How We Affect The World



How We Affect The World . By: Emily Batley, Daisy Lopez, Lacey Bollmer , Rhena Ripley. Overview of Greenhouse Gas Emissions . Constant Problems . Incensement in extreme weather: Wildfires Hurricanes Floods Drought Tropical storms Leads to climate changes More Technology Advances - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How We Affect The

World By: Emily Batley, Daisy Lopez, Lacey Bollmer, Rhena Ripley

Overview of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Constant Problems Incensement in extreme weather:

Wildfires Hurricanes Floods Drought Tropical storms Leads to climate changes

More Technology Advances No progress in improving energy source to be

environmentally friendly

2001 9/11

Emissions into the air War in Afghanistan Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change (IPCC) Humans are 66% responsible for global

warming (Current statistic is 90+%)

2002 Antarctica

Larsen-B ice shelf break Collapsed in one month

Arctic summer sea ice Record low

2003 Iraq war started

2004 Global warming publicity

Cover of National Geographic Cover of Business Week Magazine Central theme of Michael Crichton’s best-

selling novel, State of Fear

2005 Warmest

year on record 1998 and

2007 tie for 2nd warmest

“How much are you consuming?”

2006 Start of energy consumption steady

growth at 2.3% per year 21.3 billion tons of CO2 from fossil fuels

per year Natural processes can only absorb about

half of produced

2007 Australia

Lost 25% of crop productions Due to desertification

Tegua Island, Pacific Ocean 100 residents relocated

Rising sea levels Frequent flooding

2009 Moscow, Russia

Extreme heat waves 33 days of heat over 91.4° 11,000 died

Forrest fires Drought Crop failures

2010 Indonesia and Australia

Unusual rains starting in May- Oct(normal dry time)

Indonesia Almost double rainfall June- Oct.

Australia May-Oct. 152% higher rainfall

Future 2040

Predict Arctic to have 1st ice-free summer 2030

Over a billion cars will be driving on planet earth

2050 add one more billion 2050

1billion + people with water shortage 2080

Mountain eco-systems will lose more than half of wildlife species
