Humanism and The Printing Press Unit 3, SSWH 9 c and g


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Humanism and

The Printing Press

Unit 3, SSWH 9 c and g

How did life change during the Renaissance and Reformation?

SSWH 9 c and gExplain the main characteristics

of humanism; include the ideas of Petrarch, Dante, and Erasmus.

Explain the importance of Gutenberg and the invention of the printing press.

Humanism p.410-412• Study of classical texts, an

intellectual movement that focused on human potential & achievements• Studied them to understand ancient Greek values• Influenced artists and architects to carry on classical traditions

Continued• Popularized the study of subjects

– history, literature, and philosophy• Examined traditional teachings of

the church

Petrarch•Father of Renaissance humanism•Great poet: wrote both in Italian and Latin

p. 411

Dante•Wrote using vernacular (wrote in everyday local language) and about secular (worldly) things• Famous: wrote The Divine Comedy in Italian p. 265

Erasmus “ Christian

Humanist”• Said society should be

reformed through education (women, boys, and girls)

• Famous: wrote The Praise of Folly: poked fun at the greedy merchants, heartsick lovers, quarreling scholars, & pompous priests

• To Improve society, all people should study the Bible p. 419 -420

Gutenberg & The Printing Press

• Chinese invented block & moveable type• Block printed items reached Europe in the 1200s• 1440, Johann Gutenberg developed a printing press• Process produced books cheaply & quickly p. 418


• First complete book printed: Gutenberg Bible in 1455• Printing press allowed books to

be made cheap & it increase the amount of available knowledge in society• Spreading ideas quickly (people

began to challenge established institutions more)

Important Thing

• The important thing about humanism is _____________.

• Detail:_____________• Detail:_____________• Detail:_____________• But the important thing about humanism is


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