High Ticket Flood System



High Ticket Flood System by Peter Szabo

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The High-Ticket Flood System™

7 Steps for Flooding You With Leads, Applications and Clients on Demand


The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Disclaimer: The author has made every attempt to be as accurate and

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The author does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment. Consult appropriate professionals before starting a business. Any perceived remark, comment or use of organizations, people mentioned and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious does not mean that they support this content in any way.

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The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

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The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Contents The High-Ticket Flood System™ 1

7 Steps for Flooding You With Leads, Applications and Clients on Demand 1

Disclaimer: 2 Contents 4 Profit Portal 1 — Match Marketing Monopoly 7 Profit Portal 2 — Fantastic Funnel Frameworks 17 Profit Portal 3 — Scaling “Out” 19 Profit Portal 4 — Powerful Profit Maximisers 21 Profit Portal 5 — Perfect Day Every Day 23 Profit Portal 6 — Work Habits That Work 25 Profit Portal 7 — YOU 27 Putting It All Together 29

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Hey there!

Thanks for downloading my ebook!

I’m Peter Szabo — also known as the high ticket business and lifestyle “hacker”… basically my talent is looking into your business and daily habits and within 10 minutes finding Profit Portals — untapped opportunities — to massively increase your Freedom, Finances and Fulfilment.

It’s not uncommon to see me add $10,000 — $50,000 per month in new business in just 1 — 3 weeks by fixing or upgrading one or two of these Profit Portals. In fact, in a moment, I’ll share with you EXACTLY how I do it for my private clients.

I’m also a #1 Best-Selling Author, founder of LeadEvo and Clientology and a high-level achiever ever since the age of 11. I dedicated my life to seek out and help thought leaders and so called “agents of change” to help them reach and impact more lives.

I believe if WE can just change one life, it might create a “ripple effect" and influence 10, 100s, 1000s of other lives down the road. My mission is to help coaches, consultants, experts, service providers with a meaningful product or service impact more people. That’s it.

BUT it wasn’t always like this. I also had my fair share of struggle and after nearly a decade of doing internet marketing & high ticket sales, I’m writing this guide to show you where I had messed up, how you can AVOID it and create a highly successful coaching, consulting or service based business RAPIDLY.

You see…

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

‣ I know what it’s like to have some months when money just pours into your business… but then some months you earn very little to none

‣ I understand the frustration of seeing others succeed, making the type of income you want, BUT you just have no idea what’s the missing piece of the puzzle

‣ The feeling of working way too long and way too hard, NOTHING to show for it

‣ Being obsessed around the question “WHEN will the money show up?”

‣ NOT knowing where will your next leads, applications and clients will come from…

‣ And worst of all — feeling like there’s an invisible glass ceiling on your income levels that you desperately try to break through

The FUNNY thing is that I used to have all the symptoms… but the fact that these aren’t the real issues, rather MISSING one of the 7 profit portals is the REAL problem — knowing that, it's quite a relief.

There are 7 Profit Portals in any online business. Miss ONE and your whole business might crumble. UPGRADE one and your business might change it’s direction overnight.

I’ve seen it happen over and over and I want to share it ALL with you, nothing held back.

Let’s get going :)

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Profit Portal 1 — Match Marketing Monopoly

This is KEY right here.

I wish someone had PROPERLY taught me this years ago, as it could have saved me tens of thousands of dollars and years of time.

This IS when it all clicked for me. I went from having an inconsistent income, stressful and frustrated days to living a lifestyle that allows me to do, be, have anything I choose. Now I OWN a business, instead of the business owning me.

If you still feel sometimes like the business is your master, not your servant… read on, you definitely don’t want to skip the foundation.

It comes down to…

‣ WHERE you stand

‣ WHO you serve

‣ WHAT you do

The funny thing is that people (including myself in the past) COMPLETELY flip the process. They come up with a “great” idea (3 — what yo do) they think a random market segment (2 — who you serve) will want really bad and just throw it out there, hoping people will pick it up. ( 1 — where you stand).

Instead, if you want to guarantee your success, start out by identifying a GAP and a NEED in your market, creating a specific SOLUTION and providing exactly that.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

First, WHERE you stand — Your Fishing Pond.

The majority try to be the small fish in the big tank, assuming there’s more opportunity to make money. The end result? Huge competition, chasing for clients AND very little money made.

I’ve been there, done that and speaking from personal experience — and also helping my clients overcome this limiting belief — EVERY SINGLE TIME it is better to be the BIG fish in a small tank than being a small fish in a big tank.

Does that make sense?

Do you want to be the “Small Biz Coach” or the “Chiropractor Coach”? The only difference is that there’s a million of small biz coaches and a VERY FEW “ChiroCoaches” that could allow you to dominate the market.

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0 25 50 75 100

The more you niche down, the higher prices you can command and the better you can dominate your market segment.

Think of a general doctor and a heart surgeon. Who gets paid more? Who gets chased more?

And remember? We’re doing high ticket. Just get 10-20 clients a month paying you $5,000 — 10,000 and you’ve got a Million Dollar business. DOING HIGH TICKET, you can’t afford to be a generalist.

A good example is ME. A few years ago, I used to be a generalist. Just another “high ticket expert” helping you get more clients and work less. Even though, I knew my craft and I was getting people results… I was just one of the many.

Everybody and their two best friends was teaching how to get more clients. I was just another fish in a big tank. My income was inconsistent and even though sometimes I earned up to $50,000 a month… some months I made just $2,000 — 5,000 and that was frustrating.

I figured I needed to reposition myself in the market, so I did my homework, researched and looked at the trends and instead of just being a generalist, I had became the leading expert in High Ticket Business and Lifestyle “Hacking”… a.k.a. the guy helping established High Ticket business reach new heights.

Instead of trying to attract anyone from beginners to established folks, I just focused on the latter. Instead of teaching “client generation” I leveraged my years of experience in internet marketing and high ticket sales to become a consultant to established coaches, consultants and service providers, helping them find, identify and change certain things IN or OUTSIDE of the business that’d make a huge difference.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

The solution: Find an underserved, affluent niche and be the BEST solution provider. Brainstorm and segment down. Some are taken already, but there’s still plenty of underserved niches.

Second, WHO you serve — Identify Your Fish.

The 80/20 Pareto’s principle applies beautifully to the second step. 20% of your clients will cause you 80% of the headaches. Also a different 20% of your clients will bring you 80% of your income.

Have you ever had a “pain in the ass” client?

I know I had and the REASON behind that is that I had settled for clients that weren’t a perfect fit. In the first place, I had ATTRACTED all sorts of clients (from perfect to horrible) because I wasn’t clear on who my ideal client was and my positioning wasn’t dialled in.

On top of that, another problem appears. When you’re NOT getting enough qualified leads and clients, you’re not making sales. BOOM. Lack of money… so now you accept money from clients that aren’t a fit, just because you’re desperate.

In 2015 alone I had turned down HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS worth of deals… Why? My marketing and sales systems are dialled in and now I’m in a position so I can cherry pick exactly who I work with without having to worry about finances. I get to work with my ideal clients, who share my mission and change the world in the process.

I do NOT need to settle for less than the best and YOU can be in the same position too, just find your HERO CLIENT.

This goes beyond your IDEAL CLIENT… Find your HERO CLIENT.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

The ideal would be the 20%… but the HERO — the absolute best of the best — is the 20% of the 20%. The 4% of clients, who share your dreams, values, habits, are just like you and is a fun and joyful experience to work with. They are more like family and friends, than clients. Take your time and come up with a Hero Client Avatar.

Here’s mine…

‣ interested in personal development, spirituality and “energy”

‣ coachable, decision maker and result oriented

‣ fun and laid back — work is enjoyable with you

‣ fast action taker and comfortable with getting FAST and MASSIVE results (that’s the only way we work)

‣ take full responsibility for you life — you do NOT give away your power by blaming others or circumstances

‣ want to contribute, change the world, create a ripple effect

‣ positive outlook on life — find the good in anything

‣ ready, able and willing to invest into yourself, your biz and your success

‣ ready to put in the work, time and energy to make your dreams a reality

‣ dream… freedom, travel the world ,peace of mind, prove naysayers wrong, live up to potential and make the most out of life

‣ fear… settling for less, living an average, miserable life… being a “grey nothing” in this world, frustration, inability to provide for

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family, loved ones, inability to give back, inability to inspire, teach others

That’s my HERO CLIENT, who’s yours?

Lastly, WHAT you do — Your Gift.

What is your GIFT that you can give your audience that’ll change their health, wealth and happiness for the better?

First of all, you are NEVER selling your time, knowledge or energy. You’re selling a SOLUTION — RESULT— A TRANSFORMATION.

Your prospects have a PROBLEM that is really causing them a lot of trouble (creating HELL) and your SOLUTION will be the bridge to get them where they want to go (the HEAVEN).

It’s very simple for YOU too see how much it’s worth, just ask…

‣ If they stay stuck with the problem, what will they experience… what will they miss out on… where will their life be headed

‣ If they fix the problem, what immediate benefits will they get… how will their life look in the future

Spend 10-20 minutes on these questions and DIG DEEP. Find all the reasons why they should change and why they should NOT stay stuck.

To make them see the TRUE VALUE of what you have to offer, we need to dig deeper than just WHAT it is that you do.

I’ll give you 2 examples…

First, Apple.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

What — sell good computers

How — ease of use, premium looks, simplicity, so on…


The WHAT and HOW are important, but the WHY makes the biggest difference.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

10 %

20 %

70 %

Why How What

Second example… MY companies (LeadEvo and Clientology)

What — High Ticket consulting and done-for-you services

How — by looking at your business, finding untapped opportunities and leveraging them to increase your income, drop your costs that will result in boosted Freedom, Finances and Fulfilment

Why — “I have a reason. Truth be told, it’s more than that. I have a MISSION to help thought leaders and agents of change IMPACT and CHANGE more lives, so together we can create a so called “RIPPLE EFFECT”.

Imagine changing just one life. That one person might impact TEN others… Those 10 might influence 100s of others down the road.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

This way we can slowly, but CERTAINLY change the world for the better.”

Remember that?

That’s what I said at the beginning and if you think about it… it really FORGES the message and it creates a whole.

One of my biggest “Aha! moments” were…

People don't buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it.

Sure there are many computer options out there, but WHY is Apple crushing it? Because people RESONATE with their WHY.

Why are some coaches, consultants, service providers MAKING IT HAPPEN while others are having a hard time? Because people RESONATE with their mission.

Some people just want the money, but some people also want to make a difference… And even if you’re in the latter group, you need to let your audience KNOW that you care and there’s a MISSION behind what you’re doing…

…otherwise you won’t be heard.

There’s a lot of NOISE out there. You need to stand out.

You need to be the PURPLE COW — BE REMARKABLE.

REMARKABLE means “worth remarking about”…

Tony Robbins admitted his stuff was nothing special — in fact, he borrowed a lot of it from Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohm and others… So WHY did he become the #1 Personal Development Guru?

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Because of the FIRE WALKING at his seminars!

Is that something worth remarking about? HELL YEAH! Imagine being asked about your weekend — do you think you’d mention your hot coal walking experience? Oh, you bet you would!

STAND OUT, your marketing should not only be based on a solid positioning and built around a POWERFUL message, but it also needs to be REMARKABLE — worth remarking about.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Profit Portal 2 — Fantastic Funnel Frameworks

Dialling in your funnel is a bit outside the scope of a quick guide, as it requires personal attention. We do it on a case-by-case scenario and when it comes to funnels, there’s NO one-size-fits-all.

Although, I’d like to give you a test we’ve done with our private High Ticket client that have made a 5-Figure difference in their monthly revenue pretty much overnight.

Changing up the Booking — Application in a webinar funnel

So, you have a regular High-Ticket Automated Webinar Funnel

First comes the APPLICATION page where you ask them a bunch of questions and THEN you give them the booking page

We flipped that around to…

1) BOOKING PAGE FIRST (where they schedule a time to speak)


…and it resulted in a 50% increase in the number of appointments!

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We assume it’s because people’ve seen the regular “application to booking page” too often and got tired of it and also the “booking first, application second” seems more of like a real appointment.

People simply responded better and a 50% increase in the calls scheduled — as you can image — made a HUGE difference.

If you’re getting a 100 people on your webinar per day and 10% request a call, you’re at 10 appointments per day.

With this single switch, still at a 100 people per day, now our client is getting 15% to book a call instead of just 10%…

…that’s now 15 appoints per day!

…that’s 5 EXTRA calls per day!

…that equals a 33% boost in income!

Do you see how a single, tiny shift in a funnel can make a BIG difference in your end results? Sometimes a tiny tweaks makes the difference between losing and making money.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Profit Portal 3 — Scaling “Out” Scaling and getting more people into your funnel comes AFTER

you’ve dialled in positioning, message and marketing (refer to P.P. 2).

A lot of people tend to put the cart before the horse… and that’s exactly what happens. NOTHING.

They do Organic Marketing — think of SEO, pumping out endless content on Facebook, blogging, being a social media maniac — then crossing their fingers, hoping clients will eventually show up and somehow, someway, hopefully end up buying something.

There’s a time and place for Organic Marketing, but it’s AFTER you’ve dialled in your Paid Ads sales process. THEN, Organic Marketing can be a great compliment to your sustainable, measurable and predictable income… but doing it the other way around sets you up for inconsistent months and a lot of guessing.

Also, what fascinates me that people only think of Facebook Ads. It is OK to start with Facebook Ads — in fact, I encourage you to. However, once it’s dialled in and you’re generating a solid 500 — 2,000% R.O.I. on each dollar spent, I invite you to check out Twitter and Youtube Ads as well.


As we all know, successful businesses are NEVER empty.

LEADS are the lifeblood of your business, so it makes no sense to let an amateur try and fail at a new platform. Once again, been there, done that, wasted tens of thousands in the process.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

If I may give you a GOLDEN TIP: hire true experts to figure out Paid Ad Platforms and let them do it all for you ONCE your marketing messages, positioning is dialled in.

It’s just not worth the struggle, headaches, the time and money you’d waste on your own.

BUT PAY CLOSE ATTENTION : There’s a VERY thin line here. This advice applies only to businesses, which got their marketing dialled in. If NOT, you might just end up paying someone, who gets you a lot of leads that are not a good fit — because your marketing had flaws in the first place.

If you’re having a hard time positioning yourself, crafting a powerful message — same here — REACH OUT FOR HELP from an expert in the field who knows the trends, and can give you insight.

The 3rd perspective opinions from my mentors has saved me so much money, time, headaches and energy that it’s hard to put a number on. SERIOUSLY. Do NOT take this lightly. Advice from a living, breathing expert can be weighted in gold.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Profit Portal 4 — Powerful Profit Maximisers

There are many Profit Maximisers we implement for our clients, like ascension models, strategic upsells, downsells, but a very simple one that consistently makes a difference is our:

Powerful Referral Systems

We literally turn our potential clients and existing clients into an army of affiliates, sending us potential prospects.

There’s 3 forces that make someone want to refer you…

1) Incentive — when you offer a monetary incentive for exchange of referring people to YOU. We generally suggest a 10-20% commission on a high-ticket program that should range between $500 — $2,000 per referral enrolled.

2) Mission spreading — if people RESONATE and SHARE your mission, they will send you referrals without expecting anything in return, because it just creates good karma and charity.

3) Results — self explanatory — if people got GREAT results from your program (more value than they paid for) they’ll be open to referring others to you just because they are satisfied.

We USE all Three Forces for maximal effectiveness and we try to ask for referrals every appropriate step of the way.

‣ ON THE SALES CALL : Use it as a discount — “Normally it’s $15,000 dollars but if you share MY MISSION [insert mission here] and if you can refer 3 people that got the same problem that would

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

benefit from our solution, I’ll make it only $10,000 [that’s the incentive — saving 5K]

‣ INSIDE MEMBERS AREA : Have it on the “welcome video” and tell them your MISSION in great detail. — “Because of that we ask everyone in the program to refer at least 3 people and for anyone referred, we happily pay a $2,000 signing bonus. Feel free to use the email swipe below”.

‣ GOT TREMENDOUS VALUE OR RESULTS : Whenever your clients got tremendous value or results from your program and they feel the need for giving back — reciprocity — ask them for referrals. Throw in the incentive and also the mission to maximise the effectiveness. Catch them in state, because that’s when they are very likely to do you favours.

Just imagine getting on average 2 extra, QUALIFIED leads for every sales call that you do. Some businesses we had worked with used to be referral only — they got 99% of their clients by word of mouth. Do NOT take referrals lightly. It can 2X your business immediately… if you do it right.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Profit Portal 5 — Perfect Day Every Day

As high level achievers, we CAN’T afford to have a bad day. In fact, we should strive to make every day perfect and productive. We need to be our BEST in every area of our lives.

Every successful person has some sort of morning and/or night rituals that set them up for success. From time to time, any successful person, including myself, my clients, we get a bit “cocky” .. ahh we don’t need to do that anymore and that’s when frustration comes in.

The goal is to have a SIMPLE, yet POWERFUL daily schedule that you can follow EVERY DAY to maximise your PRODUCTIVITY, FREEDOM and FULFILMENT that doesn’t feel like a burden, instead feels like something fun and joyful to follow… so the only days you have in the week are PERFECT DAYS.

The S.W.G.W.P. Formula

I know, the name of this formula is ridiculous, however this works for me really well — feel free to adjust it to your needs and goals.

SET DAY — point is to set yourself up for success. The way your day unfolds is determined by the first few things you do in the morning.

I start by listening to “Emotional Flood Technique” by Tony Robbins, then take a shower. Next, I plan my day and put my tasks on my Google Calendar — this makes it seem very real and there’s no escaping. After that, I take 20-60 minutes to meditate and see my goals as an already established fact.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

WORK — More on this at Profit Portal 6

GROW — This is where I step out of comfort zone and do stuff I’ve never done before. Also spend some ME time (reading books, listening to music, getting a good massage, so on..) and spend quality time with friends, family and girlfriend. Sometimes I work during this time because I LOVE what I do. Travel the world, etc… Essentially my “free” time in a life I don’t need to run from, like many other 9-5 folks try to escape their job as quickly as possible, just to go back there tomorrow morning depressed. The lifestyle I’ve built is the opposite of that.


PREPARE — Summarise the day, journal sometimes and figure the TOP 3 tasks for tomorrow. After that, I do some visualising and go to sleep.

Every day is different and unique. Sometimes I travel and there’s no time to do the complete morning routine, so I just do a quick 15-minute version of it.

The point is not to create a ruthless fixation to a schedule that’s boring and seems like a responsibility, rather than fun.

The point is to set-up simple, powerful and enjoyable habits that make your success inevitable. Habits that make you feel good and perform at your highest. Habits that make you live up to your vision.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Profit Portal 6 — Work Habits That Work


A lot of people — just like myself in the past — spend “a lot of time working”.

But is that true? When you take the time to actually track your day and SEE where you actually spend time, it becomes obviously shocking that you’re WASTING MOST OF IT.

When you think you’re productive, getting stuff done, usually it’s a case of working a little, checking email, answering messages while watching a Youtube video and checking your newsfeed — it’s a MESS.

While this might seem like HARD WORK — in reality, you’re just being all over the place creating an illusion of hard work that produces slow and small results.


Here are my TOP 5 principles for time management and productivity…

‣ 80/20 your day — you need to find 20% of tasks and people that make you most of the money. Eliminate and/or delegate the rest. Don’t get me wrong — don’t get rid of your friends and family (they will very likely fall into the 80%) — just get done the 20% first, then focus on them. First identify the 20% and 80%. Secondly, ask, what’s in the way of focusing your time on the 20%? Thirdly, get rid of that and get down to work — delegate everything else.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

‣ Do the most important task and do only that until it’s done — identify the SCARIEST and MOST IMPORTANT task that you need to get done personally that will make the biggest difference in your business. Shut down ALL the distractions, do NOT multitask and focus only on that one task until it is done.

‣ Work in 50-10 minute chunks — Pretty simple. Get a timer and work for 50 minutes. Then take a 10 minute meditation, stretch, walk, jog, whatever… Your brain and body needs a rest. Otherwise you’ll spend the first hour being productive and it’ll be an uphill battle from that point on. Take a break. You need and deserve it.

‣ Get an assistant — It’s a life saver. Delegate tasks with her. It’s pretty self explanatory. If you don’t have one yet, get a DEDICATED assistant. Every high level achievers needs an assistant. Period.

‣ Check on your office — do you work in an office, in a café or just your room in your PJs? I used to be a victim of this. The environment you work in is VERY important. Your work ethic will completely change when you dress up nicely and go to your office or a café instead of just being in your room, half dressed and treating it like a hobby. It’s a business, so treat it accordingly.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Profit Portal 7 — YOU I wanted to leave the “YOU” as the last portal, as it’s the most

controversial / spiritual one.

Some of you might strongly disagree, but the biggest names out there, from Tony Robbins, through Napoleon Hill, to my 8-Figure mentors…

They all agree that business is 80% psychology, 20% information.

When something is NOT working in your company, where do you look?

‣ Your lead costs are TOO HIGH…

‣ Your funnel is NOT converting they way it should…

‣ You’re getting a bunch of unqualified people reaching out…

The MAJORITY of people (myself included in the past) would start looking at the systems, strategies, funnels, ad copy and start tweaking that.

You must be thinking that the AD MESSAGE is wrong. Or is my webinar or video series missing something? What is the ONE thing in my funnel I could tweak that’d make the difference?

What if I told you ALL THIS TIME you were looking at the wrong percentage bracket — the 20%.

BUSINESS SUCCESS is more about the person you become than the business itself. It is the 80% so many of us miss… and no wonders why, after all, it happens on the subconscious level that we can’t see.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

You can have the best marketing in the world, BUT there is no escaping cause and effect. If you want to attract decisive clients… If you want clients who are willing to pay a premium prices to solve a major life or business problem, then you better do the same.

As “woo woo” or spiritualistic it may sound, YOU ATTRACT THE TYPE OF CLIENT YOU ARE.

So, if you’re getting a bunch of people who are afraid to invest, not really decisive and so on…

… it’s time to look in the MIRROR and ask yourself “Who am I really attracting?”

It will 100% of the time reflect YOURSELF. If you want a higher caliber of clients reaching out, it’s very simple, STEP UP. Become the type of client you want to see reaching out to you. Like I said, this will be reflected in your marketing, messaging, sales, behaviour, thoughts and everything else subconsciously — that’s why it’s hard to notice it and VERY FEW people talk about this.

Sure, you can go back to the surface and start looking for “solutions”, but dramatic changes will only happen, if you take on the problem at it’s ROOT.

This is the NUMBER ONE mistake most coaches, consultants, service providers and high level achievers commit.

They want to GROW, BREAK THROUGH, REACH THE NEXT LEVEL but often the problem is hidden where you don’t look too often — your subconscious.

If you’ve tried it all, but it’s still not working, you’ve probably been looking at the 20% all along… whilst the problem is in the 80%.

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

Putting It All Together First off, thank You for reading all the way to the end.

I tried my best to distill down the ACTIONABLE stuff that will make a difference in your business and lifestyle. I tried to strip away all the nonsense and just keep the meat…

…Now, you might feel a little bit overwhelmed, which is perfectly fine, we’ve covered a lot — and even though I could spend months diving deeper — it’s outside the scope of an ebook.

If you’re a professional, you’ve probably spent a lot of money on a bunch of training courses by now…

…and if you ever got around to using the information, I think we both know, there’s nothing better than LIVE HELP from a living, breathing expert.

I invite YOU to reach out for help…

Give me 10 minutes and I’ll show you EXACTLY where you’re wasting time, money, energy and to HOW TO fix it.

We’ll get on phone, have a friendly conversation and together create a PLAN OF ACTION to meet your goals and needs.

The cost? It’s 100% free.

No hidden fees, contracts or B.S.

It’s 60 minutes, YOU and ME, breaking down YOUR business and DAILY HABITS, finding ways to “hack your growth” and take you to the next levels personally and professionally FAST.

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If you like the plan, you can take it and implement it yourself.

If you like it, AND you’d like me and my team’s help on implementing it WITH and/or FOR YOU — and assuming you’re a good fit — you may be accepted as one of our private clients.

Go to www.meetwithpeter.com to book in a 60-minute session now!

My time is very limited.

This is done on a first come — first served basis and BECAUSE you’re getting me personally on the phone (not my assistant or not one of my coaches), so I can only speak with a few qualified people.

Here’s, once again, my HERO CLIENT:

‣ interested in personal development, spirituality and “energy”

‣ coachable, decision maker and result oriented

‣ fun and laid back — work is enjoyable with you

‣ fast action taker and comfortable with getting FAST and MASSIVE results (that’s the only way we work)

‣ take full responsibility for you life — you do NOT give away your power by blaming others or circumstances

‣ want to contribute, change the world, create a ripple effect

‣ positive outlook on life — find the good in anything

‣ ready, able and willing to invest into yourself, your biz and your success

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO

‣ ready to put in the work, time and energy to make your dreams a reality

If that’s you, GREAT,…

Go to www.meetwithpeter.com to book in a 60-minute session now!

That’s it :)

Thank you once again for taking the time to read this ebook.

I hope it gave you a lot of actionable tips!

If there’s anything else I can do for you…

If you have a question…

Please do NOT hesitate to reach out.

My personal email is peter@leadevo.com

You can find my sites at… leadevo.com , pszabo.com and clientology.co

And the link to book a session is meetwithpeter.com

The High-Ticket Flood System™ © 2015 PETER SZABO
