Ielts Task 22




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IELTS Task 2:1- Some people believe that governments in developing countries can best improve peoples quality of life by introducing new technology. Others, however, believe that the best way to make life better is to provide free education for all. Discuss both of views and give your own opinion.

Technology and education are generally accepted as two main critical factors of fighting against poverty and improving peoples quality of life. However, which is the decisive factor is still controversial when some people think new technology can be the best solution while the others support the idea of free education. This essay will examine both views in attempting to make a conclusion about this matter.Comment by Thng c: causing a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement ahighly controversialtopicone of the most controversial of London's new office blocksa controversial plan to build a new roadWinston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both controversial figures.Opposite: non-controversial,uncontroversialComment by Thng c: To consider or study an idea very carefully To look at sb closely to see if there is anythig wrong or to find the cause of problem (syn check)Obviously, in developing countries, new technology has favorably modified peoples life in many aspects. Firstly, it reduces people work, improves the way they travel, communicate and entertain themselves with modern facilities and comfortable infrastructure. In addition, it is high technology that helps to extend life expectancy, advances healthcare services and the education system and ensures peoples basic needs with food, clothing and shelter. It is also worth mentioning the considerable contribution of advanced technology in reducing pollution, preventing environmental catastrophes and protecting people from natural disasters. It is true, in general, to exert the idea that peoples lives are ever better thanks for great achievements in science and technology. Although, the development and application of new technology usually requires a certain level of general literacy and infrastructure, as well as a significant amount of R&D cost, the governments in developing countries have been implementing some strategies that focus on education and infrastructure for new technology in order to benefit their citizens.Comment by Thng c: /mdfa/to change something slightly, especially in order to make it more suitable for a particular purposeComment by Thng c: /mplment/to make something that has been officially decided start to happen or be usedTurning to education, in contrast, it seems to be an inadequate solution for such governments. The main reason is the national budget is limited and so often is shared by fund requirements from several other sectors. Furthermore, although free education for all can improve the general literacy level that helps people have some low paid jobs, it cannot produce the highly educated and skilled workforce which is needed by a nation to escape from poverty. In fact, except for Nordic countries which are highly developed, such free education systems have not really succeeded in any nations worldwide.Comment by Thng c: / ndkwt/1not enough; not good enough2. (of people)not able, or not confident enough, to deal with a situationFrom the discussion above, one can conclude that new technology could be the better solution for governments in developing countries to improve the life quality of their people, even though this measurement needs certain conditions to be the most effective.(363 words)
