Hope for the children March 2015 - Anah Shriners2015/03/03  · Hope for the children Monthly...


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March 2015Hope for the children

monthly messengerOf

Anah ShrinersBangor, Maine

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Hope for the children

Monthly Messenger of Anah ShrinersChartered June 15, 1922

A Chapter of Shriners International586 Main Street, Bangor Maine 04401

Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1994Website: www.Anahshriners.com - Shrine email: anahshriners@gmail.com

Volume 94 • Number 3 • March 2015Rich Armstrong-Editor - rich@snowprint.com.

Janice Young-Advertising Manager - janice@anahshriners.comAll Anahgram Articles to be sent to - anahgram@anahshriners.com by the 10th of the Month

YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILDIf you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoringa child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below.ORTHOPEDIC: Robert Pullen, 157 Stetson Road East, Levant, ME 04456, Tel: 884-7102

BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916

Pictured on the cover: Front (left to right) Roger Grindle, Glendon Sprague, Tommy Frost, Bruce Clarke; Back Row (left to right) Tim Frost, Shawn Grindle, David Thomas, Potentate Jesse Thomas, Chad Thomas, Michael Nickerson, Joshua Frost, Travis Frost

He has sung for both Céline Dion and the Pope. He has recorded two albums and co-authored a book. He was born deaf. Jérémy Gabriel, of Quebec City, Canada, was born prematurely with severe facial malformations and other complications, requiring intensive care. He was diagnosed at 6 months with Treacher Collins syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects one in 10,000 babies. It is characterized by head,

Jérémy’s story skull and facial deformities. In addition, children with this condition generally have absent or malformed ears, which can cause hearing loss, as it did for Jérémy. For the first five years of his life, he battled recurring ear infections caused by his hearing aids and because of the malformation of his ears, he could barely hear and had difficulty learning to speak. Jérémy was referred to Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada at the age of 5. There, the family met Lucie Lessard, M.D.,

a maxillofacial specialist and a plastic and craniofacial surgeon. On meeting her, the family was immediately reassured and knew Jérémy would be helped. Jérémy proved to be a great candidate for the BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) implant, and he received his in June 2003. After the surgery, Jérémy walked around the hospital to determine what he could now hear. He was fascinated with sound. He had never sung before, but now at the age of 6, he could sing. At his school for the deaf, Jérémy’s music teacher noticed that he had perfect pitch. She began to teach him more challenging songs, which he learned with natural ability. Now in a high school specializing in performing arts, Jérémy is taking speech and voice lessons in addition to his very intense high school curriculum. He is an excellent student and is preparing for a career in the music business.

“If I had never been to the Shriners Hospital, I would have never met

Dr. Lessard and I would have never had the

opportunity to hear or speak more clearly. My

life would be very different.”

2 The Anahgram

Sunshine Craft Fair

$25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $300

$25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $100

$25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $100

$25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $100

$25 $25 $25

MARCH 20151 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31

Ash Wednesday

Daylight Savings Begins

St. Patrick’s Day

Mid-Winter Kora Mid-Winter Kora Mid-Winter Kora

Mid-Winter Kora

Pink Party

Potentate’s Trip Potentate’s Trip Potentate’s Trip Potentate’s Trip Potentate’s Trip

Divan Meeting

Potentate’s Trip Potentate’s Trip

Potentate’s Trip

Funsters Meeting

Keystone Kops Meeting

WCSC Meeting

Go-Karts Meeting

Second Section MeetingKeystone Kops bus trip

to Shrine Hospital Boston

Clowns Meeting


Clown Casino NightLobster Boats Meeting Bangor-Brewer SC


Mini Bikes MeetingKlownFest

Band MeetingFunsters Meeting

Tri County Meeting

Waldo County Board of Directors Meeting

Waldo County Shrine Club Stated Meeting

Chanters MeetingConvertibles Meeting

Keystone Kops Meeting

Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Editor

Notice all the $

amounts on the

calendars? This is what

you could be winning if

you buy a Cash


Sunshine Craft Fair

$25 $25 $25 $300

$25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $100

$25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $100

$25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $100

$25 $25 $25 $25 $25

APRIL 2015 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 Arbor Day

Good Friday

Easter Sunday

Washington CountyVisitation

Divan Meeting

Sunshine Club Meeting

Keystone Kops Meeting

Tri-County Meeting Bangor-Brewer SC Meeting

Clown Meeting

Installation of Betty Trimm, Queen

Ralph J. Pollard Lodge

Convertibles Super Supper

Band Meeting

Daughters of the Nile Meeting

Daughters of the Nile Session

Office Closed for Patriots Day


March 2015 3

Jesse ThomasPotentate

Greetings All, it’s March already, the time is flying by. Does everyone have enough snow yet? I have plenty of extra if you are interested, all you need to do is come haul it away, it’s free. Hopefully by the time you are reading this message Lady Brenda and I will be on a cruise ship with a hundred plus of our Shrine friends and family shoveling sunshine, not snow, I’ll fill you in next month on the trip. Lady Brenda and I have been very busy since the last report, We’ve been to Shriners Hospital for Children-Springfield for their after holiday party and recently was at Aleppo Shriners for a visit and had a luncheon and tour of Shriners Hospital for Children - Boston. I highly recommend any Noble and ladies to visit our hospitals, this will pump you up and make you proud to wear your Fez and realize why we do what we do, ti’s all about helping kids. If you know in advance that you’re going to be in the area of our hospitals contact Bob Turner or Dean Hoke, our reps for Boston or Bob Pullen and myself, reps for Springfield, and we’ll set you up with a tour, you’ll never regret it. Don’t forget the Pinky Party on March 28th, it’s a casual evening of fun for all, bring your friends as your guest, it’s not just for Shriners, and don’t forget to wear something pink! The Aides will be serving

WORLD OF FLAGS USA27 Albert Street • Milo, ME 04463

Route 15 • Charleston/Corinth 04422

Full Line of Flags & Decorative FlagsHome & Fax: 207-943-5299 • Office: 207-943-2699

Corinth Location: 207-285-3631Flagusa@myfairpoint.net

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” –Douglas Adams

up refreshments throughout the evening including some pink specialty drinks, plus a cookout type of meal, burgers and dogs, and we’ll be dancing to The Retro Rockerz until 11:00 PM., hope to see a big crowd. Remember, ‘We never have so much fun... Doing so much good’

Yours in Faith,

Jesse Thomas, Potentate


DESK”Larry L. HersomRecorder, P.P.

It is a balmy 5 degrees as I sit and write this article with light snow falling. It seems like it has been snowing for months. It can’t get any better than this! (For our Florida friends). We are readying ourselves for another stellar Shrine Circus. It will be a great show this year as Circus Unlimited will be the producer of the show with lions, camels, rides for the kids, etc., so get behind Dir. Denny Hill and Asst. Dir. Steve Mosley and the rest of our circus committee to make this one of the best ever. Nobility tickets should be going out shortly, if not already, so please support this temple function by becoming a “Circus Daddy” or purchasing your tickets for family and friends.This month your Divan along with our chief Aide, Gordon Smith and Housing Director, Yogi Seymour will be attending the Northeast Shrine Association planning session in Lewiston to make plans for the Northeast Field Days Sept. 17,18 and 19, 2015. Start making your arrangements now to attend. Being close by, we hope and expect all of our units will plan to participate. Kora has a lot of exciting things planned. Also this month is our Potentate’s Pink Party, March 28 at the temple. Get your pink apparel out, purchase your tickets, and get ready to support our Potentate Jesse and his lady Brenda in this fun filled evening

ushering in much needed sunshine and spring. It’s not that far away, we hope! I am pleased to announce I have been selected by our Imperial Potentate, Dale W. Stauss and Past Imperial Potentate Gary Dunwoody, Chairman of Donor Relations, as one of thirteen coordinators for Donor Relations through Shriners International. I will be responsible for the Northeast Region of the country. That is all for now, stay warm, enjoy the snow, as spring will be here before we know it. Let’s go Pink!

Tri County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 21st of January. President Costain was very pleased with the turnout of 24 Nobles. Usually in January, we have either snow or freezing rain or high winds. Great weather this year. After the Libation Hour, meeting was called to order by President Costain. Invocation was given by Tri County Chaplain, Noble Donald “BoBo” Young. Flag Salute was led by President Costain. The Nobles enjoyed an excellent meal of Roast Turkey and all the fixings. Tri County Officers were introduced VP Arthur “COOTAH” Watson, Treasurer Marty Taylor and Secretary David Mosley. A Moment of Remembrance was given for Noble Theron Ted Perkins. Noble Ted was a long time member of Anah Shrine, The Keystone Kops and Tri County Shrine Club. You will be missed by all. Unit Head in attendance was Dick Dunham of the Convertibles. Representing Bangor/Brewer Shrine Club was President Dan Taylor and Vice President Sped Seymour. Aid Emeritous was Don Mitchell. Newly appointed Chief Director Dan Costain was also introduced. Noble Arthur Watson won the 50-50 raffle. Treasurers and Secretarys Reports were read and accepted. For guests visiting that night, we had Ezra Farley and John Bishop. The Kitchen Crew was brought out and received a well deserved thank you. No further business, meeting was closed by President Costain. NOBLES, IT’S A FACT OF LIFE, NONE OF US LIVE FOREVER. WE NEED TO ALWAYS WORK TO REPLENISH OUR MEMBERSHIP IN THE SHRINE AND BLUE LODGES. WE KNOW NOT WHEN THE SUPREME ARCHITECT WILL CALL UPON US, SO ALWAYS WORK ON MEMBERSHIP.

4 The Anahgram

THE ANAHGRAMMonthly Messenger of Anah Shriners

Bangor, MaineOffice of PublicationBangor, Maine 04401

Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994Email: anahshriners@gmail.com Website: http://www.Anahshriners.com

Available by subscription $12.00 per year.

EDITORRich Armstrong



janice@anahshriners.com586 Main Street

Bangor, Maine 04401Tel: 942-2254


lwday@outlook.comOld Town, ME 207-745-5351


1036 Ayers Jct. RoadCharlotte ME 04666Home Tel: 454-3514

THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly. Deadline is the 10th of the month preceding

publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue.

THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication.


Illustrious Potentate Richard P. HallettChief Rabban Donald “Jesse” Thomas Assistant Rabban Robert L. TurnerHigh Priest & Prophet Stephen A. TrimmOriental Guide Brad Prout Treasurer. Julian S. White, Jr.Recorder Larry L. Hersom, P.PPLEDGEI pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

TABLE OF CONTENTSAcademicians ....................................... 7 Aides........................................................Aroostook Shrine Club.............................Athletic .....................................................Band ........................................................Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club ................ 10Boosters ................................................ 6Calendar ................................................ 2Chanters ..................................................Circus ......................................................Clowns (Bangor) .................................... 9 Convertibles......................................... 11Daughters of the Nile ........................... 17Directors Staff ...................................... 10Editor .......................................................Facts & Figures ................................... 20Feztival of Trees .................................. 17Flag Unit .............................................. 17Funsters .............................................. 12Go-Karts ..................................................Hancock County Shrine Club ................ 8 Highlanders .............................................Hospital News (Boston) ...........................Hospital News (Springfield) .....................Indy Cars .................................................Kampers Club ...................................... 20Kanteen Corps.........................................Keystone Kops ...................................... 4Klowns (Aroostook) .................................Lobster Boat Unit ................................... 5Membership Committee ..........................Mini-Bike Unit ..........................................Mini-Car Unit ........................................ 10Mystery Person...................................... 7NASCAR Unit ..........................................Northern Penobscot Shrine Club .............Obituaries ............................................ 27Oriental Band...........................................Past Masters Unit ................................ 11Patrol .......................................................Photo Unit ................................................Potentate ............................................... 3Provost Guard ......................................17Public Relations .......................................Recorder ................................................ 3Schoodic Shrine Club ..............................Second Section ................................... 19Sunshine Club ..................................... 16Tri-County Shrine Club .......................... 3Waldo County Shrine Club .................. 12 Washington County Shrine Club ........... 7Wheelers ............................................. 174x4’s .................................................... 10

207.942.1234570 Main St, Bangor ME 04401


Corinna Me 04928Telephone 631-5100

Used VehiclesLee & Peggy Kaufman

“When a noble life has prepared old age, it is not decline that it reveals, but the first days of immortality.”- - Murial Spark

“No man stands so tall as when he stoops to

help a child.”– Abraham Lincoln

Noble Fred Beylerian Reporter

The month of March is here with the winds that bring April showers. Hopefully there will be rain showers and not snow showers along with much warmer temperatures. There are three things to like about the third month of the new year and the first month of Spring; daylight savings time, more hours of daylight and Saint Patrick’s Day. Happy Birthday wishes the for month of March go to Noble Steve Trimm and Ladies Lynn Stanhope and Patti Reid. Keystone Kop Lloyd and Lady Katherine Hopkins are celebrating their wedding anniversary. Congratulations to all and may you have many more. Now to the trivia. Last month’s question was: What was the name of the first cold breakfast cereal? Answer: Granula. It’s bran nuggets were so heavy they needed to be soaked overnight to be chewable. That was in 1863. This month’s question is: Who invented the first mechanical excavator? As the Inspector approached the professor’s office he noticed three men in the elevator, at the other end of the hall, just as the doors closed. As the Inspector was about the knock on the door he heard the professor say, “come in Mason.” “You no doubt noticed the three men in the elevator. Well I just sent them on their way. I have held several sessions with them and through a form of psychotherapy called psychodrama I now know they are the scamps you are looking for.” “What is psychodrama?” asked the Inspector. “It is a form of therapy in which patients act out events of their past. What this boils down to is that they are wannabes. They have, in the past, wanted to become Keystone Kops and were blackballed. So, they retaliated by bad mouthing the unit. They are now under my care and the besmirching should stop. Inspector Mason, I believe we call this case is closed.” Thank you, Professor. The time has come to close the “Blotter” for this month and to remember “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS”.

March 2015 5

Also buying Timberland 10 – 10,000 Acres

Continued on page 7

“Of all the sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, “It might have been.” – John Greenleaf Whittier

The Unit is still in recess for another month or two. The boats are still all undercover at Runtz’s Boatyard waiting for spring maintenance. Captain Carroll Chandler and your fearless reporter ventured to the January Ceremonial where we had a chance to talk to a few of the new candidates. Hopefully, we picked one up. Will try to get him to the next meeting. Congratulations to outgoing Potentate Dick Hallett and incoming Potentate Jesse Thomas. Your fearless reporter got caught in Machias one day by Noble Troy Huffman. I told him I was out trying to scrounge up some news. He said Noble Bill Sinford had a bad bout with the flu. Hope he is doing fine. Noble Runtz; is there any snow in Jonesport? Do you think you’ll ever see your pond? What we need is some sunshine to melt all that snow. Hope everyone remembered their ladies on Valentine’s Day. At the rate we are going, we will have enough snow for Christmas in July. Remember, the Unit is still looking for new members that want to have fun operating fishing boats. A special Happy Birthday to my Lady, Faye Geel. Guess I’d better get busy and get her a card and take her out to supper. Other birthday celebrators are Lynn Huffman, Betty Fernald, and Divan Rep Brad Prout. March was not a good wedding month..no anniversaries! Oops! Gotta go..the phone is ringing; must be Runtz calling to tell me we are going get twelve inches or a foot of snow and that we probably won’t see any sunshine until spring.

Bill Geel, Reporter

6 The Anahgram

BOOSTER RATESOne line (single name) $10 for 1 yearOne line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year

If you would like your name and your Lady’s I: seperate lines it is $10 for each name or a total

of $20 for one year.

I want to be an ANAHGRAM BOOSTER The cost is $10.00 per line per year we will make you a new listing or renew your present one.ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS • 586 Main Street, Bangor, Maine 04401 • Please enclose Check payable to; Anahgram Boosters.Name as you want it to appear___________________________________________________

Please let us know if your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect to;janice@anahshriners.com or call; 207-942-2254.

Aberdeen Stove and Chimney Supply Company 04/16

Anah Flag Unit 02/16Anah Kampers Club 07/15Todd & Sandy Alley 08/16Richard Anderson 12/16

Ed Armstrong 05/16W. Robert Averill 06/14

IMO C. Alton Bagley 05/15IMO Dick Bagley, P.P. 05/15IMO Darrell H. Kates 02/15IMO Clifton Barker 06/15

Melrose and Betty Beal 04/15IMO Clayton Bearce-Northern Penobscot Shrine

Club 03/16Bob Beattie 04/15

IMO Albert “Bucky” Bishop 07/19Phil and Sue Black 04/16IMO Willis N. Blake 02/16

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and Mary Blowers 05/15Blinn and Joan Boone 05/15IMO John R. Bradford 01/15

Ms. Anna Bradford 01/15IMO Merle S. Bradford 01/15

Philip Brady Jr. 10/15Tom Breitweg 08/14

Fred and Jennifer Brown 01/16Dave Bryant 01/15

Blair & Judy Bubar 02/16Galen Call 08/15

IMO Ray Campbell 06/15Dick and Kim Carlow 03/18

Charlie and Shirley Caron 03/15Sam and Agnes Carr 12/16

IMO Ernest Chamberlain 09/14Michael A.Clark 02/16

Bruce and Trudy Clarke 05/15IMO Fredrick E.Clarke Jr. 09/15

IMO Helen F. Cleaves 02/16Melvin K. Cleaves 02/16

Arthur Cone 03/15IMO Janet G.Conti 12/15John W. Conti, P.P. 12/15

Dan and Lanci Costain 09/16Sonny Crocker 03/16

Dana and Jan Crockett 07/15Ken and Janice Crump 04/16

Wayne and Tanya Darling 07/15Lloyd Day 12/14

Larry Doughty 05/15Mark Doughty 05/15

Bryant and Joan Dutch 02/16IMO Dryden C. Dutch, P.P. 08/14

Tim and Jean Dutch 08/14IMO Robin Moone Edes 10/15

IMO Orville Edes 10/15John Edes 10/15

Robert Emerson 09/15IMO Paul H. Farrington 06/16

Betty and John Fernald Jr. 12/16Thomas and Carroll Fernald 08/19

IMO Lewis Fenlason 07/15IMO Wally Fenlason 07/15

Wes and Bonnie Ford 09/14Pete and Carol Jean Forrest 11/14

IMO Irvin L. Foster 06/15IMO Richard “Gene” Frost 06/15

Clinton and Sandra Fulton 03/15George and Mary Beth Gaddis 05/15

IMO William Gardner 06/15Paul and Diana Giles 04/15

Goody and Roz Gilman 10/18IMO Carroll I. & Gerry Goodwin, Jr 06/15

IMO Harry Gordon 01/19Don and Gail Gordon 06/15

IMO Ralph Goss 06/15Andy and Rose Gove 10/15

Keith L. Gove 12/15Ron and Carole Green 09/16

W. Louis and Judith Greenier II 09/16

Roger and Julie Grindle 07/15Charles C. W. Hackney 10/16

IMO Jim Halkett 12/15Dick and Carolyn Hallett 06/15

David and Kesley Halm, Jr. 06/15Gene and Pamela Hamm 08/14

Ed and Bonnie Hamm 08/15IMO Edlbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 08/14Ken and Donna Hanscom, Jr. 09/15

IMO Charles E. Harmon 09/15IMO Tom Harper 10/16

Obed and Faith Hart 01/15Jerry and Lorraine Harvey 08/14

IMO Mike Haskell 08/15IMO Norman”Hoopy Scoopy” Hatch 09/15

Chester I. Hawkins 01/15Richard P. Hawkins 09/15

Scott and Kelley Hawthorne 06/15IMO Elvin Heath 09/15Howard Heath 09/15

IMO Robert Heath 07/15Sheldon and Sandy Heath 04/16

Al and Marianne Henriksen 10/16Larry and Libby Hersom 09/15

Don Higgins 10/15Ralph and Maggie Hill 07/16

Buzz Holmes 03/15Dean and Kathy Hoke 09/15

IMO Richard Holt 03/17IMO Lewis M. Huntley 03/16

Jerry and Lois Hutchinson 09/16Darin Ingersoll & Jess 09/15

Smokey and Donna Ireland 09/14IMO Roy K. Jack 04/15

IMO Pearl Hazen Jipson-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 03/16

Rich and Cindy Johnson 07/16C. Ray and Loretta Jones 08/14

IMO Harland Jordan 06/15F. Lee and Peggy Kaufman 10/15

Alton and Ellen Kenney 05/15Robert and Rae Jean Knowles 04/19

Stan and Mary Knox 05/15IMO Ernest “Bud” Larson 02/16

Charles and Selma Larson 09/15Larry and Gail Larson 08/15IMO Frank Leighton 11/15

Skip Lenfest, Jr. 08/14Skip Lenfest, Sr. 08/14

Jon and Tavia Lessor 09/14Bob and Perlene Libby 02/16

Mike and Bonnie London 02/15Lee F. Lowery 09/14

IMO Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Lunt, Sr. P.P. 09/15IMO Donald Lyons, Sr. 06/15

Roy Martin 10/14IMO G. Urial Martin 07/15

Don and Bert Maxim, P.P. 04/15Doulgas A. and Donna McCafferty 08/15Doulgas K and Candee McCafferty 08/15

Imo Edward Sr. and Evelyn McCafferty 08/15IMO Terral A. McCafferty 08/15

IMO G. Ronald McCluskey 02/15Welman and Natalie McFarland 01/16

Allan and Lorraine McGown 06/16Ed and Nancy McGraw 08/14

Winston and Francis McKay 10/15IMO Tom “Pig Farmer” McKinney 12/15

IMO Carroll McLaughlin 11/15Jim and Mae Merrithew 10/15Dick and Joan Meserve 09/15

John and Suzi Miller 03/16Gordon and Margaret Moreside 10/14

Steve Mosley 10/14Norm and Barb Mylen 10/15

IMO Jay Nadeau 06/15Dick and Betty Nevers 05/15

Harold and Connie Newman 10/16

IMO Ray Newman, Jr. 06/15Larry and Teresa Nichols 07/15

IMO Eugene O’Brien-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 03/16

Matt “Ty-Dy” Oakes 08/15David O’Donnell 09/14

Warren and Velma Orcutt 10/16Bob”Boomer” and Julianna Palmer 07/15

Herman and Kate Peabody 07/15Jim and Linda Parent 06/15

Esther and Ed Pellon, P.P. 04/15Rod and Joyce Pinkham 10/15

Don and Linda Potter 05/15IMO Jim Potter 05/15

Circus Spotlight Crew - P.I. Circus 05/15IMO James M. Prout 03/16Bob & Doreen Pullen 08/15IMO Bob Pushard, Sr. 08/15

Martin E. Ray 02/16P.P. Clyde V. Reynolds & Linda 02/16

Al and Charity Richards 05/15Chuck and Sally Ridlon 02/15

IMO Keith B. Roberts 09/15IMO Sumner Rogers 04/15Dick and Diane Ross 06/15

Larry and Donna Rowell 11/17Earl Sanda 06/15

Heath and Karen Savage 10/14Spike Savage 10/14

IMO Clifton R. Scoville 06/14Todd C. Scoville 06/14

Marty and Joan Shaw 10/15IMO John Simpson 06/15

IMO Ken Smith 04/15Lester and Gail Smith 09/14Roger and Pat Smith 12/15

Ed and Gayle Sprague 04/15Roger and Jan Stairs 05/14

Yogi and Doris Seymour 10/15Ken and Tina Stewart 12/18

IMO Ray B. Steeves 06/15IMO Robert “Bob” Strout 06/15Elliott and Joyce Tarbell 06/15

Daniel L. Tarr 06/15IMO Betty Tarr 06/15

IMO Thomas Tash 06/15Dan and Bonnie Taylor 10/15

IMO Alexander R. Theodore 06/15Jesse and Brenda Thomas 09/16Paul and Joyce Thornton 04/15

Ronald Thrornton 12/15Tim & Ann Thornton 12/15

Inez and Reginald Toothaker 04/15IMO John Tracy 06/14

Alden and Pam Tracy 06/16Al and Pat Trask 02/15

Betty and Steve Trimm 04/16IMO Carroll Trimm 04/15

Troy”Pop-Fizz”,Randi,Nicco & Zayden 08/15Robert and Bonnie Turner 08/17

Brenda Vanchieri 12/15Hank and Gloria Waldron 08/14

George Weatherbee 06/15Dave and Leni Weaver 03/15Burt and Jackie Weed 05/15

Jim and Dottie Wentworth 09/14Buddy and Caryll Wheeler 09/14

IMO Frank Whirty 02/19Julian and Janice White 06/15

Bob Whited 01/15Paul and Phyllis Wilbur 07/15

Llord and Jay Willey 07/16Bob and Norma Winglass 08/20Don and Felicia Wiswell 09/15Don and Caroyln Wright 09/16

Bob and Claire Young 09/18Donald “Bo-Bo” and Janice Young 06/15Duane “Div-it” and Karen Young 08/16


“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” -Henry Ford

March 2015 7

Who is it ???

Last month’s subject was Raymond Spaulding. Sonny Crocker guessed this. If you know this month’s person, or think you do, call Recorder P. P. Larry Hersom at 942.2254 or e-mail the Editor at anahgram@anahshriners.com. The first one to identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of pictures is low so if you have someone you would like to feature send it to the Editor by e-mail or drop it at the Recorder’s office. This feature can only continue with your help!!

Continued on page 8“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”- Winston S. Churchill

Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter Hello Fellow Academicians and Ladies ! It is dues time. A number of members have not yet paid their 2015 dues. Please send checks for ten dollars payable to Anah Academicians to Anah Academicians C/O Ron Bilancia 59 Allison Pk. Brewer, ME 04412 ASAP. Responding to this notice prevents having to send out bills. This saves us significant costs in paper, envelopes, and especially postage. It adds up fast, and that is money we can instead send to the Shrine Hospitals for Children. Much appreciated. The next meeting is the last Wed. of this month, March 25th, at 6:30pm at Anglers Restaurant in Hampden. Come one come all. The January meeting at Anglers was very good with a good crowd in attendance. Officers for the year are as follows: Director: Jon Swallow; President: Micah Swallow; VP: Clint Richardson; Sec./Tres.: Yours Truly; Master of Ritual: Yours Truly; Master of Make-Up: Donnie Copeland; Master of Technicians: Ron Cook; Master of Properties: Bud Young. Thanks to everyone who has worked hard to help Anah Shriners and our unit with raffle ticket and calendar sales recently and over the years. Special thanks to Donnie Copeland, Clint Richardson, and Barry Woodward who really work these programs hard and sell a lot of them. Our unit was awarded several hundreds dollars in 2014 for the proceeds from these efforts. Steve Mosley reports that he thinks it was a very nice January Ceremonial and the whole day went well. He reminds us that we are gearing up for Circus and will need as many members as possible to chip in when the time comes. He has also been spending a lot of free time moving snow around. Donnie Copeland says he’s been busy with snow too and trying to keep himself dug out of it. J

Yes, thanks to everyone for another good Ceremonial in January. We all pulled together once again and did well. Another good time was had by all. We hope everyone who ice fishes, skis, and snowmobiles has had good luck and great fun this winter. Have a great March everyone. And remember, never hesitate to contact me at 989-2617 or at rbilancia@roadrunner.com with any questions, concerns, news, jokes, gossip, nonsense, or just plain outright lies that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. J PS: If the Patriots’ Super Bowl win tells us anything, it is that nothing is ever over until it is over. Never give up! (Wow. Gotta say, that was one for the books. :-)

Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter The January Ceremonial is now in the past and congratulations go to Dean Hoke who was appointed to Outer Guard during the Ceremonial. We also wish 2015 Potentate Jesse Thomas and Lady Brenda a successful and rewarding year. The Washington County Shrine Club 2015 dues notices have been sent out and you should have received a dues notice in the mail if you are not life member or already paid your dues for this year. Nobles are encouraged to by a life membership as it is much cheaper for them and you won’t be getting a dues notice yearly. We are also updating our files for addresses, phone numbers, birthdays and anniversaries of WCSC Nobles. It is an added expense to the club if the information is not correct and has to be resent. So remember to send this information back to the club secretary Warren Orcutt. We are still sending prayers along to Sandi and Robert Look. Sandi is going through another round of chemo and is waiting to hear when she can have her procedure done in Boston. We missed them both at the January Ceremonial, as well as WCSC meetings, and hope that they

8 The AnahgramContinued from page 7

“It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

are able to join us at the June Ceremonial in Ellsworth. Mike Bailey is still having back issues and went back for an MRI to see if they can determine what is going on. Best wishes Mike. By the time you read this article, one quarter of 2015 will be gone and we all will be looking forward to warmer weather returning. Boy, this has turned out to be quite the winter for all living in down east Maine. The snow banks are getting taller by the day it seems. The bitter cold and snowy or icy road or walking conditions have been daunting at times and I hope that no one has taken any falls. Be safe out there on the roads as it is hard to see past all the snow banks when coming out into traffic. They say the groundhog saw his shadow so we know what that means……6 more weeks of winter! By the time you read this article, hopefully the weather pattern has changed and we are having a little warmer weather. It’s time to see green grass and get into the garden again, not to mention going to the lake and doing other types of outside enjoyment. The Potentate’s Reception and Caribbean Cruise is now done and the word is out that everyone attending had a wonderful time. March is a great time to get away to a warmer climate, especially with the Shrine family. Shriners know how to have a good time! Our February meeting was held on the 5th at Bluebird Restaurant in Machias. This is our annual Valentines Day Ladies Night where each lady was presented a rose from Noble Mike Bailey. This came along with a big grin and a kiss from Mike. The fuel raffle winner was also drawn at the February meeting and Gayle Sprague from Machias was the winner. A camel shaped bottle full of liquor is being raffled off at the August Bob Smith Annual Picnic. WCSC members will be selling tickets from now until August. Those attending the February meeting were: Past Potentate Ed Pellon; Brad Prout, High Priest & Prophet; David Weaver, Director Staff; Walter Merritt, Aide; Joe McDonald, Mini Cars and WCSC President; Troy Huffman, Lobster Boats; BJ Cherry, Ambassador; Greeters: Warren Orcutt, Mike Bailey, and Todd Alley; Gayle Sprague, and Bill Sternberg, as well as their Anah Ladies. The next big event for Shriners is their Annual Shrine Circus which will be held in Bangor on May 1-3 and in Presque Isle on May 8-10. Plans are underway to hold the Carnival again in 2015 in Machias so be watching for information in a later issue of the Anahgram. It was wonderful to hear how successful the Feztival of Trees was in 2014 and we look forward to participating again in 2015. The 2015 Cash Calendar winners are being

drawn daily and we hope to see that some of our Washington County Shrine Club Members names are listed amongst the winners. There was an oversight on the WCSC 2015 Calendar and the Bob Smith Annual Picnic was omitted. The event will be held on August 16th at Kelley Point in Jonesport, as in the past. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. Happy Birthday wishes for March go out to Past Potentate Ed Pellon, Teresa Nichols, Faye Geel, Richard Farnsworth Sr., Richard Farnsworth Jr., Lendal Espling, Betty Fernald, Brad Prout, Shannon Prout, Dick Gardner, Walter Kennedy, Brenda Thomas, Todd Alley, Lynn Huffman, Libby Hersom, Robert Turner, Mike Grant, Lyle Guptill, Glenn Johnson, Donald Joy, Carlton Leighton, Richard Meserve, and Barbara Gibson. Anniversary wishes go to Bill & Debra Sternbergh, Mike & Lisa Grant, and Adelbert and Cindy Pinkham. I hope that each of you enjoyed your special day. Get your new candidates lined up for the June Ceremonial, to be held in Ellsworth from June 18th-21st June will be here before we know it.

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The last meeting was held at Pat’s Pizza on February 3rd with 27 members present. Old and new business was discussed. There will be a Ladies Night held in April, time and place to be announced. Vice President Steve Mosley read the introduction of guests and believe it or not, our future Potentate showed up. At this time, we would like to congratulate Jesse Thomas on his new appointment. Glen won the raffle for the evening. I hope he rushed home and told his wife about his new found wealth. The meeting adjourned at 7:05. Next meeting will be at Pat’s Pizza on March 3rd. Noble Bruce Clark – how’s everything in sunny Florida? Would you like to buy a snow shovel? The gun raffle is well under way; the first winner will be announced March 1st. Now for the news. Noble Gary Tyler received his 50-year Scottish Rite pin. Noble Bill Clark is retired after 34 years as Hancock County Sheriff. Noble Jimmy Nolan is getting a bionic knee. Noble Tom Fernald is getting into the wrecker business. Seems like he keeps getting his Chevy truck stuck. Has anyone heard from Past Potentate Geddes Simpson and

March 2015 9

Continued on page 10

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his Lady, Carole (with an e)? Have they really gone to California again? Lady Joyce Pinkham feeds the birds every day. The black crows now follow their van from their house to the post office and back to their house. Those celebrating birthdays are Faye Geel, Brad Prout, Frances Lowell, Brenda Thomas, Regina McHenan, Dick Leeman, Betty Fernald, Bud Prouty Jr., Lois Clark, Steve Trimm, Dennis Mallory, Aaron Grindle, Donald Bowden, and Jessica Bickford. Honeymooners are Edwin and Faith Colburn, Brian and Becky Lane, and Clint and Carrie Richardson. Whoops! Time to go..looks like it’s snowing out. At the rate we’re going we will have Christmas in July! Wonder if I should buy my wife a snow shovel for her birthday? She’s thinking about going to Mexico again.

Noble Martin “Fou”

Perfit,Clown Unit


2015 activities started on Saturday, January 6 with our monthly Home Depot Children’s Workshop appearance. One hundred thirteen children were regaled, amused and entertained by two loyal, committed and otherwise faithful clowns in the persons of Fou (Martin Perfit) and Div-It (Duane Young). Fou (Martin Perfit) distinguished himself by becoming the first Anah Shrine Clown to break a balloon in 2015! Ten of our clowns, buffoons, jesters and/or fools made their way to Plymouth, Massachusetts to attend the Northeast Clown Institute. This three day event saw the following Anah Shrine Clowns turn out to take more than our fair share or awards: Fou (Martin Perfit), Iggy (Andrew Matlins), Dumpster (Dennis Dyer), Pooch (Patrick Kelly), Tin Cup (Tom Boone), Sweet P (Kevin Kirkbride), Patches (Shawn Mott), Dim Wit (Scott Kennard), Petals (Steve Watson), and Pop Fizz (Troy Devoe). Fou (Martin Perfit) was awarded Craftsman Clown status while Patches (Shawn Mott) and Sweet P (Kevin Kirkbride) were awarded Master Clown status. Pop Fizz (Troy Devoe) won first place in Character Clown competition as well as first place in Multiple Balloon competition. Pooch (Patrick Kelly) and Dumpster (Dennis Dyer) won second & third place respectively in Tramp/Hobo competition. Dim Wit (Scott Kennard) placed fourth in Auguste competition. Patches (Shawn Mott) took third place

10 The AnahgramContinued from page 9

Noble Fred Brown, Reporter

“A wise man is superior to any insults which can be put upon him, and the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation.” – Moliere

Hello, winter! Unless there’s been a dramatic shift in the weather pattern, we’re all likely looking at several feet of snow in our yards. Hopefully you own and love your snowmobile, skis, or tip-ups. Otherwise, it’s already been a long winter for you. At least the Patriots won the Super Bowl. If you don’t believe me, just ask our Potentate and Pat’s Super Fan, Jesse Thomas. The Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club held a meeting on January 15th at the Shrine hall. Visiting dignitaries included: Sonny Crocker (Past Potentate); Larry Hersom (Recorder and Past Potentate); Al Gibson (Past Potentate); Jesse Thomas (Potentate); Steve Trimm (Assistant Chief Rabban); Don Gordon (2nd Ceremonial Master); and Dan Costain (Chief of the Directors’ Staff). LARGE portions of smothered beef were served and all seemed satisfied. Unofficially, our soon-to-be-installed Potentate served as our guest speaker. He gave us a preview of events for the upcoming Winter Ceremonial and Anah’s busy 2015 schedule. It sounds like it’ll be another fun year for the Nobles of Anah. Denny Smith scored the 50/50 win. I’d like to ask any current BBSC members to please e-mail to me their current mailing address and phone information if you’ve not been receiving our semi-annual meeting notice postcards or monthly calling post messages. You can reach me at specpondfred@outlook.com. Congratulations to all of the new Nobles of Anah. Jump right in and get involved – you’ll be glad you did. Also, congratulations to Dean Hoke, Anah’s recently installed Outer Guard, and all of the other members of the elected and appointed Divan.


Directors StaffNoble Dave Weaver - Reporter

I’m going to try one last time to get my article published. The last 3 have been lost in cyber space, I guess. All I know is I waste my time preparing an article and it doesn’t get published. That’s very discouraging. Now for a little recap on our January ceremonial. Our newly elected Potentate Donald Jesse Thomas made the following appoints: Our new Outer Guard is the Directors old Chief Deane Hoke. Congratulations Dean I know you really wanted this, you’ve worked hard and you deserve it. To make room for the new Outer Guard, Roger Grindle was elected to the Oriental Guide position. All of the other Appointed Divan personnel advanced up one step. Denny Smith and Bobby Buck were appointed Jesse’s personal aides. Dan Costain was appointed Chief Director and Bud Morrison was appointed assistant Chief Director along with myself and Alden Bunker. It was a very good ceremonial, cold as usual but not the ice that we had to contend with last year. Kora Temple was very well represented with about 30 Nobles and their ladies present to support Jesse. Hancock County Shrine Club put on a very successful meet and greet on Friday evening. Jason Snowdeal was in charge of the hors d’oeuvres and he did a real fine job. I guess the most important part of the ceremonial was we took in 11 new Nobles. I hope that these new Nobles will really be supported by their first line signers and introduced to the many opportunities that exist for the Nobility. I guess that’s it for now be good to one another and enjoy the fraternity.

in both Single & Multiple Balloon. Fou (Martin Perfit) earned ISCA certification as a judge qualified for Costume & Makeup, Balloon Competition, and Skits (any number of performers). We continue to demonstrate that the Anah Shrine Clowns are the Joeys to beat wherever and whenever clowns meet to test their skills. Tip of the wig to Iggy (Andrew Matlins) who, in his position as Dean of the NCI clown college weekend, does so much to make this event work so well. Thought for The Month: “The good end happily, the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means.” Oscar Wilde in “The Importance of Being Earnest.”


Joe McDonald, reporter

I wasn’t sure where to complain about all the snow and cold weather we’ve had in the article, so we’ll count that as covered in the first sentence:) The January ceremonial was lightly attended by the unit, Capt Ron Dunphy, Brian Strout, and myself. On that note might want to pencil it in for next year, it is a great chance to socialize and to see the results of the fundraising the various units provide to fund the temple and our hospitals. Congratulations to our new Potentate Jesse Thomas and Lady Branda! The evenings meal was well attended as well as the hospitality room . Our January stated meeting was held at 2nd Lt. Scotty McKenna and Lady Tracey’s home. Our quartermaster Steve Tibbetts after many (more than 7 because that’s when I joined) has decided to turn over the reigns to Danny Thaxter . Thanks for your many years of service Steve! Hoping everyone will keep Noble Mike

Beal and his family in your prayers as his daughter Kimmy Beal has been battling congestive heart failure, and is awaiting a new heart. There have been a number of local fundraisers during the month of Febuary, There are two more planned for April 18, 2015 A wrestling match show at Narraguagus High School, followed by a Dance at the Harrington VFW. There is also a GoFundMe page for anyone unable to attend, but that would like to help. www.gofundme.com/Kimmysheart Well, that’s all I have from snow covered Jonesport, if I missed anything...oops . If you have news that needs to get out to the masses please let me know joejonesport@aol.com . Until next time, be safe, and be sure to support (and attend) your Blue Lodge.

Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter March, everybody had a great time at our annual meeting, at the Happy China restaurant. Since I am writing this on the 7th of February, I will have to report on the meeting next month. Be ready for our golf tournament on the 6th of June, at the Piscataquis Golf course in Guilford. Well I am always asking for something to write about. This month congratulation go out to Paul and Rhonda Scott on becoming new grandparents. Not only once but twice, as their daughter had twin girls, Lexie and Maggie. And yes folks, we all can stop holding our breath, as they do not look like Paul. Also congradulation to the parents, Kasey and Brandon. Birthday wish’s this month go to my young wife, Donna, happy birthday HON. Also happy birthday to Don Emmons, sorry Don, but the wife gets top billing. Everybody must have been ice fishing this month, as nobody got married. If anybody has news they would like to see in the anahgram, please contact me at 794-6675, 794-2222, or kdh6367@live.com. Some Blue Lodges go dark January and February. Attend their March meeting and help bring them back to light. Until next time, SEE YA!

March 2015 11

“Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go and you learn at once how big and precious it is.”- Maxim Gorky

Clip & Save2015 Anah Shriners Calendar of

Events(Subject to Adjustment)

March 1-8

Potentate’s CruiseMarch 28Pink PartyApril 25

Convertibles Super SupperMay 1-3

Bangor CircusMay 7-9

Presque Isle CircusMay 16

Pre-Screening Clinic and Hospital Night

May 29Clinic at EMMC

June 18 -21Summer Ceremonial – Ellsworth

July 18Lobster BowlSeptember 12

Noble Appreciation NightSeptember 17- 20

NSA Field Days, Kora/LewistonOctober 17

Nascars Super SupperOctober 24

Potentate’s ReceptionNovember 19

Business After Hours Feztival of TreesNov.20-22

Feztival of TreesNov. 27-29

Feztival of TreesDec.12

Bangor/Brewer Shrine Children’s Christmas Party

Noble Gaylord E. Sundt, Reporter According to Phil the groundhog’s prediction in February, winter marches on. After biting the mayors ear for disturbing him, he was returned to his den for the next six weeks. So we hope he was correct and that winter will only be here for another 10 days or so. I don’t know about February yet as I write this one week in, but January had enough winter for this year and then some.None of our Florida friends who were offered a trade of our house in January took us up on our more than generous offer. We didn’t want them to miss out on the experience of surviving the ‘Historic Blizzard 2015’. So we toughed it out and now we can brag to our grand kids about it. There is not much in the way of convertible unit news to report on at this time of year as you can well imagine. We’ve not heard much in the way of news from the southern contingent which must mean that all is well there. A few March birthdays to celebrate in March. Lady Leona and Noble Walter Gurschick both were born this month. Does that mean you have one cake and sing to each other? Nobles Ross Grant, Bob Fernald, and George Boyce will be blowing out the candles as well, some more candles than others. We wish all of them a very Happy Birthday!Remember the Convertible Unit Super Supper next month on the 25th! The days are getting longer and we all look forward to spring. Time to start planning your garden, getting your ride( car that is ) ready for warmer weather and putting away all your snow removal equipment. Spring will get here. Make sure your top works.As always, remember in your thoughts and prayers all our loved ones, family and friends.Reporting for March, Gaylord E. Sundt


Gordon E. ReynoldsReporter

Greetings Brothers. I missed a few months of reporting due to having a couple of bouts with double pneumonia. Am on the mend (slowly) now and if we can ever get rid of this cold weather perhaps I can get out and around again. The Past Masters have been busy, however. On November 24 they performed the MM Degree in Pleiades Lodge in Milbridge on Bro. Austin Ronco. They were assisted by Bro. Austin’s gr. Grandfather Wor. Bro. Charlie Phinney. Wor. Bro. Charlie is a veteran of WWII. On January 29 they traveled to Orrington to Ralph J. Pollard Lodge and raised Bro. Kyle O’Connell. We welcome these two Brothers and wish for them a long and happy journey in Masonry. Every meeting is not a happy one. On February 6th they journeyed to Guilford where they had the sad duty of performing a Masonic Funeral Service for Bro. Conrad Rollins Jr. We appreciate the large turnout of Brothers and friends. On a brighter note, we welcome four new members to our Unit, a copy of their application to join is before me. A hearty welcome to Wor. Bros. Audie Gould of Hermon, James A Oakes of Old Town, Dana Robert Wardwell of Orrington and Most Wor. Bro. Gerald S. Leighton of Newport. Remember, you can belong to the Past Masters Unit and ALSO to another unit if you care to. Should you have questions our President is Wor Bro Ken Swett of Carmel (848-3866 and our Secretary is Wor. Bro. Stan Reed (943-5538) Our monthly meetings are at the Bangor Masonic Center (the former Bangor Theological Seminary) at 2:00 pm in the Board Room on the second floor.

12 The Anahgram


“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupery

THE PINK PARTYBy Charles J. Pray - President

By now, we are sure everyone is aware of the passing of our beloved brother, noble Alton Kenney. The club hosted a wonderful celebration of life and everyone enjoyed the opportunity to share stories of the fruits of Alton’s commitment to the Springfield Hospital. Please keep Lady Ellen and the family in your thoughts and prayers with all they have to deal with in Alton’s passing. The Waldo County Shrine Club, Anah Shrine and the Shriners Children’s Hospitals have lost a dear friend. On another note: Our crack team of Shrine Circus ad sales people have received their assignments and will soon be canvassing the area soliciting ads for this year’s circus. Along with that, our board of directors is commencing their work with fund raising for the Dryden Dutch Memorial Golf Tournament, August 13th, 2015. Once again, the event will be held at the beautiful Northport Golf Club and include lunch before the tournament, a superb steak feed and awards ceremony following golf in conjunction with our monthly stated meeting. As in years past, we will be seeking hole sponsorships as well as any donations to our event along with your team commitments. The tournament will be limited to the first 18 teams to sign up, so don’t wait. Please contact David Bowen or Charlie Pray for more information. We have a wonderful line up of special events for the coming year including Ladies night in May, our annual chicken BBQ in June, along with our family cookout in July. We are working out the details for a “Dinner Theater” performed by the Belfast Maskers so watch for date and time for this enjoyable evening. The club will be holding a work session next month to address a few projects that we’ve had on our “Honey Do” list for some time now. We will send out an e-mail to notify everyone of a date. The board of directors hopes this message finds everyone well, especially the snow birds that are missing out on the wonderful weather we’re having up here. It should

be noted, by the time this issue of the Anahgram is printed, we will be within days of “Pitchers & Catchers” reporting to spring training. Hopefully, that in itself should mean the snow storms should soon cease. Yours in faith, Charles J. Pray - President

Noble Steve Dewitt, Reporter Good March to everyone hope everyone is enjoying the snow and for our friends that go to Florida hope you’re having a awesome winter. We are busy making several new plans hopefully the information will be out soon. Our last meeting was on February 9 and we had a meeting in Ellsworth at pats pizza remember that only a group can succeed in doing great things so let’s all try to make a commitment To participate in three parades this year we wish. All of you having birthdays. A great day. And to all that are celebrating anniversaries we send you love. For March we recognize Ryan Wilson and George Nelson for their dedication to the unit. And there’s a rumor at that the pink party some of us will be there. Maybe with pink. Hair. So we know it won’t be Capt. Todd Foster. To all ladies that are interested in a pink vest, please contact Funster either Steve Dewitt or Capt. Todd Foster with the size the name that you want on it and we can order you one if you send a check to Steven Dewitt 33 Hampden Rd. Carmel Maine and make checks payable to Anah Funsters price is 30.00. also potentate shirts are at the temple if you have not bought yours yet. They are $10.00.

March 2015 13

THE PINK PARTYCome and enjoy an evening of fun

with Potentate “Jesse” and Lady Brenda Thomas

March 28,2015

6:00pm - Social time by the Aides Unit (with PINK Speciality Refreshments)

7:00pm - Cook out Meal (Burgers and Hot Dogs)

8pm to 11pm - Dancing to: The Retro Rockerz (sponsored by the Anah Funsters Unit)Casual dress, Fun Evening Wear Something PINK

Bring a Guest - The more the Merrier

Tickets $15.00 per person (March 20th last date to purchase tickets)

Pinky at Springfield Hospital Board Room

Pink Panther at Ceremonial Jan.17,2015 on the start of his year with Potentate Jesse Thomas and Lady Brenda

Pink Panther spotted at Q869 Installation Jan 29th Pinky At Springfield Hospital.

The Anah contingent: a Maine Masonic Day at Sahib Shrine in Sarasota, Florida

Past Masters Unit Degree Team at Ralph J. Pollard Lodge #2017 in Orrington on January 29th,2015.

16 The Anahgram

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Bonnie Turner Reporting Sunshine Club For Children met for their Annual Meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at the Shrine Center. The meeting began at 6:30 p. m. with many delicious sandwiches, desserts, coffee and tea served by the social committee. The meeting was called to order by President Ellen Kenney at 7:00 p. m.The slate of officers for 2015 are:Lorena Fenlason, PresidentJean Dutch, Vice PresidentDuffy Woods, Recording SecretaryBetty Trimm, TreasurerEthel Whitcomb, Financial SecretaryNorine Holt, Corresponding SecretaryDebbie Dunham, Director, Board of DirectorsBecky Trimm, Board of Directors One YearDebbie Dunham and Joyce Pinkham, Nominating Committee Sunshine Club officers gave their reports and they were accepted as read. A young woman very pregnant and about ready to deliver her baby won the clubs tree at the Anah Shrine Festival of Trees this past November. She was very excited and grateful to win the tree because she did not have anything for her baby. Lorena Fenlason and Jane Richie will be our Chairpersons for the 2015 Feztival of Trees. Our theme this year is CHILDREN 3 YEARS AND YOUNGER. Janice Young our Transportation Chairperson reported 113 children visits to the Shrine Hospitals in 2014. On May 16, 2015, Alissah Paquette a patient at Shriners Hospital in Springfield, will visit the Anan Shrine Screening Clinic at the Shrine Center. The hospital clinic will be held on May, 29, 2015 at Eastern Maine Medical Center. Sunshine Club Market Place held on Saturday November 1, 2014 was a huge success. Club members are very happy about the wonderful day we had. Margaret Youngblood is our Registered Agent for 2015.DATES TO REMEMBER:Quarterly Meeting: April 13, 2015Quarterly Meeting: October 13, 2015Annual Meeting: January 11, 2016Holiday Market Place: November 7, 2015

SUNSHINE CLUB QUILT tickets being sold by Sunshine Club members. Drawing at the

Sunshine Craft Fair November 7th,2015.

March 2015 17

“If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.” – Henry Ford


SESSIONS FOR 2015March 15, 2015 - Annual Session

April 11, 2015- Installation of Betty Trimm, Queen (at Ralph J. Pollard

Lodge in Orrington)April 19, 2015- SessionMay 17, 2015- Session

June 10- 14 Supreme Session of Daughters of the Nile

Stop the presses. This reporter has just learned what everybody else apparently already knew. Our new Potentate, Illustrious Jesse Thomas, has nominated Wheeler Noble Dean Hoke to the Outer Guard. Dean has been a Wheeler for many years, taking time off to work more directly with the Shriners Hospitals. It can only be said that our Divan Representative, and now Potentate, has nominated an outstanding Shriner to his Outer Guard. Congratulations Dean, and thank-you Jesse, for making the Wheelers very proud. We Wheelers held our annual Anah Wheeler Cabin Fever Super Supper on February 7th. This well attended event is our big event. Every year I’m more impressed with the generosity of our supports. In particularly those who have come every year since our first event back in the late 90’s. You can’t beat loyalty like that. This reporter personally thanks all the Wheeler Ladies who worked circles around their husbands. Ladies, just you presence makes us all more successful. Noble Dale and Lady Kim Jordon celebrated a February anniversary and I missed it. Noble Walter Kennedy celebrates his birthday this March and Nobles and Ladies Delbert and Cindy Pinkham and Kevin and

Sandi Megno will enjoy their anniversaries. May you all enjoy your special days. My next article will be after our Potentates Cruise. I’m all a twitter. Teddy TaTa Reporting

The Feztivalof Trees

Bob Pullen, ReporterGreetings from high atop the snowdrifts of Levant. As of the writing of this article a chairperson has not been appointed by Illustrious sir Jesse but there is plenty of time left for that and in the mean time I’ll keep you posted as to the happenings. On January 7 the Feztival of Trees Committee met to discuss our just completed event. Many ideas were presented and it is clear we will hone our operation to a well oiled machine. One of our major hurdles will be manpower and the implementation of a program where each unit and club will be assigned a time and duty and that will be their responsibility to cover that task. This will prevent a glut of people at some times and a drought for workers at other times. This is the format used by the circus and it seems to be working well for them. A few concerns were presented at the meeting and during the 2014 event that will need to be addressed by the Building Association and I look forward to working with them on these issues. If all goes well we will meet our goal of 70 trees this year hopefully expanding our income as well as being able to present an even more splendorous display of Christmas wonder. As those of you who attended the Feztival can attest, the wide eyes and smiles being shown by young and old were numerous. Remember this is your Temple so please take an active part in all fund raisers. It takes a large sum of money to keep this majestic home of ours in peak condition. We will have our next meeting on April 13. That is keeping with the second Monday of the month format. Our meetings are open to those who wish to attend. Until next time keep the shovels handy and the stove full, Bob

Noble Andrew St. Amant, Reporter From our Captain: Hello Nobles I hope you are doing well. As I write this we are waiting for our third storm in at least a week.. Bring on the snow. We are Mainers and will survivor. I would like to thank the nobles that help the Flag Unit in the

opening of the temple for Jan. ceremonial. We got to See Floyd as he recovers from his most recent surgery. He is doing well and will be ready for the parade season. I ask Floyd to look into our April meeting in Ellsworth. It will be April 12th at 1:00 P.M. We will have more details to come on this meeting. We would like to pass on our congratulations to the new Potentate Jessie Thomas, he will do well. That means that this June ceremonial will be in Ellsworth. Saying that the local lodge will be putting on an outdoor third degree that needs to be seen. More details on all of this will be coming out. So This year’s hats have not gone as well as I would like. It took us a long time to get the mock up for us to o.k. then we found out that potentate was spelled wrong on them. I have been working with Jessie to get more from Emerson with the design he likes. We will have them soon. So, Nobles and your ladies , hang in there only few more months and it will be spring. Take care and we will see you in April. Who is blowing out the candles this month? Why it is Noble Walter Lougee. Ladies Lucille Campbell, Cynthia Davis, and Lucy Sprague. Let’s looking at who is sharing some romance. Why it is Noble Arthur Herbest with his Lady Julie, Noble Mike King with his Lady Patty, Noble Walter Lougee with his Lady Linda, Noble Don Moulton and his Lady Bev and Noble Glen McMannus with his Lady Brenda. Happy Anniversary We march so they can walk. Reporter Andrew St Amant

Hello everyone. Has everyone had enough of the snow yet? I sure am tired of plowing the white stuff six days a week. We don’t have any unit news other than we will not have a meeting until April 7. The reason for this is because we have nothing on the calender until the circus. And, as always we will need help for the circus. Birthday wishes going to Nobles Keith Cousins, and Harold Adams, and Lady Susan Adams. Until April be safe and stay warm.

Reporter Noble Harold Adams

Don’t forget to support your

local Blue Lodge!

18 The Anahgram

Please help your temple by sending a check for

$20 to Anah Temple586 Main St.

Bangor, ME 04401and we will mail you

your calendar.



18 The Anahgram

Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter As I write this article I realize that summer is slipping away very quickly. Fall is fast approaching and the leaves will soon be turning color. It is a beautiful time of the year but we all know what is to follow in a few months. Enjoy the good weather while we have it. Hopefully we will have a nice warm fall. Our August 7th meeting was a ladies night and was held at the Degenhart Campground in Jonesport. I was unable to attend so have no report on the meeting. I do know that they were making the plans for the Annual Bob Smith Picnic on August 17th. We are hoping for another beautiful day in Down East Maine for this event. The Northeast Shrine Field Days in

Springfield MA is now a thing of the past and was held August 21-23. I am sure a good time was had by all who attended. Noble Appreciation Night will be held at the Anah Temple on September 13th. Happy Birthday wishes for September go out to Barry Hanscom, Donnie Wright, Bill Sternbergh, Phil Mondville, Leni Weaver, Napoleon Beal, Nancy Chapman, Vernon Scott, Skip Pennell, James Cox, Cecil Fernald, and Sandy Alley. September Anniversary wishes go to Past Potentate Guy and Nancy Chapman, Walter & Claire Kennedy, Mike & Dawn Gooch, Dick & Margaret Gardner, Napoleon & Bernadette Beal, Tom & Bobbie Foss, Vernon & Gail Scott, Mike & Nancy Bailey, William & Ruth Smith, and George & Sheila Alley. Until next month I wish all a great September and good health.

Membership Committee

By Noble Doug Dulac Hello everyone from the membership committee. I wanted to update you all a little bit on membership. First of all let me tell you we had a very successful Hospital Support Night event on Sat. August 2nd. This is something the membership comm. put on to raise awareness of what we really do as Shriners which is support the hospitals. We had a fantastic meal put on by the Second Section, who did it free of charge by the way, a silent auction,3 patients from the hospitals that spoke and some great entertainment by the Skyliners band. Because it was our first time doing this and being in the middle of the summer I was a little nervous about what kind of turnout we would get. I am very pleased to say that we had over 120 in attendance! The deal was that every penny of profit we made would be split between the Boston and Springfield hospitals. We actually will be sending them $1062.00 each! I have spoken with Jesse Thomas our Chief Rabban and it looks like we will do this again next year hopefully on May 16th. In addition to that the membership comm. is meeting once a month and will be starting phone calls to all those nobles

who are behind in dues next month. This seems to help a lot with our retention. I am personally reaching out to all the candidates from 2011,2012,2013 and 2014 each month through a calling post message. I think this keeps them in the loop and informed. Please help us by telling the Shrine story as often as possible. We need to start gearing up for next year’s class, so keep thinking about someone who would make a good Mason and Shriner.

Darling’s Chevrolet is proud to support the

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March 2015 19

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Continued on page 20

18 The Anahgram

Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter As I write this article I realize that summer is slipping away very quickly. Fall is fast approaching and the leaves will soon be turning color. It is a beautiful time of the year but we all know what is to follow in a few months. Enjoy the good weather while we have it. Hopefully we will have a nice warm fall. Our August 7th meeting was a ladies night and was held at the Degenhart Campground in Jonesport. I was unable to attend so have no report on the meeting. I do know that they were making the plans for the Annual Bob Smith Picnic on August 17th. We are hoping for another beautiful day in Down East Maine for this event. The Northeast Shrine Field Days in

Springfield MA is now a thing of the past and was held August 21-23. I am sure a good time was had by all who attended. Noble Appreciation Night will be held at the Anah Temple on September 13th. Happy Birthday wishes for September go out to Barry Hanscom, Donnie Wright, Bill Sternbergh, Phil Mondville, Leni Weaver, Napoleon Beal, Nancy Chapman, Vernon Scott, Skip Pennell, James Cox, Cecil Fernald, and Sandy Alley. September Anniversary wishes go to Past Potentate Guy and Nancy Chapman, Walter & Claire Kennedy, Mike & Dawn Gooch, Dick & Margaret Gardner, Napoleon & Bernadette Beal, Tom & Bobbie Foss, Vernon & Gail Scott, Mike & Nancy Bailey, William & Ruth Smith, and George & Sheila Alley. Until next month I wish all a great September and good health.

Membership Committee

By Noble Doug Dulac Hello everyone from the membership committee. I wanted to update you all a little bit on membership. First of all let me tell you we had a very successful Hospital Support Night event on Sat. August 2nd. This is something the membership comm. put on to raise awareness of what we really do as Shriners which is support the hospitals. We had a fantastic meal put on by the Second Section, who did it free of charge by the way, a silent auction,3 patients from the hospitals that spoke and some great entertainment by the Skyliners band. Because it was our first time doing this and being in the middle of the summer I was a little nervous about what kind of turnout we would get. I am very pleased to say that we had over 120 in attendance! The deal was that every penny of profit we made would be split between the Boston and Springfield hospitals. We actually will be sending them $1062.00 each! I have spoken with Jesse Thomas our Chief Rabban and it looks like we will do this again next year hopefully on May 16th. In addition to that the membership comm. is meeting once a month and will be starting phone calls to all those nobles

who are behind in dues next month. This seems to help a lot with our retention. I am personally reaching out to all the candidates from 2011,2012,2013 and 2014 each month through a calling post message. I think this keeps them in the loop and informed. Please help us by telling the Shrine story as often as possible. We need to start gearing up for next year’s class, so keep thinking about someone who would make a good Mason and Shriner.

Darling’s Chevrolet is proud to support the

ANAH SHRINERS121 Downeast Hwy., Ellsworth

(just up from the triangle)

US Route 1 North • 667-2512

www.darlings.comYou can find it all at“You’ll do better

at Darling’s!”

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter Wow what a bunch of snow for the month of January and the first part of February. I can’t remember a time in the near past where we have had so much snow in such a short period of time. Our February meeting was held at the Shrine Hall on February 6 with a pretty light attendance. I know that snow that we received in January is keeping so me inside as the roads are still pretty poor to travel on. The Second Section prepared and served the meal for the Wheeler’s Super Supper on February 7 and we had a great turnout of members for help. Once again, Noble Bob Marin along with Lady Annette were there to orchestrate the meal along with Noble Jerry Hayes and Lady Denise who worked most of the day on the appetizers. Great job by all who helped throughout the evening. Oh, and the behind the scenes crew included Noble Krayton Allen who washed every dish that came back into the kitchen along with Nobles Bob Mott and Doug Hardison who assisted Krayton with those duties. When I left on Saturday night, Krayton was in the dish pit and when I returned on Sunday morning, he was still there and still washing. I’m not sure if he ever left!! The Second Section hosted the 51st annual Potentates Party on February 14th at the Shrine Hall to honor our incoming Potentate, Jesse Thomas and our outgoing Potentate Dick Hallet. More on that event in the next Anahgram as it falls after this article is due. We still have an ongoing fundraiser selling gun raffle tickets for a drawing to be held in the month of September 2015. The guns are through Willey’s Sport Shop

in Ellsworth and tickets are available for $20.00 each and we are only selling 1000 tickets. Drawings will be done daily in September and the tickets drawn will be put right back into the drawing so there will be multiple chances of winning. If any nobles have any tickets that they don’t think they will be able to sell, please call me to get those back so we can get them in the hands of others who may need them to sell. We still have a few Nobles who have not contacted me to get their dues up to date. If any Second Section member has either changed their address or phone numbers please contact me at anahsecondsection@yahoo.com with those changes so we can

get to you with any information of interest. Also if you don’t see your name in the Anahgram for either a birthday or anniversary, see me to update my list as I don’t have all of the members information on these dates. With the June Ceremonial just a few months away, make sure you all have your proper uniforms. Anyone needing uniforms, shirts, hats, etc. contact Noble Bill Harris at our next meeting as he has taken over the Quartermaster position vacated by Noble Harland Williamson who had to turn that job over due to time and health reasons. Thank you Noble Williamson for all you have done for our Unit over the years and hope you

20 The Anahgram

“Preparation for old age should begin not later than one’s teens. A life which is empty of purpose until 65 will not suddenly become filled on retirement.” – Dwight I. Moody

Continued from page 19are on the road to much better health in the days ahead. It is great to have you back at our meetings and our functions. March birthday wishes go out to Ladies Sylvia Currier, Robyn Dulac, Debbie Curtis, Diane Dunn and Leah Rideout and Nobles Tom Dunn, Dennis Hill, Joe Kitchen, Dick Leeman, Tom Severence and Linwood Hall. March anniversary wishes go out to Chris & Amber Robison, Tom & Penny Dunn, Albert & Linda Higgins, Darell & Ellen King, Linwood & Jane Hall.Our next scheduled meeting will be held Friday, April 3, 2015 at the Shrine Hall. Remember, if you can’t make it to the meeting, contact an officer or any member to be excused. Until next time, think membership so we can have fun at the Ceremonial.

As of today, February 8 - 40 days until Spring. Don’t think the snow will be gone by then. Hope everyone is well and staying warm. The Ceremonial was great - we wish to thank Dick & Carolyn Hallett for another great year and look forward to enjoying 2015 with Jesse & Brenda. Congratulations to our new Outer Guard, Dean Hoke, and his Lady Kathy. At the Ceremonial the Kampers Club donated $500 to each hospital. It was great to see how the units of Anah had worked so hard to earn so much money for Anah. Recently, Noble Alton Kenney of Belfast died. Our sympathies go out to Lady Ellen and family. Alton was very active in Shrine, Masons and Eastern Star. By the time you read this over 100 Shriners will be returning from their Cruise with Jesse and Brenda. Reminder - June 19-21 (June Ceremonial) - Timberland Acres Campground, Trenton, Maine - phone #667-3600 - make your own reservation. Call by June 1. Be sure to tell them that you are a Shriner. Anniversaries for February: Jim & Gloria Bennett, Greg & Bernice Currier, Charles & Selma Larson, Dale & Carol Nelson, Dana & Winsome Smith and David & Betty Bowen. March Anniversaries: Sonny & Faith Colburn, Darrell & Ellen King and Don & Bea Spencer. Birthdays for February: Carole Green, Betty Shedd, Jesse Thomas & Duffy Woods. Birthdays for March: Phil Black, Frank Braley, Sylvia Currier, Herbert Jordan, Selma Larson, Ed Pellon, Pat Ricker, Brenda Thomas & Algy Wood. Noble Allen Hayward, Reporter

Noble Allen Hayward, Reporter

Co-Reporters James Buteau and

Dillon Wilbur

Hello nobles and ladies. We would like to start off by welcoming our newest members David DeWitt and Ean Jordan, other exciting news … we held our first annual Cribbage Tournament on February 7th, we are so happy to report the great turn out and support we received. There was good food and games for everyone. First place went to William Hardison, Second place went to Bob Berry, Third place went to David Dewitt and Fourth place went to Kathy Ginn. We would like to

take this time to thank all the winners for donating their winnings back to the unit. The top two winners received a custom cribbage board designed and made by Edwin “Sonny” Colburn, these boards where detail with First Annual Facts & Figures Cribbage Tournament on them, we could not have been prouder to award the winners with them. Thank you Sonny! We cannot thank him enough for coming up with this idea and providing such amazing cribbage boards. We also had some nice door prizes by donation as well as a great response to the 50/50 raffle. Pat’s pizza of Ellsworth donated a $25.00 gift card as well as five free 9” pizzas. We would also like to thank Mark Taplin for his donation as well as Mike, Judy, Melinda & Amanda Hellum for hosting the event and making their famous “Porky Sue’s Pizza”. It was great to see other units participate in this event it sure did help us to have some relief from “Cabin Fever”. Until next time enjoy the snow and stay safe!

March 2015 21

NOTICE:Starting immediately all unit columns

must be sent to anahgram@anahshriners.com

“Some men have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to, when all they need is one reason why they can.” –Mary Frances Berry

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Continued from page 20

22 The Anahgram

34th Annual Clown Casino Night

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March 2015 23

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24 The Anahgram

March 2015 25

26 The Anahgram

January CALENDAR WINNERS!1 $25 Sandy Bussell2 $25 Dustin Boston3 $300 Douglas Bradstreet4 $25 Krystal Ahern5 $25 Danelle L. Weston6 $25 Roger Burnham7 $25 Madisson Abbott8 $25 Richard Rackliffe9 $25 Valerie Hopkins10 $100 Daniel Holcomb11 $25 David Mahon12 $25 Second Section13 $25 Debbie & Herman Seavey14 $25 Louise Joy15 $25 Krystal Nichols16 $25 Annie White

17 $100 Josh Anderson c/o Phyllis Mosley18 $25 Ava Pulkkinen19 $25 Douglas Stubbs20 $25 Janel Caler21 $25 Jonathan Swallow22 $25 Luanne Crinion23 $25 Janet Speed24 $100 Mitchell White25 $25 Debra Pendleton26 $25 Kim Lorenz27 $25 Shawn Jordan 28 $25 Codey Arbo29 $25 Louden Jellison30 $25 Joel Masters31 $100.00 Norma Hardison

“Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”- Bernard M. Baruch

March 2015 27

When Allah calls, then our friends obey and fold thier tents and steal away. To the land where the crystal

waters flow, where the Beautiful Palms of Allah grow. Life is a story in volumes three, the past, the present, the yet to be. The first we’ve written and

laid away, the second we’re reading day by day, The third and last of the volumes three,is locked from

sight - God keepeth the key.

WILFRED E. PHILLIPS, HermonFeb. 18, 1949-Nov. 24, 2013

Raised: 12/30/1993 Lygonia Lodge #40 Ellsworth

Created Anah June 11, 1994

DAVID J. CAHOON, BangorMay 1, 1920 – Jan. 14, 2015

Raised: 3/17/1950, St. Andrew’s Lodge #83, Bangor Created Anah June 21, 1957

RALPH G. HILL, RockportMay 22, 1926 – Jan. 16, 2015

Raised: 10/15/1951, St. Croix Lodge #46, Calais; affiliated with Ralph J. Pollard Lodge

#217 5/7/1981Created Anah June 18, 1983

GORDON C. MORESIDE, CalaisMar. 29, 1935 – Dec. 11, 2014

Raised: 10/18/1982, St. Croix Lodge #46, Calais

Created Anah June 18, 1983

BURLOCK, LAWRENCE J., Sinclair & Ft. Fairfield

Sept. 11, 1925 – Jan. 23, 2015Raised: 6/18/1975, Eastern Frontier Lodge

#112, Affiliated with Limestone Lodge # 214 2/12/1991

Created Anah June 19, 1976

FITTS, ALBERT C., PittsfieldJune 16, 1931-Jan. 30, 2015

Raised: 4/26/1977, Meridian Lodge #125, Pittsfield Reinstated Anah Jan. 21, 1989

ROLLINS, CONRAD “JR”, JR, ParkmanFeb. 25, 1980 – Feb. 2, 2015

Raised: 12/22/2003, Mt. Kino Lodge #109, Guilford

Created Anah Jan. 16, 2010

KENNEY, ALTON R., BelfastMar. 25, 1926 – Feb. 5, 2015

Raised: 1/22/1951 Belfast Lodge #24Created Anah Jan. 12, 1968

PHILIP A. “PHIL” GARLAND, Dedham & S. Pasadena, FL Nov. 3, 1931 – Feb. 6, 2015Raised: 12/16/1960 St. Andrews Lodge #83,

Bangor Created Anah Jun. 3, 1961

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28 The Anahgram

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