How to Create COVID19 Community Testimonials ......HOW TO CREATE COVID19 TESTIMONIALS 8 English...


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How to Create COVID19 Community

Testimonials -

Technical Assistance Guide

A mitigation strategy to impact COVID-19 risk-behaviors

CDC CERT Team – May 16, 2020




Introduction: This report describes the step-by-step procedure for creating COVID-19 community

testimonials. Testimonials are a science-based, theoretical driven tools that can be used to inform, educate

and model positive COVID-19 mitigation and risk reduction behaviors. Testimonials have been used in

multiple health related programs effectively. They are a simple method that can be used by community-

based organizations, faith-based organizations, public health and other institutions to inform, educate,

change behaviors and improve the health condition of the population.

Background: The Unified Command, the Brown County Health Department, Green Bay Police

Department and other county organizations participated in a COVID-19 community meeting April 26th

to learn about community perceptions and messaging strategies to reduce COVID-19. Community leaders

representing the Green Bay migrant diaspora were represented in the meeting. One of the topics proposed

by the community leaders was the use of testimonials as tools to model, inform and educate community

members in terms of COVID-19 mitigation strategies.

Definition of community testimonials: Community testimonials are genuine stories from community

members who make or practice positive behaviors for mitigation or to reduce the risk of getting COVID-

19. These stories capture real stories from real people, show people’s movement from different stages of

change theory (Prochaska & DiClemente) and motivate change.

What is mitigation: Mitigation is a set of actions that persons and communities can take to help slow the

spread of respiratory virus infections. Community mitigation is especially important before a vaccine or

drug becomes widely available. Community mitigation stories impact community members (individual

level), community organizations, and populations (community level).

Individual and community mitigation or risk factors/topics to consider for community testimonials are

based on recommended factors to reduce COVID-19 infections and spread recommended by Gov. Evers’s

Badger Bounce Back plans and public health authorities that recommend the following:

Some factors to be considered for testimonials:

1. Wash hands often

2. Cover coughs

3. Use mask if ill and or when going out

4. Surface and object cleaning

5. Isolation of positive cases

6. Quarantine of contacts of positive cases

7. Physical distancing to 6 feet

8. Stop unnecessary visits to nursing homes, congregate facilities and hospitals

9. Don’t go out if ill




Testimonials can be distributed during community outreach activities by community peers or by

community leaders or their organizations (active distribution). They can be inserted as articles in

community or church bulletins. They can be disseminated using electronic media including social media

e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or another social media venue. It can be produced as an video story or

PSA. Other venues for dissemination are TV, radio or local newspapers. Testimonials can be used within

community groups as ways of initiating mitigation discussions. These stories may be produced in the form

of videos, audio, or written stories. Which option you choose depends upon the resources that are available

to your agency. Video stories are perhaps the most powerful, and current use of phone cell capabilities

can help develop videos. However, professional video productions may be important to consider but may

require more resources. Written stories, on the other hand, require few special resources to produce, and

the final content can be easily controlled. However, during social distancing practices it may be difficult

to implement written stories.

Identify community members with positive stories to tell

• Identify 3-5 individuals with positive experiences related to mitigating COVID-19 (e.g.,

implementing social distance practices, personal hygiene techniques, or having an successful

experience going through COVID-19 infection and hospital systems). Positive COVID-19

practices may be found everywhere. Make sure individuals have been performing good/positive

mitigation behaviors for enough period of time, so the stories will be rich and productive.

• Before interviewing individual, obtain a signed release form for the interview and for the use of

his/her story. Most individuals will give you verbal consent. In this case, please make sure to

record the verbal consent in your cell phone or other equipment. It is highly recommended not to

use personal pictures or real names in the story since the individual later can change his/her

mind. If the person allows you to use only their first name, then obtain permission for it. If you

want to record the interview, please ask for permission. Be certain that all individuals understand

clearly that they are being asked to share the story of successful behavior change within a

community that is trying to reduce COVID-19 risk factors.

Conduct Interviews

• Conduct a personal interview to obtain the testimonial of each individual. Taking good written

notes will be a good method to have a complete idea of the personal interview. If possible, record

(video or audio) the interview with the help of a video camera or cell phone. When video recording

the interviews, the interviewer should remain off-camera. (Note: you can use your cell phone or a

hand audio recording).

• Ensure that interviews include enough detail to allow creation of useful COVID19 Testimonials.

“Raw” interviews should be at least 10-15 minutes in length.

• Guide the interview process to ensure that the following topics and questions are addressed:



1. Characterization and membership: General background information—first name (or

pseudonym), length of time in local area, social status, ethnic background, living situation,

current COVID-19 status or situation.

2. Risk Factor – Do not practice specific mitigation practice (e.g., do not facemask, do

not wash hands, lack of information about COVID-19 testing, contact tracing)

3. Goal behavior: mitigation strategy to practice reducing COVID-19 risk.

4. Influencing factor: What made the individual first decide to start performing this

mitigation strategy? What made performing the new behavior easier (facilitator) What led

up to his or her decision (commitment)? How long ago was this? What made them perform?

How important was the support of friends, family, or other people in achieving

success? How did they help? How important is their support now? How confident is the

individual that he or she will be able to continue performing the mitigation behavior

in the future?

5. Stages of change: For how long has the person been successfully (consistently, fully)

performing the risk-reduction/mitigating behavior?

6. Barriers- What initial difficulties did the individual encounter in trying to perform the

new mitigation/ risk-reduction behavior/approach? What problems were encountered

(barriers) in trying to perform the behavior consistently?

7. Positive Result: How did he or she solve these problems?

Edit Stories

• Using material from writing notes or from each recorded interview, produce a brief final story that

clearly portrays how the individual first tried and finally succeeded in making this particular

mitigating or risk-reduction behavior approach a part of his or her daily life.

• In each story, show how the individual has moved through the five stages of change—from

Precontemplation to Contemplation to Preparation to Action to Maintenance.

Examples and key phrases used in the stages of change:

• Pre-contemplation stage: Not ready. Not now.

• Contemplation: Maybe soon — thinking about it.

• Preparation: Ready, taking small steps.

• Action: Doing the healthy behavior.

• Maintenance: Keeping on.



Examples of how to move through the stages of change

I am not ready to use a mask because I don’t like it (PRECONTEMPLATION).

But after listening to the experience of your dad who was diagnosed with COVID-

19, I feel that this is so real. Tomorrow I will buy a mask and start wearing it out

and practice social distance (PREPARATION).

• For video and audio stories, edit the raw interview to retain those segments that best portray the

individual’s personal journey in achieving risk-reduction success.

1. Ensure that the edited story has a logical flow and is easy for viewers or listeners to follow.

(This usually requires rearranging the original interview material.)

2. Eliminate repetitious material and material that is tangential to the story.

3. Do not include the interviewer’s voice in the final story.

4. Keep the length of the final videotape or audiotape to a maximum of 5-8 minutes.

• For written stories, use the raw interview to compose a story that fully captures the individual’s

personal efforts and realistically portrays his or her progression in achieving risk-reduction


1. Begin by producing an unedited transcript of the full interview. Use the written transcript

as your guide in writing the story.

2. Write stories in the first person (“I”).

3. Use some of the actual words and phrases spoken by the person whenever possible.

4. Incorporate some local color, such as references to local hangouts, to reinforce the

perception that this is a real individual from the local community.

5. Show what caused the person to commit to making this particular change to reduce his/her

HIV(Do you mean COVID-19?) risk.

6. Describe in as much detail as possible the barriers that were encountered and setbacks that

occurred. Describe how the individual resolved these problems to enable eventual success

in achieving his or her goal.

7. End the story on a positive but realistic note in terms of expectations for the future.

8. Limit the story to no more than 1-1¼ single-spaced pages.



Release to Use Personal Testimonial

I hereby assign all rights to the sound, image, and/or video recording made of me this date to the agency

named below. I authorize without limitations the reproduction, editing, adaptation, copyright, exhibition,

broadcast, and/or distribution of this material for nonprofit educational purposes in the format or formats

specified below.

Name of agency to which rights are assigned: _______________________________________________

Media format approved: _______ Sound recording _____ Video recording _____ Printed material

I approved the use of my real name (First name only) in these materials: ___Yes ___ No

I certify that I understand that this material will be used for the purpose of educating others about

mitigation factors and risk associated with COVID-19 pandemic, and that I am being portrayed as a person

who has successfully made changes and practices mitigating strategies in personal behaviors in order to

decrease my risk of acquiring or transmitting COVID-19.

Client name (print) _______________________________ Staff signature______________________

Client signature __________________________________ Date ___/___/___



Sample COVID-19 Testimonials



English testimonials:

Mitigation factor: Wash Hands

1. Washing hands – my truth

Hi, this is Julio and the truth is I don’t wash my hands as often as I should. I know, I know, I should, especially because of COVID-19. And I’m going to start because it can save my life, and more importantly protect my family. It all started yesterday when my father went to the hospital. He had a fever. He couldn’t breathe. My father who is so strong, was crying. He was afraid because he has a heart condition. We were concerned about COVID-19. The nurses and doctors told him how our family can protect ourselves and take care of him. We can practice good hand hygiene by washing our hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. I would do anything not see my father scared or to see him cry.

Spanish translation:

Lavarse las manos- Mi verdad Hola, soy Julio y la verdad es que no me lavo las manos tan a menudo como debería. Lo sé, lo sé, debería hacerlo, especialmente por COVID-19. Y voy a comenzar porque puede salvarme la vida y, lo que es más importante, proteger a mi familia. Todo comenzó ayer cuando mi padre fue al hospital. Tenía fiebre. No podía respirar. Mi padre, que es tan fuerte, estaba llorando. Tenía miedo porque tiene una afección cardíaca. Estábamos preocupados por COVID-19. Las enfermeras y los médicos le dijeron cómo nuestra familia puede protegerse y tambien cuidarlo. Podemos practicar una buena higiene de manos lavándonos las manos frecuentemente con agua y jabón durante al menos 20 segundos. Haría cualquier cosa para no ver a mi padre asustado o verlo llorar.

2. Praying and COVID-19

My name is Abdi. I’m from Somalia and I’m35 years old. I came to Green Bay, WI when I was 19. Now I work as a Somali interpreter in the healthcare field. In my work, I have to answer many questions about COVID-19.

People have several questions about how to avoid COVID-19, and I always remind them to wash their hands to prevent getting sick. COVID-19 is affecting many people, especially my people, so we need to look back to our roots for answers. Last night, I was thinking about how beautiful my religion can be during these difficult times.

See, I pray 5 times a day, and before I pray, I need to make wudu. In my Muslin religion, wudu is the concept of presenting ourselves to God with purity and cleanliness. So last night I asked myself how this concept can help me decrease my chances of getting COVID-19. I can wash my hands with soap before making wudu or after praying to make sure that I am protecting myself from COVID-19 while practicing my religion.

COVID is an invisible enemy, so we need to fight with the right behaviors and with our resilience as people. These good habits are very important now. I just hope this COVID-19 epidemic will pass very soon.



Spanish translation:

La Oración y el COVID-19

Me llamo Abdi Soy de Somalia y tengo 35 años. Vine a Green Bay, WI cuando tenía 19 años. Ahora trabajo como intérprete somalí en el campo de la salud. En mi trabajo, tengo que responder muchas preguntas sobre COVID-19. La gente tiene muchas preguntas sobre cómo evitar COVID-19, y siempre les recuerdo que se laven las manos para evitar enfermarse. COVID-19 está afectando a muchas personas, especialmente a mi gente, por lo que debemos buscar respuestas en nosotros mismos, en nuestras raíces. Anoche, estaba pensando en lo hermosa que puede ser mi religión durante estos tiempos difíciles. Mira, rezo 5 veces al día, y antes de rezar, necesito hacer wudu. En mi religión musulmana, wudu es el concepto de presentarnos a Dios con pureza y limpieza. Así que anoche me pregunté cómo este concepto puede ayudarme a disminuir mis posibilidades de contraer COVID-19. Puedo lavarme las manos con jabón antes de hacer wudu o después de orar para asegurarme de estar protegiéndome del COVID-19 mientras practico mi religión. COVID-19 es un enemigo invisible, por lo que debemos luchar con los comportamientos correctos y con nuestra capacidad de resistencia como personas. Estos buenos hábitos son muy importantes ahora. Solo espero que esta epidemia de COVID-19 pase muy pronto.

Somali translation:

Salaadda iyo COVID-19

magacaygu waa Cabdi. Waxaan ka imid Soomaaliya waxaan ahay 35 sano jir. Waxaan imid Green Bay, WI markii

aan ahaa 19 jir. Hadda waxaan ahay turjubaan Soomaali oo qeyb ka ah daryeelka caafimaadka. Shaqadayda

waxaa waaye inaan ka jawaabo su'aalo badan oo ku saabsan COVID-19.

Dadku waxay qabaan su'aalo dhowr ah oo ku saabsan sida la iskaga ilaaliyo caabuqa COVID-19, marwalbana

waxaan xasuusiyaa inay gacmahooda dhaqaan si ay isaga ilaaliyaan inuu cudurka ku dhaco. COVID-19 wuxuu

saameeyn ku yeeshay dad badan, gaar ahaan dadkeyga, sidaa darteed waxaan u baahanahay inaan dib u eegno

taariikhdeena si aan jawaab uga helno caabuqan. Habeen hore, waxaan ka fakaraayay sida quruxda ay ahaan

karto diinteenu xilliyadan adag.

Eeg, waan duakadaa 5-ta waqti maalin walba, Kahor inta aanan tukanin, waan waysaystaa. Diintayda, waysadu

waa fikradda ah inaan naftayada u bandhigno Ilaah anigoo daahir iyo nadaafad lehMarka xalay ayaan

isweydiiyey sida ay figradani iga caawin karto yareynta fursadaha aan ku qaadi karo caabuqa COVID-19. Waxaan

gacmahayga ku dhaqi karaa saabuun ka hor intaanan waysaysanin ama kadib marka aan tuakado si aan u hubiyo

inaan naftayda ka ilaaliyo caabuqa COVID-19 diinteenana aan ilaashanayno.

Caabuqa COVID waa cadow aan la arki karin, sidaa darteed waxaan u baahanahay inaan la dagaallanno oo aan

ku dadaalno dabeecadaha wanaagsan. Dhaqankan wanaagsan aad ayey muhiim u yihiin hadda. Waxaan

rajeynayaa kaliya in cudurkaan COVID-19 uu si dhakhso ah u gudbi doono

Mitigation factor: Social Distancing



3. Social distancing and my son

My name is Dawn and I live on the west side of Green Bay. I’m a single mom, and I don’t know how COVID-19 might impact us. I’m scared for myself and my son who has asthma. Yesterday, my son went to the park with his friends and I noticed they did not practice social distancing. I am worried about this because I do not want him to get COVID-19. I am also worried about his friends since I do not know if they have been exposed to the virus. I will speak to my son about how he and his friends need to keep 6 feet apart from each other. I know it is important for them to still see each other and hang out. But I want them to be safe, and to take care of each other. I want them to do it for each other and for our community. Spanish translation: El distanciamiento social y mi hijo Mi nombre es Dawn y vivo en el lado oeste de Green Bay. Soy madre soltera y no sé cómo nos podría afectar COVID-19. Tengo miedo por mí y por mi hijo que tiene asma. Ayer, mi hijo fue al parque con sus amigos y noté que no practicaban el distanciamiento social. Estoy preocupada por esto porque no quiero que se contagie con el COVID-19. También estoy preocupada por sus amigos, ya que no sé si han estado expuestos al virus. Hablare con mi hijo sobre cómo él y sus amigos necesitan mantenerse a 6 pies de distancia el uno del otro. Sé que es importante que se vean y pasen el rato agradable. Pero quiero que estén a salvo y que se cuiden unos a otros. Quiero que lo hagan el uno por el otro y por nuestra comunidad. 4. My roommates and COVID-19

Hello, my name is Ayaan and I am a 31-year old Somali. Growing up, I spent about 10 years in a refugee camp in the Middle East. When first I arrived in the United States, I lived in Chicago. Living in Chicago was expensive, so with the help of two Somali friends who live in a two-bedroom apartment in Brown County, I moved to Green Bay. We shared everything, we cooked together, cleaned our apartment together, and had a good time talking and planning our lives. Last week, I saw on television that a husband who worked every day outside of his home started experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. He had already spread the virus in his home, when he learned he was positive for COVID-19. Now his wife and two daughters are sick. I was surprised and terrified to learn that although I am taking care of myself at home, I may be at risk for COVID-19 since my two roommates work outside. So, I decided to speak to them. Last weekend was a great opportunity to talk. We sat down at the table and I told the story about the husband who infected his family with COVID-19. I was surprised that my roommates had also heard about that story and they proposed to practice some social distancing in the apartment. I was glad they understood the situation. Now, we each cook and bring food for ourselves and our interaction is with distance, even in our home. We do not want to get COVID-19 and we need to practice good mitigating behaviors. I am glad we are doing this.



Spanish translation:

Mis compañeros de departamento y el COVID-19

Hola, mi nombre es Ayaan y soy un somalí de 31 años. Al crecer, pasé unos 10 años en un campo de refugiados en el Medio Oriente. Cuando llegué por primera vez a los Estados Unidos, vivía en Chicago. Vivir en Chicago era costoso, así que con la ayuda de dos amigos somalíes que viven en un departamento de dos habitaciones en el condado de Brown, me mudé a Green Bay. Compartimos todo, cocinamos juntos, limpiamos nuestro departamento juntos y nos divertimos hablando y planeando nuestras vidas. La semana pasada, vi en televisión que un esposo que trabajaba todos los días fuera de su casa comenzó a experimentar síntomas de COVID-19. Cuando se hizo el test que salió positivo, ya era tarde pues el virus ya se había propagado en su hogar. Ahora su esposa y sus dos hijas están enfermas. Me sorprendió y aterrorizó saber que, aunque me estoy cuidando en casa, puedo estar en riesgo de tener COVID-19 ya que mis dos compañeros de apartamento trabajan afuera. Entonces, decidí hablar con ellos. El fin de semana pasado fue una gran oportunidad para hablar. Nos sentamos a la mesa y conté la historia del esposo que infectó a su familia con COVID-19. Me sorprendió que mis compañeros de cuarto también hubieran escuchado sobre esa historia y me propusieron practicar distanciamiento social en el departamento. Me alegré de que entendieran la situación. Ahora, cada uno cocina y trae comida para nosotros y nuestra interacción es con distancia, incluso en nuestro hogar. No queremos tener COVID-19 y necesitamos practicar buenos comportamientos atenuantes. Me alegra que estemos haciendo esto.

Somali translation:

Saaxiibadayda wada deganahay iyo COVID-19

Waad Salaamtihiin, magacaygu waa Ayaan waxaanan ahay 31 jir soomaali ah. Waxaan ku koray xero qaxooti oo ku taal Bariga Dhexe. Markii ugu horreysay ee aan imid Mareykanka, waxaan ku noolaa Chicago. Ku noolaanshaha Chicago waxay ahayd mid qaali ah, sidaa darteed anigoo kaashanaya laba saaxiibadood oo Soomaali ah oo ku nool guri laba qol ku yaal Brown County, ayaan go’aansaday inan u soo guuro Green Bay. Wax walba waan wada wadaagnay, wax ayaan isla karineynay, gurigeenna waan nadiifinnay, oo waxaan helnay waqti ku habboon oo aan kaga wada hadalno qorshaha nolosheena. Toddobaadkii hore, waxaan telefishinka ku arkay nin maalin kasta ka shaqeeya meel ka baxsan gurigiisa uu bilaabay inuu dareemo astaamaha caabuqa COVID-19. Mar hore ayuuba ku faafiyay fayras gurigiisa markii uu ogaaday inuu qabo caabuqa COVID-19. Haatan xaaskiisa iyo laba gabdhood ayaa la jiran caabuqa.. Waan la yaabanahay oo waan ka baqay in aan ogaado xaaladaas inkasta oo aan gurigeyga daryeelo, waxaa qatar ugu jiro caabuqa COVID-19 maadaama ay labada qof ee wada degganahay ay ka shaqeeyaan banaanka. Marka, waxaan go’aansaday inaan la hadlo. Toddobaadkii hore waxay ii ahayd fursad weyn oo aan kula hadlo. Waxaan fadhiisanay miiska waxaanan u sheegay sheekada ku saabsan qoyska ninka ku dhacay cudurka COVID-19. Waxaan la yaabay in asxaabteyda qolka ila deggan ay iyaguna maqleen sheekadaas waxayna soo jeediyeen inaan kala fogaano marka aan guriga joogno. Waan ku faraxsanahay inay fahmeen xaaladda. Hadda, midkeen walbana cuntadiisa wuu karsanayaa ama wuu keensanayaa cunno waxaan isu jirnaa masaafad, xitaa gurigeenna. Ma dooneynno in uu caabuqa COVID-19 nagu dhaco oo waxaan u baahanahay inaan wax ka badalno dabeecadaheena si aan yareyno caabuqa Waan ku faraxsanahay inaan tan sameyneyno.



5. How I keep Communication with my extended Hmong family My name is Mai, and I’m 33 years old. I was born in Thailand in a refugee camp. I came to the United States when I was 3 years old. I met my husband through friends in Green Bay. I have large family and we are very close. We used to barbeque and visit each other every weekend. Now, because of COVID-19, we can’t visit or see each other because we need to maintain good isolation and social distancing practices. My kids are sad they can’t see their cousins, and I am sad we can’t see our family. In the Hmong culture, family and friends are very important. So is cooking, sharing our food and eating together. We love food! My kids were talking with their cousins and they decided why don’t we cook and eat together, but through zoom (videoconference). So now we have zoom parties with wine, cheese, and good music. We also share food recipes. It has been interesting, but I think when COVID-19 is over, we will have some significant weight issues! COVID-19 has brought sad times for us but thanks to technology, we are handling this the best we can. Spanish translation: Cómo mantengo la comunicación con mi familia numerosa Hmong Mi nombre es Mai y tengo 33 años. Nací en Tailandia en un campo de refugiados. Vine a los Estados Unidos cuando tenía 3 años. Conocí a mi esposo a través de amigos en Green Bay. Tengo familia numerosa y estamos muy unidos. Solíamos hacer parrillas o barbacoas y nos visitábamos todos los fines de semana. Ahora, debido a COVID-19, no podemos visitarnos ni vernos porque necesitamos mantener buenas prácticas de aislamiento y distanciamiento social. Mis hijos están tristes porque no pueden ver a sus primos, y yo estoy triste porque no podemos ver a nuestra familia. En la cultura Hmong, la familia y los amigos son muy importantes. Así es cocinar, compartir nuestra comida y comer juntos. ¡Amamos la comida! Mis hijos quieren hablar con sus primos y decidieron por qué no cocinamos y comemos juntos, a través del zoom o videoconferencia. Así que ahora tenemos fiestas zoom con vino, queso y buena música. También compartimos recetas de comida. Ha sido interesante, pero creo que cuando termine COVID-19, ¡tendremos algunos problemas de peso y gordura! El COVID-19 nos ha traído tiempos tristes, pero gracias a la tecnología, estamos manejando esto lo mejor que podemos. Hmong Translation Kev sib cuag rau lib sijhawm muaj COVID Kuv lub npe hu ua Maiv, kuv muaj 33 xyoo. Kuv yug rau lub yeej thoj nam tawg rog Ban Vinai. Kuv tsev neeg peb tuaj rau lub teb chaw no thaum kuv muaj 3 xyoo lawm. Kuv muaj 4 tug nus thiab 2 tug viv ncaus. Kuv ntsib kuv tus txiv los ntawm ib cov phoojywg nyob rau lub nroog Green Bay thiab tam sim no wb muaj 2 tug menyuam. Kuv thiab kuv tsev neeg sib raug zoo heev li. Lub sijhawm so ces peb nyiam tuaj nyob ua ke sib raug zoo thiab ci nqaij noj ua ke. Tam sim no, vim tus kab mob COVID-19 no tshwm sim lawm ces peb tsis sim pom lawm vim nyias yuav tau nyob nyias lawm tsis pub nyob ua ke lawm. Kuv ob tug menyuam mas nco cov txheeb ze cov menyuam kawg li thiab. Hauv peb lub neej hmoob mas tsev neeg thiab kwv tij phooj ywg yog ib yam ua tseem ceeb rau peb heev. Lub sij hawm no ces peb



yuav tau tawm tswv yim tshiab kom peb thiaj tau sib ntsib sib cuag. Ib yam ntxiv yog peb hmoob nyiam ua noj ua haus heev li thiab caw kwv tij phooj ywg tuaj nrog koom peb. Tam sim no peb sib ntsib tsis tau lawm ces peb siv Zoom los sib tham thiab sib cuag. Zoom yog is qho uas peb sim tham pom ntsej muag rau peb sib qhia txog kev noj qab nyob zoo. Qee Zaum peb haus ib kho cawv txiv hmab nrog peb cov viv ncaus mos nyab sim tham txog kev noj qab nyob zoo thiab kev ua noj ua haus ob zaug rau ib lub lim tiam. Lub sijhawm peb tham los peb cov menyuam yeej nyob ib ncig kom lawv pom txhua tus thiab. Muaj ib co poob huaj lwm lawm ces nws kuj los nyob sim ua zaub mov tshiab, sim ua cov zaub mov ua siv sibhawm ntau ntau es tsis muaj sibhawm ua rau lub caij tseem ua haujlwm. Lub caij los nyob li no tsis pub tawm no mas yuav ua rau peb rog heev li vim peb nyob tsis muaj dabtsi ua ces peb ua noj xwb. COVID yog is yam mob txaus ntshai heev li tab sim kuj zoo siab hais tias mauj kev txawj ntse los pab peb sib cuag sib pom. Nws yog ib yam tu siab heev li tab sim mas peb yeej yuav ua li qhov peb ua tau kom dhau lub sijhawm muaj tub kab mob no. Mitigating factor: Misperceptions 6. COVID is not the flu Laura- Hi Patrick, how are you doing? Patrick- I’m fine. I am going to the store to buy a couple of things. Do you want to go with me? Laura-Yes, I do. I am kind of bored. Patrick- Ok, let’s go. Laura- Do you have your mask? Patrick - A mask? I hate wearing masks. Anyhow COVID-19 is basically the flu. Laura- Okay. But not really. My dad who lives alone and has diabetes pretty much thought the same thing, that COVID-19 was the same as the flu. He didn’t practice social distancing and didn’t wear a mask. He always said, “what’s the big deal with COVID-19, it’s just the flu?” A couple of weeks ago, he was feeling bad with sore throat, chills, and coughing. I called him and asked him to see a doctor, but he refused to go to the doctor because he thought it was the flu. Last week, I called him again and found out that his symptoms got worse and at this point he couldn’t even talk because he was so short of breath. So, I decided to call the ambulance. Patrick – Was your dad in bad shape? Laura- Yes, it was bad. By the time the ambulance took him to the hospital he couldn’t breathe on his own. He’s on a ventilator. And I honestly don’t know if he’s going to make it. And when I talked to the doctor, she said she wished if more people took it seriously. Because they don’t have any treatments, or cure. And people are dying, even previously healthy people. So, no. It’s not the same as the flu. Patrick- I’m so sorry Laura. I had no idea. Thank you for telling me. I will never say COVID-19 and the flu are the same again. And I’m going to wear a mask, practice social distancing every time I go out.



Spanish translation: COVID no es la gripe Laura- Hola Patrick, ¿cómo estás? Patrick, estoy bien. Voy a la tienda a comprar un par de cosas. ¿Quieres ir conmigo? Laura-Sí, estoy un poco aburrida. Patrick- Ok, vámonos. Laura- ¿Tienes tu máscara? Patrick: ¿una máscara? Odio usar máscaras. El COVID-19 es como la gripe. Laura: Bueno, pero no realmente. Mi padre, que vive solo y tiene diabetes, pensó lo mismo, que COVID-19 era lo mismo que la gripe. No practicaba el distanciamiento social y no usaba una máscara. Siempre decía: "¿cuál es el problema con COVID-19, es solo la gripe?" Hace un par de semanas, se sentía mal con dolor de garganta, escalofríos y tos. Lo llamé y le pedí que viera a un médico, pero él se negó a ir al médico porque pensó que era gripe. La semana pasada, lo llamé nuevamente y descubrí que sus síntomas empeoraron y ni siquiera podía hablar porque le faltaba el aliento. Entonces, decidí llamar a la ambulancia. Patrick: ¿Tu padre estaba mal? Laura: Sí, muy mal. Cuando la ambulancia lo llevó al hospital, no podía respirar. Ahora él está en un ventilador. Y honestamente no sé si va a salir de esta. Cuando hablé con el médico, me dijo que deseaba que más personas lo tomaran en serio. Porque no tienen ningún tratamiento o cura. Y las personas están muriendo, incluso las personas previamente sanas. Entonces no. No es lo mismo que la gripe. Patrick: lo siento mucho Laura. No tenía ni idea. Gracias por decírmelo. He aprendido algo, nunca diré COVID-19 y la gripe son lo mismo. Y voy a usar una máscara y practicar el distanciamiento social cada vez que salgo. Mitigating factor: Testing 7. My COVID-19 testing experience and my job Hello, my name is Henry and I’m 45 years old. I work at a small printing company at Green Bay, and I

supervise around 25 workers. My job is the only source of income for my family, so I need to work. For

the past 7 days, I have been feeling sick, with flu-like symptoms but no fever. I did not want to go to the

doctor and the screening process at my job did not detect fever, so I did not say anything. I was hoping

it was the flu. Well, a couple of days ago, my boss saw me coughing and catching my breath and he

asked me how long I have been like that. I told him for the last 7 days. Then he asked me if I went to the

doctor. I told him I had not because I have been very busy. Well, my boss looked me in the eyes and

said: “Henry, we are a very small company and you have a responsibility not only for your family but for

you and the workers” Then, he continued, “If you have COVID-19 that means that we may need to call

the Health Department for instructions. This is not a joke. You will need to go to the doctor now! I felt

embarrassed and humiliated since the trust my boss put in me was gone. So, I immediately went to



hospital and got the test, no appointment required. First, they gave me a mask, then they interviewed

me, it was a 10-15-minute questionnaire: my name, date of birth, address, and telephone number and

some background medical information. Then, they asked me my employer, the address, and the people

I live with. The hospital nurse explained to me that this questionnaire is very important to help the

Health Department check on those close to me in case I am positive. It was a fast interview and they

assured me that the questions were HIPAA protected, meaning they are not sharing this with the police

or other federal agencies. Well, the test was fast and easy. They inserted a swab into my nostrils. I felt

just a little poking around inside my nose and that was all. Well, 2 days passed, and they called me with

the results, I was negative. I was released but I still felt guilty that I had worked while sick because I was

thinking about myself and my financial interest. My responsibility is with my myself, my family and my

job. I will have to earn back the trust of my boss. I learned my lesson!

Spanish translation

Mi experiencia con la prueba de COVID-19 y mi trabajo

Hola, mi nombre es Henry y tengo 45 años. Trabajo en una pequeña imprenta en Green Bay y superviso

a unos 25 trabajadores. Mi trabajo es la única fuente de ingresos para mi familia, así que necesito

trabajar. Durante los últimos 7 días, me he sentido enfermo, con síntomas parecidos a la gripe, pero sin

fiebre. No quería ir al médico y el proceso de detección en mi trabajo no detectó fiebre, así que no dije

nada. Esperaba que fuera la gripe. Bueno, hace un par de días, mi jefe me vio toser y recuperar el

aliento y me preguntó cuánto tiempo había estado así. Le dije durante los últimos 7 días. Luego me

preguntó si fui al médico. Le dije que no porque había estado muy ocupado. Bueno, mi jefe me miró a

los ojos y dijo: "Henry, somos una empresa muy pequeña y tienes la responsabilidad no solo de tu

familia sino de ti y de los trabajadores". Luego, continuó: "Si tienes COVID-19 eso significa que es

posible que necesitemos llamar al Departamento de Salud para recibir instrucciones. Esto no es una

broma. ¡Necesitas ir al médico ahora! Me sentí avergonzado y humillado ya que la confianza que mi

jefe depositaba en mí había desaparecido. Entonces, inmediatamente fui al hospital y me hice la

prueba, y no se requiere cita. Primero, me dieron una máscara, luego me entrevistaron, era un

cuestionario de 10-15 minutos: mi nombre, fecha de nacimiento, dirección y número de teléfono y

algunos datos médicos de fondo. Luego, me preguntaron acerca de mi empleador, la dirección y las

personas con las que vivo. La enfermera del hospital me explicó que este cuestionario es muy

importante para ayudar al Departamento de Salud a verificar a las personas cercanas a mí en caso de

que sea positivo. Fue una entrevista rápida y me aseguraron que las preguntas estaban protegidas por

HIPAA, lo que significa que no están compartiendo esto con la policía u otras agencias federales. Bueno,

la prueba fue rápida y fácil. Ellos insertaron un swab (palillo con un hisopo) in mis fosas nasales. Sentí el

hisopo dentro de mis fosas nasales, pero nada insoportable, y eso fue todo. Bueno, pasaron 2 días, y

me llamaron con los resultados, fui negativo. Me sentí libre, pero todavía me siento culpable de haber

trabajado mientras estaba enfermo porque estaba pensando en mí y en mi interés financiero. Mi

responsabilidad es conmigo mismo, mi familia y mi trabajo. Tendré que recuperar la confianza de mi

jefe. ¡He aprendido mi lección!



Mitigating factor: Contact tracing

8. Contact tracing and my family quarantine

This morning the doctor called my wife and gave her the news, “I need to inform you that you are positive for COVID-19 and you need to be isolated” She was devasted and very worried because she was concerned about me and my 18-year-old son who lives with us. The same day, a nurse from Brown County Health Department called me and asked me if I have COVID-19 symptoms, like cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath, muscle pain or loss of taste or smell. I told her I do not have any symptoms and she mentioned that since my wife is sick, I should follow the 14-day quarantine, meaning I should not leave my home except in an emergency situation, I should check my temperature twice a day, and I should call my doctor if I have symptoms. I appreciated the care and the information provided by the nurse that called me. She explained not to worry about the personal information I gave to her because the medical information is protected by law. That is great. I will follow her recommendations and support my wife and family during this difficult time.

Spanish translation

Búsqueda de contactos y la cuarentena de mi familia

Esta mañana, el médico llamó a mi esposa y le dio la noticia: "Necesito informarle que usted es positiva para el COVID-19 y debe estar en aislamiento”. Mi esposa estaba devastada y muy preocupada porque hemos estado en la casa juntos y con mi hijo de 18 años que vive con nosotros. Bueno, el mismo día, una enfermera del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Brown me llamó y me dijo que por vivir con mi esposa me tenía que hacer algunas preguntas. Me preguntó si tenía síntomas de COVID-19, como tos, fiebre, dolor de garganta, falta de aliento, dolor muscular o pérdida del gusto o el olfato. Le dije que no tenía ningún síntoma y mencionó que, dado que mi esposa está enferma, debería seguir la cuarentena de 14 días, lo que significa que no debería salir de mi casa, excepto en una situación de emergencia, debería controlar mi temperatura dos veces al día, y evitar cualquier contacto con mi esposa. La enfermera me dijo que debo de llamar a mi médico si tengo síntomas. Realmente aprecié la atención y la información proporcionada por la enfermera que me llamó. Me explicó que no se preocupe por la información personal que le di porque la información médica está protegida por la ley. Eso es genial. Seguiré sus recomendaciones y apoyaré a mi esposa y mi familia durante este momento difícil.

9. Contact tracing: I have COVID-19, now what?

I learned about my positive COVID-19 test a couple of days ago. I was concerned for my fiancée because she has been taking care of me, but she needs to go to work next week. Right now, she does not have symptoms so I hope she will be fine. So, this morning a nurse from the Brown County Health Department called me. She asked me a lot of questions and especially if I had any close contact with people. She explained that people that have come in contact with me might be at risk of becoming infected. And that the health department wants to provide them with information before they even develop any symptoms. The only person I have been in contact with was my fiancée who does not have



COVID-19 related symptoms. It was great to speak with a knowledgeable person who is interested in helping me understand my condition, not my immigration status. She recommended to self-isolate myself and avoid any contact with my fiancée, including using a different bathroom and my own utensils. I asked her how long I should do this, and she explained for a minimum of 13 days, the first 10 days with symptoms, and count 3 more days without symptoms. If after the 3 days without symptoms I am feeling well and with no symptoms, then I will be able to contact my health care provider and my employer to resume my life. She was so nice that she asked for my permission to call my fiancée, who will need to quarantine for 14 days because we have been in contact. In any case, I gave the nurse her phone number.

Spanish translation

Búsqueda de contactos: Tengo COVID-19, ¿y ahora qué?

Me enteré que mi prueba de COVID-19 fue positiva hace un par de días. Estaba preocupado por mi prometida porque ella me ha estado cuidando, pero necesita ir a trabajar la próxima semana. En este momento, ella no tiene síntomas, así que espero que esté bien. Esta mañana una enfermera del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Brown me llamó. Ella me hizo muchas preguntas y especialmente si tenía algún contacto cercano con alguien. Ella me explicó que las personas que han estado en contacto conmigo podrían estar en riesgo de infectarse. Y que el departamento de salud quiere proporcionarles información antes de que desarrolle algún síntoma. Le dije que la única persona con la que he estado en contacto fue con mi prometida que no tiene síntomas relacionados con COVID-19. Fue genial hablar con una persona experta que está interesada en ayudarme a comprender mi condición, no mi estado migratorio. Ella me recomendó que me aísle de ella y evitar cualquier contacto con mi novia, incluido el uso de un baño y usar mis propios utensilios. Le pregunté cuánto tiempo debería hacer esto. Ella me explicó por un mínimo de 13 días, los primeros 10 días de o más de síntomas, y que cuente 3 días más sin síntomas. Si después de los 3 días sin síntomas me siento bien y los síntomas no regresan, podré comunicarme con mi proveedor de atención médica y mi empleador para reanudar mi vida. Ella fue tan amable que me pidió permiso para llamar a mi prometida, que tiene que estar 14 días de cuarentena antes de ir a trabajar. Pero me dijo que le iba a llamar, así que le di su número telefónico.

Factor: Back to work

10. COVID-19 and going back to work

My name is Che and I’m a 40-year-old Hmong mom. I have worked in a meat plant in Green Bay for

almost 10 years. I arrived to this country in 1991, and I am married with 6 kids. I love my family and

would do anything for them. I have to say, I am afraid of COVID-19. At first, I did not want to leave my

home, so I took some time off from my job. When my vacation was over, I tried to request for more

time off, but it was very difficult, so I went back to work. It was the most difficult time of my life! I was

afraid of getting COVID-19 outside my home but on the other hand, I needed to go to work because I

have bills to pay. Now, every day is the same routine. I wake up very early and prepare myself for my



daily work. I have my mask, my hand-sanitizer, and my gloves. I clean my car with Clorox every day,

twice a day. In my job, there are protocols to maintain social distance and use masks. Thank God for

that! I feel somewhat secure. In the beginning, it was difficult to maintain social distance with my dear

friends. I wanted to share my dishes with my friends and taste theirs. They love my Hmong style boiled

chicken with chayote, but now I can’t share it anymore. It has been very painful, but we need to

practice social distancing to avoid getting COVID-19. I must admit, I am very nervous about going to

work, but I need to take care of my bills and my family. So, when I arrive home, I enter my home

through the garage door, take off my clothes, put clean ones on, disinfect my shoes with Clorox, and

put them in a special place. Then, I do not touch anything nor my kids and immediately take a good

shower. I am very aware that I can bring something home, so I must do all the proper things to take

care of my health and the health of the people I love most, my kids.

Spanish translation

COVID-19 y volver al trabajo

Mi nombre es Che y soy una madre Hmong de 40 años. He trabajado en una planta de carne en Green

Bay durante casi 10 años. Llegué a este país en 1991, estoy casada y tengo 6 hijos. Amo a mi familia y

haría cualquier cosa por ellos. Tengo que decir que tengo miedo de COVID-19. Al principio, no quería

salir de mi casa, así que me tomé unos días libres de mi trabajo. Cuando terminaron mis vacaciones,

traté de solicitar más tiempo libre, pero fue muy difícil, así que volví a trabajar. ¡Fue el momento más

difícil de mi vida! Tenía miedo de que COVID-19 fuera de mi casa, pero, por otro lado, tenía que ir a

trabajar porque tenía cuentas que pagar. Ahora, cada día es la misma rutina. Me levanto muy temprano

y me preparo para ir al trabajo. Tengo mi máscara, mi desinfectante para manos y mis guantes. Yo

limpio mi automóvil con Clorox todos los días, dos veces al día. En mi trabajo, hay protocolos para

mantener la distancia social y usar máscaras. ¡Gracias a Dios por eso! Me siento algo segura. Al

principio, era difícil mantener la distancia social con mis queridos amigos. Quería compartir mis platos

con mis amigas y probar los de ellas. A ellas le encanta mi pollo hervido al estilo Hmong con chayote,

pero ahora no puedo compartirlo. Ha sido muy doloroso, pero necesitamos practicar el distanciamiento

social para evitar contraer COVID-19. Debo admitir que estoy muy nerviosa ir a trabajar, pero tengo que

cuidar mis cuentas y mi familia. Entonces, cuando llego a casa, entro en mi casa por la puerta del

garaje, me quito la ropa, me pongo una bata, desinfecto mis zapatos con Clorox y los pongo en un lugar

especial. Entonces, no toco nada, ni a mis hijos e inmediatamente me doy una buena ducha. Soy muy

consciente de que puedo traer algo a casa, así que debo hacer todo lo posible para cuidar mi salud y la

salud de las personas que más amo, mis hijos.



Hmong translation

Npaj mus ua haujlwm lub sijhawm muaj tub kab mob COVID

Kuv lub npe hu ua Ci thiab kuv yog ib leej niam hmoob. Kuv ua haujlwm nyob rau ib lub chaw ua nqaij

nyob rau lub nroog Green Bay no los tau 10 xyoo lawm. Kuv tsev neeg peb tuaj rau lub teb chaw no rau

xyoo 1991. Kuv thiab kuv tus txiv wb muaj 6 tug menyuam, kuv hlub kuv tsev neeg heev li thiab ua

txhua yam rau lawv. Kuv ntshai tus kab mob COVID no kawg li. Thaum xub thawj ces kuv tsis xav tawm

hauv tsev li, kuv thiaj li mus tso caij so rau pem haujlwm. Tom qab lub caij so tag lem ces kuv thov ntxiv

los lawv tsis kam lawm ces kuv tiaj tau rov mus ua haujlwm. Lub sijhawm no mas yog ib lub sijhawm ua

nyuaj heev rau kuv lub neej vim kuv ntshai hais tias yuav kis tau tus kab mob no tab sim yog tsis mus ua

haujlwm los tsis muaj nyiaj them nqi. Txhua txhua hnub kuv sawv los npaj kuv tus kheej ces kuv yeej

looj hnab looj tes, siv tshuaj ntxuav tes, thiab loom daim npog qhov ncauj. Kuv so kuv lub tsheb no ib

hunb ob zaug kom tsis txhob muaj tub kab mob no rau hauv kuv lub tsheb. Pem haujlwm ces lawm yeej

muaj lawm txoj cai rau peb siv, tsis pub nyob sib ze thiab tsis pub si koom noj zaub mov ua ke. Nws kuj

yog ib zam ua nyuaj heev rau qho hais tias cov phoojywg pem haujlwm lawm nyiam noj kuv cov zaub

mov heev li ces peb yeej ib txwm sib faib noj thiab tab sim tam no ces sib faib tsis tau lawm. Hais qhov

tseeb ces kuv yeej ntshai mus ua haujlwm heev tab sim tsis ua los tsis tau nyiaj qhov twg los them nqi

ces lam mus xwb. Txhua hnub kuv los txog ces kuv yeej los hloov khaub ncaws hauv chav nres tsheb

thiab sov kuv nkawm khau muaj tso kom mauj chaw tag ces kuv mas li nkag los rau hauv tsev. Kuv yeej

ncaj qha mus da dej xwb yeej tsis kov menyuam los ib yam dab tsi li. Kuv ntshai tias kuv yuav nqa tau

tub kab mob no los rau kuv tsev neeg ces kuv yeej ua li qho kuv ua tau los tiv thaiv kuv tus kheej thiab

kuv tsev neeg.
