Home Learning Tasks


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Reading Watch weeks 2 Episodes (1 each day) https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p089g0cc/bitesize-911-year-olds?seriesId=p08b00rc


Spellings Practise spelling these words:

1. sacrifice 2. Amateur 3. guarantee 4. controversy 5. cemetery 6. existence 7. category 8. mischievous 9. hindrance 10. convenience 11. privilege

Try to put each of these words into a written sentence or paragraph.

Writing This week, you are going to write a film review about the film we watched. Don’t spend too much retelling the film, spend most of your time reviewing the film, giving your opinion about the film. Use a wide range of vocabulary and think about how you can make your writing unique.

PE Try to exercise each day with Joe Wicks.




learning-week-2/ Password KDDK



Maths - White Rose Maths and BBC Bitesize have made videos and activity sheets available during this time to support with maths learning at home. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zhgppg8/year-5-and-p6-lessons/1

Videos can be accessed from the links above. Activity sheets can be printed off from the link above or copied and completed straight onto paper. Discussions are important. Asking your child Why? or How do you know? and encouraging them to Prove it!

Mon - Compare length and height Tue - Measure length and height Wed - Solve problems involving length and height Thurs - Compare mass Fri - Maths challenge activity

If this is too tricky, try the maths in a lower Yr group.




Week beginning:


Year 5


Me badges

and house

points will be

awarded for

each task you


Art & DT Create an Ancient Greek mask.

Ongoing task for the next few weeks.

Spanish www.speekee.com – follow the link from the school’s website.

Online Learning (Logins were sent home)

*Purple Mash. www.purplemash.com To do lists will be checked and you will receive a comment for work completed. * Times Tables Rock Stars www.ttrockstars.com *Active Learn www.activelearnprimary.co.uk *BBC Bitesize www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize (no login) *White Rose Maths www. whiterosemaths.com/homelearning (no login)

Please send completed work to 5J@marshill.bham.sch.uk or 5M@marshill.bham.sch.uk or you can upload to our school twitter page @marsh_hill We look forward to seeing this week’s learning! If you need login details again, please email your class email address and a reply will be sent within 24 hours. Take care and stay safe, Mr Jellyman and Miss Morrison

Science – Materials What thermal conductors and insulators? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGXHeRkhRgs Name ‘good’ and ‘poor’ insulators. What colours are insulators, what are not? Why?

Computing (Purple Mash)

Create animated scenes by repeating and

changing images in a storyboard.

Can you recreate the film that you reviewed in

writing this week?

History/Geography The ancient Greeks at war.



Where does the word ‘Marathon’ come from and why do we still use the word today?

Values/RE -This month’s value is: Appreciation –



What do you appreciate?
