Outreach ...................................................... 8 & 9 Celebration, Care and Concerns ...................... 10 New Church Members ..................................... 11 Children & Youth ................................... 12 & 13 August Calendar ......................................... Insert Pastor’s Reflection ............................................. 2 Coming Up In Worship ............................... 3 & 4 Church News ............................................... 4 & 5 Chancel Choir News .......................................... 5 Church Happenings & Events .......................6 - 8 Everyone is Welcome! August 3rd Worship Service 9 am Cookout 11:00 am First Presbyterian Church 1225 Fourth Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Phone: 920 922-0425 Fax: 920 922-0947 Email: [email protected] Website: fdlpresbyterian.org "Christians… growing humbly in faith… reaching out in love" * *

Everyone is Welcome! · The Unwelcome Guests 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up

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Page 1: Everyone is Welcome! · The Unwelcome Guests 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up

Outreach ...................................................... 8 & 9

Celebration, Care and Concerns ...................... 10

New Church Members ..................................... 11

Children & Youth ................................... 12 & 13

August Calendar ......................................... Insert

Pastor’s Reflection ............................................. 2

Coming Up In Worship ............................... 3 & 4

Church News ............................................... 4 & 5

Chancel Choir News .......................................... 5

Church Happenings & Events ....................... 6 - 8

Everyone is Welcome!

August 3rd

Worship Service

9 am


11:00 am

First Presbyterian Church 1225 Fourth Street

Fond du Lac, WI 54935

Phone: 920 922-0425

Fax: 920 922-0947

Email: [email protected]

Website: fdlpresbyterian.org

"Christians… growing humbly in

faith… reaching out in love"

* *

Page 2: Everyone is Welcome! · The Unwelcome Guests 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up

Volume XV, Issue VIII

First Presbyterian Church 1225 Fourth Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935

August 2014 Newsletter


The Unwelcome Guests

9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And

he got up and followed him. 10And as he sat at dinner in the house, many tax collectors and sinners came and were sitting

with him and his disciples.11When the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax col-

lectors and sinners?” 12But when he heard this, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who

are sick. 13Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have come to call not the righteous but sin-


Matthew 9:9-13

The goal of our series on hospitality has been to stretch us and further open our hearts as individuals and as a congregation. It

has been interesting to see how this process has progressed. For some this has been a joyful experience. For others this has

been challenging and at times painful as they have had to visit some of the fears, past hurts, and conflicts in their lives. And

for others this has just been difficult, testing some of their attitudes and beliefs. In a way this is mirroring Jesus’ teaching and

how people reacted to him.

Clearly from the passage from Matthew’s gospel there is a call to being welcoming to people whose lives are challenged with

sin and brokenness. When we happen to hear that someone has been getting together with prostitutes and other sinners, I’m

afraid that our first assumption doesn’t tend to be “ministry.” I tend to think that we would tend to draw the same conclusions

about Jesus’ social circle as the Pharisees. Even The Apostle Paul said, “33Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good mor-

als” (1 Corinthians 15:33). But balanced with this good advice there is a challenge. The gospel has a special message to the

“unwelcomed” around us.

The hard truth of the gospel is that it has always gained traction first among those who know they have need of it. The

“untouchables,” the outcasts, and those who are on the outside of society have generally tended to respond long before the

“good people.” This is the case again in the places where Christianity is expanding and growing in our country, among those

who know that they need assistance. In other words if we are serious about spreading the gospel, the unwelcomed is where we

need to focus our attention.

Part of that is because the “Pharisees” feel pretty good about their lives. They are not looking to make any changes. For them

the “Good News” would be more of what they already have got. It is for the Tax-collectors, prostitutes, and other sinners that

a message that they are loved and accepted is truly good news. Our problem is that when we are honest, we’re not too sure that

we love them as sinners. Our feeling is: “Clean yourself up a bit and come back, then we’ll see.”

This is where it gets very hard for us. Jesus didn’t wait until they had cleaned up their act before showing up for supper. He

didn’t make the dinner conditional on their making changes. He sat down with them while they were still sinners. I don’t

know about you but this is a challenge for me. I tend to want to see conditions and expectations and wrestle with what it means

to practice true hospitality. But the more we can stretch to offer Christ to the unwelcome, the more alive we become in Christ.

The good news is that God is still working with us. Jesus is gracious and accepting and willing to teach us what we need to

know. Our part is to be willing to learn and to grow in hospitality so that we may have a healing and transforming message to

those whom God is calling us to minister. We’ll just have to continue to work on it, as Christ works in and through us.


Pastor Jack

Page 3: Everyone is Welcome! · The Unwelcome Guests 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up

Coming Up In Worship

August 3, 2014

Rev. Paul Zoschke will be leading worship. Communion will be celebrated (in the pews).

Message: “God’s Grace, So Amazing”

Scriptures: Psalm 103:1-12, Romans 5:20-6:14

Questions: Is God's grace so amazing and complete that there is little incentive for us to change our self-

centeredness into a life of fellowship and hospitality? What does receiving the Lord's Supper say to us about

being bonded to Christ and to one another?

August 10, 2014

Rev. Paul Zoschke will be leading worship. We will also hear from our Mission Trip participants.

August 17, 2014

Rev. Claudio Carvalhaes will be preaching.

A much sought after speaker, writer, performer, and consultant, Carvalhaes preached at the Festival of Homi-

letics, and The Art of Preaching in the 21st Century, at Candler School of Theology. He preached at “Faith

and Politics in the Public Square” by Third Institute for Faith and Public Life, at Princeton Theological Semi-

nary;“ “Faith, Race, and Politics”, The Tipple-Vosburgh Lecture Series, Drew Theological Semi-

nary, Presbyterian Youth Triennium in 2013 and led worship and offered a seminar at the Hispanic Summer

Program in 2013 in San Antonio. He has published articles, in English, Spanish and Portuguese, on the rela-

tion between globalization, immigration, multiculturalism and postcolonial theologies/liturgies, worship, arts,

and the Christian faith.

August 24, 2014 Christ-like Hospitality Sermon: "A Sacrifice of Hospitality"

Theme: Maturity in Christ draws us into seeing other's needs and to make sacrifices on their behalf.

Purpose: The congregation will seek to set aside their "rights" and "privileges" in order to share Christ.

Scriptures: Matthew 10:40-42 Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 To the Gen-

tiles I became a gentile - all for the gospel.

Questions: What practices are necessary in order that we practice the type of hospitality that stands out to

others? Are we willing to be changed in order to effective in creating healing relationships? Do we take the

idea of “sacrifice” seriously when considering Christ’s call to hospitality? Or do we expect those who have

needs and struggles to make sacrifices in order to be worthy of our concern and help? What happens to us

when we learn and practice real hospitality? Does it make a difference when we begin to see the world differ-

ently and practice an open heart?

continued on page 4


Page 3

August Newsletter

Page 4: Everyone is Welcome! · The Unwelcome Guests 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

We will be beginning the Tuesday Morning Bible Study again on Tuesday, Septem-

ber 16, 2014 at 9:30, at a get together at Jim and Peg Dvorak’s home. This year we

will be studying the Gospel According to Matthew and using N.T. Wrights,

“Matthew for Everyone.” This study will be an opportunity to see the gospel in a

fresh way, with insights regarding the customs of the time and putting the passages in

perspective of what Matthew intended for his audience to see and experience. N.T.

Wright’s work is helpful in that it has scholarly depth while being down to earth and

easy to understand. Pastor Jack will be leading us in this study.

Tuesday Morning Bible study is an enjoyable time of conversation, sharing, and friendship. Come and join us

as we gather and learn.

Coming Up In Worship cont.

August 31, 2014 Welcoming the Unwelcomed Guests

Sermon: "Welcoming the Unwelcome"

Theme: As we see Christ in others it transforms us into the body of Christ that can heal and transform others.

Purpose: To bring the series to a close with a commitment to be a body of Christ who practice love and hos-

pitality with all people.

Scriptures: Luke 15:1-10 Jesus was eating with sinners and tax collectors, rejoicing in salvation.

2 Corinthians 5:16-21 We no longer regard anyone from a human point of view.

Questions: What are we really willing to sacrifice in order to extend hospitality? What difference it really

make when we offer hospitality, especially in challenging situations? In what ways was Jesus an “unwelcome

guest?” In what ways is Jesus too demanding? In what ways does Christianity expect too much of us? How

do we grow to where we can joyfully and lovingly offer hospitality, even when it is a sacrifice? How does

growing in the ability to be gracious, welcoming, and kind change us as a church? In what ways does it

change our ability to share Christ’s love with the world?



Experienced and First Time Ushers

Our 2014-2015 Usher Schedule beings in September and runs through August. Please

consider signing up for one Sunday a month, you can choose either the 8 am or 10:30

am service or sign up as a substitute. What a great way to meet and greet our church

family. Plus getting to know those you usher with better. If you have any questions,

please call Nancy Hilbert. You can sign up on the Kiosk sheet, call church office 922-

0425 or call Nancy Hilbert 921-2514.

Volume XV, Issue VIII

Page 4

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Page 5

Chancel Choir News

The Choir begins practices on September 3rd at 6:30 pm. We will be singing

the 2nd Sunday of each month at 8:00 am and the 4th Sunday of each month at

10:30. We are looking at making a few minor changes to our "performance"

with adding songs with the congregation, preludes and postludes (all good

things). We continue to look for new members for all parts. You don't have to

read music or be a perfect singer--just want to have fun and be part of an amaz-

ing group of people. If you are interested in joining, please come to the first

rehearsal on the 3rd.

Becky Frize


Noon Organ Recital Series – 2014

What began as a way of celebrating the beautiful pipe organs of Fond du Lac, has become a summer tradition.

Now in its sixth season, the Noon Organ Recital Series returns on Thursdays, from 12:15 - 12:45 pm. The

complete schedule is found below. Concerts are presented free of charge. A free will offering will be taken

to support future summer organ recital series and United Singers, an organization which allows persons with

special needs to be enriched by music and to share their gifts with the community.

July 31st - Hope Lutheran Church, 260 Vincent St. Organist Ken Hill

August 7th - CANCELLED

Aug. 7th - The former St. Patrick's Church, 39 E. Follett St. "Organ Crawl - Open House"

Organist: Arpad Muranyi

Aug. 14th –Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Church, W1562 County Rd B, Eden Organist: John Penkoske


Mission Trip to Niagara Falls

In July our youth traveled to Niagara Falls for this summer’s mission trip. On Sunday August 10th during the

9am worship service mission trip participants will share their experiences with the congregation. Please join

them in support and celebration of their "Growing with Christ" adventure.

August Newsletter

Page 6: Everyone is Welcome! · The Unwelcome Guests 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up

Thursday, August 14, 2014 9:00AM—3:00PM First Presbyterian Church, Neenah Sacraments and Globalization This workshop intends to make con-

nections between the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist and historical

processes of globalization. Questions such as “What does the rite of bap-

tism have to do with issues of colonialism, ecology, immigration, and

health systems?” and “How the celebration of the Eucharist is associated

with notions of economy, land-food, and non-documented immigrants in

US?” will be engaged. We will engage relations between theories of global-

ization, immigration, hospitality, sacramental theologies and local church-

es. If you want to know more about the topic please read: Eucharist and

Globalization: Re-drawing the Borders of Eucharistic Hospitality, by Cláu-

dio Carvalhaes.

Friday, August 15, 2014 9:00AM—3:00PM First Presbyterian Church, Neenah Prophesy in the City In this workshop we will figure out together how

local churches can engage the city using our own strength and sources

(Arts, Theology, Rituals, Social Media and Networking) to transform our

cities. We will wrestle with 1) Ezekiel’s words “Mortal, prophesy and say:

Thus says the Lord; Say…” 2) Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel’s understanding

of prophecy and 3) liberation theologies.

Saturday, August 16, 2014 9:00AM-3:00PM First Presbyterian Church, Fond du Lac Metaphors for Our Church How can we define the church today?

What are the best images, parables, symbols that we can use to help us un-

derstand who we have become, where we are today and what we are to do

with ourselves? Metaphors will be offered for us to engage and perhaps we

will create other possible metaphors together.

Cost: $20 per day/ $50 for all three days includes continental

breakfast and lunch. Make Checks Payable to Winnebago Presby-

tery. Registration and Questions: Jennifer Zander [email protected] or Gina Struensee [email protected]

Sunday, August 17, 2014 9:00AM Preaching at First Presbyterian in Fond du Lac

P.I.E. (Presbyterians in Education) is a group that supports Christian Education in the Winnebago Presbytery. Our goal is to support, educate, train, and offer networking opportunities for those people involved in all aspects of Christian Education in their churches, whether volunteers or paid staff .


Cláudio Carvalhaes, a theologian and

artist, was born and raised in São

Paulo, Brazil, where he also earned

his degree from the Independent

Presbyterian Theo-logical Seminary.

He was ordained by the Independent

Presbyterian Church of Brazil and

served two different Presbyterian

congregations in São Paulo.

He studied ecumenism in Switzerland

at the World Council of Churches and

received his M.A. in theology and

literature from Methodist University’s

Ecumenical Institute of the Graduate

School of Religion in São Paulo un-

der the guidance of Dr. Jaci C. Mara-


In a partnership between the Presby-

tery of São Paulo and the Presbytery

of Southern New England, Cavalhaes

became one of the first missionaries

to do “reverse mission” coming to US

after Presbyterians went to Brazil in

1859. He became a founding pastor

of Christ is Life Presbyterian Church,

a Portuguese-speaking immigrant

congregation in Fall River, Mass.

After serving the church for four

years, Carvalhaes moved to New

York City where he started his doctor-

al studies at Union Theological Semi-

nary under the guidance of Drs. Janet

R. Walton and Delores Williams.

As a former shoe shining boy on the

streets of São Paulo, he doesn’t take

anything for granted and has always

an eucharistic heart, filled with

thanksgiving for what God has done

in his life and for the many people

that he met along the way.


Page 7: Everyone is Welcome! · The Unwelcome Guests 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up

Men of Faith - August 2nd

Men of the congregation are invited to come to the first Saturday of the month Men

of Faith's breakfast. We sit down to eat at 8:00 A.M. Sign up sheet is located on

the narthex kiosk. Men of the church are invited to come to an event of fun, food,

and fellowship.


Page 7


August 15th @ 7:00 p.m.

2014 Coffee Hour

Month Ministry Team



Creative Arts


Women In Faith

A friend is someone who reaches for your hand, but touches your heart.

Join us for fun and fellowship on Thursday, August 28th from 6-8pm. We will share a light supper if you can

bring a dish to pass, if not just bring yourself and join the fun. Following supper we will have a fun time of

fellowship called “Our Favorite Things.” We will share with one another some of our favorite things...

household items, food, clothing, books, poems, cleaning items, etc. We invite everyone to bring in a favorite

thing to share with the group. We will take turns telling one another about our items and then have a drawing

in which everyone will be able to take home someone else's favorite thing. (So, think of a favorite item that

you would be willing to purchase an extra to share with the group... e.g. your favorite hand soap or lotion... a

better idea.) Hope to see you there! Please contact Jennifer 922-0425 with any questions.


The BloodCenter of Wiscon-

sin will hold a blood drive at

our church on Thursday,

September 18. Anyone who

has donated blood prior to

July 25 will be eligible to do-

nate again on September 18.

Recent New Member

Get Together

August 10th

7:00—8:30 pm

Kay Mullin’s Home

Snacks & Beverage Provided

Please RSVP by August 6th

Phone 920-539-5900

Summer Cookout - Sunday, August 3rd

Looking for a fun and relaxing way to enjoy in great fellowship with other members

of First Presbyterian. Come join us for our last of three summer cookouts on Sun-

day, August 3rd. Following the 9 am worship service, folks can attend the Talkback

Session in the Gathering Room or enjoy coffee hour in the Fellowship Hall. The grill

will be fired up following church and burgers and hot dogs will be ready to eat at 11

am. Those who are able, are invited to bring a dish to pass. Drinks will be provid-

ed. Don't miss out on all the fun.

August Newsletter

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Page 8

Summer Scrip Schedule

For the summer, the Fond du Lac Scrip Network will be accepting scrip orders just once a month. In previous

bulletins we had said that it would be the 1st of each month, but because of the Headquarter ordering schedule,

it doesn’t work out that way. Below is the schedule for the months of July, August and September. If you

happen to have any questions, feel free to contact Sheryl Brown, Mary Robotka, or Lynn Zills.

Scrip orders are due by 10:00 a.m. on the ordering Sundays; with pick up of your orders the following Sunday.



It is still a little early in summer to think about school this fall but, it is time to start

collecting money and school supplies to help families in our area provide their chil-

dren with needed school supplies for the new school year. Back to School Fond du

Lac is a community wide collaboration of Agencies, Businesses, Schools, Churches

and People like you, who come together every year to support this wonderful mission

project. Last year 1100 students were helped by a community providing much love,

and money and supplies worth about $70,000. This was originally a church based

mission and area churches still provide a large portion of the supplies and money

needed to support the mission. You can also sign up on line to help with many of the

wonderful volunteering opportunities of Back to School at http://goo.gl/6aKqNu.

There will be a collection box in our church’s front entryway for donated supplies

from July 6th to August 17th. Distribution date will be August 23rd. Please check the suggested supply list

on the box and make checks of monetary donations out to First Presbyterian Church/Back to School. Thank

you for your support. Questions contact Mike Petersen or Shin Ae Zeigler.

Order Scrip By: Scrip Available for Pick-up:

Sunday, August 10 Sunday, August 17

Sunday, Sept. 7th Sunday, Sept. 14th

Prayer Shawl Ministry

People who have received a prayer shawl feel very blessed and moved in getting one

of this special shawls. If you would like to help us with this very important ministry,

we have the instructions for the Prayer Shawls’ in the church office and the fellow-

ship hall. If you have made a Prayer Shawl to drop off in the church office, please

leave your name with the shawl. We are trying to keep track of who has made and

received the “Prayer Shawls”. If you have any questions please see Diane Weigel.


Page 9: Everyone is Welcome! · The Unwelcome Guests 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up


Outreach team is sponsoring a food drive to support the hungry families and individ-

uals of the Fond du Lac area August 3rd -24th . This is the last food drive of the

year so we really want to make it a good one. Families will be stocking up on basic

necessities for the fall and winter and the need is great.

Food collected will be provided to Salvation Army and Fond du Lac Food Pantry.

Your contributions at this time make a world of difference for hungry families

throughout the Fond du Lac area.

Cereal, rice, pasta, canned soup, meat, vegetables, peanut butter and any other nutritious non-perishable food

will be appreciated. Fond du Lac Food Pantry always needs jelly, syrup, and juice in plastic bottles. They are

also short of side dishes like hamburger helper, tuna helper and other pasta or rice convenience foods.

Salvation Army is also collecting soap, shampoo, tooth paste, tooth brushes, toilet paper and other hygiene

items not allowed with food stamps (now known as EBT).

Your participation is greatly appreciated.



Both the Fond du Lac Food Pantry and Salvation Army always need the following:

Cereal Fruit Juice Vegetables

Rice Tuna Tuna Helper

Pasta Peanut Butter Stew

Canned Soup Jam or Jelly Hamburger Helper

Canned Meat

Any other nutritious food in cans, plastic bottles or boxes.


Page 9

August Newsletter

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Page 10

Cares and Joys

Please keep in your thoughts, hearts, and prayers: Buzzy (Marion) Seibel, Carol Dykstra, Carol Merrill,

Harley “Butch” Guell, Jody Lamb, Judy Schmitz, June Benson, Liam Anderson, Margaret Brandenburg,

Mary Wolfe, Randy Bacon, Rick Schry, Ron Broege, Scott Mitchell (Dan Mitchell's brother), Silas Willey,

Virginia Erdman, Rev. Tubuwa and the people of South Sudan, the people of Syria and the Ukraine.

Prayers for Debby Lorenz and her family on the passing of Debby’s father, Earl Bond, July 9th.

Prayers for Dorothy Pawlowski and her family who passed away July 19th.

Welcome our new members: Don and Sandy Vahlsing.

Rejoice for the birth of Evelyn Marie Summeril born to Amber & Justin Summeril on June 28th. Congrats to

Dave & Joy Erickson for their new granddaughter

Rejoice for the baptism with Logan George Wills, son of Jeff and Trisha Wills.

Pray for those in the military: Alex Sell and Steve Sommerfeldt.

Names will stay on the prayers list for 6 weeks unless otherwise specified. Please call the office if you would

like to have your name added or removed @ 922-0425.


August Birthdays August Anniversaries

8/1 Courteney Flaherty 8/19 Pat Dilling 8/1 Steve & Tina Sommerfeldt

8/1 Mya Lydeen 8/19 Samuel Polacek 8/5 Terry & Jane Albrecht

8/2 Megan Halley 8/20 Carol Huebbe 8/5 Dion & Jennifer Meux

8/3 Dan Robotka 8/20 Jamie Roth 8/6 Larry & Carol Merrill

8/5 Jeff Smith 8/20 Blake Scheer 8/8 Bob & Jane Flaherty

8/7 Dick Sleder 8/23 Gideon Bacon 8/12 John & Linda Neville

8/8 Russ Dern 8/23 Tina Sommerfeldt 8/13 Paul & Deanna Lefeber

8/8 Leah Fett 8/24 Tony Cook 8/15 Jim & Shirley Ries

8/8 Daniel Loomans 8/24 Lindsey Shaw 8/16 Bob & Mary Binning

8/9 Trace Hoover 8/27 Bob Baumhardt 8/21 Ron & Shirley Kreie

8/10 Alison Davis 8/27 Laura Hynek 8/21 Christian & Diana Tscheschlok

8/11 Laura Junig 8/27 Katherine Zemski 8/23 Bill & Sue Kuespert

8/11 Linda Theyerl 8/28 Kimberly Rodriguez 8/28 Scott & Amy Sabel

8/11 Jim Wolfe 8/29 Randy Bacon

8/13 Ben Wellens 8/29 Alexis Hynek

8/15 Joanne Marchionda 8/29 Hailey Neas

8/16 Eliana Halfman 8/30 Brittany Davis

8/16 Jerry Hilbert 8/30 Brooke Davis

8/16 Sandra Thurke 8/30 Marie Laiten

8/16 TJ Vander Grinten 8/30 Cory Smith

8/16 Ryley Wilson 8/31 Matthew Davis

8/17 Janet Kaiser 8/31 Payton Davis

8/18 Cadence Wilke

We are looking for birthdays and anniversaries for September. Please let us know if we can include your name on

our birthday/anniversaries list by contacting the church office at 922-0425 or send us an email to [email protected].

Volume XV, Issue VIII

Page 11: Everyone is Welcome! · The Unwelcome Guests 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up

Welcome New Church Members!

Bill, Tammy, Courteney and Jacob Flaherty

Tammy & I enjoy spending time outdoors doing gardening, birding, and a little

fishing. Courteney & Jake are avid hunters & fishermen and enjoy all things out-

doors. Courteney recently graduated with her degree as a Veterinary Technician

and Jake continues his education in Fire Fighting and Paramedic training.

We all enjoy music, watching hockey & NASCAR, and spending time with

family & friends."

Jeff Gagnow & Kari Jacobsen-Gagnow

Jeff & Kari have been in the FDL area (St. Peter to be exact) for 8 years. Jeff is a self

employed Commercial Real Estate Appraiser and Kari is a Food Scientist for a local per-

snickety cheese company. They have an English Setter dog, Scout.

Andy Lorenz & Debby Bond Lorenz

Debby and I have been married for almost 33 years. We have one son, Brad, who was mar-

ried, June 15th., in Santa Fe. Brad lives in Phoenix. I also have two daughters, who are

both married, with children, and live in the FdL area. Debby is a teacher and I am a retired

glass installer, but keep busy with projects, volunteering and grand kids. We live in Pee-

bles. Looking forward to getting to know our new church family.

Corey, Jaime and Braxton Roth

Corey and Jaime Roth live in Fond du Lac with their son Braxton and dog Joe-Jo. Co-

rey is a senior social worker for Dodge County and Jaime is the Referral Manager at All

About Life. In their free time they enjoy spending time with friends and family.

Bill, Karen, Lindsay and Luke Shaw

Karen and Bill Shaw have been married for 38 years and have

lived in Fond du Lac for the past 35 years. Bill is a dentist in Fond du Lac and Karen

is a retired dental hygienist. Karen is originally from the Chicago area and Bill was

born and raised in Milwaukee. Lindsay is their oldest child and her son is Luke, age

five. Lindsay worked in Bills office before becoming a mother.

Karen and Bills youngest child is twenty nine year old Will. Will lives and works in

New York City. The Shaw's appreciate the uplifting sermons and music at First Presbyterian Church and the

friendly congregation. They look forward to becoming more involved at First Presbyterian.

Paul & Myra Strebe

Paul and Myra Strebe have been married for 5 years. Paul grew up in Eden, WI and My-

ra is from the mountains of western North Carolina near Asheville. We met while Myra

was living in Kentucky and Paul was in the Army and stationed at Fort Knox, KY. We

now live in Mount Calvary, WI and share our home with one dog and two cats.

NEW CHURCH MEMBERS August Newsletter

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Page 12: Everyone is Welcome! · The Unwelcome Guests 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up

Confirmation Class 2015

The Confirmation program here at First Presbyterian

Church is open to all youth 8th grade and above. This

is an exciting step in one’s faith journey. When chil-

dren are baptized the congregation and parents agree to raise the

child as a follower of Jesus Christ. Now it is time for these young

people to explore making that decision for him or herself. The con-

gregation, represented by their parents, Faith Partners and the

teaching team will support, guide and pray for them as they seek an

understanding of what it means to be an active Christian. At the end

of the process, the confirmand will express their faith in an individual

statement of faith and may request the status of active member from

the Session.

If you are interested in finding out about this program please join us

in an informational meeting on Wednesday September 10th at 7:00PM.

We will talk about the expectations of the class. If you have any

questions please contact Jennifer or Jack.

Volume XV, Issue VIII

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Page 13: Everyone is Welcome! · The Unwelcome Guests 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up

What is Rotation Sunday School?

What is Rotation Sunday School? It is a four week study of one Bible lesson. The Kindergarten-5th grade chil-

dren are broken into groups, based on grade, and rotate to different stations each week. Using the Workshop

Rotation Model, children learn and experience Bible stories and Christian concepts through child-friendly

multi-media such as art, dramas, music, games, food, puppets, and storytelling. This model recognizes that

children love repetition and need repetition to develop a lasting memory of the content.

How can I help?

You don’t have to have teaching experience or even intensive knowledge of the church to join the church

school team. Many find teaching enriches their own knowledge of the Bible and our faith—they learn right

along with the kids! Parents enjoy sharing the experience with their children. Adults who don’t normally

work with children find it a refreshing take on life. Since we need 2 adults per class we need to fill many po-


Helping is very easy and a lot of fun! There are many different ways to help in the 2014-2015 school year.

Here are a few:

Teacher: 1 Rotation commitment (4 Sundays). You will be in charge of teaching one station for the duration

of the Bible story. You will teach the same lesson each week with some modifications depending on the grade

level. The lessons are preplanned for you.

Teacher Helper: (Flexible commitment) Help teacher in the teaching of the lesson.

Preschool Sunday School

We are looking for Preschool Teachers. We need a small group of teachers and helpers to be scheduled

throughout the year. A teacher and teacher helper are needed each week. We need a group of teachers to

work together Please consider sharing your gifts and time with our 3-5 year old members.

Enrichment Teachers

We are looking for Teachers and Teacher Helpers for the Enrichment time. Enrichment Class is designed for

children ages 3-Kindergarten and begins after “Discovery Time” during the 10:30 worship service. The class

begins with a story time followed by activities and play time. Your commitment would be once every other


Nursery Helpers

We are looking for volunteers to work in the nursery at either the 8:00 a.m. service or the 10:30 service. We

are also looking for volunteers for special evening events.

Youth Sunday School

We are looking for Teachers to lead the Youth Sunday School class. The class meets during the Education

hour (9:15-10:15) Sunday mornings. Please consider sharing your gifts and time with the Middle School and

High School Youth.

Growing Connections Leaders

We are looking for volunteers to lead discussions and learning opportunities for adults during the Education


Contact Jennifer 922-0425 if you are interested.