I Landfill spill poses health threat·>tuse. cuJt ror me tO undcrstnnd why at the dump, alon1...


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GORST LANDSLIDE !"-\UJ 1:. J\ I! )/ _ _. .

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ea king ers

Landfill spill poses health threat·> s will hold a •• Monda)'. Bcem~rton

I S4xth St. lily, new I Dental remodeled .

.,;on.,, .ca toe~ /f\Sa<y and 1r.ost of health insur ..

;c>n Of gfatlts atid tfh''OJXl!?!I 1$. DAnnoMatn

youth · • ke)oo!e RlO>ts Youth 9,at ... . .-.The od. :>and spon­ro1 Human:

ninuW <, ... mile \$ high i , : d thoug~ts ~ :en hil!)l . >J In ptzyslcol 1.o$ Angele-s

:1a11< College

...... IUtb K<?/loclr' .

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• '[he greatest ~hreat ~m the old !andfiU rs a chain of events that could wash om Highway3.

By Christopher Durtapn Sun Stall

alter the first landsll<lc, he said. "If we h .. 'i.ve anod,er stonn and there

'vas another col.laps.c, lhe culvert co.uld b.:: plugg~d w·ich dcbrlt>," ht:! said. _"Jt' would fonn a lake bc:;itlc U\C Now Belfair • Highv.ray and t.hrealc:.n LO \V3.Sh Oul lt.C ' highway. U \hat WOii~ ii could jeopardize , • lhe Old Belf:lir Hii;hwO}', too, since Ule llow goes in 11"'1 diroction. • ·

In oddition IO llveai<!ning Ille higl>way, Go~ ollkials ~ Wedi,... tile landfill may t>.. coolaminalilig Gorst •

day that quid: amM Is needed "' avert a Cre<!k, which pas;;es tlltOuih a culven at _ poterulal disasier (acb1g Wgnwo,y 3 near the bot1.0m or 1.hc londfill. Samples or Brl!1nerton Nacional water are being Lest- · Airport ·wher~ a near- cd1 said 1'filcs; but· · ·, vertical \\faU ot •. _ ; ). • -· rcsuh:i.c ru·e ont )'l!L ~ garba.ge threatens ro 1.. "1 l ()·-~ · .,. . .. u.vuilable. · · collapse int.o Gorsl. · - lJ' U\e creek ls eon- : Creek.. tan\lnai..ed, the \vat4.!J'

• .\bo11L 10 agencies n .. _ . · . could seep through • attended an •mergen· vmctals with the 1110 sou and degi·atle · cy meeLing called by state Depa- of Ille water in priva~e Ille Bremcrum-Kltsap ·. and public wells, SOid Cow"Y Health Dislrict TranSpOt talion agreed •me... following lhe 6n<t col- I ~a "Our concern from l•l)Se discovered las• to exp !!Al .. ,., a public hoallh SU>l.ld- •••

wtek at an old lanclllll possibility of using poim i:s lll<'l -· surra7e. _ • north of Br~mcrton ' funds WfUCr c.an end Uf) 1n N:lllonolAill>On [, •• emergency " ·; , ground water," he

''twe are an con· . ·.::, to do sd~ saiJ. : •• ~crned about <he · ;:::· t' t'he· :.:...fl<. The 13'\dflll was • lnunediate unp&ct 1.h.al. ' . . .• 0 nv ' cons1.1·ucWd y~ a.go •• particular facilii.y has tl: •, !· by dlrccLing Go rs I . ·'. on the environmcnL '· : Cret-k tllrough a cuJ4 • ••

and · public health.· , "'··..: ; ven and f)racdcally sald Dou .Miles of tJ\e ... ~ _ .. ·. nwng lhe canyon \\i\lh heatll• districi, which '""'"' ' · • ~· cJ..- Nobody knows Is laking a le:>d role in ; . whc'<IH>r Ille underly· lhe crisis. -·- • in.g culven has be~n

'l'h<l olllcials agreed lh:lt U\C """'I> face damaged, S31d M~es. but "'IY rmaJ solu• Of Lhe landfill needs: LO be Sl.abi11zed lion co chC: pt'QbJem COuJd c.:OSl hwub·cds before a :;econd wall or garbl<ge oolt:.p.scs of W>usands of doll.'Ull.

tiering a tw~ · into Gorst. Cr<:Ck, sald ~tiles. In addition lO 1.hc hc-ah.h district, :lger1-i tair.ing Uus Officials :"'lth the Sl:hJQ o,~u.:nnent of des represcnu:tl UL Wc<l11Csday':;. IlleCUJl!{ ... i.:ince Center. . 'J'ran • .,-ponau~n agreed co (:.)q)JOro IJ\e ~ incloded the KILSap Coo.ftLy depru'l.lucru:; • M •

• 4 p.m. $lblli1y or u:nng cn>Cl'(!<:nty 1\ullls "' do of Public Wol'ks and E01ori;cncy Mmmb'<.~ •.. i1Y, and 000- SOU\e Of the \\'O;k, ~aid f\;tJlei: J\J\C?r~er ;.: trnent; the Clly Of 8re&ncnont .SL.al~ di;.fXltt~ • • ~mpc>nent! . ;: J)OS)ible.~ lS~~cr ~&St.appei~J~eilts of T~pon.atiun, Ecolugy_. .a1~<l . "'can ':'J'IOre ~. .• •. asswriJil!l Kit.Sap co.un1y IS"de<:l~a·~: .!"1stt and \lt~dllfe; •nd ll"' U.S. N~"Y anu . ~vdth:··" · ~ . . .. (ed~.~~~'.J-~~~~~~CEnv\l'orun<nGl!rroc...:tSo.1.~'Cllcy. , •lne'"'·""' < : ., : "'· · , • ~,.... - - • ... • L . '"'T';:;;~ ...., ... ~ .:,;~r.<;;::r.n.-:. ~."""·- ". ' ·. ·.-li.;'lti-. Theownerottlielandlillpropeny, uss"'•""'IP.•~ ., ,,rt. -~.,.s-. , .. ·- ""'!ll!Ci'~·i•r\1>~ ·'"!"""1-.~!' ,-, .. ~ .. ~· .. •· .. ~- · .. ·-wido. cSid .olllde pool · ) " A •L. .• ~. r .... ,.... • /j ___ , •.L",,;;;J;!;;,,J. ?· ••-- ·U asli t"'""-y3acijaC:;;.if .........,~w~•w•~tiu~ WO .inktM..C-qll" _f_ .~~ ~Jmv~1;tDucms\..l'rtkJJnOU1 naraw:UJ.p~~"'.'/-\t~·~~}-~·¥', v,~.ktWT.~:·r ~ "Tlu~ Uhinck.wa::snc.M.l\.1)t~n~alll\C1\\L'<:t• 9 tor '. · ; :; 'j.' rli111 w1u '11netir_rl1<d by a /;md:;/kk ar. the lire of a fanner lantl.ftli. if1k'mek ' ~~:U.e )~.~~ ~~~041 ing, said Mil..., bu~ h<t coopo~"'1oo will

\ · ' nJJu 1mkr Highway 3 rmtr the Alp111e Ewrgrun Chnstmas mt yard. ·. on~oilith pfugged wlih l.rllSlt and aefuis be needc.<l w solvo U1c probl""'· Barb Wltl~k , , .•.;t


I ~. I


. Collapse4 landfill leayes pile of trash in Gor~t . ,~.. !

C }{:~::;· • . . I ree .;:- ; .... . :··;

• Officials are trying to p1·event a second coll.apse at a garbage dump north of the Bremerton aiport.

dump nonh ofBremerton National A.b:pon.

inspectors were taking routine wali!r san1ples downstream along Gorsl Creek when they noticed WlUSual pieces of plastic and other ' debris in and along the stream. They D'acked lhe debris back LO lite l:1t1dslide just souUI of Airpcrt Auto Wrecking near Highway 3.

':"IA':":N~D:i:F~IL":"L~S':"!Ll~D~E---------. '~ The abMdoned tandJlU, located

on private proper1;j', practically fills the canyon through which Gorst Creek nows. ApparenUy, years ago, the c reek \vas directed through a culven while layer upon layer of debris was piled o n lop, said Scotl Daniels of the Bremer­lOn·Kitsap Cowtty Heallh DislricL

~ . ... ... ·-...

I By Christopher Dunagan

Sun Staff

A mammoth wall of garbage


The slide l"'lS lef1. a near-vertical wall of trash mixed willt soil U1at tOWCt"S above Gorst Creek and apve.ars to be at least 100 feet wide.

.... ::

· added lo the !X)W\ty's growil\g list or storm-re.lated disasters.

State and county officials have been l•uddliug anxiously U1e pasc.

. few da,ys, o:ying LO decide on enter­'' gency Slq)S to prevent a second

collapse at a liUle-known garbage

Ulce the mudslides lluu aeated lite costly devastation during last week's record rainfalls, an edge of U\e old landfill must have become satur.ite<I and eventually sloughed into Gorst Creek, burying the cul­vert. and re<lirecting the stream lhrough piles ol mud and tr.l.sll.

Washed-out debris, mixed with sand, mud and broken trees, can be seen scattel'ed over a ,qide area T11c trosh ranges from large pieces o f metal, including wa;;hing

4 0 ;-:

-&~ ?> \i-~ '°' 1

This past Tuesday, water.;iuality See LANDALL on A3

·-·---·· - ..

' i LANDFILL from Page A1

maChines and fuel tanks, to dozens of auLOmobile tires and random bits of glass, rubber and p lastic scatteted everywhere.

Gom Creek itseU :ippears clean and clear whe'l'e it. Dows ouL from wider a mound of earth covered will• mangled vegetation. Presum· ably, Ille end of the buried culver1'. is somewhere under the mound of eanli

·0ur position; s.ud ll<ll> Wright of tl1e stlUR Oepamnent of Ecology, 'is Uw i11terim stal>illzallon is preuY urgently required. Bu t we don"L l<now who is going LO play or how we're goh1g to do ii.·

I! lhe debris were to plug the cul-

ven lhat passes wider Highway 3, the resulling f!<>w could threll.en the highway, he note<l

Various state and county agen­cies int.end to put Uwir heads togeth· er al. a meedng Wednesday to deter· mine the "PP"'Priate action.

One idea, said Wri81>t, is to covet lite area with pl:i:stic to keep r.Unwa­ter from sooking down fJILO the nu. Runoff wo1~d be directed lhroul!l• a pipe, which would <ilschalge on lhe rar side or I llghwa.v 3.

"But that is just a short.-t.enn 6x; saessed Wrigh~ adding lhal a long-term solution could be very expensive.

•we consider it to be an iroml· nent environmen tal hazard; sotid Daniels of lite Heallb Oistrict. •ow­concem is dial the landfill face is not stable. And there is landr.11 wa:.1:.e and sediment .in Ille cree.k.' ,.

The property is owned by Lucille Uhinck, 67, of Bremerton. She is the widow of Sid Uhinck, one in a series of landfill opet-atois. Her son, Rick Uhinck, has been Lal\<ing to state and county offi­cials.

·we were goi..~g 10 go out and by to get something done,· l.lhinck told The Sun, but IL quickly became appasent that he needed legal advice. Uhinck said further commenlS will have to wait wilil he can Wk willt his lawyer.

Involved State and county offi.. cials S3,Y U1ey are not sure if lite owner wUl be able or willing lo launch a sumcient. response 1ir,1he emergency, but govem'lr.eni' authority m.a.y be limited as vyelL •

·we can respond to spills of hazardous waste and things like that," said Daniels, ' but an entire

$un .,.pf'lk; bf GeMi Enge:Ui:e ;

lanclfill is another story.• The 1JOSS11>ili1Y or federal disa5-

i.er assi•lance Is Wlder investlga· lion. .

The landfill lies Just outside o r the c ity of Brcmcrton's forest reserve, known as lhe Gorst Creek Watezslled.

Kathleen Cahall, Bremerton's water resources n1anagec, said w~r samples have boon sent to a lab to check for possible pollution, but so far it appears lhat damage LO ihe stream at the edge of city propen;y is minimal.

Brem.erton no longer uses Goml Creek for jis drinking water s uir ply, but U1e stream provides )Valer I ror a Gsh hal.chery. The batcheiy, operated in coajunc:tion with the Kitsap Poggie Club and Suquamist1 Tribe, produced a recocd number ot chlnook salmon·~ !2"·

.. , \"



THE BREMERTON !Wash.I SUN/ 20 Tuesday, Nov. 25, 1969

... !

~ ·~coimty· · Seeks Coi:igressional:-.. ~elp In Ames Dump Closi1re · Tho Kitsap COwtty Commls· thoy stop. Ila between the county and 1ion@11 bope to enHst tha aid 0 1 suongJy object to Che U.S. dump operators Mel ..,1arler and of their Congressmen ln closing Navy flagrantly violallng Kitsap Kenno1h Crawrord, Ames Trash Dump on the Now County ordinance· of dlsposin& County Sanharian Joe Wei1el Belfalr Highway. or Navy trash tn a dump that was ot the meeiing, though, and

Sooth Kitsap Commissioner Is not licensed by Kitsap County reportod that onother lire h•d Wiiiiam Mahan sent a telegram Health Dopartmen~" Mahan erupted at tho dump S>tur<lay, yesterday to sen. Henry Jack· wired th• three ofliclals. but said the Sunnys!ope volun· son. Se.n. Warren Magnuson and '"Tho tremendous volume of teer lfrc department was called Rep. Floyd RJcks. asking that trash dumped by tho Navy ls and !ought the blaze. tho N•vy bo pre,.ured to !Ind creating a public healrh and The commi1Sioners or!ginolly Somewhere el.so to dump Its re· •ale\y problem and It 11 dilli· ordered an end to all burning tuse. cuJt ror me tO undcrstnnd why at the dump, alon1 with a

Amu operators hold tho con· the Navy has refused to take number or other conce!3ions by tract for dlsposnl of refuse Crom positive action to locate a prop- the operaton. 'They later order· Puget Sound Naval Shlpym. erly licensed dump to dispos• ed It closed, ••ying thoy saw The county com1nissioners or· of thefr trasb... tho telegram no hon~it effort to make those dered the dump closed last continued. concessions. month, but the Navy has con· It was the only shot fired at Marler and Crawford have Unaed to dump there, despite yesterday's county commission· salrl they will fight the otder ~~_(J.~~S(3 from tho co~~'¥ .., Ut~t ers• meoting In the running bat· In court.

:.··~- .. ' : -. .. . ..

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. ... . -

Trash Dump Closare Awaits Visiting Judge - rurtbar le1r;al proceedlnas in bten heard yesterday even u the dispulc bet\vacn the Kitsap Coons ~.s ready. County Commissioners and the Coons said th.is .momfn,g he

.o.~ners o( Ames TraA-h Dump o"pects a visiting judga to be • will await the avall.1blllly In available within the next couple this county of a judge t r o m weeks. Be reiterated his pJa.nr sdJncwhora el~c. to tAke the matter to the State I '"":I'he thrco l{ftsap County. su· Suprcoie Cour·t· 1f local courts perior court judges dl1$Qualifled rulo against b1m, and to sue themselves yesterday, on vtew tho county if the' dump opor-of a posaible suit agafnst the ators $Uffet- 4'?Y dama,es. · _ t-Ounty by dump opemors Ken- • J·.. : ;.:.• ·: · • , - ,. . . . neth Crawford and Mel Marler. · · ·...,.The county b31 1\lf:d to close !be dump, tho object or con· ilderabte •trite In the New Bel· ~ Hlghway·Sunny•lope area lince mid-summer. A 1how .~use bearing on eloslftc the dump was set for ye:scorday. but Curtis Coons, lawyer for lhe dump operators. sa.id he hadn't had time 10 prepare, and asked for a later hcorlng

,dilte. .

~·-As It was, Judge Frank Ryan

r!!!.~!9- t!!e question or the need roJ: . • a· . visiting judge, a nd the l!la.~•.r. probl>bly wou[dtj't 11ovc




' '

'"' •A,.-r "'MM "'"' ' M O:'

In and About ·K itsaplaiid . Friday, Hov.14, 1969 17

"""'"~"'··-··---~····· ·-·----->••·--·-·--·-: .• : •. ~.~-~~~~:

·county .Moves1 To Clo·se .Dump Legal acllon was filed Thw-s· New Belralr Hlahway, Is where of the Issue. siblo and claim 1hat the noigh-

i!ay against Ames Auto Wreck· Pugd Sound Naval Shipyard Froyd took the action at the llors have b•en stirred up by : lag J.na., In an effort to ahut deposits lt1 mas.sive dally output inslstenco of county commfs. representatives or tne dump

down the truh dump the firm of relwe and an inJunction shut· sionou, who have been besieged which Jost the Navy contract runs adjacent to Its wrecking ling the dump down would 'force by complaln1s from neighbors 10 Amos . yard. the Navy to find another lot•· ol the dump about a sev~r• Both men have said thoy will · Kitup County Prosecutor lion. smoke and odor eondltlon that takethec...,,ty'sclo&w-eorder to Myron Freyd llled the suit. Freyd's action asks· that Craw- results. . as high a court u necess•"Y which asks tor tomporary and ford and Marler be prohibited Joe Welael: county sanitarian, to win the ca .. , They aro rep. permanent lnfuncUons against trom usina tho property as a has a lso satd that tho dump resonted by lawyer CUrtis Coons. tho dump operator" Kenneth solid waste disposal area. should be closed. as it hasn't Filing of tho action by Freyd Crawford and Mel r.!arler, pro· u sots Monday as tho do.to compiled 'vlth hertlth depart· comes nearly thrte week" alter hlbltlng them from running the for a show cause hearing et ment standards and didn't •eem the commissioners ordered tho dump. . which lawyers for tho Am .. op· to be making It• best effort to dump to close and threatened

Amu Trash-· Dump, on tho erators should present their sldo comply. · legal proceedings II It didn't. , ·Crawford and Marler say they It hasn't. and won't It• two I

havo been doina: a.tl that la pos.- owilers say. • - - I

!_____l_.··~ · -. ' ~ - · ... ,. ·,;... . ; .. a:·•1iil t~fk~ ::11 ·~j1;t'~ '.':· .... . . . . , ~ "" :·:· · . " .. llkr~m ,, __ J .,J · ~"' .... . . J • ; .. fi-f::.~ ~~1 J; •j ' _"'' ' •}' ' I ' ' ,~ ·.{ ' t • • '• • • '

.'.''D:ul11·p o·wners tell co.u.n~ty to 'go .. fl·y !'-'I'

a kite, I" . , .

r d'ecl:are • op·erat1on d1 i.~crim .inC'.Jted agqinst . ;, '

I, , · 1iwe:; don' t loi~d to· ,hut down . . . was ordered to return the pe,... 1 •lynlessl'::a , judg'!•.' ~Us us to.'" · .~. mit ree but on Thursday when •:H.,. "~11lliJ;t.i 'm,j· .• ,;0..;A,. this ~':..~ i .. Marler talked to the Independent

. . w $\""°''"'· • . ·• • he said they had not as yet re-

"e" . ! Mel. ~lerrt C0-01¥Der \\'lth ,-. ~ · · ed it ll ·doesa ' t mat~r · eth . ·Cfawiord or Ames. • t ,·, . ceiv · . . . 'l\io.J.. o' ·- , b'ch"'s currently 1: • -· • anyhow, he added. because when

, ,. ·r"11!"'·t ~P,.W 1 1 • • !, the refund . checll comes the.

~:.1 ! t11!1i'g~ m· a bat~le with Ki~ap . · dump owners' won't cash lt. nor !i' '1P®l11Y s .. Comnussione~s • and : will they stop operations as the ~ •· i j-l~lh. Pepartment , 0 er the Commissioners have said they ._ ;, i o~i'~on located near Sunny· must. ~r'.l.~izpe, • . · · . . Commissioner Mahan said that #• i'f¥J\'I: 'tlieir BoaNJ meeting' Octo- once the check was received .at •1:d6'~;·21. the Commissioners or· the dump, all operations there / ~dered that the ,\mes operation must cease immediately and lf:" ~~enied a permit and that a that ii the place were not $1\ut 1iP.~1permit lee previously paid down. , the County woul<I lake • • '4l>&<ir.efunded. South end Commis- further action. ,_J,iOii~ Bill Mahan · sald that the Mahan was · particularly dis·

permit had been . withheld pend· turbed by what was described ing correction or several alleged as ·•aocklenLal fi re" which oc·

· ' v\ol~tions of:,. bc:ith county and • curred recenlly at lhe dump. '" ; ~tal~ i hr<!11h . jre~ulaUor1s, inciud· . ,. . , WhJle the du'!1p owners had been • ' 1 mg1 >ill~al. 1puqung .at the site .... : · . asked some lime ago not. to burn . : .. . . Qounty S'aJiillU'@n' J()ji .Wll!B'll'J:!';~l!" •i11•i""1 i-lhete•and,had 11g•eed to this ar· .. \ ·' • i .. .. . •. \ • J , , , ( 1 • ' • ,· U·filili' t h:,J) ' J-: iI.u,.~ .. ·· \J .,6llt}'. Jl.-~\~ .'-"l'f4;;.·e-c .. ,,,~ ;,:,.1;\ :u,)!1 .. t, ~.:h .. : ·

1, .. , ·: . r \~. "Y,.• , / ,,, ,.J:,..;J. • .,,~ 1 ... ~ - , - •• · • . .. ..- " , • ~--" : ~ ·· · · ..... _.. -~

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·, .... Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1969

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··. rangement. they had mentioned Jowed under forestry departme111

, . the possibility or S<-Cidental supervision where It docs noJ fires occurring. When such a fire create a nuisance and. say;; did break out. according lo Ma· Lobe. "there is no place else in han. no effort was made to call Kitsap County that gets UI•

: the Sunnyslope Fire Depart· amount of smoke or •link .. that -~~: ment which had previously been Is coming from the Ames dump . . " alerted · to the fact that U1ey But. says Lobe. the burning is ·" would be asked to re.Sp<>nd in the not the main reason the Comm is·

:" ' event of such accidents. sloners arc shutting the dump • · ~- Marler. referring 10 the fire. down. The operation is not com·

-~~i:, said that the dump o!X)rators had plying with basic health regula· (";• put it out themselves and that it lions. including those rolatlni: to

: only burned for "two lousy days- open garbage and the stockpiling one aflernoon and the Mxt day of refuse. he said. "We make

>r·~ it was out:· He added. "I sup- dumps do certain things.·· Lobe .i , po..<e we probably should have. added. "and they must do t11em

11: called the tire department but or not get a permit." :~; we figured. why bother them As for tho Navy Yard c'<Jntract.

10 people to put it otit"I" Lobe continued. "They knc~v Marler further contends thal" what was Involved in th• cnn·

lhe Ames operation Is "being tract when they bid it. It isn't discrimiOllted against... since up to as to tell him what to do several other dumps in the coun· before he does it.·· Lobe says ty are being p,ermitted lo burn. Marler Is right in saying the [Je says that not until Ames re- Navy Yard Contract is causing ceived a contract 10 dispose or his problems. but only because Navy Yard waste material was the dump wasn't adequately · there· any problem with the coun· prepared for lt when they got 11. · ty and that the dump had oper· Lobe also made it clear Utal · ated for a year and u half pre· the Commissioners were not re-vious to the Navy Yard contract voking the Ames' permit. "'l'hey award wlthout·complaints. don't have one to revoke." he ·• What Is Irritating him still said. Whal they are doing is . . more. he says. Is the fact thal only refunding the pet'mil £ee ')lie Nav}' Yard contract had. be- which had· to be paid upon ap-for.e Ames got the bid. been held plication £or a permit. And lo get _by the operators or a dump on the permit the dump would have J~arney White Road which is lo- had to comply with health regu-Shtcd not too £ar from the Ames' lalions and this they did not do. :operation. The Ban>ey White Marler and his partner have :;dump, Marler says. Is located _ .. retained two attorney~. Paul 'only about slx city blocks away Fisher of Seattle · and Curlis "from a trailer court who30 oc- Coons 0£ Bremerton. The next .{cupants are MIV complaining move Is up to the county. What !about the smoke and fallout from will most likely occur. Lobe ' burning. while by his measure- says. is that alter the refund of · ments Ames Dll!"P ls further the permit money is mndc. the away. Health Department will sec

Asked about Marler's charge ·· whether or not they a1·e op· : of discrimination. Commissioner ·erating without n permit and if

G"enc Lobe said that there were "they .are. the prosecutor's office indeed other d1unps that were will be called in. such Illegal

· being permitted to burn. Accord· operaUon Is a misdemeanor, · log lo the Health Department. with a possible fine ol $250 for

.: burning al dt~ps has Ileen al· each day the offense cQntinues . ... - ;:. ,.4i:. •. . ,.; ,_1~{~¢).i.~~M J"':'_ •• •

· . . .... •O: •• • "' •

ls~~;;,:;;:~; l Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1969 . 11 •

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.TON !Wash.I SUN J, Oct.28, 1969

-'4-t.c- .. iCJ{ ..z,.._. ~ - .. • ,• •r • l ' "' I ':' •I

County Orders Dump· ;Clo;sed;· ;~:t 1 •

Faces Possible Legal Action··,:<.· .' !,. B,- TRAVIS BAKER Sunnyslope resiclenl$ who own,the C<><lllly, tbou$h. and lftrt · The oflense Is a misdemunot, ·! Sun CoUJ'ltf \\' ritet propetty 8dJat:.ant to ttle dump collecting their Ieg•l forces this puni.shable by a $2So · ft.no or 901

Ames TtaJlih Ournp. w h 1 c h \Vere also ori hand lo renew momln.g, in pr<!parntion tor 3 d:i.:;s in fail for ~ch i'day the'~ holds the contract tor dlspos:tl cornplaiitts about tha burning court battle. violation continues •. • :: .. · "~ ·: of waste from .Poget Sound problem there. . Crawford said Bremerton Jaw· Weigel had sent the dump 0p! ... Naval Sbipy•nl. \\'as ordered The action by the commission· yer Cortis Coons has been re- era.tors a leUer, listing Jl poinls: yesterday to close down until er.s war un11nimous. with B I 11 tained and a Statue lawyet hu that had t.o be corrected be(ore i

It li'1s con1pHed with require· Mahan taking the lead and also be~ contacted. "We'll the dump pe,rmlt would be ls~ , mcnts or the Kitsap Cou nty moving that' no dump permlt b~ isee this all the way into the sued, Yesterday he read 8 Jet-:.:· Health o e·pi1rtmcnt. Issued to Ames' operstors, t~ courts. in qtympta ,if ~·e have ter he had received · back, tell·~ .

The county comm·issioners be follo.,ed by prosecuti1>0 by,to,·• fi,farler lOTd the Sun. ' ling what the dump ownert wei-e ~· gave lht order after bear;ing the county if the dump cobtin- The next s1ep will be ~P toJ doing to comply. • ~ :-· County Sanit.eri.an Joe Wefgel ue.s to op~n1te without the per- th~ co~oty. Crawford · sa1d .h~f Arter commenting brieny on t,: tell them the dump "hasn't com- m•t. , lw1ll watt for the county oo bnng h' 1 atl 1 ·die l>to ress 1 plied at all with what we've K•nneth Crawford &nd Mel.charges of .operoting a dump\' ~s ev~ " 1 1::" 1~ . oint. ·w~tget'·: asked them lO do." Marler, who CC>-Own the dumpqwlt.hout a license. then launch 0 .3•• . 0 n ~ I p d ui dump" . A considerable .number or don't Intend to''.lli'1<.• It. eu)!cfci;'.I• ltgtl fl1t~!:Oi!'·!h~l:Jl.O ,•'' f~•l>eovferalro • ~~11.~.. -,·;1 • ~·'"' • • , ' " - ... "-'..,,,. . .,.. ' "' or m ~~ -~ •!··~ w •• .,;.;;;,,-:,, .. ~ . r.11.":';..··· • .. ·~l11!;1 ~-- ,. • , • -;• ~ ••, .• ... i

' The commbsionert;o,19q>heanl r ;6~tlmotty. · fri>m ' sl:t;'~~!lnnYs.toi/.e· : Hlsidents, " complolnl~ilot f,th'IJ: . 1 •Y"--!rrii.itlng tm~f<e'1 l:dcd!~o.i#. 1 that acc:ompoiti~~· .. '!!ntt' •l:i ·· .. :\'BiP fasl·~~1 ~ifl • ,l ,~e; dump '.olVll.' ": !'eP r,lt. to\lf)e cominlsstone~:q!4ii! e 'clililal' 11 "'1btlt'iit. blliilti!l. ·r* 11ay1~11i.hi:.i,Pi;~mil·l .... "'.,__. -·-1 . • ,,, "i' .· .. DmmJ» 0Qets1,V ~ .9 ' ~a·' an.~:hoiieU Ur .. :mla1• to~. "''Jffoubm~~ .. • . ' p~.,._ •; .. . 1~i:haa 1.t.irll~f.~ ·'

~!l\f;' &U,ril.ln;t~! .-~.­he' u;r.~. • ~ ~.- =<-• _ v,; nid.ther-""'""''"""'i

b~ccldenta.1,11~s;D1rif,tltn toli~ ' ol'"ihe''sii~:iilliiriyj1a i-t•l,dents, Doti: Batdtl~!:i?~~· @ltd Rte. 4j 8oii;lt~l a lili~. tifitlle-silhhS'-\oiieE-~~; l!l~l''Sl!d~iih·•h@f. - rie't~ bfepe•dum · 16#.i ' dt! 1n • ~ '.foiii:.tay du~d.tloii ~¥,tyj,~ lit~

eki: 1 1:~9'~~~:lt#mm4r~u1

f!urnp Faces Permit L.oss·

Any further nulsanco bumlng burn. out there unless It's rain· at the Amea Truh Dump on Ing?" LObe wanted to know. New Belfal r Highway may result "Wett, under thoso and other In non·r~nowal of a du1np Hcenso favorable condJtlon11,1' \Vas tho for tho operaUon, the Kitsap roply. · County Commlulooen 1ugge•led The pair never reached an ac· Monday. , · cord on what they felt favoroblc

ThtH ron,01,k wtUi inade by condlltoru1 Included, however.


THE BREMERTON !Wash.I SUN Wednesday, Sept.17 .. 1969 15

Commission Chairman Frank Crawford reiterated • stand he RandaU followlng t•lk$ wllb bu taken several times since tho

dump first came under cdllcl.s1n B dump Cf'.1-{)Wner Kanncih C-raw- by lts neighbors jn July . , . thtl'.t n ford Jn which th~ dump owner he and Mi.rlcr were tniprvvlnA u was told cumpla1nts from his tha oparatlon 35 quickly es they o neJghbors on a.sh and smoke could, and were lrylng - to get from the An~es Dump have along with everyone. l\ been. subKlnnttated hy county Ha. end Mnrler have both con· h offleiets. lcnde-d th:'lt petition~ circulated

The commls1;ioner& didn't come o.sking ror county action to cur· rlaht out and teU Crawford the t•ll the obJeclionable burning at dump Jlcen!le \Vas on the tine, lhe dun11, have be-en spawned but Comml•oioner Oone LOhc by outside Influence• unhappy told Crawford that he ond his rel· with AmPS getting ehe Pugel low county ~rd membors were Sound N•v•I Sbipyord trash COii· awore that no new Ileen .. had tract, which took effect July I, beon Issued. · · •hortly after tho complaints be­. That observation camo after can. Crawford was told that the com· "We were aware some oulsldo missioners wanted him to live up lnlluence might have aenenited to tho Sept. 15 deadllne ho had lho complatnts," RandQll said, Informally set for on end to all but now unbiased county olllclal~ burning at tho dump. h$ve made rep•ated lnve•lls•·

All threo commissioners told Uons of telephoned cornplaints. Crnwford they were convinced nntl have brought back very un· his J'lei~hhOl'.'S had a loelthnatP. r11vor:ib!e ~eports; .. ~



C ty. 1uesday;-Aug. 12, 1969 !I T h . oun. vrrrers -- ras

"\ ; .. "'. . ~.

' ..;

' .

".Pump Bur.ning To Ha~t ·..;;;. .

.. ~The Kitsap County Commis- ued. ~nd he s;.14 he knows of trying to make tbolr busltteu ;-joners have ordered an end other resfdents who plan to fol· one of the IM.st op•rated dumps ~ all burning at the eontrove:r- low. in the srate. "Wt're In.stalling srat Ames Tra.sb Dump on the Mosier said he rears tor his every piece of automated equ.i~

•New Belfair Highway by Sept. life whe.n the embers from the ment we can.'' be •aid, aod an IS, and an Immediate end to dump ate blown hfs way and ln"Vestment of S5t,OOO has been •ny bul't1ing that cause• a start dropping to. his yard. He made since lhe dump wo.n rha

azard In the aroa, can Imagine waking up to find conlt1lct for dl1po1•I of tbe traslt ' The action came yesterday the house afire. he said, or not from Puget Sound Naval Ship.

.after lho commfuloners heard waking up at oil. "He could yard July f, ~rom Kenneth Crawford, co- bum rne out by Sept. lS,'• Mo~ lie said slnco an artlcle in owner of the dump, from Joseph sier protcsto:d. The Sun last week tcUlng of Weig•! ol the coun1y beallh de- Neshom .. 1d his 1r1ller court, the petition wilh M nomos, a partn1ent, and from a group a mile south of the dump j3 large number of other neigh. of lh• dump's nolghbors. also plagu•d by Ibo odor ~nd bors have called arid volc•d

Crawford •aid early Jn the a.sh when the wind Is right. He support for the operation or the meeting lbat he and Mel Marler, said be h ... ellcf1cd a promise dump. Crawford charged that the other owner. had tenrattvely from the dump owners lhat the lthe man who spearheaded th& set a da~ ol Sep!, 15 on which problem would be curod in two petition drive wu paid re do It, to curtail all Ournlna: on their weeks, and with a. week Jeft to an-d had admitted as much to 0\\1'11 initiative. Jnstollatlon of go, he wouldn't take any acdon nearly a doten rt$ldents he modern trash disposal equip- until then. approached with lhe petition, mcnt would hopefully allow the " If we still have trouble (alt- The dump operotlon A<noral!y shutdown by then, he sold. er two weeks), we'll have an· got the support or the county

Aftet hearing rrom the neigh· other 180 no.me' on thilt peti· ofttcia4$ at ye~aorday•s s·ession. bors of Che dUolp, however, the UOC'I," Neshem said. Weigel. tho cowity •onltarian. commb$loners decided that they He. was referrlzla to a SG·name safd Marler and· Crawford hava bad hotter put tho Sept. IS dead- petition presented to. the com- h•d a good oporafion in the line on more than a obopetuuyu mlssloner.s. htat week asking for past •. and have abided by health basts, and OTdtred that It .be abatement of th• · dump nui· department demands. He urged tnet sance.. . ;· · the protestors to &Iv• them wi-

1,'rth 1 11 1 1

During bis prntotallon, Craw. til SepL IS to actomplish their u ermo.re, o ow na: te:sl e ford said ha and Marler arc goals.

mony by •he neighbors that stlll- . • . Commiss!oMr Geno Lohe ad: bumlng Pl•«• ol paper have ded, "! know this 11 a hardship frequently floated 01uo their on you people, and I wou1dn't prop.etty, and occaslonally even want to live under these COlldi· Into tholr homos, lhe three· tlons. But we do have 1rouble man board demanded that such getting rid of gnrhase. I would a hazard be curtailed lmmedl· jusc say 'Givo thom a cha.nee• ately. to work out the problems."

R. E. Reid or Alpine Ever- That was apparently fine with green Co., and his wlfe, Omar the prote.stors, u each said the Neshem, who runs a tr:iner ·t\vo rtstrictions approved by the court a mile from the dump and commissioners would be aatis~ Edward Mosler, a Sunnyslope factory. reside:n~ all said they were WOT· Tho A.mes dump h.u been the rfed or annoyed by the smoke fa.eat point af a controvetsy and ash Crom tho dump. e.ver since it won tho shipyard

The Rtids dlsplayed a wallet. dsposal contract. It lncreased sire piece ol porUnlly bumed the trash volun1e al lhe dump paper, which he snld was found well over 30 thnes, Weigel has

~n hfs la\m, and noted that B said, and lefr Crawford Md milar . bunk ol wotorlal bad Marler tlruggUng ro catch up ea found on their carpet. with the demand.s of the extra And the obno;.;ious smoll from volume. o dump get> Into lhe draperies Crawlonl alleged yesterday d+ furnishings, be aald, .and that many of hi• troubJe5 since

ay,S]htr•. His 84-ytar-<>ld lath- July I have been coused by a 'Jf~ad moved our Reid contla- com~tltor unhappy abolu Amos

· -· ' •• getting tbe PSNS contract. He didn't name the compttltOC'. but did claim that's Who provided · .. the money 10 pay . tJ!.• _p_el.ltl~n- .. __ ;:::-: cJreulator. "'- ·· ·• ·• ... , ...... - -- ..,... ... !';

The ,dump OMIO\" " BISIT .tald -;.:::..::. tha t lack ol tl111• M PJlP•nt .!l>r C....:.:·. the shipyard buslnes,. has fe- :~~ suited In difficulty whlcn ·he -. and his partner are working to correct.

SECOND SECTION - THE BREMERTON !Wash.I SUN Thursday, Aug. 7, 1969 15

~Increased Business. ~.Gives Dump Woes

By TRA VfS BAKER be investlgatod durln1 the man· ties. Sun County Writer datory Inspection. Weigel said Tho moln offander, h• hod

: As tho owners ot Ames Trash he's ahvays found ln the pa.st told County Commissioner Geno Dump oo the New Jlel!alr mah· thot Marler and Crowford do Lobe, was cardboard, whtch ·• • way wresUo wlth what to do with a reasonably good Job or oper· doesn't bum completely before •.)·i;; .:U tho 1arbage they're hondllng, aUng the dump. It becomes light enough to blow a ""up ol Ii. nelgbhou appa.r- The sanitarian said he would away, with the result smolder· ei;oy are wrestling with what be present at i'ffonday1s meeting ing bits ot pape.r floating In the co do about the dump Itself. of the county ~mmi.$.$ionors air, _1lvfn1 rise lo fire ·danger ~County officials have been to map out the problems as he wornes.

recc1vi.ni;: complaint~ from sees tht?:m. l\ohtrler .said he would Bue he's contra.c-tcd with a n~lghb\)CS of the dump. eo-.own· ask his partner, Cr11wrord, to T.acoma Urm to take the to~d· ed by Mel Marler a ntl Kenneth 8ilso be pr~scnc. hoard off his hands. Marler sa1d1

Crawford. for about the pHst Included with Bishop'& letter elimlnatlnK that problem.. ; , rifonth. The latest w"' In a lei· on behalf of Alplno Evergreens, Ha denied th•t tho 56 Sign.· /\'•

~ ... ter from Bremerton lawyer John a trc~ Farming business, was ture~. even If all. ,.,,~re vall~. -=· • • Bishop uylng his client Alpine • peUUon, which Included S6 represented a maiorzty or .hw lTf

Evera:;een Co., Inc-.. , wouid bring: names, claJmi~a: that the burn· neighbors , "I can nan;ie \5.8 peo- : LU. i cMI a cllon against tho Amu big done a t the dump dur!llg pie out here wlto aren t hothettd operellan lf pubUc ofllclals do prevailing wlnda wH "ooxlous a bit," he 10.ld.

1 not act tlnt. and detrlme.ntal to bealth.'" and Ht also sa«d bt wa1 t U.9pfcloua .~r. LUI week, Mrr. Billie l!der. that an otren1lve odor emitted ol tha motlvu o! tlto 'man he , 1,

· a mombar of· th• county plan· !tom Iha dump. said led th• petition drlve. He .. nlng commission, said •h• had ~far!er'1 responae when con- Jlves well out of th• · affected

notlc:ed • moke rolling out of the tacttd by The Sun was one o1 area, ~1orlcr sald, and doesn'l dump the last few times ihe mixed suspicion and surprise, seent to have any obvio\l.s eon~ had been past, and sha Initiated but ho admlt1ed iome dl!flcul· nectlon with lbe problem. a- phlnnlng; ctomml$slon 1tudy The dump operator associated ol possible problems. his troublu wjth the slllrt ol

And Individual county com- August Bad hi.< ••rvlce to the shipyard. "I missioners and Olunty Slllll· • ' . burned out here ror over a year tenon Joe Weigel ••Y they have without any complaints," he also been getting complaints: Says Sh--.!££ said, "but all or a sudden I get

Ame1' trouble seemed to have t:a.•ll the Navy eontrac::t a nd the com· 1tarl•d July l when Mnrler and plaints •tart." Crawford took over the dlapo&al Kitsap County Sherlfl Art Mor- He also took a verbal swat contract tor Puget Sound Naval ken aaid today he's worried at Bishop'• client, the tree fef'm. Shipyard. Th• contract meant about the month or August. "He should tolk about burning. a fantutlc Increase fn garbq:e It's the most hectic month During Chrlstm3J tree season volume at the Ames dump. Wtl· of the year tor hnv offic:efs be- he has a fire down there th:at gel •aJd. What was a small aper. co.use of the great tncrease in makes mine look like a ff replace atlon of about 100 cubic y111rd1 juvenile rnilihehavtor, Sh(lrilf fire ," Marler claimed. or garbage • week hos now Morken soys. All burning In Kitsap County awolled to a 30 times lar~er "It seems this hQppens every garbage dumps must end J•n. dumping business, the sanltor· year/' Morken sRld. "Children 1, when thliJ eovnty•s member~ Jan uld. seem to· nave notbfng to do, are $hip In the J>uget Sound Air Pol·

Ames has been operating wnh. restless and cause a great lution Authority becomes effec­out a dump license since J'uly amount of vando.1tsm, pettt Jar- ttve, '° that portii>n of the prob· l , Wei gel said, but !!Jen so are cony .;ind burglary." lem must be solved by the dump

. all the other dump operato'1 The. •herlU sold that law eo· operators re&•rdless or what 1

._:._. fn thi county. All .the llcoiises toici!ment agencies art ·o,.;er- is. done by loc-al officials On rho · I -: uplred on -June lO, he·· ex· run with complaints •boo! JU· Immediate complaints. . . - plained, and' he's abQU~ a month venue tiehavior In August. What·· other ,complafnt.s are · H ·· lolor thon u•u•I l~spec!lng the '.'We hope Oint all parent< will justified wlll Pf.?bably be Un· todt . ~un1ps and renewmg licenses. take extra preeaudpn In super- covered .In ~e1gel'.s pending d ;: ·'!?Y .new p~blems th•t have vis ing. · their ;.children : Jhis licenslnt:Jn.10•<;.\!.<!!!,!li.i!!e,~me.~ M ~e04uli . ~- dYlllP wlll montb," · t.rorken 'said . • , :;~· .. ~-operati .. c::.·.:~_1;0'.'!'..;· ;·w•4 . ~-~ • ...,~;z:.,:.;

, -_;-Complaints . '·,·~'Th~ ne\v trash-burning opera· I ;_tion at Ames Auto Wrecking on

·~:Belfair Highway is being viewed ,.with concern by the Kitsap ::County commissioners and the. ~Br.e·morton Port. Commissioa. '· ·Th• port cloims burning e-0uld

·conceivably obscure tho vision ·or pilots flying in and out of Kitsap County Airiport and it. ls askln~ the county commission· ers to do somethlng about it. The county c<immis.sioners, how· evor1 don't know quite what to do and admit they may have "'goofed" \vhen they authorized a rezoning. a.t the site Jast mMth .

.,.,.~0mm.issloner Frank Randall ~!Jlil_t, W!!•l\.<M. retoo,mg,_wa~ 1l(l!~r,\l•dl~.l!~ ~M~~ot1!c: .1.~'­·~!llWlh, .. ~. ffe!\~,;~P.!l',~J.s•!pn •waat m.~Jst.,.$traJjiUlenmg ,..oat

the nonconforinifn&' zo·nJili;! fri ttie ·area from "residential" to "pub­Uc use" so the auto wrecking flnn could continue to operate. : HO\vever, since the rezoning, a

dump operation wlth burning apparently has 4-tarted and the cotnmisai'oners .said they didn't intend this 'vhen they authorized the rezoning, But, under the provisions or the zoning ··01·di· nonce, a dump as well as wreck· illg yards and gravel pits and Tock quarries can be located in . the area~

Burning wa; speclrlcally _.. eluded from the retoning, how­ever, but burning appears to be going on anyway. Fui.hermote, clly·e-0unty onltarlan Joe Wei· gel s•fd a dump license has nev­er been issue<!, although he said the area would probably be a gocid dump site it something were done about the burn.ing and the P-Osslble pollution ol Gors t Cttek .

• The area rs located ·abQut a mile nortbeast or the airport.

The matter was referred tO Weigel who lvill ask the oper­_ators of the .yard and dump to ·.draw up a plan of the develop· ' ~"1t of the area and apply for '

e_ ~ ·lt was a1so. referred - ·- • llliUl1'Q.. p- . • - ~G>.-ci:

~-' . ~~~otl~ · - ·- Bfie county. __ ,1111.[ngJo 10/fi ~'11\ .~lr polluUon confliif-diSfi:!Clt dn June of 196&, and a u dump fl:~~ · must cease""by th.at


. \',.,,,- . .. ; ... _,,

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.. j ;_.Sunnyslope Wrecltlng ~ ~-,· ............ .. .. I , . -"'669f. . !ti. JftW!··-." ,; .. -,,. . ar s ·'·~ . -_.. ..r~~~;-:~ .. : . ~ . -~ .. ·.:;-;~· ~ j\\ • Controversy ovet a wr:ecklng 1ng wa.s unenrorcciible except

· yard propos•d at Sunny•lop• Bainbridge Island becuuse prop· f1as been carried into Superior ~r zonln.a procedure bad not Court and, I.ho plaintlfl's ottor· been followed previously. ney satd, the outcome may also f\-1ar1er on April 1& had ap· help sett!• the county's plan· piled to the county planning ni11g and umfng mixup. contml1sfo11 for a rezone whf.ch

'The court action. namfna Mr. would petmil GonstrucUon of the and Mrs. Mel Marler as defend· wrecking yard. On May 28 the ants. prays for a mandatory ill· planntrs tabled tho applicatioo.

- junctlcn to prevent them from s.ayf111 Marler Md not given proceeding wllh construction <1C them o.n adequate plot plan. tho wrecking YRrd. But NftOl" Ntunro on J une ·t de·

PlafntlfCs ore listed ns Mr. and cJared zoning unenforce.ttble, and ,Mr;s. Dona.Id Barnes, Mr. a.ad before the July G interim resolu· "Mrs. Wflllam L. Schlosser and tion wa.s passed. Marler ob· James W. Lonon. Their attor· talncd ;a. building permit to con.

i ney, Leonard Knu:e. eald the struel tile yard. . (-SuMyslopa Improvement Assa-. The property is tO acres lying -ciatlon Is behind the action, and on the •outh side, of Bellair ; tho Bamues, Schlossou and Highway east of Klls3p County • Larson wero chost11 as ptainUlli: Airport, and adjacent on the · because they all live witbln 500 west 10 Hooper's Trailer Park • feet o! lh• proposed yard. propor1y. Marter already bu .., ·The complaint alleges that the done some clearing, Kruse said. •Yard Is a prospective nulso.nce. Several other permits which! and that if.s construction would could not have been obtained lf

: violate county ioning resolutions zoning had not been held unen· .. · z.z and Z-3. · forct:ible weTe is.sued by lhef · ·• Z·l was Pl"•d In 106!. z.3 e-0unty ossessor's ofllce during·

·. : Is the "Interim" resolutlon the June .C-July 6 period. Kruse; '" 1 · pauid July 8 ot this year after s•ld the out<ome ol the Mao•r­

-~ · Prosecutor James MUnro o.n case should set precedent as to it.!, •; . -.-

.. ~ .

... ·: .
