Hybrid System in Car With Advance 4-Wheel Steering


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8/6/2019 Hybrid System in Car With Advance 4-Wheel Steering

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Er. Sandeep Mishra Rakesh Kr. Prajapati

Sudhir Kumar Singh

Pravesh KumarDevbrat Pathak

8/6/2019 Hybrid System in Car With Advance 4-Wheel Steering

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CONTENTSy A bstract

y Introduction

y Literature Viewy Experimental Work

y Result discussion

y Conclusion

y Reference

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Abstract A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a type of hybrid

 vehicle and electric vehicle which combines a

conventional internal combustion engine (ICE)propulsion system with an electric propulsion system.

In this system we use the solar energy, noise(sound)energy and damping energy or Power-Generating

Shock A 

bsorber (PGS A 

) for store the energy in astorage system for moment of the car.

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Noise energy system also used in any IC engine vehicleto improve engine efficiency.

In this system we combined the three types of energy sources in the form of power plant in any car.

In this system we are using four-wheel steeringsystem.

KEYWORDS- Solar energy system, Noise(sound)energy system, Power-Generating Shock  A bsorber(PGS A ), 4-wheel steering system.

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INTRODUCTIONIn this system we are using the Hybrid word to definethe combination of three energy system as a power

plant in a car.SOL A R ENERGY- Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly usingphotovoltaic's (PV), or indirectly using concentrated

solar power (CSP). solar power is not available at alltimes, and is normally supplemented by storage Solarpower is an intermittent energy source, meaning thator another energy source.

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Power-Generating Shock  A bsorber (PGS A )- The PGS A  converts kinetic energy into electricity through the use

of a Linear Motion Electromagnetic System (LMES).SOUND- Sound energy is also a type of wave motion. A n example of energy could be seen in the microphoneand the loudspeaker.

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LITERATURE VIEWy Louis Litwin and Michael Pugel (thesis works for

power Generating Shock  A bsorber)

y E. Lawrey, C. J. Kikkert ( used the PGSB for electricgeneration).

y J. D. Gibson ( project report on sound energy conversion).

y I. McKenzie (conversion of solar energy into electricity in small vehicle)

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HOW IT WORKS (PGSA) A conventional automotive shock absorber dampenssuspension movement to produce a controlled action

that keeps the tire firmly on the road. This is done by converting the kinetic energy into heat energy, whichis then absorbed by the shocks oil. PGS A converts thiskinetic energy into electricity instead of heat throughthe use of a Linear Motion Electromagnetic System(LMES).

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The LMES uses a dense permanent magnet stackembedded in the main piston, a switchable series of 

stator coil windings, a rectifier, and an electroniccontrol system to manage the varying electrical outputand dampening load.

The bottom shaft of the PGS A mounts to the moving

suspension member and forces the magnet stack toreciprocate within the annular array of stator windings, producing alternating current electricity.

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That electricity is then converted into direct currentthrough a full-wave rectifier and stored in the vehicles


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ENERGY INTO ELECTRICAL ENERGYSolar energy is transformed in the form of electromagnetic radiations of different wavelength.

These radiations comprise visible light and invisiblelight (infrared) Solar cells can transform light energy into electrical energy which can also be converted intomechanical energy.

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CONVERSION OF SOUND ENERGY We are heard by others when we talk because of the

sound energy we produce. It is due to the effect of the

air molecules vibrating when we talk. The vibratingmolecules hit our eardrums, which enable us to hearothers talk. Sound energy may be converted intoelectrical energy for transmission, and later theelectrical energy can be converted back into soundenergy at the receiving end.

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4-WHEEL STEERING SYSTEMIts an advance technology in field of steering system.

It is use for easily turning and advance controlling of 

steering.In this system all the wheels take turn at 90` angle.

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RESULT DISCUSSION We successfully used these energies with advance 4-

 wheel steering system in the car.

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REFERENCEy http://www.dsplog.com/2008/02/03/understanding-an-

ofdm-transmission/y http://www.dsplog.com/2008/02/24/peak-to-average-

power-ratio-for-ofdm/y http://www.dsplog.com/2008/08/19/receive-diversity-in-

awgn/y http://www.dsplog.com/2008/06/10/ofdm-bpsk-bit-


http://www.commow.com/3rd_Generation.htmly http://www.cdg.org/magazines/spectrum/article4_int.htm

ly http://www.commow.com/3rd_Generation.html.

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