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  • 7/29/2019 HR-Self


    Self-Assessment = "Who Am I?"

    Self-assessmentis learning more about yourself and is an essential first-step in the career search process. It is a thorough and complete self-analysis resulting in an in-depth, self-understanding. It will lead you todiscover careers most likely to be professionally and personally satisfying.

    Why is this "self-assessment" so important?

    Self-assessment and self-discovery helps us to set priorities, makeinformed decisions and successfully implement a career plan. Looking atthe core of who you are is essential to finding your path and making sureyour choices fit for you - that you have "career fitness".

    Self-assessment can help you match your:

    Personality (What interests you?)

    Interests (What do youlike to do?)

    Values (What's important to you?)

    Skills (What do youdo well?)
  • 7/29/2019 HR-Self

    2/11 Careers

    HINT: Try several assessments and look for patterns in your results.

    Self-esteem is the number one determinant of success in careers. Ones

    self-concept will be enhanced by the deeper self-understanding discoveredduring effective career development!

    So, let's learn your personal qualities and strengths and begin buildingyourself-esteem and success!

    How can B.H.C. assist you with self-assessment?

    B.H.C. professional career counselors are trained to help you with theentire career search process, including self-assessment. We offer awide variety of career assessment tools to understand how your skills,

    interests and values can be incorporated into a variety of careers andhelp guide you toward a "fitting" career. Make an appointment with aB.H.C. Career Counselortoday!

    Have you completed the self-assessment stage of career development?

    Personality, Careers, and Jungian Types

    "For the most part, I do the thing

    which my nature drives me to do.Albert Einstein

    When selecting a career, studying our personality or individual qualitiesand character traits, can also result in greater Career Fitness.

    Personalitya complex set of tendencies, behaviors, attitudes, andcharacteristics that makes each of us unique.

    Improve your "Career Fitness" by:

    Learning more about yourselfDeveloping a stronger self-concept

    Realizing that your personality, interestsand dreams make sense
  • 7/29/2019 HR-Self


    "Psychological Type" is a theory developed by Dr. Carl G. Jung (l875-1961)explaining individual differences in energy directions, in taking ininformation and in making decisions. Dr. Jung was a contemporary ofSigmund Freud and a leader in the field of Gestalt personality theory. Jungcoined the terms "introvert" and "extrovert" to understand a persons

    energy focus, "sensor" or "intuitive" for how we take in information, and"thinker" or "feeler" for how we act on information. Isabel Myers andKatherine Briggs developed an additional type for how we manage ourlives and organize time with the concept of "judgers" and "perceivers".

    All types are used at different times, yet each individual has functions theyprefer to use most often. It is these preferences, once identified, which canlead the way to our identity and lifegoals.

    The functions of focusing on information (Sensing or Intuition) and acting

    on the information (Thinking or Feeling) are particularly useful in thelearning process and in career decisionmaking and future career satisfaction. Studying Jungs personality typepreferences can be useful in self- understanding, understanding of othersand in directing our energies to best meet our goals in life. Determine yourpersonality type preferences and use this knowledge daily to makedecisions, improve relationships and find your place in the world-of-work.

    The Black Hawk College Counseling Department utilizes the Myers BriggsType Indicator (MBTI), a personality instrument based on Dr. Carl G. Jungstheory of human personality, to

    assist students in determining their own personality type preferences. It isthe most widely used instrument for understanding oneself and others inpractical, everyday contexts. This self-report personality inventory hasbeen translated into more than two dozen languages. Students make thedetermination of their own "type preferences" through workshops or withthe assistance of a professional Counselor. It is the individualsresponsibility and right to determine their own type. All personality typesare gifts. None is better than another. Once determined, they are useful inlearning to appreciate oneself, in directing decision-making and in growingin the appreciation of others differences.

    Are you a person who:

    Freely expresses ideas and enjoys variety and action? (Extrovert) Prefers warnings and time to think before acting? (Introvert) Enjoys developing new approaches and focuses on the future?

    (Intuitive) Is practical-minded and careful with details? (Sensor) Enjoys pleasing others and strives for harmony? (Feeler)

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    Strives for objectivity and creating a logical order? (Thinker) Is time-conscious and enjoys completing tasks? (Judger) Wants to keep your options open and stay flexible? (Perceiver)

    The MBTI measures how you like to focus your attention, take in

    information, make decisions, and interact with the world. The MBTI usuallyrequires about one hour to complete under the direction of a Counselor.

    Over 3 million people per year are using the indicator for:

    Self-understanding and personal growthGreater understanding of other personalitiesAcceptance of differences with othersCareer developmentCurriculum selectionEducational learning styles

    Understanding learning motivations or conflictsTeam buildingLeadership developmentProblem solving skill developmentConflict resolutionRelationship building

    How is knowledge of ones style or "type" useful?

    Promotes respect for each individual. Studying the strengths or "gifts" ofeach type promotes self-esteem and respect for differences. It is a

    supportive, positive theory, which canteach a person how to best utilize natural talents and focuses onstrengths.

    Assists in the understanding of oneself and others. Behavior is oftenpredictable or understandable given a persons preferences for seeing asituation and making decisions.

    Facilitates better communication between people. Using the approachesmost likely to be heard and understood by other types or "talking thelanguage" of the other type makes

    communicating more comfortable and efficient.

    Builds genuine team skills, as members learn to appreciate and use theskills of co-workers or family members.

    Utilizes the contributions of each type to maximize the effectiveness ofmeetings.

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    To create environments where differences become fascinating, useful andvaluable, as tasks are divided by team goals for each situation. Typestrengths can be used to mentor othersskills or complete tasks quickly. Type growth areas can be a focus whenbuilding long-term employee skills.

    Determine your personality typeand discover careers that fit for you.

    For more information on personality or to determine your type:

    Attend a Career development workshop and complete the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

    Work with a B.H.C. Career Counselorto determine your personalitytype

    Enroll in Psychology l05: Career Exploration & Planning

    Visit the Career Services Center and ask for Jungs personality typeresources

    Learn the beauty of "personality types" = Join "Your Personality and YourCareer Type" workshop or call for individual appointments to complete theMBTI and discuss Jungs theory with a professional Counselor.

    Interests, Careers, and Holland Types

    One self-assessment useful in career searching is to determine one'sinterests - personal preferences for certain types of activities andenvironments. Determine which of six general areas of career interests, or"Holland Types", best describe you!

    Career theorist, Dr. John Holland, developed six career personality typesuseful in career searching. Determine your"Holland career type" with theStrong Interest Inventory (SII). The SII enables a person to compare theirlikes and dislikes with satisfied professionals in a variety of fields. It willtake 45-60 minutes to complete under the direction of a Counselor.

    Find your "Holland Type" and find your future career!

    For more information on Holland's career personality types or todetermine your type:

    Survey descriptions ofHolland's Six Career Types

    Visit your Career Services Center and request the DISCOVER program's's
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    Attend a Career Development workshop and complete the StrongInterest Inventory (SII)

    Meet with a B.H.C. Career Counselor to complete the Strong InterestInventory (SII)

    Enroll in Psychology 105: Career Exploration & Planning

    Holland's 6 Career Interest TypesCan Improve "Your Career Fitness"


    Realistic Investigative


    Enterprising Social

    Career researcher John Holland suggests career decisions are influencedby one or more (often 3) of 6 career personality types. These 6 directionsexplain preferences for job tasks, occupations, and job settings orenvironments. People are usually happier, and are more successful in jobs

    matching their preferred "types".

    For the most part I do the thing

    which my nature drives me to do.Albert Einstein

    Holland's theory organizes the 6 types at the points of a hexagon withthose most clearly related adjacent to each other, and those mostdissimilar located across from each other. Types next to one another onthe hexagon have more in common with one another. For example,

    Realistic and Conventional types share common characteristics. Knowingyour personal combination of Holland groups is your Holland Code, whichcan direct your research and lead you to satisfying career options.

    Read the short descriptions of Hollands career types and interestsbelow.

    Visit the Career Services Center to find services that can helpdetermine your type.
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    Take the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) to determine your HollandType.

    Link your personality with careers that fit your type in the CareerServices Center.

    Enteryour Holland results from the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) in

    the DISCOVER program. Attend a Career Development Workshop to determine your Holland

    type. Meetwith a Career Counselorto determine your Holland type.

    Enroll in Psychology 105 to determine your Holland type.


    R I

    C A

    E S

    HINT: Think about these questions as you read the "types".

    What interests me?Would I want to do this?

    Would I enjoy these activities and job tasks?Would I enjoy working with people who enjoy this?

    Are You A Realistic Type?

    machines, tools, nature, animals, outdoors science/math

    using physical strength, skill, dexterity of the body

    practical, concrete over abstract problem solving

    action solutions over verbal and interpersonal solutions

    working with things and data over people

    Are You An Investigative Type?

    working with things and ideas over people

    solving complex, abstract problems

    scientific, mathematical, and intellectual pursuits

    organizing, analyzing, interpreting data, ideas, theories

    researching and understanding the physical world
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    uncovering new facts with original, creative, theoretical questions

    data over people

    Are You An Artistic Type?

    using imagination and originality to develop new ideas

    creating, using intuition and self-expression

    valuing aesthetics and the beauty of word, shape, form

    variety and change in flexible environments

    designing a product

    working with ideas

    Are You A Social Type?

    concern for human welfare and community service

    solving problems with feelings and discussion

    using insight to understand others and express caring

    teaching, helping, curing to improve lives

    unstructured, flexible settings

    leading on social, ethical issues

    people interest over data or things

    Are You An Enterprising Type?

    persuading, directing, managing, supervising

    organizing business functions for efficiency

    leading, influencing, persuading others

    using verbal ability, motivating others

    competition and risk taking

    people and data interest over things and ideas

    Are You A Conventional Type?

    structure order over ambiguity

    setting up practical procedures, record keeping

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    applying rules to organizational tasks

    accuracy detail in tasks

    office settings and following others direction

    data interests

    What is important to you?

    What will satisfy you most in your work?


    VALUES: Our beliefs/principles about what is really important orworthwhile.

    WORK VALUES: The variety of satisfactions we obtain from work,or the characteristics of a job/workplace that are most important to anindividual.

    1. Ones principles, deep beliefs, standards, ideals, psychologicalneeds and ethics impact values. They guide our actions and our lifechoices. A number of things, such as upbringing, family, home life,culture and education influence our values. Our values also evolveover time.

    2. Values evolve and continue to develop just as an individual growsand develops. Most frequently people in their 20s indicate income astheir major work value, yet most people in their 30s say that usingtheir talents or having an impact on the world is their major value.

  • 7/29/2019 HR-Self


    Skills - What Are You Good At Doing?

    Improve your"Career Fitness"by:

    Learning more about your skills and abilities Developing a stronger self-concept Realizing your numerous strengths

    Skills are the specialized abilities to do things well or competently and theknow-how to perform a given task effectively. They are the talents, keyabilities, and practical knowledge a person possesses. Ones strong skillsare true assets in a job.

    Skills are directly linked to how well a person does a job and also howfulfilled they are doing it. The use of certain skills can provide a great dealof personal satisfaction. Using our skills can make work more enjoyable.Skills are always developing throughout life. Practice and new training canincrease and expand skills.

    Knowledge of your skills and the ability to communicate them effectively isessential to sound career planning and a successful job search.

    Skill categories include:

    Transferable skills used in many different job settings (Ability todeliver speeches, write clearly or train others)

    Self-Management personal qualities necessary for successful jobperformance (Managing time, relating to authority, cooperating withothers) The greatest loss of jobs is related to lack of these skills.

    Work-Content - learned, specialized skills necessary for a particular

    job (Giving medications, operating specific machinery, computerprogramming)

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    You Have More Skills than You Realize!Identify your skills:

    Ask staff assistance in the Career Services Center with identifyingyour skills.

    Make an appointment to complete the abilities inventory of


    Use skill terminology when developing your resume.
