High School Graduates Of Dioceselib.catholiccourier.com/1958-catholic-courier... ·...


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    S»spsdiS§s*3| M$msri * ^ ! = , w ; ^ * , K a B : ^ ^ ^ ^ S s i i S ^


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    High School Graduates Of Diocese

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    :Bt«nwkn» - Xobdti -% Hmmft 5Wp3i A , Bufino* Joto^jgfi Wotton, (

    F.'Jjfc*l*''Oa»t*i»l»*, Alfr*d:7i."0ki-u»st«, J imw :A» ,0)«ijr, $!«Miir, Wsoft**. J- Cu»5-*(WM» ^ . G*M«I,

    Karnes oTgradnates to commencement exercise* ©1 eight Catholic high schools- of this diocese (see page 1) appear b(?tow, '"•

    Graduates of Sacred Heart Academy were (listed "-hi l a * : ^ week'* Courier Journal, _ •"" '

    mmm meat SCHOOL Cnnr XjMy of Mercy High School


    Th* graduates wet " Sandr* Adorn*, Clair* ApBlamwi, B«*ary A««rlll, . Bw*jy* B a t e , M M ? flallian*, Down BatrlnW, B i n * Rawron, J»cdu*-tin* ptspnter, Borotfty B*ok*r» lohfl B*r|<

    .-alwuwtta -«*«»«, M e n BaarJhoU, Bod* : % i * t e , Ko**«n Bi««y, Joan. Sl*ln, .?*«*•-

    '»tt« BlJr««-

    Ctwl Co«a«, B»r.b*r* ,0


    NOrTSX DA3CC HIGH B0HO0L, atl'i«MTra> ^

    A d u * ef i t i t Uited M p*du»t»f firomNetpel3»m*3ilgh Wvool, Klmlm. N«mti of an-dI4«t«i *rti

    JCUa«*t I . **r***ld, Fwbrldl C. B ^ k i c -MUL, Af«iuu-4 J t . B»eia»»n, K»tliran L. Bl«s», JKwey A . *!))!«*» Cl»t» A . W « , tan* Xivt* Kt>:», Mirr A n n K O M A M M , F«t«r; R. Kir»»ri»ry, Dtttlct R. t u n c , J»Anr»» X*rattn^ lilllv Thwii** J» t«pko«lc»» Ann K * iM, jatia. 3 t , Ioy*hHn, ihuqr D. fc«», J t o W. ! « » « ; • JosepK IP, I j r a t l i ,

    ' n t r a M t M. iUnnlair . Kcnilil M«C1«-tor. MMtMrtt if. KcLHrroott,; J o h n M, H«ln»«mtr, AUe* 1 , Mct*u|hl!tt, C«th»-tin* D , McLiiu«h]|ii, KjiithlMn > t , Mo-UtjfhHis, JadlJJi A, Ks3a»n\ii,,iCawr Ann, MlUi*, Atftwi v : JktoflM*. J«*» P; JCurphy, Re*te» T. KunShr, 3'»*rin* A< 2ftla>t, John M , SooftWij M»»r C , Wufint.

    Oarmld t . Q'Conno*', 3, T«r*n«» 0'U«» rea* B r i i a M, O'Mntfn, Antony J r . Ptm-i s , K*h«r 1/,

    p i t ftasas fiaGs SCJKX)!*

    Qradttate* of De Sales High School fieiwya, nuinberihg 69 lire * t lollovvjt? , • '

    ItltlM- 3, Awuil»Bs>, JHWUJM Aojnwan*. MatCMH J- «*B. Wnd» K. BwUt, Jtory p . Mnwrun, Butb X. Bttra«»n. W*lt« W. Hnudu, J K » « » E, JBSEJ?, •Astototta,

    .A..Cpn«MNi Verm W. .Con»UB», J&m-

    laJTotw, *Ur> «att«tln» »»V««y, Ml«w 'it)' l h Dwwbaa» B»tiwr fr-J»*f. ,E»>>g* J>, FanwJl, Patrick X. K«>4. «»l»a H, Kora, Boiwrt WvFa!ten.

    Bb*K>R A, G«x*w, Domini* J. §,1,*'|JW'

    Jahw P . Hottest. »k«rt i , HtSnt,, XMvW jr. S i m , Vtasfot A. taJH, FWBp K» LarUb. Mwy .Jafta U s i » 5 , Wwwwlta IV lorceh, Mida»*t aMaslyn. Mwryliwila; iMKaaw. Kheil*. Anij iic%r.e. / tehwa t\ MflaaihHo, EeS*-ot H- jpwtol. MM*; 14) Y.\ MHiir, •firiKiw B. Mwrcftft G««W Jf, Kaajt*:*.

    F«tei«k A. O'Britn. ^oa»»* M. JIM, Xm V, o'Kii", Uti*. A. uw,3,**tw»»

    na r^n , «m!4 J . fiso. Saadta H. E»s-tiuTda.. Snitftera F, WnaM^ SWWii M. lK6a«t», Wiuui 3 . Bjtetw, 'K*hard g . r^anrstori. Caro:» A. ShfWW. Ma!*nt» B .

    T, K5,ps». *Jew ®i« SaSUvan, Thorn** F. TcttU. Theresa S- V«n»; Margaret M.

    *Ĥ 4»cnp^u vwrnrq, AUVVMJ, AWVI*r, adnAMt JUwtl {kwuweS, 'Raeart WUHna* JBojkln. JanM WAIltaa* Br**a*, DtWj'ja* WtlUr »rt»to1» Gar«;a MnrnwA I » « a , J«»*« Bru*» Vto*rn, Wilitaa* Cbwl*« B»U«v Ctaiili, Jtwejik Jrrea*

    FaUitk WUBaat 0u:*ty,,Ia««M* ?». M»a CtMiKaet. WltUao John Ca—rU.J, J Fatricl* A , Wrifht,


    |iin$t clas* ol graduate* from Mount Cmmel High School, Att> btim will number 81, Comprising b o p w»d jgirlir, the graduates urei . SoMftUy T , Abrunt, J . Joxph Adimj , 3o*v.a»'i, Anuco, Acorsw i", 0»1>»J Jr., Uu;do K. Vjtrrr.nil, SUiih«o 3. Oaru*n»r tjrarwii W. CsbahOTtsli, ^*lri(si* A« vo>»-n»*n« Uwni* F . Wun»,. leouumut F . vol. l b » , Ann M. Osanswr, l>*Y(d i». Uoanar, Ann Mi Coraortn, Bqnaldl It, «>4 JBehwi, W*lUf «orr.ilifi •Uaaaaarr, Tacan»a AH>«t K«lf|tM» Kith-Ua .C**n!t fitod, »fb*r t JLao Wli. «H«aM Atark FawlMtt, kaiw X*wrwd Hn-n ? , T»e«** Marti* E*«h»r» Tfcintu* ha«la* n*al«*n, J o t - f t MlthavaVl F»»n. Ganunt WiUlmt Fnusle, Sra» Rlcfilri Pr»*»cftkl,


    JVanlt Btmatfa lMa*an**!o. 3P*at Wrf>» Mr* Irohof-.l-aoimid Fxank K « B P . John K»m«'.(, K.Hr, Chirlaa EmlUKUr. John Sydrt»y Kiwr* I^adirick 3am Kalt-'n\«l*ti 9>w; a, .mso-jm., OHM..,,,.. «, «»,»»'j-.-R^ f̂T^FhlllĴ -Kuluis*a»™-S*lVlH33?a^A*~lAr- Jiak^.. JulicC*.


    •*-A cl*** ot 106 girl* will receive diploma* itom St. Agne* p s h . C School M foUowsi L_

    Diplomas Awarded 14 Boys At Nazareth Cadet School

    Fourteen boys w«r* fraduitted from Usxiw^th Hail Csflet School in the-f3r i ; j tan^r*lQsipg, Wednesday;, Juiia 19, At-tired k tlieir uniforonis w i t h emblems denoting ranlt attameq, the boys received diploma* mndi""- ! " ~ ~ ' ' a%yards from Kev, Joseph Abend, j ^ % KllnfItr, th« Sister E S S AcpitoM MemorAid M e M lor

    Rev. Eobert XlUIer wa* he«rd In address to graduate* and Cadet Major. Robert Wheeler spoke for the class; Th« ftev, Francis R. Davis presented the graduates.

    A510KG THB cadet* r**«lvln& awiirds were) Cadet Cftpt. "WJl-

    scholarship; CaSet Lt, Col, Jo-seph C PSJatOi tha Slater Camilla Memorial Medal tor Excellence In tht field of speech; Qadet Sgfc, Steplxert J^Heleslai, Ttiomas W. Flnucan» "XJemortal Ikfedal for Christian Doctrine; Cadet Stephen P . Hefeder* Serbert C ;Malblelb »feal for PunctuiiMty.

    Gmdaatta werti l*t X.t, Alex* tnder Joseph Bellanca," 3t„ 1st L t ilartln Anthony Giuigt, 1st L t J"rank Angelo GuldUce, Sg^. Stephen John HelesM, Cpl» Ste-phen 4* Carjieil Hetgler, Capt Wifflam Kenneth KUngfler, S g t Anthony Philip Lanweejla, Ma-jor Franlt Jolm Malley* U. Col. Joseph cftaries Pllato, Cpl, Rtdh-ard Michael Pltonl, 1st UL Charles William Power*, CpL An-thony John Sellitto, CpO, Robetrt Cellsft Severn, Capt, Bofesrt W«s> rett Wheeler.

    *ww ,MCQXJA1» JEStifi

    HIGH SCHOOit .._ • '

    A class ef 129 boyi -will be fraattatltif' im McQuald Jesuit UlgJt Scheor* first conxrnence* merit exercises. Triey ate;

    M6w«d. K A»*l*aav Jn«»h B . BmlMny, JeJitt A, tia*t»tt, t a o n a t d TWT-. BM*y« IVMteiMV.K. B»y«n,- I * i n * M « j * , BolWr,

    FaUtr Blum, Paiat- A, BogdiSn, Ktrliard * . Slehatd? * o » * n "Ealnrfio^jauadLai J5»nv | r a l r t o n ( Jama* R. Br»nn*h, T*rw«« 0, m i Ttmnio, 3RdrT*ld Q*t*»* ^ r h n i f . 3*mt*

    :F*t»lrroo, RIchiUfd ^ * « t ' J inaale, ilOK»r F«t»r Pwiniak, J»«a« Coitrid Faul, Guy Jo»«jh Palteo, ••• Bob«rt Sdjhutd Pet*m» , al«, Qury I « i g h P « « r i , Willi*** • t*>ft»rd -*-«* ,_H.. - / * * . ^ ^ ^ I J t l 3 t a u , 3r tJ^S--.«J-i~.™, Dt*H . PtrengU, Gfarald B * " * r f fmn l i i t t , Wtl 'ur i flrnpthy auinn, FMHti Jomlnll«« **> »^>*. Barbara D, F o * . U » l -C. Fnwkwn.1, F* t -r i r i * M. Fca'.t*. i t*rs»prt M, «tfta«sd» l i K i n A. -Gaue*), Siraldle* M, Cti:*tt*> tsurr Ann Gaorrt, VtnrlnJ* K, (MUt*. 3***r y«coa« Gitbew, Ftoranca A. Git-Baor*. Slirla 1* UlonUt», A n n j d « ! » Glr-vlarSht t l iy A n a Glaala.-IS*r,« r . Clenion. Jta*,)yn J, Gra*.!, £«tub«t& A, C r w p k n w . * a , Carol A s a Only, Jtarllyn A, Cuibwlr t .

    Nas ty J . H « f « h » r . Eowmary A . I&lrdy. J ( * n M, Jt*rnl*cM*««r, Tba i i i a A n n lUnnln tc r , Miry Arsdrta _ tl»rb|fc. J ^ « n A, K.mtxli*, Vlnxy Ssi^Atnllairrt, EMwbitb J . M,n»l». Atadallna tf. Hoyik . C*Mt'.dtei» J . Ilvrtinr. Biu-tsra itJCM'Mm,, Mwqr F , Inf*n»ln9, S«*nnf,*. A, JAntMir.7 i*k»..lulii..«5. J R M # » M . G«r*5dls« Ai. Joy . StarAtrij1 t*. J;-y, Anwttt* M. Ki'afcry* 5 t«ry V1 J. Kttb*H«*Kt*, Jto»« M W * S .

    • KuJntnlM, C*w>l AnH t * u t h , Bathata J . I * * l n , ' Dln\r,« • 0, IjfOnattd. Th«irt«* A . Xifnls, Sara!** J» I4m»ti» Af.drey X. t t o t , J m r t IcteeW, Rftxann* Si, Xouralta, Caoot Ahn MR. Mnli. Kit*, h. Kunm*no» A n n Mwl* Jtnwlm*, I A!i* Attn M'Kay, Homthy Rt, MoMrJrmn, FWrlrta B , SMtahiini, JtrfltB B. MeMnrf'n, Hnry Ann AteiB*»-?*}itr Ag»tton A. Melln.

    » Lorroltta A . *Jicrtim>v Fsttictn A, ~iXts%-*n«r. Juli* A, JUfhap'.s, Ataseellno M . HUitMiw. SJary Ann W n x M , XittriH* J . Mont!, UnT» J , Jlnrftn*. E . Ana M « g a n , C4t»l Anft MnrteilBtw, Jndith M. aiuhs, Syivl*. A n n Sfi)!«j, Knney 5* Attwrihy, J«wwWn« Joftn- Mn»iaU»l!n, CMKst A . Ka-tKer, Knth B , Keary. rhart«ne A, Noon. an , • Kotttteen. V, G ' B w . Fntr i t ia S, 0*I/*ty, Bet tor* N, Orczyk, Jicunellne Ann Olio. . . .

    *t H AnU^hoi, J U M - Mary Biiu-, X n h ' H n ilary tta-JaMchmtdt, Joys* £,'»!!» Baid^lc, Jo*r.r.» M a r . i E*t.i, • Ki.tn A . Jt«r»rdi, fiia«* Caiharin* BfttMK. Atwy A i a flsd« »r ju lwr , J o a n H. Bntx&t, Vtiis;*tn M»r« ia i» t ll Culiaa, t-btjla A. Caiman. Barbara Fa-4in» Cap- to . Jo-Ann* Do«5tfey Cfctiea, Jtonnii St . -C«U*n»» Jo*n ]{«tals* CoTa*. F»trlc'a A n n * f«T Aiiilor, Ann* Stassff*!d MiWton, E'Mmot H«l«n Stontalhano, Mary Jjoa'.te SJat«hy» Miry Eiliabtih Mur.ch, Anna M . Atara. Ba^rhua. A n n MyklM.

    • Kin ty t i w H*w»U, 'Mary At in Ojltla, Beb«H» Aiaj-y F*!!o*r, Chrol A n n Plk«, Jir»Ann* Hart* Firo , J»an Atarla Fra i l , Kath!**n Ann* K.'ch, Aiiurearat A n a Ronsn. Koitmiry Jonn RUM*-'*. Virgin!*. Ryan, Awn It iK* Saly«gti», C * w l Gllt«£. beth Saat**. Sua Josw.* Scheftei. Ei i ia . Iwth Jana Seh!*g*l. Dsmthy M. Schmilt, Awn Jann lnw Shea, Ann Kithryn Khridw. J ta rymn* G, Sly«ie«»*. BMhur* Ann* go*t>«bty, Carol* Aftn* Bpwliixoor, Beverly A n n S«**t!.*n4. Jeanetta H»!e« SypUn.

    . Churlan* Jtw-i* Tifoton*. Carolyn Alar* t*r«t Tetl*, H»l*n B . Thompson. Jean Marl* Tralsor, Xtaln* Anna Walt«sr» Mary Ann**--Way, Stnry Elian Wmlen, Josnne J2»t«il« Vawman,

    , „•, , ,..o o-< .

    Safety Rodeo A bicycle safety rodeo will be

    sponsored by Troop.-246 B,S,A, •of S t Monica's School on Mon-day, June 23 at S;3& p.m. In the church, parking lot.

    The test win he open to all boys.and girls In the S.7-8 grades of St. Monica's School. The pub-lic Is invited. Committee in chatge includes Sgt Jeremiah Moynihan, Edward Uietz, Bub Begy and Walter LavJn,

    # Men of Prayer

    ber of the Congregation of the Sister* of St, Joseph for room than 70 year* wit* offered to Kaxareth Convent eh.pel* Fltt*-f ord, Wednesday, June 18.

    Sister Frederica. former prin-cipal of several parish tchoql* In this diocese died June IS, 165S !rt St, Joseph Hospital, Etadriu

    Tim wvsasBXSt S.IASS was celebrated by the Rev, Robert Klem, O&B., assisted by the Rev, John Fisher Mayer, O.F.M.. dea-cons the Rev. William Murray, C.SS.R., mibdeacon; the Bev, Al-bert H. Schnacky, master of cere-monies; the Rev, William H. Shannon, thuriferj the Rev, Ger-ald Duna and the Rev. Robert Kresi, acolyte*.

    Also present were Monslgnor* lajuis Edelman, John M, Duffy, Maynard Connell and the Rever-end Fathers George M. Kalb, Al-bert J, Gelger, Francis Pegnam and Johrt McMahon,' S. J.

    Sister Frederica was a p a n * daughter of Bernard Klero, one of the pioneer Catholics la this area. I t was in his horhe on a 10-acre tract bounded by East Avenue, Meigs Street, Park Ave* ntte and Goodman Street, that * Redernptorlsfc priest celebrated one of th« first Masse* in Roch« ester,"

    Stster Fwdertca entered the Slsfers of Saint Joseph in 11837 and'taught in the old Cathedral Grammar School. She was later principal of St, Bridgets School and of St. Francis Xavier School, Rochester. She was also principal of Sjr, •Joseph's Sefcool, Wayland, St,. Alphonsus School, Auburn and SC Patrick's School, Corn-

    Survivtni ar* *hre* *l*ters, Sliter Francei dax* of th* Sis-t«w of Saint Joaeph, in St. Pat-rick'* Convent, Comingr Mr*, William Uoefle and Mm, William Beleek; two brothera, Bernard Kicin and John Klem, a l l of Ttochesterr; also many nieces and »ephewsK, •


    fishei fmlemt

    To Eitend Seminar Dr. Edna SI, 0!Hem, assistant

    professor of sociology at S t John Fisher College, has been invited to attead a seminar on "Itlter* pretatlom of Bellglon In Socio-logical Theory" at the University of Nortli Carolina, from July 20 to Aug, 2,


    Dr. 0*Hem Is one of 25 college teachers of sociology, anthopolo-gy and social psychology crjoisen on a nation-wide basis to attend the seminar. The seminar is spon- J sored b y the Danforth Founda* i ttorr,"

    r IT'S SPE1DY.*. For Fast 5ervk« • Tmlorirtg I rt«p«t CrattiiiMm

    , a t yo»f 8*nric#


    iUITS uaaarvLSBS


    SHIRTS SeatinfoIIy Laundered

    27' Altlrrflo

    C a C l « » B f f » r , i ' V < a 3 t 2 5 sT"^ ...affi H t S^S^ • ,.^3P • m M R F R U M a W a a ^ i ^ iaa^^S*" ^ s ^a^^aaW

    MAIN KAMP S m m a W C0UET ST.


    Third Order Regular of St. Froricis

    Offer *m jroanr M»(ta«nlll*» to itarly tor 0>* PrlMi-hoed, IUIKX •( fanda n« obfUcIt. For (urthir lnform»tlon, writ* t*

    FR, STEPHEN, T.O j . friaxelican P«pAr»lory B*r(iin»ry

    P, 0 , Box 289 HOltlDArYSBURO 20» I»A. •

    BROTHERS O F MERCY Slnt i tttlr twDa*tt«B In l W t , * l Broihfr* o f Mtrcy iw» Ann (wtliUnt th» unfortanni,.

    • « , H«r*lnf »»n *n* »«»»« t i t* "«»l y«r , mardlwi •( rata nil treed,' IS ' tk*tr *im *»»*»••. , * . C*n . , . .


    HOSELTON ' C - I E V R O L L J

    Hi V. COMMmJOtA^atiV—---

    •MJ S-,T»TI -Aite* -rriM. m t̂ ew*

    AAA ki*4 Stirvie* Offtdai Inspection Sta, #1?61

    Gmtril Rep»in


    Ui, CHA*fcOfff&-irTi--BA-W)«4- •

    AtothOif. ot Sorrowi F*rl*ii


    mmw SERVICE ToVini f^s i t io* *hd Hispalr K*l»hhofSo*N( *s«o# FlonHni

    Con D*hli«'fii- 0»**y. CH'2-3.894

    N*wj series FRorttfer7-n52

    Cz&rdb ^m*Mm3UtumAmJtf •wmmai

    ymtiotcQt - _^lLiter«rtf.tAlrnyr* Road rAR!»s"JNSTl*UflONS.lNT}rjrlTHUi •ina»^"'ia»-ii;y^i' ra*-nr*itt»t+ -;fc,-..,a,ai, »^ia*s^ii»iK#-M|as.*»»ya-.


    PLACIT0 BROS. •tifbrieitlen. - VtoKtof . B«t»«r(»»

    Titos » OH Chiftgei JST, S, MAIM ST. Phftrt* 1405W , CAf*Af«rj^(5UA, N. Y. .

    A • v . _. ftttfohtjfi'^H'eis*.

    '\A,utftW«My»^eh''... ^•^o'rMiojsr^ SctMctfctory f#r¥i'c*i'


    4stte,ri^r- #'-^taWe# »hdt Jptlttotl Service;

    W $.&&. • .taiSSt. Paul 5t, it AvkE, : '





    FAY BAMBOUR Signs Up *

    -fn amtSny 'Welfe'* at 2900 Monroe Amnui *

    $ • FAY BAKBOUR, actively McofilinedwIth^AUto*, 0. iTAioMe' business in Eocnester lot over twenty years, H has Jfjlnerl the *4les staff _crf ,Kcn R̂ lplfoFojfd* tit

    2.9.00 Slonroe AvettUe. In welcoming Fay t;o;hif sales group Ken Ralph aays, "fhfs will make a-gteathtfoi-%p. Everyljocly knows fly's- -fine reputation aii'4"'te.. apeew.his -"wide -lcnowieijga' p$ cars too.'Sis decision to join USE ]itoyes,tlas^«wises sat people- fen'ow that Ford is taps hi it* cla**.'-1''

    : *



    fky and lxis family live at 48 Winding RoacL Askei £ snout his Jtobbies, Fay said", "They are selling ĉ ars, f | 'm, hunting ancl fishing—and in just that order," ' g |



    ,!/ -,J

    \< f.t.Vi'.-L.»
