Immune Inspired Adaptive Cooperation in Heterogeneous Multi Robot Systems Sazalinsyah Razali (syah)...


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Immune Inspired Adaptive Cooperation in Heterogeneous

Multi Robot Systems

Sazalinsyah Razali (syah)

Dr. Q. Meng (Supervisor)Prof. S.H. Yang (Co-Supervisor)

Contents Introduction Literature Review

Other Approaches Research Statement & Objectives Immune Systems

Natural Immune System Artificial Immune System Immune Network Theory

Research Benefits & Applications Summary


Cooperation - autonomous and heterogeneous agents in order to achieve a common goal or to maximize the utility for each robot.

The environment is continuous (real-time).

Literature Review

Reasons why systems consisting of group of agent/robots are of interest: tasks may be inherently too complex (or impossible)

for a single agent/robot building and using several simple agents/robot can

be easier, cheaper, more flexible and more fault-tolerant

Even though the individual goal is taken into account, the benefit of the entire group should also be considered so that the group’s action can be considered rational (Boella, 2001).

Literature Review (cont.)

“Given some task specified by the designer, a multiple-robot system displays cooperative behaviors if, due to some underlying mechanism (i.e., the ‘mechanism of cooperation’), there is an increase in the total utility of the system” (Cao, Fukunaga, and Kahng, 1997).

Literature Review (cont.)

A system that is capable to adapt its behaviors to an ever-changing environment is indeed intelligent (Negnevitsky, 2005).

Proposes that the adaptation required for the cooperation among robots is using approaches that have its roots in biology (specifically the Immune System).

Other Approaches

ALLIANCE - is a fully distributed, behaviour-based architecture that incorporates the use of mathematically-modeled motivations (such as impatience and acquiescence) within each robot to achieve adaptive action selection. (Parker, L.E., 1998)

MAPS (Tew & Wyeth, 2000), STEAM (Tambe et. al., 1999), and CORDA (Prencipe, 2000).

Research Statement

Investigate the implementation of immune-based algorithm in achieving adaptive cooperation in a group of heterogeneous robots.

Research Objectives

To propose an immune-inspired approach on cooperation.

To establish an adaptive cooperation algorithm in heterogeneous robot teams.

To determine the effect of the applied approach in terms of efficiency in cooperation.

Natural Immune System

Basic Immune Activation & Effector Phases

(Nosssal, 1993)

Antigen & Antibody Model

(Lee, D.W. & Sim, K.B, 1997)

Artifical Immune System (AIS)

The artificial immune systems are composed of intelligent methodologies, inspired by the natural immune system, for the solution of real-world problems (Dasgupta, 1998)

An artificial immune system is a computational system based upon metaphors of the natural immune system (Timmis, 2000)

AIS Design Principles

Representation Architecture Affinity / Fitness

functions Dynamics /


(de Castro, L. N.)

Immune Network Theory The immune system is composed of an

enormous and complex network of paratopes that recognize sets of idiotopes, and of idiotopes that are recognized by sets of paratopes, thus each element can recognize as well as be recognized. (Jerne, 1974)

Jerne's Idiotopic Network Hypothesis

(Equation of Jerne's Idiotopic Network Hypothesis as proposed by Farmer- includes stimulus & suppression from antibodies)


(Lee, D.W. & Sim, K.B, 1997)

Research Benefits

Cooperation in MRS – new algorithm in order to establish efficient cooperation.

The algorithm that utilizes a bio-inspired approach.

Possibility of extending it to other tasks / scenarios / domains.

Possible Applications

Disaster Search & Rescue Military Reconnaissance Waste / Hazardous Clean-up Robot Soccer

Player/Stage Platform


Studying the implementation of immune-based algorithm in achieving adaptive cooperation in heterogeneous multi-robot systems.

Thank You!

