HE EA MAKAMAE - ASHRAE Hawaii Chapter · HE EA MAKAMAE. A monthly publication by the American...


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HE EA MAKAMAE A monthly publication by the American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc.

SY 2014-15, Issue #5 HONOLULU, OAHU, HAWAII January 2015

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE – Bill Lee, P.E. Happy New Year – Hope everyone got a chance to enjoy the holidays with family and friends and a chance to kick back and relax a little. Because it looks like this New Year is going to be pretty exciting in our local HVAC community. The economy continues to pick up, and new projects are underway. Looks like the new Kakaako is going to be a reality, and the rail is coming up fast – at least from the Ewa plain side. Thank you past president Barry Jim On and all his helpers for planning and implementing the great Christmas banquet that we all enjoyed. Special thanks to all the sponsors and those that donated all the great door prizes. It’s always great to come home with a little treat. The games were great – testing our

engineering abilities with the Christmas tree marshmallow contest YEA – Young Engineers of ASHRAE –Technical training meetings continue– the purpose is to help young engineers gain the knowledge they need to succeed in our industry. The 3rd meeting was held in Dec. and there was a total attendance of 31. Another great session on Air Distribution presented by Marites Calad of Norman S. Wright. Thanks Marites! The sessions are free and food is provided. The sessions are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Starts at 5 pm at InSynergy 2nd floor conference rm. If you would like to share your expertise on an HVAC subject for a session or would like to help sponsor please contact Willie Diguc or Richard Miller or myself. Again, I would like to highlight the behind the scenes people that keep our local ASHRAE chapter running. This month I would like to introduce our Membership Promotion chairman – Paul (Scotty) Scott. Membership Promotion committee helps promote ASHRAE membership, encourages those that have not renewed their membership from the year before, and also encourages members to upgrade their membership. Also don’t forget to help support the local chapter by paying the local chapter fee which is in addition to the society fee. Scotty along with his wife Linda owns and operates Engineering Systems a local manufacturer’s representative. Scotty has served the local ASHRAE chapter in many capacities throughout the years, including President. Thank you Scotty for all your efforts and strong support for all these years. Our local chapter would not be where it is without Scotty and Linda’s hard work and leadership. The January meeting will be another one you will not want to miss. We will have a panel of some of our outstanding local HVAC leaders to give us insight into how to run a successful business in the HVAC industry. It isn’t enough to have good technical knowledge; you also need good business knowledge. Find out what it takes from those who know. See you at the January meeting - Bill

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Happy New Year!!! 2


4 5 6 BOG Meeting at Coffman Engineers 11:30 to 1 PM

7 8 Chapter Meeting at Plaza Club 20th Floor – Panel Discussion – Successful Business Operations

9 10

11 12 13

14 15 16 17

18 19 20 YEA Training at InSynergy

21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Chapter Committee Chairs Attendance and Reception: Samantha Niver Technology Transfer: Donna Kishi

Programs: Ryan Chang, P.E. & Willie Diguc, Co-Chairs Grassroots Government Activities: Dean Borges, P.E. Refrigeration: Kevin Ku Technology: Rick Beall, P.E. Energy Awards: Lori Arakawa

Historian: Barry Jim On, P.E. Membership Promotion: Scotty Scott Newsletter Editor: Dean Borges, P.E. Research Promotion: Matthew Tio Product Show: Matthew Tio Technical Seminar: Kevin Luoma & Rob Aulden Brown Student Activities: David Parke Young Engineers of ASHRAE: Willie Diguc Webmaster: Andrew Crossland, P.E.

Chapter Officers for Society Year 2014 to 2015 President: Bill Lee, P.E. President-Elect: Donna Kishi Vice President: Dean Borges, P.E. Secretary: Kevin Luoma, P.E. Treasurer: Mofazzal Mir, P.E. Chapter Board of Governors Barry Jim On, P.E. (Immediate Past President) Rick Beall, P.E. Ryan Chang, P.E. Matthew Tio Andrew Crossland, P.E. David Parke

January 2015

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From the Newsletter Editor

This issue of He Ea Makamae is published to encourage your enjoyment of

ASHRAE events in Hawaii during the ASHRAE 2014-2015 Society Year. Lori Arakawa, Energy Awards Committee Chair, has continued an innovation

to this issue by providing the “Energy Corner” tips. Willie Diguc, YEA Chair, continues to have a great program idea regarding our Air Distribution industry forum you’ll just love.

Yes already December past us by and I really enjoy the Christmas Party at

the Honolulu Country Club and join in the giving spirit with Santa. Remember to join in all the events you can and get ready for the new year

celebration, 45 years of ASHRAE Hawaii Chapter first meeting was in January 1970, I think it’s always fun to review the activities of the members who have served this Chapter ASHRAE before us.

ASHRAE can make a difference in you, your company and our community.

Dean Borges, P.E., Newsletter Editor

Announcements: Nominations for Energy Projects

are needed (contact Bill Lee) Tech Seminar and Product

Show: March 11, 2010 (UH East-West Center)

Refrigeration Field Trip: UH Career Day: Moanalua HS Day:

Your business tag line here.

Phone: 808-529-1275 E-mail: admin@ashraehawaiichapter.info

Ashrae Hawaii Chapter P.O.Box 3916 Honolulu, Hawaii 96812

Your business tag line here.

Phone: 808-529-1275 E-mail: admin@ashraehawaiichapter.info

Ashrae Hawaii Chapter P.O.Box 3916 Honolulu, Hawaii 96812

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NEXT SOCIAL MEETING Date: 8 January 2015 (Thursday)

Where: The Plaza Club, 900 Fort Street Mall, (808) 521-8905 www.theplazaclub.com/club/scripts/public/public.asp?GRP=16963&NS=PUBLIC

Registration: Starts at 5:30 pm. (Contact samatha.niver@wspgroup.com regarding attendance questions about this meeting).

Technical Session: 6:00 pm “TBD”

Dinner: Starts at 7:00 pm

Main Program: 7:30 pm, “Advice for Building a Successful Business” with Barry Jim On, P.E., Marites Calad and Ken Richardson.

Adjournment: ~9:00 pm

Cost: $45 per ASHRAE member; $50 per guest; $55 at the door registration. Payment can be made via credit card at: https://ashraehawaiichapter.starchapter.com/meet-reg1.php?id=62 Otherwise, make check payable to ASHRAE Hawaii Chapter.

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January 8th Program:

Do’s and Don’ts: “TBD” By ???

Main Program: Advice for Building a Successful Business Are you thinking of starting your own business? Or are you interested in improving the company you currently work for? Hear strategies that have worked for our very own local project managers and company owners. Get advice on team management, landing sales, time management, building customer relationships, resolving problems, business development and more. Hear the lessons learned, success stories, and cautionary tales that will both entertain and incite professional development.

Speaker Bios:

Barry Jim On, P.E., LEED AP, Cx Vice President InSynergy Engineering, Inc. Mr. Jim On will discuss what he feels are the proper “Tools for Business”. He will

share some of his business philosophy and strategies that have helped InSynergy Engineering Inc. grow into one of the largest design consulting firms in the State of Hawaii. The presentation will provide advice on the practical approach to business, relationships, and leadership that has helped him throughout his career as a Consulting Engineer and a Principal of a small business. Mr. Jim On served as ASHRAE Hawaii Chapter President for 2013-2014, and for several preceding years on the chapter’s Board of Governors. He is also a past President of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Hawaii. Mr. Jim On is licensed in both Mechanical and Fire Protection Engineering. He earned his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Colorado, and M.S. degree in Civil Engineering from University of California, Berkeley.

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Marites Calad Vice President / Branch Manager Norman S. Wright Mechanical

Ms. Marites Calad is currently the Vice President/Branch Manager for Norman S. Wright Mechanical Equipment Corporation – Pacific, managing the Hawaii and Guam offices which employs a total of 19 people. She has been with Norman S. Wright for almost 18 years and was instrumental in opening the Norman S Wright Guam office in 2007. Ms. Calad began her career at Norman S. Wright as an application engineer.

Ms. Calad received her bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Santa Clara University. She worked for a local consulting engineering firm, Notkin Hawaii Inc., for almost two years prior to joining Norman S. Wright.

Ms. Calad has been an active member of ASHRAE Hawaii Chapter since 1997. She has chaired most of the committees and all chapter official positions prior to serving as Chapter President in 2006-2007. She has served as Regional Vice-Chair for Membership Promotion and currently the Nominating Committee Alternate for Region X.

Kenneth Richardson President / Founder Island Controls Inc. Mr. Ken Richardson is the President and Founder of Island Controls Inc. which

has been in business for more than 12 years. He has worked for Heide & Cook (10 years) and Johnson Controls (18 years). His educational background comes from real world on the job training as a U.S. Air Force electronics technician and technical courses he took while working at Johnson Controls. Mr. Richardson served as ASHRAE Hawaii Chapter President for 2002-2003. He has also served for several years as a committee chairperson and on the Board of Governors. When he is not rescuing Hawaii businesses from the perils of improperly operating controls, he invests his time supporting ASHRAE Hawaii Chapter and his passion for golf.

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Lori Arakawa – Energy Corner Energy Trivia: The most energy-intensive part of the food chain is the kitchen. Much more energy is used to refrigerate and prepare food in the home than is used to produce it in the first place.h

Refrigerators in the U.S. consume about the same energy as 25 large power plants produce each year.e

e ----. 2010. Fossil Fuels. Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media. h Sherwin, Elton B. 2010. Addiction to Energy: A Venture Capitalist’s Perspective on How to Save Our Economy and Our Climate. Knoxville, TN: Energy House Publishing.

Energy Conservation Tip: Replace your old refrigerator with an ENERGY STAR certified refrigerator. An estimated 170 million refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers are currently in use in the United States. More than 60 million refrigerators are over 10 years old, costing consumers $4.7 billion a year in energy costs. By properly recycling your old refrigerator and replacing it with a new ENERGY STAR certified refrigerator, you can save between $35–$300 on energy costs over its lifetime.

Reminder – ASHRAE Technology Award Nominations We are looking for nominations for the ASHRAE Technology Awards. For more information on the ASHRAE Technology Awards Program, go to https://www.ashrae.org/membership--conferences/honors--awards/technology-awards-program Deadline for nominations is March 31, 2015. Please forward any nominations to Lori Arakawa at lori.a.arakawa@usace.army.mil

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Secretary Kevin Luoma, P.E.

Dec. 4, 2014 11:30 – 1:00 BOG & Committee Chairmen mtg. Called to order at 11:40 Attendees: Bill Lee, Dean Borges, Kevin Luoma, Rob Brown Previous BOG meeting minutes – minutes from previous meeting were approved Jan. Mtg. Plans – Plan on have a round table presentation on how to build an HVAC business Chair Reports Treasurer’s report: November Meeting donations exceeded the expenditures by $581.68 Christmas Party – Budget provided by Dean and approved. It was about $6,000. Party will be held at Honolulu Country Club. CTTC Report Chapter Program Report - Donna not in attendance YEA Report – Willie, Rich Miller – Tech/Education meeting – Young engineers training sessions going well. Willie and Rich were not in attendance so nothing new to report. Student Activities Report – David Parke not in attendance. Representatives from ESI will accompany the UH students in Chicago. Newsletter Report - Get you write-ups in by 1-5-2015 Webmaster Report – Still need to get the thermometer on the website. We now have the chapter goal of $17,000 so Andy can add it. RP Report – Matt not in attendance, nothing new to report MP Report – Scotty not in attendance, nothing new to report Technical Seminar Report – Matt Tio will run the product show. Three of the four speakers are filled and Rob Brown should have the 4th filled. Main Speaker is Max Sherman. The other confirmed speakers are Matt Briley, head of the local IAQA chapter and Colin Murphy with Trinity ERD. The 4th speaker will be a manufacturer’s rep. Location will be the Hawaii Prince hotel again. GrassRoots Report – Need someone to take over, Bill and Dean may accept the responsibility. Next BOG meeting – Jan. 6th ( Coffman Engineers Conference Rm 11:30 am) Meeting adjourned at 12:30pm

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Photo’s to Share from Chapter Christmas Party:

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Photo’s to Share from YEA December Meeting:
