How to create a habit of walking for 30 minutes every day


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35 years old ���lives in Menlo Park���drives to work every morning ���has a husband but no kids���work oriented ���

Meet Diane:  

Diane reads a news article sent out to work about the benefits of exercise. ���Diane prints out the article and staples it to her office wall���


Diane leaves for work a little later than usual.���Diane can’t finding parking space in her usual lot.���Diane parks in an adjacent parking lot.���Diane leaves her wallet in the car.���Diane goes on her lunch break but she needs her wallet in order to buy food.���Diane walks to her car, but takes her time because she has 45 minutes of break.���Diane realizes that it is actually relaxing to walk, since the weather is so nice.���Diane goes on her lunch break.���After work, as Diane is walking back to her car, she gets a call from her husband. ���Diane realizes that it is relaxing to walk and talk at the same time.���Diane wakes up late again the next day and has to park her car further.���Diane realizes that she can pull out her phone and multitask while walking to her office so that she doesn’t feel bad for being late to work. ���
