How to Sew a Throw Pillow Cover in 10 Easy Steps


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  • 8/12/2019 How to Sew a Throw Pillow Cover in 10 Easy Steps


    How To Sew A Throw Pillow Cover In 10 Easy StepsFebruary 1, 2008 byAnela

    I a!"it, I ten! to #hane "y "in! $re%uently& 'y husban! woul! #all it $i#(le& I )ust #all it *everevolvin !esin tastes&+ hatever you #all it, it "eans that I really love !e#or that has built in$le-ibility su#h as pillow #overs that #an be re"ove!, washe!, or #hane!& The best thin aboutpillow #overs is that they are so easy to "a(e& Here.s how I "a(e a #ottae/style throw pillow #overin 10 easy steps&

    Suppliesou will nee!

    A yar! an! a %uarter 1 1345 o$ 467 $abri#, or a yar! 15 o$ 667 $abri#

    Two an! a hal$ 2 1325 yar!s o$ tri"

    A !rin(in lass an! pen#il

    A sewin "a#hine, iron, ironin sur$a#e, pins, s#issors an! threa!

    ptionally, you "ay want a rotary #utter an! "at $or #uttin your $abri#&
  • 8/12/2019 How to Sew a Throw Pillow Cover in 10 Easy Steps


    Step 1Cut your $abri# into three pie#es& For the $ront o$ the pillow, you will nee! one s%uare 217 - 217& Forthe ba#(, you will nee! two re#tanles, 197 - 217 ea#h& Note:Measurements given are for a 20square pillow. The formula for other sizes is at the end of the article.

    Step 2To ease sewin an! turnin, we will roun! the #orners o$ our pillow #over slihtly& Tra#e a lass witha pen#il on the wron si!e o$ your $abri#& 'ar( all $our #orners o$ the s%uare pie#e o$ $abri# an! two#orners on one lon e!e $or ea#h re#tanle see the pi#ture at Step 45&

  • 8/12/2019 How to Sew a Throw Pillow Cover in 10 Easy Steps


    Step 3Cut alon the pen#il lines& To save ti"e, I o$ten !ouble/up #orners an! #ut two at on#e&

    Step 4

    To prevent $rayin but also avoi! bul( at the sea"s, we will $inish our raw e!es usin a :i/:astit#h or an overlon stit#h i$ you have one& Finish all e!es e-#ept the straiht e!e on ea#hre#tanle&

  • 8/12/2019 How to Sew a Throw Pillow Cover in 10 Easy Steps


    Step 5Sin#e the straiht e!es o$ the re#tanles will be e-pose!, we.ll use a "ore polishe! he"& Fol!about 1347 ; 9387 o$ the e!e over twi#e to #o"pletely en#ase the raw e!e an! stit#h it !own with astraiht stit#h&

  • 8/12/2019 How to Sew a Throw Pillow Cover in 10 Easy Steps


    Step 6

  • 8/12/2019 How to Sew a Throw Pillow Cover in 10 Easy Steps


    Step 8hen the $irst re#tanle is #o"pletely pinne!, pla#e the se#on! re#tanle, $a#e !own, on the otherhal$ o$ the pro)e#t& The he""e! straiht e!es will overlap& Aain, beinnin with the #orners, pinthe re#tanle !own #are$ully, "a(in sure to re"ove any pins that "iht hi!e un!er the overlappin$abri# an! #ause proble"s when sewin&


  • 8/12/2019 How to Sew a Throw Pillow Cover in 10 Easy Steps


    Step 9Sew all aroun! the pillow, usin a sea" allowan#e that "at#hes the sewin ban! on the tri"& Fore-a"ple, the sewin strip on "y po"/po" tri" was 6387 wi!e, so I use! a 6387 sea" allowan#e& Forvery bul(y tri"s or pipin that are #lose to the sea", you "ay nee! to use a :ipper $oot, but $or $lattri"s su#h as $rine, or tri"s that han away $ro" the e!e, your reular presser $oot "iht wor($ine& I$ in !oubt, sew a test usin s#raps o$ tri" an! $abri# until you are #o"$ortable with how the

    "aterial will run throuh your "a#hine& Finally, make sure to remove pins before you sew anygiven section of fabric@ Sewin over pins #an brea( your nee!le or even !a"ae your "a#hine& Iusually pull the pins out o$ the 17/27 riht be$ore the presser $oot an! sew in s"all se#tions&

    Step al"ost !one@ our pro)e#t shoul! now loo( li(e this&

  • 8/12/2019 How to Sew a Throw Pillow Cover in 10 Easy Steps


    Stu$$in the pillow $or" into the #over is easy, )ust li(e you woul! put a pillow sha" on a be! pillow&S"oosh it aroun! an! sha(e the #orners until it loo(s riht, an! then, !one@

  • 8/12/2019 How to Sew a Throw Pillow Cover in 10 Easy Steps


    oila@ ne #ute #ottae style pillow #over&
