case and BVG is case regarding

custody; finally he said that SCOTUS did not allow non-licensed lawyers

to enter; YES you do: Marbury. He was out of gas.

He then threatened to sink the case; later this threat was acted upon.

He exactly said upon losing that he hated women, mothers and non-

licensed lawyers; he exactly said that cases only entered upon HIS


Somebody gave this guy a JD and a badge and he came to believe he

is King Clerk with the power to rule over a planet and then a universe;

at this time “William Suter” sat as Chief Clerk of the US. William Suter

has never denied that he himself heard the case and lost or that he

made this threat.

It was an empty threat as every American possesses a commission

derived from The Creator; no American needs the permission of

another man however Suter or whoever Will is truly believed that he

had this power and he was acting upon this true belief when he had


motive as he lost, he expressed prejudice and he made a threat and

that’s what counts.

From this moment on you could never, ever deny the appearance of

criminal activity in the clerk’s office and that appearance alone was

enough to act upon as it rises to meet the burden of proof standard. As

soon as Herbert hung up she then dialed the US Navy at Mayport and

informed them: They had a new Commander and it was her and that

she understood that now she had to follow through by appearing as

you must issue the order out loud. Herbert was told: If anybody can

then you will.

Herbert issued the order to Jeff Atkins in March of 2008 who accepted

the conference of constitutional authority and acting as Commander

himself then stood down all other clerks including the Chief Clerk in

order to file the case directly.

The appearance of reality – of the paper - is deceptive as at that

moment the case was won or lost, as now the outcome is entirely

dependent upon Herbert following through. What you might not hear

when you are first exposed to this case is a pre-existing point of law

regarding the right to petition a court: Is your theory that ONLY lawyers

possess this right, as if you can purchase the right or the vote or the

office? Yes, that’s their theory, only licensed lawyers can. Hence: THIS


Herbert invoked Marbury to secure filing and directly so as her right

and invoked Bush V Gore (BVG) in order to overturn it as BVG the

argument or theory is a lie while BVG the opinion is a tie any way you

counted it as we pit wholes against wholes in America as we do not

provide for a popular vote. Herbert did everything at once as by

making the largest point of law of all you then make every other point.


Herbert called BVG in her favor thus in favor of The People as The

living People are the government not the dead institutions.

Upon filing Herbert then ascended to the Office becoming the first

person to enter SCOTUS directly since its creation in 1803, the first

non-licensed lawyer to enter the SCOTUS bar by successfully reasoning

a constitutional point of law and winning since the advent of organized

law schools and licensure and the first and only woman to reason and

win her own case; Susan Herbert not only became the first woman and

first citizen to ascend to the Office of President and Commander

independently but she is the first woman to define and then absolutely

prove an existent law of this universe, a law she named Intrinsicity in

honor of John Marshall’s ruling as he is correct: Politics is intrinsic.

Susan Herbert became the first and only female Founder and Signer as

she wrote law by testing Marbury and by defining the process known

as direct entry to SCOTUS. In America action or life itself is the proof

and the absolute proof thus the only pieces of paper we ever accept as

proof upon matters of exactly worded law – as written authorities and

as law itself – are the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution

for the united states of America (1789), The Federalist Papers and In

Re Susan Herbert; the Supreme Court of the US accepts no other

written authorities as proof and as actual law and neither does any

other American court.

This is why direct entry was believed to be impossible, as a person

would have to define what is actual law of the US and then this

universe; no person understood that US Law is based upon law of this

universe and that the Founders did not make it up out of thin air.

Herbert had preserved her right to appeal directly to SCOTUS by

appearing in a Philadelphia County Court in December of 2000 during

BVG and before Bush Jr. was sworn into the Office illegally and


unlawfully. Herbert was in West Palm when BVG transpired and she

was denied her right to vote by the US.

There is no clock ticking as once it became impossible for Herbert to

enter via the process then no clock was running until it became

possible; also Jefferson made what is the only actual pre-emptive strike

in history when he entered his work but it was rejected w/o reason or

cause and as this directly speaks to the nature of time as being whole

not absolute. Herbert made certain to reason the point that no clock is

yet ticking.

Herbert possessed absolute and pure legal standing as every one of

her enumerated rights had been violated and as she was told by

several paid Officers not only a SCOTUS clerk that US Law was never,

ever going to be applied to women and that the US never, ever meant

or intended to accord women justice. Herbert was told the phrase

emblazoned upon SCOTUS’ frieze, “Equal Justice For All” did not apply

to exactly her.

The truth of BVG’s math was lost on them:

BVG is about absolutes versus wholes as we never pit absolutes

against wholes or else the lone Voter could not triumph over injustice.

US Government and Law is designed so that the lone Voter or any

group of Voters may triumph over inequity and what is criminal. We pit

a whole majority versus a whole minority; we count absolutes only to

then discern who the whole majority is.

As BVG is a case involving the installation of a person as President and

Commander and SCOTUS has no power or authority to install one then

it, the opinion not the argument, sat as 1 absolute Chief Justice versus

1 nation an/or 1 citizen, or, 1 whole court split as 5 as 1 versus 4 as 1 –

1 versus 1 - versus 1 nation and/or 1 citizen; it would also be 1


Electoral College versus 1 nation and/or 1 citizen; no matter how you

count it BVG sat as a tie as you pit the whole majority versus the whole

minority when all authority belongs to The People therefore one

absolute citizen had to rise to become the whole class to then

represent the whole or greater class of People and Herbert did so.

Who decides a tied Presidential election? The House and they failed


BVG began life as Gore V FL; the reasoning the case caption was

changed to BVG is to trick the reader into thinking BVG is an original

case and that those involved did posses constitutional authority when

they did not and to avoid a situation whereby Albert Gore would be

challenging Jeb Bush the Governor of FL not George Bush Jr. for the


It was also changed in order to then enter SCOTUS as an Emergency

Motion for a Stay when it was not an actual emergency so that those

involved could circumvent the other federal court and other federal

clerks i.e. The People as there is only one stay clerk; that is, instead of

being summarized by the cert pool of clerks BVG went to the Stay

Clerk who made the decision to enter the case when in actuality BVG is

not a case and has no actual point of law as it is an overt act of


BVG violates all of US Law and all existent, relevant US Case Law

except for the natural birth clause. BVG is nothing but fiction.

BVG is the direct result of nasty lawyer tricks, the Missouri

Compromise, EO #100 and the unlawful 1871 incorporation of the US,

an action meant and intended to enslave all of The People via the false

appearance of the pieces of paper fabricated by unjust men.


Herbert entered SCOTUS on paper on March 12th, 2008; she was not on

appeal from any lower court as proven by her ability and capacity to

issue the order to Jeff Atkins; the case should have been delivered

directly to the sitting Chief Justice but it was not as only the sitting

Chief Justice may adjudicate such as case as Rehnquist spoke as one

and as ALL authority cases of original jurisdiction go directly to the

Chief Justice al la Marbury.

It also should have gone directly to the Chief Justice so that all 9 of the

Justices had the opportunity to secure their own seats as original

jurisdiction seats as in 1994 citizens began filling the state seats of

original jurisdiction that were abandoned so the paid Officers of the US

filed an inquiry with Congress and the Military in an attempt to

obstruct them: “On review, Congress sent the matter to the National

Security Council who handed the matter over to the Military’s Joint

Chiefs for review.  About two weeks later, the Chief of the Joint Chiefs

responded, “What Governor Madsen is doing out there in Colorado is

legal, lawful and correct; and, if they accomplish what they have set

out to do we will recognize that President of The United States of

America as the President of The United States of America, Commander

in Chief of the military and give them full military support”. Eric


Woodrow Wilson abandoned the original jurisdiction seat of President

and Commander; Herbert then would receive the full support of the

military and each time she engaged Military Officers in a head to head

kill or be killed stand off the US military stood aside.

Fact and law is: you may not fill the abandoned original jurisdiction

seat of President and Commander via election of Governors or the

House as the wrong hasn’t been righted and an imbalance of power

yet exists that makes filing impossible for every person except one and

so it would constitute a popular vote; thus you can and may fill it only


via lawsuit as that one person then absolutely proves that he or she

can and will fulfill the oath of Office, that they possess the ability and

capacity, exactly as the Justices would then absolutely prove by

hearing the case in person.

As SCOTUS did not exist as our founding as a court of constitutional

authority and is not named in US Law as such a court then the only

means to secure these seats as original seats is by testing Marbury to

then test the constitutionality of the court as Jefferson acting as

President checked John Marshall and called Marbury V Madison as

being good i.e. constitutional thus all that’s left is the test case: In Re

Susan Herbert.

It’s up to The People to voluntarily abide or not as we do not obey; The

People ultimately sit as judge and jury of their own lives. To deny the

case hearing is to deny all The People hearing.

Jefferson warned you that Marbury was good but that it created the

opportunity for an oligarchy to rise via the Judiciary; the potential for a

dictator to rise always existed as that exists within the space between

President and Commander as proven by John Adams who conferred

command upon Hamilton. Now we know Jefferson is correct as the

courts shut everyone out so an oligarchy of licensed lawyers arose.

Herbert was filed and false entries appeared on the docket as these

entries are irrational, illogical and unreasonable and this was the

Clerk’s threat; Herbert then directly filed again as now the natural birth

clause was at stake.

Herbert entered directly a second time on October 6th, 2008 never

having been to any other court at all; that is, she directly filed in

SCOTUS and then immediately returned to SCOTUS directly.


To overthrow The People permanently and to enslave Americans and

all mankind forever, the unjust persons acting unchecked had to break

the will of The People by violating the spirit of the law; to do this you

first alienate The People and then foreignize them in order to break

their will and permanently so; you must complete the overthrow of the

government by foreignizing it as there is no other choice after a

President and Commander is installed by a seeming “order” of the

court that is in actuality nothing more or less than an opinion of the

court based upon a filing that is a lie, that is propaganda and that is

riddled with bad math.

Foreignization is a form of force; it is enforced powerlessness and

helplessness inflicted upon us against our will; another name for

enforced powerlessness and helplessness is “Battered Women’s


As men began to harm each other they inflicted what is known as

battered women’s syndrome upon each other; the force used is a form

of emasculation and a form of rape as rape has nothing to do with the

act of sex but is about power and control as you use false,

manufactured fear to then exercise control over a persons life and


The victimizer creates the illusion that they have power and control

over another person’s life and death; the victimizer causes the victim

to fear for their life thus react; another name for this is: domestic

violence. Today this violence is endemic and is being perpetrated by

the sitting Legislature and President. See Art. 4 Sec. 4.

After BVG rose every single solitary door was shut except for according

women the protection of the law and their full rights or foreignization;

basically the US had to choose sanity or insanity and they chose

insanity: foreignization.


The unjust persons seemingly in charge or seemingly in control could

not accord women their rights as that then would mean A WOMAN


ever going to let a woman who he subjected to abject misery and

suffering and even death then decided his fate; no unjust man who

truly, actually believes that women are defective by their very nature

is ever going to let a woman decide if he lives or dies as that’s what

egomania is, a form of mental illness, and ego begets prejudice which

is itself a form of insanity.

The only choice these unjust men had if they wanted to preserve their

ability to perpetrate crimes and escape the named penalty under the

law – if they wanted to preserve their ability to lie and to place blame –

was to foreignize the Office.

You might believe that we hold elections and that your vote

determines the outcome but this is not the truth, as since 1871 a small

group of men commonly known as a “banking cartel” but who in fact

are related to one another biologically determined who will or will not

become President as they mean and intend to control us by controlling

that person.

BVG and Obama 08 were predetermined judicial fates that Americans

suffered as no vote has any actual power or authority once criminal

corruption is endemic and it was at Bill Clinton’s installation as proven

by his action to commit perjury while in Office and very his own

testimony, as he said that until you become President that you do not

know that the President does not make decisions.

If any man or group of men besides the President and Commander is

making the final decision on the issues then you are dictatorship or an

oligarchy not a Constitutional Republic.


Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr. and Barack Obama Jr. share several

common denominators including a personality trait; it is common

knowledge that long before Clinton was elected Harvard University

began holding quasi-political meetings in which they advocated voting

across party lines and for a personality trait – a character defect – that

would then allow this same small group of men who endow Harvard

(and fund Rhodes Scholarships) and their supporters to install

socialism; socialism would be a lead in to global war and a dictatorship

in the US; Bill Clinton was exactly named at one of these meetings as a

“young hopeful” for the cause known as socialism and Obama Jr.

secured a diploma from Harvard. A Harvard Professor testified to being

at the meeting where Bill Clinton was exactly named.

Pre-determining our judicial fate by filling the Offices with persons who

share common facts such as abusive, absent, alcoholic fathers and

traits such as egotism and narcissism that result in personality

disorders is a way to overthrow The People – to revoke The

Constitution – without ever engaging the process; it’s thoroughly

underhanded and sneaky in that before The People ever realize what

has happened they are already shut out and cannot secure their


These men, particularly Clinton and Obama Jr., fall under very specific

diagnoses in the DSM; Obama Jr. meets all of the elements listed under

“sociopath” as a sociopath isn’t always violent; a sociopath does not

have the ability or capacity to feel actual guilt and a sociopath feels

entitled – they truly, actually believe it is their right - to behave as they


Obama exerts and exudes what Herbert refers to as German precision

engineering in people as he acts like a machine not like a man with a

conscientious self; it’s almost as if he doesn’t know how to be human


and must take his cues from those around him or read it from the

piece of paper; it is why he utterly fails when he is dependent only

upon himself in the moment as he can’t act independently; it’s why

Americans refer to him as The TelePrompTer President.

Herbert can easily prove that all anybody is feeling in the moment is a

projection or an illusion only and that it is generated by the masses not

by Obama, that Obama is manipulating people so they then react not

act thus this illusion is created. It’s the same thing Hitler did and

Americans never believed Hitler’s nonsense either. While Europeans

saw 7 foot tall terrifying Nazi giants that they couldn’t defy Americans

saw 4’11 sniveling cowards being led by Charlie Chaplin.

Americans were Europeanized after WWII mostly due to the changes in

our educational system. Fact is the PhD is largely a German invention

and we began subjecting children to exacting, cookie cutter standards

that aren’t universal and often aren’t even true via standardized, rote

memorization and multiple choice testing; we stopped demanding that

children think critically and form their own opinions. We taught them

to rely and depend upon machines like calculators and PC’s so they

became like machines themselves.

Herbert saw Obama Jr. coming and was in Chicago in or around spring

or summer of 1999; she was stopped on the Dan Ryan Expressway

when constitutional authority went off and so she acted as she must:

She rolled her car window down and told those around her that she

knew the names of some people in Chicago and that she would be

back for them in about ten years as that is how long it takes on

average to enter and exit SCOTUS; nobody except those present and

Herbert herself could know who was on the road with her that day, why

she was in Chicago, what was transpiring all around her or what

exactly caused her to pull rank and execute chain of command theory

according to US Law; Herbert’s testimony is:


Barack Obama Jr. is a complete fabrication; he, that front that you

perceive or experience, is not an actual person and all of his reputed

facts are lies no matter who tells them as Obama himself is very

careful – too careful - and he himself does not make certain

statements; the ‘person’ propped up as a candidate is a manufactured

legal entity that is meant and intended to cause WWIII as The People

violently revolt against what is mentally ill and insane for NOBODY can

reasonably claim that Barack Obama Jr. is an actual American citizen, a

natural born citizen and/or an actual person who lived the life those

around him claimed if for no other reasoning than this:

There is no “Barack Obama Sr.” as he spelled his name “Barac”

without a “k” thus Junior would be Barac Obama Jr. NOT Barack Obama

Jr. which is why Obama Jr. uses a “II” at times as that “II” doesn’t

always appear after his name on legal documents. That “II” is a legal

technicality meant and intended to make you believe he is a Junior.

This is why Americans speculate that Obama Sr. is not his biological


This court does not have to accept our word although our word exists

beyond a reasonable doubt: What led to WWI and WWII? Nationalism,

the European form of the natural birth argument. Two legal theories

that are both bad were cited then and they are being cited here and

now: Lex sanguinis and jus sanguinis.

Both wars were fought to install and keep pretenders on the royal

thrones thereby preserving them as the current holders of these titles

are not the lawful holders but are puppets exactly as Obama Jr. is;

bankers and their lawyers caused both of these wars as the current

throne holders act as fronts for them.


Both WWI & WWII were not our cause; we were dragged into these

wars. Now we are about to be dragged into WWIII.

Herbert knows who is or isn’t legally sitting upon a throne as absolute

fact as she herself would be the lawful holder of both the Scottish and

French thrones IF she would accept the title. She’s the closest living

biological relative as precisely as she’s a woman she unseats any man

as it’s her DNA that carries the gene not a man’s and she already

produced two male children both of whom have demonstrated that

they carry this gene.

There is a castle in England with her name and her symbolism

plastered all over it: Powis Castle sporting stars, a griffin and an

elephant that once belonged to William Herbert of Troye; where was

Herbert born and raised? Troy – NY. Who was her great grandfather?

William Herbert. Her great grandmother? Susan Livingstone Herbert of

Glasgow, Scotland.

Herbert’s ancestors fought with King David I and Robert the Bruce

(Herbert is what is known as a moramer) and there exists a direct

biological connection between Herbert and Mary, Queen of Scots, thus

James I; they are the people who landed in Duluth in 1362; they are

the people that constantly pressed forward and who came to remain in

America and who were here first, the Native Americans as Herbert can

trace her DNA back to the Elohim and before them to The Creator and

not via Lucifer as Herbert does not carry the genetic defect that

original sin is; the case is a direct line of reasoning in all ways

including biology that goes back to The Creator.

If you look the Elohim turned away from The Creator in order to follow

Lucifer and then the Sumerians acted to enslave some of their own and

when that failed to then create a race of slaves; the fight’s always the


same as all unjust men do is act to enslave you over and over by

introducing slavery in a new and improved form.

Susan Marie Herbert is a third generation natural born American on her

father’s side and is not only directly biological related to actual royalty

tracing itself back to a time before the Pagans but to the named

banking cartel as they are all biologically related AND then to the new

rich of America i.e. the Rockefeller’s, Vanderbilt’s, Morgans, Gould’s

etc. etc. as these two groups of people would otherwise not be

genetically related if not through her.

Herbert is also directly related to both Thomas Jefferson and Martha

Wayles Skelton Jefferson thus she would be born with knowledge and

she would come to possess knowledge that other humans do not as it

was genetically encoded upon her and/or as it was passed down to her

after she was born; it is Herbert’s own family members that are now

acting to enslave you via war and dictatorship.

Having to choose sides Herbert chose herself and The People thus The

Creator as those calling themselves the US and those who support

them are atheist, agnostic and/or Satanists as they advocate what is

commonly known as the Luciferian Doctrine. They are allegiant to

everything under the Sun except US Law.

Herbert’s DNA is now in possession of the State of FL so it has been

entered to the record officially. The piece of paper with ink blotches

symbolizing DNA on it isn’t the proof as she herself is. What is

American is genetically encoded upon Herbert thus you can’t remove it

from her as it is her nature. It’s a quality of her person that is a term.

Herbert informed The People that as the natural birth clause was

already violated as Obama was never going to lose the election and as

John McCain did not qualify nor did any person on the ballot even if


they are naturally born as none could fulfill the oath thus there was no

actual other choice – these unjust persons are on the same side, they

are all for the US and for alien and foreign interests hence their

obsession with Lucifer and foreign policy - that war was now upon us

as the pattern you see across the Earth especially where her biological

relatives are concerned is this:

The star symbol, the winged disc symbol and the double-headed eagle

symbol and what transpires each time the double-headed eagle

symbol appears? War.

The double-headed eagle symbol reappeared when Jacob Rothchild

and David Rockefeller joined forces as Rothchild bought a 37% stake in

Rockefeller’s private bank, his private wealth management firm, that

exists only to evade taxation. Rothchild did so as he is broke no matter

what you have been led to believe.

“Private wealth management” was created for royals who never

meant or intended to pay taxes but only unjustly levy them against

their victims. The double R, the mirror image R? It’s a form that the

double-headed eagle takes; if you look you will find that the Rothchilds

sport this as their family crest but they stole it from the Russian royal


Not only has the double-headed eagle reappeared but so has another

pattern, changing the name to confuse the masses.

Jacob isn’t Rothchild’s actual first name and Windsor isn’t QEII’s actual

last name exactly as BVG isn’t the case’s original caption. Herbert is

one of the only people on Earth who can tell you Jacob Rothchilds

actual given first name, as she’s an insider who is a family member.

Who or what also underwent a name change? Our nation and our

governing document as it isn’t “The US Constitution” or “The


Constitution of The United States” as it’s original title is “The

Constitution for the united states of America” – small “u”, small “s”

and capital “A”.

We are not the United States but America and Americans.

Obama’s actual name? Barack Obama Jr. nee Blake nee Barack

Hussein Obama (with or without the II) nee Barry Sortero nee Barack

Hussein Obama Soebarkah was conceived in Hawaii;

He was born in Kenya;

He entered North America as an infant via Canada who then holds the

vault copies of his birth record and he, as an infant, entered the US by

crossing the Canadian-US border into Washington State;

He exited the US around age 6 and entered Indonesia where he

became a citizen via adoption and choice hence the “Soebarkah” that

was ultimately the result of his mother amending her passport;

He entered a state run school that only Indonesian citizens and

Muslims may attend thereby giving up any Canadian or British (or

American) citizenship that he might have had (he never possessed the

birthright) but did so only after first attending a private school;

He re-entered the US at about age 10 or 11 via Hawaii where he

attended a private school;

He attended Occidental University and possibly Harvard upon a

scholarship granted to foreign students or with aid granted to



He traveled upon a foreign passport after age 18, a passport believed

to be Indonesian; according to Obama’s own testimony he is British (he

published this fact on his website before The People began to

complain) and he once spent a length of time in Indonesia that no Visa

would allow so he, if he was in Indonesian for this length of time, must

have entered and remained in Indonesia based upon a passport or

Indonesian citizenship and;

Obama Jr. seems to have doctored his Selective Service Registration or

never to have registered at all as he claimed that registered in 1979

but that was not possible and the document we have reads “1980”


It is date and time stamped July 29th, 1980 but signed by hand on July

30th, 1980 and the NO ID box is checked so Obama himself may not

have acted to Register.

His name on this document is deliberately not accidentally or

mistakenly misspelled as that too is a pattern: Obama and his mother

deliberately misspelled their names repeatedly on all manner of

documents so that they could then claim that technically they did not

do it as that is not their exact name; it’s sneaky way to place blame

and never, ever be held accountable.

It is commonly known that the CIA via its business front paid for

Obama’s tuition at Columbia and that the CIA also recruited Bill Clinton

– no person on Earth becomes a Rhodes Scholar by accident - but

nobody can place Obama at Columbia physically and only one piece of

work that Obama signed to then justify billing the CIA exists and it is

deplorable; it would not receive a passing grade in high school and it is

not Obama’s original thinking.


If all you do is the math then Obama was born four months too soon to

be a lawful, legal voter according to the purported date of his birth and

the Nationality Act and Obama apparently held two Social Security

numbers, one in Hawaii and one in Connecticut, when he would have

held ONLY a Hawaiian SS Number as he worked in Hawaii as a teen;

the good math is he would hold a Hawaiian SS number only if he is a

citizen as he did not work in any other state before he worked in

Hawaii and it is the CT social security number that is connected to the

above named Selective Service Registration.

If not treason this makes Obama guilty of several felonies and strikes

his Senate election.

Based upon actual reality and the record known as living eyewitnesses

including his own grandmother, grammar and high school friends, a

graduating class at Columbia, Canadians, a man who watched a

satellite broadcast featuring Obama’s family members in real time

testify to his Kenyan birth and who gave The People his satellite

coordinates, Bill Ayers a member of the terrorist group the Weather

Underground who is wanted for questioning in the death of a police

officer and who admits that he authored Obama’s ‘autobiography’,

Michelle Obama and Kenyan government Officials etc. etc. etc. as well

as Susan Herbert who happens to know Barack Obama Jr. – she met

him before he ran for President - no reasonably sane person can

actually believe that Obama Jr. was naturally born here or that he ever

had the right to vote.

Simple, basic common sense precludes this; it’s not physically, legally,

emotionally or metaphysically possible that Barack Obama Jr. has now

or ever had the right to vote or the birthright to then be the President

and Commander.


The only relationship Barack Obama Jr. and Americans share? We are

sharing the same physical space; that’s it. We possess a spatial

relationship that is purely physical.

You may not even claim that we share DNA as every American does

not share DNA with Obama and as Obama has never once volunteered

to assume the actual risk of death in defense of The People; fact is:

Obama was unlawfully and illegally given Secret Service protection a

full 18 months before the election which is unprecedented.

Obama spent a lifetime seeking special privilege and special favor

based upon ever changing conditions that are lies and he never once

voluntarily complied with the EP&DP clauses. A lie is any form of

deception you engage in to then secure personal gain at another’s


We, Obama and/or the US and The Americans, share no common

understanding so we have no contract and never did.

Everything you have ever been told about Obama Jr. is a lie

manufactured for the sole purpose and express intent of overthrow

and world war; people blindly “believe” it as they WANT to believe it no

matter how insane it is and how impossible it is as the alternative – the

whole truth - is ugly: The US is nation of sexist, racist, ignoramuses

who are their own worst enemies as Obama is not Negroid or black as

the masses delusionally believe as he is Arab or White – Caucasian –

according to his DNA and the legal constructs; he appears to be beige.

Barack Obama Jr.’s life is one long series of free passes and nasty

lawyer tricks as well as conditioning and indoctrination for

eyewitnesses including his own sister claim that from infancy that

Obama was being harmed by his mother and grandparents who

exerted wholly conditional love and the condition was they would love


him if he became President of the US but by any means as they were

avowed communists and atheists who despised and hated America and


To secure love from his mother and later others he had to overthrow

The People.

Obama confused pride for love so he’s 100% pure ego; he’s a machine.

Everything Barack Obama Jr. has “achieved” has been handed to him

upon a silver platter and unjustly so; he did not earn any of it but only

bought it or lied – manipulated and preyed - his way into it.

This is undeniable: Obama Jr. aligned himself with and worked for

agencies that have a socialist agenda such as ACORN and for political

groups that actively sought to buy votes; an Obama insider who has

since left has publicly admitted ton national television to entering an

agreement to call Obama a genius when he is not in order to profit

personally; this person came forward as he could no longer tell who

was delusional and who was not once he heard Obama truly believe

these lies; he wondered if a contract ever existed or not; a biographer

quoted Obama as saying, when he received a compliment about his

demeanor, that he, Obama, “is LeBron” (the sports star) and that he

“has game” or that he was acting and for profit and it was pure pride;

Obama Jr. is not a constitutionalist or an American but whatever he

needs to be in any given moment to secure the named payoff thus he

is: nothing but a corporate shill.

It is common knowledge that anarchists, socialists, fascists, despots

and atheists meant to foment violent uprising in the US via oppressing

The People; while they know that bankers are responsible they instead

attacked The People who they hoped in turn would then attack each


other and the bankers; read the transcript of Patty Hearsts own

testimony as a member of the SLA.

What’s not common knowledge is that these persons are then being

played by the tiny group of men acting from behind the scenes who

are the banking cartel; their ultimate goal is the installation of the

Luciferian Doctrine as they worship Lucifer as they truly believe The

Creator does not exist and that God/Lucifer are one and the same.

These men truly believe that Lucifer is their sacred mother. Of course

they do not publicly admit to this so the masses do not know this.

People like the SLA and ACORN are their tools but the SLA and ACORN

don’t know it either.

The method they intended to employ to meet this goal is foreignization

as their plan is to cause a war and then as Americans become

disillusioned and desperate to sweep in and assume absolute control

via a dictatorship. Then they can inflict their Luciferian Doctrine upon

you and you cannot object or fight back or so they mistakenly truly


It’s the same old plan the Nazi elite employed when they installed

Hitler and Herbert was present when the ghost of Hitler came alive at a

political rally in Jacksonville in 2004. It’s why the Nazis were fascinated

with the occult and it’s where we get the idea of the Black Sun. It’s why

so much religious imagery is so outrageously grotesque:

Rule not law is enforced via manufactured or false fear so a gang

mentality ensues.

This is what politicization is – its polarization - and its meant to drive

you insane by breaking your will thus your will is not your own as it

becomes the will of the group.


They have been running around since Pagan times worshipping Lucifer

and advocating that unlimited profit or greed is good and is

constitutional; they do not realize that unlimited benefit is good and is

constitutional but that unlimited profit is anti-constitutional.

The Hopi have a record of this as the Naga lived among them and

taught them their ways; the Hopi believed that the Nagas were gods

but they were not. The Nagas were sailors like the Phoenicians who

(like bankers) believed that unlimited profit was good. This is what

they taught the Hopis and the record still exists. What symbol did the

Naga employ? The Swastika as that is an ancient symbol derived from

the star symbol.

The Hopi never adopted this belief, as they knew it is insane.

What symbol did the Nazis use? The Swastika; who funded both sides

in WWII? The Rothchilds. Why? The Rothchilds self-identify as

Ashkenazi Jews – nazi Jews - not Shephardic Jews and many of the

banking families are crypto-Jews (Jews forced to publicly convert); they

believe everything is for sale and they will fund anything that seems to

be profitable. Not as they’re Jewish but as they’re bankers first.

Biology is not nationality, ethnicity or religious affiliation.

These people including the paid Officers of the US that they support

slaughter Americans and slaughter women as they do not consider us

to be their own kind and they do not think of us as anything they are.

In a sick twist they hate women, as they want to be one as they

worship Lucifer who they believe is woman when Lucifer is an it. It’s

why so many of them are raging closet homosexuals and why Masonic

Lodges have image of Baal as a goat with breasts, as they truly believe

Lucifer is a woman: Isis - genesis – Ishtar – star – light – Lucifer. It


matters not if you and I believe it as they, those at the very, very, very,

top of this dung heap truly believe it.

The Pagans called human sacrifice “religion” and today the Chinese

call eating human babies a “cuisine”; the Nazi’s referred to it as

“eugenics” but today politicians refer to it as “stem cell research”;

there is no difference as only the appearance is different not the


Technically Obama Jr. is not a Nazi or the anti-Christ or a communist or

a constitutionalist but an authoritarian ruler who is a Modern as that’s

the name of his belief system and his perspective.

This nation went off the deep end and installed a person who is not

natural born, is not a voter and who is only a manufactured illusion

meant and intended to be their ultimate downfall as a nation of People.

“Mental illness” is a medical term while “insanity” is a legal term;

you’re mentally ill if your personal beliefs are incongruent with

universal law and you become insane when those incongruent beliefs

become inconsistent; this nation was mentally ill and this nation went

insane as those in elected and appointed offices drove them there by

ignoring and denying reality, by allowing their repeated petitions to fall

on deaf ears.

Upon filing a second time in SCOTUS Herbert was visited by the Secret

Service in December of 2008. They actually admitted they had no

cause and that they were there as they couldn’t distinguish what is

rhetoric or what is law; all they had to act upon was a notice of suit.

Everyone involved denied that a citizen could enter SCOTUS directly -

they claimed it was humanly impossible - when the Senate’s own

website reads: “Certain cases may be brought directly to the Supreme


Court without having been heard by another court. Under statute, the

Supreme Court also exercises appellate review, that is the right to

review the decisions of a lower federal or state court.”

To claim that direct entry exists but is humanly impossible to achieve

is to act against humanity itself; it’s to claim that YOU’RE not human as

YOU can’t do it not that we’re not human. It’s inhumane and it’s


Thus logic, reason and ration dictated that the US would default the

second time direct filing occurred and that the US would want to

default/plead out as they would expect the reader of the docket - their

victim - to believe that SCOTUS, as “US” in within its name, responds

to such a claim when SCOTUS does not as it is not the Respondent and

as the US had no choice but to default.

Proof that these unjust men are insane and that they truly believe that

this claim rests upon pieces of paper not what is actual reality, pieces

of paper that anybody can forge at home with Photoshop, their local

Kinko’s and/or by merely securing paper and ink manufactured in the

50’s or 60’s, is Obama’s action to issue Executive Order # 13489; the

EO isn’t the proof as its evidence but Obama’s action to sign it is the

proof; this EO states:

“Sec. 3. Claim of Executive Privilege by Incumbent President. (a) Upon

receipt of a notice of intent to disclose Presidential records, the Attorney

General (directly or through the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of

Legal Counsel) and the Counsel to the President shall review as they deem

appropriate the records covered by the notice and consult with each other,

the Archivist, and such other executive agencies as they deem appropriate

concerning whether invocation of executive privilege is justified.

(b) The Attorney General and the Counsel to the President, in the exercise of

their discretion and after appropriate review and consultation under


subsection (a) of this section, may jointly determine that invocation of

executive privilege is not justified. The Archivist shall be notified promptly of

any such determination.

(c) If either the Attorney General or the Counsel to the President believes that

the circumstances justify invocation of executive privilege, the issue shall be

presented to the President by the Counsel to the President and the Attorney


(d) If the President decides to invoke executive privilege, the Counsel to the

President shall notify the former President, the Archivist, and the Attorney

General in writing of the claim of privilege and the specific Presidential

records to which it relates. After receiving such notice, the Archivist

shall not disclose the privileged records unless directed to do so by

an incumbent President or by a final court order.”

Obama Jr. does not have the power or authority to issue an EO – any

EO – and nobody on Earth needs to see his paperwork to know the

truth as life is the proof nor do they need his permission as the

commission IS; also EO’s are binding ONLY upon the Executive and the

executive privilege is not yours if the birthright is not yours.

This EO is not – is not – meant and intened to shed more light on

Obama’s life.

Obama Jr. is a person attempting to seal records that evince his guilt

and when he’s the unlawfully sitting incumbent; he’s sealing his

records now not after he leaves the office and this EO is unenforceable.

Obama deliberately pitted himself in a battle against the courts thus

against The People.

Barack Obama Jr. knows exactly what he is doing as Herbert served a

warrant for his arrest upon him in or around February of 2010 in

person unlike any other litigant and Obama Jr. responded by sending a


US Marshall to her door who threatened to kill her if she ever told the

truth again in federal court; Herbert has witnesses.

Instead of defending himself against any of Herbert’s charges Obama

Jr. threateneed her life and told her not to “tell the truth again in

federal court” thereby admitting to the charges hence the class may

state all of the above as fact for if it is false the burden is on Obama

and the US as they must prove he is qualified.

Herbert can easily prove that this order came form Obama Jr. himself;

that is, Obama Jr. had to be present and had to agree when the

decision was made to threaten Herbert’s life as this is chain of

command theory in play.

Herbert then told the truth in world court as she sued the UNH/IHRC in

their own court for human rights violations, for unlawfully occupying

America as we have no valid Treaty with the UN as it’s legally

impossible to create the IMF first or to surrender our sovereignhty – us

– to it as FDR attempted and as no member nation of the UN is

soverign in actuality as they do not have an elegant form; Herbert won

when the UN falsely counter charged the class, Americans, with being

the agressors.

Then Herbert sued again in the federal court in Dultuh, MN in mid to

late 2010 in an attempt to collect and added something: Thomas

Jefferson, Susan Herbert and Ray Morton weighed the Earth, time and

a human mind, resolved Uniformity and defined or discovered the

smallest particle man can neasure not Lord Calvert and CERN or

France; the clock that yet exists at Monticello that is seemingly

measured incorrectly? It’s not as Jefferson enshrined the truth of this

answer in this clock as he, Herbert and Morton answered the question

that Newton asks in Principia; as Jefferson first published in 1774 as A


Summary View is this scientific answer in legal terms and so did

Calvert then Jefferson thus we win.

Human ration does win the day as Jefferson correctly predicted.

Herbert named this in 07-9804 as one of the jobs she had to do is beat

CERN as this is the resolution to Uniformity; that is, she had to file her

intellectual property and the truth of Jefferson’s intellectual property

before CERN turned on its particle collider as it is considered to be the

most valuable intellectual proeprty on Earth and it is; she did beat

CERN; in Duluth all she did is present more of the science and more of

the evidence and proof; Herbert named this particle the Thomas

Jefferson Particle as that’s funny in all disciplines and upon every level.

Herbert referred to this force as the Intrinsic Force and her theory

regarding Uniformity as The Theory of Intrinsicity in honor of John

Marshall; to satisfy the eggheads among us she then technically

named this particle the Nanino as it is the basic building block that all

of this is built upon as everything has a crystalline structure and it is

made physically real in the vacuum that time is as there is a difference

in power between you and The Creator as it’s not a true vacuum.

Calvert attributed a error in one direction that Mason & Dixon

discovered when surveying a circle they squared in order to form a line

to the gravitational pull of a range of mountains plural; incorrect as the

error was unidirectional as the Earth acts as if it’s a giant crystal as

Lavosier demonstrated when he suspended a diamond in a solution of

pure oxygen and focused sunlight upon it thereby producing carbon

dioxide. Mason & Dixon’s circle? It resemebles the design of an atom

bomb. You’re dealing with hydrogen carbon chain reactions.

Pasteur did work in crytalline structure, symmetry and rotation. He

seeingly grew organic material from what everyone thought was


inorganic but it was not as they did not account for consciousness or

time; they had no knowledge of the smallest particle or Jefferson’s

work. Once you have the smallest particle you create elments and then

minerals as two hydrogen atoms create an atom of helium and so on.

All of physical reality is an illusion; it’s all symbolic. The smallest

particle symbolizes the largest, the whole universe. This is why paper

isn’t the proof or absolute proof.

The fatal flaw in man’s ‘logic’ has been that the universe and life itself

arises from the inorganic and that is what they have been desperate to

prove, that all of this arose from what is dead or the inanimate, as they

do not believe in a Creator; life cannot arise from what is dead; life can

only arise from what is alive; the conscious arises from the conscious

NOT the unconscious; The Creator is consciously aware of himself and

us. The animate arises from the animate.

Nobody accounted for consciousness which is why Newton told you

that measuring an absolute mountain or a whole range of mountains

would not yield a great enough difference as only men are possessed

of a consciously aware mind. Mountains? They’re conscious as it’s the

link that unites it all but: THEY LACK MOTIVE AND INTENT.

This – the mean unit of consciousnes or time – has a crystalline

structure and is the smallest particle man can measure here and now;

someday we might be able to go smaller but not now. If you ask if an

atom or a photon is aware? YES in that it’s conscious like a mountain

but NO in that it is not the same, special arrangement of molecules

that we are; it does not have a mind of its own, its exists and ‘acts’ or

‘behaves’ according to law without reasoning its position or its

relationship to its Creator and no photon jumps up and declares its

independence. You can reason the case infinitely smaller or larger;

zero point is the point whereby all is unified as the least becomes the


greatest and vice versa; can any human being weigh and measure

what is inifinite? Only within the terms of their own human capacity.

Exactly as homo sapiens triumphed over homo neanderthalsis now

homo Americanus has triumphed over homo sapien as our intellectual

capacity has increased once more.

The best way to say what Jefferson, Morton and Herbert know and what

Newton suspected is: you can have form without spirit. In this way a

person can have form but be dead inside as they are unconscienable.

In 1793 when devising his unique system of weights and measures

Jefferson accounted for magnetic north and polar north – it wasn’t a

range of mountains that is the cause as men previously believed but

magentic north and so consciousness – and he negated any error

caused by the interaction of the electromagnetic fields by replacing the

metal rod in his instruments with a wooden rod; Jefferson correctly

answered Newton’s question but Jefferson never knew what he came

to do in his lifetime as we did not begin tracking magnetic north until

1831, five years after his death. And then France abandoned

Jefferson’s oscillating wooden rod method thereby changing his


Herbert took one look at magnetic north’s path and knew how and why

it moved including why it speeds up and slows down and that Jefferson

is correct while Calvert is not as she used what is unique to America:

original US Law and those first Americans including Jefferson himself.

By predicting the behavior of magnetic north – by correctly predicting

the behavior of nature that is unknown – one can absolutely prove that

US Law as originally written is also universal law; Herbert has been

correctly predicting the behavior of magnetic north and of people as


people are dipole and are dynamos exactly like the Earth and nothing,

not even human behavior is random, since early 2007.

Herbert was subsequently subjected to wrongful arrest on October

29th, 2012 as Obama Jr. threatened when she added a secondary

charge to the Duluth filing on October 26th, beaten bloody and

unconscious by four police officers, held by the State of FL & the US for

8 months upon an impossible charge and Herbert was only released

when she pled out to two misdemeanor charges in order to hold the

judge as he attended two of the four colleges Herbert named and when

the FL and the US never had any jurisdiction over her as FL was acting

as a part of the US.

FL and the US spent 8 months attempting to use force and the threat

of death via lethal injection in order to break Herbert and make her

convict herself falsely by pleading out to a felony; they pursued what is

a civil conviction and when they had zero jurisidction over Herbert’s

person and when they had no actual evidence or proof.

Barck Obama Jr. then executed his threat, his exacting threat.

As a result on April 5th, 2012 a FL judge heard the case in person and

found for Herbert and the class as FL dragged Herbert before a

kangaroo court that exists only in FL State Operating Procedure but not

in FL Law, not in FL Statute and not in all of American jurisprudence.

Herbert knew this and brought a copy of the Operating Procedure to

Court; if you look Herbert previously named this exact harm in the

Duluth federal filing, the filing that immediately caused her arrest and

she named soemthing else: a person/s was being paid to harrass her.

This would be the second time a person/s in Obama’s employ did this.

Most citizens can’t prove such allegations; Herbert can so she presents

a threat.


Herbert volunteered to be present at the April 5th, 2012 hearing and FL

and the US attempted to hold the hearing without her by physcially

preventing her from attending so the entire proceeding had to be held

up for over 15 minutes while FL and the US then produced Herbert the


FL claimed that Herbert was incompetant and had her unlawfully

carted off to Chattahoochee when she not once spoke in court thus

there was no proof and when she was never tested or evaluated thus

there was no evidence but the assigned counsel that day in April knew

she was not incompetant as he heard her make her case and as he

read a letter written by a FL Officer that asked Herbert to do her job for

her and that claimed that FL could not know and did not know if FL had

issued a No Contact Order. FL cannot know what FL acted to do or not?

FL cannot read the SCOTUS docket either? Herbert’s assigned counsel

informed the judge that although this was unusual and never done that

he believed that Herbert could and would adequately represent herself

(and the class) so that he was going to let her speak for herself.

As soon as the judge agreed then Herbert was proven to be competant

and FL and the US to be in the wrong as this is a federal case and a

federal question was being asked and answered and when

Chattahoochee is not any old ordinary hospital but THE hospital from

which O’Connor V Donaldson rose that states that a person may hold

individuals liable if their physical liberty is denied them unjustly and it

is the oldest mental hospital in this nation; it sits in the disputed area

of FL outside of Tallhassee when Tallahessassee was the only capital

never taken in the War of Northern Agression as it survived a two year

battle not siege.

This part of FL has never been accurrately mapped as Ellicott

abandoned his survey in 1799 and as federal court cases arose (1850)


as nobody seemed to be able to map this part of FL; until the advent of

fractal geometry mapping this part of FL wouldn’t be possible due to all

of the conflicts and the terrain and to date not one person has

undertaken this effort with the sole intent and express purpose of

acurrately and legally fractally mapping Western FL: did we buy it in

the LA Purchase? Did we take it by force? Did we unlawfully annex FL?

Herbert named the LA Purchase in 07-9804.

She also named it as a contract with Natives exists within this

purchase that no person knew of and couldn’t know of until 1905 as

Spain’s Notes On Its Second Expedition sat upon a shelf in Spain

untranslated. Only Herbert understood she had stumbled upon a good

contract as the Natives and the King’s Representative shared a

common understanding regarding The Creator – contract negotiations

did not ensue until this common understanding had been established -

and they each received something in exchange; this contract is

allodial as it is derived from a royal charter that itself is the result of a

papal grant. Jefferson bought this contract when he bought Louisiana.

We are to have at least one opportunity to uphold this contract.

The named state Officers kept identifying as being a part of the US and

insisted that BVG was a good case that was resolved by order of the

Court and that Obama Jr. had to be natural born and/or that a popular

vote is US Law when it is not; today all of the states – all of the

installed Officers local, state and federal - derive their power not from

The People but from pieces of paper known as incorporation papers

and paper dollars. As the State Governors abandoned their seats in

1968 then they are a part of the US as they claimed.

Fact and law placed the case in international waters as well as in

federal court, SCOTUS or US Claims, as an original case:


The State of FL acted to set the actual, paper SCOTUS docket upon the

table and argued that SCOTUS denied that US Law was reality

therefore they, FL, did not have to abide by it or even so much as

acknowledge it exists on paper; FL claimed that Herbert was

“obssessed with US Law” when nobody on Earth is “obssessed with US

Law” if they are a victim who successfully sued their victimizers and

when US Law matches the reality of this universe.

Herbert countered that obviously FL is insane as they just acted to

prove it and that once the US defaults then default is and always will

be and that no person may default - fail to appear - and then deny that

there ever was a court case and/or deny that law exists to avoid paying

out and/or to avoid capeas; Herbert reasoned that default is and that it

is good for all time as it is a matter of simple contract law.

Herbert reasoned that equality is a matter of beign equal but distinct

and then unique not being exactly equal and that the process is:

Herbert, the Petitioner then petitions the court and the US, the

Respondent, then responds. SCOTUS never, ever responds on behalf of

the US but only on behalf of its own self if she sues them as that’s

constitutional authority. If she sues them then they, SCOTUS, would be

the Respondent but as you can clearly read it is “In Re Susan Herbert”

therefore the US preserves its right to respond or waives it and the US

waived it and in so doing waived the 1871 version of US Law as the

case entered upon a direct challenge.

The SCOTUS Justices are nobody’s personal, hired counsel as they work

for The People and they are compensated not paid and they may not

profit as they may not collect millions in retirement as trading their

expert knowledge upon money would constitute human trafficking and

to do this they would first have to sell themselves into slavery.


The Justices hold original jurisdiction seats; they can and may ajudicate

a case involving their ownselves in order to secure those seats and

they did so as two clerks accepted the transfer of constitutional

authority. The issue involving SCOTUS only arose after the Petition was

filed against BVG and Obama. In order to successfully sue both? You

had to go head to head with SCOTUS clerks including the Chief Clerk in

order to stand him down.

They are completely separate issues.

Thus the US would respond to the filed Petition not SCOTUS as SCOTUS

answers only for what are its own actions and SCOTUS can and may

act only when it has the whole case not one side; if default occurrs? It

has both sides so the only docket entry you would ever see is: SET FOR



The judge agreed with Herbert; he said default IS. The April 5th, 2012

ruling is sealed.

The federal question appears in the transcript as FL, in an attempt to

reverse and rescind The Constitution without engaging the process,

captioned its case “In Re Herbert Susan” (another confusing name

change) and filed after she filed in SCOTUS and when she was in an

other federal court, FL’s Middle District, seeking a Writ of Habeas that

she should have been automatically granted but was not.

In the event of an emergency such as an actual constituional crisis

involving the election of a President or a SCOTUS authority case in

which you must bypass the Chief Clerk of the US then the person who

would deliver the commission is the Post Master General as he or she

holds an original seat, is uniformed, is authorized to deliver

commissions and they have tenure or immunity; the Post Office is


funded by The People directly through the purchase of stamps thus it

does not close in a budget crisis and the contract it has with us is

honor bound and absolute; it is derived from The Creator.

In this case federal court clerks including a DC District Court Clerk lied

and falsely claimed that the Post Office failed to deliver documents in

order to avoid the case when the Post Office did deliver them. Because

of this obstruction of justice it became impossible for the class to

employ the Post Master General.

On Friday, February 15th, 2012 SCOTUS debated whether or not to hear

a forged documents case against Obama; you can never, ever

rationalize or justify denying this class access to the Justices and a

hearing in person while allowing a case based solely upon the

paperwork to proceed as those documents are evidence not proof; that

case is bad.

Herbert was denied the right to vote and then in two elections in FL

class member Brian Dobry’s ballot was tampered with once as a poll

tax was charged by the Jacksonville City Council as they told the

County to charge postage when Neptune Beach where Dobry lives has

its own City Council and this is a violation of law – there was

nonreflective tape placed over the prepaid postage so you had to pay a

poll tax to vote and no City Council may charge more or all of the

postage on an absetee ballot as such a request would have to be made

through the Post Master General but still you do not tamper with the

physical ballot - and then in this past Presidential primary when Dobry

discovered that a different address was listed as his so he did not

receive his absetee ballot on time; the only reason to change his

address? To cast a phony ballot in his name w/o his knowing it.

Foxnews is following a voter fraud case in Troy, NY where Herbert was

raised in which four Officers pled guilty to felonies and 2 are beign


tried and in relationship to a party affiliated with ACORN that is

Obama’s old employer and a case in IN; in NY Officers openly admitted

this, forging signatures on absentee ballots, is a common tactic and a

part of the ‘process’.

If the US doesn’t want to own up to what it did to women and to

Herbert and to other members of the class then it can pay up as there

are 3 named amounts to choose from: 1), The amount of the national

debt as the paid Officers incurred this not The People thus they the

paid Officers that are the US owe it 2), $27 billion named in protest

and 3), the interest on the Black Hills Fund as “Ft. Laramie” is named

in Petition 07-9804 as Herbert and the class correclty reasoned the

case as the Sioux did not have adequate or effective counsel when

they appeared and Herbert is part Native American.

The genius behind choice #3 is: The settlement doesn’t come out of

anybody’s pockets as it is interest; the original $20 million is returned

to The People and the persons who made the case – counsel and the

class – receive the interest as the Sioux do not get both the money and

the land nor does the US.

Americans receive what is their due, that interest, as we vested it by

refusing it over justice and in so doing turned paper money into actual



The Americans not the British won the Revolution whether anybody

personally likes it or not and The Americans will always win the

Revolution as universal law thus The Creator is on our side. You may

have heard about it as the story goes something like this: ‘Humpty

Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, and all the


King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put this rotten egg

together again’.

These men are claiming divine right via Lucifer/God thus via judgment

and tribute and they have acted against the law to a point that all they

can now do is begin killing you and they have as that’s what forcing

women to suffer a denial of their rights caused and that’s what an

unjust foreign war caused, death for no reason or cause; it is murder

and it constitutes treason. All one need do is look up the DOD stats on

persons missing or killed in war in the Middle East and the DOJ stats on

how many women and children are missing or have been raped and

murdered and that is only reported cases; the DOJ recently confirmed

what counsel always knew: the US cannot account for this amount of

missing energy. It is not possible to restore what is fatally, intrinsically

flawed, what is is insane and what the Founders never meant or

intended for us.

Whatever caused you to lend your belief to Obama Jr. being Hawaiian

or American when there is no good evidence or proof and then to vest

your interest and your right in him as such when the benefit fo the

doubt is not his? Is it Obama’s Polynesian looks or his polynesian

accent? His love of poi, that he likes beans on his snowcones, that he

calls it a plate lunch not a blue plate special or that his mouth waters

whenever he hears the distinctive squirt SPAM makes as it squooshes

out of a can? His mastery of the ukelele and the Hawaiian language?

His knowledge of Hawaiian salvation history? That the University of

Hawaii pulled out all of the stops in their attempt to recruit him? That

he carries tiny instruments and a notebook to record his observations

in his pocket as Jefferson did?

There is nothing, no proof of life, that would cause any reasoanbly sane

person to come to ‘believe’ that Obama is Hawaiian or American:

Barack Obama carries a tiny statute of Hanuman the monkey god in


his pocket and that is close to Barack Obama Jr.’s actual truth as the

US is more monkey or animal than human or American and Obama,

like the other paid Officers, is entirely dependent upon other people

and outside things to create and maintain what is an illusion of power

only and what is totally devoid of authority.

The question as to who is natural born and who is not cannot be

answered by any piece of paper as your actions define you and your

state of mind. It is not about physical reality only. The case has already

been won and lost and all that is left is for the settlement to be paid

out. If you wish to act to answer the federal questions present then do

so as you can and may; if not? Send the case back to SCOTUS via the

actual, correct process not through the Office of the Clerk as that will

never work and that is not the correct process in this case.

The class would think that this court would want to answer the Ft.

Laramie question at long last, the do vaccinations cause autism

question at long last, and several others such as are Art. I military

tribunals lawful? But then again you might want to throw the case back

to the Chief Justice, John Roberts, as we have zero evidence and proof

that any Justice ever saw it or a correct summary of it and no clerk

would be qualified to handle it as they failed to stop BVG at the door.

The Chief Judge of this court has a decision to make: Is he willing to

square off in a three way contest between himself or herself, Susan

Herbert and Barck Obama Jr. thereby becoming either the Chief Justice

or the President and Commander when the day is done or does that

honor, that duty, that privilege and that right belong to the sitting

Chief Justice who would ascend to the Presidentcy or remain the Chief

Justice? If you fail to send it to Roberts directly are you then denying

him his opportunity and his right?


The only thing this court may not do is fail to act or continure to deny

the reality of the SCOTUS docket and our exactly worded original US

Law as all acts repugnant to The Constitution are automatically null

and void.

Thomas Jefferson said that nothing can stop a man with the right

mental attitude and nothing can help the man with the wrong mental

attitude but Thomas Jefferson’s best legal and medical advice may be:

Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate

and define you.

That’s because our divine birthright is a commission; we never needed

another man’s permission to act and neither do you.


Too numerous to mention; physical takings of liberty, homes, cars and

all wordly goods; violation of every named right most espeically

EP&DP, the vote, natural birth, Art. 4 Sec.4’s domestic violence as now

the sitting Legislature and sitting President is perpetrating it against

The People and Art. I Sec. 8’s right to benefit from intellectual property

and scientific discovery; now the spirit of the law, sovereignty or will, is

being broken.

Voter fraud.

Treason (We may accept damages).


The award of the default judgment, either the amount of the deficit,

$27 billion or the interest on the Black Hills Fund that is an estimated

$2 billion and;


An injunction against Obama Jr. and his Administration including Joe

Biden that orders them to cease and desist acting in any legal capacity

as they have none and never did and;

Official, legal nullification of any and all prior court action against

Susan Herbert and an order returning custody of her children to her


A declaration that states that women and exactly Susan Herbert are

persons with full rights under the law and that;

Jefferson, Everett, Morton and Herbert resolved Uniformity and in so

doing defined the smallest particle and answered Newton’s question

regarding the weight of Earth not Lord Calvert and that;

We are not beholden to British common law but to American common

law and that;

The only paper that is proof is the 4 original governing documents.

Susan Herbert

Attorney of Record

1100 Seagate #101

Neptune Beach, FL 32266 February 20th, 2012

___________________________ ___________ _________________

Signed Date

