JO Sfll «W 5th Year 70B1TE C1RCPS. March 1, 1976 Number 9 A Double Feature Planned A full-grown gorilla will be featured on both of the Hoxie Tucker circuses this year. "Mongo" will be with Hoxie Bros. Cir- cus, while "Kongo" will be with Hoxie's Great American Circus. Both animals will be a regular part of the shows' menagerie-side show, and both will travel in their own private air-conditioned semi-trailers. Work at the Miami (Fla.) winterquarters is nearing completion as the opening dates get close. All equipment has been newly painted and six new diesel tractors, plus a variety of ani- mals were recently purchased for the elargement of both shows. Hoxie Bros. Circus will open at Plantation (Fla.) on March 22nd and (Continued on Page 10) A VAILABLE FOR LIMITED ENGAGEMENTS HOLLYWOOD ELEPHANTS Contact JUDY JACOBSKAYE Suite 519 • 1680 North Vine Street Hollywood. California 90028 Area Code 213 • 462-6001

Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

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Page 1: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

JO Sfll


5th Year


March 1, 1976 Number 9

A Double Feature PlannedA full-grown gorilla will be featured on both of the Hoxie

Tucker circuses this year. "Mongo" will be with Hoxie Bros. Cir-cus, while "Kongo" will be with Hoxie's Great American Circus.Both animals will be a regular part of the shows' menagerie-sideshow, and both will travel in their own privateair-conditioned semi-trailers.

Work at the Miami (Fla.) winterquarters isnearing completion as the opening dates getclose. All equipment has been newly painted andsix new diesel tractors, plus a variety of ani-mals were recently purchased for the elargementof both shows.

Hoxie Bros. Circus will open at Plantation(Fla.) on March 22nd and (Continued on Page 10)



JUDY JACOBSKAYESuite 519 • 1680 North Vine Street • Hollywood. California • 90028

Area Code 213 • 462-6001

Page 2: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

Page 2 The Circus Report

The Hubler ShowOn Feb. 14-15, the Hubler

Int'l Circus played at ArlingtonSr. High School in Poughkeepsie(N.Y.) drawing good crowds. Both;shows on Feb. 15th were over-flowing with kids, and they weresitting everywhere, includingthe space between the seats andring curbs.

Circus music was providedat the organ, played by MarshaHunt, while Phil Chandler servedas the ringmaster. The show wassponsored by the Tri-Po-BedGrotto.

Included in the program forthe two days were:

Clown Warm-up - Al Ross, TomSink and Dandee

Marsha Hunt - National AnthemJohnny Ladder & Co. - Unsptd Ldr•Miss Linda - single trapezeThe Clowns - SharpshooterSusan Sheryll - Afghan dogsChandler & Co. - illusionsClowns and Ringmaster - The long

distance callAerial Ballet - Spanish webAl Vidbel's liberty ponies (8)Los Latinos - tight wire

— Intermission —/.oppe's Rhesus Monkey ActAl Ross - breakaway bikeKaren Nyce - contortion/balanceGreat Huberto - inclined wirePrincess Sonya - space wheelAl Vidbel - elephants (3)

HARRY MORRIS, former RBBBadvance man and most recently aticket taker at Shubert's Theatrein Chicago, is seriously ill andwould enjoy cards and letters.Write him at: West Side VeteransAdm. Hospital, 820 So. Damen,Chicago, 111. - 60612.

JOHN STRONG, Jr., is writ-ing a book about Frank Lentini,a feature side show performer,with the help of Mrs. Lentini.

HARRY B. CHIPMAN is doingadvance work for Wallace & Rog-ers Circus.

A Strange One(The following item appeared

in a recent issue of the Oakland(Calif) Tribune.

"Some wag with an odd senseof humor took out a billboard inWalnut Creek and listed the nameand phone number of David Duartewho has a men's salon, as theone to call for free tickets to acircus. The circus is nonexistentand when Duarte tries to explainthis to people who call they geta bit riled."

THE CIRCUS REPORT is publishedeach week by Don Marcks, 525 OakSt., El Cerrito, Calif. 94530.

SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $12.00 for ayear; $6.00 for six months.

ADVERTISING RATES: Minimum ad isPat Bissonette $2.50; Quarter Page $5.00; Half

1 Page $10.00; Full Page $20.00

Page 3: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

March 1, 1976 Page 3


(Have appeared with Rudy Bros. Circus; MillerBros. Circus and Hamid-Morton Circus)

Also have Famous Magic and Illusion Act Readyand/or Six Dogs and a Monkay Act


(914) 878-6757

Route 1 Holmes. New York 12531

U. S. Animal License No. 21-KR

Page 4: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

Page 4 The Circus Report


The John Robinson-Loyal Repensky CFA Tent held their annualelection of officers on Feb. 14th at a special Valentine's DayBanquet. Elected for the coming year were: Mike Crone, President;Joan Woods, First Vice President; Don Sandman, Secretary-PublicityGale Ahrens, Treasurer; Bob Hoban, 24 Hour man; Charles Stanley,Contracting Agent; Bob Merkle, Transportation and 0. H. Frommeyer,Chaplain Emeritus.

Bill Goulding, CFA Chairmanof the Book Committee, reportedthat some 20 circus books havebeen presented to the Hamilton,Ohio, County Library for use ofthe people in the areas wherethere are branch libraries. Thebooks were presented in the nameof the Robinson-Repensky Tent.

The upcoming circus battlein and around Cincinnati has gotoff to a slow start. Ringlinghas been running ads for sometime in the local newspapers.They have also arranged for thedisplay of Johnny Zweifel's mini-ature 1918 circus at the North-gate Shopping Center. It will bedisplayed March 16-20, the samedates the Shrine Circus plays atthe Garden.

The Syrian Shrine Templehas put out window cards, and isrunning newspaper and TV ads fortheir show. The advance sale isreportedly very good and so allconcerned expect good crowds atevery performance.

BOB EMRICO, clown and ma-gician, recently visited magic-ian FELIX SNIPES at a date inOregon last month.

CLOWNSCircus clowns reportedly

set to tour with the Mid-AmericaCircus for its 1976 tour willinclude: Phil Shear, Joey Mat-theson and Sparky Washburn.

MiscellaneousMembers of the Clown Guild

of Metropolitan Chicago were theguests of the Soviet Circus onJan.25th, enjoying the show fromthe "best" seats.

The old Columbia PicturesStudio (Hollywood) has been con-verted into a giant musical com-plex where acts can relax, per-form or practice.

ROUTESAmerican Freedom Train

to Mar. 4 Dallas, Texas6-8 Wichita Falls

Black Watch TroupeMar. 1 Spokane, Wash.

3 Minneaplis, Minn.4 Ames, Iowa

5-7 Chicago, 111.

Royal Lipizzan ShowMar. 5 Abilene, Texas

6-7 Lubbock

Page 5: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

March \, 1976 Page 5

BILLY BARTON•̂ I MUST ADMIT that after two months HARD labor I sitback, drained. The files are empty. "Damn," I think,"I've nothing left to write about. This momentary inse-curity is nullified by a knock at the door, the ringing

of the phone, or a package of mail, OR the "special show" put onat the Cast Party in Detroit...

"Oh, I sayj DO ex-I take my pill!"..

KATHY ENGLISH and ANITA KEPPO parodied WALLY & CHERYLLittle KARL WINN burlesqued EDDYVENTURA.... Don Basham WAS TommyHanneford - Hanneford made aspeech later, while SIGNOR RAIstood behind him with a shovel....and SIGNOR RAI did a take-offon SIR VICTOR, pausing mid-rou-tine to camp:cuse me while...The Topper came with HARRYDUBSKYS' excruciatingly hysteri-cal lampoon on PHILIP MORRISwith oh so dramatic gestures andsepulchral tones.

What ever happened to BETTYPASCO? Selling antiques in TexasI am told...and to JEANNINE PI-VOTEAU? Raising canines in LasVegas JIMM/CAVARETTA phonedto say the FLYING MEDALLIONS arenot making the Kaye dates. Thetroupe goes to Europe in June.

Remember the flyer JEEP MI-LAN? His son, Chuck, is workingwith the FLYING DELLS. Watch fora really sensational announce-ment about a special flying actfor '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &SUSIE BRANAM are with TONYSTEELE's new act - they also doa cradle act called THE TIFFANYS

....Reason TERRY CAVARETTA is inthe Guinness Book of Records:More consistent triples caughtby her than any girl-flyer inhistory!

GRACE MacINTOSH dropped byone day to squire SIR VICTOR andTONY FOSSETT on a shopping expe-dition to Canada....WALT KINGescorted BOBBY GIBBS to Flint tobuy a new TV - ALL the WAY toFLINT? .... IRENE FOSSETT hasover ten wigs - yes! she hashair. Like a fuller brush danc-ing in a hailstorm!

LISA STEWART doing a sin-gle trap and neck loop til hub-by's arm heals. TEDDY is workinglights for Hanneford...ALLEN'sPETTING ZOO on tour in Califor-nia....LEO S, CLARINKA MASCITTOin Baltimore awaiting the Allen-town (Pa) opening of Garden Broson Mar. 5....DOREY MILLER madeanother safari to Sarasota -this time returned with ten babyelephants!

DAVE (Midge) BURNHAM al-most got run down by the leadbike in the Hollywood Number(and I'll never tell by whom!)and ZOPPE's fog machine strandeda member of the PLANET OF THEAPES who couldn't see to get off

(Continued on Page 12)

Page 6: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

Page 6 The Circus Report

Some good acts and a strong band wereassembled by Don Francisco for his PanAmerican Circus engagement at WhitePlains, N.Y., on Feb. 14-16. It was a onering show that ran one hour and 50 min-utes, with Al Youngman, bandleader andMike Naughton, producing clown. The otherclowns included: Bernie "Ko Ko" Kallman,Don "Sparky" Washburn and Scott Morris.

The program featuredi-

Gary Allen - 8 female lionsClowns - Baby and Nurse ChaseVentura Duo - aerial cradleCimses Pets - trained dogsOlinka - aerial featureMiss Nada - pony drillClowns - Wash DayLa Mafalda - sword/dagger balanceTino Wallenda - high wire— Intermission —

The Flying La Rays - flying actClowns - The Balloon ChaseNapoleon's Roman Riders - riding actClowns - The SharpshooterMurray Hill's elephants (3)Bicentennial Flag Display - Finale

... .Pat Bissonette

Producing SyrianShrine Circus

Cincinnati Gardens

Mar. 16 thru Mar. 21

To The Rescue||C IM7 *p|oc Productio


TOMMY HANNEFORDExecutive Producer

GLENN PARKINSExecutive Director

The Chicago Police Dept. has beenpraised for its help in assisting a cir-cus truck and some hungry animals strand-ed in that city. The big semi-trailer,carrying two elephants, six tigers and alion, broke a rear axle on Feb. 15th, en-route to a Shrine circus at Madison, Wise.

The animals were hungry and patrolmen brought in feed,while a relief truck was sent in for the animals.

Page 7: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

March 1, 1976 Page 7


Both sponsors and audiences alike are well pleased withthe 1976 edition of the Int'l All Star Circus, now playing in theSouthern states. The show played College Park (Ga.) on Feb. 10thand Kennesaw (Feb. 14), where John Cooper (Shorty, the Clown) andRichard McGruff, joined them. Both are CFA's and COA's.-

Owner Jim Nordmark sees to it that the CFA's 50 Anniversaryis getting a plug at each show. Also at Newman (Feb. 8) and Kenne-saw, the writer was introduced as the CFA President.

The show is managed by HinesRucker, while the band is direc-ted by Bob Amato, who also playstrumpet. Dick Stewart is organ-

. ist and Brady plays drums.

The musical score consists of:Overture -

No Business Like Show BizAnother Opening Another ShowBe A ClownClyde Beatty Radio March

Terry O'Brien - FanfareSamba D'OrtoSweetest Sounds I Ever HeardDear WorldI Love You and Don't Forget

Clowns - Reducing GagHot Tamales RagPick-a-Chicken Rag

Miss Randy - ChimpsThank Heaven for Little GirlsAbba DabbaKidsTalk to The Animals

Ventriloquist -Stop It

Miss Ivy - single trapezeMarch - by SchlarbaumKilling Me SoftlySpring, Beautiful SpringBlue Danube WaltzAu DagusHello Dolly

Rucker & Co. - magic/illusionsThat Old Black MagicArabian Coffee

The Terry Duo - rola bolaEl SombreroCa Chitta SambaCae' Cae' SambaMar Samba

Rucker's Uncaged LeopardJungle QueenIn A Persian Market


Second Half - OvertureRingling Bros. Grand Entry

Randon's DogsAquarius ThemeFuncky Junk

Upton Duo - cradle actMarch by SchlarbaumSerenataWintersports Galop

Patti Rucker - foot jugglingIt's Alright With MeHow High the MoonLook For A StarSamba de OrphueEl Cumanchero

Danny Kerry - hand balancingTchaikovsky Symphany // 5Tonight My LoveMy Hero Waltz

(Continued on Page 13)

Page 8: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

! Circus Report

ROUTESGarden-Johnson Circus

Mar. 4-6 Odessa, Texas

Hubert Castle CircusFeb. 28-Mar. 5 Minneapolis,

Minn.Circus Vargas

Mar. 4-14 Houston, Texas

Cole All Star TV CircusMar. 1 Albion, N.Y.

2 Nunda3 Canandaigua4 Hannibal5 Lyons6 East Rochester

Garden Bros. CircusMar. 5 Allentown, Pa.

Hamid-Morton CircusMar. 2-7 Kansas City, Mo

Tommy Hanneford CircusMar. 3 Augusta, Ga.

4 Rome6 Athens

Holiday HippodromeMar. 1 Dalton, Ga.

2 Cleveland3 Rockwood, Term.5 High Point, N.C.6 Greenville7 Fayetteville

Hospitaller CircusMar. 4-7 Lansing, Mich.

Hubler Int'l CircusMar. 6-7 Decatur, 111.

Kaye Cont'l CircusMar. 1-21 Chicago, 111.

Ringling-Barnum - Red UnitMar. 2-7 Charlotte, N.C.


$10.00 brings you...

* Lewis Bros. 1976 Patchr Lewis Bros. 1976 Season Pass

(Good for Two People)<• Lewis Bros. 1976 program* Lewis Bros. 76 colorful litno* Lewis Bros. Fan Club Member-

ship card and Certificate* Lewis Bros, goodies bag with

many old circus goodiesfrom past years.

Mail Check or Money Order to


P. 0. Box 1925Dothan, Alabama 36301

(Allow four weeks for shipping)

Stebbing Royal European CircusMar. 2-7 Punta Gorda, Fla.

John Strong CircusMar. 1 San Marcos, Calif.

2-3 Oceanside5 La Punte6 Hacienda Heights7 Lompoc

Page 9: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

March 1, 1976 Page

In MemoriamOne of the world's tall-

est men, Rayford Johnson, diedon Feb. 23, of a heart attack,atFerris, Calif. Johnson, who was55, stood 7 ft. 7 in. tall andhad been in poor health for thepast several years. He sufferedfrom emphysema and poor circula-tion, especially in his legs.

Born in Lauderdale, Miss..Johnson became a circus sideshow feature because he was un-able to get a conventional job.People often kicked me in theshins, he recently said, just tosee if I was walking on stilts.

YU1SUOPittsfield, Mass.July 23, 1925

The Ringling Bros.-Barnum &Bailey Circus went through herethis morning, enroute fromSpringfield (Mass) to Albany(NY)

They are on four trains andthe trains went through between5 and 8 a.m. with the last traingoing through at 6:30 a.m.

FOR SALE3 Arabian geldings; liberty actmatched dapple greys - recentlycame off the road.

More look alikes available

BERTHA M. KAUFHOLDSanta Rosa, Calif.

Phonei (707) 542-3538

According to columnistJack 0"Brien, RBBB is planning athird show that will tour on aworld-wide route.

Did fans notice the squareend top used in TV's recentRoman Circus? It was larger anddifferent than the usual onering tops seen in Europe.

Do-Do, the Clown, reportshis contract with the LA. Pur-chase Gardens has been renewedfor 1976. He appears there eachSunday for 4 hours.

Gene Keeney, formerlyknown as "The Magical Geney" isout ahead of Bill English's Cir-cus Classic booking for the Ma-gical Land of Oz.

Ringling's Red Unit willcome into Monroe (La.) for aweekend date on June 25-27.

Those of you wonderingwhat's happened to agent J. C.Rosenheim will be interested toknow he is working for Bob Snow-den's lnt'1 Cavalcade of Stars.

This reporter has been as-ked to be CFA State Chairman forthe State of Louisiana.

... M. L. Dupont

COMMERCIAL ART WORK - Businesscards, letterheads, envelopes,etc. - Beverly Allen, P.O. Box91, Pixley, Ca. 93256 - Phone:(209) 757-3501

Page 10: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

Page 10 The Circus Report

Urom andKay Rosaire's lions, Zamper

la's Riding Act and Hoxie's ele-phants are off to the ShrineCircus at Miami.

Fornasari Musical Clownsand Zamper la Family are off theCoronas date in West Orange. Co-producer Napalitiano is leasingthe Pan American Circus titlefrom Don Francisco for the date.

Buck Nolan and Joe Schmidt,Jr. are getting set to tour withCircus Galaxy this season.

Gary Allen's lions and TheFlying Lar-Rays work Rochesterfor the M&M show.

.... Mike Naughton

Show GuestsVisitors seen backstage at

the recent Detroit Shrine Circusincluded: Ian Garden, Ron andArlene Morris, George DaDeppo,Claire and Henry Barrett, Stan-ley Book, George Hubler, GraceMacintosh, Chuck Marine, Tarzanand Jackie Zerbini, The Hall Fa-mily, Dennis Zoppe, Bob Atter-bury, Paula Boelsem, Leonard Ni-moy (film star); George A. HamidJr., Gunnar Amandis, Patt Gibbs,Anna Hixon, Chick Johnson, Ras-sini, Peggy Kaltenbach, Dr. Levyand Family, Phil and Linda Chan-dler, Ed and Sue Kenyon, DickKolriser (Donkey Ball game), JonFriday and Mac McGuffin.

HOXIE BROS. (Continued)

will use the same round, onering big top acquired in 1975.An enlarged side show top, builtby the Leaf Tent Co. has alreadybeen received.

Show features will include:a show-owned lion act, worked b>18 year old Michael CecereJ theCortez Troupe of four high wirestars; the Flying Columbians;the Diaz Family; Gary and ZoeAnna Henry; Bradd and SheillaFrank; Tom Sink; Phil and LindaChandler; Fred Kitchen, band-leader; Roger Boyd, Jr., sideshow manager; Margaret Anne,world's smallest lady and TheBaron, fire eater and swordswallower. John Hall is generalmanager and Jim Silverlake issuperintendent of the show.

Hoxie's Great American Cir-cus opens at Westchester (Fla.)on Mar. 28th and will use a new80x160 ft. big top built by theLeaf Tent Co. The tent is redwith blue and white trim. Alltwelve show trucks will also bered, white and blue.

The show features include:the Alberto Zoppe Family of acts(dogs, mechanic, uncaged lion);Billy Gunga Family; Bill Banis-ter; Donna Wilson, the McKaysand Rick Paska, elephant man.Bill Hill is general manager andCharles Mover is bandleader.

KATE HANNEFORD and ROSAGIBBS were both confined to ahospital at Greenville, S.C.,with pneumonia.

Page 11: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

March 1, 1976

HARRY THOMASAmerica's Youngest Tiger Trainer

10Bengal & Siberian

TIGERSAppearing With

1976 & 1977

Permanent Address

P.O.Box 281, Riverview, Fla. - 33569

Page 12: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

Page 12 The Circus Report

BILLY BARTON (Continued)the stage (Same idiot who was onthe bike: ME!).

RASSINI a daily visitorwith EDDIE VENTURA in Detroit -it WAS his act, y'know....PETERHAUBNER practicing Chari-Variwith the RAMOS TROUPE....KEPPOSISTERS to split, amicably, af-ter Cincy date in March - Iristo free-lance; Anita to remainwith Tommy Hanneford.

"Dress" dog acts come andgo but the gentleman (and I DOmean gentleman) who started itall - Sir VICTOR - goes on for-ever. His season is fully bookedwhich just goes to prove - youcan't TOP the original!

Speaking of imitations -TONY FOSSETT says that due tothe rash of gorilla parodies heplans to be the almost-humanKangaroo next season....QUASSARSto Grotto Circus in Youngstownthis month JIMMY DOUGLASmade Rochester for M&M....andGLENN PARKINS1 stolen car epi-sode is straight out of the UN-TOUCHABLES ...involving secretmeetings, informants, police ac-tion and A RAID that nettednothing - the birds had flown!

Before I forget: Congratu-lations to JOHNNY HERRIOTT, re-cently named a "Circus Celebrity

Acts buying 5th Wheels (ortrailers BEWARE of MobilelinerTires. Hard to get adjustments,replacements! BILLY WOODS bleweight in one season - other actsgrowling bitterly, so watchthose tires, OK?

DUBSKYS ROYAL PALACE Circusbegan its tour Feb. 29 - runsthru Dec. 5. Show plays shoppingcenters and sponsored dates inNew England, the east coast andin the south. Featured is 6 yr.old JANA and her doves....MARIOBOGINO (son of Carla Wallenda)is with them doing unicycle andclowning...

A 4 yr. old deaf child wasmauled by a young, tame 800 Ib.lion at the Luthern School forthe Deaf in Detroit. Anotherchild pulled the lion's tail.Unfortunate part of the incidentwas that TV newscasters linkedthe mauling with the Shrine Cir-cus which had Shriners hoppingto squelch the furor. The girlsuffered a broken rib and lascerations and is now on the road torecovery.

The 1976 USSR SPORTS ACRO-BATIC TEAM is on tour in the U.SEntertainment section of a De-troit newspaper headlined: RUS-SIAN ACROBATS REALLY FLIPS - BOXOFFICE FLOPS, which is a shamebecause it is a marvelous show.PAULA BOELSEMS, well known onthe west coast is the "Women'sTechnical Chairman." She andRUSS SAUNDERS (active in filmstunt work) have performed to-gether and they were in Saarbruc-ken, West Germany last year asofficial USSAF delegates. Wehope the show fares better inother cities on its tour.

When TONY FOSSETT was injur-ed recently, yours truly was

(Next Page Please)

Page 13: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

March 1, 1976 Page 13

GEORGE ROWE, magician, re-cently concluded an engagementat Harrah's Tahoe Hotel (Nevada)

DAVE ORR, who has workedfor 14 years with the FederalBureau of Prisons, takes on anew job this month at the Feder-al Correctional Institute, atDanbury, Connecticut.

FRANK and BERNICE DEAN re-cently visited the offices ofCircus Report.

JACOB JAVITS, U. S. Sena-tor, was once married to circusheiress Marjorie Ringling. Theywere divorced in 1939.

JIM WILLIAMS (Happy, theClown of Circus World Museum),writes a regular column for thepublication "Clown Chatter."

PAT QUILLEN has been ap-pointed director of marketingfor RBBB's Circus World. He for-merly worked for Carowinds andOpreyland USA.

TOM and ROBIN BISHOP (aer-ial performers) have been visit-ing with W. C. WOOD of the GreatY Circus at Redlands, Calif.

BILLY BARTON (Continued)

breaking in to replace him inthe Gorilla Parody UNTIL somewiseacre cracked: "What willthey call him - the "Almost-Male"Gorilla!"

See you down the road, luvs.

Grotto CircusThis year's Grotto Circus

at Decatur (111.) has been sched-uled for March 6-7, and will beproduced by George Hubler.

Some of the acts announcedfor the show program are: VictorJulian; David, Susan, Johnny andSonja Zoppe; Baron Von Uhl; theLucky Bros, and the Amandis tee-terboard act.

. .. Allen Babcock

NT'L ALL STAR (Continued)Clowns • Safe Cracking Gago

The EntertainerBeux Esprit

The Terry's - unicycleSo What's NewSwinging InRiding High

Mike Rice - elephantCamelotBlue DanubeHindustanThe Merry-go-round Broke DowiCamelotHindustan

Finale Exit - This Is My Country

The ideal wayto keep upon show

news is toread CIRCUSREPORT eachweek.

It's just $12.00for the year -

Writet Don Marcks, 525 Oak St.,El Cerrito, Calif . 94530

Page 14: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

Page 14 The Circus Report

What's Going OnThe annual Damascus Temple

Shrine Circus here at Rochester(N.Y. ) ran Feb. 18-21 and wasproduced by the M&M Circus.

The program featured:Gary Brunke's lions (8)The Pharaohs - aerial cradleDavid & Co. and Mario & Co. on

unsupported laddersDon Philips & Co. - jugglingGina and her uncaged leopardsThe Charleys, Les Michaels and

Andre, Andre & Co. - aeroThe circus elephants (9)Circus Clowns at schoolThe Dionnes, The Aguilars and

The Dubskys •• perch actsVictor Julian - dog revueCarmen del Molino - aerialistAnson Williams - TV star— Intermission —

The Flying Lar-Rays - aerialistsThe Circus ClownsFeller Boys & Dodo - tightwireBradd Frank - dressage horsesThe Gutis - comedyJanos and Lipko - chimpsJohnny Laddie - rhesus monkeysThe Wai-Tims, Royal Hungarians

and The Vickinas - risleyThe Obandos - high wireThe Circus HorsesJohnny Zoppe - Outer Space act

Dave Davis


For its 1925 season LoweryBros. Shows, out of Shenandoah(Pa.) operated with two 3 tontrucks and one advance truck.


Feb. 25 - Huntsville, Ala.Circus Vargas still fields thetop quality show of all big Amer-ican tented circuses. Openingfor the 1976 season, here in Ala-bama's Space City is quite inkeeping with it's Jet Age char-isma and revolutionary new under-canvas-circus techniques.

Innovative mechanized and mo-torized equipment, experiencedpersonnel in all departments, ex-cellent programming, top-notchperformance and costuming, plussuperior long-range promotionalactivities, are the key-note ofthis year's continuation of the1975 Circus Vargas success story.The show's 1975 season ran for 53continuous weeks, an all-time showbiz record breaker, overlappinginto calendar 1976.

Page 15: Circus Report, March 1, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 9 · with the FLYING DELLS. Watch for a really sensational announce-ment about a special flying act for '77. Unbelievable! CHARLES &

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