How to make_a_mermaid_tale


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How To Make a Mermaid Tale

By:Breeana Carr

What you Need

*swimsuit*needle *fabric

*sewing machine*a pair of sandals

*some markers*a pair of scissors

*pins*waterproof glitter

Making a mermaid tale is easy as long as your ready to follow directions and have


Step  One

Making a mermaid tale is pretty easy and fun!...first lay down on a 1/2 piece of fabric and trace your legs with a pencil to look like a mermaid tale.

Step Two

Then cut it out with your scissors and next to it cut the other piece of fabric, trace and cut it out

Step Three

Next pin the whole suit together except the tail.

Step Four

finally sew the edges of the swimsuit together and release the pins. Then put the mermaid tale on and add stick on waterproof glitter (that matches).

Step Five

next put a matching swimsuit top on and go to to a near lake or pool (optional)

finally you can put on the mermaid tale and go to a nearest lake or pool and start swimming or you can just use the mermaid tale for what you want it to be for.

