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Dear Parents
The annual summer vacations are here. We are all in a new normal situation and I hope you and your family are safe and healthy as you read this message. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as we have been adjusting, like you, to the drastic changes in life during the last few weeks. I am extremely appreciative of our students, parents, teachers, staff, and administrators for their positivity, flexibility and resilience during these trying times. A huge debt of gratitude also goes to all of our doctors, nurses, hospital employees, first responders, and our leaders for all they are doing to keep us safe and healthy.
Virtual online classrooms have arrived and at Apeejay School, Saket, learning is in full motion. Our goal is to provide continuous educational opportunities and practice for students while schools are closed but also to eliminate as much stress as feasibly possible for students, parents, and teachers.
We have designed work during the holidays for our students keeping in mind the present situation. One of our main focus points for our students has been inculcation of a “growth mindset.” A growth mindset unlocks our ability to learn and grow especially during challenging times. Little did we know how important this growth mindset would be for all of us this year! Because of this experience and our growth mindset, I believe we all will be stronger when we come out on the other side of the COVID-19 Pandemic! History is being written! We hold the pen! Together, we will write the BEST story for our children!
"Each child is an individual and must be allowed to bloom, express his feelings and ideas." My Dear Parents, spend time listening to your child, sharing household chores, playing, laughing, exercising, relaxing and above all praying to the power you believe in.
A few points to remember: The homework assigned has to be compiled subject wise on loose sheets and neatly filed in one folder only.
Submissions in hard copy will be taken once we resume school. These assignments are graded so kindly ensure your ward does it in his /her own handwriting.
Please contact the class teacher incase if you or our students need support. Kindly send a message and she will be happy to help.
Stay strong! Stay healthy!
Task 1. Read the given passage and answer the questions.
Once in a jungle there lived a dog and a jackal. One day
they saw a rabbit sitting in the bushes near the pond.
The jackal wanted to eat the rabbit. He told the dog that
they would chase and kill the rabbit. The jackal wanted
to make fun of the dog, He asked, “friend, can you catch
the rabbit? The dog was not very interested. The jackal
said, “It is a big rabbit. I am sure its meat will be very
tasty. I wish we both could share this rabbit. So, the dog
ran after the rabbit. But the rabbit was too fast for the
dog. The jackal made fun of his friend. He said “You are
not a good hunter!” To this the dog replied, “I ran after
the rabbit for its life. One who runs for one’s life can run
really fast. So, you please understand this fact before
making fun of me. The jackal realized his mistake. He
felt ashamed. He said, “I am sorry, my friend.” The dog
said,” I am glad that you have realized your mistake.
Let’s be friends forever.”
1. Write the opposite of the following words:
i. interested - ________________
ii. friend - ________________
iii. good - _________________
iv. fast - _________________
a) The jackal wanted to eat the _____________________________.
b) Once in a ______________ there lived a jackal and a dog.
3. Frame sentences with the given words:
a) forest
b) friend
c) mistake
4. Write and draw all the nouns given in the above story.
5. Draw the story and give it a title
Task 2. Project on Fairy Tales
A fairy tale is a make -believe story full of magic
and enchantment. It is made especially for
children. Often, a fairy tale begins with words
like, “Once upon a time “or “Long long ago” and
ends with “they lived happily ever after.
Sometimes there is a surprise ending too.
Magic is a very important element of a fairy tale.
You see magical things happening. Dear
children! Select any three-fairy tales such as
{Cinderella, Snow White, Aladdin’s Magic Lamp,
Sleeping Beauty, Goldilocks and the three
bears}. Write the beginning of the story in your
own words, which is the good character,
who is the evil character, what is magical element in the story and ending of the story.
You need to draw the story.
Task 3. Descriptive Writing
Imagine you are cleaning your room and things are
scattered all around. Suddenly your eyes fall on a toy lamp.
You remember getting it as a gift. Just for fun, you rub the
lamp like Aladdin. In the beginning, nothing happens but
suddenly you hear a loud thundering voice, “Who has
dared to wake me up from my deep sleep?”
Write a short paragraph of 150 words 0n what happened
next. Does the genie get angry with you or does he grant a
few wishes? Be creative and take the story forward. Don’t
forget to draw and give a title.
Task 4. Complete the following SAB worksheets: worksheet 1,4,5 and 6.
Instructions: Solve the Mathematics work on A4 sheets neatly and compile in a handmade
newspaper bag made by you. Write your name and class section on the newspaper bag
as well on the top of each sheet.
Task I. Solve the following using logical reasoning.
1. 10Z, 20Y, 30X,40W,50V, _______, _________, _______
2. If A : C, D : F, G : I, then find J : ____?
3. Circle the odd one out.
999 888 777 666 555
4. If SMALL: LLAMS then find BIG: _______?
5. Eight children are standing in a row. Parth is fourth from the right. What is his
position from the left?
Task II. Fill in the blanks using the information given below:
* means ‘+’ add
Task III. Word Problems
Lavanya lives in a very big and polluted city. Being an Eco-Club member, she organized
a clean-up drive to help reduce the pollution.
1. They started by cleaning the rivers that flow through and around the city. If her
group was able to collect 376 kg of garbage and another group gathered 45 kg less
than Lavanya’s group. How much garbage were the two groups able to gather?
2. If Lavanya’s group is composed of 57 people and they have 17 more members than
the other group, how many people are working together to clean the city?
3. The two groups had to roam around 2168 factories to make sure they are throwing
their wastes properly. If Lavanya’s group went to 1319 factories and second group
went 602, how many factories remain unchecked?
Task IV: Practice and learn the following:
Learn tables 2-15.
Practice and complete the following SAB worksheet S.No.: 1(a), 1(b), 2(a), 2(b),3
and 4.
than half of what we carelessly throw into the trash
is organic matter, which if composted, can produce
rich top soil for our plants. Make compost at your
home by following the simple steps. Click your
pictures while preparing compost and make a
collage of it on an A4 size sheet.
Reference links for home composting:
Task II. Be Water Wise
Prepare 4 placards giving a message to the community on how one can be ‘Water Wise’.
You can also draw or paste illustrations.

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Task I. Riddle Time
Which Key am I?
keyboard- ____________________
c) I help you to go to the next line- _____________________
d) I help you erase anything you typed - _____________________
Task II. Rearrange these letters to form the tools of KolourPaint.
1. EECLNARTG _________________
2. URCVE _________________
3. HSBRU __________________
4. INEL __________________
5. NEP __________________
6. RSREAE __________________
7. EPLELIS __________________
8. MZOO __________________
Draw a poster on ‘Save Environment’ in the box
below. Draw the same in KolourPaint / Paint Brush.
Write the names of the KolourPaint tools used.
