“IF/When”-Adverb Conditional and “Sport” Made by Litvinova A.S. School 1591 Moscow


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IF/When-Adverb Conditional and Sport Made by Litvinova A.S. School 1591 Moscow Slide 2 Frosty and winter Sports If Frosty has skates he will go skating! Slide 3 main clause if/when - clause You wont understand if you dont listen carefully. She will be happy when you ring her up. Conditional sentences consist of two parts: if clause (Present Simple) which begins with the word if/when, and the main clause (Future Simple) which shows the result. Adverb- CONDITIONAL (I) if/when clause main clause If you dont listen carefully, you wont understand. When you ring her up she will be happy. Slide 4 If Robert studies hard, he will pass his exam. Which is the if-clause? Which is the main clause? What tense do we use in the if-clause? What tense do we use in the main clause? Is it possible that Robert will pass his exam ? Slide 5 If you dont leave early, youll miss the match. Which is the if-clause? Which is the main clause? What tense do we use in the if-clause? What tense do we use in the main clause? Is it possible that You will miss the match? Slide 6 If It doesnt rain John will take a part in the swimming competition. If you dont join to the golf club you will lose a chance to become famous. Slide 7 When he starts to be fond of climbing he will explore the new land. They wont go abroad if they dont win the international championship. Slide 8 We shall be able to visit this rugby competition if he books a ticket. William will go home when he watches the final game of cricket. Slide 9 EXERCISE TIME (Sp.) Example: If you have a time you will be fond of Ving/go in for football. If I have a time I shall be fond of Slide 10 EXERCISE TIME (Wr.) Ex. 9 p.234 Say what they will do when the lesson is over. (.. .., V ) Example: When the lesson is over, Nick will go to the cinema. Slide 11 EXERCISE TIME (Sp.) Example: If we go to the science club at the university we shall miss the hockey match. If I go to the science club at the university Ill miss Slide 12 If it rains, we will stay at home. He will arrive late unless he hurries up. Peter will buy a new car, if he gets his raise. We will go to the movies if he finishes on time. When I have time today, I will phone my friend. I will buy some Cheddar cheese, when I go to England. If we take John, he'll be really pleased. TWO GROUPS (Sp. ) It starts with if clause/ It starts with the main clause Slide 13 EXERCISE TIME (Wr.) Slide 14 Find conditionals in this text (Sp.) If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kingsnor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much, If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything thats in it, Andwhich is moreyoull be a Man, my son! Rudyard Kipling Slide 15 Make a conclusion What was new for you at this lesson? Is this theme important and useful? How often do we use adverb-conditionals in our speech?
