IB History 2: 20 th Century World History The Year in Review …


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IB History 2: 20th Century World History

The Year in Review …

The 20th Century

The 20th century of the Common Era began on January 1, 1901 and ended on

December 31, 2000, according to the Gregorian calendar.

Punctuate the following:

woman without her man is nothing

Making sense of the world: Link 3 of the following words together to make a sentence

answering for yourself –“this is how the world works”

The PastAll Actions and Thoughts

By All Individuals In All Times and Places

1. Events observedby someone.

(Events not observedhave been lost to history)

2. Events observed andremembered.

(Events observed but notremembered have been lost to history)

3. Events observed, rememberedand recorded.

(Unrecorded actions and thoughts have been lost to history)

4. Events for which we havesurviving records.

(This is the raw material of History)

5. Available,usable, believable records for a given historical account.

6. The Account

Stages of Historical ConsciousnessHistory as fact• “This happened.”

History as causal sequence• “Why did this happen?” “What happened

before/after?”History as complexity• “How does this fit into a wider scope of

regional/world events?”• “Are there larger ‘patterns’ this fits into?”

History as interpretation• People make things happen – What people made

this happen? Why did they make it happen?

Causes of War

Causes of War, World War I

• Entangling Alliances & their consequences– Dual Alliance (1879) – Germany & Austria– Triple Alliance (1882) – added Italy– Dual Entente (1893) – France & Russia– Entente Cordial (1904) – Brits & FR ‘make nice’ …– Anglo-Russian Entente (1907) – Brits & RUS turn– Triple Entente is now formed – FR, RUS, UK

• Causes of Militarism/Nationalism• Germany’s Weltpolitik (Schlieffen Plan)

Causes of War, World War I

• Militarism/Nationalism – Austria• Militarism/Nationalism – Italy• Militarism/Nationalism – Russia• Militarism/Nationalism – France• Consequences – War was inevitable ???• Domestic factors– Germany (Kaiser needed to prove his ‘manhood’?)– Austria-Hungary (needed to ‘unite’ ethnicities)– France (hating on Germany!!!)

Causes of War, World War I

• Imperialism– They ‘needed’ more stuff!– Places / resources / power

• Italy & Germany possessed no colonies and they wanted ‘in’ on the land grab game!!!

• Austria-Hungary wanted Balkans• Germany hating on the Brits• Russia is insecure & wants to increase

influence in Turkey (straits) & Balkans, too!

Causes of War, World War I

• Brits & FR rule … but feel their power ‘declining’ …• Brits –– The Middle East market was threatened by Germany

and Italy– The China market was being lost to the U.S. and Japan

• FR –– Although France was really declining, French

governments followed well-thought out expansionist aims overseas and refused to be intimidated

– They added to the empire in North Africa (Tunis was added to Algeria) and in eastern Asia in Indo-China

– Until 1903, Britain blocked French imperial ambitions; FR hated Britain, too!

Causes of War, World War I

• Causes of the War• The “isms”– Nationalism– Imperialism–Militarism

• Entangling alliances– Triple Alliance – Germany, Austria-Hungary,

Italy– Triple Entente – Britain, France, Russia

• Powder Keg of Europe

Unit 1: Causes of War, World War I

• Balkan Wars• Growing Russian Support of Serbia• The Assassination• Austria-Hungary believed that:– Serbia and Russia would be restrained by Austrian

diplomacy backed by Germany– Russia was utilizing Balkan discontents against

Austria-Hungary– A diplomatic offensive was no longer enough– Serbia needed to be “punished or the empire’s

role as a great power would be at an end”– If they could prove that Russian protection could

not save Serbia from Austria-Hungary’s wrath, the lesson would not be lost on the other Balkan states

Causes of War, World War I

• Blank Check– AH gives Serbia an Ultimatum … to which Serbia

complies (except for Austrian rule) – but war is declared anyway July 28, 1914

• On August 1st, 1914, war was declared on Russia

• On August 3rd, 1914, war was declared on France

• On August 4th, 1914, Germany invaded neutral Belgium; Britain declared war on Germany the same day

Causes of War, World War II

• Treaty of Versailles– Germans were forced to sign in June 1919– Vengeance, not reconciliation, was the treaty’s

dominant tone– Article 231 – “War Guilt Clause” – Germany had to

accept everything as their fault

• Great Depression– Destroyed the positive and encouraging economic

and political developments of the years between 1924 and 1930

Causes of War, World War II

• The Great Depression – Debts & Reparations• Dawes Plan 1924• Created a cycle:– U.S. banks loaned money to Germany– Germany paid reparations to France and Britain– France and Britain paid war debts to the U.S.

Isolationism in Britain, SERIOUS economic problems in Germany!!!

Causes of War, World War II

• Failure of the WEIMAR REPUBLIC• Rise of HITLER!!!• Spread of FACISM • Hitler & Mussolini• Aryanism & Lebensraum• Policy of Appeasement – the granting

concessions to potential enemies to maintain peace

• BR & FR reasons to ‘appease’ …

Causes of War, World War II

• Policy of Appeasement• Disarmament Conference (GER withdrew

1933)• German-Polish Non Aggression Pact (Jan

1934)• Anglo-German Naval Agreement (June 1934)• Remilitarization of the Rhineland (1935)• Italian invasion of Abyssinia (Oct 1935)• Spanish Civil War (GER & IT sent weapons)

Causes of War, World War II

• Neville Chamberlain• Austrian Anschluss (1938)• Sudeten Crisis/Czechoslovakia (1939)• Munich Conference (September 29th)

– German occupation of the Sudeten area was agreed to. Chamberlain even got Hitler to sign the a paper promising to settle all future Anglo-German differences by diplomacy

• Czechoslovakia (March 1939)– Hitler breached the Munich settlement by taking

rest of Czechoslovakia

Causes of War, World War II

• Hitler signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact on August 23, 1939

• Danzig Dispute– Germany wanted it (population was 96%

German), Poland didn’t want to give it up (port city!)

– Germany invaded Poland September 1st, 1939

• Failure of the League of Nations

Causes of War, World War II

Summary of the Causes of WWII– The clash of ideologies– Economic pressures and opportunities– Room to cultivate food and move undesirables – Changes in military technology and strategic thought– Long-standing territorial disputes, conflicts of interest,

psychological tensions between peoples– Propaganda and coercion– Prestige and material interests– Appeasement and confidence

Causes of War, World War II

• Remember MAIN!!!• Militarism (naval build up/remilitarization)• Alliances (entaglement!!!)• Imperialism (colonialism/neo-colonialism)• Nationalism (in particular w rise of Hitler!)

Effects of War, WWI

• Discussed Economic Effects first – biggest!!!• Blockades• Britain and Germany relied heavily on imports

to feed the population and supply the war industry

• Since Britain had a superiority of naval vessels, Germany’s only chance to compete was through U-boats

• They used unrestricted submarine warfare to sink any ships in the area of Britain

Effects of War, WWI

• Effects in Germany:– 750,000 German civilians died of starvation during and

after the war– blockade continued until June 1919 in order to force the

Germans to sign the Versailles Treaty• Sinking of the Lusitania & the Zimmerman Telegram

(if Mexico were to join Germany in an alliance, they would get Texas and Arizona in return) brought US into war

• Deaths – Russia suffered THE MOST! Followed by Germany …

Effects of War, WWI• Devastation In Belgium; France; the Balkans, Middle

East, and Italy; Africa and the Pacific• Rise of the United States• Inflation is the greatest single economic factor

because of massive– War budgets– Demand, which caused shortages of many consumer goods– Virtually every able-bodied person was employed to keep up

with the demand• When resources became scarce, nonessential firms,

which tended to be small, were simply closed down• This combination of high demand, scarcity, and full

employment sent prices soaring, even in the best managed countries

Effects of War, WWI

• Results of inflation were:–Value of money went down–The standard of life went down–People living on fixed incomes or small

earnings were hurt the most• Had to plant gardens for food• Had to take odd jobs like repairing


Effects of War, WWI

• Dawes Plan (& subsequent Young Plan) both failed!!!

• Both were designed to help Germany meet its reparation payments– The U.S. would lend money to Germany; Germany

would make reparation payments to Britain and France; Britain and France would pay back loans to the U.S.

– This made the countries dependent on the U.S.• Defaults led to Great Depression & rise of

extreme nationalism!

Effects of War, WWI

• Social effects• Disillusionment (All Quiet on the Western

Front)• Trench warfare• Shell Shock• Development of arms race / arms

manufacturers became major enterprises• Effects of rationing• Effects on women (rise of public employment)

Effects of War, WWI

• Women’s suffrage• Many restrictions on women disappeared during the

war. It became acceptable for young, employed, single middle-class women to:– Have their own apartments– Go out without chaperones– Smoke in public– Women's skirts rose above the ankle permanently

• Effects on African Americans• Growth of Labor Unions

Effects of War, WWI

• Restrictions of Civil Liberties during war• Propaganda• Armenian Genocide• Influenza

Moved on to Effects of War, WWIIStarted w effects on Germany & USSR

Effects of War, WWII

• German & Soviet “war children” where many women were raped, often repeatedly …

• Women were “seen” as collaborators & ostracized from society (FR & DEN)

• Holocaust– By May 1945, every 2 out of 3 Jews were murdered– A total of 6 million Jews were killed, along with 2

million others– Communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Roma and Sinta

(gypsies), Socialists, trade unions, homosexuals, Polish and Soviet dissidents, and the mentally and physically disabled were also in the Holocaust

Effects of War, WWII

Germany:• 3 million soldiers killed or missing• ½ million civilians killed• Millions more wounded and disabled• Parts of cities were totally flattened• No key industry had suffered more than 20%

losses• Conditions were BAD post war in GER!!!

Effects of War, WWII

Germany• Germans were distrusted by Allies• 15 million German people expelled from

several countries after the war• An estimated 500,000-3 million died in the

expulsion• Rehabilitation of Nazis (re-education)• Nuremburg Trials• German Occupation

Effects of War, WWII

Soviet Union• Relaxed their ideology to maximize the war

effort• Propaganda appealed to “Mother Russia”

rather than communism• Soldiers could not talk with local populations• Captured Russian soldiers, when repatriated,

were sent to the Gulags or simply shot• Rigid censorship in newspapers was imposed

Effects of War, WWII

Soviet Union: Origins of the Cold War• Different philosophies/ideologies:– Democratic capitalism– Marxist communism

• The Western Allies had appeased the growing power of Hitler partly in the hope that he would destroy the Soviet state for them

• The USSR had been supplying the Luftwaffe with aircraft fuel with which to fight the Battle of Britain and to bomb British cities in the Blitz

• Delays in opening a second front angered the Soviets

Effects of War, WWII

Soviet Union• From the scorched earth policy:– 25 million were homeless– Factories were destroyed– Railways disrupted– Farm machinery was almost non-existent

• 21 million died• 1 in 4 Russians were killed or wounded• Lend-lease aid from the U.S. was ended in August

1945• Reparations were exacted from the Soviet zones of

Germany and Austria

Effects of War, WWII

Soviet Union• The Soviets wanted Poland because:–Russia wanted a buffer area because they

had been invaded many times:• 1 time by the French• 2 times by the Germans• 1 time by the Poles

• The Soviets then installed a Polish Communist government

Effects of War, WWII

• Eastern Europe disappeared from Western sight behind the “iron curtain” of secrecy and isolation– East Germany– Poland– Czechoslovakia– Hungary– Romania– Bulgaria– Finland– Yugoslavia– Albania

Effects of War, WWII

Britain• Britain’s financial situation was dependent on

U.S. lend-lease aid• Gave up colonies• Formation of Israel– British controlled Palestine was given the Jews to

establish a safe haven and homeland• Greek Civil War (1944-49)– British troops liberated them in 1944– Most of the Greek people didn’t wish to return to pre-

war political and social conditions, so they supported the EAM – a communist Greek National Liberation Front

Effects of War, WWII

France• Grave shortages of food and fuel• Infrastructure devastated• Mandates of Syria and Lebanon were given

independence during WWII• It was policy to draw a veil over the Vichy years

to conciliate and unite the nationItaly• The perception of Italians was better than the

Germans because they entered on the side of the Allies and didn’t commit atrocities on the scale of the Germans

Effects of War, WWII• US• Not so bad off …• Truman’s Fair Deal• Japanese internment• GI Bill – Provided federal grants which gave soldiers

money for college, to start new small businesses, or build a new home

• Baby Boom – Caused an growing need for educational resources

• Interstate Highway System – Would be created under Eisenhower’s administration because he saw it as a way to move military supplies around the country quickly. He got the idea from his wartime experiences in Europe (Autobahn)

Effects of War, WWII

• Origins of the Cold War• Atomic bomb• The Marshall Plan• Aid through the Marshall Plan was intended to create strong

democracies and open new markets for American goods• The Soviet Union was invited to join, but refused

– Americans were buying their way into European affairs– Would’ve had to accept it on difficult terms – making vast political

reforms and have outside controls– They discouraged their satellite nations from joining as well

• Occupation of Japan

Effects of War, WWII

• Psychological, social effects of WWII• Women, minorities, economics• End of European domination, “myth of white

supremacy” in the eastern part of the world

Single Party States

• Hitler, Lenin, Stalin = EUR• Mao = ASIA• Castro = AMERICAS

Unit 4: Origins of the Cold WarUnit 5: VietnamUnit 6: End of the Cold War

Foreign Policy of Administrations:Truman (1945-53)

Doctrine:The policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting

attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures

Policies:Containment – (Kennan) U.S. would resist Soviet attempts to form

Communist governments elsewhere in the world

Important Events:Atomic Bombs Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift Korean WarPotsdam Intervention in Turkey & Greece NATOIran Controversy McCarthyism China Is Communist

Foreign Policy of Administrations:Eisenhower (1953-61)

Doctrine:U.S. pledged military and economic aid to Middle Eastern nations

threatened by communism

Policies:Massive Retaliation – (Dulles) roll back communism; use of nuclear

weapons; New Look Foreign Policy - Build up SAC (Strategic Air Command) – i.e. Superbombers; Domino Theory – if one country was allowed to fall to communism, then others would fall too

Important Events:Hungarian Rebellion KGB CIA Suez Crisis Space Race Begins

(Sputnik) Lebanon Crisis Summit Conferences U-2 Incident

Foreign Policy of Administrations:Kennedy (1961-63)

Doctrine:Containment of Communism and the reversal of Communist progress in

the Western Hemisphere

Policies:Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) – (McNamara) build up your

nuclear arsenal so much that the other side will be afraid to attack you; Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) – a plan for the possible launching of a first strike against the Eastern bloc; Flexible Response – (McNamara) an array of military options that depended on the gravity of the crisis at hand

Important Events:Vietnam War Berlin Wall Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis

Foreign Policy of Administrations:Johnson (1963-69)

Doctrine:Domestic revolution in the Western Hemisphere would no longer be a

local matter when "the object is the establishment of a Communist dictatorship“

Policies:Vietnam War escalation; Operation Rolling Thunder – authorization of

the bombing of North Vietnam; Cointelpro – CIA can turn intelligence operations on domestic activities

Important Events:Gulf of Tonkin Incident/Resolution

Foreign Policy of Administrations:Nixon (1969-74)

Doctrine:The U.S. would honor its existing defense commitments, but that in the

future, Asians and others would have to fight their own wars without the support of large amounts of American ground troops

Policies:Vietnamization – turning over the war to the South Vietnamese; Peace

With Honor – withdrawing from Vietnam, but leaving not as in a defeat, rather with honor; Détente

Important Events:Cambodia Kent State/Jackson State Pentagon Papers 26th Am

Paris Peace Agrmt War Powers Act Vietnam ends Ostpolitik

Foreign Policy of Administrations:Ford (1974-77)


Policies:Détente continues; Neoconservatives start to affect policy

Important Events:Helsinki Accords

Foreign Policy of Administrations:Carter (1977-81)

Doctrine:Would use military force if necessary to defend its national interests in

the Persian Gulf region

Policies:Tough stand on human rights; Rapid Deployment Force – to respond to

crisis in far away places immediately; Wanted young people, including women to register for draft; Neoconservatives are more in gov’t

Important Events:Afghanistan War Boycott Moscow Olympics Iran Hostage Crisis

SALT II Not Ratified

Foreign Policy of Administrations:Reagan (1981-89)

Doctrine:Foster and support irregular forces to overthrow pro-Soviet

governments in the Third World

Policies:Reagan and other top officials are Neo-conservatives; Believed that an

arms race would make the Soviet economy collapse; Nuclear Use Theorists (NUTs) – Reagan and others believed that the U.S. could fight and win a nuclear war; Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) – would vaporize nuclear missiles from space and accelerated arms race

Important Events:Solidarity Movement Summits in 1985-88 Berlin Wall Falls