History of Computers Presented By: Tyler L. Williams Comm 165


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History of Computers

Presented By: Tyler L. Williams

Comm 165

Beginning Of Computers

In 1936 Zuse invents the first ever programmable computer

The Transistor

In 1948, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invent the transistor

Greatly advanced the effectiveness of computers

Required less maintenance then vacuum tubes and were more reliable

Universial Automatic Computer

In 1952, Dr. John Mauchly creates computer that is labeled first commerical computer invented.

First computer to be able to pick presidential winners

IBM Is Born

In 1953, International Business Machines, better known as IBM enters the technology scene

In this year, IBM brings there first computer to the table, entitled the IBM 701

IBM later becomes the leading guru of computers in the nation


Also known as Formula Translation, creates the first high level programming language in 1954.

It is still used today for programming scientific and mathemtatical applications

Invented by John Backus

Internet Comes Alive

In 1961 the worlds first version of the internet is introduced

Internet is created by Charles Herzfield named ARPAnet

Designed for military use so computers could exchange information in speciefic geographical locations

First Microprocessor

In 1971, company named Intel introuduces the first ever micoprocessor

Invented by Federico Faggin and Ted Hoff.

Labeled the Brainpower of computers

Floppy Disk

In 1971, IBM introduces the first “memory stick” better known as the floppy disk.

First disk was an 8 inch plastic coated floppy coated with magnetic iron oxide.

Data was written and read from disks surface

First Consumer Computer Sold

In 1974, the Scelbi, better known as the Scientific Electronic and Biological sells the first consumer computer

First computers took major assemblyComputer sold for 565 bucks, came with

1K of memory and an additional 15k of memory for 2,760 bucks

IBM Booms with Personal Computer

In 1980, IBM comes out with the IBM 5200. This is IBM’s first programmable computer

Representatives meet with Bill Gates for the first time to talk about writing an operating system

Microsoft Windows Surfaces

On November 10th 1983, Microsoft Windows is introduced by Bill Gates

MS-DOS was the first program operating system created by Microsoft

It took an extra two years to get the first release of Windows out to the public.

Apple Enters the Picture

In 1984, Apple Macintosh enters the competition of personal computers

Commerical played once on TV causes chaos and makes Apple famous

First computer is invented by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs
