How did you use media technologies in the


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Mary Nzeh

All through out the three stages of (construction, research and planning and even evaluation)my project I had to make some sort of reference to media technologies. This was solely for two reasons • The media saturated society which we live in whereby digital technology has now become

the platform for media products. For instance more music videos, films trailers, adverts and even magazines can now be found on the internet. This could also be because media products are made with media technologies. For instance the constructed of my magazine as with computers and computer software's such as InDesign(a media technology)

Another reason is the broadcasting of my media products. Media platforms and technologies are now used (due to a media saturated society) to advertise and broadcast media products. For instance YouTube (a media platform/technology; which works through a media technology; the internet) has been used to advertise and ensure my trailer (media product) is viewed to all my target audience.

Brief information

Thriller trailer

As mentioned earlier in my blog, during my research and planning I decided to research professional thriller trailers which could help me with the editing of my trailer (red riding hood) To achieve this, i did my research on the internet (a media platform) by typing in thriller trailers/thriller films in Google I was immediately allowed into “the world of thrillers” that is, I was viewed a range of different films/trailers. This is due to the vast amount of data which is uploaded onto the internet everyday. For this reason I had to be very selective with the films and trailers which I decided to research.

Vast amount of thriller films available for research on the internet (a media technology)

Due to the Vast amount of worldwide thriller trailers available for research on the internet (a media technology) I decided to be very selective with the trailers I chose. For this reason, I sieved out thriller films which I found interesting and decided to research them

When I finally found thrillers which I wanted to research, again, the internet became the source on which I was able to achieve this. For instance, by typing in the roommate into Google I was able to get some basic information about this specific thriller. However, again, due to the vast amount of information uploaded onto this media technology on a daily basis I had to be very selective with the sources which I chose to base my research around.

For instance, sites such as Wikipedia, although at times can be trusted it was very risky, (this could be classified as a disadvantage of using media technologies such as the internet) for this reason I decided to base my research on a much more trusted site such as IMDB; to avoid obtaining wrong information)

I applied this method to all the trailers which I decided to research. When this was done; I decided to use another media technology to do my research (this was also based on a media platform; the internet) YouTube. Another media technology which is can be classified as an advertising platform. For instance during my audience feedback evaluation, I decided to put my finished media product on YouTube. This allowed me to view my product anywhere (as long as there was an internet source internet) which helped with the amount of feedback I was able to obtain(advertising).

When was finally done with my research, it was now time to do some planning. This included the ways in which I was going to create my trailer. Firstly, my group members and I thought it was best that now and had researched and obtained information on different thriller trailers, it was now time to create our storyboard; an essential part of my production stage. I classify it as such as through my research on YouTube (a media technology) am aware that editing is an essential part of the final product which is brought about by the planning stage.

Researched storyboard style model:

Red riding hood storyboard:

Whereby the media has become an easier form of communication.

I also used YouTube to research forms of editing (as the editor) this included ways to raise tension, decrease tension, increase anticipation, decrease anticipation, create suspense, decrease suspense etc. you may remember the following screenshot from an earlier post made to my blog

By using a digital technology in such a way; I was able to learn about some transitions techniques such as straight cuts and fades used in thriller trailers and subsequently see ways in which they could be applied to my final product.

As I had never been exposed to technologies and software's such as final cut pro; I decided it best if I researched how to use it before my production. For this reason, I decided to search the internet for some tips on how to use this unique software.

Sites such as YouTube:


Overall, Google and YouTube (enabled by the internet) allowed me to research and acknowledge the useful qualities of final cut pro and subsequently use them appropriately during my production stage.

0Also, I used a digital technology software- final cut pro during the production and research and planning stage of my thriller trailer. At first, I used a media platform such as the internet to research how to use final cut pro as it was a program I have never had to use. By typing in “how to use final cu t pro” into Google and YouTube I was allowed into a word of ways to use this unique software. I used final cut pro during the course of the production stage of my thriller trailer as I used it to edit the rushes which we gathered from filming.

During the production stages of the making of my thriller trailer; as the editor I needed to ensure that the right sounds are used in each shot; appropriately. For this reason, I made reference to YouTube again; to research thriller trailer sounds and how they were used professionally. (This stage could also be classified as my research and planning stage)When this was done, I again, had to make use of a media technology, mp3 converters; which allowed me to take sound effects from YouTube and convert them into mp3 files which were accepted by my the editing software which I was making use of (final cut pro)

Digital technology has enabled me to be able to convert files for my benefit

Media technologies where also used during the editing stages of my project (as mentioned earlier.)I also used media technologies such as the internet to download items which were useful for the project. For instance through my research I found that scary fonts were mostly used when presenting inter title and tag lines to the audience (in trailer) for this reason I decided to search for such fonts and use them for my project. By typing in free fonts into Google; I was again, let into a world of what I had typed in.

When this was done, I decided to se 1001 Free Fonts as it (through the name) gave me a wider option of appropriate fonts.

I must say that an one of the most useful factors of media technologies and platforms such as the internet is its ease and uncomplicated way or getting information instantly. I say this because as the location scout; i found this advantage. Especially when we relocations had to be done urgently. I typed into Google forests in London and again, I was immediately entered into a “another world”

However, due to the fact that I had to take distance and timing into account I decided to rather type in parks in London.

However, I am aware on how much this media technology is able to give me at once and decided to use navigation tabs, which would be able to break down my findings.I decided to use Google maps. Subsequently helping me to multitask; finding the locations, calculating the distance from college, view the surroundings, search the environment for heath and safety and get the directions. I believe this helped to save a massive amount of production which is an advantage.

Surrounding view:

Map view:

As mentioned earlier I also used the internet; Google maps to get directions to the different locations I intended to scout for.

Magazine front cover

Again, just like the research and planning stages of my thriller trailer, I used the internet; Google to research a wide range of professional film magazines. Which gave me ideas, helped with my planning and even helped with audience feedback. However, through previous research and planning of music magazines during my AS level of media studies, I was much more aware of the codes and conventions of magazine front covers. However, I wanted to ensure that (again) I chose the products to research very carefully. So I decided to type in “top film magazines” into the search space. This lead me to film magazines such as empire and film. Which helped me a great deal during the planning of my front cover as I was able to them as style models, subsequently improving the quality of my final product.

The brilliant thing about using media technologies is the ease of navigation. Tabs and image links allows one to “get straight to the point” of their research. This allowed me to save time during my research stage

I decided to use this empire issue as my style model. This was because I was very attracted and drawn to its construction and lack of conventional layout of cover lines. Having said this, I used this media technology (the internet) to obtain a style model during the research and planning stage of my film magazine front cover (A2 coursework) However, I had to ensure that I was creative with the way I used this style model, for this reason I decided to keep some of its qualities and obtain some of my own (showing creativity)again, this media technology allowed me to be creative, helping me create a basis for my product and create a basis for my planning; subsequently paving way form forms of creativity.

Chosen style model

During the production stage of my film magazine front cover there were some codes and conventions of magazine front cover which I only had access to through the internet; the barcode. By typing in barcode into Google, I again, ad access to a vast amount of what I wanted. For this reason, again, had to select what I wanted wisely.

By clicking on images I was able to sieve out only what I wanted.

As mentioned earlier I typed in thriller films into Google which allowed me into the world of worldwide thriller films, I decided to take research the websites of these films. Through this I was able to do my research and planning appropriately. It was inevitable to construct, research a website with out the use of a media platform; the internet as this is the basis of this media product. i used the internet to more or less compare and analyse thriller websites. For instance, I decided to look at factors and qualities which have been followed in all the websites. For instance the use of social networking sites such as Facebook and twitter could be classified inevitable when it comes to websites as these act as advertising platforms for these films.

Salt Black swan

Due to this, in my view, it becomes a code and convention as it ensures broadcasting of the website, trailer and any other media products which the producers may have, for this reason, I decided to include this during the production stage of my website pages. However, this is where I applied some creativity to a convention; rather than just including icon links to these various social networking sites, i decided that since I owned a twitter account, I should tweet about my main task, screen shot it and paste it onto my website homepage; encouraging audience participation. Subsequently using media technology in more than an ordinary way.

However, during my research stage; I noticed that these film websites ensure that social networking sites were not bombarded and forced unto the audience as it is their choice to click on these various links. By this I mean only a few were included. For this reason I decided to only include the most popular ones which my target audience (teens and young adults) were much more attracted to: twitter, YouTube and Facebook

Similarly, I used this very same media technology (the internet) to find out the use and effectiveness of the use of credit quotes. This was the reason I also decided to include one in my website; boosting the credibility of the website.

As I knew I would not be using website building sites to construct my website pages, I decided to use a media software; either fireworks or Dreamweaver. For this reason I decided to use Google (again) to research the standard dimensions used when creating websites using these software's. I did this to ensure that my website page dimensions were conventional; ensuring that it fits the screen of the computer. Again, I typed in standard website dimensions into Google and was let into a world of standard website dimensions.

Research applied to the production of my website

As mentioned earlier, the internet was very much useful during the editing (post production) stage of my project. I used the internet to download fonts which; in my view would help to convey a certain message to the audience.When producing my website page I realised that some film websites which include credits (however this is quite rare) while some don’t.For this reason I decided to search for fonts which were conventionally used when producing credits. For this reason I revisited 1001 Free Fonts

During my research stage, I also found out the conventions of film websites. Qualities such as term use, polices and legal links

I wanted to produce my film websites on a software rather than on website generating sites (media platforms) for this reason I used Firefox. However, as this was the first time I was using this software I was more or less clueless about how to link the pages which I have created together.This is when again, the internet (a media technology) comes to my rescue)All I needed to do was type in how to link pages on Firefox and as usual, I entered a world of how to link pages on Firefox.

Again, this research was also done through YouTube, for me to get a much clearer view of whatever that was being explain to me through writing (Google)

Other forms of media

technologies used.

Due to the media saturated society which we live in, information is now being passed on through media technologies and platforms such as the internet. This make sit easier to pass on information as well as to produce documentations of information such as my production log of my projects. Having said this, my blogger account was used all through out the research, post production and production stage of my projects. This also allowed me to get some audience feedback as almost the world would then have access to the account.

Constant documentation of work being done.

The interconnectedness of these media technologies makes it much easier to advertise other projects of mine which may be on another media technology. For instance I am able to include a YouTube link of my trailer on to my blog; ensuring that I am able to get as much audience feedback as possible

I also used presentation software's to view my presentations which had been made using Microsoft PowerPoint; subsequently increasing the amount of media technologies used during the course of my project.

Presentation software's used:




Slide Rocket


Slide Share

4. Slide Boom