How to Be a Good (Animal Husbandry) Businessman



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Name : Kurnia Chandra Agung Perdana

NIM : 155050100111107

Class : C

1. How to be a good animal husbandry businessman?

Answer :

a) Talent

Each person must have different talents. There are people who have a

talent farming, livestock breeding, trade, writing, painting and so forth.

Talent or interest is needed to pursue a line of work, especially the

world of livestock. Why? Because that is taken care of services or

goods is not dead but living things are easy to stress and others. With a

capital of talent will make a person more resilient and patient with

occupations practiced.

b) Support from Family and Surrounding Community

Indispensable support from the family or the surrounding community.

Because breeding will cause pollution in the form of ammonia odors

that interfere with the surrounding environment. Do not just businesses

regardless of the surrounding environment so that do not also blame if

one day the protests of local people. In addition, we also need to

minimize in order to avoid the things we do not want such as frequent

loss of livestock, livestock poisoned, disturbed livestock which in

essence will harm ourselves.

c) Funds

Almost all businesses need funds. However, to start breeding cow funds

should not be a major barrier. Now many forms of lending capital in the

form of partnership or other. You can find information about the

partnership model of cow around your house. But remember, do not

ever seek funds owed to a person or institution that entailed usury.

Because even if you believe your efforts will be successful but the

conditions that will come out of our will. So to be more careful, if it has

no talent and a strong desire to start to be breeder try to look for

information about funds.

d) Experienced Human Resources

Farmers who make every effort and time will have a different

experience with farmers who only think of mere profit. An experienced

breeder will know accurately the characteristics of livestock was

maintained. What is his favorite food (palatability), the preferred

behavior of livestock and livestock comfort. With careful attention to

the needs of livestock with the expected cattle production is able to

show his best for us and of course we will increase profits.

e) Affection to Livestock

Do not assume that animals do not have feelings and so forth. The

words that there had been in the community seems to have the animal

was just lust. If you do not believe it try to create an experiment with

your livestock. An example you are going to raise cattle, try treating the

cowshed with the meek and the one with the indifferent. We are

confident the results obtained production will be very real different.

f) Information Before Start to be a Breeder

There is no harm if you have the determination to start a new business

or anything to ask who had succeeded on how to achieve success. You

can obtained information through discussion or consultation with expert

or your friend.

2. From those information, which one do you agree with?

From those information that I have read, I agree with all words, especially

with bold sentences written. Because from that information we have

learning point how to be a good animal husbandry. Its start from talent,

have supports from family and surrounding person, search funds, search

good human resources, having affection to livestock, and the last is

searching information about animal husbandry. I think this information

give us complete instruction to us to become a benefit breeder.