In The End All You Really Have Is 21/Rockaway Beach NY Wave Of...


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OBITUARY NOTICES H a r r y K y a n

E l e c t r i c i a n

Harry Kyan, retired City of New Yoik electrician, died Mon­day at his residence, 118-17 Rock-away Beach boulevard, Rocka-\vay Park.

H e was born in Hoboken, N.J., September 13, 1895, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan, and was a resident of the Rockaways for the past 35 years.

He served overseas with the Aimy during World War I.

Mr. Ryan is survived by a daughter, Miss Ruth Ryan, who lives at the Rockaway Park add­ress.

Burial will take place tomor­row at 1:30 p.m., in Long Island National Gemetery, under the direction of the Denis S. O'Con­nor Funeral Home Inc., 914>5 Beach Channel drive.

M r s . O s c a r K l e i n b e r g

Of R o c k a w a y 2 Y e a r s

Mrs. Oscar Kleinberg of 353 Beach 46th street, Edgemere, died Sunday at Peninsula Gen­eral Hospital after an illness.

The former Mildred Manck, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. George Manck, she was born October 8, 3900, m New York City.

Mrs. Kleinberg was a resident of Queens Village for a number of years before coming to the Rockaways two years ago.

She is survived by her hus­band, Oscar Kleinberg. A son, Howard Kleinberg, died October 26, 1955.

The Rev. Henry M. Childs, jr., pasto^ of the First Congrega­tional Church, officiated at the funeral service held Tuesday night. Interment followed yes­terday afternoon in Greenfielc Cemetery, Hempstead, L. I., un der the direction of the Denis S. O'Connor Funeral Home, Inc. 91-05 Beach Channel drive.

Fred J. Jordan Printer

Fred J. Jordan, a printer, wh lived at 180 Beach 117th street Rockaway Park, died October 2. at Peninsula General Gospita after an illness of severs months.

Mr. Jordan was born in Penr. syivania on November 28, 1901 the son of James and Nora Moy erg Jordan. He was a resident oi the Rockaways for the past 1C years .

He is survived by his widow Veronica (nee Mallen).

A Kolemn requiem mass was offered in St. Camillus R. C Church, Seaside, Friday morn­ing. Interment 'followed in St. Charles Cemeteiy, Farmingdale, L. I., under the direction of the Denis S. O'Connor Funeral Home, Inc., 91-05 Beach Channel drive.

Charles Landay Carpenter

Charles Landy of 69-53 Bayfield avenue, Arverne, died Saturday at Peninsula General Hospital following an illness.

He was born October 10, 1898 at Philadelphia, the son of An­drew and Margaret Devine Lan day.

A carpenter by trade, h© had been a resident of the Rocka­ways for the past 41 years.

Mr. Landay was a member o'f Carpenters Union Local 353 of Rockaway Beach.

He is survived by his widow, Catherine (nee Stiner); two daughters, Mrs. Theodore Spania of Inwood; Mrs. Joseph Martin of Massapequa Park, L. I.; a brother, John of Philadelphia; a sister, Mrs. Emmy Ellis of Pho-enixville, Pa., and six grand­children.

The Rev. Henry M. Childs, jr.,

pastor of the First Congrega­tional Church, officiated at the funeral service, held Tuesday evening from the Denis S. O'Con­nor Funeral Home, Inc., 91-05 Beach Channel drive. Interment followed yesterday morning in St. John's Cemetery, Middle Vil lage, Long Island.

Max Seeiiian Wall Paper Salesman

Max Seeman of 20-35 Seagirt boulevard, Far Rockaway, dieu suddenly at St. Joseph's Hos pital, Far Rockaway, Sunday morning.

Born in Poland 78 years ago, he was the son o'f Jacob and Rachel Last Seeman. He moved to Brooklyn in 1938 and the past 12 years was a resident of Far Rockaway. .

He was a wallpaper salesman. He is survived by his widow,

Yetta (nee Fruchtman); two *» •FJtMMttrl R^ i l lv sons, James T. of Manhattan and w r s * w m u j i u *>e«*y Fred of Connecticut; a daughter, jQf R o c k a w a y 1 3 Y e a r s Mrs. Walter Natt of Bayswater; a sister, Mrs. Adolph Rosenberg-er of Far Rockaway, and six grandchildren.

Rabbi Arthur H. Neulander of Congregation Darchay Noam, Bayswater, officiated at the fun­eral service, held Monday morn-ing in Far Rockaway. Interment ."oHowed in the family plot in New Monteflore Cemetery, Pine-lawn, Long Island.

She is survived by three sons, Francis Xavier of Alhambra, Calif., Edward Joseph of Edge-nere, and Vincent James of Union City, N. J.; three daugh-ers, Mrs. Edward Fasmier of

••Jelcong, N. J., w'th whom she e lad been at the time she. . , . . » ?nn.*M. ro™.

C.Y.O. Bowler Joe Basile Scones High Series Of 559

Joe Basile of the C.Y.O. Nation al Bowling League had the higi series, 202-559, last week.

Other high National League

,vas taken ill, Mrs. Thomas Ren ?*y of Yonkers, and Mrs. Joseph binneran of Rutherford, N. J.; a brother, Hugh Mills, and a siscer, Miss Elizabeth Mills, both in ii eland; 22 grandchildren ant! three grandchildren. •

A solemn high mass will be of­fered tomorrow at 11 a.m. at St. UamiHus R- C. Church, the parish she was affiliated with while in the Rockaways. Interment will follow in the family plot in St. Mary's Cemetery, Lawrence, L.L, under the direction of the Fran­cis E. Bennett Funeral Home, 198 Beach 114th street, Rockaway JtrclxJK*

Benjamin Cohen Lumber Executive

Benjamin Cohen, lumber ex­ecutive and father of Mrs. Sol Horowitz of Belle Harbor, died Saturday evening in Brooklyn at the age of 74.

He was born in Russia, the son of Abraham and Alta Cohen.

His wife, the former Julia Sa-coder, died three years ago.

Besides Mrs. Horowitz, ho is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Leonard Garren of Beth-esda, Md., and Ave grandchildren.

Dr. Robert Gordis O'f Temple Beth-El Rockaway Park officiated it the funeral service, Sunday afternoon in Far Rockaway. In­terment followed in the family plot in Knollwood Park Ceme­tery, Cypress Hills, L. I.

John J» Stalker Former Rockawayite

John J. Stalker, mechanic fitter for the Long Island Lighting Company, who resided at 120 Gidds road, Central Islip, died siiddenly on Friday at Haup-pauge, Long Island.

Mr. Stalker, a former resident of Far Rockaway, who moved to Central Islip several years ago, was born in Philadelphia on February 29, 1920. His parents were Allen and Elizabeth Watson Stalker.

Mr. Stalker served with the Navy during World War II.

He is survived by his widow, Margaret Mary (nee Shea).

Interment took place this morning in the Long Island Nat­ional Cemetery, Pinelawn, L. I

Mrs. Francis X. McGeary Rockawayite 45 Years

Mrs. Francis Xavier McGeary, who had been a resident of the Rockaways 'for more than 45 years, died Monday morning at the Dover, N. J., hospital follow­ing an illness of several months.

Mrs. McGeary is the former Anne Mills, daughter of James and Kathleen Duffy Mills. She was born January 20, 1896, in County Tyrone, Ireland. Her hus­band died in 1955.

Mrs. McGeary was a member of the Society of the Holy Ghost in Yonkers, N. Y.

Mrs. Edmund Reilly of 96-14 Rockaway Beach boulevard died Monday at Peninsula General Hospital at the age of 86.

The former Hannah Kennedy, daughter of James and Elizabeth Burke Kennedy, she was born in New York on June 17, 1879. She had been a resident of the Rock­aways for the past 13 years.

She is survived by her hus band, Edmund; two sons, Ed mund of Astoria and Gerard ol Rockaway Park; a daughter, Mrs. Marie Henry of Rockaway Beach; and 12 grandchildren.

She was the mother of the late Raymond Reilly and the late Mrs. Catherine Naceyi

A solemn requiem mass wil1

be offered tomorrow at 10 a.m. in St. Camillus R. C. Church Interment will follow in the fami ly plot in Calvary Cemetery Long Island City, under the direction of the Denis S. O'Con­nor Funeral Home, Inc., 91-05 Beach Channel drive.

Mrs. John Tierney Formerly Of Rockaway

Mrs. John Tierney a former resident of Beach 86th street, died Sunday at Pompton Lakes, N. J., where she had been mak­ing her home for the past three years at 615 Hamburg Turnpike.

Mrs. Tierney was the former Mary Kelly, daughter of Patrick and Mary Kelly. She was born in Ireland March 3, 1889. Her hus­band was John Tierney, a letter carrier in the Rockaway area for many years. He died in 1956.

Mrs. Tierney, who lived in the Rockaways for 40 years, was ac­tive in the former St. Monica's Society of St. Rose of Lima R.C. Church.

She. is survived by three sons, John of Edgemere, Daniel of Pompton Lakes, and James of Far Rockaway; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Quinn and Mrs. Sadie Bai»jy, both o'f the Bronx, and six grandchildren.

A solemn high mass was of­fered this morning in St. Rose of Lima R. C. Church. Interment followed in the family plot in Calvary Cemetery, Long Island City, under the, direction of the Denis S. O'Connor Funeral Home, Inc., 91-05 Beach Channel drive.

Mrs. Otis Lorber Active In Democratic Club

Mrs. Otis Lorber, a resident of the Rockaways for the past 42 years, died Saturday afternoon at St. Joseph's Hospital after an illness of several months.

The former Gussie Abrams, she was bom in New York City, I the daughter of Morris and Martha Levy Abrams.

546; Ed Oliveri 200-542; Larry Finnerty- and Ed Hurley, 528 each; Joe Bruoato 523; Lenny Ambruso 512; Vin Marasco 511: Walt Kohler and C. Cafasso, 505 eaoh; Ernie Simone 503; and Fred Scotto, John Siegel, and Tony Capobi&nco, 502 each.

High series in the C.Y.O. Rock­away Peninsula American League was John Leprine of St. Rose White with 189-210-230-629. Lep-rine's high game was also top game.

Other high series in the Ameri­can League were: Jos. Capeilli 512; Frank Mabi 529; John Wood 542; Vic Librizzi 518; G. Kelly 201-568; Bill Dolan 522; Chas. Caliendo 553; Frank Campbell 543; Al McCarthy 526; Jim Rohan 545 • Ray Atkin 512; Joe Genduso 540; Bill Weiee 552; Neal Murray .•514; Mattv Zito 517; Jack Allen 221-572. In addition with high games were Dennis McGuire 205 and John Wheelr 201.

Team highs listed were St. Rose Green 1061 and St. Mary Blue 3054.

Results in the National League were:

St. Joseph White 11, St. Joach-<m Blue 0; St. Raymond 8, Good Counsel Gold 3; Good Counsel Red 8, St. Joachim Gold 3; St. Joachim Red 8, St. Joseph Gold 3{ Good Counsel White 8, St. Joa­chim White 3; Good Counsel Oreen 8, St. Joseph Green 3; St. Joseph Red 8, Holy Name Blue 3; ttoly Name Gold 9, Good Counsel Blue 4.

Standings are. St. Joachim White 60 St. Joseph White 58 Good Counsel Red 45

Her husband died June 6, 1939. Mrs. Lorber was very active in

the Democratic Club over the years.

She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. David Altbaum of 14-24 Greenport road, Far Rockaway, with whom Mrs. Lorber made her home; a brother, George Abrams of Far Rockaway, and a grand son, Owen Jeffrey Altbaum.

Rabbi Amos Miller of Long Beach officiated at the funeral service, Sunday noon in Fa? Rockaway. Interment followed in the family plot in Machpelah Cemetery, Cypress Hills, L. I.

St. Joseph Red 44 HolyfName Blue 42 St. Jfseph Green 41 St. Joachim Gold M GoodJCounsel Gold AQ Holy.Name Gold 37 St. Raymond 37 St. Joachim Red 35 Good Counsel Green 32 Good Counsel Blue 31% Good] Counsel White 26% St. Jj>seph Gold ..'. 25 St. J|achim Blue 22

Results in the American League were! St. ]\|ary Green 7, St. Mary Gold 0; S i Virgilius Blue 7, St. Camil­lus White 0; St. Virgilius Red 7, St. Gfertrude Gold 0; St. Thomas Mor i 7, St. Rose Gold 0; St. Ca­milla! Gold 5, St. Virgilius Gold 2; 8k Rose Green 5, St. Francis Gold 2; St. Rose White 5, St. Mar l White 2; St. Mary Grey 4, St. Mary Blue 3.

Standings are: ary Green 36 lrgilius Red 35 omas More 35 se White 33 ry Grey 32

ary White 30 Jrgilius Blue 29

St. Cftmillus Gold 26 St. Mary Gold 22 St. ifrancis Gold 22 St. Mary Blue 22 St. Rose Green 21 St. Rose Gold :..18 St. Virgilius Gold 14 St. Gertrude Gold 10 St. damillus White 7


Broad Channel received its first defeat of the season Sunday when it rc|et the undefeated Valley Stream Hornets. The score was 36 to 0.

A nighlight of the game came with the score 14-0. J. Mannino pickeid off a pass on the 6-yard line and ran 94 yards for the {oucH down. Mannino also stop­ped a good drive by Broad Chan nel's Ray Coyle, who picked off a Hornet pass and ran 60 yards only fo be caught from behind at the 1§ yard line. The Hornets held and that was the end of Broad Channel's drive.

R.fCaderone and R. Brienza each scored two touchdowns for the I-Jornets.

Broad Channel meets the Mas fjapecjua Mustangs, another unde feate,d team, Sunday at 2 p.m. at Broad Channel.

White And Bcndo High Wednesday

Jose White of St. Virgilius Lemon bowled high game, 172, while Athena Bendo of St. Fran­cis Gold bowled high series, 453, last week in the C.Y.O. Woman's Wednesday Night International Bowling League.

Games won and lost for the night were: St. Francis Gold over St. Virgilius Gold, 8-3; St. Virgil­ius Rainbow over St. Virgilius Purple, 7-4; St. Virgilius .Orange over St. Francis Maroon, 7-4; St. Virgilius Lemon oyer St. Virgilius Yellow, 8-3; St. Camillus Char­treuse over St. Virgilius White, 7-4;. St. Virgilius Silver over St. Rose Navy, 8-3; and St. Virgilius Black over St. Rose Crystal, 11-0.

Standings are: 1. St. Virgilius Lemon 2. St. Virgilius Orange 3. St. Francis Gold .4. St. Virgilius Yellow 5. St. Camillus Chartreuse 6. St. Francis Maroon 7. St. Virgilius Black 8. St. Virgilius White 9. St. Virgilius Gold

10. St. Virgilius Rainbow 11. St. Rose Crystal 12. St. Virgilius Purple 13. St. Virgilius Silver 14. St. Rose Navy

Roberta Daly High In Nat. Women

Roberta Daly was the high in­dependent in the C.Y.O. National Women's Bowling October 27, with 184.

The team high for three games was St. Virgilius Royal with 654.

Independent high a v e r a g e s were: Dot Romonowski 150, Em­ily Gernert 148, Kay Praxmarer 146, Kay DiNola 146 and Barbara Bradford 141.

Standings are: 1. St. Virgilius Green

• 2. St. Virgilius Red 3. St. Rose White 4. St. Rose Purple 5. St. Virgilius Beige 6. St. Virgilius Plaid 7. St. Thomas More White 8. St. Virgilius Royal 9. St. Rose Yellow

1.0. St. Virgilius Aqua 11. St. Rose Gold 12. St. Virgilius Lilac

Muriel Small Leads Leukemia Bowlers

Muriel Small, a 110 average bowler, bowled a 185 and took over high individual game in the Leukemia bowling league last week. Edna Winstock is still sec­ond high with 170. Among the bowlers who had a good day of bowling are: Ruth Farash who bowled 163, 157, 146 for a 466 series. Janet Guida 158, 148, 157 for a 463 series. Rita Troupp 447 series, Bernice Solomon 438 series. Doris Goldberg 431. Though the girls bowled very well, they still haven't beaten Elaine Schwartz's high series of 478. Competition 1? very keen as the close teair standings indicate.

Due to recent dropouts, two places are available on one team. Anyone interested, contact Jackie Lederman 128A B. 93rd street or Harrit Behar 54-41 Almeda av­enue.

The team standings: W.W.'s 35, Excuses 34, Beauts 33,


'ADAM, FALLEN MAN' Scriptural readings on Adam

and Eve and Cain and Abel are examined in Christian Science church services this week.

The subject is "Adam and Fall­en Man."

The Golden Text is from Eccle-siast-;: "Lo. this only have I found tnpt Co<* hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions."

A tk$mp o" redemption is brought out In some passages to bo read from the Christian Sci­ence textbook: "The devine na­ture was best expressed in Christ Jesus, who threw upon mortals the truer reflection of God and lifted their lives higher than their poor thought-models would allow, - - thoughts which presented man as fallen, sick, sinning, and dy­ing" ("Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 259K

Beachcombers 30, Go Go 26, T.P.'s 23, Pushovers 14, Bayswater 14.



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B B S S " C " » TODAV-n e * ^ r ' s festivities



Wm! HEWLETT • CE. 9-4400 ROCKAWAY PARK • NE. 4-4400 * 3 * V


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