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Mexican-Americans less healthy than Immigrants

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Mexican-Americans most integrated into US culture are less healthy than recent immigrants according to a new study by the CDC

Mexican-American Males are the ones with the most health problems

CDC looked at the health of Mexican immigrants from 1998 to 2007 for this study

This study contradicts the belief that many anti-immigrant groups express about illegal-immigrants being unhealthy. And that they are the ones most taxing on the U.S. health care system.

On average Americans are less healthy than immigrants because of their activity levels and diet.

Among the immigrants, women were less healthy. The were likely to suffer from hypertension, heart disease and diabetes

Study does reveal that part of the results may have to do with younger men being the ones more likely to cross the border.

Mexican-American immigrants are less likely to use the US health care system

As Mexican-Americans assimilate into popular US culture they become more likely to develop diabetes like the total population.