IIR Customers


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1Oracle Confidential

Universal Connector

• SDQConnector allows to use any 3rd party Vendor for Data matching and Cleansing

Siebel ApplicationSiebel Application

Account/ Contact / Prospect

Data Base

First Logic

Siebel Data QualitySiebel Data Quality

Universal Connector

Data Cleansing


Siebel Reference Implementation

Other 3rd party implementation

Technical Presentation here


Universal Connector Support format

• Try to reproduce any customer reported problem with the Universal Connector by testing with the Reference Adapter

• If the issue is reproducible with the Reference Adapter, Oracle TS should provide support, otherwise the customer should be requested to contact the third-party vendor directly to obtain assistance

• Oracle does not provide support for third-party software, such as Trillium, SAP DQ (former BO), or any other 3rd party vendor, except for OEM’ed products

• Do not bring or install third-party software to avoid legal issues


Siebel – ISS Integration Architecture

Siebel SchemaNSA Table




XML Sync Server (XS)

ISS Server



Go to eDelivery

Where do I find the installers?


• License file is not platform dependent

• It is an OEM agreement

• Address Doctor Postal directories are sold separately; customers should buy the postal files on a subscription basis from Informatica directly

IIR License file




• Set this system environment before starting the License Server up, otherwise the installation will fail with error

• "No Valid Licenses Found on the License Server Localhost 1660 ..."


SSALI_MZXPQRS environment variable


Start the installation by executing the install.exe


Install the License Server


Install the License Server

Choose defaults, and click Next


Install the License Server

Place the license file under C:\InformaticaIR\licenses before starting the License Server

Click No, the license server will be manually started later.


Obtain the license key

The license key can be found here:


Save the file as <filename>.key and place it under C:\InformaticaIR\licenses directory


Start the License Server

Set this system environment before starting the License Server up, otherwise the installation will fail with error

"No Valid Licenses Found on the License Server Localhost 1660 ..."



Proceed with the installation

Choose Install Informatica Products, and click Next


Proceed with the installation

Click Next, and then OK


Find the file1003.dat file

The OEM package file1003.dat can be found under the installer\data directory


Select the licensed products

* The populations will require a separate license for the postal directories

Click Next and proceed with the installation


Supply XML Synchronization Server port # (default is 1671)

* The XML Synchronization Server is referenced in the Siebel RT events

Click Next and proceed with the installation


Supply the DB connectivity parameters

* Make sure to test the DB connectivity with SQL*Plus

Click Next and proceed with the installation


Conclude the installation

Click Install and conclude the installation


Apply the hotfixes

Copy the hotfixes and past over the installation directory


Verify the version

Run the version batch file to verify the IIR version

The software installation is concluded.


Run the SQL Scripts to create the IIR schema...

The SQL Scripts related to the database server used can be found under c:\InformaticaIR\dbscript directory


Execute the SQL Scripts in sequence...

These scripts are used to create the IIR schema and required objects

1. idsuseri.sql

• Creates the user ssa that owns the IIR tables, and other objects

• Run this script as DBA

2. idstbora.sql

• Creates IIR control tables

• Run this script with ssa user created on step 1) above

3. updsyncu.sql

• Creates IIR synchronizer objects

• Run this script with ssa user created on step 1) above

4. updsynci.sql

• Creates other IIR synchronizer objects

• Run this script with ssa user created on step 1) above

5. updsyncg.sql

• Create public synonyms for IIR objects

• Run this script as DBA


Sample idsuseri.sql

The tablespace should had been created prior running this script; for testing purposes 300MB is enough.


Start the IIR Server in Configure Mode and then Console Client in Admin Mode


Supply the ssa user id/password

The service name ‘orcl’ was supplied during the software installation, but can be changed by modifying the odbc.ini located under the c:\InformaticaIR\bin directory


The test system ssa000 is created to validate the installation

This step is only done once and will create the rule base that will be used by the SiebelDQ system Click Finish to conclude the test



The console will be displayed...

Choose File > Exit to exit from the Console


Stop the IIR Server...


Copy xsserv.xml.ori to xsserv.xml...

And configure it as displayed above.

This file is located under c:\InformaticaIR\bin directory.


Copy xmserv.xml.ori to xmserv.xml...

And configure it as displayed above.

This file is located under c:\InformaticaIR\bin directory.


Copy htserv.ini.ori to htserv.ini...

And configure it as displayed above.

This file is located under c:\InformaticaIR\bin directory.


Edit the isss.bat to add the following environment variables:

For Linux/Unix platform modify the isss shell script


Copy the Connector DLLs to siebsrvr\bin directory

DLLs to copy are :

• ssadqasm.dll

• ssadqsea.dll

• ssaiok.dll

• ssasec.dll

Note : Unix/Linux Connector libraries are :

• libssadqasm.so

• libssadqsea.so

• libssaiok.so

• libssasec.so

And the files should be copied to siebsrvr/lib directory instead


The IIR installation has concluded, now needs to setup the Siebel side...


Login to Siebel...


Go to Site Map > Administration – Runtime Events...

Then choose Action Sets


Search for “ISS*” on Action Sets...

17 records should be displayed


Set the ISS Set File Name...

The Action Sets below are used for the initial load:

•ISSLoad Account

•ISSLoad Contact

•ISSLoad Prospect

The attribute “ISS Set File Name” determines where the exported XML file will be saved.


ISSLoad Account:


ISSLoad Contact:


ISSLoad Prospect:


Note : If the Siebel Server and IIR Server are not co-located the files should be manually copied to a directory that IIR Server can read from when doing Load IDT; this is setup on the siebelDQ.sdf file


Set the ISS Set URL...

Set the ISS Set URL attribute with “http:://<IIR_hostname>:1671” format

This is related to the XML Sync Server service

If the Siebel Server and IIR Server are co-located the “ISS Set URL” attribute can be set to “http://localhost:1671” (between double-quotes)

Below is the list of Action Sets that need to be changed:

ISSSYNC DeleteRecord Account

ISSSYNC DeleteRecord Contact

ISSSYNC DeleteRecord Prospect

ISSSYNC WriteRecord Account

ISSSYNC WriteRecord Contact

ISSSYNC WriteRecord Prospect


Login to Tools...

And then lock the “DQ ISS Integration” project


Query for ISS* Workflow Process...

•The relevant workflow processes belong to the “DQ ISS Integration” project

•13 Workflow Processes should be listed


Select the workflow process, revise, edit and publish/activate

•Modify the Workflow ISS Delete Record Sync in the Step “Send Profile Attr to ISS via HTTP”

Change the Method HTTPRequest Method from “GET” to “POST”

•Modify the Workflow ISS Launch Write Record Sync in the Step "Send Delete Msg to ISS via HTTP”

Change the Method HTTPRequest Method from “GET” to “POST”

• Modify the Workflow ISS Write Record Sync in step "Send to ISS via HTTP“

Change the Method HTTPRequest Method from “GET” to “POST”


Select the workflow process, revise, edit and publish/activate

•Modify the Workflow ISSErrorHandler in the Process Property “File Name”

Change the Default String to appropriate value, example: “C:\InformaticaIR\log\isserror.log”


Activate Workflow Processes...

Choose Administration – Business Process > Workflow Deployment, and then click on “Active Workflow Processes” tab


Activate Workflow Processes...

Choose Administration – Business Process > Workflow Deployment, and then click on “Active Workflow Processes” tab


Activate Workflow Processes...

Activate the relevant WF Processes, so that the lower Activate Workflow Processes applet has all the 13 ISS* WF processes activated


Setting up Data Matching (DeDuplication)...

In Administration – Data Quality > Third Party Administration, set the DLL Name to ssadqsea for ISS


Name Value

Account DeDup Record Type Account

Contact DeDup Record Type Contact

List Mgmt Prospective Contact DeDup Record Type


Parameter 1 "global", "iss-config-file", "ssadq_cfg.xml"

Candidate Acquisition Process by Third Party


In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above Vendor parameters for ISS are present

Vendor parameters for ISS


Business Component Field Mapped Field

DUNS Number DUNSNumber

Name Name

Primary Account City PAccountCity

Primary Account Country PAccountCountry

Primary Account Postal Code PAccountPostalCode

Primary Account State PAccountState

Primary Account Street Address PAccountStrAddress

Row Id RowId

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above field mappings for Account

BC Vendor Field Mapping for Account


Business Component Field Mapped Field

Birth Date BirthDate

Cellular Phone # CellularPhone

Email Address EmailAddress

First Name Last Name NAME

Home Phone # HomePhone

Middle Name MiddleName

Primary Account Name Account

Primary City City

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above field mappings for Contact

BC Vendor Field Mapping for Contact


Business Component Field Mapped Field

Primary Country Country

Primary Postal Code PrimaryPostalCode

Primary State State

Primary Street Address StreetAddress

Row Id RowId

Social Security Number SocialSecurityNumber

Work Phone # WorkPhone

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above field mappings for Contact

BC Vendor Field Mapping for Contact (continued)


Business Component Field Mapped Field

Account Account

Cellular Phone # CellularPhone

Email Address EmailAddress

First Name Last Name NAME

Home Phone # HomePhone

Middle Name MiddleName

City City

Country Country

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above field mappings for Prospect

BC Vendor Field Mapping for Prospect


Business Component Field Mapped Field

Postal Code PostalCode

State State

Street Address StreetAddress

Row Id RowId

Social Security Number SocialSecurityNumber

Work Phone WorkPhone

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ISS ensure the above field mappings for Prospect

BC Vendor Field Mapping for Prospect (continued)


Data Quality Settings...

In Administration - Data Quality > Data Quality Settings ensure the above settings are configured


Setting up Address Validation...

In Administration – Data Quality > Third Party Administration, set the DLL Name to ssadqasm for ASM


Name Value

Account DataCleanse Record Type Account

Contact DataCleanse Record Type Contact

List Mgmt Prospective Contact DataCleanse Record Type


Personal Address DataCleanse Record Type Personal Address

CUT Address DataCleanse Record Type CUT Address

DQ Send Empty Field To Third Party Vendor Yes

DQ Cleanse High Deliverable Address Yes

Parameter 1 "global", "iss-config-file", "ssadq_cfgasm.xml"

Vendor parameters for ASM

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM ensure the above Vendor Parameters are set


Business Component Name Operation

Account Data Cleansing

Contact Data Cleansing

List Mgmt Prospective Contact Data Cleansing

CUT Address Data Cleansing

Personal Address Data Cleansing

BC Operations for ASM

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM ensure the above BC operations are set


Business Component Field Mapped Field

Name Account.Name

Field Mappings for Account BC

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM, ensure the above field mapping for Account BC is set


Business Component Field Mapped Field

First Name Contact.First Name

Last Name Contact.Last Name

Middle Name Contact.Middle Name

Field Mappings for Contact BC

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM, ensure the above field mappings for Contact BC are set


Business Component Field Mapped Field

First Name List Mgmt Prospective Contact.First Name

Job Tile List Mgmt Prospective Contact.Job Title

Last Name List Mgmt Prospective Contact.Last Name

Middle Name List Mgmt Prospective Contact.Middle Name

Field Mappings for List Mgmt Prospective Contact BC

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM, ensure the above field mappings for List Mgmt Prospective Contact BC are set


Business Component Field Mapped Field

City Business Address.City

Country Business Address.Country

Postal Code Business Address.Postal Code

State Business Address.State

Street Address Business Address.Street Address

Street Address 2 Business Address.Street Address 2

Field Mappings for CUT Address BC

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM, ensure the above field mappings for Field Mappings for CUT Address BC are set


Business Component Field Mapped Field

City Business Address.City

Country Business Address.Country

Postal Code Business Address.Postal Code

State Business Address.State

Street Address Business Address.Street Address

Street Address 2 Business Address.Street Address 2

Field Mappings for Personal Address BC

In Administration - Data Quality > Third Party Administration for ASM, ensure the above field mappings for Field Mappings for Personal Address BC are set



Modify the ssadq_cfg.xml file...

Sample File:

Set to IIR hostname

Set to Search Server Port #

Set the rule base server db settings

Save the file to siebsrvr\SDQConnector directory


Modify the ssadq_cfgasm.xml file...

Sample File:

Set to IIR hostname

Set to Search Server Port #

ssadq_cfgasm.xmlSave the file to siebsrvr\SDQConnector directory


Postal directory files for Address Validation

AD4 postal files can be downloaded from here:


AD4 Postal files go to C:\InformaticaIR\ssaas\ad\ad\db directory, as well as the AD4 license file. The license file name should be named key

AD5 postal files can be download from here:


AD5 Postal files go to C:\InformaticaIR\ssaas\ad5\ad\db  directory, as well as the AD5 license file. The license file name should be named key

* AD5 files were provided by PM; should contact PM if other populations are needed for test purposes



UCM Demonstration ADv4: ES\KDNNAY3VLZ8SY2JKATWZ78V5N (limited world ) Expiration: 5/20/2011UCM Demonstration ADv5: 2W ZP74W99QKFVVC43YZE7FT6SFCDMQCP15ZC (limited world) Expiration: 5/20/2011 UCM Development/Engineering/Support ADv4: MZU/77Q267FKJ$4NSRDHE5$/326$ (limited world ) Expiration: 12/31/2010UCM Development/Engineering/Support ADv5: W S725Z3U6VUA4XC3A9TVPDDPC9CV1EVWA10C (world) Expiration: 7/31/2010

Address Doctor

Informatica Data Quality

Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR)Address Standardization Module (ASM)

• One Year Term, License keys are for Internal Development and Demonstration only. Keys are deployed on Oracle machines and VM s only.• Customer License key distribution is via direct contract with Address Doctor, OracleAV@informatica.com• Limited world is world minus: minus MEX,ARG,BRA,AUT,BEL,CHE,DEU,GBR,FRA,ITA,POL,IND,CHN,HKG,JPN,SGP,NZL• POCs are not covered by these keys and need to be requested to OracleAV@informatica.com for every POC or where customer data is used.

• ASM/IIR leverages the same IIR key. • Perpetual, 2.7/2.8 shares the same license key format, 2.9/9.0 shares the same license key format.• 2.7/2.8 License key / installations are limited to singe Network Interface Card machines only.• Oracle distributes the license key directly to their customers as part of their e -delivery mechanism.

Two models exist. 1. 12 temporary keys have been provided to Oracle for delivery with the OEM to end customers. This is due to revenue recognitio n requirements by Oracle. Terms of the

temporary key is 60 days.2. One year standard IDQ licenses (no additional features) are requested by Oracle Support to Informatica Support.

OracleDQv862.zip OracleDQv9.zip

InfaIR_20100507132711.key2.7 / 2.8 Key

2010 – 5/2011 Keys

9.0.1 Key Pending, dependent key file has been requested from Oracle

License Keys:

* It is necessary to apply the FixL147 to enable AD5 and also modify the ssadq_cfgasm.xml


Load IDT process

Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events >

Action Sets, and activate the ISSLoadAccount,

ISSLoad Contact and ISSLoad Prospect action

sets; then choose “Reload Runtime Events”


Load IDT process

Navigate to Administration – Data

Quality Settings, and modify Match

Thresholds to trigger the ISSLoad*

related workflows

The exported data should be found under c:\InformaticaIR\ids\data

directory, as set in the attribute “ISS Set File Name” of the ISSLoad

Account, ISSLoad Contact, ISSLoad Prospect action sets


Load IDT process

Start the IIR Server

and then open the Console Client (Admin Mode)


Load IDT process – creating the system...

Create a new System by clicking on New button, and then click on OK button

Enter the data as shown above , and then click OK to proceed with the system creation


Sample siebelSQ.sdf file


The successful system creation should be confirmed by the job details as shown above; click on Close button to return to the previous screen

Load IDT process – creating the system...


Load IDT process – selecting the system...

Click on Select button, and choose siebeldq from the dropdown list, and then click OK button to proceed


Load IDT process – executing the initial load...

Click on the Load IDT button, choose siebel_dq_loadall from the drop-down list, and then click OK button to proceed...

Note: SQL*Loader is required; verify if you can run sqlldr from command-prompt


Watch for Accounts and Contacts loading jobs...

Load IDT process – executing the initial load...


Ignore the prospects load failure due to empty XML file, it will cause the job failure, but this can be ignored if Accounts and Contacts were loaded

Load IDT process – executing the initial load...


Load IDT process – verifying the loaded data...

Click on Tools button, click on Search Client, choose Search Client option, and then click on OK button to proceed...


Click on search-org button, and then search for a known existing Account to validate that Accounts load was successful

Load IDT process – verifying the loaded data...


Click on search-person-name button, and then search for a known existing Contact to validate that Contact load was successful. The initial load process has finished.

Load IDT process – verifying the loaded data...


Start synchronizer

Click on Synchronizer button, choose Run Synchronizer button, and click on OK button to display the Update Synchronizer screen; enter -t120ms in the Extra Options field, and then click on OK button to start the synchronizer


Enable Runtime Events

Login to Siebel, navigate to Adminstration – Runtime Events > Actions Sets, search for ISS*, enable all the Action Sets, except the ISSLoad* Actions Sets that are only used for initial load; choose Menu > Reload Runtime Events


Start the Update Synchronizer

To keep the data between Siebel schema and IIR schema synchronized, the Update Synchronizer should be running. Should any inconsistency appear, a system refresh and Load IDT will be needed.


Enable DQ at the object manager levelSiebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Enabling and Disabling Data Matching and Data Cleansing > Enabling Siebel Data Quality at the Object Manager Level > Enabling SDQ Using the GUI

Parameter Description

DeDuplication Enable Flag True(Indicates whether real-time data matching is enabled; default is False)

DeDuplication Data Type ISS

Data Cleansing Enable Flag True(Indicates whether real-time data cleansing is enabled; default is False)

Data Cleansing Type ASM

a. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen > Servers view.b. In the Components list, select an object manager. For example, select the Call Center Object

Manager (ENU) c. Click the Parameters subview tab. In the Parameters field in the Component Parameters list,

apply the appropriate settings to the parameters in the table below.d. After the component parameters are set, restart the object manager


Verify the synchronization

Modify a Siebel record, and verify the information is updated on the IIR schema, if the synchronization is working the modification should be reflected quickly


Verify the DeDuplication works...

Enter a similar record, the deduplication result pop-up applet should be displayed


Verify the Data Cleansing works...

Navigate to Administration - Data > Addresses, and enter an address and verify the result