HISTORY OF SPORT PART II PHED 1007- January 28, 2015


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PHED 1007- January 28, 2015

Expectations• Examine the development of “organized” sport (1880-

1920)• See some of the roots of common issues concerning

equality and participation

Emergence of Organized Sport:1880 - 1920

Influence of the ____________• Recall what “organized” sport is

• Development of organized sport heavily influenced by wealthy people• Upper class had time for recreational pursuits (and used to show

status)• Unions, government legislation, economic expansion meant

working class males were able to play sports

The Middle Class• Middle class aspired to be like upper class, so would try

and participate in similar activities• MC sought to bring a new cultural logic to sports• Rational recreation – brought in parks, playgrounds etc.

First YMCA was developed in 1844 in England

Influence of the Wealthy• Organization also meant need for proper attire, equipment

and facilities • What does this mean in terms of ________________?

Organized Sport in Canada• Between 1880 and 1920 were important years for the

development of organized sport in Canada.• The wealthy played sports to reinforce their ______in

society.• The wealthy also influenced how sports were _______and

_________by others, especially the middle class. • Eventually, the upper class encouraged others to define

sports as_____________ ___________.

New Ideas about Character Development

• Early 20th century: New ideas about the influence of social factors on ________________• coincided with increased opportunities for sport

• New beliefs that sport could “socialize” new immigrants, create better workers • (teach teamwork, following rules, planning, organization,


Sport and Masculinity/Femininity• Most sport involvement was for men/boys

• Way of “_________” unruly working class boys (socialize)

• Teach upper class boys to be assertive, competitive, achievement oriented (masculine traits)

• Girls/women played some sport activities, but not seen as important part of their socialization

Quote from National Council of Women of Canada Yearbook, 1895

“Every year, some new avenue, some new form of physical exercise is being opened to women. What was once frowned down upon as unladylike, trivial and shocking , is now done openly with the approval of the beholders. Perhaps nothing illustrates this so much as the riding of the bicycle”

Ethnicity during the Early Days of Sports

• First Nations: generally ___________ from joining sports clubs

• Visible minorities: few opportunities for participating in organized sport

• Francophone sports organizations generally separate from Anglophone

• Segregated baseball and hockey teams for African Canadians

Age and Disability• Belief that older people should not do anything ________

• Physical and mental disabilities: should not participate, not good for them

• Medical knowledge, at that time, stated that strenuous strenuous activities put excessive

demands on the heart and other organs

• Physical and mental disabilities: should not participate, participate in sports as it was

not good for them

Conclusion• 1880-1920 was a key period for growth of organized sport• Many inequalities in terms of how can participate (class,

race, gender, ability)
