in · I managing editors burinerr manager I Amino El-Mahdy Edino Lekovic rmff edimrr Rimo Arsof...


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in cdptvity The Stmgks of I w w d t e d M a s ~ i m s

C onsider the purpose of rhe prison system. Some mighr argue that ir is n manifesrarion of justice in rhe

American society. Proponents of the prison system might rell us that rhis method deters

: people from commiring crimes, while simultaneously removing dangerous crimi- nals from thr community and giving other criminals an opportunity for reform. However, a closer Look a t some prisons in the United States shows us that these envi- ronments are anything but conducive to some of these goals. Islam reaches us rhat a major part of jusrice is compassion. The absence of this important component in some American prisons leaves in ir's place a savage disregard for rhe basic rights rhat all humans are entirled to. Dignity is mer by abuse; respect is exchanged for callousness and perversion.

Many people discover and accept Islam while they are incarcerated. As rhese people follow the perfect way of life prescribed by Allah, they rurn from a life of crime and become important contributors ro their respecrive societies. The prison system, how- wer, is deterring Muslims from making this transformation. The most basic rights are sttipped away from our brothers and sisters in a way thar seriously impedes the estab- lishment of some of the fundamenrals of Islam. As many of us complere the activi- ties rhar constiruce an ordinary day, we exer- cise rights rhar are so innate in human nature that rhey almost transcend the ciassi- ficarian, 'rights.' Privacy is one of these.

Many of us never find our right co basic privacy challenged. In some prisons, howev- er, this is precisely what happens. As some of our Muslim sisters attempt ro guard cheir modesty as commanded by Allah, they are subjrcred ro almasr unimaginable disre- specr, as their digniry is carelessly disregard- ed. The women in some prisons musr show- er in vicw of men who srare at rheir uncou- ered bodies. Some are issued revealing nightgowns thar do nor adequately cover their bodies. Thcy are pat frisked by male officers. Other Muslims are opposed as they try to establish rhe Jumu'ah prayer, grow a beard, or wear the hijab.

We should feel outrage that servants of Allah are being blocked from His path. Their distress is ours. As they are humiliar- ed we should feel embarrassed. The unfair- ness of a system. that works against reforma- tion and redemprion, a sysrem that ignores the humaniry of rhe participanrs, should

: cause our sense of justice to scream our. Our love for Allah, our resulranr love for other Muslims should manifest irsrlf in our refusal ra accept the merciless, inhumane rrearment received by rhose who struggle

behind bats. Although the prison system itself lacks

in its structure and its effecriveness, some Muslims in prisons are blessed wirh support from brothers and sisrers in the community who genuinely care for rheir well-being. When faced with constant oppression and denial of rights, support from within the Muslim communiry is a brearh of fresh air for Muslim prisoners.

Muslim chaplains do rheir part ro make sure that Muslim prisoners have a sufficienr number of Islamic books, newspapers, and raper. Also, Muslim chaplains ensure that rhere are periodic visits by Imams and rchol- ars to teach rhe believers their din and increase them in rheir love for Allah.

Support from the Muslim community is essential in any siruation, incarcerated or not. When a Muslim has lefr prison and enrered the community, however, rhar is when the community's sincerity is cruly pur ro res t I t is a tough transition far Muslims when they leave the prisons and attempt to brcome part of rhe existing Muslim commu- nity. Often, afrer they have left prison, Muslims are nor given [he support rhey need to make rhis difGrult transition.

Every masjid should have specific pro- grams ro help and work wirh formerly incar- ceraied Muslims. This is importanr for a

variety of reasons. First of all, formerly incarcerated Muslims can share their first- hand knowledge of the horrific conditions rhey face in prison. Working cooperatively, communiry members can insha'hllah come up wirh solurions to fighr for Muslim pris- oners rights to practice rheir din. Also, upon leaving prison, Muslims ofren don't have any place to go. The communiries rhey used robe in before they entered prison may not be conducive ro their Islamic way of life. It is importanr char we establish a temporary- housing arrangement as well as job place- ment for our brothers and sisters. Alhamdulillah, Muslims have the financial resnurces to do rhere things, and there is no reason for them not happen.

If nothing else, it is important to raise awareness amongst each other as to the con- ditions of Muslims in prisons. We need keep these brorhers and sisters in our prayers the same way we keep our family in our prayers. We need ro encourage Muslim chaplaincy programs and turorial projecrs. And, we need to esrablish communiry support and outreach for when they inshil'ALlah leave the prisons.

Jazakum Allahu khayran. -The Al-Talib St#//

\~olunie 9 . issuc 2 circulation: 20.000

I managing editors burinerr manager I Amino El-Mahdy

Edino Lekovic

rmff edimrr

Rimo Arsof

Anwor Khan

Urmo N o r

Amrr Shomo


Anwoor Ali

Shohin Ashraf

Mohommad A. Auwal

Nadio Khon

Edino Lekovic

Sabhuddin Muhornmod

Talho Rizvi

Lynn Salohi

ropy editors

A Ghobr Mohbaob

Mosfafa Mohbmb

Ali Shoikley

dirhibvtion manager

Fadi El-Tohrawi

public relations

Lynn Solohi ,


Neveen Abdelghonl

Aamo Khon

A Ghohor Mohboob

Martab Mohboob

Gall Marzoce

Affnon Zubl

s p ~ i a l thanks

Terrelle Jerrlckr

Jolms Moldonodo

Chr~stino Sanchez

Arvli Ward

Contact us:

1 18 Kerckhoff Hall 308 Westwood Plaza

Los Angeles, CA 90024

Phone (31 0) 206-7877

Fax (3 10) 206-3 165



AIralib erlrtr to the " 4 3 ol he UCt4 Mudim cammunt-

N ,he aenelal Murlirn mmrnun*i. and ,he general nonMu3im carnmunlw h i s m mdepndenl brum iol o dcverr speclmm 01 ~ i r r ioncern3. AiIdrb snwr lo &mie o h , islorn omd M ~ ~ I ~ ~ &raib coliec~r the medioi miln~or~ nd,M .but iilom ond Mull,," penple. AiToilb ir ,he 1,r.l pibl,- cotla" d rr k,"d n the Unlled slile. - 0 nmlmogoiine run by volunteer sudenh dedrmad lo Muiim sue,

U " S , ~ " ~ ~ ed,,o,,oi repreientr 0 mojoriy oplnon d the /Uiol,b Ed,lor,al Board Ali other cdvmnr, cdumnr and leks iepremn, #he opnim ol #he aulha and do nol neceswri81y rellecl the "ism d #he ~ i I ~ l , b Ed~laioi 8mld The UCt4 Communicolons Bmrd has a medo gr~emnce praed~re lor rerdring gr<-nres ogoins ony 01 ,IS pvbilmllonl. For o copy oi the complec pas due, canid S t d e d Madto UClA al 118 Kcrckbll Hol.

