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Browsers require very detailed instructions about what we want them to do. Therefore, complex scripts can run to hundreds (even thousands) of lines. Programmers use functions, methods, and objects to organize their code.Functions consist of a series of statements that have been grouped together because they perform a specific task. A method is the same as a function, except methods are created inside an object.Objects are made of up properties and methods. We'll look at all of these in more detail.

IDM 231Functions, Objects and Methods

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Functions let you group a series of statements together to perform a specific task. If different parts of a script repeat the same task, you can reuse the function rather than repeating the same set of statements.When you group tasks together into a function, you need to give your function a name, which should describe the task it is performing. When you ask it to perform the task it's known as calling the function.


function updateMessage() { var el = document.getElementById('message'); el.textContent = msg; return msg;}


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The steps the function needs to perform in are packaged up in a code block. A code block consists of one ore more statements contained within curly braces.

Function Structure

function updateMessage() { var el = document.getElementById('message'); el.textContent = msg; return msg;}


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Some functions need to be provided with information in order to achieve a given task. Pieces of information passed to a function are known as parameters.

Function Parameters

function updateMessage(name, message) { console.log('Hello ' + name + ', ' + message); // or with ES6 console.log(`Hello ${name}, ${message}`);}


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Inside the function, the parameters act like variables.

Working With Parameters

function getArea(width, height) { return width * height;}

getArea(3, 5);

var wall_width = 3;var wall_height = 5;

getArea(wall_width, wall_height);

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When you write a function and you expect it to provide you with an answer, the response is known as a return value. Using the return keyword, the specified value is returned from inside the function, back to the placeholder that originally called the function. When a return statement is encountered, the execution of the function immediately stops and the current value of the returned variable is extracted. If the function contains more lines of code, they are not executed.

Function Return

function updateMessage(name, message) { const newMessage = `Hello ${name}, ${message}`; return newMessage;}

let myMessage = updateMessage('Phil', 'Welcome to my script!');

console.log(myMessage); // Hello Phil, Welcome to my script!

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Let's review. You declare a function using the function keyword.You give the function a name (sometimes called an identifier) followed by parentheses.The statements that perform the task sit in a code block, inside the curly braces.

Anatomy of a Function

function sayHello() { console.log('Hello!');}

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Once you declare a function, you can execute all the statements between the curly braces with a single line of code. This is know as calling the function. This is done by using the function name followed by parentheses. You can call the same function as many times as you want within the same Javascript file.

Calling a Function

function sayHello() { console.log('Hello!');}


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Some functions return information to the code that called them. wall1 will be equal to 15, while wall2 will hold the value 40. This also demonstrates how the same function can be used to perform the same steps with different values.

Getting Values Out of a Function

function getArea(width, height) { const area = width * height; return area;}

let wall = getArea(3, 5); // 15let wall = getArea(8, 5); // 40

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Someone tell me, how could we get more than one value out of a function?

Getting Multiple Values Out of a Function

function getSize(width, height, depth) { const area = width * height; const volume = width * height * depth;

// Does this work? // Why or why not? return area; return volume;}

let sizes = getSize(3,2,3);

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Functions can return more than one value using an array.

Return Arrays

function getSize(width, height, depth) { const area = width * height; const volume = width * height * depth; const sizes = [area, volume]; return sizes;}

let area_one = getSize(3,2,3)[0];let volume_one = getSize(3,2,3)[1];

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ES6 introduced a new syntax for the anatomy of a function, the arrow function. Visually, the arrow function simplifies the syntax, making it shorter, which is a welcome change.

Arrow Functions

const myFunction = function() { // ...}

const myFunction = () => { // ...}

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If the function of the body contains a single statement, you can omit the brackets and write it all on a single line.

Arrow Functions - Single Statement

const myFunction = function() { doSomething();}

// Becomes

const myFunction = () => doSomething();

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Parameters are passing in the parentheses.

Arrow Function - Parameters

const myFunction = function(param1, param2) { doSomething(param1, param2);};

// Becomes

const myFunction = (param1, param2) => doSomthing(param1, param2);

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If you have one (and only one) parameter, you can omit the parentheses completely.Because of the short syntax, arrow functions encourage the use of small functions, which is one of our goals when writing clean, concise scripts.

Arrow Functions - Single Parameter

const myFunction = param => doSomething(param);

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The location where you declare a variable will affect where it can be used within your code. If you declare it within a function, it can only be used within that function This is known as the variable's scope.

Variable ScopeLocal vs Global vs Block

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When a variable is created inside a function using the var keyword, it can only be used in that function. It is called a local variable or function-level variable. It is said to have local scope or function-level scope. It cannot be accessed outside of the function in which it was declared.In this example, area is a local variable, only available within the getArea function.area is only available within the getArea() function. Trying to access it outside of that function will produce an error.

Local Scope

function getArea(width, height) { var area = width * height; return area;}

console.log(area); //


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If you create a variable outside of a function, then it can be used anywhere within the script. It is called a global variable and has global scope.Global variables are stored in memory for as long as the web page is loaded in the browser, which means they take up more memory than local variables.

Global Scope

function getArea(width, height) { var area = width * height; return area;}

var wallSize = getArea(3,2);console.log(wallSize); // 6

wallSize = 'dog';console.log(wallSize); // dog

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Variables declared with the var keyword do not have block scope, which means if a variable is introduced within a code block, those variables are scoped to the containing function, and the effects of setting them persist beyond the block itself.

var Does Not Have Block Scope

var x = 1;

function myFunction() { x = 2;}

console.log(x); // 2

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By contrast, variables declared with let and const do have block scope. The x = 2 is limited in scope to the block in which it was defined. (This example is using let, but the rules are the same for const)

let & const Do Have Block Scope

let x = 1;

function myFunction() { let x = 2; console.log(x); // 2}

console.log(x); // 1

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Variable Scope Examples

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Objects group together a set of variables and functions to create a model of something you would recognize from the real world. In an object, variables and functions take on new names.(click) If a variable is part of an object, it is called a property.(click) If a function is part of an object, it is called a method. Methods represent tasks that are associated with the object.


• object variable is called a property

• functions are called methods

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Like variables and named functions, properties and methods have a name and a value. In an object, that name is called a key (the keys in this example would be name, rooms etc). The value of a property can be a string, number, boolean, array, or even another object. The value of a method is always a function (checkAvailability).The object is the curly braces and their contents. In this example, the object is stored in a variable called hotel, so you would refer to it as the hotel object. Separate each key from its value using a colon. Separate each property and method with a comma, except the last value.

Object Example

const hotel = { name: 'Hurley\'s Inn', rooms: 40, booked: 25, gym: true, roomTypes: ['twin', 'double', 'suite'], checkAvailability: function() { return this.rooms - this.booked; }};

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You access the properties and methods of an object using what's called dot notation. Use the name of the object, followed by a period, then the name of the property or method you want to access.

Accessing Properties & Methods

const hotelName =;const roomsFree = hotel.checkAvailability();

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You can also access the properties of an object (but not its methods) using square bracket syntax. This syntax should generally be avoided.

Accessing Properties & Methods (bracket syntax)

const hotelName = hotel['name'];

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To update a property, use the same technique for assigning a variable value, first naming the object name, then the property, followed by the equals sign, and then the new value.To delete a property, use the delete keyword followed by the object name and property name.

Updating an Object = 'Aztec';


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Sometimes you want several objects to represent similar things. Object constructors can use a function as a template for create objects. First you create the template with the object's properties and methods.The this keyword is used instead of the object name to indicate that the property or method belongs to the object that this function creates.

Creating Many Objects

function Hotel(name, rooms, booked) { = name; this.rooms = rooms; this.booked = booked; this.checkAvailability = function() { return this.rooms - this.booked; };}

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You create instances of the object using the construction function. The new keyword followed by a call to the function creates a new object. The properties of each object are given as arguments to the function.

Creating More Objects

const hurleyHotel = new Hotel('Hurley\'s', 40, 25);const aztecHotel = new Hotel('Aztec', 120, 77);

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Objects Example

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Browsers come with a set of built-in objects that represent things like the browser window and the current web page shown in that window. These built-in objects act like a toolkit for creating interactive web pages.As soon as a web page has loaded into the browser, these objects are available to use in your scripts. These built-in objects help you get a wide range of information such as the width of the browser window, the content of the main heading in the page, or the length of text a user entered into a form field. You access their properties or methods using dot notation, just like you would access the properties or methods of an object you had written yourself.

Built-In Objects

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The three sets of built-in objects each offer different range of tools that help you write scripts for web pages.

Three Groups of Built-In Objects

1. window object

2. document object

3. global objects

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The window object represents the current browser window or tab. It is the topmost object in the Browser Object Model, and it contains other objects that tell you about the browser. Here are a selection of some the window object's properties.Height/width of window (excluding browser chrome/UI) in pixels.Distance document has been scrolled in pixels.X/Y coordinate of pointerCurrent URL of window object (local file path)

window Object Properties

• window.innerHeight

• window.innerWidth

• window.pageXOffset

• window.pageYOffset

• window.screenX

• window.screenY

• window.locationIDM 231: Scripting for IDM I 32

Here are a selection of some the window object's properties and methods.Alert creates a dialog box, open opens a new window, print tells the browser that the user wants to print the contents of the page.examples/objects/objects_window.html

window Object Methods

• window.alert();


• window.print();

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The topmost object in the Document Object Model (or DOM) is the document object. It represents the web page loaded into the current browser window or tab. Here are some properties of the document object, which tell you about the current page.Title of current documentDate on which document was last modifiedReturns string containing URL of current documentReturns domain of current document

document Object Properties

• document.title

• document.lastModified

• document.URL

• document.domain

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The DOM is vital to accessing and amending the contents of the current web page. The following are a few of the methods that select content or update the content of a page.Writes text to documentReturns element, if there is an element with the value of the id attribute that matchesReturns the first instance of an element that match a CSS selector, which is specified as a parameterReturns list of elements that match a CSS selector, which is specified as a parameterCreates new elementCreates new text nodeexamples/objects/objects_document.html|js

document Object Methods

• document.write()

• document.getElementByld()

• document.querySelector()

• document.querySelectorAll()

• document.createElement()

• document.createTextNode()

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Whenever you have a value that is a string, you can use the properties and methods of the String object on that value.The length property counts the number of "code units" in a string. In the majority of cases, one character uses one code unit, and most programmers use it like this. But some of the rarely used characters take up two code units.

Global Objects: String Object Properties

• length

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Changes string to uppercase charactersChanges string to lowercase charactersTakes an index number as a parameter, and returns the character found at that positionReturns index number of the first time a character or set of characters is found within the stringReturns index number of the last time a character or set of characters is found within the stringReturns characters found between two index numbers where the character for the first index number is included and the character for the last index number is not includedWhen a character is specified, it splits the string each time it is found, then stores each individual part in an arrayRemoves whitespace from start and end of stringLike find and replace, it takes one value that should be found, and another to replace it (by default, it only replaces the first match it finds)examples/objects/objects_string.js

Global Objects: String Object Methods

• toUpperCase()

• toLowerCase()

• charAt()

• indexOf()

• lastlndexOf()

• substring()

• split()

• trim()

• replace()

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For next week

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