How Google Plus Gets Your Business on the Map



As you could probably see from the information we’ve covered so far, Google Plus is very focused on making Places as efficient and optimized as possible.

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How Google Plus Gets Your Business on the Map

As you could probably see from the information we’ve covered so far, Google Plus is very focused on making Places as efficient and optimized as possible. That’s why Places is actually an extension of their Google Plus platform. And since Google Plus profiles aren’t designed to be static, you want your Places page to be just as dynamic. There are several ways to make your page engaging and dynamic.

The first is to let current customers know that they can leave a review on your page. Not only will this add a stream of updates to your page, but when a potential customer searches Google and sees your listing with a link to the reviews below it, that may be exactly what they need to choose your business over your competitors. Also, if you’re concerned about the possibility of negative reviews, it’s worth noting that Google makes it very easy to respond to any reviews you receive.

Another way that your Places page can help your business is by allowing you to talk about and even show what you offer. In addition to your description, you can also upload pictures. The pictures can be of your location, as well as what you sell.

Because local search and the impact of mobile devices on this area are both major topics, if you want to ensure that your business is always at the front of the curve, getting your Places listing and keeping it active will play a significant role in helping you accomplish that goal. If you haven’t already, be sure to set up the Google Places listing for your business and get the profile page completely filled out.