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Home Learning Grid Primary 5

Week beginning 25.05.2020



Let’s have fun with Writing this week by creating our own Comic Strips. You will have lots of ideas of your own. If you need some help, there are really good hints and tips on BBC Bitesize, which you can access through this link:


SPELLING: Use the Common Word List to choose a wordlist for

this week. Between 6 and 12 words is a good length.

Spelling Revision

Use this week to revise the Spelling Words of the past 4 weeks. There is

a mix-up activity on Sumdog for you to help with this, too.

GRAMMAR: Grammar Activites are set on Sumdog.


Eggs for Breakfast

Design and create a breakfast menu for a café, featuring all

the ways an egg can be cooked. You can be as creative with the menu design and menu choices

as you like, as long as they contain differently cooked


Criteria: At least four different ways

of cooking eggs must be included.

The menu is for breakfast on ly and must list ten different options, all featuring eggs.

The menu can be created using any medium available to you. It can be paper and pencil, computer, drawings, photographs with text,



Lots of our Faith involves us in sharing our faith together as a

community at home, in church and at school. Motherwell Diocese have

prepared a children’s liturgy for each week while it’s more difficult to celebrate faith together. Here is

the link for this week.



Watch a Movie OR an Episode of a series at home. Then try this

follow-up activity.

Create a Character Sketch

Character SketchDraw a circle or bubble in the middle of a piece of paper and

some spider legs sticking out from it. For each spider leg, write

something about your character. You can think of what your

character: Looks like

Does Says

Thinks Feels

Influence the plot of the story

Names: Mrs Horne and Mr Cassidy

Home Learning Grid Primary 5

Week beginning 25.05.2020


Spend a little time reading or listening to a story each day. You

can find ebooks at www.oxfordowl.co.uk and I’ll be

sending you some login details for

www.getepic.com, where you can choose to read or listen to great

books too!

whatever you like! You must create a name for

the café and this must be featured on the menu.

This Week’s Task

Find out about the different ways in which eggs can be

cooked. Explore irreversible changes

and be able to explain why cooking eggs is an example.

Our Lady and The Rosary

Remember Our Lady during the month of May. Try to say a decade of the rosary or a Hail Mary each


Our focus this week is The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. Can

you recreate one of the mysteries by drawing or making a poster? If you like to create by writing, you could write a little script for the

characters in that part of the story.


Mental MathsYou can try a Daily Mental Maths activity. You can use your book or

try some online skills practice:

Skills Practice Spend some time practising basic Maths Skills Topmarks Website is great for this and familiar to you.

Some of our favourites are:Daily 10; Hit the Button;

Chinese Dragon Ordering and Helicopter Rescue


Fruit Kebabs

Have fun with fruits and vegetables by making a

Fruit Kebab


I know that you’ve been doing lots of things to show kindness during our time learning from home. I’m

really proud of you all! Can you reflect on what your


Physical Fitness:Joe Wicks does an excellent and

free workout at 9am every weekday! Catch him by going to

YouTube and searching for “PE with Joe” or you could try ‘Jumpstart Jonny’ for a fun and energized

workout. He often includes fun and game elements too. He’s live on

youtube at 9 am each day.

Dance: Oti Mabuse does a great Dance Class at 11:30 each day live

Home Learning Grid Primary 5

Week beginning 25.05.2020Sumdog

Times Table and Topic Maths Activities are set for you on our

Sumdog Account. www.sumdog.com

Problem Solving and Activity Maths

Nim for 2.

This is an ancient Maths concept with a modern twist. It will help you to work on your

Logical Thinking Skills.



The link above shows some really creative ideas for doing

this. If you fancy a sweet treat, these taste great with a

marshmallow or two added in!You can add some tasty sauce to dip as well. Syrup, agave, honey, melted chocolate all

work really well. If you’re keeping up with your healthy

eating then blend some frozen fruit or push raspberries or other berries through a sieve to make

a coulis.The recipe below is delicious!


learned during Mental Health Awareness Week?

What did you enjoy?Look out for a special activity on our Twitter page to help you to show kindness to others and to enjoy their kindness in return.


Take one of the kindness challenges…

Try some ideas from the grid if you haven’t already

Or Join in with one of the Twitter


Share one of your own ideas and I’ll be sure to see it.

OrMake a ‘Be Kind’ poster to stick in a

window for others to see.

on youtube. These classes are saved so that you can watch them at any time. They are for boys and girls, are simple to follow and have

fun themes like ‘The Greatest Showman’. ‘Frozen’ and ‘The Jungle


Sport Matters!

Choose an inspiring sporting character who is using their

sporting career to support our nation during this time. Maybe they

are helping to advertise ways to stay safe or spending time helping children and young people to stay


Find out a little more about this person and tell us how they are

doing this.

You could find or draw a picture of them and write a little below it.


Natural History and Art

This week, we’re going virtual!


It’s over to you!

Choose any of the tasks from your learning grid to teach a GROWN-UP

at home. Maybe you could ask


Home Learning Grid Primary 5

Week beginning 25.05.2020Use the link below to access

the Natural History Museum’s activities around Dinosaurs.


You can learn how to create a T-Rex by drawing, how to make a

Hatching Dinosaur or find out which Dinosaur you’re most like! It’s fact-

filled and fun!

Reflection Time Daily Reflection

Instead of focusing on what you haven’t achieved in a day or on

what ‘s gone wrong, let’s focus on what went well… you’ll be able to

find something!Reflect at the end of your day with

these simple thinking prompts:What went well today?

How do I feel about this?What didn’t go so well?How I feel about this?Tomorrow I will try…

Tomorrow I’d like to…You can write this reflection down,

draw it or just talk about it with someone else.

them what they’d most like to learn about.

Remember we learn in lots of different ways. Your grown-up

might prefer to learn about your learning by

Talking and ListeningWatching

Doing or MakingYou can think about this together.

Some tasks will suit one kind of learning more than others. Have

great fun!

Have you been trying Miss White’s Daily Challenge on Twitter? Or the Daily Rigour? You’ll enjoy it if you

do. Try it this week and let us know how you get on!

Remember to stay at home, stay safe and to look after yourselves and your families. I’ll be giving you all a wee phonecall as usual and I look forward to chatting with you. If you’d like to get in touch with me, remember you

can send me an email at:gw07hornerosalind@glow.sch.uk

Have a super week! 😊 Mrs Horne x

Home Learning Grid Primary 5

Week beginning 25.05.2020

Home Learning Grid Primary 5

Week beginning 25.05.2020

This week, let’s focus on the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. You could find out a little more about Luke’s Gospel which each mystery is based on and even create your own pictures or images of the stories.

Home Learning Grid Primary 5

Week beginning 25.05.2020
