How safe is flying, really? -


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How safe is flying, really? After you have been checked and scanned by some unknown people you sit down in a metallic tube. And up in the air thousands of feet with high flammable fuel one, two meters distant of you, you don’t

feel save. About 40% of the flying accidents happen at the start. If an aircraft flies into a flock of birds, the turbines suck the animals in and if they break down, there is a problem. This problem is there because the aircraft is very slow at the start and there is sometimes no other airport to land. So the airliner is going to crash into a house or a field or something else. During the flight it’s improbable that something happens. But when the board computer breaks down there is no

chance. Nobody can fly without computers and reliable instruments. If you fly into a cloud without these instruments, you cannot say how fast you are, then you’ll fly too slow and the plane will crash. The landing is the most dangerous part, about 50% of the accidents happen at the landing. Sometimes the gear doesn’t work properly or the aircraft cannot break before the runway ends and it runs into a near forest or something else. Who wants to fly save should sit only nine rows away form an emergency exit and he should fly with Quantas, Finnair or Air Berlin, but not with Air France.

Written by Henri Heimann
