Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Sunday Services...


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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Sunday Services: Orthros 8:15am, Divine Liturgy 9:30am

May 6, 2018 Sunday of the Sama ritan Woman

Holy Trinity Church is under the Omophorion of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of the Metropolis of Detroit.

Father William J. Bartz Presiding Priest

Father Lucas Christensen

Assistant Priest

Parish Office Hours 9 am - 5 pm


3500 W. 106th Street, Carmel, IN 46032

317-733-3033 317-733-2806-fax



Parish Council

President Julie Rowlas

Vice President Nick Sofianopoulos

Secretary Nick Dervenis

Treasurer Anthony Eleftheri

Assistant Treasurer Jon Vitsas

Dennis Dickos, Greg Dickos, Bob Dine, Angelo Julovich, Steve Kollias, Leon Pappas, Tracy P a p p a s , I r e n e S a r r i s , Gail Zeheralis.


Office Administrator Cindy Watson Ministries Coordinator Sandy Cooper

Building Manager Tim Bryant Administrative Assistant Teresa Coy For information about this publication contact the Parish office at (317)733-3033. Deadline for inclusion is Tuesday before the cover date. All items are requested in digital format and sent to bulletin@holytrinityindy.org.

Third Antiphon Christos anesti ek nekron, Thanato thanaton patisas, Ke tis en tis mnimasi, Zoin charisamenos Christ is risen from the dead, By death, trampling down upon death, And to those in the tombs He has granted life.

Paschal Entrance Hymn In congregations, bless God the Lord From the wellsprings of Israel. Save us O Son of God, Who did rise from the dead; We sing to You: Alleluia

Resurrectional Apolytikion (Tone Four) The joyful news of Your Resurrection was proclaimed By the angel to the women disciples, Having thrown off the curse that fell on Adam, They ran elatedly to tell the Apostles: Death has been vanquished; Christ our God is risen from the dead, Blessing all the world with His great mercy.

Festal Apolytikion (Mid Pentecost) O Lord, midway through the Feast, Give drink to my thirsty soul from the waters of true religion. For to all You the Savior cried aloud, Let whoever is thirsty come to Me and drink. As the Fountain of life, O Christ our God, glory to You.

Church Hymn Blessed are You O Christ our God Who has shown the fishermen as wise men By sending down Your Holy Spirit upon them And through them, the whole world You drew into Your net O Lover of mankind, glory to You. Evlogitos i Hriste O Theos imon, O Pansofous tous aliis anadixas, Katapempsas aftis to Pnevma to agion, Ke di afton tin ikoumenin saginefsas Filanthrope doxa Si.

Kontakion Into the grave You descended Immortal One, And yet the power of Hades have You destroyed! And as Victor You did arise, O Christ Our God, To the women who came bearing myrrh, You proclaimed, "Rejoice!" And You granted Your Apostles the gift of peace, And have bestowed, on the fallen, Resurrection.

Memorial Hymn Everlasting be his memory. (3)

Sunday Service Schedule and Teams

Date Parish Council Early Duty Parish Council Early Duty Team

5/6/2018 Leon Pappas Dennis Dickos Team 1

Date Parish Council Early Duty Parish Council Early Duty Team

5/13/2018 Greg Dickos Bob Dine Team 2

5/20/2018 Nick Sofianopoulos Julie Rowlas Team 1

Upcoming Weeks

Narthex Server Team 1 Kalli Agapios Marina Agapios Alexandra Bennett Anastasia Ebersole *Alexandra Hackett Julianna Hackett Nadja Henderson Sylvia Mudis Alexa Pavlakos Victoria Pavlakos Mary Raikos Sofia Raikos Anna Tridico

Parish Council Team 1 Dennis Dickos Angelo Julovich Leon Pappas Tracy Pappas Julie Rowlas Irene Sarris Nick Sofianopoulos

Altar Boy Team 1 Manoli Agapios Evan Baroudos Eli Baroudos Nathan Dervenis Steven Dervenis Zander Eleftheri Jonathan Eleftheri *Nicholas Gemelas Christian Lafter

Alex Lupear Sam Lupear Elliot Mudis Chris Pappas George Pappas Andrew Raikos Nick Simopoulos **Dean Sofianopoulos Andrew Spirrison

EPISTLE READING: Acts of the Apostles 11:19-30

GOSPEL READING: The Gospel According to St. John 4:5-42

At that time, Jesus came to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near the field that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Jacob's well was there, and so Jesus, wearied as he was with his journey, sat down beside the well. It was about the sixth hour. There came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to her, "Give me a drink." For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to him, "How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?" For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked him and he would have given you living water." The woman said to him, "Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep; where do you get that living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, and his sons, and his cattle?" Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst; the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw." Jesus said to her, "Go, call your husband, and come here." The woman answered him, "I have no husband." Jesus said to her, "You are right in saying, 'I have no husband'; for you have had five husbands, and he whom you now have is not your husband; this you said truly." The woman said to him, "Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain; and you say that Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship." Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." The woman said to him, "I know that the Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ); when he comes, he will show us all things." Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am he." Just then his disciples came. They marveled that he was talking with a woman, but none said, "What do you wish?" or, "Why are you talking with her?" So the woman left her water jar, and went away into the city and said to the people, "Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?" They went out of the city and were coming to him. Meanwhile the disciples besought him, saying "Rabbi, eat." But he said to them, "I have food to eat of which you do not know." So the disciples said to one another, "Has anyone brought him food?" Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to accomplish his work. Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, then comes the harvest'? I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see how the fields are already white for harvest. He who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, 'One sows and another reaps.' I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor; others have labored, and you have entered into their labor." Many Samaritans from that city believed in him because of the woman's testimony. "He told me all that I ever did." So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them; and he stayed there two days. And many more believed because of his word. They said to the woman, "It is no longer because of your words that we believe, for we have heard ourselves, and we know that this is indeed Christ the Savior of the world."

This reading my be found on pages 52—53 of the RED Liturgy Book.

Church School

The 5th & 6th grade class will make Prosforo on Sunday, May 13 beginning at 8am. During class time, the students will finish preparations and bake the bread. All students and their families are welcome to join the teachers. The Prosforo will be used in the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 20.

Coffee Hour Sign Up

Sign Up TODAY!! https://goo.gl/qwERni

Dickos Awards

Attention High School Seniors! The Milton and Theodora Dickos College Scholarship applications and all supporting materials are due TOMORROW, May 7 @ 5pm in the Parish Office. No exceptions. No extensions. Applications must be received by this date and time with attention to Sandy Cooper. If you have any questions, contact Gail Zeheralis at gzeheralis@gmail.com.

GOYA Upcoming Events

May 13 - Mother’s Day Flower Distribution

May 19 - Soup Kitchen 9am - 12:30pm, visit www.tinyurl.com/Service2017-2018 to sign up.

Donations needed: plastic grocery bags & travel size samples of shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotions, toothpaste, etc. (hotel samples welcome). Please bring items to the next Soup Kitchen or drop off in Mrs. Dallas' classroom on Sundays.

Contact us at Senior GOYA at htcgoya@gmail.com or Junior GOYA at htcjrgoya@gmail.com with any questions about GOYA and upcoming events.

GreekFest Dance Groups

Register in the Founders’ Walk after Divine Liturgy for this year’s GreekFest Dance Groups. Practices begin on Sunday, June 3. Go to https://goo.gl/BtbwTy to download a form or contact Kelly Alexiou at alexiou.kelly@gmail.com.

Early Bird Registration

St. Nicholas Summer Camp

Registration for St. Nicholas Summer Camp is now available online! St. Nicholas Camp provides a perfect opportunity for the Youth of the Metropolis (ages 8-18) to gather during July 22-28 for faith, fun and fellowship in an Orthodox Christian setting. Register by May 15 in order to take advantage of the early bird registration discount. Early Bird Registration by May 15 = $375 Regular Price after May 15 = $425. Visit www.stnicholascamp.org for more information. Space is limited and registrations are accepted on a "first come-first served" basis.


Everyone who has not yet completed a 2018 Stewardship Commitment Card is encouraged to do so. Blank cards are available in the Founders' Walk following the Divine Services and online at http://www.holytr inity indy.org/about_us/stewardship/

Prosforo Volunteers

We need more Volunteers! Anyone who is interested in making Prosforo for Sunday Divine Liturgy, please contact the Parish Office at Sandy@holytrinityindy.org or call 317-733-3033.

HOPE & JOY End of Year Party!

Join us on Sunday May 20, 2018 after the Missions Breakfast at Holy Trinity. Summer crafts and party games will be a fun way to end this year’s program! Lunch will be provided. Please respond to the Evite. Direct any questions to Patty Avgerinos at av_patty@yahoo.com.

Philoptochos Afternoon Tea An Afternoon Tea celebrating the Theotokos and honoring the women in our lives will be held on Saturday, May 12 at 2:30pm in the Founders’ Walk. Our Speaker will be Presvytera Stacey Christensen. Cost is $25 per person. Additional donations in honor or in memory of the women in our lives are appreciated. Proceeds to benefit charities supported by our Philoptochos Chapter & Metropolis of Detroit Philoptochos Partners in Philanthropy Fund.

Charity Golf Event

Now is the time to sign up to support and participate in this year's event to be held on Monday, June 25 benefitting the Merciful HELP Center and our own Holy Trinity Youth Ministries. Sponsorship opportunities are available enabling golfers and non-golfers to support this event. See a Committee member in the Founders’ Walk after Divine Services to sign up or ask questions.

Leisure Timers

Leisure Timers will be having its next get together at CHEESECAKE FACTORY in Keystone at the Crossing at 11:30am on Thursday, May 10. Best part of all is there is no waiting! Reservations are necessary and can be made after the Divine Liturgy in the Founders’ Walk or call Cindy Hackett at (317) 705-1625. Deadline for reservations is TODAY, Sunday, May 6.

10th on Shelborne

On September 22, 2018 at 6pm our Parish will celebrate 10 years in our Carmel location! Join us for Dinner, Drinks & Dancing! Fireworks at Sunset. Adults—$50, Children 12 years and under—$25. Limited to 300 guests. Visit our table in the Founders’ Walk after Divine Liturgy for more information. Reservations by payment only.

NEW “Green” Coffee Cups

Philoptochos and The Green Team will use biodegradable, compostable coffee cups and wooden stirrers as a trial run to make the Coffee Hour more green. Please first dispose of any unwanted coffee in the gray bucket on the table before placing the new cups in the blue recycle bin by the Library door facing the Founders’ Walk. Thank you!

Missions Breakfast

Please join us on Sunday, May 20 following the Divine Liturgy for breakfast and to support your Holy Trinity Mission Teams. The cost is $7.00 per person; children under 5 eat free. The menu will include french toast casserole, eggs, sausage, hash browns, fruit, cereal, milk, coffee and juice.

Festival News GreekFest 2018 is just around the corner. Are you interested in expanding your volunteer role? We are looking for booth chairs for YiaYia’s Garden (salads), Gyro Slicers and Cooking Demonstrations. If you would like more information or details on being a booth chair for any of the above, or if you know someone who might be interested, please contact Marika Kalyvas B a g i o s a t 3 1 7 - 6 9 6 - o 8 5 9 o r marikakalyvas@msn.com

Gyro Night Volunteers Please sign up to help at Gyro Night on the first Thursday of each month. https://w w w . s i g n u p g e n i u s . c o m /go/10c0e4dacaf2da13-holy

Graduating Seniors

Please submit the names of all high school and college graduates to the Church Office via email sandy@holytrinityindy.org or phone (317) 733-3033. Please include the following information: 1. Name of person graduating 2. School graduating from 3. Graduation date 4. Future plans 5. Names of parents 6. Degree information (college only). Graduates will be recognized in an upcoming Koinonia. Information must be received no later than Sunday, May 27.

Ms. Judith Burns Mr. & Mrs. Chris Byerly Mr. & Mrs. Carl Cafouros Mr. Robert Caid Mr. & Mrs. Robert Calliotte Dr. & Mrs. David Carlson Mr. & Mrs. George Catavolos Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Chekouras Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Chininis Mrs. Elizabeth Chones Father & Presvytera Lucas Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Bill Christoff Mrs. Nancy Christy Ms. Martha Chronis Mr. & Mrs. William Churchill Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Clevenger Dr. & Dr. J. Kevin Coghlan Mr. & Mrs. William Conrad Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Cortese Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cortese III Mrs. Elaine Costidakis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Coulis Ms. Leigh Ann Csubak Mrs. Artemis Dallas Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Dallas Mr. Dimitri Dallas Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Dallas Miss Michaela Dallas Dr. & Mrs. Frank Daskalos Mr. & Ms. Stacy DeHart Ms. Mary Demetriades Mrs. Estrine Demos Miss Kaitlyn Dervenis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Dervenis Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Dervenis Mr. & Mrs. George Dial Miss Ekaterini (Kathy) Diamantidis Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Dickos Dr. Dennis Dickos Ms. Theone Dickos Mrs. Elaine Dimitroff Miss Kathi Dimitroff Dr. Desiree Dimond & Dr. Richard Bonaccorsi Mr. & Mrs. James Dimos Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dine Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Doney Mr. & Mrs. R. Kent Dowell Miss Doreen Drukas Mr. & Mrs. David Peter Dunbar Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Eaton Mr. & Mrs. Ted Ebersole Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Eleftheri Ms. Coula Eleftheri Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Eleftheri Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Emmanoelides Mr. John Farris Mr. & Mrs. Paul Farris Fr. & Mrs. Radoslav Filipovich Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Filis Miss Joanna Filis Mr. Tom (Athanasios) Filis Mrs. Voula Filis

Mr. & Mrs. John Foerster Mr. & Mrs. Jocelyn Frechette Mr. & Mrs. Jim Freudenberg Ms. Stephanie Gemelas Mrs. Anne Genest Mr. & Mrs. Philip Genetos Mr. & Mrs. Charles George Mr. Soter Georgopulos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Georgopulos Mr. & Mrs. Demo Gianakos Ms. Karen Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gigli Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Girinakis Mr. & Mrs. Antonios Gounaris Mr. & Mrs. George Gounaris Ms. Maria Gounaris Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hackett Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hamstra Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hanzlik Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hendricks Mr. Remon Hermeena & Dr. Sarah C. Perryman Mr. & Mrs. David Herzog Mr. Sotiris Hji-Avgoustis & Dr. Jean Pappas Molleston Mr. Harry Hontos Mr. & Mrs. Duane Hostetler Mr. Jonathan Hostetler Mrs. Helen Houseman Mrs. Athena Hrisomalos Dr. & Mrs. Frank N. Hrisomalos Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hrisomalos Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Hunnicutt Mrs. Catherine P. Iatridis Mrs. Marian Jannetides Mr. & Mrs. Nick Jannetides Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Angelo Julovich Dr. & Dr. Hristos Kaimakliotis Mrs. Betty Kalyvas Mr. & Mrs. John Kandris Mr. & Mrs. Antoni Kantzavelos Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kapsalis Mr. William Karandos Mr. & Mrs. Gus Karas Mr. Chris Katris Ms Demitra Katris Mr. & Mrs. George Katris Mr. & Mrs. Devyn Keller Mr. & Mrs. George Keris Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kingsley Mr. & Mrs. George Kirages Mr. & Mrs. James Kirages Mr. Nicola Kitcoff Mr. & Mrs. Bobby John Kokinos Mr. & Mrs. Pete Kokinos Ms. Anthe M. Kollias Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Kollias Mrs. Effie Konduris Mrs. Tina Konduris Ms. Paula Koneda

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Adams Mr. & Mrs. Ghirmay Adhanom Ms. Netsanet Adhanom Dr. & Mrs. George Agapios Mr. & Mrs. Craig Ajango Mr. & Mrs. Vaino Ajango Mr. & Mrs. David Albean Mrs. Mary Albean Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Albean Ms. Lisa Alexander Ms. Kalliopi (Kelly) Alexiou Mr. & Mrs. John Anagnostou Mr. Nikolaos Anagnostou Ms Stephanie Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Brad Andrews Ms Cheryl Andros Ms. Paula Andros Miss Katherine Angelopolous Ms. Sandra Angelopoulos Ms. Ellen Antoniades Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Antonopoulos Mr. Dean Antonopoulos Mrs. Elaine Antonopoulos Ms. Evangeline Antonopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Antonopoulos Ms. Mina Antonopoulos Mrs. Stacey Apostoles Mr. & Mrs. Steven Apostolidis Mrs. Mary Armington Mrs. Esther Arvanitis Mr. & Mrs. George Arvanitis Mrs. Natalie Ashanin Mr. & Mrs. James Athanasiou Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bagios Mrs. Susan Bagios Mr. & Mrs. James Bakas Mr. & Mrs. Dan J Baker Mr. & Mrs. George Baroudos Mr. & Mrs. James Baroudos Father & Presbytera William Bartz Ms. Melanie Batalis Miss Anastasia Bayetakos Mr. & Mrs. George Bayetakos Mr. & Mrs. Brian Beachnau Mr. & Mrs. Jason Beatty Mrs. Tina M. Beck Mrs. Stavroula Bekas Mr. & Mrs. James Belt Mr. & Mrs. Ryan BeMiller Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Demetrios Bennett Ms. Karen L. Beratis Ms. Angela Bevel Mrs. Georgia Birch Miss Alexandra Bletsis Mr. & Mrs. Doug Boggs Dr. & Mrs. Alex Boutselis Mr. & Mrs. James Bovis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bovis Dr. & Mrs. Angelo Brisimitzakis Mr. & Mrs. Curt Brochhagen Ms. Beverly Brown Ms. Georgia Buchanan & Mr. Bryan Hadin

2018 Stewardship - The 2018 Stewardship goal is $770,000. As of 5/2/2018, the following 356 Holy Trinity families submitted a 2018 Stewardship Pledge for a total pledge amount of $704,073.92. The total amount received is $316,657.27. Stewardship forms are available in the Founders' Walk and online at holytrinityindy.org.

Ms. Catherine Kostyn Dr. John Koumoulides Mr. Mario Kourmoulis Mr. George Kritikos Mrs. Katherine Kritikos Mr. & Mrs. John Mark Kuzio Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lafter Mr. George Lampropoulos & Mrs. Patty Avgerinos Mr. & Mrs. Connor Larew Mrs. Aliki (Alice) Leonard Mr. & Mrs. David Letcher Mr. & Mrs. Nektarios Lianakis Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Linos Dr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Linos Mrs. Virginia Linville Dr. & Mrs. Michael Lisch Mr. & Dr. Steven Litz Mr. & Mrs. William Longest Mr. & Mrs. Owen Lucas Jr. Mrs. Ellen Lupear-Pemberton Ms. Barbara Madsen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Malandrakis Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Malarsky Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Maltby Presbytera Janet Mamalis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mandich Mr. Constantine Maniakas Dr. & Dr. Gary Martine Mr. & Mrs. Gus Mavrikis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Mavropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. (Mac) McLaughlin Dr. & Mrs. Jim Gus Megremis Mr. & Mrs. William Metzger Ms. Irene Milionis Mr. Kelly Milionis Ms. Tracey Milionis Mr. & Mrs. Jason Minas Dr. Alex Mishel Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Moe Miss Elizabeth Molleston Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mourouzis Dr. & Mrs. Nico Mousdicas Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Mudis Mr. & Mrs. Amer Nahas Dr. & Mrs. J. Matthew Neal Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Neuendorf Mrs. Nikolia Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. Brian Nicholoff Mr. & Mrs. Sam Nicholos Mr. Wayne Nicodemus Mr. & Mrs. Christodoulos Nikolaou Mrs. Patricia Nulton Mr. & Mrs. John Oberlies Mr. & Mrs. Brian Oliver Mrs. Athanasia (Ann) Paikos Mr. Dean Paikos & Mrs. Gladys Justo Mr. & Mrs. James Paikos Ms. Angela Palikaris Mrs. Niki Palikaris Mr. & Mrs. James Pancol Mr. & Mrs. Steve Pantazis Mr. & Mrs. John G. Pantzer III Miss Nicolia S. Papadeas Mr. & Mrs. Alex Papakosmas

Mr. & Mrs. George Pappaioanou Mrs. Aristea Pappas Mrs. Donna Pappas Mrs. Elizabeth (Betty) Pappas Mr. & Mrs. George Pappas Ms. Georgiana Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Gus Pappas Dr. & Mrs. James Pappas Mr. John G. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Leon Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pappas Mr. Eric Passmore Mr. & Mrs. John N Pasyanos Mr. & Mrs. Joey Pavia Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pavia Mr. & Mrs. Elias Pavlakos Dr. Martha Payne Dr. & Dr. Gregory Pease Mr. & Mrs. John Pease Mr. James Aaron Perry Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Perry Mr. & Mrs. George Pogas Mrs. Helen Pole Mr. & Mrs. Mike Polites Dr. & Mrs. Michael Poulakis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Prionas Mr. Thomas Prionas Ms. Francine Protogere Mr. & Mrs. Michael Protogere Mr. Kostas Protopapadakis Dr. & Mrs. Gus Pulos Mrs. Thalia Pulos Mr. Gustin Raikos Mr. & Mrs. Jim Raikos Mr. & Mrs. Menelaos Reckas Mr. Zachary Reckas Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ricketts Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rigakos Mr. & Ms Grant Robbins Ms. Becky Rogers Ms. Julie Rowlas Mrs. Linda Saran Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Saran Mr. Sam Saran Mrs. Irene Sarris Mr. Nick Sarris Mr. & Mrs. Rade Savich Mr. & Mrs. Theodor Schizas Ms. Ellen Schmidt Miss Vasiliki Scholarinas Mr. & Mrs. John Schwoeppe Mr. Alki Scopelitis Mr. & Mrs. Tony Seat Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Segar Mr. Nicholas Segar Ms. Rebecca Sheckell Mrs. Georgia Siamas Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Simopoulos Ms. Maria Sioni Mr. Nick Smyrnis Miss Katie Sofianopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Nick Sofianopoulos Mrs. Penny Sofianopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Periclis Sofianopoulos Ms. Stavroula Sotos Dr. & Mrs. Gust Spenos

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Spirrison Mr. & Mrs. Nikita Spirrison Mr. & Mrs. Efthimios Spyratos Mr. Stephen Stamatis & Mrs. Kristina Huff Dr. Dimitrios Stefanidis & Mrs. Paraskevi (Evie) Anastasiadou Dr. & Dr. Michael Stropes Mr. & Mrs. Kostandinos Stubos Ms. Stella Sylvester Ms Ioanna Tassopoulou Mrs. Katherine Theofanis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Theohares Mrs. Johanna Tournier Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Tridico Dr. Nikki Tsangaris Mr. & Mrs. John Tsataros Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Tsiampas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Updike Ms. Toula Vasos Mr. & Mrs. Connie Vitsas Mr. James Vitsas Mr. Jonathan Vitsas Ms. Vanessa Vitsas Mr. & Mrs. John E Vogas Mr. & Mrs. George Voivodas Mr. & Mrs. Steven Voivodas Mrs. Jean Voucas Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Waterbury Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Wertz Mr. & Mrs. Jim Woodruff Mrs. Athena Wright Ms. Paraskevi Xidias Mrs. Ann Yager Mr. & Mrs. George Yannakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Steve Yerich Mr. & Mrs. Michael Young (Yoannides) Mr. & Mrs. Steven Young (Yoannides) Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Zarvas Mrs. Helen Zarvas Mrs. Becky Zeheralis Ms. Gail Zeheralis

If a contribution has been made to a 2018 Stewardship, but the donor’s name is not l i s t e d , p l e a s e complete a 2018 Stewardship Card, or call the Parish Office 317-733-3033.

Sunday, May 6 Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am Chrismations Special General Assembly 12pm Young Adult Brunch 1pm

Tuesday, May 8 Election Day St. Paul’s Bible Study 10:30am Adult Dance Practice 7pm

Wednesday, May 9 Kafeneio 10am St John's Patristic Study 7pm

Thursday, May 10

Leisure Timers @ The Cheesecake Factory 11:30am

Greek School 5pm Parish Council Meeting 6:30pm

Saturday, May 12 Yoga Class 10am

Philoptochos Afternoon Tea 2:30pm

Sunday, May 20 Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am Mission Breakfast Last Day of Church School GOYA Officer Elections 12pm HOPE & JOY End of Year Celebration 12pm

Monday, May 21

Anniversary Committee Meeting 6:30pm

Tuesday, May 22 St. Paul’s Bible Study 10:30am Adult Dance 7pm

Wednesday, May 23 Kafeneio 10am Church Tour 10:30am St John's Patristic Study 7pm

Saturday, May 26

Yoga Class 10am

Sunday, May 13 Mother’s Day Church School 5th & 6th Grade Prosforo

Baking 8am Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am GOYA Mother's Day flower distribution

Tuesday, May 15

St. Paul’s Bible Study 10:30am

Wednesday, May 16 Kafeneio 10am Vesperal Liturgy - Ascension of our

Lord 5:30pm St John's Patristic Study 7pm

Thursday, May 17

Ascension Greek School - Last Day & Party 5pm Philoptochos Board Meeting 6:30pm

Saturday, May 19 GOYA Soup Kitchen 9am Yoga Class 10am Wedding 5pm

Sunday, May 27 Pentecost Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am

Monday, May 28

Parish Office Closed—Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 29 St. Paul’s Bible Study 10:30am

Wednesday, May 30 Kafeneio 10am St John's Patristic Study 7pm

Saturday, June 2

Saturday of Souls - Trisagion Service at Cemeteries 10am

Merciful Help Center 8:45am Yoga Class 10am



Operating Account Activity

4/22/2018 - 4/28/2018

Income $11,656.06 Expense $3,931.35

Year to date

Income $406,562.49 Expense $449,522.81
