I,Exhaust air 19 fresh air supply 19 Return air 19 a Balancing the air flows '20 Should an...


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ED 259 926' SE 045 597 4(I,AUTHOR Corbett,'Robert.4.; Miller, BarbaraTITLE Heat Rec'overy Ventilation for H9using: Air -to --Air

Heat Exchangers. 1

%.INSTITUTION National Center for Appropriate Technology, Butte,.1

. MOnt.SPONS AGENCY Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Appropriate



.Technology Program.WORT NO DOE/CUoi15095-9PUB DATE. - Mar 84 .

q CONTRACT - E-AC01-82CE15095.NOTE 38p. .

AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Goverhment Printing,

. - ---? Office, Washington, DC 20402. .

PUB tYPE Reference Materials General (130, ReportsGeneral (140)


N/'EDRS PRICE MFOl'PlusPostage. PC Not Available from ERRS.DESCRIPTORS *Air Flow; Energt, *Cnergy Conservation; Engineering

Technology; Federa]laAid; FUel Consumptionv *HeatRecovery; PowerZeMnology; *Recycling; Technological;Advancement; *Technology; *Ventilation

IDENTIFIERS *Appropriate Technology i

ABSTRACTThe-air-to-air heat exchanger (a fan powered

ventilation device that recovers heat. from stale 'outgoing air) isexplained this six-part publication. Topic areas addressed are:(1) the nature of air-to-air heat exchangers #nd how they work;' (2)choosing and sizing the system; (3) installatfion, control, andmaintenance of the systeM; (4) heat exchange controls; (5) costeffecitiveness factors; and (6), state of the art assessment of heatrecovery technology. Appendices contain a discuSsion :of currentventilation. standards and lists of suppliers, suggested headings, andselected'Departm6nt 'of Energy Appropriate Technology Small GrantsProgram awards under these headings: agricultural 'use of air -t0-airheat.excharigers, residential applications 6or air-to-air heatexchangers,' residential use of heat recovery, and commerical use ofheat- recovery. (MO



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Prepared for:14.S. Department of EnergyAssistant Secretary,Conservation and Renewable EnergySmall Scale Technology BranchAppropriate Technology ProgramUnder Contract_ontract No.



From 1978 to 1981, the U.S.Department of Energy (DOE)awarded more than 2,000-smallgrants to individuals, organizationsand small businesses across thenation to research and demonstrateappropriate technologies.oGrantswere given in the general areas ofconservation, lar,"biomass, wind,geothermal ydro power.

This book e, is part of a series ofpublications that focuses on appro-

,,riate technologies_and their applica-tion in the home and the work place.These.publicaiions combine a quali-tative assessment of the results ofgrant projects with current researchfor the pa cular tethnology high-lighted this document. InAppe ix A, at the back of this puli-lica Son, is a list of pertinent projects

iewed preparation of thisdocument.

Prepared by:

*etthe NationalAPProPriatt

e eo. 183A Moolon) 59(Y) 3E4K


0 \


I. I

For sale by the SiOerintentient of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402A.




I )( ( 1- 150()5 Qth{



This report WAS prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government.Neither the United States Government nor' any agency thereof, nor any of their employees. makes anywarranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or representsthat its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercialproduct, prows or service by trade name, trademark. manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarilyconstitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government orany agency thereof. The views And opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflectthose of the I lnited States Government or any agency thereof.







The following individuals are recognized for their contributions`to this publicition: Robert J. Corbettand Barbara Millers co-authors; George Everett, editorial assistance; Hans Haumberger and Jim Duran,illustrations. The following reviewers deserve special thanks for their valuable critiques and additions tothis work. William J. Fisk and David Grimsrud, Lawrence Berkeley Uboratories, Berkeley, CA; James E.Woods. Building Energy Utilization Laboratory. University of Iowa at Ames; Gautum butt, Center forEnergy and Ehvironmental Studies, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; William A.Shurcliff. HonoraryResearch Associate at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Daniel A. Hagan, Brookhaven NationalLaboratory, Upton, NY; Howard Faulkner, University of Southern Maine, Gorham, ME; J.D. NedNisson, Energy Design Associates, Inc., New York, NY; Larry Palmiter, Ecotope Group, Inc., Seattle,WA; Rob Dumont, National Research Council of Canada; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Blair Hamilton, TheMemphremagog Group, Newport, VT; Rick Olmstead and Dick Van EE, Conservation Energy Systems,Inc., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Scott Getty, Solatech, Inc., Minneapolis, MN; Leland Lange, EnerconConsultants, Ltd., Regina, Saskatchewan; and John D. Tre load, X Change Air Corp., Fargo, ND.





rHEAT RECOVERY VFW( NeATIONfor Su erinsulation


Why are air-to-air heat e)tchangers needed? 5

Can the air-to-air heat exchanger Handle heavy pollution concentrations? 6When is a heat exchanger appropriate? hAgriculture makes appropriate use of air-to-air heat eichangers 7

Sources of pollution in the home 8


A central system or a wall-mounted unit?A central system requires planning in advance 9What is the minimum air-change rate for safety. and comfort? 11

Determining machine capacity 11

How to determine the minimum heat exchanger capacitybfor your applica-Oe tion 11

Examine machine features 12

Exchanger core types 12

Moisture transfer in the core 13*

MainteRance features. . 13 '

Defrost capabilities 14.Fan features 14

The development 3f a high-efficiency residential heat exchanger: the Mem-phremagog system 14

WharShout homemade heat eichangersr 17-


Choosing a location 18

Mounting the machine 18

Ductwork 18

Intake air 4. 18

Exhaust air 19

fresh air supply 19

Return air 19 a

Balancing the air flows '20Should an air-to-air heat exchanger be integrated into a forced-air heating

system? 20Recovering heat from clothes dryers 22


Continuous, low-speed operation 23

Control by ercent timer 23

Control by umidityt


Sumner control 23
















mericans have made substantial progress in learn-ing how to reduce residential energy consumption.

In particular, well-insulated, virtually airtight houses arebeing built that cut heating coats to a tiny fraction of thoseof conventionally built houses. But, these changes/ inbuilding' technology have highlighteil ortcems aboutproper ventilation. A growing body. of evidence "isshowing that specific ventilation strategies are essential in ...enemy- efficient houses to handle a wide range of potentialindoor air contaminants.

At present, one of the best available solutions to theconflict between ventilation aid energy costs in this type

'421f housing is the air-to-air heat exchanger, a fan-poweredventilation device that recovers heat from stale, outgoingair. .- .

Air-to-air heat exchangers were researched anddeveloped in the U.S. Department of Energy's Appropri-ate Technology Small Grants Program, 1978-1981. Thispublication will examine the result's of this vrork as well asprovide information for builders, architects and skilledowner-builders on the basics of using air-to-air heatexcllangers in residential settings, . including: .

how heat exchangers work;why they are needed and when they are appropriate;how to choose an adequate ventilation rate and a

. machine that fits the purpose;how to install, control and maintain the Lachine;assessing the state-of-the-art in this technology; andinformation on suppliers, ventilation standards andwhere to go jor further information on heatexchangers.






In their search for ways to reduCe home heating costs,several grantees turned to recapturing individual

sources of "waste" heat in the home, -such as clothesdryers, hot attics, refrigerators and other appliances

--Appendix A). While some of this work holds promise andmay be. of interest to appliance manufacturers, most resi-dential waste heat recovery options are not yet commer-cialized, and some of these technologies have significanthurdles to overcome. p

For example, one grantee developed a device to recoverwaste heat from clothes dryers and retrofitted 52conventionally constructed houses in the community withthis device.'Some heat was recovered, but nearly half theparticipants in the project reported excess humidity. It isclear that more research is needed to develop a ,way torecover waste heat from clothes dryers that doesn't polluteindoor'air with excess-moisture, lint and the products oflaundry additives.

This publication focuses primarily on the work of grant-ees who took another route heat recovery ventilation.Instead of trying to recover waste heat from individualappliances with Separate technologies, the concept here isto build houses that are so energy efficient and lose so littleheat that much of the heat from all indoor sources isretained, through substantial thermal improvements andthe use of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (seeVENTILATION FOR SUPERINSULATION). M the current stateof the art, it is more cost effective to improve the overallthermal efficiency of the house than it is to attempt tO.increase heat supply -through recapturing heat fromindividual appliances. In effect, most of the "waste" heatin the house is conserved at once with a single technology.

Reviewing the grant project results reveals that whileheat recovery ventilation is commonplace in large-scaleapplications, its ttse in residences, on the farm and in smallbusinesses is just beginning. In 197ft, when the first proj-

ects got u ay, residential heat recovery ve$tilationwas a new ostly untried; technology. Yet, severalgrantees- is potential, and attempted todevelo evices.

For in tan a builder in Illinois set about' buildingsuperinskflated houses, using early research in this field ashis guide. Realizing that ..excess moisture might be a.problem In his tightly_ constructed house, the builderplanned to use dehinnidification, not ventilation, as his,answer to,this:pOtential problem. In the midst of his proj-ect, he recOgriized"that dehumidification and ventilationcould be accomplished at. thk.Prwne time with an air-to-airheat exchanger. But, because he ,couldn't find such adevice on the market, he attempted to build his own. Thisgrantee's experience is not uncommon; many buildershave "discovered" superinsulation, but they often know'little about one of its major componentsmechanicalventilation with heat recovery.

Yet, one grantee in Vermont, who was familiar with theproniik and problems of superinsalated buildingtechniques, did extensive testing and development workthat resulted in the production of a commercially availableair-to-air heat recovery device that is one of the mostenergy efficient available today. More than 20 firmscurrently produCe residential air-to-air heat exchangers forthe market in the United States, yet consumers and profes-sionals need more guidance before they are able to easilyuse this technology.

The experiences of the DOE Appropriate Technologygrantees provide insights into the promise of heat-recovery ventilation for residences and agriculture. In theemerging field of residential beat-recovery ventilation, thesignificant work done duririg these projects helps illustratehow and why air-to-air heat exchangers are fast becomingan essential feature in many new and retrofitted superin-sulated houses.


dequate ventilation is critical for all types of housing,but the advent of superinsulation has brought the need

for a discrete mechanical ventilation system into thespotlight.

While houses have generally been built tighter during thelast decade, one of the major features of superinsulation isvirtually airtight construction. This is accomplished with thecareful installation of a continuous, unbroken air-vaporbarrier to stop moisture and air movement through thebuilding shell. Also recommended in this type of constructionis the use of extremely tight windows and doors, and closeattention to sealing all. breaks and seams in the air-vaporbarrier.

These techniques, combined with much more insulationthan conventional houses use (often R-60 ceilings, R-40 willsand R-10 to R-20 under floors and around foundation! incold climates), make for space heating costs that have ben


shown to 6e.as low ag $100 annually or less in our coldestclimates using small, conventional heating systems.

This low heat requirement is possible because as much as athird of the heat needed in the house is supplied by heat fromappliances, lights and even body heat of the residentg. In 4conventio4ly built house, these internal heat gains are not amajor heat source (Figure 1).

Secondly, standard-sized south-facing windows can makea significant contribution to heating this type of housewithout additional solar storage devices. Because heat losseshaye been reduced to such a low level, the house can retainadequate solar energy in the' Mass of the structure itself.

In the coldest weathek a small amount of auxiliary heatmay he needed when soliF gains are small or if little activitY ishapp ping in the house to produce internal heat gains. Thisneat load is tyr 'tally so little that a minimal heating systenlksuch as a small- amount of electric heat or a small furnace




(usually less than 25,000 Btuh capacity) is the natural((implement to solar and internal gains This of ten means thatno central. forced air heating system is Installed in this type ofhousing, because less expenSive options arc available.

Because the supennsulatttd house is so tightly built, properventilation must be a major focus of the design stage with thistype of construction. In addition, possible indoor pollutionsources should also be avoided and special attention must begiven to properly -isolating any combustion devices used inthese hciuses.

Because the technology is new, and because most buildingprofessionals have rarely had to provide a special ventilationsystem for detached, single-family housing, ventilation andair quality concerns are frequently overlooked.

Mechanical ventilatioti with a properly sized and installedair-to-air heat exchanger is the major option for theventilation system in superinsulated houses, because neededventilation can lie supplied without action on the occupants'part and at lower cost than with other strategies, such asopening windows or doors.

The evolution of Insulation levels forresidential buildings In cold climates.



Singlepan ;



Doublo oridol* Prr


-Triple orGumdrop's!Prr


NOTE. R 04.1.110 a 111(11011a1 S j111111v 10 yloo,eal h.vrr pass ,9 11,ougf: inn ',ono, the tmulner the uroalor Iho

. 1,11a1

A good design and carefulconstruction aie essential

.Caieful 'attention to delitils4 crucialto the success 010 sopoin§tftli(edhouse Its energy consot,44.oeitormance depends on okactconsiruchon

111010 are throe key design elementsthal disteigursh a superinstrIaledhouse1) high levels of Insulation;2) a continuous vapor baffler 10ensue that (he entire "envelope- isairtight. and3) an air-to-air heat exchanger -- tokeep indoor an fresh without losingheal

SOLAR GAINS INTERNAL GAINS BACKUP HEATING COMFORTA low well placed (Appliances. lights. SYSTEM (WO total cost for

windows ) even body heal ) (Much smaller thannormal

space heat leSS than$190/year )

FIGURE I: Superinsulation is a fast-growing trend in northern climates. Solar gains, internal gains from lights, appliancesarid occupants, and a small hack-up heating system result in comfort at greatly reduced operating costs.


ri air-to-air heat exc anger is a heat-recovery yen-' tilation device that arils stale, warm :flit from theAhouse and transfers the h at in that air to the fresh, coldair being pulled into the house. -Heat, exchangers do notproduce heat; they only exchange heat', from one air:sirearilto the other. . 1 ' .

The-heat transfers to the fresh air 'streaiii in the core ofthe heat exchanger, which is often Made ;of thin sheets ofplastic, treated paper .or metal. In the :iyPe of machinefeatured in this publication, the core isIdesigned to avoidmixing of the two air streams to ensure that most indoor.pollutants are removed in the stale air tream. Moisture inthe stale air condenses in the core and is drained from themachine (Figure 2). , - -

Residential heat exchangers come in.two basic types:small, through-the-wall units that. are about the size of 4.,

room air conditioner and -central; ducted whole-house'models, many of which are about the size of .a,typichlwater heater. . . - ,

Small, efficient fans power the two separated airstreams,, and research indicates that the Most efficientresidential heat exchangers on the market can recover asmuch as 70-80 percent of the heat in the stale air.

Although air-to-air heat exchangers are new to fheresidential market, they have n in use for many'decades in largecoinniercial, indust aklind ho§pital appli-cations. Residential air-to-air exchRngers Were first-intro-duced in North America.in the late-1970s, when Canadianresearchers built a test house that was so tightly _con-structed that extra ventilation was needed. Those doing --'research with superinsulated houses soon focused on theai -to-air heat exchanger as-one way to provide constant,reliable ventilation, thus avoiding potential indoor airquality and moisture problems.

Why are Air -to -Air Heat Exthangers Needed?

All houses need ventilation with outdoor air to providea comfortable, healthy environment. This ventilationdilutes pollutants that are gentrated indoors (see SOURCESOF POLLUTION IN THE HOME). .

The air quality of a house depends on the number andseverity of the pollution sources in the house; and howfast the pollutants are being removed, whether by exhi


iiustfan or throu'gh air leaks. A .tight house can have Acept-able indoor air quality if no ajor pollution sources are in/the house, .and conversely a "leaky" house can have pooair quality if kits of sources are

-Ventilation thiough air leaks, ,or infiltration and exfiltra-tiOrL, is extremely changeable. And, most experts- agreethat air leakage is not a reliable way-to provide unifoiim oreffe-ctiv ventilation. This is becausk infiltration dependson many factors: the rate of air leakage depends on windspeed and direction, the type of heating plant, and on thetemperature difference between the indoOrsand,00tdoots.

In additiOn, . the' location. of 'the air IWkage 7-Pointsaround the -house can _affect th rate of (infiltrations Onecause of infiltration, the "slack irtfect, isiritie by wairiiair pushing out through the uppei.regions oft ethereby pulling cold air into the'hove frotn low eregionS(Figure 3). Cohsequently, if most of the air 1 14 occuraround the foundation, with few air leaks throligl-L- theceiling, infiltration would probably ..be legs than if the,

. rhouse had air leaks both high and low.Most corwentional houses rely on ventilation from air

leaks in the building's shell. Opening windows and doorsis always an option, but the cost and dikomfort of allow-ing air to rush into the house during cold weather often


FIGURE 2: This simplified schematic diagram shows the essential SOmponents of an air-to-air heat exchanger,

Heat Passes From the Outgoing to the IncomingAir Stream Through Thin Metal or Plastic Sheets.(Only One Sheet Shown For Clarity).

Fresh, WarmedAir SupplyTo House

Warm, Moist, Stale,Polluted Return


111111111.110'Air From House





FANakMoisture In House Air Reaches "Dew Point" andCondenses When Cooled By Losing Heat theincoming Air Stream.

i I






Fresh, Dry, Cold,Outside Alr

Cooled, StaleExhaust AirTo the Outside.

Pollution Stays In the Outgoing Air Stream and is. Exhausted to the Outside. (it Does Not Pass Through

the Heat Exchanger Core Sheets).

10 5


Florrty- Ail/ stack ,effect- one significant waY Ire

which ccinventionally,built houses lose heated air throughinfiltration and ofiltratiotr.

leads most people to avoid naturally ventilating the housein this manner. Unfortunafelymanypeople leave residen-tial ventilation to-chance; since most of us don't know theseverity of -pollution concentrations or the-ventilation rateof our homes, we have no idea Of whether ventilation isadequate. when windows and doors are closed.

'Air leakage is expressed in terms of "air changes perhour" (ach). One ach indicates that a volume of air equalto the whole volume of the house enters the house eachhour However, due to the uncontrolled nature of infiltra-tion,, one ach does not mean that the house will experienceuniform or complete removal of 'cOntaminated air, northat_all the air in the house is completely replaced eachhour.

Studies of air leakage rates indicate that most conven-tionally built houses have air leakage rates that span arange from a low of about .25 ach (one air change in fourhours) to about 2 acii-(two air changes each hour). Atpresent, it is still difficult to easily characterize the -prob-able air leakage ate of the "average" house?, althoughsome researchers have put it in the .5 ach to 1.5 ach range.

An important point to note here is that air leakage doesnot happen at a coNstant rate. It varies uncontrollably,depending on many factors. For example, a house with ameasured air change rate of .5 ach during the winter mayhave negligible air change in the summer when tempera-ture differences are pin. all. Or, this house may have 1 achduring windy weatlier because of its location and the loca-

, lion of the air leaks. In other words, ventilation may bemoredhan adequate (which carries an energy penalty) atsome times, and inadequate at others. In addition, re-search has indicated that the rate of air leakage in variousrooms in't he same house can differ by as much as 10 to 1,meaning that some rooms may often have inadequateventilation, while others are drafty and uncomfortable.


Some superin4ilated housed in cold climates have beenshown to have air change rates as love as .0,5 ach (one Airchange every 20 hours). These extremely tight house, needadditional ventilation to make them sale for occupancy.The air-to-air heat excluinger can provide necessary yen--Haat-xi at a constant, predict4ble rate, thus ensuring ade-quate ventilation with smaller energy cost.

Can the Air-to-Air' Heat Exchanger HandleHeavy Pollution Concentrtions?-in low-infiltration housing, the air-to-air heat exchanger

is used to replaCe v tilation ticat has traditionally comefrom air leakage. M ufacturers Of whole-house heat ex-changers haye, in signing their machines, sized themachines to provide a 53in amount of ventilation. Thiscapaiiiiefrrit. es to the size of the house. In a typical1,200-square-Coot house with no basenient, a whole -househeat exchanger could provide tip to about 1 ach over thehouse's natural air leakage rate.

Studies have'shown, however, that to remove heavypollution concentrations, significantly higher levels ofventilation could be needed. For example, to rtnove"pollutants generated by an unvented 'gas cooking range,research has indicated that 7 ach (in the kitchen) iyould be'neetled-to keep pollutants at a low love]. A vented rangehood cam supply this ventilation,bY quickly withdrawingthe polluted air before it can mix with "the air in theikest ofthe house.

The air-to-air heat exchanger can do an excellent job ofsupplying ventilation often at a lower cost, and morereliably than ventilation through air leakage, but neitherthe exchanger or simple air leakage should be expeCted tohandle heavy pollution sources by themselves.

When is an Air-to-A. Heat ExchangerAppropriate?

A mechanical ventilation system is an essential compo-nent in superinsulaied houses. If a-controlled ventilationsystem isn't installed in these tight houses, a number ofproblems can arise, including excess moisture that is-oftenseen as water condensing on windows. In addition, oc-cupants can yifi9d themselves suffering from' burning,watery eyes, It'quent headcolds and respiratory prob-lems. These and other symptoms are sometimes reportedby occupants in residences with inadequate ventilation.

The question here is one of providing needed ventila-tion. Heat recovery ventilation, such as that providedwith'an air-to-air heat exchanger, is one wdy to provide,necessary ventilation without ;he energy. penalty associ-`ated with simple mechanical ventilation without heatrecovery. 4.

There is little question that air-to-air heat exchangerscan provide uniform, cost-effective ventilation in superin-sUlated houses. But, whether' heat exchangers are theanswer in more conventional housing is a matter of debateand a subject for further research.

Preliminary research in Sweden indicates that if the ,

house isn't tight enough; air flows can be "short-circuited"by too many air leaks in the house. This short- circuiting,

an make Iof poor air distrd)ution as well as lowered heatrot over` ellic tens v )1Iwi types of heat overy ventilalion art..14111g employed in these less-than-light houses inSweden, but these technologies are not yyt availabie, irr theUnited States

I Intel cuitajile heat -recovery -ventilatibn strategies are.avadable. known ventdalu,n methods may be the hest ail-pitiat h rn t conventional houses that need additional ven-tilation. Several manutail livers of torced air heating andcooling equipment have added the option of adding anoutdoor alt duil that is directly cc;nnected to the return air(lint ol the. heating or cooling system. This duct has amanual damper than can he ddustet I to provide more outdoor au for ventilation when it is needed Other availableventilat um options include opening windows and (h)ors,spot ventilation with range hoods and Vent tans that aredue ted 'rtte outdoors, and whole -house airing, eitherpassively or with mechanical methods.

As one grantee in Arizona discovered, whole-house air-ing is an energy-elf icient verthldtion strategy that canreduce summer c ()tiling costs as well as provide neededventilation When the house is aired at night -with a

thole- 110U se ran, night au c ool the flirt ol thehouse. iediu uii ibncigy oolu, "1 II'day.

Some &san hers note. how el that heat ex( hangersmay lie ( ost elle( fve way' to solve (lain 1111 (At e.moisture problems rn c onventiorial holism); 11 the threatof moisture damage is signif it ant. the heat oxi. hanger mayhe able to quit Isly pay. ,11 savings fromrepair of maintenance Costs.

In convent tonalk, 1mill houses dial hors; been eatensively tightened. known pollution '-ounces should alwayshe redo, ed. isolated of otherwise cl)rafolled, at the him' ofthe weal he, 'ration work. If -moislutel problems or he,,dthproblems .persist., the house ( (1. uld be tested to deteninnethe air change ratevl lirr'r7m he at c omplik.hed the useof a blower door,, device thai energy consi vat ioh t oil(tact or!, an I a); cIS

an estimation of the ,rate isn't a yin...Lint and will 4.4..ar1' with theother factors. !at m rates ate genehighest in tie wintet ivhen tempera( inegreatest.

to prey,nrize the house and gethang(' !Ay. 1:e ember th:it"this

fits andat t heir

eiences are the




Ryawns for using air to air heat exchangers in agricultureparallel those in the residential setting: air-to-air heat

exchangers can result in better indoor air quality and reducedmoist fire levels in animal sheds and barns, leading to both increased livestock production and energy s,ivings in coldclimates

But, unlike residential applications, the tightness of theagricultural building is not as critical in determining the costeffectiveness of these devices. A more direct payback may( orne from improved health and longevity of the livestockbee use of cleaner, less humid air than from heat recovery,although heat recovery reduces the cost of this neededventilation.

At least four grantees used air-to-air heat exchangers inagricultural settings, and agricultural applications are slowlygaining recognition ,and acceptance.- Grantees used thesedevices to help dry corn -and improve ventilation in animalhousing. , ,

1h4 1$e the experiences of some of those workingin theresidential sector, some of these grantees had difficulties using


the machines, often due to a lack of mbirmatio'n or Intl! es-sional advice, One grantee had problems with ai nt )rrectlymounted machine, while another had difficulty a mg tilt:right sired machine for his (of-II-drying apple at c A thirdfound it difficult to find product information on appropriatemachines for his project.

Despite these problems, the grantees all found promise inthe technology. !feat recovery helped reduce coin dryingenergy costs by 20 percent, one grantee reported. A farmerusing a heat exchanger in his flog farrowing house was im-pressed with the possibilities and plans to iipirme hisexperiments.

Another grantee in Vermont had considerable, expertise.with heat exchangers and built several succbsslail prototypemodels for agriculture, one of which was field tested in aneighboring harmers chicken house'. The tarn was pleasedwith the results:The heat exchanger was credited with increasing chicken production by 10 percent and reducing heatingcosts.






t. a



edent research has shown that a surprisingly large num-.ber r of pollutants can be found indoors, including:

MOISTURE: ,A typical famjly of four can produce a greatdeal of. water ,fapor in the course of daily living, up to 4gallons per day. High indoor relative humidity can causesignificant building damage as well as health problems, suchas respiratory tiubles and diseases caused by microbialgrowth.

FORMALDEHYDE: Formaldehyde is most commonly used inglues used in the constructipn of interior .particleboard,plywood and .many carpets and home furnishirip. For-inaldehyde' alsO is emitted from impr,operly installed urea-formaldehyde insulation. Formaldehyde can cause eye-andrespiratory irritation, and it has been implicated in otherserious diseases.

INDOOR COMBUSTION POLLUTANTS: Indoor combustion,whether from a gas-fired cook stove or a fireplace, cangenerate a variety of pollutants, most commonly carbonmonoxide and, nitrogen- oxides. Unvented combuAion ap-pliances are a particular problem, because all the products ofcombustion are directly emitted into the room air. The healthdangers of high levels of carbon monoxide are welland low levels of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides maycause a number of health problems.

MISCELLANEOUS POLLUTANTS: Household products andhobby materialS contain many potential indoor pollutants.Aerosols are common in most homes, and they can put anendless variety of toxic substances into the air.

HUMANS AND PETS: Humans and pets exhale a variety ofbacterial and viral elements into the air.flt has long been-known that many diseases are transmitted through the air.Pets produce dander and fur, which can be a major problemfor those with allergies..

TOBACCO SMOKE: Tobacco smoke is a well-known danger,yet one third of the adult population smokes tobacco in One'form or ahother. Tobacco smoke contains more than 2.000chemical compounds, and numerous studies have shown thatsmoke reaching non-smokers can pose a significant healthhazard.

RADON: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas thatbreaks down into compounds that may cause cancer whenlarge quantities are inhaled over a long period of time. Unlikemany indoor pollutants, radon levelsIcan be monitored at anaffordable cost. When radon levels are extremely high, sim-ply increasing the ventilation won't greatly reduce the con-centrations in many instances. Instead, the radon should betackled at the source, a course that often requires professionalassistance (Figure 4).








FIGURE 4: Sources of indoor pollution exist in every Wome7



n this section, the features of available air-to-air heatexchangers are discussed, and information is pre-

sented on how to choose e machine and system that suitsthe purpose. This involves looking closely at the designand layout of the house, choosing the ventilation level,calculating the air volume of the house, and becoming fa-miliar with available heat.exchanger options.

A Central System or a Wall-mounted Unit?

The first air-to-air heat exchangtrs to gain popularity inthe United States in the late 1970s were small, window- or

However,units (Figure 5). Hoever, zis research pro-gressed on the ventilation needs of the ultra-tight house, itbecame clear that small heat exchangers had several disad-vantages when compared to a central, ducted whole-house model. Larger models for central use were, at thistime, being developed by a number of-manufacturers andby one grantee.

Research has indicated that a single wall-mounted heatexchanger won't provide adequate ventilation for a wholehouse. In general, small heat exchanger cores tend to beless efficient than larger cores. In addition, because the air

. intake and outflow are so close to one another, airflowsthrough a small, wall-mounted heat exchanger can be eas-ily short-circuited.

Cost is a major consideration when choosing a heatexchanger, and the cost of 'installing .a wall- or window-


FIGURE 5: Small, through-the-wall air-to-air heat ex-changers may not adequately exchange an mix airthroughout the house, but they may be adequale for oneroom or a portion of h room.

mounted ice-at exchanger in several rooms can be greaterthan installing a central machine that can provide ventila-tion for all parts of the house.

Air mixing and flow are important to good dilu on ofindoor air pollution, and in this regard, a central, tedsystem will provide a much better result than a 11-

mounted linit (Figure 6).However, a wall-mounted heat exchanger may be a

good choice for applications,whe're one room or a portionof a room needs better ventilation. In addition, severalwall-mounted 'heat exchangers would be a reasonablealternative for some retrofit situations in which a centralsystem is impossible.

A Central System Requires Planning in Advance

Costs can be substantially reduced when installing acentral, ducted system in new construction or retrofit ifthe proper planning takes place in advance. Exchangermanufacturers should be consulted in the design phase ofthe project to facilitate this planning proces. Ductworklayout and design mast be planned for, and many prob-lems can be avoided if the system is well-integrated intothe house design (Figure 7).,

Because the heat exchanger is a ventilation device, not aheating appliance, some designers use stud cavities inwalls, joist cavities in floors and dropped ceilings as a low-cost "ready made" ductwork for the heat exchange


Central Alesto-AkHeal Exchanger

FIGURE 6: A fully ducted central air-to-air heat exchangerhas the capability of distributing fresh air to and stale airfrom all areas of the house.



SA Supply Alr

RA Return Air

EA Exhaust Air

OA Outside Air



Jo* Cooled exhaust air discharged tooutside.

insulated and wrappedwith vapor barrier

Bathroom yent to returnair duct, timer switchactivated

Lowered ceiling to for%fresh air supply plenumto second floor rooms

RABathroonevent to returnair duct, timer switchactivated

Lowered ceiling 'nod asfresh air supply plenum

Clothes dryer vented toexhaust duct


Alrto-Alr heat exchanger (understair landing)

Outside air Intake (Insulated andsealed with ver barrier wrap)


SWIG moist air trim housetoheat exchanger (bedroom doorsare undercut one Inch to facilitatereturn air circulation)

FIGURE 7: This isometric cutaway shows how the integration of a central, ducted air-to-air heat exchanger is best pc-complished during the des4gn phase. The system shown is for a two-story house.


system, thus saving money on the purchase of additionalductwork. In some areas, codes may forbid some of thewpractices, and some manufactui.ers who employ this typeof ducting advise special treatment. of -these spaces.

What is the minimum air-Change rate for safetyand comfort? 1111.-

Significant disagreement exists in the professional com-munity about minimum ventilation levels,. and until moreindoor air quality, research is done, it may be difficult tocome to a national consensus on minimum ventilationrates. Researchers in the United States, Canada and-!iweden have found that pollutant concentrations can in-crease sul?stantially at air change rates under 0.5 (one-half)ach. Therefore, 0.5 ach has been considered by many tdbe the minimum recommended air change rate in houses..However, some researchers argue that lower levels mayproduce adequate ventilation in some instances.

Sweden has made 0.5 ach a mandatory year-round,continuous minimum (which because of its continuousnature demands a mechanical*entilation system). In theUnited States, California recently set a 0.7 ach minimumat winter design conditions for areas of the state wheresuperinsulation is practiced. The difference between thesetwo standards is significant in that one is year-round,while the other is a wintertime deign standard.

The American Society of Heating, RefrigVating, andAir Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) Ifas recom-mended minimum ventilation levels pegged to a certaincontinuous amount of air entering each room (10 cubk.t.feet per minute (cfm) per room), The ASHRAE standardalso calls for 100 cfm capacity in kitchens and 50 cfm inhat rims, which means mechanical exhaust vents mustbe added in these rooms.

If kitchen and bathroom vents are'regularly operated,the overall air change rate will be an estimated .5 to 1 achin most houses. However, if exhaust fan use is discountedbecause it depends on occupant action, the air change ratefor 10 cfm per room can translate to a 0.2-0.4 ach rate inmost houses (with five or six rooms). ASHRAE's standardassumes no major pollutioh sources in the house. (See Ap-pendix I) for more detail on the ASHRAE standards.) Itshould be noted that much greater air change rates thanany of these minirriumsuould he needed to remove heavypollutant concentrations, such as tobacco smoke or com-bustion byproducts.

While it is tnie that ventilation is largely in the coni-rolof the occuppt, most people have little knowledge ofpotential indoor pollution sources. Architects, designers,builders and energy specialists must plan to, provide thenecessary ventilation for new, tightly constructed housestiand for comprehensive retrofit work that involves cuttinginfiltration levels.

In order to ensure adequate ventilation with an air-to-air heat exchanger system, it isProbably best to select 0.5ach as a minimum ventilation level regarAess of the con-tribution of natural air leakage, whicif is uncontrollableand changes Constantly.

Determining Machine Capacity'U,

The capacity of the Air-to-aii heat exchanger to moue

air is described in terms of -cubic reel per minute- or cfm,and capacity depends on three things:

fan performance in free air,the resistance of the core and exchanger case to ourmovement,the resistance oiNany ductwork that delivers the air.

Most reputable manufacturers will be able to describethe capacity of their machines in terms of the air flow theyare capable of providing after subtracting expected lossesdue' to core and ductwork resistance. For example, say amachine's fan will deliver 400 cfm in free air. After over-k,coming the resistance of the core, the delivery rate may be25Q cfm, and if the resistance of ductwork is considered,the final effective cfm delivered to the house could beabout 200 dm,

A second point about machine capacity is that mostmachines are more effective at recovering heat at lower air-flow rates than at higfier air flow rates. Thus, you need tochoose a machine that has large enough capacity at lowspeed to meet a minimum air change rate, as well as sometype of additional capacity to handle greater ventilationneeds, such as occasional extra ventilation for thebathroom, kitchen and possibly for the laundry area orother special-use rooms. (Remember that extra ventilationrapacity for gas cooking appliances must be provided overand above what the heat exchanger can provide.)

How to Determine the Minimum HeatExchanger Capacity for Y e Application

The following example n be used to determine howmuch capacity, in cubic fee per minute (cfm), is needed toprovide a 0.5 air-change rate.

For an extremely tight, superinsulated 1,500-square-foothouse (with) no basement):

1. Determine total xi

floor area


.1,500 ra

2.. Determine total 1.2

hour volume

3. MINIMUMexchangercaPacitY

This capacity is What shouldi'ont resistoce and clutiteti

a i li ve ig i t 490


Once you have determined the minimum ventilationcapacity of the machine you will need for your house,then compare your needs to the manuffcturer's infama-

16 I I

tion about ma( hint. t apacity. Wholehouse, ducted air-to-..,all heat e\t 11.111al models generally range in cap& ay fromabout 12.0 tin to 350 t t nt. Nlodeltf with as mu( h as 700tltn rapacity for residential use are also available for verylarge houses or those with indoor pools.

Note that different manufacturer; typically will choosevarying lengths Of ductwork to use its Calculating theirmaximum delivered' air flow rate. If your ductworkscheme differs substantially, the 'manufacturer may beable to help you determine witit the actual delivered airflow might he m your situation.

While'you are studying machine capacity, think abouthow much additional air flow you will need beyond theminimum you initially calculated. Extra capacity may bedesirable to more quickly remove indoor pollutants andmoisture from kitchen, baths and special -use rooms. Eachmachine's capacity is set by design. Through controls, airflow (an he reduced. but it cannot be greater than themaximum the machine can deliver. Using the samemethod, you can calculate how great a capacity youwould need to deliver 1 ach or greater, if desired. It maybe best to choose a machine that allows for variability; ifyou sele( t a machine that, at maximum speed, can just

'Ors barely provide your minimum airflow needs, efficiency.A will be reduced, and extra ventilation with heat recovery

won't he available when needed.Note, however, that some manufacturers offer options

that an allow extra ventilation without relying on extramachine Capacity. For example, one manufacturer offerscontrols and dampers that allow air to be divertedmomentarily to rooms with greater ventilation needs.Another installs -booster- tans in ductwork for kitchensand baths to temporarily increase air exhaust from these,rooms.

Examine Machine Features

A variety of types of air-to-air heat exchanger's are onthe market, and choosing the right machine for yourneeds can sometimes he a confusing task. The followingsection explains the various components of a heat ex-changer and how these features can affect performance,


maintenance and other aspects of owning and operating aheat exchanger

FIGURE 8: In a flat-plate counterflow core, air streams flowin opposite directions, allowing greater heat transfer fromorre.air stream to the other..


Flat Plate Core, Crosi FlowNot to Scale

FIGURE 9: In a flat-plate crossflow core, air streams floW atright angles to one another. A crossflow core must helarger in area than a counterflow core to equalperformance.

The essential components of the heat exchanger are thefans and the heat exchanger core. Other basic features in-clude a condensation drain to allow moisture accumulatedin the machine to drain away, a defrosting mechanism orsystem to avoid hindering the machine's performance dur-ing very cold weather, and the systems controls. (Adiscussion of _ductwork installation and control strategiesis presented in later sections.) Each basic component isdiscussed separately to allow a comparison of theavailable features and design options_

Exchanger Core Types

Three bask- factors influence the efficiency of mostty s of heat exchanger cores: the size of the surface areafor rheat transfer, the direction of the air streams, and thespeed at.. which air moves through the core. The greaterthe surface area, the more heat can transfer through thecore to the fresh air streaih, while the direction the two airstreams are moving usually influences temperature profilesin the core.

Although there are six different types of cores availableon the market, the counterflow core is theoretically themost* efficient because the two air streams are finning inopposite directions, a situation that make_fors the begrtemperature profile for heat transfer between the two airstreams (Figure 8). Conversely, a parallel flow core, inwhich the two air streams are running in the same direc-tion, has an effectiveness limited to 50 percent by the lawsof thermodynamics and is the least effective type of core.

Crossflow cores tend to be somewhat less efficient thancounterflow cores, because the air streams are movingperpendicular to each other. A larger core can help im-prove the efficiency of this type of core. And, onemanufacturer has designed a "double cross flow" core,which doubled the contact surface, thus making thismachine similarly efficient to the counterflow core. (Figure9).

"IPConcentric tube counterflow cores offer similar efficien-des to -the flat-plate counterflow, but they are more dif-


ficult to manul.R hue and can he more expensiveother types of ind( lune (Figure 10).

Concentric Tube Core, Counter FlowNot to Scale

FIGURE 10: Co)centric tube counterflow cores are similarin performance to flat-plate counterflow cores, but theyuse a different manifokiing geometry.

Rotary cores have been used for years in commercial orindustrial applications. In these types.of machines, thecore actually rotates between the cold and warm airstreams. Rotary machines allow moisture to transfer be-tween the two414.streams (Figure 11).

Heat -Pipe cores)c,mploy permanently sealed pipes (or/----ttfbes) that contain a refrigerant. When one end of the

tube is heated, the refrigerant vaporizes and travels to theo ,r end of the tube, where cooling causes it to condense-

. and ny back to the other end. The heat pipe operatesthrough a condensation- evaporation cycle that is con-.tinuous as long as temperature differences are sufficient todrive the process (Figure 12). Effectiveness depends On thenumber of rows of heat Pipe, and operation is extremelydependent on the machine being installed at the properangle. Heat-pipe heat exchangers are well developed forindustrial use and seem to hold promise for small-scaleresictential use. However, few manufacturers are employ-ing tills technology in the residentiaj market.

FIGURE 11: In rotary cores, a rotating wheel of tiny airpassages transfers heat from one air stream to the other.Rotary. cores usually transfer moisture as well as heat.


oisture Tram sfer in the Core

A. se( ondoi v femme 111.11 1111 laent C heat tran,,tetthe core-it; whether the core allows moisture to pass fromthe warm air stream to tthe cold, incoming air. Some cormsam made of specially treated paper, -which allows thismoisture transfer to take place. Called -enthalpy- models,these heat exchangers can transfer more heat, becausethey recapture thu energy that is given (AU when moisturecondenses from a gas to a liquid. (This is known as latentheat transfer.) Note, .however, that non-enthalpy unitsalso ['recapture some of this latent heat during the monthswhen moisture condenses in the core.

Enthalm3 units may not be well suited for cold- climateapplications because One of the main lobs of the heatexchanger is usually to remove excess moisture from the

*-inside air. In addition, enthalpy cores may allow for-maldehyde, which dil,solves in water, to be returned tothe incoming air, rather than staying in the exhaust airstream where it belongs.

On the other hand, enthalpy units may be suiked towarm-weather applications where high outdoor humidityis a problem. The warm, moist outdoor air passes some ofits moisture, as well as part of its heat, to the outgoing,cooler exhaust air stream, thus lowering relative humidityin the house during the summer.

However, because you must usually choose betweenenthalpy and non-enthalpy units when buying a machine,it is probably best to avoid the enthalpy units in cold-climate settings.

Maintenance Features

Some manufacturers feciture cores that can be

periodically removed and cleaned, while other man fac-turers havje opted to use filters rather than allow f( r a

Heat 'Pipespas ExAnstion Below)


°potation °t o% Heat Pipe

Heat pip. CoreNot to Scale


FIGURE 12:1h heat pipe cores, heat is moved from one airstream to the other by evaporation and condensation of afluid in a heat pipe.




removable ( ore. In areas where outdoor air quality ispool, a filter system would probably be the best choice.be( awe(' heat ex(hahger ores are not meant to tiller smallparticulates from the Air.

It is important to follow mailtenance recommendationsprovided by the manufacturer in regard to filter replace-ment or core cleaning; the performance of the machinewill likely he affected by lack of necessary maintenance.Some observers have suggested that manufacturers mightwant to consider an elapse rim time indicator in the systemcontrol package to aid maintenance scheduling.

Defrost CapabilitiesHeat exchangers designed for use in cold climates

should have some provision for defrosting the core duringthe coldest winter days. Moisture in the warm air streamcan freeze it the incoming air is cold enough, and icebuildup may eventually block the core.

An automatic defrost system is best, because it is ac-tuated with no attention required from the occupant.

'Manual tiefwst requires monitoring the machine in coldweather and taking action whZn necessary.

Another option is to pre -heat the incoming cold air toavoid freezing in the first place. H6iyever, in manysuperinsulated houses this pre-heating element may ac-tually use more energy than the whole house uses forback-up space heating. In addition, pre-heating the in-coming air could reduce the overall efficiency of the heatrecovery function of the heat exchanger.

Automatic defrost mechanisms include those that arethermostatically actuated and pressure-sensor types. Ther-mostaticatly operated defrosters sense the temperature ofthe incoming air stream. If the temperature is low enough,the machine will go into defrost mode, which allowswarm, stale exhaul air to run through the machine tomelt the ice, while the incoming air stream is cut offtemporarily.

Pressure-sensor,systems, such as one developed by agrantee, monitor the pressure difference between the twoair streams. When one air stream's pressure increasesbecause of ice 'buildup, the machine goes intd defrostmode.

No matter what the defrost mechanism, air exchangestops temporarily during defrost until the machine returnsto its regula# operating mode. Because air is leaving butnot entering the house, this creates a temporary negativepressure in the house that could cause backdrafting prob-lems in houses with combustion appliances that draw in-door air for combustion. This is another major rationalefor carefully isolating combustion dektices so that theydraw combustion air from the outdoors, never from theindoors.


Fan Features'Heat exchangers employ small fans to drive the two air

streams. The major features of heat exchanger fans to notewhen shopping for a machine are energy use, noise andmaintenance provisions.

If the fans energy use is substantial, savings'from heatrecovery may be minimal after the cost of running the fansis considered. For this reason, most manufacturers haveconcentrated on the use of highly efficient, small fans. The

Centrifugal Blower

Vane Axial Fan

Common Fan Types


FIGURE 13: Energy use, ease of maintenance, noise leveland cost of replacement are all major considerations whencomparing fans used in air- to-air heat exchangers.

most common type ofjan used in heat exchangers. is thecentrifugal blower. Varie-axial fans are also used (Figure13). ,,,,

It may be wise to listen to the maching you plan to'buy;some types of fan noise can be reMedied when the'machine is installed. If you understand the type of fannoise you are likely to get, then you can choose mountingand ductwork schemes to ensure quiet, operation of themachine. Generally, hOwever, heat exchanger fans pro-

ce less noise than most forced-air furnace fans becausee small heat exchanger fans move less air.

me fans arellictory sealed and require no oiling,e others require periodic lubrication. Quality

machines employ fans that are expected to last from fiveto seven years under continual operation. Check with themanufacturer about fan replacement schedules and fanlife-exkctancy. At least one manufacturer sells a heat ex-changer core without fans, allowing the consumer tochoose the s best suited to the need.

The Development of a High-EfficiencyResidential Heat Exchanger:The Memphremagog System

One grantee, the Memphremagog Group, a small, non-profit energy research company in Newport, Vermont,,



thoroughly ,,pi,,,,,1 ,,,,httimi airsjo...nr lit.,0 ,..,,, !hinge,

let fintiftTv in Ihe t our,,,t of 4,, inoet 1I fir ( amil) ...o.11. involved the produt hon of ,,ver,il

residential heat exchanger prototypes, and the project indot led thorough testing and developmht studies. Theresulting machme, the Emo Ci tAm.iltz. is now beingmarketed commercially

lice story of t he development of the Ec Ito ( I IAN( ,I I il-

lustrates many pi at tic al and 1 heoret real design considr,'lions that are t ritical in heat exchanger performance. Ilyreviewing this design procest,-,,, those who plan to use heatexchaU}',ers for ,heat -recovery ventilation in tight, cold-( hmate housing can gain insights into the potential problems and promise of' t his technology. This wo -k is also indtiicave of the type of :!evelopment wor that othermanufacturers have done in t lie course of producing theirheat exchangers.


Sizing the Machine's CapacityI he

,Nilemphremagog (.;roof; first planned to research

and develop a small window- or wall-mounted\heat ex-( hanger Dining the literature review process, however, itbe( ame clear that this type of heat exchanger, wouldb'tmeet the Group's goal. of providing ventilation for anentire house at a reasonable cost. At this early stlge, the( group opted for a design that would be a central, ductedunit capable of providing adequate ventilation ior a typ-o al hous

Investigating Core Design

The Group investigated different materlks to use forthe core, md rejected treated paper because the goal wasto develop a cow that was highly impermeable to watervapor. The Group noted that -for the heating season,when most of the benefits of this heat exchanger will berealized, humidity reduction is one of the primary applica-:,lions" for the, heat exchanger. The initial choice for thecore material was CoroplastR copolymer polypropylenesheets, material that looks like plastic cardboard, and infact, is used like cardboard.

Theoretical calculations indicated that t counterf low,flat plate core had .t he potential to provide the greate;;tsurf at e area I or heat exchange ip the core. The first twoprototypes developed were the counterflow, flat-platetype, purposely undersized to allow the group to exploreconstruction, design and performance considerations.Testing revealed that the;short- cores (two feet in length)suffered from inefficient use of the heat transfer surface.this resulted in lower effectiveness than anticipatedfrominitial calculatjons. Core effectiveness testing at this stagealso indicated that air coming into the core should be bat-fled so that air reaches the corners of the core, instead offlowing through only the center of the core.

In addition, testing showed that pressure losses acrossthe short -cores were higher than desired for efficientoperation. and this discovery led to further design workon the entrance and exit plenums.

Work with the early short cores also emphasized the'eve) of attention that is needed to maintain a good sealhetwen the exhaust and incoming air streams:If exhaustof indoor pollution is the goal, these two air streams must

be arChIlly isolated Ill WaFt1 I ilk end. the ( soup II ictiV.Irlety Of Waling tedUlltilleS, and (11,,CtiVercti .1 ..111.1.1t

lory answer problemThe final prototype was a 101.11-1001 long core that to

( orporated design modal( ations from this initial %yolk toensure good utilization of the core surface, minimize inter-nal short-cm intmg of air flows and maintain the integrityof the two air streams to avoid internal mixiny, of II I

air with incoming air. Efficiency and pressure drop acros.,:the core'were found to he good with this prototype(Figure HI.



FIGURE 14: The Mernphremagog Group's heat Ciellageffeatures a core of thin sheets of fluted plastic. The fronthousing of the pictured e.ichanger has been removed toreveal the core and the layout of the 111(7J-hint'.

Fan Energy Studies. ...

The Group did a tho ugh product search for fans thatwould supply the desire I air flow while consuming theeleast amount of energy. Testing and analysis revealed thatthere is a potential tradel-off between fan efficienCy andnoise: the more efficient the fan, the higher the noise levelmay be.

However, the grantee found that fan energy efficiencyis tar more important than. any potential noise problems,which can be solved in a number of ways. The Groupopted for a highly efficient fan, a small 32-watt vane axialfan similar to those used to cool large computers.

Low fan energy use is important when one explores an-nual energy use by the heat exchanger. Assuming the heatexchanger will operate continuously for 18040;4- er year,and that the cost of electricity is $0.07 per ketke. tt-hour,

' . 6the grantee's two fans (64 watts total) will connthe $19.35annually. In contrast, a similar heat exchangith fans


rated at 130 watts. operating at similar air flow rates forthe same period of time would «instime $39.31 annually.A Ian tated at 2Q0 watts with the same opeiatingissumpwins would consume $87.70 annually. (Note that some ofthe energy used to operate the fans could he returned tothe house as useful heat, depending on where the fans arelocated in the machine, and location of the machine in thehouse. But. heating the house 14ith a Ian will be less ell i-(lent than other heating options.)

Of course, fan power determines how much air can behandled through the heat exchanger. Larger air flow ratescan be produced with higher-powered fans. Because sonicustomers may want higher-powered 'fans, the Mem-

phremagog Group opted to also produce a heat exchangercore package without fans, to allow the buyer to chooselarger fans, if desired.

The 64-watt fans provide for air flows of: 240 cfm (freeair). 180 cfm (includes core pressure losss)_and 120 cfmafter about 30-50 feet of straight ductwork is installed.This pressure drop depends on duct sire, duct length, andthe number of duct elbows and bends.

The Group recommends that if larger air exhaust is de-sired I or kitchens and baths, booster tans can be installedin the ductwork at these locations, controlled by manualtinter switches. Although these boosters temporarily im-balance the air flows through the machine, the loss of effi-ciency is small, and pollutants and moisture generated inthese "wet" room can be exhausted more quickly withoutcontaminating, air in nearby rooms.

Core Condensation and Icing...

Another signif ant area of research by this grantee falls

in the area of defrost control. Autotnatic defrost is a majorconcern in the operatic: of the heat exchanger during

.etiihes of extremely cold weather. )

The grantee considered a percentage or programmabletinier to operate the defrost mode, but later opted fora

c pressure-activated switch. This type of control has an atvantage over the others.


Temperature-activated defrost may turn the machineon de ) rost when temperatures are low, whether or not ic-ing i. factually occurring. Programmable or percent timers

also have little ability to actually sense when coreblockage is occurring. In contrast, the pressure-activatedswitch turns off the incoming, cold air stream whenPressure increases on the exhaust' air stream, indicatingtnat the exhaust passages are clogged. Warm,. stale air con-',

tinues to move the core until the ice in thepassages is"melted. When this happens, pressure will dropto the point .where:the pressure-sensing switch will reac-tivate the incoming air stream fan, and normal air ex-change resumes as usual until icing occurs again.

One dr.awback of the pressure-sensing switch is that ifthe core becontestlocked by other matter, such as lint or .

ether particulates, the defrost mode will be activated im-1)roperly4 However,,,if the sysfem controls included a pilotlight thSi indicated when the machine was in defrostmode, this drawback could turn into an advantage Imo a



maintenance standpoint: if the defrost pilot light went onin warm weather, it would he a prompt to clean the core.

ests showed that ice buildup over 24 hours of < on

tnual operation at temperatures of 0-1. to 224 out-doors, 65 to 85 percent indoor relative,. humidity, and in-door temperatures of 70°F to 75°F (a severe. test ) could he

v.completely eliminated in less than 30 minutes of del rostmode operation. Although a thin sheet of ice also formedon the metal surfaces of the stale-ar,exit manifold underthe severe conditions of this test, this ice never increasedbeyond a very thin layer. No other surfaces outside the

core experienced icing.To avoid condensation on the exterior of the metal case

of the machine, the heat exchanger is insulated with 1 inchof foil-faced rigid fiberglass. In addition, both the intakeand exhaust ductwork from the machine are insulated andwrapped with a carefully sealed vapor harrier during in-stallation of each unit.

Core Cleaning tiThe Group investigated using filters on both the incom-

ing and outgoing air streams to prevent dust and dirt fromentering the core. Although a clean set of filters alters elf i-

ciency only slightly, as the filters become partially or total-ly clogged' with particulate matter the two air streamscould become imbalanced. Based on this, the. granteeopted for making the core removable id ,cleanabl

In the cleaning tests, the Group set u a dust ge atorin a controlled chamber and intention4y blew e emelydusty,and moist air info the machine. The dust'g erator

was orated for several hours over four days tint' bouthalf of the air channel space was clogged. The core was .

then removed from the Machine and flushed with'a waterhose at high volume. The care was easily cleaned in thismanner, and the grantee repoited that tests Showed t t.

high-pressure, loyv-volume water would work, as well.The grantee explained that dust byildup in the c re

under this test would not be represeptcitive of any, at idential setting, for dust quantities were far in excess ofthe fpund, under even the "most abnormal" residentialoperatthg conditions.

Fiel Testing

. Th -units were field tested, including one that has

been continually monitored in a superinsylated house in

Newport since December 198T. Field tests includedairflow, temperature and defrostotvaluMons with th

machine and ductwork installed. In all*stances, the'hefirexchanger perfovmance closely paralleled earlier laberra-

tktory results. /

One prototype model was installed on onef house of .4

multoiriekolise construction project in the winter ;o1'1981 -1982. The exchanger was *crated during constr4-tion to remove interior moisture during the drying of thegypsum board taping. The grantee reported'that the wallsof this house were dry and ready; for painting in one-fourth to one-fifth the time required by the other houses.





Because of the relatively high cost or lack of availabilityof commercially built heat exchangers, some people .

have attempted to- build their own_ While homemade heat ex-changers m

azihave cost advantages, building one froni

scratch is a fairly difficult project that may produce less thansatisfactory results. .

For obvious reasons, few people are willing or able to buildtheir own major home appliances, such as heating' plants ordishwashers, and a homemade heat 'exchanger should prob-ably bkviewed in the same. light.

At least two grantees built or monitored their homemadeheat exchangers. One tried out the concept of using a truck c.radiator for a core, while the other's core was a complex/design that featured an integral heater for defroslIng. ,

In the late 1970s, Canadian researchers at the University ofSaskatchewan at Saskatoon published construction plans




that described how to make a rather large heat exchangercore from lengths of polyethylene plastic, housed in a ply-wood box. About 5.000 sets of plans have been distributed,and many of these heat exchangers have been built.

Recently,-the same Canadian group revised and improvedthe design of their home-built unit, ma ing it smaller andmore efficient. The updated version calls or the use of flutedplastic sheets, similar to those used in the Memphremagogcommercial heat exchanger.

Because of the important job the air-to-air heat exchangermust perform in the extremely tight house, do-it-yourselfersshould carefully review the situation before attempting such atask. If one has the skills, a clear set of instructions, and ac-cess to the proper products, a homemade heat exchanger maybe one way for a skilled homeowner to save some of the extracost as.sociateAvith a supetinqated house.



l 'ATI*. }T.

7 .

This section covers basic details of choosing the loca-tion, mounting and ductwork details for the instal-

lation of a central, whole-house heat exchanger. Again.manufacturers' recommendations should be consultedduring the design and installation process to ensure properinstallation of the machine,

Choosing a LocationThe basement is usually an ideal location for the heat

exchanger, because of ease of access for ductwork andconnection to the house sewer for the condensation drain.In houses without" basements, a main-floor mechanicalroom is a good choice. If the basement will be used for liv-ing space, a mechanical room in the basement wild bethe best site.

While a number of machines feature an insulated hous-ing,, some still do tie. An uninsulated machine can ex-perience condensation problems in both warm and Coldlocations in the house. It is best, therefore, to avoid unin-sulated machines.

In addition, it is best to avoid putting heat exchangers incold locations; the condensation drain may freeze or otherproblems could result. In this regird, an attic location ispoor choice because of the cold, and this location maalso present problems because ductwork often mustpenetrate the air-vapor barrier more times than if the ex-(-Clanger is located in a mechanical room or atbasement.Remember, too, that the more inaccessible the machine is,-

'the more likely needed Maintenance will be postponed

Mounting the Machine

Many machines are designed to fit betlJecp the floorjoists or hang from them, mounted on straps Or hangers.

'Manufacturers' instructions will indicate whether themachine should be mounted level or sloped to fkilitatedraining condensation. .

lf the machine vibrates when it is in operation, it shouldfisolated front the floor during installation. Rubber

,rommets or-bushings can be used to furtheircut vibrationnoise. Or, man9faeturers may be able to priZvide giiidanceon reducing fan or vibration noise with other strategies(Figure .15).

The condensation drain should be plumbed tot a drainwit h a trap to avoid sewer backflow. With some ex-changer models, two traps are advised. Carefully note,monifacturers. recommendations in this regard. 41,

DuctworkRemelnber that heat exchangeis generally have a higher

efficiency when air is moving through the core at slower


Floor .1015.13

tient Exchanger

Rubber Bushing OrGrommet Used AsVibration Dampener

Support Straps


hetRE 15: Installingeduce vibration

rubber bushings or grommets cannoise in this type of heat eAchanger

speFds. Care should betaken to avoid hindering air flowby choosing ductwork that is large enough, has few bendsand elbows, and,j as smooth as possible.

Many machines are designed with fittings for 6-inchductwork. Commonly used ductwork includes galvanizedmetal, sheet metal, PVC plastic pipe, inexpensive plasticsewer pipe, and flexible ducts. In some locales, codes maymandate metal ductwork, but low-cost plastic sewer pipe,is probably the least expensive type of ductwork. Flexibleducts, with their ribbed surfaces, have more internalresistance to air flow, but they are easier to install and maybe acceptable if ductwork resistance has been allgwed fordin system design.

Besides electrical and plumbing -connections, four airduct connections must be made during installation. These$lucts include: the outside air intake duct, which brings inthe cold air from the outside; the stale air exhaust duct tothe outdoors; the fresh air supply ducts from the machineto the living areas; and the stale air return ducts from theliving areas to the machine. These four ducts, and specialfeatures and problems to consider, are covered separatelyin the following discussion.

,Intake Air

The p(i.int at which the air intake duct picks up putsideair should, be located as far as practically possible from thestale air exhaust duct outlet, to avoid pulling stale air backinto what Is supposed to be the fresh air stream. Most


designers recommend at least a 0-foot minimum distancefrom the stale air exhaust outlet, while others insist on atleast-10 feet.

Note that if the south side of the house ,has anunobstructed squthern exposure, air on this side of thehouse will be several degrees warmer in winter; during theday than air on the other sides of the house.. Therefore, itmakes sense to locate the intake du'et on the south wall, ifpossible or practical.

This duct should be located it won't be buried undersnow during the winter, and It'Aould be well above thesoil level. Never locate this duct where automobile ex-haust can enter. In addition, other outside pollutionsources should be considered. Avoid locating this intakeport near gas exhaust vents, central vacuum gleaner ex-haust ports or where outdoor cooking (barbeque) gasescould be pulled into the port. Because 'this intake portshould be checked periodically for obstructions, it shouldnever be located where it is 'difficult or impossible tovisually and manually inspect, such as under a dosed deckor porch. The opening should be covered with a rain capor insect screen, or whatever is recommended by themanufacturer.

If outdoor air quality does not meet federal standards,outdoor air should be filtered before it enters the house.Experts recommend use of an atmospheric dust spot filteras the best choice to trap small particulates. Gases such ascarbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide can be treated tosome degree by the use of activated charcoal or aluminaabsorbent systems.

Caution: This intake air is not in any way designed toprovide air for combustion appliances, such as furnaces orwater heaters that burn oil, gas, wood or any other corn-busion fuel. If a combustion appliance is installed in thehome, special provisions should be made for supplyingoutside combustion air directly to these appliances, in-dependently from the heat exchatigerj system. Negativepressure in the house could cause back-drafting ofdangerous flue gases.

A number of builders and designers have been installingwood stoves and other combustion appliances in superin-sulated houses, making the assumption diat the air-to-airheat exchanger can provide enough combustion air tooperate These devices. This is a potentially hazardous prac-tice. Combustion air requirements should be calculatedseparately for each applianci. To ensure that the potentialfor backdrafting of combustion appliances will not occur,each combustion appliance should have outside combus-tion air directly ducted to the appliance, so that the ap-pliance is completely and effectively isolated from indoor

'air.Because this intake air duct will be moving cold air, it

should be carefully sealed, insulated and then wrapped ina well-sealed airtight vapor barrier to avoid moisture con-densation on the outside of the duct. Any breaks in thehouse's vapor barrier should be carefully sealed during thecourse of this installation.

Refer to the section on balancing the air flows for infor-mation on dampers that may be located in this intakeduct.

Exhaust Air

The stale air exhaust outlet should be It arced as faraway as practical from the outside au_ intake port; again, itis recommended that the distance from the outside air portbe a minimum of 6 feet, preferably more.

To accomplish this, some designers run this exhaustduct out through the roof, although this isn't necessary inmost cases. if this radical course is chosen, special atten-tion should be given to allowing for expansion and con-traction of the duct. Some people use a rubber boot orsome sort of slip joint at the connection between the ductand the attic. The overriding concern here is to allow formovement with the joint, and to make sure that an airleakage point isn't created by a careless break in the air-tight vapor barrier.

.Because this duct is carrying the stale air away from thehouse, it should be tightly sealed to avoid allowing con-taminants to re-enter the indoor air. In addition, this ductis usually insulated and wrapped with a well-sealed vaporbarrier.

Fresh Air SupplyThe key to the fresh air supply Act system is to locate

the ducts so that a good supply of fresh air will reach allareas of the home and so that air mixing in the home willbe adequate.

While some manufacturers say that bne, single fresh airsupply source will handle the needs of the-house, this maynot be true in'practice. If the house is completely open indesign, with no doors closing off rooms, this single supplyduct might be adequate, but air movement and mixingMay be negatively affected, even with an open'-'roomlayout! Of course, money can be saved by installing onlyone supply duct, but because good indoor air quality isthe goal, this course should probably be avoided in favorof a ducted system. .

Just as the ,ends of exhaust and intake air streams arelocated far away from each other, the fresh air supplypoints in the living space should be located far enoughaway from return air intake points to avoid short-circuiting the air flows.

The fresh air supply ducts demand the most care and in-genuity in placement, to avoid extra cost and achievegood air mixing, without creating discomforting cold-airdrafts. A number of designers recommend that these airsupply points be located high on the walls or in the ce Mto keep cooler air away from the occupants and tofacilitate air movement "arid mixing. Also the Choice ofregisters that cover these supply air ports can influencehow air will move and mix with room air.

Air can be successfully moved through plenums createdby dropped ceilings. -This is usually cheaper than runningmetal or plastic ducts through these same availablecavities.

Return AirThe main focus with stole air/ return pick-up points

should be rooms that produce the most pollutantsthekitchen, bath and special-use rooms such as hobby roomsor laundry areas.

While some designers like to duct return air from eachroom, the majority of duct system designs call for two or


I It

4three separate ducts from the kitchen, bath and, .some-times from .another central pick-up point. as well

( odes !cowry additional ventilation tot kite hens andbaths, and the heat exchanger can provide this ventila-tion, using the -extra- capacity of the machine, above thebasic ventilation rate chosen for the house. Using simpleexhaust fans in extremely tight houses makes little sense itthe object is energy savings Instead, timer switches,similar to the ones aced with traditional exhaust fans, canhe-installed and used to operate the.heat exchanger at hillspeed when additional ventilation is needed. (More detailon exchanger controls is covered in the next section.)

Some manufacturers employ -booster- fans in the ex-haust from the kitaeri and bath. Although this tempo-rarily imbalances the system's air flows, the short-termdrop in efficiency isn't a major problem. One manufac-turer is using a system that diverts air flow from little-use4sz.areas ( f the house to the kitChen or bathroom for a shortperiod if time.

The k tchen air pick-up point should never be locateddirectly c er the cook stove, as a traditional range hoodwould/be. The exchanger core is not meant to handlegrease, whi a could seriously affect the performance ofthe machine. irthermore, greaso.will likely settlein hapet-to-reach ductwork and create a potential fire haz.ard.-In-stead, the pick-up point shota4,,be in a central locationacross the room from the range, to allow the grease to set-tle without entering the return cley. A non-vented, filter-ing range hid should be installed to catch some of thiSgrease close to the source'.

Sometimes, this kitchen pick-up point can serveithemain living rooms, as well, if the house has an open floorplan. Some designers further facilitate air movement byspecifying that doors be undercut by an inch or so.

Never vent the clothes dryer to the heat exchangerreturn air duct. This could imbalance the system, overtaxthe fans, and the exchanger core will become blocked bylint accumulation_ Nor should the clothes dryer be direct-ly vented ikto the living space to recover waste heat. In-door air pollution will result from the lint, moisture andlaundry additives found in the dryer exhaust. The dryermay, however, be successfully vented into the tuhaustairstream just before it is exhausted from the house. Sucha vent should be outfitted with a backdraft damper (SeeRECOVERING HEAT FROM CLOTHES DRYERS).

Balancing the Air Flows

Oce' the machine and ductwork are installed, thesystem's airflows must be balanced to ensure that incom-ing and outgoing airflows are equalized. If the airflows arenot balanced, the house will be subject to positive ornegative pressure when the machine is running.

Positive pressure may cause air to push out through anysmall leakage points, and this can lead to moisture con-densation irtide building materials at these leakage points.or-On the other hand, negative indoor pressure will cause,more .air to be palled into the h se at leakage pointsidrather than enter the house thr ugh the heat exchangesystem. (Negative. pressure can also cause dangerousbackdrafting of combustion flue gases if combustion ap-pliances have not been isolated from the indoor air.)Balancing the airflows is usually accomplished with abalancing damper in the intake air duct.!



Balancing the airflows is a two-person operation, whichmust be done on a day when the winds are calm and whentemperatures indoor and outdoor are similar All windowsand doors are securely closed. and one window is openedslightly. The heat exchanger is turned on at high speed,and one person checks airflows at the window while theother stands ready to adjust the balancing damper in theintake duct. Ai-rflow at the window can be detected with asmoke pencil, a burning cigarette or a length of threadheld near the window opening. The balancing dampershould be adjusted so that no air flow ran be detected inor out of the window (Figure 16).

Balancing incoming and outgoing air flows also can beaccomplished with an air-flow meter or with moresophisticated equipment, such as hot-wire anemometersystems. Ask for the manufacturer's assistance in securingadditional professional advice or assistance on systembalancing, if needed.

After inside and outside pressure balancing has been ac-complished, the airflows inside the house can be furtherfine-tuned to compensate for differing duct lengths. Thiscan be accomplished by installing small, inexpensive ad-justable registers at air supply and return pick-up potnts.With the system running at high speed, the registersicanbeadjusted to equalize air flow's. Another strategy that somemanufacturers recommend is to install balancing dampersright in the ductwork, which are then adjusted In a similarmanner as with the indoor-outdoor balancing operation.At least one manufacturer offers -self-balancing air con-trollers," which are passive balancing Tampers thatregulate air flow based on pressure.

Should an Air-to-Air Heat Exchanger BeIntegrated Into a Forced-Air Heating System?

At first glance, the notion of using an existing forced-airheating system to distribute air from the heat exchangermight seemlike a good way to save money on extra duct-work. In reality, however, this course of action can some-times negate any energy savings from the heat exchangerand cave a variety of other problems, as well.

First, most new, superins1ilated houses have .such lowheat requirements that a large forced-air heating system israrely necessary. These homes are often best heated by asmall amount of baseboard or radiant electric heaters orwith one of the rely, mini-furnaces that are directlyvented to the outdoors (and draw outdoor a& for com-bustion). Noie that a single-point source of heat can workwell in a very well-insulated, tight house when the air andheat movement are handled indirectly by,air flows causedby the heat exchanger, rather than through heatingductwork.

In superinsulated retrofit situatfbns, the sant±,caseshould hold as in new construction: heating requirementshave been dramatically redo , and the house is tightenough to effectively use,an a o-air heat exchanger. Theexisting forced-air heating s in will be greatly oversizedfor the retrofitted house, a %if indoor air quality is thegoal, the heat exchanger will be needed much more oftenthan the large heating plant. Yet, if the two are directlyconnected, and ventilation is dependent on the heatingsystem, problems can !result. tt

Heat exchangers have been directly connected to thecold-air return on the heating plant. Problems have arisen




%Vile 11 the heal e\t hanger I'. II t11 III tpl'l .II 1011 1.,)1 It the1 I V.It I I 1}', 1 ) 1 . 1 1 1 1 I'. 1111 I i l l ( \ t 1 I . I l l y CI t OW t . 1 1 1 I ( 1 III) dint I. IN'

Itc't .111.4. atl ., hiny, pulled liitttIrji llu. t tttt. It Iltc MIR IIlarger healing; system tans. vet tro tV,If 111. Si.lil al! 1'1 111111:

Ing Ma Ill I.V.I Ill till' (oreI 1)(11, when the v.( hanger is operating, lade the

heating, plant is oil the large heating system tans roil) 't 1Hhe needed to move the .111 through the lulus,. II the twosystems are direr tiv r on ie ted I lieu. tans WA' 111111 il 111(11V

l'Ill'11',V than lilll'A' i VI .111V ItIllnli On most heat ex11

r !Lingers and energy saving,s can III. (haulm ir ally redur1'v poyvering, air movement with lan.. 111111 1.1try IoiIIIC }t11)

hen. there is the problem of 11.11.111( .nrilmvs. I helarge lumar y, tan r an 111111 au throu)..,11 the heat 1.xr liang,ermur li taster Than it r an be r\pelled through die r\liaust111 solve thi,; imbalance one desw,nri (1.unpered clovn theheat r.rhanger air triLike to the point tvherr. ventilationwas greatly reduced in`brder 111 balan( e the air I lows, Thistype of installation makes the Iil'at e\clian};er rather




F lows 11)



Au 13IowThread Ify.-;ule

Air BlowsThread Outside

Thread RemainsStable

FIGURE 164, 'A balanced air flow is the goal when adjusting the heat eichanger's alF intake and outflow levels. .This can be

accompltsliertbY dampers. On a mild day with low wind speeds, the air flout can be balanced with a two-person cheek.(hie person observes whether air. is leaping or entering the hcnise, while the other perS011 adjusts dampers until the flowis balances! More sophisticated techniques are also available for use in this task.

26 Art 21

useless; it is so dampt'red down 't hat little air exchluseless; ange isgoing to take place.

It has been suggested that the air-to-air heat exchangercould be best coupled to a forced-air system by simplydtimping the fresh, warmed air near the cold-air returnregister in the living space. Another suggested idea hasbeen to directly duct to the cold air return, but install-anopen tee that allows the furnace to bypass the heat ex-changer if the two are not running simultaneously. But,neither of these methods solve the probIem of proper andreliable distribution of fresh air while still saving, energy.

Other experts have noted that, in many cases, the ex-isting heating supply and return registers are not located inthe places where the heat exchanger supply and return


ports would be. For example, extra ductwork might stillbe needed to pull exhaust air from kitchens and baths, andsupply air ports from the exchanger might be best locatedhigh on the walls, rather than at the Hoof level, which iscommon in most fOseced-air heating systems.

In general, the air-to-air heat exchangers that are on themarket today are not easily compatible with a forced-airheating systerri, from either -en operational or economicstandpoint in most applications. If a forced air system isdesirable or necessary for, some reason (combined heatingand cooling, or a very large house), engineering expertisemust be obtained to ensure that all potential problemshave- been noted and solved.



Several grantees explored the idea of recovering. wasteheat from residential, clothes dryers or using waste attic

heat or solar heat to preheat air for clothes dryers. In the caseof one Oregon grantee, this involved the use of an air -`to -airheat exchanger.

Much. of this work illustrates that the clothes dryer is aproblematic source, of residential space heat. In marry homes,the dryer is used too infrequently to Make a significant contri-bution to space heat. Thus, investing,anoney in recoveringthis heat- may not by a wise energy conservation investment.And, because of the lint and other potential pollutants foundin dryer exhaust, complete filtering can become an expensiveproposition.

I he Oregon grantee noted these problems as he attemptedto apply air-to-air heat exchanger technology to the clothesdryer_ But, in the course of his work, the grantee realized thatair-to-air heat exchangers may be well suited to recapturing



heat from commercial laundry dryers for use Qs space heat inadjacent rooms. Commercial dryers see near-continuous use,and in this application, automatic cleaning (to remove lintbuildup frog, the heat exchanger, core) might proveeconomically just if iable.

Perhaps a more promising application of heat-recoverytechnology for commercial laundries may be using the recap-tured heat for hot water production,' since this is a majorenergy cost-for many laundries. This involves the use of anair-to-liquid heat exchanger, and a number of grantees hadsuccess with this approach because this technology is fairlywell developed.

At the present state of the technology for residential ap-plications, air-to-air heat exchangers best usedfon/y forventilation and dehumidification, not apturing waste heatdirectly from Clothes dryers or other in ernal heat producers.


This section covers control strategies for the heat ex-change system, including control by manual, auto-

mated and humidity methods. Controls that allow forgreater ventilation when desikd are explained, as arerecommendations for achieving adequate ventilation on acontinuous basis.

Continuous; Low-speed Operation

To be assured of constant ventilation, ,,controls thatallow for continuous, low-speed operation of the heat ex-changer may be the best choice. In this-instance, the heatexchanger runs continuously throughout the heatingseason. If the machine's capacity is great enough, extraventilation for kitchens and baths can be achieved withmanual aver -ride timer switcheAhat turn the exchangeron high speed for a short period_ of time, and then allowthe machine to revert to low speed. When extra ventila-tion is desired in general, these same manual switches canstep-up ventilation to the desired level. (This illustrates,agairothe importance of choosing a machine large enoughto supply the extra level of ventilation.)

If the machine in question has only one speed, a speedcontroller usually can be installed to ,allow for variablespeed operation. The low-speed mode should be chosento allow for at least 0.5 ach (or the minimum level in someparts of California of 0.7 ach) when operating continuous-ly. (Thg may demand some advice from the manufacturerafter considering your ductwork scheme and otherfactors).

Continuous operation of the machine at loiv speedwon't consume much energy if the heat exchanger's fansare the most efficient type. Fans that consume largeramounts of energy may increase the cost of continuousoperation by up to four or fi'ire times that of the low-energy fan types.

Control by Iercent TimerPercent timers activate the acliine for an adjustable

pre-set percentage of each hour or segment of an hour.Percent timers allow for flexibility; this type of control canoffer a wide range of ventilation from minimal, but regularoperation to continuous operation. Thus, there may. belittle difference inwentilation between control by percenttimer or simple continuous operation, although peak

pollution times may not coincide with the time themachine is running under this tyP'e of control. Percenttimer control might be the best choice for machines thatrun on only one speedenergy savings can result fromregular, but not constant, high-speed operation.

Control by Humidity

Most manufacturers offer controls that operate themachine whenever humidity in the house reaches an unac-ceptably high level. Because tight houses with inadequateventilation can suffer from high indoor humidity (often inthe 50 to 60 percent range), these types of controls canalleviate excess moitire problems.

However, this type of control does not insure con-,tinuous or regular operation of the heat exchanger.Several cases have come to light that prove that, in somehouseholds, lifestyles are such that not enough moisturewill be generated to activate the machine for several naysat a time. This is more likely to be the case in fathilieswhere all the adults work away from the home during theday or when there are few occupants in a large house.

Humidity control' involves the use of a humidistat thatis operated as a "dehumidistat" to activate the devicewhen humidity reaches a pre-set (but adjustable) level(often 35 to 40 percent relative humidity). Humidity con-trpl is best used as a back-up control, not the main controlsOtem, unless the heat exchanger is being used only forcontrol of excess moisture.

Summer Control .

Heat exchangers can recover some coolness from outgo-ing air when run in warm weather. But, because heat ex-changers are typically used to recover heat in cold-climateconditions, some machines are not really designed to berun in the summer.

Moisture in warm, incoming air may condense in thecore under summertime conditions. However, at least one,manufacturer has designed a machine that features con-densation drains-for both air streams in the core to allowfor summer condensation to be drained. Consult themanufacturer about summertime operation andrecommendations.

If the machine is to be off during the warmer seasons,the occupants should be aware that ventilation will .needto be accomplished entirely through operable windrs.

28 23

How cost-effective an air-to-air heat exchanger willbe in your application depends on many factors.

Economic performance of heat exchangers in tight housesdepends on climate, the cost of fan energy consumed,machine efficiency, fuel cost for heating, lifestyle of theoccupants and what they set the thermostat at, and thecost of the machine iiiid installation.

Obviously, the extremely tight house, like all houses,must have some sort of ventilation to maintain a healthyenvironment. This ventilation could be provided withwindows.; doors or mechanical fans. But, ventilation withheat recovery can provide this ventilation at a substantial-ly lower cost than simple mechanical or natura) ventila-tion, which carriesan energy cost penalty.

Basically, in the house without the heat exchanger oneis paying 100 percent of the cost of heating air entering the

- house by natural means. In the house with a. heat ex-changer tkat is 70 percent efficient, one is paying rougilily'one-third of this cost of heating air for ventilation, Plusthe cost of fan energy and niRchine maintenance.

In addition, there is a benegt that is more difficult to puta price tag on: predictable, controllable and uniform ven-tilation, something that many conventional houses'lack.In reality, it would be virtually impossible for the oc-cupants to supply a continuous 0.5 ,ach by cloNely-monitoring windows, doors and exhaust vents. Part of thetime, ventilation would be less than this level, and part ofthe time ventilation would be greater. In contrast, the heatexchange system can supply 0:5 itch continuously, withlittle orb() action .on the part of the occupant. Thus, in ex-tremely tight houses, the question of whether to use anair -to-air heat exchanger should not be decided on a sirri-


24 .

pie economic basis alone; it is an essential component ofthis type of construction on a ventilation basis.

However, the air-to-air heat exchariger is usually a cost-effective investment in a superinsulated house, whether itis considered a separate investment or as a part of the totalextra cost for superinsulation. Heat exchangers are meantfor use primarily in the tightest of houses. Other some-what tight houses may also need additional ventilation,but this may be better provided with the conventionalventilation methods available in most horn% (wiridowsand simple mechanical exhaust).

Heat exchanger economics in residential settings arequite, sensitive to the cost of the machine and installation,fuel cost and climate considerations. Basically, the heat ex-changer has been shown to be the most -cost-effective intight houses in cold climates.(above 6,000 heating degreedAys a year), when the exchanger cost is about $1,200 orless (machine and installation), and when fuel costs are ator above the national average. In addition, the more ven-tilation the machine offers (let's say 80-90 percent of thehouse's total ventilation is providedllby the heat ex-changer), the better it will look economically.

Commercially available whole-house, ducted heat ex-change systems .41iirrently range in price from roughly$1,100 to $2,500, including all installation and controlcosts (1983 prices). The average total cost is generallyabout $1,30041,500. In the late 1970s, it was thought thatheat exchangers world be available in the $200-$500range. Lack of demand and other factors have made formuch higher prices, a situation that has further impededthe use of this technology.. It is likely that prices will bereduced, if mass production techniques and improvedmarketing efforts are adopted by manufaiturers.




The need for some type of energy-efficient ventila-tion in tightly built, northern climate houses is

clear; this type of housing is rapidly gaining popularityacross the Northern Tier states. Yet, lack of consumer andprofessional information and, to some extent, the inabilityof the manufacturers to reach and service the market is im-peding the use of the only type of residential heat-recovery ventilation currently available in the United

, States: the air-to-air heat exchanger.Work done in the DOE Small Grants projects illustrates

that it is possible to build a highly efficient air-to-air heatexchanger that is an economically attractive way to pro-vide ventilation in tightly built, cold-climate houses. And,4 small number of manufacturers 'and bitilding-trades pro-fessionals are currently capable of providing the machineand the service expertise needed to successfully use thetechnology. 4t,

But, the lack of demand for these devices, largely due tolack of consumer information, has made it apparently im-possible for many small businesses in tNs field to maketheir products easily accessible toLonsumers,Product andservice development is, for the n11.6st part, in its infancy, asituation that provides considerable barriers jo the poten-tial implementation of this technology.

Specific barriers to implementation include:

Lack of knowledge and awareness of the indoor airquality problems that may occur in tightly built houses.Most building-trades professionals, homeoWners and

occupants have little understanding of potential indoorpollution sources and how to best remedy them. Signifi-cant potential pollution sources are currently being incor-porated into sortie tightly built housing, and little atten-tion is being given to the ventilation needs for thesehouses. Old and new energy technologies are clashing;safety and health problems may arise from this lack ofunderstanding and knowledge,

Lack of agreement among professionals attout properyentilation levels in housing.The advent of airtight housing construction techniques

has brought a new question to the professional corhmuni-ty: Now much ventilation with outdoor air.is needed toprovide a healthy environment? Because of the disagree-ment in recommendations among professionals ;andresearchers in this field, heat exchanger manufacturershave little guidance on how to best size their machines tomeet the need.

Until more indoor air quality research is completed, anduntil more work is done with ventilation, heat exchangermanufacturers may produce and market machines that areimproperly sized to meet the ventilation requirements ofthe majority of houses. In addition, the method of in-stallation of the machines may make for


desirable ventilation ley* in some homes.!"or'

Onitjal research in infiltration and ventilation is in-dkating that ventilation may be inadequate at times inMany conventionally built houses that rely mainly on in-filtration for ventilation. At present, it is extremely dif-ficult for builders to achieve a predictable aiitchange ratethrough conventional building processes, unlessmechanical ventilation is/ installed. And, there is nomechanism to determine when conventional housesshould be tested or retrofitted with improved ventilationsystems.

Some researchers argue that until a large, random-sample baseline infiltration-ventilation study is done on anational scale, agreement and recommendations on many',of these points will be impossible.

Lack of standardized testing for residential-scale yen-,tilati9n systems.Some nations are developing standardized testing of

residential-scale heat-exchange ventilation equipment, butno such work is being done in the United States at present.This lack of standardization makes it difficult for the con-sumer to.compare fvtures, capacity and ef kctiveness ofthe available machin s.

Lack of design and installation assistance and ade-quate consumer information.Most manufacturers simply make and market a

machine, not a ventilation system. A thorough productsearch revealed that while there are more than 20manufacturers of residential-scale air-to-air heat ex-changers in the United States4bnly a few provide enoughinformation, service an4 assistance to make this

readilyadily availab e to consumers. Professionalsand builders who may wish to employ heat exchangers inhousing often have little guidance on what to do after themachine arrives. The machine's installation, controls andservicing are often left solely to the buyer. Significantproduct research and development appears to be needed,yet few manufacturers have the resources to providethisvital link.

Lack of appropriate control technology.More research is needed to proyjde reliable control of

air-to-air heat exchangers in the residential setting. Theproblem is two-fold: no national ventilation norms exist,and most manufacturers control packages (or lack ofthem) are-such that the buyer has little guidance on whatlevel of ventilation is actually being accomplished by themachine. Although current technology and design toolsexist to gain working control over the machines, manufac-turers need to develop simple, reliable Controls that areeasily installed and operated. Several DOE AppropriateTechnology grantees developed microprocessor and elec-tronic controls to save energy through controlled ap-pliance and heating operation. Exchanger manufatturersmight consider exploring the possibility of adding heat ex-changer controls to existing home-energy control




technology similar to those currently available or thosedeveloped in the I )01'. projects.

Lessons from Abroad

l3eiause of cold climate and high energy cost, some na-tions have done considerable research into the field oftight. houses and heat-recovery ventilation. Sweden isnotable in this regard: this tion adopted mandatoryventilation standards several ears ago, and a significantamount of research has been L cted toward controlledventilation, as opposed to ventilation through infiltration.

Research in Sweden has indicated that the air-to-airheat exchanger provides excellent ventilation in extremelytight houses, but airflows may be short-circuited in houses.that are not extremely tight. To provide heat-recoveryventilation for this second group of houses, the Swedesdeveloped a system that is not as sensitive to air pressurechanges and air leakage through the building shell.

This substitute for the air-to-air heat exchanger has beendeveloped and marketed in Sweden for several years. Thissystem, simply known as controlled mechanical ventila-

tion, ntails the installation of small slot vents in the topcitsin of the windows or through the walls in each room.The slot vents can he adjusted, but never completelyclosed oft. Mechanical exhaust I ans ulbat hi oom and kitLil(.n, operated by controls, negatively pressurize theh )(Ise, Ioning air to enter the home through the slotvents. Exhaust air is run over the coils ()1 a heat pump thatproduces domestic hot water and in some cases, spaceheat, as well.

This system has been found to provide good ventila-tion, and it can provide hot water year-round, as well asmeet the Swedishftventilation code which calls for a con-tipuous 0.5 ach. It is thought to he cost-effective in moremoderate climates, as well (Figure 17).

This technology is not currently available in the UnitedStates, although United States heat pump technqlogy iseasily at the level where this type of system should not hedifficult to employ.

Obviously, work with heat-recovery ventilation forenergy-efficient housing is just beginning in the UnitedStates, and considerable research and development andconsumer education are needed to employ known oravailable technologies toward this end.

FIGURE 17: This simplified drawing illu,strates the Swedish heat-recovery ventilation system, which employs an air-to-water heat pump. Fresh air is drawn through small vent holes placed high on the walls by a fan, which pulls stale, warmair over the coils of heat oral,. The recovered heat is used to warm domestic water.



The following grant projects were-among those reviewed in course of

the development of this publication.(.;rant projects are divided into groups ac-cording to technology and end-use.

Agricultural use of air-to-air heatexchangers

feat Exchanger Application to a Farrow-ing House Barn

John S. (layVirginia Settlers Energy CenterBlacksburg, VAI10E Region IIIDOE Grant No. DE- FG43-79R306102ATMIS 11): VA-79-005

An air-to-air heat pipe heat exchangerwas installed in a swine barn to reduceventilation heating demands and improveair quality thus improving livestockproduction.

Introved Poultry HouseThomas D. HarrisAuburn, Al,DOE Region IVI)OF Grant No DE-FG44-80R410079ATMIS II): AL-79-002

A feasibility study is presented investi-gating improvements to the heating, ven-tilating, and air conditioning requirementsof poultry pro tjction housing facilities.

A Heat Reco ry System for GrainDrying

Elmer B. OberixoecklingNew Vienna. IADOE. Region VIIDOE Grant No. DE-FG47-7R701115ATMIS 11): IA-80-016

A prototype air-to-air heat exchangersystem was installed on a corn-drying binto reduce purchased energy for dryingcorn.

Residential applications for air-to-air heatexchangers

Development of Low-Cost Air-to-Air-Heat Exchangers

The Memphremagog GroupBlair HamiltonNewport, VTDOE Region 1DOE Grant No. DE-FG41-80R110348ATMIS ID: VT-1004

This project involved development of aresidential-scale air-to-air heat exchangerfrom theoretical design work throughprototype construction and field testingto the point of commercial readiness. Asecond (greenhouse scale) unit wasdeveloped to the final field test stage, andsuccessfully tested in an agricultural.setting.

Low Infiltration-High Insulation HouseConstruction

Churchill Construction, Inc.E. Joe ChurchillMacomb, ILDOE Region VDOE Grant No. DE-FG02-79R510111ATMIS ID: IL-79-004

This grantee, a contractor, built asuperinsulated house and employed ahome-built air -to -aft heat exchanger forhumidity control.

Thermal Efficiency Construction Demon-stration

Richard P. BentleyTupper Lake, NYDOE Region IIDOE Grant No. DE-FG42-y79R205035ATMIS ID: NY-79-024


This project involved detailed monitor-ing of the thermal and air leakage per-formance_ of a superinsulatecl house. Par-ticular attention was paid to ventilationand infiltration measurement.

Testing an Air-tplAir I-kat Exchanger At-tached lo a Residential Clothe'sDryer

Alan H.,SonerEugene, ORDOE Region XDOE Grant No. DE-FG51781R001317ATMIS ID: OR-81-003\

A prototype air-to-air heat exchangerwas tested as an energy recovery deviceattached to a residential clothes dryer.

Residential use,of heat recovery

Heat Recovered From Domestic Refriger-ator for Water Heating

Hawaii Natural Energy InstituteJames C.S. ChouFfonolulu, HIDOE Region IXDOE Grant No. DE-FG03-78R901938ATMIS ID: .HI- 78-006


The concept of adding a water-cooledcondenser to a household refrigerator forpreheating domestic hot water was testedin a laboratory. Indications are that ineluding this feature at point of manu-facture holds promise, but designcomplexity and the wide variety of avail-able refrigerators precludes easy employ-ment of the technology by consumermodification of the appliances.

Recovery to Preheat Domestic Hot WaterWayne W. MonroeWindsor, CODOE Region VIIIDOE Grant No. DE-FG48-79R800448ATMIS ID: CO-79-009

This project involved collecting hot at-tic air and circulating it through a ductsystem to i heat exchanger to preheatdomestic hot water.

Attic Heat for Passive Preheating Domes-tic Hot Water

Edward T. Knudsen, Jr.St. Petersburg, FL 33710DOE Region IVDOE Contract No. DE-FG44-80It41(XYA,4.111415 ID: 11-79-012

Commercial fin-tube convectors wereused as heat exchangers and installed in agarage attic. The attic heat was used topreheat the water coming into the stand-ard water heater.

Solar Assisted Clothes DryerJames M. StanaLongwood, FL 32750DOE Region IVDOE Grant No. DE-FG44-80R410101ATMIS ID: FL:79-003

This project investigated the possibilityof inexpensively ducting attic hot air to anelectric resit tial clothes dryer to reduceelectrical energy usage.

Commercial use of bat recovery

Bakery Oven Flue Heat to Hed.D15inesticHot Water

Clever Hans BakeryJonathan A. BernsteinIthaca, NYDOE Region IIDOE Grant No. DE-FG400R205181ATMIS ID: NY-80-011 111


A small bakery demonstrated the use ofa heat exchanger to recover oven flue heatfor use in heating water for bakery use

Bakery/Restaurant Oven Waste Heat Re,-ctwery Design Software

Philip Theisen and James Mc CrayMadison, WIDOE Region V

Grunt No. DE-FG02780R510251ATMIS II) WI-80-005

The grantee developed compute!' soft-ware (Fortran language) for analyzing air-to-air heat recovery systems for gas-firedrestaurant/bakery ovens.

Waste Heat Recovery System for Com-mercial Cooking Appliances

Hydrocoil Mfg. Co.R.J. Jones'Los Alamitos, CADOE Region IXDOE Grant No. DE-FG03-78R901916ATMIS II) CA -78-023

Waste heat recovery from restaurantgas-fired cooking appliances was demon-strated in this project. Flue gas waste heatwas recovered and used to reduce waterheater gas consumption.

Commercial Laundromat Waste -gra Re-covery from Clothes Dryers

Energy Center, Sonoma State UniversityRoy IrvingRohnert Park, CADOE Region IXDOE Grant No. DE-FG03-78R901906ATMI5 /17: CA-78-021

The project objective was to study thefeasibility of recovering waste heat fromclothes dryer; to preheat hot water forwashing. A small-scale prototype systemwhich included an air-to-liquid heat ex-

changer, 200-gallon preheat tank andinterconnecting piping was designed Spe-cific problems addressed were COnomicfeasibility. lint iontammation and natinalconvection of water circulation.

Commercial Laundromat Recycles WasteHeat to Preheat Water

Saunders & Sons Eruct-posesEarnest SaundersWesterly, RIDOE Region IDOE Grant No. DE-EG41-80R110392ATMIS ID; RI -80 002

A laundromat recycled waste heat from10 commercial dryers to preheat the waterused for washing. A manifold system wasdesigned using a rubber tube mat original-ly developed as a solar collector material.The components have minimal problemswith lint accumulation.and are easy tocleanboth distinct advantages overfinned-tube heat exchangers. Annualenergy savings of over 50 percent werenoted by the grantee in the report.

Waste Heat Recovery and Solar WaterPreheating in Coin Launcines

Nolan E. Cloud,Winterville,DOE Region IVDOE Grant No. DE-R;44-80R4102b3ATMIS ID: GA- 80--001

Two coin laundries in Winterville,Georgia were retrofitted with dryer wasteheat recovery devices and solar panels topreheat wash water. One additional laun-dry was equippea with the waste heatrecovery device. An air-to-liquid heat ex-changer is used in the dryer exhaust duct.Water is sprayed pillinodically on the fintubes of the heat exchanger to remove ac-cumulated lint.


Waste Water Enmy Recovery Ileat Ex-changer

Crump Products, In(Robert 1. CrumpLouisville, KY/kV Region IVDOE- Contract No DE-FG44-80R410171ATMIS ID KY 79-002

A patented water heat exchanger jp-parat us, sitabk- for actively used com-mercial dishwashers and/or commerciallaundry equipment, was refined andevaluated for energy savings, boththeoretically and with on-site testimpx.,

Fluid Coil Heat Recovery Loop SystemYWCA/YMCADarrell F. Huggins

Crosse, WIDOF Region VDOE Contract No. DE- FG02- 7)R510160ATMIS ID! WI-79-004

The grantee demonstrated the use of aliquid-to-air heat exchanger system to re-cover heat from the ventilation exhaust ofa YWC /YMCA locker room and use itto preheat cold, incoming fresh air.

Residential Pryer Exhaust Energy Recla-mation

Dryennate CompanyDennis M. Swing ,

Xenia, OHDOE Region VDOE Grant No. DE-FG02-79R510145ATMIS ID: OH-79-010

A demonstration program was imple-.44..mented to determine, by actual in-hometesting, the advantages and disadvantagesof indoor venting of ordinary residentialclothes dryers. Fifty-two homes wereequipped with energy devices. An opin-ion survey was conducted.

Pr he following list shows manufactur- The Air Changer Co. Ltd. Aldes-Riehs

ers in North Aniep who make resi- 334 King St., East 157 Glenfield Road R,D. 2dential-scale air-to-air beat exchangers of Suite 505 Sewickley, PA 15143various types. Inclusion in this list is in not- ,Toronto Ontario, Canada (412) 741-2659

way tq, be construed as an endOrsement of M5A 1/(.8any manufacturer orproduct by NCAT, (416) 947-1105 Berner International Corp.DOE, Or the authors. 216 New Boston Street

Airxchange, Inc. Woburn, MA 01801ACS -Uoval 30 Pond Park Rd. (617),933-2180

935 N. ;Lively Blvd. Hingham, MA 02043Wooddale, IL -60191 (617) 749-8440

(312) 860-6860

28 33.

Blackhawk Industnes, Inc607 Park St.Regina, SaskatchewanCanada, 54N !IN I(306) 924 1551

Bossaire Inc415 W. BroadwayMinneapolis, MN 55411(612) 521-9033

Conservation Energy Systems Inc.800 Spadina Crescent EastP.O. Box 8280Saskatoon, SaskatchewanCanada, S7K 6C6(306) 665 -6030

Des Champs laboratories. Inc.Box 44017 Farinella DriveEast Hanover, NJ 07936(201) 884-1460

Ener-Corp Management Ltd.Two Donald St.Winnipeg, ManitoliACanada, R3L OK5(204) 477-1283

EER Products, Inc.4501 Bruce Ave.Minneapolis, MN 55424(612) 926 1234

Ileatex, Inc.3530 List 28th StreetMinneapolis, MN 55406(612) 721 2)33

Memphremagog HeatExchangers, Inc.P.O. Box 456Newport, VT 05855(802) 334 5412

Mitsubishi Electric ;.1.1es

America, Inc.31030 East Victoria St.

.Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221(800) 421-1132

Mountain Energy & Resources, Inc.15800 West Sixth Ave,Golden, CO 8001(303) 279-4971

Nutech Energy systems, Inc.P.O. Box 640Exeter, OntarioCanada, NOM ISO(519) 235-1440

Nutone Housing GroupScovill Inc.Madison and Red Bank RoadsCincinnati, OH 45227(513) 527-5112

P M. piright I.td.1300 Jules l'oitrasMontreal, P.Q.Canada. 114N 1X8(514) 337-3331

0-dot Corp.701 North First St. iGarland. TX 75040(214) 487-1130

RayDot Inc:145 Jackson Ave.Cokato, MN 55321(612) 286-2103

Solatech inc.1325 East 79th StreetMinneapolis, MN 55420(612) 854-4266

X Change Air Coup_P.O. Box 534Fargo, ND 58107(701) 232-4232


Home-built exchanger plans:U, -LearnExtension DivisionUniversity of SaskatchewanSaskatoon, SaskatchewanCanada S7N OWO(306) 343-5974

American Society of Heating, Refriger-ating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers,(ASHRAE), ASHRAE Handbook,Equipment, 1979.

American Society of Heating, Refrig-erating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers,(ASHRAE), ASHRAE Handbook,Fundamentals, 1982.

American Society of Heating, Refrig-erating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers,(ASHRAE), ASHRAE Handbook,Systems, 1980.

Berk, James V., Hollowell, Craig D., Pep-per, James H., and Young, Rodger A.,The Impact of Reduced Ventilation on In-door Air Quality in Residential Buildings,Rep.ort LBL-10527, Energy and Environ-ment Division, Lawrence BerkeleyLaboratory, University of, California,Berkeley, CA, March 1980. 'Presented atthe 'Air Pollution Control Association73rd Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, lune 22-27, 1980.

Corbett, Robert L. Hansen, Chester W.,and Sesso, Jon, Superinsulation-A Hous-ing Trend for the Eighties, NationalCenter for Appropriate Technology,Butte, Montana, 1980.

Elmroth, Arne, and Levin, Per, Air In-filtration Control in Housing: A Guide toInternational Practice, Swedish Councilfor Building , Resiarch, Stockholm,Sweden.

Environmental Studies Division,Anachem, Inc., Environmental ResearchDivision, Sandia National Laboratories,Sandia Report SAND82 -1773, UnlimitedRelease, UC-11, IndoSr Air QualityHandbook for Designers, Builders, andUsers of Energy Efficient Residences,September 1982. Prepared for Office ofEnvironmental Programs, ;U.S. Depart-ment of Energy, Washington, DC 20545.


Fisk, William J., Roseme, Gary D., andHollowell, Craig D., Performance. ofResidential Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers: -Test Methods and Results. ReportLBL-11793, Energy and EnvironmentDivision, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,University of California, Berkeley, CA,September 1980.

Fisk, William J., Turiel, Isaac, ResidentialAir-to-Air Heat Exchangers: Perform-ance, Energy Savings, and Economics,Report LBL-13843, Energy and Environ-ment Diyision, Lawrence BerkeleyLaboratory, University of California,Berkeley, CA, February 1982.

Fuller, Winslow, "Installing HouseholdHeat Exchangers," Solar Age, pp. 22-23,September, 1982.

Hand, A.J., "Blow Out Stale Air But SaveThe Neat, Popular Science, pp. 77-79,October 1980.


Hansen. (iester tN., and Corbett, Robert-The- l'imberloft A Superinsulated

!louse for Cold Climates,- Proceedings;Amen( an Solar I-nergy Society. 8th National Passive Solar Conference, Santa Fe,NM. September. 1983.

Ingersoll John. "'Bringing In Fresh AidWithout I ()sing Heat.- Popular Medianu SePtembei 1982

Karg. Richard, and McGinley, RichardResidentialI) installing Re t l Air-to-Air

Heat lit hangers, (Draft. . . specific toDes Champs heat exchanger) PortlandEnergy Group,- Portland, ME, 1983.

Langley, Michael A., Mechanical Ventild\non Units With Integral Air-to-Air HeatLlthartgers, Conservation Rivisieari,Building and Appliance Standards Office,California Energy Commission,Sacramento, CA, Nity 1983. /Nazarolf, - W.W., Boei;e1, MT_Hollowell. C.D., and Roseme, G.D., The1,1,-,e of M:n-liarucal Ventilation with HeatRecovery for Controlling Radon andRadon Daughter Concentrations, ReportI. B1 102:2.

National Center for Appropriate Tech-nology. A Low Cost Three Bedroom,Two Bath Super-isulated House for ColdClimates, (plans), NCAT, Butte, Mon-tana, July 1982.

Nisson, Ned, -Serious Hazards Associated with Airtight Construction,- EnergyDesign Update, Cahners Publishing Co.,Boston, p_-5, July/Aug. 1983.

Otferman, Francis J., Girman, John R.,and Hollowell, Craig D., Midway House-Tighten:rig Project: A Study of IndoorAir Quality, Energy and EnvironmentDivision, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,UQiversity of California, Berkeley, CA,May 1981.

Otfennan, 11., Dickinson, J.B., Fisk,

W.J Grimsrud, D.T., Hollowell, C.D.,Krinkel, D.L., Roseme, G.D., Desmond,R.M., DeFreeze, J.A., and Lints, M.C.,Residential Air-Leakage and Indoor AirQuality in Rochester, New York, Report1.131, -13100, Enei-gy and EnvironmentDivision, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,University of California, Berkeley, CA,June 1982.



Persily. A., "'Evaluation of an Ail to AuHeat Exchanger,'" Environment Infernotonal, Vol. 8, pp 453 .459 1982

Product 'resting Department, -A I est ofSmall Air Cleaners,'" Nein Shelter, pp40 57, July/August, 1982

Ribot. Jesse C., and. Rosenfeld, Arthur-Monitored I ow Energy Houses in

North America and Europe: A Compila-tion and Economic Analysis," ReportLBL-14788, Energy and EnvironmentDivision, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,University of California, Berkeley, CA,August, 1982. Submitted to the secondACEEE Conference orliEnergy EfficientBuildings, Santa CruP, CA, August22-28, 198.2.

Roseme, C.D., Berk, I _V Iloegel, M 1Halsey, H.I., Hollowell, C.D., Rosenfeld,A.H., and Turiel, 1.7-Residential Ventila-tion with Heat Recovery: Improving -Indoor Air Quality land Saving Energy,Report 13L-9749, Energy and Environ-ment Division,. Lawrence BerkeleyLaboratory, Urgersity of- California,Berkeley, CA, May 1980.

Silberstein, Samuel, -Energy Conserva-tion and Indoor Air Pollution,- Energy -

and Builders, 2., Elsevier Sequoia S.A.,Lausanne, pp. 185 -189, 1979.

Sherri , M.H. and Grimsrud, D.T., ACompa on of Alternate VentilationStr es, presented at the 3ra1 Air Infil-tration Centre (AIE) Conference entitled,"Energy Efficient Domestic VentilationSystems for Achieving Acceptable IndoorAir Quality," London, UK, September20-2.3, 1982.

Shurcliff, William A., Air-to-Air Heat Ex-c/a/tiger for Houses, Brick House Publish-ing Co., Andover, MA, 1982.

Shurcliff, William A., -Air-to-Air HeatExchangers for Houses,- Solar Age, pp.19-22, March, 1982.

Shurcliff, William A., SuperinsulatedHouses and Double Envelope Houses,Brick House Publishing Company, An-dover, MA, 1981.

!inlay, V Elaine, -Heat-Saving Vents.-Popular Si !ewe, pp 71 81. January,1083

haynor, (argory W., Allen, lames R.,Apte. Michael C; Dillwortb, James F.,Guinan, John R., Hollowelk. Craig D..and Koonce, Jr.. James 1' Indoor AirPollution from Portable Kerosene-Fired-,)'at e ! tenter, Wood Burning StOves andWood Burning' Furnaces. LawrenceBerkeley Laboratory, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, CA. Plesented at /heAPCA Specialty Meeting on ResidentialWood/and Coal Combustion, Louisville,KY, March 1 2, 1982.

Turiel, Isaac, Fisk, William J., atdSeedall, Mark, Energy Savings and Cost-Efiectivengss of Heat EA/hanger Use as anIndoor Air Quality Mitigation Measure inthe !WA Weatherization Program, Report1.131. 14784, Energy and EnvironmentDivision:-Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,University of California, Berkeley, CA,July -1982. .

Wagner, Barbara Shohl, Rosenfeld, Ar-thur II., Painter, Judith H., Phillips,Thomas J., Infiltration and Indoor AirQuality in a Sample of Passive Solar andSuperinsulated Houses,- LBL-14111,Progress in Passive Solar Energy Systems,pp. 33 38, 1982.

Wharton, Donald, Residential Air-to-AirHeat Exchangers, Homt and Communal,

esign Branch, Alberta Agriculrure, Ed-onton, Albcla, Canada, September


Woods, James E., Maldonado, EduardoA.B., Reynolds, Gary L., Safe andEnergy Efficient Control Strategies for In-door Air Quality, Engineering ResearchInstitute, Iowa University, Ames, IowaFor presentation at AAAS AnnualMeeting, Toronto, Canada, .January,





Two standards apply to residentialventilation levels. The first stand-

ardf Ventilation for Acceptable Air Qual-ity, was adopted by the American Societyof Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Condi-tioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) in 1981.*The purpose of the standard is to specifyminimum ventilation rates that will pro-vide air quality that is acceptable to theoccupants and will not impair health.

The following table Mows theASHRAE Ventilation standards as theyapply to residential buildings. Note thatthe standards are specified in Cubic feetper minute (cfm) and liters per second(L/s) rather than air changes per hoUr(ach) and are independent of the size ofthe room being ventilated.

The ASHRAE standard specifies that ifoutdoor air quality does not meet ap-plicable federal or state standards, aircleaning should be employed. In addition,the air delivery rates specified are assumedto be continuous, regardless of outdoorweather conditions.

The second standard that pertains to in-door air quality is the U.S. Departmeiit ofHousing and Urban Development '(HUD)Minimum Property Standard. HUDMinimum Property_ standards apply tofederally financed home construction andto homes purchased with federally in-sured loans. The 1979 revision of thisstandard set intermittent exhaust rates inkitchens and bathrooms at 15 and a achrespectively. The standards also call forventilation by infiltration or other meansof 0.5 ach, as well as natural ventilationthrough operable windows, which musthave a total area of at least one-twentiethof the floor area of the room.

Some confusion may exist concerningthese ventilation standards since theASHRAE ventilation standard is specifiedin cfm and the HUD Minimum PropertyStandard in ach; holvever, it is easy toconvert the ASHRAE standard into an airexchange rate. The procedure is as


1) determine the number of rooms inyour house, the total floor space Area,and the height of your ceiling

2) multiply the total number of rooms inyour house by 10 cfm to determine thetotal ventilation rate required by theASHRAE standard

3) multiply the number obtained in 2above by 60 to determine the hourlyventilation rate in cubic feet



(Private dwelling places, single or multiple, low or high rise)


Outdoor Air Requirements Comments

(NOTr Omrable windows or mechanical ventilationoccupancy is greater than usual conditionslevels are generated within the space.)

General living areas


All other rooms




Kitchens 100

Baths, toilets 50

shalt be provided for use whenor Ohen unusual contaminant

L/s room5

5 Ventilation rate is ,

independent ofroom size


50 Installed capacityfor intermittent use


Garages (separate for cfm/car space 100 L/s car space 50

Garages (common for cfm/ft2 floor 1.5 L/s m2 floor 7.5several units)

each dwelling unit)

4) multiply the floor space area of yourhouse by the height of your ceilings todetermine the volume of air space in.your house

5) divide the hourly ventilation rate (incubic feet) into the volume of air spacein your house (also in cubic feet) todetermine the air exchange rate re-quired by the ASHRAE ventilationstandard for your house.

For example, let's convert cfm to ach for 41,200 square-foot, six-room house with8-foot ceilings and no basement or garagertThe total ventilation rate required is 6(rooms) x 10 cfm = 60 cfmThe hotirly ventilation rate is 60 min/hrx 60 cfm = 3,600 cf/hour

The volume of air space in the house is1200 ft2 x 8 ft. = 9,600 cf

and the air exchange rate is

3600 cf/hr.375 ach

9600 cf

Additional local exhaust ventilation is,of course, required in the kitchen and


bathroom. And, operable windows arerequired for additional ventilationthroughout the house. Assuming that oc-cupants will use this local exhaustcapability, as well as contribute to ven-tilation by opening windoWs\anOdoors,ASHRAE estimates that its standard willresult in an overall air...change rate of 0.5to 1 ach. But, note that our exampledoesn't count these additional ventilation

rces.By setting its standard in terms of cubic

feet per minute per room, ASHRAEdidn't set a definite ach standard, such asHUD's 0.5 ach standard. Under theASHRAE standard, ventilation doesn'tincrease by the sheer size of the house,but rather by the number of rooms in thehome.

Thus, these tentilation rates would bethe same-60 cubic feet per minute or3,600 cubic feet per hour for any homewith six rooms: Note that for a smaller,1,000-square-foot, six-room home, theach would calculate to be greater than inour 1,200 - square -foot home. And, ofcourse, the ach would be less in a larger,six-room 1,600-square-foot home.




-41iTi ...__.,


maw/ A 14FROM



From 1978 to 1982 the U.S.Department of Energy providedabout 2,200 grants to a cross-sectionof Americans with good ideas forsaving energy. Their projects revealhow a broad range of appropriatetechnologies actually work -- fromthe farm to the country's largestcities.

Their experiences have been ex-amined and presented in a series ofthirteen informative publications.Your State energy offices have alimited number of these publicationsavailable without charge. Addi-tional copies are on sale at U.S.Goqiernment Printing OfficeBookstores near you.

APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGYAT WORK: Outstanding Pr6jectsFunded by the U.S. Department ofEnergy Appropriate TechnologySmall Grants Program(1978-1981).Highlights twenty of the may success storiesthat are found in the DOE grants programGPO 061-030-00608-7

WASTES TO RESOURCES:.APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGIESFOR-SEWAGE TREATMENT ANDCONVERSIONPresents background information on conven-tional and alternative sewage treatment in theUnited States and the key issues facingmunicipal *swage managers.GPO 061-000-00611-




DRYING WOOD WITH THE SUN:HOW TO BUILD A SOLAR-HEATED FIREWOOD DRYERShows the over 14 million firewood users inAmerica how to build an efficient. low-costfirewood dryer and contains suggestions formore efficient burning of the dry wood.CPO 061 000-00613-3

MOISTURE AND HOME ENERGYCONSERVATIONFocuses on detecting moisture problems inthe home and how to correct them and in-cludes a training supplement on how to con-duct a moisture audrt in a home(;PO 061.000-00615-0

PHOTOVOLTAICS IN THEPACIFIC ISLANDS: ANINTRODUCTION TO PVSYSTEMSHelps teachers. adult educators. and com-munity leaders in the Pacific Islands explainthe basic parts of a PV systemGPO 061-000-00616-8

USING THE EARTH TO HEATAND COOL HOMESProvides a guide to using the earth as a readi-ly available. low-cost resource for spaceheating and cooling with a focus on installa-tion, economics. reliability and performanceof systems utilizing low-grade geothermalenergy and earth-tempered air systems.GPO 061.000-00620-6

INTRODUCING SUPPLEMENTALCOMBUSTION AIR TO GAS-FIRED HOME APPLIANCESShows consumers and building trades peoplehow to increase heating system efficiency byusing outside or supplemental combustion airand also includes a set of basic how-to in-structions to allow consumers to buildnecessary ducts and vents. C e and safetyimplications of these uctions are thoroughlyaddressed.GPO 061.000-00621.4



"'LEARNEDFocuses on the experi nces of hundreds ofDOE granteg who designed and builtgreenhouses, and exa lllll ies individualgreenhouse components, including training,glazing. storage. ventilation and controlmechanisms.GPO 06 1- 000 0062 2 -2

HEAT-RECOVERY VENTILA-TION FOR HOUSING: AIR -TO-AIR HEAT EXCHANGERSTeaches owner- builders. building trades peo- -ple. and designers how to siz; ventilationsystems for energy-efficient housing Major.emphasis is placed on the air-to-air heat ex-changer.GP() ot, (X)0- 1K1611

MAJOR ENERGY CONSERVA-TION RETROFITS: A PLANNINGGUIDE FOR NORTHERNCLIVIATES"Contains state-of-the-art strategies for thebuilder, architect, amid skilled homeowner indeciding the most cost-effective proceduresfor insulating roofs and walls This decision-making manual ' allows users in northernclimates to determine the most cost-effectivemeans for increasing the thermal efficiency oftheir spficific building envelope

HOME MADE ELECTRICITY: ANINTRODUCTION TO SMALL-SCALE WIND, HYDRO, ANDPHOTOVOLTAICSIntroduces the use of 'wind. water. and thesun as electricity producers and. based on theexperiences of grantees, helps the readermake a realistic appraisal of these systems.GP0-061-000-(X)630.3

WINDOW INSULATION: HOWTO SORT THROUGH THEOPTIONS*Focuses on the major decision and problemareas with the technology including choosingthe right design for the window, how tochoose a workable installation method, andhow to size up your window-insulation needsgiven climate, cost, and home orientation.

AN INTRODUCTION TOBIOGAS PRODUCTION ON THEFARM*Introduces farm-size biogas production andincludes a brief discussion on how to evaluatethe biogas production potential of a specificranch or farm.

IWIll be availabk b March, 1984)

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