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IELTS Speaking Questions & Sample Answers

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IELTS Part 3 speaking questions: Doing things together as a family

Part 3 questions | Doing Things Together as a Family

How often are you together with other members of your family?

Almost every day, I usually eat breakfast with my mother and sometimes my father is there if he hasnt already left for work. Then in the evening we usually eat dinner together and that would include my sister and brother as well as my parents so we are together at least once every day normally.

When do you get together with other members of your family?

More often than not its at meal times, usually in the evening when we eat dinner. At weekends we may spend more time together as we usually have lunch and dinner together if we arent out somewhere.

What sorts of things do the people in your family do together?

We eat together as a family and I like to go shopping with my sister. My parents do lots of things together, they go out dancing, they take vacations together without us sometimes but usually once a year we all get together as a family and go on vacation for a week.

In your country, what sorts of things do people do together as a family?

Generally, people spend time together at weekends. Lunchtime is an important event for many families as it may be the only time that grown up children visit or extended family members come together to share some time in the family house. Family get-togethers usually revolve around food, lunch or dinner, and of course then there are special occasions such as birthdays and when someone graduates from university. Just last week we had a family get together to celebrate the birth of the familys first grandchild. My older sisters first baby, it was a wonderful day.

What do you think are the benefits of doing things together such as walking in the street together as a family?

Firstly, I think its nice to do things together as a family, even just walking along together, it helps keep the family together just like any relationship when you share experiences and memories. Sometimes the simple activities like walking or going shopping together can be fun and relaxing and it also gives families a chance to talk or discuss things between them.

Do people do things together as a family when you have festivals in your country?

Yes, normally if its a religious festival or special day then parents wont be working so they spend their time with their children if theyre young ones. They might go to church or an event related to the festival or they may plan to take them out someplace special or do some kind of activity together to take advantage of the extra free time together. Even when children have grown up theyll usually visit and spend time with their parents if they can to celebrate the day if its a special day or an important holiday.

Do people do things together as a family when you have holidays in your country?

Yes, generally, families will plan to spend some time together. Maybe its not always possible to travel to visit if children are grown up and living in another part of the country but especially if the holiday falls on a Monday, the long weekend makes it easier to plan a trip to visit other family members. They might plan a special day out or simply plan to spend the day with their family at home.

IELTS Speaking Questions & Sample Answers

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IELTS speaking test Canada

IELTS speaking test Canada

What subject(s) are you studying?

Im studying for a degree in International Marketing at the moment.

Why did you choose to study that subject?

I thought it was in interesting career and as business now operates in a global marketplace there will be many opportunities to work not only in my own country but maybe abroad in the future too.

Was that an easy choice to make?

For me, yes because I was interested in the subject. Ever since I did a project at school about product marketing I wanted to learn more about it, so it was an easy decision to make when I thought about going to university.

Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?)

Yes, I love it. Its very interesting and for me its fascinating how much marketing affects our lives every day. Its interesting to see how companies try and influence consumers to buy their products and use their services its something which affects us all in one way or another.

Do you often use a dictionary?

No, not as often as I used to. Now its probably only once or maybe twice a week when Im studying or I have to write an assignment for university.

Do you prefer to use an electronic dictionary or a dictionary made of paper?

I guess I prefer to use an online dictionary, although really I dont mind. At home I have a couple of big paper dictionaries which I like to use sometimes, but when Im at university I just connect to the internet and use an online dictionary because its easier than carrying big books around all the time.

If someone gave you a dictionary as a gift, how would you feel?

I would be happy. Its a good gift to give someone I think.

Do you like rainy days? (Why?/Why not?)

No I hate them. Ever since I was a little girl Ive hated the rain Im not sure why I just do. I dont like having to stay inside all day.

Does it rain much in your hometown?

Sometimes it seems like its too much but really its probably no worse than anywhere else in the country. Maybe there are a couple of showers every week, but sometimes theyre very light and dont last long.

In what season does it rain the most?

It seems to rain most during the second half of the year, well, it rains for longer and its heavier and sometimes its two or three days without stopping so thats the kind of rain I really hate. Its almost impossible to go out anywhere without getting soaked.

Would you like to have more rain or less rain (in your hometown)?

Less! In my ideal world there wouldnt be any rain okay, maybe it could rain at night when Im asleep. Like I said, I dont like rain so less would be better for me but rain is important for many reasons.

What do you usually do when it rains?

I usually stay in if I can. I study or watch TV or something and if its raining all day I sometimes sleep more than normal too.

IELTS speaking test Canada Part 2 questions

Describe a comic actor who is popular in your country. You should say:

who the actor is

how you know him/her

what kind of person he/she is

and explain why he/she is popular in your country.

Sample Answer

Id like to tell you about a well known actor who is very funny, his name is Rowan Atkinson, hes proably best known worldwide for his funny character Mr Bean. I first saw him in a movie on DVD and I thought he was really hilarious. Later I discovered some other old DVDs of TV shows he had done in the past. I think Ive watched nearly all of the shows hes done now. In fact I watched a movie of his just a couple of weeks ago with a friend it was a spoof spy movie like the James Bond movies but he was useless at everything and it was very funny. I hadnt seen it for years but my friend found the old DVD and we decided to watch it.Hes funny because he is so ridiculous and yet loveable at the same time. He always seems to have the best intentions but he gets himself into terrible problems and funny situations just doing normal things. The things he does are very simple, but very funny and I think its because most of his comedy is based on real life everyday situations that lots of people can relate to it and just how easy it would be for it to happen in real life. His style of comedy is very clever.Hes popular not only in my country but all around the world. As I said I think that people like him because its not complex humour it could happen to anyone, but it normally doesnt, however, it always seems to happen to him. Another thing thats different to many other comic actors is that he doesnt normally speak a lot, hes funny because of his facial gestures and body movements the comedy doesnt rely on smart or witty dialogue just on the silly situation or events that hes involved in. Thats something that makes him appealing to a very wide audience.

IELTS speaking test Canada Part 3 questions


How (or why) do some actors/some comedians become famous?

Probably because they appeal to a large group of people. If its a comedian, it may be their style, the topic of their humour or just the connection they make with their audience. Some movie actors become famous for one particular film which brings them to the attention of a worldwide audience. It might be a Hollywood blockbuster which is popular all over the world. And of course some actors become famous or popular because of their good looks or the character which they play in movies.

Do comedians earn a lot of money?

It depends, there are different types of comedians. Those who work on TV, those who do films and then those who do stand up comedy in theatres and clubs. I suppose some of them dont earn that much money, but on the other hand, those who do become really successful can earn millions.

Do you think these people deserve to earn so much money?

Yes, I dont see a problem with them earning a lot of money. If people like them and are willing to pay to see them, either live or in a movie, then they deserve the money they receive. Its just like any other artist or entertainer. If they are good then they will probably earn lots of money because people value what they do.

Do many young people (or, children) try to imitate film stars (e.g., imitate their life-style, clothes etc)? (If yes, how, why?)

Its hard for a young person to copy the lifestyle of a film star, but the fashion industry does a good job of copying the clothes that they wear and making them available to ordinary people to buy. Thats probably the most obvous way people maybe try to copy someone they like. They buy similar clothes or shoes or maybe even do their hair in the same style. There are a lot of celebrity magazines which cover the styles of famous people including movie stars so people are obviously interested in that sort of thing. Maybe people like to copy them because they feel that they identify with the actor or a particular character.Entertainment

What forms of entertainment are most popular in your country?

All different kinds, TV, music, live events, computer games. It probably depends on where you live, how old you are and what things you like to do in your free time. When I was at school I used to play a lot of computer games and listen to music and watch TV. Now Im older I go out more and listen to live music and watch more DVDs. I guess the most popular for the majority of peope would be TV, watching movies, either at the cinema or on DVD, and going out to parties or to a restaurant with friends.

Do you think men and women have different tastes in entertainment?

Sometimes maybe, but not always. My girlfriends and I like different movies from men and our idea of a good night out is probably less exciting than some of my male friends would like, but then there are lots of things that men and women like doing for entertainment that are the same. Comedy is a good example. Most comedians are funny for both men and women. If you like eating out in a nice restaurant then usually its the same for men and women also. But there are definitely some things like music and books which are quite different for men and women.

What kinds of entertainment do young people like?

For example, my younger sister spends hours chatting to her frinds and even peope she doent really know on the internet. She loves it. Thats something I never really did much of but she likes it more than watching TV or going out sometimes. In general though I think most young people like watching TV, movies, listening to music and chatting to their frinds.

What kinds of entertainment do children like?

Its almost the same, they like watching TV, playing games on the computer and listening to music. Some like reading a lot like my little brother, and they like going to the movies to see a film.

Do you think children (or young people) can learn anything from entertainment?

Yes, they can learn all sorts of things. They can learn whats funny, they can learn about life, people and places and many different things when they are watching TV, a movie or listening to music. I think nowadays more than ever they can learn more through entertainment because all the information related to it is on the internet. If they want to find out about an actor or someone famous they can just Google them and learn everything they want to about that person.

IELTS Speaking | Advertising - Advantages - Disadvantages - Opinions

Advertising: good things / positives / advantages / points in favor

Advertising plays a key role in businessAdvertising allows companies to tell consumers about their productsConsumers can learn about the choices available through advertisingIf there was no advertising, consumers would have less choiceThe advertising industry provides a lot of employmentMany creative people work in advertisingAdvertising is a huge industry - without it, unemployment would be much higherSome people consider advertising to be a form of modern art / entertainmentmany people enjoy adverts, especially TV ads

Advertising: bad things / negatives / disadvantages / points against

Advertising can be used to manipulate peopleAdvertising tries to convince people that purchasing a certain product will make them feel happy or will improve their lifeMost adverts use glamour, or models to deliver their message, not real peopleAdvertising now dominates our culture - without it economies would failMany advertising campaigns suggest a connection between ceratin brands and a higher status in lifeYoung children and teenagers are often the target of advertising agencies/companiesYoung children can be influenced very easily by seeing advertisements on TV

Advertising: general opinions / observations

More regulation of advertising is neededAdvertising specifically targeting young children should be strictly regulated and monitored, or even prohibited or bannedAdvertising or marketing of unhealthy food should not be focused on childrenSome countries do not allow advertising of cigarettes and other products which present a 'risk to health'Advertising is an essential part of any free economyAdvertising generates demand for products and services - and this generates employment and stimulates economiesThere should be tighter regulation of advertising of potentially health damaging or dangerous products

- See more at:

theyre fun to watch and you can actually learn something from many of them. They are designed to be fast-paced, dramatic and theyre normally no more than thirty minutes long, so it doesnt take up much of your time if you decide to watch one. Its a good format for a TV program, fast, fun and friendly.

What is your opinion about TV as an educational tool?

Well, theres no doubt that it might be, just as easily as it might not be. What I mean is, it all depends on what a person watches. Some programs are specifically designed to be educational in nature but others are made solely for entertainment purposes often with little or no educational value or element. Like many things in life, its not so much the object (the TV) but what you do with it. So, for example, there would be a lot of potential educational value if people watched a lot of documentary style programs and learned things about subjects they are interested in. Some quiz shows have general knowledge themes and all news programs inform and therefore educate to a certain degree. On the other hand, most people wouldnt consider watching cartoons or other similar types of programs to have any education focus.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

Some of the advantages are that most people have a TV, so they have access to the programs. Its a relatively easy method of communicating with a population in their own language and in terms which are relevant to them. However, not everyone wants to watch educational style TV. They might not be free when a certain program is scheduled, or they might just miss it because of something else happening at the same time. Its also not very flexible. The program is on, then its finished. Theres no feedback, interaction or follow up. The internet on the other hand is far more flexible and can counter many of the problems of trying to use TV as an educational tool.

Do you think academic research is important to todays society? Why?

Yes, of course, all research is important. Its how we learn and develop our ideas and from these ideas come real innovations and changes in the way we live. Without academic research we wouldnt have many of the things we take for granted today such as computers, smartphones and such like. Many of these, or rather the technology involved, started as academic research or developmental studies before it became commercially available.

Do you think the research findings should be accessible to all? Why?

In an ideal world that would be the case. The public has a right to know, as they say, but in reality there is a lot of information, both research and other, which is not made accessible to the public in general. However, in some cases there are very powerful interests which do not want any potentially controversial or damaging information published. There is a lot of pharmaceutical research which is done in relation to drugs sold to the public which is not made accessible to all people. Nowadays, we live in the age of information overload, and the internet is the ideal tool for making all research and information publically available, yet at the same time there are certain cases where its not a good idea to publish everything you know, for example, research which potentially has military applications. So, it depends on the type of research. I dont believe all research can be made public for a variety of safety or security reasons. - See more at:

Are they effective?

They must be because companies keep on using them, dont they? You have to define effective though, because some ads are designed for you to respond to and others are designed to build brand awareness for a company or certain product and not really intended for you to react to there and then. Where the ad appears is important too obviously, I mean if the ad is on the side of a bus, you might see it and think about the product or company, but youre probably not going to run to the nearest store and buy. But on the internet, there are many ads which are placed and all you have to do is just click on them and you can buy something online, its a totally different approach.

Are they useful for people?

I suppose they can be, some of them inform, as well as try and sell, they make you aware, sometimes theyre funny, but Im sure most people could get by in life without seeing ads everywhere they go so are they really useful for people? Most advertising is probably not.

Can you compare advertisements on TV and in magazines?

Well, TV ads are more visually dynamic and tend to target a wider, more general audience, many of them are for household products such as detergent, food, toiletries and things like that, products that most people consume on a regular basis. In magazines, the advertising you see depends on the type of magazine you read, I mean you dont see a lot of luxury brands advertising in cheap local magazines, but you do see very expensive products being promoted in high quality glossy magazines like Vogue and GQ and publications like that. Those ads are more targeted than TV ads, the fact that a person is reading that particular magazine says something about them and companies can target their advertising more easily. TV ads have to be more general because companies really have little idea whos watching when their ads appear on screen.

Is the difference only in extent of the audience?

No, the content is different also, depending on the audience being targeted, for example, lets say a car manufacturer wants to advertise a new model on TV, it will typically be visually impacting, to catch peoples attention, and the whole ad will only be a couple of seconds, this means that the company has to create some slogan or buzzwords that people will remember easily, instantly. If the same company advertises in a magazine, maybe they include more technical details about the benefits of the new model of car and more information rather than sensation because when people are looking at an ad in a magazine, in general, they have more time to absorb such information.

Are their methods always ethical?

Thats a big debate I guess the short answer would be, no not always. Generally most advertising is okay, but there are always some which cause controversy, so no, theyre not always ethical. Theyre very creative but not always ethical. Advertisers use quite a few unethical yet legal ways to get their message across, they use subliminal advertising, strong emotionally appealing images and concepts, and sometimes they target desperate individuals. A couple of examples; the ads you see for easy, fast, cash loans which are clearly targeted at people who are already experiencing financial problems and the advertisers make it seem so easy, but they dont explain that its highly likely they will actually make peoples situations worse. Likewise, the amount of fast food advertising which is targeted at young people and people who are busy, but at the same time medical authorities and doctors are warning that obesity caused by poor diet choices is becoming a very serious health risk for many of the population.

Are they effective?

They must be because companies keep on using them, dont they? You have to define effective though, because some ads are designed for you to respond to and others are designed to build brand awareness for a company or certain product and not really intended for you to react to there and then. Where the ad appears is important too obviously, I mean if the ad is on the side of a bus, you might see it and think about the product or company, but youre probably not going to run to the nearest store and buy. But on the internet, there are many ads which are placed and all you have to do is just click on them and you can buy something online, its a totally different approach.

Are they useful for people?

I suppose they can be, some of them inform, as well as try and sell, they make you aware, sometimes theyre funny, but Im sure most people could get by in life without seeing ads everywhere they go so are they really useful for people? Most advertising is probably not.

Can you compare advertisements on TV and in magazines?

Well, TV ads are more visually dynamic and tend to target a wider, more general audience, many of them are for household products such as detergent, food, toiletries and things like that, products that most people consume on a regular basis. In magazines, the advertising you see depends on the type of magazine you read, I mean you dont see a lot of luxury brands advertising in cheap local magazines, but you do see very expensive products being promoted in high quality glossy magazines like Vogue and GQ and publications like that. Those ads are more targeted than TV ads, the fact that a person is reading that particular magazine says something about them and companies can target their advertising more easily. TV ads have to be more general because companies really have little idea whos watching when their ads appear on screen.

Is the difference only in extent of the audience?

No, the content is different also, depending on the audience being targeted, for example, lets say a car manufacturer wants to advertise a new model on TV, it will typically be visually impacting, to catch peoples attention, and the whole ad will only be a couple of seconds, this means that the company has to create some slogan or buzzwords that people will remember easily, instantly. If the same company advertises in a magazine, maybe they include more technical details about the benefits of the new model of car and more information rather than sensation because when people are looking at an ad in a magazine, in general, they have more time to absorb such information.

Are their methods always ethical?

Thats a big debate I guess the short answer would be, no not always. Generally most advertising is okay, but there are always some which cause controversy, so no, theyre not always ethical. Theyre very creative but not always ethical. Advertisers use quite a few unethical yet legal ways to get their message across, they use subliminal advertising, strong emotionally appealing images and concepts, and sometimes they target desperate individuals. A couple of examples; the ads you see for easy, fast, cash loans which are clearly targeted at people who are already experiencing financial problems and the advertisers make it seem so easy, but they dont explain that its highly likely they will actually make peoples situations worse. Likewise, the amount of fast food advertising which is targeted at young people and people who are busy, but at the same time medical authorities and doctors are warning that obesity caused by poor diet choices is becoming a very serious health risk for many of the population.

IELTS Speaking Test USA Part 2

Talk about a subject that people always ask you about. Please say:

What is it?

Where did you learn it?

Why do they ask you about it?

How do you feel about it, when they ask?

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

When I was a child I became interested in kick boxing and took classes for two years. Through that I discovered that I really like physical activities and especially training and Ive tried most types of training exercises such as weight training, TRX and Crossfit. I usually train all the time with just a rest day or maybe two every week but even when I dont go to the gym I usually do something active even on a day off. Maybe Ill go biking or hiking or swimming just for a change. Over the years Ive learned about many different exercises for building strength, stamina and flexibility for sports or physical activities both from instructors or coaches and by teaching myself through reading and watching videos about the subject.Quite often people ask me for advice or ask me how they can do a particular exercise when they see me doing it in the gym or the park. They want to know how they can achieve it too. Usually theyre interested in the technique and how long it takes to be able to do a particularly difficult exercise.Its nice when people ask me for advice, even though Im not a qualified trainer or anything like that, because it feels good to be able to motivate people to become better than they are at the moment. The interesting thing is Ive had young people and old people ask me the same sorts of questions age doesnt really seem to matter which is good because doing exercise is important for your health for all ages. Now, Im considering maybe doing a course to become certified as a personal trainer or coach I think I might like to do that next year.

ELTS USA Speaking Test Part 3

Is it necessary to be well-informed?

It might not be absolutely necessary but its probably better than being ignorant about what is happening or going on in the world around you. Everybody is always talking about how globalization affects everyone and everything so it makes good sense to know whats happening in the world because it can affect lots of different things. Obviously its impossible to know everything about all the events that are happening, but you can certainly keep up with the main ones that are happening just by spending a little time watching the news.

What is the best way of acquiring information? Why?

That will probably depend on where you live and what kind of information you need or want to access. If its general information, like news, opinions or statistical data, most people would say the internet is the first place to go, but if the information is highly specialized there may be special reference libraries or databases which you need permission to access. But if you live in a remote area where there is no internet service then the best method of getting information might be a newspaper or the radio.

What do you think about knowledge quizzes on TV?

They can be fun and informative or educational at the same time. Theyre probably better than some of the other types of programs which get broadcast on TV regularly; at least people can learn something from quiz shows. There is usually a good range of different quiz shows too; some of them are based on general knowledge and others just on one particular topic or theme.

Is it necessary to be aware of the general issues around us?

Its not essential but its good to be aware of current issues affecting society and the world or even just locally where you live. While some things which happen in the world may not directly affect you or your life, having an idea of the big picture whats going on in the world is a good thing and personally I find it quite interesting to see some of the changes taking place, for example, at the moment there is a lot happening globally.

Do you think internet sources provide reliable information?

A lot depends on the sources, but in general the internet provides enough sources so that you can cross reference and make sure that most information is correct. For example, Wikipedia is compiled collaboratively but other sites produce their own content using their own experts. However, if youre looking for something simple then you only need to check a couple of sites and you can be pretty sure that the information is correct. If you want to, or need to make sure that something is very accurate then you can reference various different online sources until you are sure of the facts. Thats the best thing about the internet the quantity of different sources - so you can always check information or get both sides of an argument.

IELTS Speaking Test Canada

Here are some examples of IELTS Speaking Test Part 3 questions about travel.

IELTS Speaking Test Part 3 Questions

What mode of travel do you prefer? Why?

Actually, I quite like most types of transport, so when I travel I enjoy going by plane or train or even boat sometimes. It depends where Im travelling to. Generally, flying is the easiest for longer distances, transatlantic for example, but within a country anything from buses to cars to motorcycles are great for seeing different places and getting a feel for a different country and its culture.

What are the advantages of travelling by air?

Well, the obvious one is speed, its much faster than any other type of transport when you have to cover a long distance, even with taking into account the time you have to spend in the airport checking in and collecting baggage and stuff like that, its still quicker than taking a boat or train. Secondly, its cheaper than most other forms of transport for covering long distances.

What do you think about air travel becoming globalised?

Its almost inevitable that many airlines will merge and form strategic partnerships with others. Its something which is happening in almost every industry and commercial sector. Bigger is better nowadays, because the potential market is now the world, not just a particular country or group of countries. It should be good for travellers, the customers, because it means more competition and that normally results in cheaper prices or better service and better deals to choose from.

Do you think airlines are managing gas emissions correctly?

Pollution from aviation is always going to be a big problem, however, I believe that airlines are doing what they can with the technology available to ensure that the emissions they create are as minimal as possible based on the number of hours that airplanes are typically operating. There is new legislation in Europe, for example, which governs aviation pollution and many large airlines are now looking at big investment in their fleet of aircraft with a view to modernizing them and reducing pollution at the same time. Some of the latest large super-airliners can carry more passengers and produce 20% less pollution at the same time thats a big reduction and if it costs less in fuel then it could mean potential savings for travellers in the long run.At the end of the day, air travel is a growing industry but they will need to respond to pressure to reduce emissions to a more acceptable level if they expect to continue to grow in the future.

Do you think that passengers would be willing to pay more for travel to fund a way to reduce these emissions properly?

I dont really think passengers think about it too much, do you? In fact, many people are becoming angry about all the green taxes and carbon taxes which they are being forced to pay in the name of protecting the planet its making everything much more expensive. A more effective way might be to reserve air travel for long distances only, inter-country or intercontinental travel, and try and get more people to stop using them for trips within their own country. Short haul flights are the worst in terms of emissions, its much worse than using your car to drive across the country.

IELTS Speaking Test Part 3 Questions

What mode of travel do you prefer? Why?

Actually, I quite like most types of transport, so when I travel I enjoy going by plane or train or even boat sometimes. It depends where Im travelling to. Generally, flying is the easiest for longer distances, transatlantic for example, but within a country anything from buses to cars to motorcycles are great for seeing different places and getting a feel for a different country and its culture.

What are the advantages of travelling by air?

Well, the obvious one is speed, its much faster than any other type of transport when you have to cover a long distance, even with taking into account the time you have to spend in the airport checking in and collecting baggage and stuff like that, its still quicker than taking a boat or train. Secondly, its cheaper than most other forms of transport for covering long distances.

What do you think about air travel becoming globalised?

Its almost inevitable that many airlines will merge and form strategic partnerships with others. Its something which is happening in almost every industry and commercial sector. Bigger is better nowadays, because the potential market is now the world, not just a particular country or group of countries. It should be good for travellers, the customers, because it means more competition and that normally results in cheaper prices or better service and better deals to choose from.

Do you think airlines are managing gas emissions correctly?

Pollution from aviation is always going to be a big problem, however, I believe that airlines are doing what they can with the technology available to ensure that the emissions they create are as minimal as possible based on the number of hours that airplanes are typically operating. There is new legislation in Europe, for example, which governs aviation pollution and many large airlines are now looking at big investment in their fleet of aircraft with a view to modernizing them and reducing pollution at the same time. Some of the latest large super-airliners can carry more passengers and produce 20% less pollution at the same time thats a big reduction and if it costs less in fuel then it could mean potential savings for travellers in the long run.At the end of the day, air travel is a growing industry but they will need to respond to pressure to reduce emissions to a more acceptable level if they expect to continue to grow in the future.

Do you think that passengers would be willing to pay more for travel to fund a way to reduce these emissions properly?

I dont really think passengers think about it too much, do you? In fact, many people are becoming angry about all the green taxes and carbon taxes which they are being forced to pay in the name of protecting the planet its making everything much more expensive. A more effective way might be to reserve air travel for long distances only, inter-country or intercontinental travel, and try and get more people to stop using them for trips within their own country. Short haul flights are the worst in terms of emissions, its much worse than using your car to drive across the country.

Here are some examples of Part 1 IELTS Speaking Test questions asked earlier this year with sample answers provided to give you some ideas how you can respond to these types of IELTS speaking questions.

What is your full name?

My name is

Can I see your ID?

Yes, of course, here is my ID card / passport / identification

Where are you from?

Im from / I come from

Where do you live now?

I live in / Currently Im living in / At the moment Im staying

Describe the amenities around the place where you live.

Well, there are lots of small shops/stores which sell all kinds of food and other things that people normally buy on a daily basis. There is a school near where I live and also a health centre. Within walking distance there are a couple of small parks where children can play and there is also a full size soccer pitch.

Do you like fashionable things?

No, not really. Im not super trendy or anything like that. I mean I like to dress nicely but Im not fanatical about always having the latest fashions in my wardrobe/closet.

Do you dress differently on weekends and weekdays?

Yes, normally during the week I have to dress quite smartly for work but at the weekend I just prefer to wear more casual clothes unless Im going out somewhere special. So during the week Ill usually wear dress pants and a blouse in the office but at the weekend its normally jeans and a T-shirt or something similar.

What is your favourite colour? Why?

Actually, I dont have just one favourite colour it depends what the item is. For example, if its casual clothes then I like blue, because it goes with almost everything, but for going out at night or more formal occasions I prefer to wear black, because its more elegant. My favourite colour for a car is silver, because I think it looks better, but I like white sheets on my bed, because they look so fresh. So my favourite colour varies depending on each item.

IELTS speaking questions about animals

IELTS speaking (part 1) questions | animals

Do you like animals?What's your favourite animal? (Why?)Are people in your country fond of animals?Do many people in your country keep animals at home (or, keep a pet)?Do people in your country like to raise animals? What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?Compared with the past, have there been any changes concerning pets in your country/hometown?Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?Do children like animals?What animals do children like?What was your favourite animal when you were a child?Did you have any pets when you were a child? Have you ever raised (or, had) a pet?What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?What benefits did you get from having a pet?If you have children in the future, will you allow them to raise a pet?If you were a parent, would you let your children raise a pet?What farm animals do you have in your country?Do you think farm animals are important?How are these animals used?In what ways are animals used in agriculture in your country?Do you think raising farm animals is important?What's the most famous wild animal from your country?What's your favourite wild animal (from your country)?

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Sample Answer IELTS Speaking Test Part 2

Describe a wild animal that you have seen. You should say:

- what it looked like where you saw it

- how often you see it

- what you were doing when you saw it and explain how you feel about this animal.

IELTS speaking (part 2) questions | describe a wild animal

I remember when I was younger, we went to the local zoo as part of a school expedition. We spent most of the day there and saw many different animals, and we learned a lot about them for the class project we were doing.My favorite animal was the tiger, so I'll talk about that - it was in a large cage, which was full of enormous rocks and some large trees too. It was bigger than I thought it would be, but then I was only a child at the time. I'd seen plenty of tigers on TV, in movies and TV programs, but it seemed a lot bigger in real life.It was really like watching a big cat, the way it moved around. The colors were amazing, the yellow, white and black stripes on its body were spectacular. As I was watching, it jumped up and started climbing up one of the big rocks. When it reached the top it slowly turned around and then looked down at everything, moving its head from side to side, like it was observing everything going on around it. I felt very excited because I though it was looking at me, it was really amazing!I saw the same tiger a few more times over the years, because I used to live quite close to the zoo, so I would go and visit, maybe a couple of times a year. Unfortunately, one day when I went to visit, the people at the zoo told me that the tiger had died, apparenly it was very old. I was sad for a while because it was so beautiful to watch; elegant and powerful.I think the tiger is one of the most impressive creatures, just watching it move, and it's very strong too. I went back to the zoo last year with my nephew, it was his first visit and he was very excitied. I took him around the zoo and showed him all the animals and we saw a different tiger this time, but it brought back a lot of memories for me - my nephew was impressed by the tiger too!Learn more about the IELTS Speaking Test How would you answer this IELTS speaking test part 2 question ? Comment with your ideas. Good luck with your IELTS speaking test!