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How color affects food choices How color affects food choices

Costa Magoulas University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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How Color Affects 1




Costa Magoulas

Bachelor of Arts Warner Southern University


A professional paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Master of Hospitality Administration

William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration

Graduate College

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

July 2009

How Color Affects 2


How Color Affects Food


Costa Magoulas

Jean Hertzman, PhD, Committee Chair Assistant Professor of Food & Beverage Management

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Color has a very strong influence in the hospitality industry. How much thought has been

given to food choices because of color, and how influential is that on customers’ satisfaction of a

food product? Staff that prepares food must understand how color and taste work together

through presentation and eye appeal to create the WOW factor since customers eat with their

eyes first.

People associate different foods with different colors. When this perception changes it

often has a detrimental effect on the customer’s perception of how that food should taste.

Scientific information was gathered on the history of food, the sensory perception of taste, and

environmental color design. The information was synthesized to develop a course on how color

affects food choices of hospitality foodservice customers. The course will allow students to

experience lectures, hands-on taste testing and classroom experimentation. The goal is to help

hospitality industry employees develop a better insight into the world of taste.

The importance of understanding the effect color has on food choices is paramount to

hospitality industry employees. The application of the new found knowledge will allow students

to develop a keener sense of why color affects food choices made by hospitality foodservice


How Color Affects 3


HOW COLOR AFFECTS FOOD CHOICES ............................................................................. 1

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ 3

Part One .................................................................................................................................... 5

Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5

Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 5

Justification ........................................................................................................................... 6

Constraints ............................................................................................................................ 7

Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 7

Part Two ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Literature Review ........................................................................................................................ 9

Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 9

History of Food ..................................................................................................................... 9

Environmental Influences ................................................................................................... 11

Anatomy of Taste ................................................................................................................ 13

Anatomy of Color ............................................................................................................... 15

Table 1 ............................................................................................................................. 17

Table 2 ............................................................................................................................. 19

Figure 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…...20

Figure 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………….21

Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 25

Part Three .................................................................................................................................. 27

Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 27

How Color Affects 4

Results ................................................................................................................................. 27

Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 28

Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 28

Appendix A...................................................................................................................... 29

Appendix B ...................................................................................................................... 31

Appendix C ...................................................................................................................... 34

Appendix D...................................................................................................................... 36

Appendix E ...................................................................................................................... 45

Appendix F ...................................................................................................................... 47

Appendix G...................................................................................................................... 50

Appendix H...................................................................................................................... 80

Appendix I ....................................................................................................................... 82

Appendix J ....................................................................................................................... 83

Appendix K...................................................................................................................... 85

References ................................................................................................................................. 86

How Color Affects 5

How Color Affects Food Choices

Part One


The first to feast is the eyes. This old axiom has a very significant meaning to a chef.

Chefs are always conscious of how food looks before it is served as well as how it looks during

the preparation stages.

Color has a very strong influence in the hospitality industry. Color choices in decor and

environmental planning are commonplace in building designs today. How color influences

customer satisfaction has also been studied. But how much thought is given to food choices

because of color, and how influential is that on customers’ satisfaction of a food product? A

literature review will be performed to assess what research has been conducted on the influence

of color in food choices.


The purpose of this paper is to develop a tool for the hospitality industry in the form of a

lesson plan that may be taught to show how color affects the decisions customers make with food

choices. The lesson plan may be used in hospitality schools as well as in the hospitality industry

for employee training in the area of culinary operations. Comprehensive training of front and

back of the house personnel is essential to a successful operation. Having the tools to understand

how color affects the decisions customers make with food choices should prove quite beneficial.

Staff that prepares food must understand how color and taste work together through presentation

and eye appeal to create the wow factor since customers eat with their eyes first.

How Color Affects 6


The major goal of the hospitality services provider is to satisfy customers while being

profitable. On the hotel side of the industry, decor, front desk operations, clean rooms and

customer service are essential for customer satisfaction (Bitner, 1992, p. 57). All these areas

may be strictly monitored and controlled for peak efficiency. On the food and beverage side of

the equation, choices and customer satisfaction may be harder to define and control. Food by its

nature is perishable, unstable, and highly affected by market conditions, growing conditions and

weather. Very little information is available in the form a lesson plan focusing on a customer’s

perception of color in their food choices in the hospitality industry. Any tools that can be created

to aid in increasing customer satisfaction for food are important and useful.

One area that has not been studied to its fullest potential is color and how it pertains to

food choices and satisfaction. A lesson plan that teaches how taste works in stimulating the

palate and how the brain works in conjunction to how color affects that choice should help to

increase the knowledge of hospitality staff. The application of such knowledge will help

increase customer satisfaction and ultimately profit.

The justification for this paper is to offer the hospitality industry options to improve

customer service through added knowledge of how color affects food choices. The food segment

of the hospitality industry is a major revenue contributor to the bottom line of healthy hospitality

businesses. This paper will help support hospitality service providers with keys to understanding

just how important color can be.

How Color Affects 7


The nature of the lesson plan must be very basic with clear and distinct goals based on

how taste works and how color influences individuals’ concept of taste. Research on this subject

is limited adding to the constraints of the subject.

The perceptions that are created in each person's mind as to their understanding about

color are a major constraint. People's perception of color can be affected by many outside

influences. A person's cultural background, environmental surroundings, family perceptions,

and personal learning experiences will leave a lasting memory on the brain, which will direct the



American Culinary Federation (ACF): the authority on cooking in America since 1929,

ACF is the premier professional chefs’ organization in North America with more than 22,000

members in more than 230 chapters (The American Culinary Federation [ACF], 2008).

Research Chefs Association (RCA): Formed in 1996 by a group of food professionals

with a common interest in the challenges facing the profession. RCA has become the premier

source of culinary and technical information for the food industry (Resource Chefs Association

[RCA], 2008, p. 1)

Sensory perception: the conscious recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli that

serve as a basis for understanding, learning, and knowing or for motivating a particular action or

reaction (Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 2009).

How Color Affects 8

WOW factor: culinary term used by chefs to describe the initial eye appeal of a food item

that makes the food more desirable to eat; impressing the eye and the palate (L. Perrot, personal

communication, September, 1998).

How Color Affects 9

Part Two

Literature Review


To understand how people use color to make food choices, one must begin with the

history of food. Dating back to early man, color in nature motivated man's first ability to choose

safe foods. The natural color in foods is an inherent teaching method of training the brain to

recognize acceptable and safe food. The adage that ‘the first to feast it is the eyes’ has much

more meaning than people first realize. Before one can study color in all its facets, the

mechanism of taste must be understood to include how it relates to color. Color affects our taste,

our mood, and our inner comfort level. The act of eating is caused by the stimulation of hunger.

This paper will examine how the primitive instinct of eating evolved into the world of hospitality

and dining. The visual impact of eating began with food itself.

History of Food


Archaeological research shows that as early man evolved over millions of years, the

brain’s volume increased. With that development man had better vision and memory. With

these changes in place, man became a hunter-gatherer rather than a nocturnal animal rooting for

food in the ground to eat in the safety of the darkness of night. Man could walk erect and scan

his environment for food. The mind would store information on how food tastes and looks

(Toussaint-Samat, 1992, p. 1). Man could now choose what he wanted to eat. The visual

importance of memory would play a key role in decision making.

How Color Affects 10

Paleontologists have a good idea of what early man ate and lived on from research

gathered after examining dental wear patterns on the teeth of prehistoric man. Vegetables were

the first foods followed by high protein diets due to the energy needed to survive (Toussaint-

Samat, 1992). Fresh animal meat was bright red and usually safe to eat. Meat that started to rot

would turn brown and smell and would be less desirable. Nature uses color to protect humans.

When man first learned to control fire he also learned to cook his food, finding it easier to eat

and improving the flavor (Toussaint-Samat). When meat was cooked too long and it became

blackened, the results would be a charcoal-bitter taste. Paul Rozin, PhD, explains how humans,

as omnivores, have an innate sense to distinguish safe foods from potentially toxic foods. He

reasons that the cues are preferences at birth for sweet tastes (safe foods) and aversions to bitter

tastes (unsafe foods), (Rozin, 2005). These are yet other examples of how certain colors had

particular flavors that could denote good and bad tastes.

Modern Era

In today’s world of the culinary arts and the hospitality industry, color plays a major role

in satisfying customers. Chefs do not create foods from recipes; they create food from life

experience and ideas gathered over many years of training and experience. This accumulated

knowledge culminates in a combination of taste and color to satisfy the customer (Kunz &

Kaminsky, 2001). Chefs attempt to create what is called ‘the WOW factor’. A recent industry

trend report indicates that consumers are more demanding and are developing more

discriminating tastes and food requirements (Packaged Facts, 2006). Furthermore, it has been

noted that food color and palatability have a binding tie to one another (Garber, Hyatt, & Starr,

2001), This brings one back to the old adage ‘the first to feast is the eyes’ (US Food and Drug

Administration [FDA], 1993).

How Color Affects 11

Environmental Influences

Dining Room and color

The hospitality industry’s hotels and restaurants use the same wow factor to their

advantage. Industry professionals create elaborate lobbies and façades matching beautiful colors

with surroundings not only to entice current customers but to influence potential guests as to how

wonderful their visit may be (National Restaurant Association [NRA], 2000, ¶ 3). Color plays

an essential role in decision-making when it pertains to food and hospitality choices. Before

individuals allow food to pass their lips, they must feel confident that the food they are about to

eat is safe and pleasing to the palate. The dining room will be a comfortable environment

without distractions, and the work environment will aide in efficient production. Much of this is

possible through the proper use of color.

Dining room and work areas are greatly affected by color. The choice of colors can

affect consumers’ perceptions and choices of foods. Singh reports that the proper use of color,

and its importance in influencing the choices people make, is determined by the fact that most

people make up their minds within the first 90 seconds of their encounter with people or products

(Singh, 2006). Up to 90 percent of the decision-making perception was based on color alone.

These decisions will also influence feelings of a positive or negative nature. Scientifically, color

is light that is carried by wavelengths and absorbed by the retina of the eye. This in turn

generates a signal that is sent to the brain. Light can change one’s concept or perception of color

because it is a combination of seven spectral colors as discovered by Sir Isaac Newton

(Programa de Investigación Color / Color Research Program, n.d., ¶ 1).

How Color Affects 12

Lighting and ambience

The two major forms of lighting used in the hospitality industry are incandescent and

florescent. Fluorescent lighting represents 67 percent of lighting use around the world. It will

intensify blues and greens but the colors orange, yellow, and red will appear dull (Singh, 2006, ¶

1). Restaurant studies have shown that red colors stimulate appetite, and this is a main reason

red is used by fast food operations. The color yellow is also used by fast food operations in an

attempt to generate sales. However, formal restaurants try to create a different atmosphere or

ambience by using the color blue or soft hues resulting in longer stays which increases the meal

check. This is accomplished by selling more wine, desserts, and coffee in a soothing atmosphere

(Singh, ¶ 9).

Research conducted by Stroebele and De Castro (2004) studied environmental

surroundings called ambience that act as a stimulus on food choices. The perception of food can

be influenced by a variety of stimuli such as temperature, smell, distractions, wait time and the

color of food (Stroebele & De Castro, 2004). Identical foods were prepared according to texture

and color and served in the school cafeteria and the school restaurant. The foods that were served

in the restaurant setting were rated higher in sensory appeal. The study further concluded that

the intake amount of foods can also be attributed to these factors further justifying the claim that

color can affect our food choices (Stroebele & De Castro). Mahoney and Hall (2007) found that

“little research has been conducted into the factors that influence food purchasing behavior”

although “food sales represent a significant proportion of hospitality industry income”

(O’Mahony & Hall, 2007).

How Color Affects 13

Anatomy of Taste

The American Heritage Dictionary offers two definitions of taste. The first definition is

that taste is the body's sensory ability to distinguish sweet, sour, salty, and bitter when substances

come in contact with the tongue. The second definition is that taste is a combination of taste,

smell and touch which the mouth can sense (Utermohlen, 2006). New taste studies have shown

that there are at least six sensory tastes, adding the tastes of fat and Umami. Umami means

‘delicious’ in Japanese and it is the word often used to describe the savory taste of food when it

is heightened. The anatomy of taste uses the tongue, nose, brain and the visual concepts that have

taught what the brain should expect. Taste is actually the last sensory perception that takes place

(Utermohlen). Many scientific studies have concluded that sensory stimulants that affect the

human body are touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight. Additional studies indicate that body

position sense (proprioception) and movement sensation (vestibular input) can also contribute to

sensory stimulation (Net Industries, 2009).

Food is first visualized and then placed into the mouth where it is chewed. During

mastication the saliva that is activated in the mouth mixes with the macerated food and gives off

a vapor to the nose. During this process individual molecules of taste are carried in bundled

nerves, where the synapses, or cell-to-cell communicators, send the information to the neural

transmitters in the form of serotonin. The serotonin then fires additional synapses, which shoot

the message to the brain where it is stored (Utermohlen, 2006).

The sense of taste is also influenced by external sensory perceptions such as sight, sound,

touch, and smell. Most individuals are familiar with how things taste and feel. There are also

internal influences associated with taste such as hunger, thirst, balance and pain. Hunger affects

taste because it is the sensation to fill ourselves and feel satisfied. Thirst is also part of hunger

How Color Affects 14

because it needs to be satisfied. Balance is when one is not necessarily hungry or thirsty but

preparing to dine. Pain may have a significant effect on taste because medication will often

times desensitize the taste buds. When in pain and taking medications, the result inhibits the

synapses from firing and therefore, the message to the brain is blocked. Age has also been

found to act as a desensitizer to taste. In “The Effect of Age on Taste”, David Koepnick (n.d.)

cites studies that have shown that individuals begin to lose taste receptors at the age of 30. This

continues until almost 50 percent of taste is lost by the time men reach the age of 60 and women

reach the age of 65 (Koepnick). The human body, at that age, does not produce as many

neurotransmitters such as serotonin that cause the synapses to fire. In turn the needed cell-to-cell

communication is diminished.

Smoking, drinking, and a stuffy nose have also been known to influence the ability to

taste. The ability to taste and smell work together creating the food signal that is sent to the

brain. The loss of taste and smell that occurs in the elderly can result in poor appetite and

inappropriate food choices. The use of food enhancements and preparing the food to be more

visually appetizing will help to increase salivary flow in the mouth reducing the need for salt

along with complaints associated with chemosensory issues (Schiffman & Graham, 2000).

Taste is more than just the science of how our sensory system works. Taste is a

combination of how food looks, smells, and sounds. With the smell of fresh brewed coffee

comes the anticipation of a steeping hot cup of brown coffee and the flavor associated with it.

When placing a piece of carrot in the mouth to chew there is an expected crunch and flavor.

“Taste is a product of our genes and our environment,” says Leslie J. Stein, PhD (Hatfield, 1998,

p. 1) who conducts research at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. Recent

research has demonstrated that our genes help to determine how our brain assimilates taste and

How Color Affects 15

flavor. Stein also states that, “infants and young children need to learn what foods are safe to

eat” (Hatfield, p. 1). The brain works as a giant computer storing the memories of all flavors

and tastes from our childhood. When a child complains of not liking broccoli, it may have been

because the first time broccoli was tasted it was not properly prepared and had a bitter taste.

Bitter is nature's way of protecting us from unsafe food. The brain must be retrained to overcome

the memory of bitter broccoli. In an attempt to retrain the brain, preparing the dish for that same

child, the broccoli must not be overcooked and it should be served with a cheese sauce. This will

create a new visual image and taste sensation that the brain can store to overcome the bitter

memory (Hatfield). Additional studies by Stein indicate that the mothers of unborn children may

transfer flavor preferences in the amino acids that are fed to the baby during pregnancy.

Genes cannot be changed; however, training can overcome likes and dislikes in flavor

and taste of food. The four basic tastes were identified over two thousand years ago by the

Greek philosopher Democritus. In the 1890’s, the French Chef, Augustus Escoffier, suggested

that there was a fifth taste that he felt was responsible for the successful flavors of his soups. In

1908, the Japanese chemist Kikunae Ikeda discovered that the amino acid glutamate was the

enhancing flavor in a variety of seaweeds soups. Because of this discovery, a fifth taste, Umami,

was named in honor of him. It is the Japanese word for delicious (Keim, December 22, 2008).

Anatomy of Color

Color has been used for centuries to enhance food palatability and acceptance. The

masking of the color of wine began four hundred years B.C. when the early Egyptians and

Romans colored wines with herbs and spices to make it more appealing (, 2000, ¶

21). Synthetic colors have been used and developed throughout the commercial food industry

How Color Affects 16

during the late 1800s to help decorate as well as disguise low-quality food. During this period of

time, color additives and other additive compounds were toxic (Downham & Collins, 1999).

There was no legislation to control this particular part of the food industry. In the early 1900s

color additives were used throughout the United States and Europe. Many were made from

petroleum products that were toxic. The coloring techniques of the past that used animal,

mineral and plant resources were discontinued due to synthetic chemical colorings that were

easier to blend and did not impart unwanted flavor. Governments throughout Europe began

regulating the use of additives to include color (Downham & Collins). The United States finally

reduced the number of coloring products from 700 to nine (Food and Drug Administration

[FDA], 2009). The following are the certified color additives for use in food: Food, Drug &

Cosmetic (FD&C) Blue No. 1, FD&C Blue No. 2, FD&C Green No. 3, FD&C Red No. 40,

FD&C Red No. 3, FD&C Yellow No. 5, FD&C Yellow No. 6, Orange B and Citrus Red No. 2.

There are an additional 22 colors that are exempt from certification with the FDA. These include

pigments from natural sources such as saffron, caramel color, fruit juice and beet powder to

name just a few (Food and Drug Administration [FDA], 2009).

Marketing food trends by major manufacturers and producers is greatly influenced by

color. Downham and Collins (1999) state that color affects almost everything one does in life.

From purchasing items for one’s home, one’s clothing, or one’s food, decisions are made without

realizing that color and surroundings influence those very decisions. They further hypothesize

that all individuals are very sensitive to the color of food. Appetites can be influenced and

stimulated by color as well as the reverse effect; color may discourage eating certain foods and

diminish the desire for the food (Downham & Collins, 1999).

How Color Affects 17

Colors will suggest the flavors that are anticipated when eating or drinking. A bright

colored orange drink will imply the flavor of orange. Accordingly, a bright red colored drink

may hint at strawberry or cherry flavor. Washed out colors of orange or red drinks may indicate

a lesser quality of drink and not appear as appealing. Over the last 20 to 30 years many

sociological, economic and technical issues have influenced the food industry. Foods are being

processed to create visually appealing food that tastes good that can be used by single-parent

families, working mothers and the elderly (Downham & Collins, 1999). This illustrates just how

important color is to food choices. Dependable statistics on the size of the color market are

unavailable. A 2000 estimate revealed that the $940m industry could be categorized as synthetic

colors $400m, natural colors $250m, nature identical colors $189m and caramel color $100m.

Food manufacturers increased use of color additives to improve the visual presence of processed

foods has prompted the FDA to require all manufacturers to list all color additives on ingredient

labels (Food and Drug Administration [FDA], 2009). Published figures from one major

manufacturer indicate that natural colorings and flavors could reach $5.3b by 2012 (the-, 2009). These statistics further substantiate that color is extremely important in the

food industry.

Cultural Color Concepts

It is important to understand the cultural meaning of color when discussing how color

affects our choices. Table 1 highlights the meaning given to colors across cultures.

Table 1

Colors and Cultures

Color Tradition/Country Meaning

How Color Affects 18

Red China


South Africa


Western cultures

Cherokee Indians

Good luck, celebration, reaching upward, fire




Excitement, love, stop

Triumph, success

Yellow China


Western cultures



Hope, hazard, coward

Green China



Western cultures



Represents the entire country

Spring, St. Patrick’s Day, Christmas

Blue Iran

Cherokee Indians

Western cultures

Spirituality, heaven

Trouble, defeat

Depression, corporations

Purple Western cultures



Mourning (worn by widows)

White Japan

Eastern cultures

Western cultures



Angels, peace (white dove), brides, good guys

Black China

Western cultures

Worn by young boys

Funerals, death, bad guys

How Color Affects 19

Note: From “Color Symbolism Chart by Culture; Understand the Meanings of Color in Various

Cultures Around the World” by Jennifer Kyrnin, 2009., 1-2.

Hotels and restaurants must be aware of color meanings in different cultures when they

are setting up buffets for special parties. A western wedding would not consider using black as

the prevailing color due to the symbolism in this country although in recent years the

generational attitude toward black has changed to one of chic sophistication.

Color and Taste Combined

The importance of color on taste perception is essential when customers decide whether

or not to eat food that is prepared for them. This is why plate presentation is a key focus of top

chef’s nation wide (Jahnke, March 19, 2007, ¶. 1). People associate different foods with

different colors. When this perception changes it often has a detrimental effect on the customer’s

perception of how that food should taste (Williams, 2007, p. 7). Common color and food

associations are noted in the Table 2.

Table 2

Common Color and Food

Color Food

Purple, blue Eggplant, blackberry, purple cabbage, plum

Green Avocado, cucumber, spinach, kale, broccoli, snow pea, zucchini, artichoke

White, tan Cauliflower, mushrooms, parsnip, potato, ginger, onions, jicama

Yellow, orange Papaya, pineapple, apricot, pumpkin, peach, carrot, sweet potato, orange, corn

Red Cranberry, beet, watermelon, tomato, pomegranate, radish, strawberry

Note: From “Eating by Color for Maximum Health” by C. Williams, 2007, p. 7.

How Color Affects 20

Synthetic Food Colors (Rung International, n.d.)

Synthetic food colors (see Figure 1) are man-made and used to enhance the naturally

occuring color of the food without adding flavor (United States Department of Health and

Human Services, 2004, ¶ 15).

Figure 1. Synthetic food colors.

How Color Affects 21

Natural Food Colors (Rung International, n.d.)

Natural food colors are those derived from the natural pigments noted in Figure 2 below

(United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2004, p. 16).

Figure 2. Natural food colors.

How Color Affects 22

Food producers rely on taste association to help sell their food products. A great deal of

experimentation has taken place to find the perfect color hue to enhance the food product that is

being marketed. Many studies have proven that color does make a difference in food taste

perception. In recent years there has been a 25% increase in the use of natural colors (Rung

International, n.d.).

Special colored lighting was placed in a room where participants were to be tested. Each

participant was given a plate of steak and French fries to eat. The food appeared to be a normal

color; however, when it was revealed that the actual color of the steak was blue and the French

fries green, some of the members of the test group became ill. This test reaction may be

attributed to preconceived taste education and instinctual reaction (Jahnke, ¶ 5).

Blumenthal states that the colors blue and purple are found infrequently in foods

therefore humans have a weak appetite response to these colors (Color Matters; J. L. Morton,

2008, ¶ 4). People are taught from an early age that blue and purple are associated with the idea

but that food may not be safe to eat and that the taste would obviously be disagreeable. Many

times, food color is used to convince taste buds that there is an increase in flavor or difference in

taste perception where none really exists. The March edition of the Journal of Consumer

Research published an article entitled, “Tastes Perception: More than Meets the Tongue”.

Hoegg and Alba focused on taste perception and color. Incremental changes in color and

sweetness of orange juice revealed that participants found a greater difference in taste perception

of juice with different colors than of juice with varying degrees of sweetness (Hoegg & Alba,

2007, p. 492). This affirms that color has a great influence on taste perception.

How Color Affects 23

There have also been attempts by food manufacturers to create products with different

colors to increase marketing sales. The Heinz Ketchup Company developed ketchups in an array

of rainbow colors beginning with green, then purple, pink, orange and finally blue. Their target

market was children. After a few years the products were discontinued because of lack of

interests from young people (Jahnke, March 19, 2007, ¶ 8). Another example of product

development influenced by color was the marketing decision to produce Crystal Pepsi in 1992.

The cola product was a colorless, caffeine-free soft drink. The product never became successful

and this was attributed to the fact that people associate different colors with different tastes.

Many people trying the new Pepsi product said it tasted like lemon lime soda. None of these

flavors were part of the ingredients (Jahnke, ¶ 9). Because of the training the brain receives

throughout a lifetime in regard to the perception of taste and color associations, it is difficult for

the brain to conceive change of taste on preconceived notions. Too many people eating green

ketchup perceived that it did not taste like regular red ketchup even though the formula was


Another example of taste and color perceptions is the sensory evaluation of wine, which

is based on psychological concepts and the senses of taste, smell, sight and touch (Nemanic).

The first step to tasting wine involves picking up the glass by the stem, tilting it away from the

body and placing the glass over a white surface to observe the color of the wine. The

observation should include the depth of the wine’s color. Brown tones in wine will sometimes

indicate age. The viscosity of a wine can be checked by swirling the wine in the glass. When

judging wines they are placed next to each other for hints on how the wine will taste. A stronger

and deeper color indicates that the wine will taste richer and more full-bodied (Smith, 2003).

How Color Affects 24

Ross, Bohlscheid, and Weller conducted research in the visual masking techniques of two

wines by trained assessors. Their study was based on the technique called color masking.

Masking uses color variants to disguise the wine in order to minimize sensory perceptions of the

evaluator panelists (Ross, Bohlscheid, & Weller, 2008). The masking techniques used (1) blue

wineglass/white illumination, (2) clear glass/red illumination, and (3) clear glass/white

illumination. There were 10 panelists in the study. The trained panelists were affected by the

masking technique of red illumination being served in clear glasses. Each member of the trained

panel indicated that they would perceive a spicier more intense flavor, while wine served in blue

glasses were considered to be more astringent. The consumer panel indicated that the clear glass

illuminated red resulted in a perception that the wine would be more astringent, and the blue

glass resulted in the expectation the wine would taste more flavorful and appealing (Ross et al.).

Masking techniques influenced the perceptions of both trained and untrained panelists. The

overall conclusion of the study was that the visual sensory perception of the product may be

influence by masking techniques.

A 2006 study by university scientists in Spain found flavor intensity improved when

mandarin juice was added to orange juice to enhance the color. Regular juice consumers tested

preferred orange juice that was colored with up to 10% mandarin juice. The results revealed

consumers’ perception that the richer colored orange juice had a bolder taste profile. Orange

juice in the US can by mixed with up to 10% mandarin juice to improve its color (Perez-Lopez,

Beltran, Serrano-Megias, Lopez, & Carbonell-Barrachina, 2005).

In 1996 Costa Magoulas, coordinator of culinary operations, conducted a simple study

(Magoulas, 1996) pertaining to how color affected people's tastes. Ten staff members of a

cafeteria kitchen operation were selected to take part in the taste tests. The following

How Color Affects 25

information was gathered from each individual: age, gender, ethnic background, and the region

of the country in which they were raised. Each member of the test group was brought into a

room and asked to taste a plain gelatin, then describe sensory flavor. Next, four puddings

colored blue, green, red and yellow were placed in front of each member. Tasters were asked to

pick the pudding they preferred.

The plain gelatin was flavored lemon but appeared plain. Four tasters identified the

gelatin as having no flavor, two members of the tasting panel identified the flavor as lemon, two

tasters identified the flavor as a vegetable taste, and two members could not identify the flavor

although it tasted sweet.

The results of the pudding tasting was that five members of the panel chose red, three

chose yellow, two chose green and no tasters chose blue. It is important to note that all of the

puddings were flavored with vanilla although all tasters who chose the red color indicated that it

had a berry flavor, the two yellow and two green puddings chosen by panel members stated the

puddings tasted like cake icing, which was similar to the vanilla. One taster choosing yellow

indicated a lemon flavor.

Overall conclusions of the gelatin test indicated people have a need to be able to see and

connect color with taste to get a better understanding of the sensory perception. The conclusions

of the pudding test indicated that blue is not a very popular color in food.


The importance of sensory perception of color and how it relates to food choices is

validated through a variety of studies conducted by researches at universities and in the science

community world wide. The purpose of this literary review was to collect scientific information

How Color Affects 26

pertaining to the early history of food dating back to early man and how color affected the foods

that were eaten. Scientific information was gathered on the sensory perception of taste, and the

science of taste was examined and documented. Information proved that taste is the body's

sensory ability to distinguish sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. A new taste called Umami is also

documented. Taste is actually the last step in sensory perceptions. Food is first visualized and

then place into the mouth. Studies indicated that taste is influenced by external perceptions such

as sight, sound, touch and smell as well as internal perceptions such as hunger, thirst, balance

and pain. Scientific studies were used to conclude that color has been used for centuries to

enhance food acceptance. This practice dates back to the ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

Synthetic color and natural color additives are being used by manufacturers to enhance

the marketability of food products. The servicescape of a hotel or restaurant also has a direct

effect on the way people perceive tastes because of the ambience created with color and the type

of lighting used. Many examples of food products are noted indicating how the sensory

perception of color has affected those choices to customers.

This information will be used to develop a lesson plan describing the science of taste, the

science of color as a sensory perception, and how to use color to enhance the dining experience.

The lesson plan will include a PowerPoint presentation, written material and gradable test that

will allow the student to gain a better understanding of how color affects food choices of


How Color Affects 27

Part Three


A course based on how color affects food choices will be experienced by students

through lecture, hands-on taste testing and classroom experimentation (Appendix A).

Assessments will measure the overall level of comprehension by the end of the course. The

lesson plan begins with a lecture (Appendix B) on the history of food, developed from literature

reviews and an unpublished work by Costa Magoulas (Magoulas). Next there will be a lecture

(Appendix C) with a slide presentation focusing on the science of taste and how taste works

(Appendix D). A hands-on taste testing will follow that will allow students the opportunity to

synthesize the science of taste. The tasting will consist of a variety of salts and sugars (Appendix

E). Afterwards, a lecture on color and its influence on daily living as well as its influence across

cultures will be presented as cited in Appendix F using the presentation cited in Appendix G.

The combination of materials presented from the history of food to the science of taste

will aid students in developing an understanding on how color influences food choices of the

hospitality foodservice customer.


The goal of this course is to help hospitality industry employees develop a better insight

into the world of taste to understand how people use color when looking at and choosing food.

Questions that students will be able to answer afterwards include (1) why does color have such

an influence on food choices, (2) do taste and color work together to achieve a satisfied palate for

customers, and (3) can food colors have a negative effect on food choices?

How Color Affects 28

Two assessments (Appendix H and I) will be given during the course to measure the

students’ knowledge of the subject matter presented that will make up half the students’ grades.

Assessment answer guides are supplied for the convenience of the instructor (Appendix J and K).

Class participation will constitute the other half of the students’ grades for the course.


The importance of understanding the effect color has on food choices is paramount to

hospitality industry employees. Those responsible for accepting, preparing, designing,

displaying, and serving food items will be able to offer insight to the hospitality team as to the

scientific and cultural aspects of making foods appealing to a broad range of customers in a

variety of venues. By correctly assessing daily encounters, the hospitality employee may

contribute to the positive outcome for both customer satisfaction and company revenues.

Appendixes A through K provide the necessary documentation for presenting this course

for maximum effectiveness.


The course is designed to be presented to students from secondary school culinary

programs through college level hospitality programs. The application of the new-found

knowledge will allow students to develop a keener sense of why color affects food choices made

by hospitality foodservice customers.

How Color Affects 29

Appendix A


COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to the science of taste and how it is affected by


COURSE OBJECTIVE: To develop an understanding of the science of taste and how color

relates to customer satisfaction.

TEXT: How Color affects Food Choices (2009). Unpublished Professional Paper for

University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Magoulas, C: author. Web site for off campus students:


• American Culinary Federation at

• Food and Drug Administration at

• American Marketing Association at


• Restaurant Hospitality at


• To define the history of food and its influence on America culture

• To examine and classify the different scientific elements of taste

• To differentiate the many aspects of colors and how colors influence our choices in life

• To apply the understanding of color to customer food choices

• To distinguish the variety of attributes of sugars and salts

• To take part in a color taste test


Grades will be based on 200 points.

Protocol: 90-100 A 80-90 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 59-less F

Class Assessment 1-History of Food 50 points

Class Assessment 2-Science of taste 50 points

Class Participation 1-Savor the Flavor 50 points

Class Participation 2-Color Taste Test 50 points

200 points

How Color Affects 30


• Students are expected to maintain a professional manner and dress in accordance with

hospitality industry standards while in the classroom and kitchen.

• Academic integrity is everyone’s responsibility. It is expected that students will abide by

the Code of Conduct set forth by the institution.

• Each student will complete a teaching evaluation at the end of the course for quality

assessment of coursework presented by the faculty member or seminar leader.

• Instructor Contact information: Costa Magoulas, CEC, CCE, CCA, AAC; cell

386.316.4228 or

How Color Affects 31

Appendix B

Lecture Notes Outline-The Fuel that Fired History A. Cave men

a. Raw food-fire-cooked food

b. Man lived longer

c. Fire influenced history from that point forward

B. Food is power

a. Basic to cultures and societies

i. Diet of urban worker inadequate-crowded with immigrants

ii. Slaughter of bison detrimental to American Indian way of life

iii. Sourdough bread from California-basic to western wilderness pioneers

iv. Germans brought one-pot cooking, Italian’s brought tomatoes

v. Chinese and Italian immigrants opened first American restaurants

vi. Roman catholic’s brought meat-less Friday’s

b. Fortunes of government-feast and famine

i. 1919 Volstead Act-constitutional amendment outlawing commercial

manufacturing and sale of alcoholic beverages

ii. Bars turned into sandwich and lunch counters

iii. Great Depression increased consumption of dried beans; meat

consumption declined 30%

iv. War time increased consumption of perishables so staples could be

shipped to troops overseas

v. 1940’s School Lunch Program

C. U. S. History 1865 to present

How Color Affects 32

a. 19th century trends revolutionized the American diet

i. People moving westward

ii. Laborers needed cheap food

iii. New middle class needed food

iv. Exporting margarine and butterine to Britain

b. Immigration brought foods from around the world-Europe and China

c. Industrial revolution

i. Railroads afforded mass transit of food across nation

ii. Value in bulk transportation of goods

iii. Supply of cheap American grain to other parts of the world

d. Industrial technology

i. Cast iron stoves vs. open fire pits

ii. Canning vs. fresh fruits and vegetables

iii. Icebox-invented in Maryland

iv. Refrigeration-meats, produce, milk, eggs

v. Sanitation in meatpacking houses was deplorable

vi. First pure food and drug law mandated inspection of goods sold

interstate-President Theodore Roosevelt

vii. Sugar sales surged

viii. Coffee processing introduced Maxwell House coffee-from Nashville


ix. Grocery chains stores

e. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

How Color Affects 33

f. World War I-unfit Europeans and Americans eating poor diets

g. Manufacturing of foods-canned, branded, stable prices

D. Impact of science on food

a. Food sold to rich was adulterated-dangerous ingredients

b. Food preservation-excluding air-end of 18th century

c. Louis Pasteur-pasteurization saved lives

d. Vitamins discovered in 20th century

e. Finer quality glass and optical science-vast improvements in microscopes

f. Advancements in biology and chemistry-founded science of bacteriology

How Color Affects 34

Appendix C

Savor the Flavor Lecture Outline

� How we taste-today’s discussion

� Anatomy of taste

� The tongue

� The nose

� The brain

� Ready, set, taste

� The five senses

� The world of taste

� The tongue

� Anatomy of the tongue

� Ready, set, taste

� Sweet-an agreeable taste, smell, sound

� Salty-a tang or piquant taste

� Sour-having a sharp acid taste tart

� Bitter-having a sharp disagreeable taste-as quinine

� Umami-the fullest of senses that encompasses sight, smell, touch, hearing and

taste employing emotion and intellect

� The nose and tongue working together taste and smell

� Share the same airway

� Chewing food causes vaporization

� Smell receptors – 5 million

How Color Affects 35

� Fist line of defense against poisoning

� Bitter and rancid foods vaporize well

� One molecule can

� Blind taste test

� Five volunteers-blindfolds please

� Sweet – honey powdered-fructose

� Salt – seasoning salt – celery salt

� Bitter – tonic water – liquid smoke

� Sour – balsamic vinegar – tomato paste

� Your nose knows-rose water and wasabi

� Now it’s time to enter the word of taste

� Taste is a celebration of the sense and seasons

� It is state of mind…a state of fulfillment

How Color Affects 36

Appendix D

Slide 1

Savor The Flavor

How We Taste

Copyright, 1996 © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc.

Presented by

Costa Magoulas, CEC, CCE, CCA, AAC











How Color Affects 37

Slide 2

Today’s Discussion:

• Anatomy of Taste• The tongue

• The nose

• The brain

• Ready, Set, Taste!











How Color Affects 38

Slide 3

The Five Senses






















How Color Affects 39

Slide 4

The World of Taste

The Tongue

Anatomy of the tongue











How Color Affects 40

Slide 5

Ready, Set, Taste!

• Sweet - an agreeable taste, smell, sound

• Salty - a tang or piquant taste

• Sour - having a sharp acid taste, tart

• Bitter - having a sharp disagreeable taste-as


• Umami-the fullest of senses that

encompasses sight, smell, touch, hearing

and taste employing emotion and intellect











How Color Affects 41

Slide 6

The Nose and Tongue

Working Together

Taste and Smell

• Share the same airway

• Chewing food causes vaporization

• Smell receptors - 5 million

• First line of defense against poisoning

– bitter and rancid foods vaporize well

• One molecule can...











How Color Affects 42

Slide 7

Blind Taste Test

Five volunteers-blindfolds please!

• Sweet - honey powder - fructose

• Salt - seasoning salt - celery salt

• Bitter - tonic water - liquid smoke

• Sour - basalmic vinegar - tomato paste

• Your nose knows - rose water and wasabi











How Color Affects 43

Slide 8

Now It’s Time To Enter The

World of Taste











How Color Affects 44

Slide 9

Taste is a celebration of the

senses and seasons.

It is a state of mind…

a state of fulfillment.











How Color Affects 45

Appendix E

Savor the Flavor Tasting Seminar for Class Participation


• Students will develop an understanding of how salts and sugars differ in taste

• Students will have the opportunity to discuss their perception of differences in tastes of

salts and sugars

• Students will learn to understand the differences in the five taste perceptions

• Students will add to their knowledge base and experiences that will benefit their

advancement in the hospitality industry


Table salt Kosher salt Sea salt No salt substitute Seasoned salt (Mrs. Dash) Table sugar Fructose Brown sugar Turbinado sugar Corn syrup Honey Sugar-free substitute Tasting spoons 4 ounce plastic cups Bottled water Paper bags Two large trays Lemons Toothpicks PROCEDURE

1. Place each salt and sugar tasting sample into individual 4 oz cups; label 1, 2, 3, etc. 2. Separate the salts and sugars into the two trays. 3. Place a quantity of small tasting spoons onto each tray.

4. Place a few paper bags onto each tray for used spoons. 5. Place cut wedges of lemon into two 4 oz cups. 6. Place a quantity of toothpicks on each tray for lemon tasting. 7. Supply each taster with a bottle of water for cleansing the palate during the tasting


How Color Affects 46

8. Lecturer will walk students through tasting each sample using the information from the Table 1.

9. Class will participate in discussions as each sample is tasted.

Table 1


• Table salt—Sodium chloride, 25 million tons a year, most common. Steam cleaned from salt mines. All salt come the sea. Much of the world’s production comes from salt mines which are dried sea beds.

• Kosher salt—many small cubes stuck together making it ideal for curing. Kosher salt usually has no additives. It received its name because it is used by the Jewish religion to make meat kosher. The Koran prohibits consumption of any blood. Jewish food law requires that kosher meat must be slaughtered and prepared in a certain manner and a common way to remove final traces of blood from meat is to soak and salt it. Kosher meat has a distinct flavor.

• Sea salt—sun and wind evaporation is used leaving a fine light crystal high in minerals.

• No salt products—Potassium chloride.

• Season salt—a combination of herbs and spices that enhances the flavors of foods without the use of salt.

• Table sugar—made from sugar cane or sugar beets highly refined. Powdered sugar is granulated sugar that has been crushed with a small amount of cornstarch added. US consumption is 157 pounds per year per person. In the 1600’s sugar consumption was 7 pounds per year per person.

• Fructose — made from fruit, it is the sweetest sugar. Also found in honey. One only needs to use 1/3 of regular sugar.

• Brown sugar—made from white sugar combined with molasses.

• Turbinado sugar—100% pure sugar cane with natural molasses.

• Corn syrup—high fructose is produced by processing corn starch to yield glucose to the exact same sweetness and taste. It is actually cheaper than sugar. It is the largest percentage of sweetener used in processed food.

• Honey/ natural sucrose—very healthy, 300 different varieties. Sterile, it was used as an antiseptic during World War II.

• Sugar free substitute—170 pounds per year per person is used. 20 pounds p/p aspartame or saccharine.

Note: From “Magoulas, C.”

How Color Affects 47

Appendix F

The First to Feast is the Eyes Lecture Outline

• In the hospitality industry color plays a major role in customer satisfaction

• Before we allow food to pass our lips, it must be pleasing to the eye

• Color effects our taste, our mood and our inner comfort level

• The WOW factor

• Chefs attempt to create food that sends a signal to the brain that will stimulate taste

• The International Journal of Food Science and Technology states that color effects almost

everything one does in life

• Hotels use the same WOW factor using elaborate facades and lobbies matching beautiful

colors to entice customers

• Color has been used for centuries to enhance food acceptance

• The early Romans and Egyptians colored wine with herbs and spices to make it more


• Synthetic colors have been used by the commercial food industry since the late 1800s

• Appetites can be influenced and stimulated by color

• Color may also discourage eating certain foods and diminish the desire for eating

• People associate different foods with different colors

• When this perception changes it has a detrimental effect on customer perception of how

food should taste

• How would you react to : blue beef steak or French fries, green pumpkin or beets, red

cauliflower or onions, white strawberries or avocado, green cooked eggs or fish

How Color Affects 48

• Many times food color is used to convince taste buds that there is an increase in flavor or

difference in taste perception when none exists

• A study of orange juice was conducted

• Orange juice was made with 10% mandarin orange juice giving it a bolder richer color

• Orange juice was made with a higher content of sugar with no mandarin juice added

• Test groups picked the juice with mandarin orange, stating that it was sweeter and had a

bolder taste

• The Pepsi Company in 1992 introduced Crystal Pepsi; a clear color tasting beverage.

• After a few years the product was discontinued

• Many complained that it had a lemon lime taste on preconceived notions

• Cola should be brown; ketchup should be red

• Studies indicate that most people make their choices within 90 second of their encounters

with people or products

• When choices were made, 60-90% of the decision making process was based on color


• Fast food restaurants studied have shown that red colors and yellow colors stimulate


• Formal restaurants try to create a different atmosphere by using the color blue and soft

hues resulting in a longer customer stay which increases meal check average

• Identical foods were served in a school cafeteria and then in the school restaurant

• The food served in the restaurant setting was rated higher in sensory appeal

• Color must be considered in decor, lighting, plate and food presentation

• The natural color of food is what we have been trained to accept

How Color Affects 49

• The first to feast really is the eyes!

How Color Affects 50

Appendix G

Slide 1











How Color Affects 51

Slide 2

Color and Food

In the hospitality industry

color plays a major role in

customer satisfaction.












How Color Affects 52

Slide 3

Before we allow food to

pass our lips it must be

pleasing to the eye.












How Color Affects 53

Slide 4

Color effects out taste, our

mood and our inner

comfort level.












How Color Affects 54

Slide 5

The WOW factor!












How Color Affects 55

Slide 6

Chefs attempt to create

food that sends a signal to

the brain that will

stimulate taste.












How Color Affects 56

Slide 7

The International Journal of

Food Science and Technology

states that color effects almost

everything one does in life.












How Color Affects 57

Slide 8

Hotels use the same WOW

factor using elaborate

facades and lobbies

matching beautiful

colors to entice customers.8











How Color Affects 58

Slide 9

Color has been used for

centuries to enhance food


The early Romans and

Egyptians colored wine with

herbs and spices to make it

more appealing.9











How Color Affects 59

Slide 10

Synthetic colors have been

used by the commercial

food industry since the late













How Color Affects 60

Slide 11

Appetites can be influenced

and stimulated by color.

Color may also discourage

eating certain foods and

diminish the desire for eating.












How Color Affects 61

Slide 12

People associate different

foods with different colors.

When this perception changes

it has a detrimental effect on

customer perception of how

food should taste.












How Color Affects 62

Slide 13

How would you react to:

�Blue beef steak or French fries

�White strawberries or avocados

�Green pumpkin or beets

�Red cauliflower or onions

�Green cooked eggs or fish












How Color Affects 63

Slide 14

Many times food color is used

to convince taste buds that

there is an increase in flavor or

difference in taste perception

when none exists.












How Color Affects 64

Slide 15

A study on orange juice was

conducted. Orange juice was

made with 10% mandarin

orange juice giving it a bolder,

richer color.












How Color Affects 65

Slide 16

Orange juice was made with a

higher content of sugar and no

mandarin juice added.












How Color Affects 66

Slide 17

Test groups picked the juice

with mandarin orange stating

it was sweeter and had a bolder taste.












How Color Affects 67

Slide 18

The Pepsi Company, in 1992,

introduced Crystal Pepsi-a clear cola

tasting beverage. After a few years

the product was discontinued.

Customers complained that it had a

lemon lime taste though none of these flavors were part of the













How Color Affects 68

Slide 19

Because of the training the

brain receives during a

lifetime in regards to the

perception of taste and color it

is difficult for the brain to

accept taste on based on

preconceived notions.












How Color Affects 69

Slide 20

So…our brain says…

�Cola should be brown

�Ketchup should be red












How Color Affects 70

Slide 21

Studies indicate that most

people make choices within

90 seconds of their encounters

with people and products.












How Color Affects 71

Slide 22

When choices are made

60-90% of the decision

making process was based

on color alone.












How Color Affects 72

Slide 23

Fast food restaurant

studies have shown that

red colors and yellow colors

stimulate appetites.












How Color Affects 73

Slide 24

Formal restaurants try to

create a different atmosphere

by using the color blue and

soft hues resulting in longer

customer stays, which increase

meal check average.












How Color Affects 74

Slide 25

Environmental surroundings studies indicated that food perception can be influenced by the ambience in which it is served including the temperature, smell and the color of food.












How Color Affects 75

Slide 26

Identical foods were served in a

school cafeteria and then in

the school restaurant. The

food served in the restaurant

setting were rated higher in

sensory appeal.












How Color Affects 76

Slide 27

Color must be considered in

decor, lighting, china, food

presentation and in the

natural color of food that we

have been trained to accept.












How Color Affects 77

Slide 28

The first to feast

really IS

the EYES











How Color Affects 78

Slide 29


Administrator. (2008, May 19). Sensory Guide to Tasting Wine. Message posted to Matters; Web staff (2008). Color and Food Matters. Retrieved July 9, 2009, from, A., & Collins, P. (1999). Colouring our foods in the last and next millennium. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 35(35), 5-22.Food and Drug Administration (2009). FDA color additive requirements. Retrieved July 3, 2009, from and Drug Administration HFI 140, FDA HFI 140 § (1993).Garber, L. L., Jr, Hyatt, E. M., & Starr, R. G., Jr (2001). Placing food color experimentation into a valid customer context.Journal of Food Products Marketing, 7(3), 3-24.Hatfield, H. (1998). The science behind how we taste. Retrieved June 27, 2009, from, J., & Alba, J. W. (2007). Taste perception: More than meets the tongue. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., 33, 490-498.Jahnke, M. (March 19, 2007). The influence of color on taste perception palette vs. palate. Retrieved June 29, 2009, from, B. (December 22, 2008). Science behind mysterious ‘fifth taste’ revealed. Retrieved June 27, 2009, from, D. (1999). The effect of age on taste. Retrieved June 27, 2009, from, G., & Kaminsky, P. (2001). The Elements of Taste (First ed.). Boston, MA: Little, Brown.Magoulas, C. (1996). [Effect of Color on Taste]. Unpublished raw data.National Restaurant Association (2000). Delicious by design: Creating an unforgettable dining experience . Retrieved July 8, 2009, from, J. (n.d.). Sensory evaluation of wines (University of Nova Gorica). Slovenia: University of Nova Gorica-Bachelor’s programme in Viticulture and Enology.

29Magoulas, C. How color affects food choices. 2009.











How Color Affects 79

Slide 30

References cont.Net Industries (2009). Sensory development - Touch, taste and smell, movement sensations, auditory system, visual system, sensory systems in concert - Body position sense. Retrieved June 29, 2009, from Facts. (2006, February). Market trends: Food flavors and ingredient outlook 2006 (Packaged Facts). New York, New York: Don Montuori.Perez-Lopez, A. J., Beltran, F., Serrano-Megias, M., Lopez, D. S., & Carbonell-Barrachina, G. A. (2005, December 1, 2005). Changes in orange juice color by addition of mandarin juice (European Food Research and Technology Vol.222, Numbers 5-6/March 2006, pp 516-520). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Berlin.Ross, C. F., Bohlscheid, J., & Weller, K. (2008). Influence of visual masking technique on the assessment of 2 red wines by trained and consumer assessors. Journal of Food Science, 73, S279-S285.Rozin, P. (2005). The meaning of food in our lives: A cross-cultural perspective on eating and well-being. Society for Nutrition Education, 37, S107-S112.Rung International (n.d.). Synthetic food colors. Retrieved July 1, 2009, from, S. S., & Graham, B. G. (2000). Taste and smell perception affect appetite and immunity in the elderly. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 54(Supplement 3), S54-S63.Singh, S. (2006). Impact of color on marketing. Management Decision, 44, 783-789.Smith, B. H. (2003). The sommelier’s guide to wine. New York: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers.Stroebele, N., & De Castro, J. M. (2004). Effect of ambience on food intake and food choice. Nutrition, 20, (2009). Flavors & Fragrances to 2012 (US Industry forecasts for 2012 & 2017). Retrieved July 3, 2009, from (2000). Foods of the Gods: Part I. Retrieved July 8, 2009, from, M. (1992). History of food (A. Bell, Trans.). (Barnes & Noble , Inc. ed.). New York: Blackwell Publishers. (Original work published )United States Department of Health and Human Services (2004). Food ingredients and colors. Retrieved July 8, 2009, from Food and Drug Administration (1993). Food color facts. Retrieved July 8, 2009, from, V. (2006, May 15). Taste science (Cornell University). New York, New York: Cornell University Division of Nutritional Sciences, The Science Laboratory.Williams, C. (2007). Eating by color for maximum health. San Francisco, California: Oxmoor House.

30Magoulas, C. How color affects food choices. 2009.











How Color Affects 80

Appendix H


1. Few things are as basic to society and culture as

a. power

b. land

c. government

d. food

2. All history is affected by the needs of people. One of the best known models for

explaining individual needs is

a. the Declaration of Independence

b. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

c. the principals set forth in Grecian democracy

d. the development of labor unions

3. The key fundamental contribution to the science of food diet and history was not to come

until the ______ century.

a. 20th

b. 19th

c. 18th

d. 17th

4. Research in biology and chemistry was sparked by the development of the finer quality

glass that was used in the

a. development of better china for dining

b. development of better glass containers to hold beverages and food

c. development of better windows to insulate homes

d. development of more accurate lenses for microscopes

5. ______ was/were the first to influence the quality and quantity of food that fueled the

Industrial Revolution.

a. Shipping

b. Horses

c. Mass transit

d. Railroads

6. Americans who had migrated from rural regions where hunting, fishing, and gathering of

fresh fruit and vegetables was common were crowded together into cities. Consequently

How Color Affects 81

the diet of urban workers became inadequate in many areas especially in_____ and

______, which was nearly nonexistent in city life.

a. beef and pork

b. chicken and fish

c. fruits and vegetables

d. cheese and dairy products

7. The advent of steamships near the end of the 19th century brought large waves of non-

English speaking people into the United States. Italian immigrants brought with


a. pasta

b. pizza

c. fresh tomatoes

d. cheese making

8. The Industrial Revolution also ushered in new technology to the kitchen. The_____ made

the biggest impact for women working in the kitchen.

a. ice box

b. stove

c. canned food

d. recipe books

9. _______ probably did more to change the flavor and the direction of history than any

other invention by bringing with it better health as well as enjoyment to the table.

a. fresh fruits and vegetables

b. fresh meat

c. white flour bread

d. refrigeration

10. The future has accelerated demand for______ and _______ above all other things

pertaining to society.

a. fast foods and microwave food

b. ethnic and exotic foods

c. speed and convenience

d. government and technology

How Color Affects 82

Appendix I

Assessment 2 - Savor the Flavor

1. The anatomy of taste consists of the ______ , ________, and ________ working together

to create the sensory perception of taste.

2. The external elements of taste are ______ , _______, _______ ,________, and


3. The internal elements of taste are ______, _________. ________and _______.

4. Two of the five external senses that work together are________ and_________.

5. Sweet, salty, sour, and bitter constitute the four basic tastes. The fifth taste is


How Color Affects 83

Appendix J


1. Few things are as basic to society and culture as

a. power

b. land

c. government

d. food

2. All history is affected by the needs of people. One of the best known models for

explaining individual needs is

a. the Declaration of Independence

b. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

c. the principals set forth in Grecian democracy

d. the development of labor unions

3. The key fundamental contribution to the science of food diet and history was not to come

until the ______ century.

a. 20th

b. 19th

c. 18th

d. 17th

4. Research in biology and chemistry was sparked by the development of the finer quality

glass that was used in the

a. development of better china for dining

b. development of better glass containers to hold beverages and food

c. development of better windows to insulate homes

d. development of more accurate lenses for microscopes

5. ______ was/were the first to influence the quality and quantity of food that fueled the

Industrial Revolution.

a. Shipping

b. Horses

c. Mass transit

d. Railroads

6. Americans who had migrated from rural regions where hunting, fishing, and gathering of

fresh fruit and vegetables was common were crowded together into cities. Consequently

How Color Affects 84

the diet of urban workers became inadequate in many areas especially in_____ and

______, which was nearly nonexistent in city life.

a. beef and pork

b. chicken and fish

c. fruits and vegetables

d. cheese and dairy products

7. The advent of steamships near the end of the 19th century brought large waves of non-

English speaking people into the United States. Italian immigrants brought with


a. pasta

b. pizza

c. fresh tomatoes

d. cheese making

8. The Industrial Revolution also ushered in new technology to the kitchen. The_____ made

the biggest impact for women working in the kitchen.

a. ice box

b. stove

c. canned food

d. recipe books

9. _______ probably did more to change the flavor and the direction of history than any

other invention by bringing with it better health as well as enjoyment to the table.

a. fresh fruits and vegetables

b. fresh meat

c. white flour bread

d. refrigeration

10. The future has accelerated demand for______ and _______ above all other things

pertaining to society.

a. fast foods and microwave food

b. ethnic and exotic foods

c. speed and convenience

d. government and technology

How Color Affects 85

Appendix K

Assessment 2 Answer Guide - Savor the Flavor

1. The anatomy of taste consists of the tongue, nose and brain working together to create

the sensory perception of taste.

2. The external elements of taste are sight, sound, smell, touch and taste.

3. The internal elements of taste are hunger, thirst, balance, and pain.

4. Two of the five external senses that work together are taste and smell.

Sweet, salty, sour, and bitter constitute the four basic tastes. The fifth taste is called


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