Happening in February


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4811 Whipple Avenue NW Suite 101 • Canton, OH 44718

Happening in February...African American History Month. An annual observance to recognize and

commemorate African American culture, African American History Month (or Black HistoryMonth) is celebrated annually in the United States and Canada in February, and in the UnitedKingdom in October.

National “Wear Red” Day for Women‘s Heart Health, Feb. 1. Heart disease is the No. 1killer of women in United States. Raise awareness of heart health issues and diseaseprevention by wearing something red on this day.

Groundhog Day, February 2. While waiting for the groundhog this year, consider thatthese hibernating mammals also go by “woodchuck,” “marmot,” and “whistle pig” — the latterbecause groundhogs sometimes emit a loud, sharp whistle when frightened. Let‘s hope forclouds; legend has it that if the groundhog sees his shadow, we‘re in for six more weeks ofwinter.

Make a Friend Day, Feb. 11. Friends are the jewels that enrich our lives. Reach out andmake a connection with someone.

Valentine‘s Day, Feb. 14. Show the people you love how much you care for them, withcards, flowers, and kindness.

Presidents‘ Day, Feb. 18. Held on or around the birthday of the first U.S. president,George Washington.

Chinese New Year, Feb 19. Happy 4717, the Year of the Pig!

Home Is Where the Heart IsWe‘re delighted that you have chosen to reside at DeVille Apartments. Our management

team strives to create a warm and caring living environment designed to make you feel rightat home. Please don‘t hesitate to contact the Management Office with any comments,questions or concerns. Have a Happy Valentine‘s Day!

Heart Attack: Watch for the SignsBecause February is American Heart Month, we thought it appropriate to educate our

residents about the early warning signs of a heart attack. Of the approximately 540,000people who die from heart attacks every year, 350,000 die outside the hospital within thefirst two hours of the arrest. Watch for any of the following signs and call 911 immediately:• Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or dull pain in the center of the chest lastinglonger than two minutes • Pain that may radiate into the areas of the shoulders, arms, neckor jaws • Sweating • Nausea • Shortness of breath • Feeling of weakness • Pale and sicklooking.

Winter Weather Car Tips• Remove road salt from carpets with a solution of equal parts vinegar and water.• Carry a blackboard eraser in your car to remove fog from the inside of windows.• Leave the window open a crack to prevent frost from building up inside the car.• Keep a broom with a shortened handle in the trunk of the car to dust off snow.

February 2019Inside this issue

Healthy eating tipsHow to keep flowers fresh

Movie previews and more!

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Chateau DeVille330-492-8650

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DeVille Grandeur330-834-1396

fountaine DeVille330-488-1051

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monday thru friday8:00 am–4:30 pm



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Try these six tips forhealthy eating habits

Cast a love spell onValentine’s Day

Did you forget to make dinnerreservations for Valentine’s Day?Nice job! Here are some tips tomake it seem like you planned aromantic “ evening in” all along…

Takeout to the rescue! All youhave to do is go a step above fastfood and pick up some slightlyexotic finger-food fare, such assushi, gourmet tacos, shish kebabor satay (available at Indonesianand southeast Asian restaurants).Be sure to call the eatery ahead—hours before you think you’ll beready to eat—because you’re notthe only love-day procrastinator.

Fill your home with romanticscents. Dot a drop or two ofjasmine essential oil on a lightbulb here and there. (Do it whenthe bulb is cold, please.)According to Laurie Steelsmith,ND, LAc, jasmine oil emits asweet, musky aroma thatprompts the release of pleasure-supporting brain chemicals suchas endorphins. It rouses passion…and helps establish an ambienceof intimacy. Who needs arestaurant?

We know how you feel. Fresh cut +owers are so beautiful…but they have woefullyshort lives! Here’s a way to help them last…

Most tap water contains minerals that make it alkaline. And alkaline water has ahard time moving through cut +ower stems. ,is means that the life of cut +owers ina vase will be shortened because the +owers do not get the hydration or nutritionthey need to thrive.

To overcome this challenge, simply lower the pH of the water…or acidify it. Youcan do this by adding one part of non-diet lemon–lime soda (such as Sprite or 7UP)to three parts of water in your +ower vase. ,e citric acid in the soda helps lower thepH, and the sugar in the soda gives the +owers an energy boost.

How to make your cut flowers last longer





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ISN’T IT ROMANTIC New York City architectNatalie works hard to get noticed at her jobbut is more likely to be asked to deliver coffeeand bagels than to design the city’s nextskyscraper. And if things weren’t bad enough,Natalie, a lifelong cynic when it comes tolove, has an encounter with a mugger thatrenders her unconscious, waking to discoverthat her life has suddenly become her worstnightmare—a romantic comedy—and she isthe leading lady. Rebel Wilson and LiamHemsworth star.

COLD PURSUIT Liam Neeson stars as NelsCoxman, a family man whose quiet life withhis wife (Laura Dern) is upended followingthe mysterious death of their son. Nels’search for justice turns into a vengeful huntfor Viking, a drug lord he believes isconnected to the death. As one by one eachof Viking’s associates “disappear,” Nels goesfrom upstanding citizen to ice-cold vigilante,letting nothing - and no one - get in his way.

JACOB’S LADDER After losing his brother incombat, Jacob Singer returns home fromAfghanistan only to be pulled into a mind-

twisting state of paranoia as he realizes thathis brother is alive and life is not what itseems. Michael Ealy, Jesse Williams, andNicole Beharie star.

ARCTIC A man stranded in the Arctic afteran airplane crash must decide whether toremain in the relative safety of his makeshiftcamp or to embark on a deadly trek throughthe unknown in hopes of making it out alive.Mads Mikkelsen stars.

THE RHYTHM SECTION After the death ofher family in an airplane crash on a flight thatshe was meant to be on, Stephanie Patrick(Blake Lively) discovers the crash was not anaccident. She then seeks to uncover the truthby adapting the identity of an assassin totrack down those responsible. Jude Law alsostars.

FLARSKY Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogen), anunemployed journalist battered by his ownmisfortune, endeavors to pursue CharlotteField (Charlize Theron), his childhood crushand babysitter who now happens to be one ofthe most powerful and unattainable womenon the planet.

EVERYBODY KNOWS The film follows Laura(Penélope Cruz) on her travels fromArgentina to her small home town in Spainfor her sister’s wedding, bringing her twochildren along for the occasion. Amid thejoyful reunion and festivities, the eldest

daughter is abducted. In the tense days thatfollow, various family and communitytensions surface and deeply hidden secretsare revealed. Javier Bardem also stars.

FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY Reformedgangster and former wrestler Ricky, his wifeJulia, daughter Saraya and son Zak make aliving performing in tiny venues across thecountry. Ricky and Julia want a better life fortheir children and when brother and sister getthe chance to audition for the WWE, it seemsthe family dream is coming true and all theirtroubles will be solved. However, Saraya andZak are about to learn that becoming a WWESuperstar demands more than they everimagined possible as athletes and siblings.

THE TURNING A caretaker is hired to lookafter two orphaned children at their family’sisolated estate. Upon the caretaker’s arrival,the young woman finds that the children arenot quite what they seem, and that she mightbe losing them to evil spirits with a secret tieto their past.

Feb. 5 Dr. Seuss’ The GrinchFeb. 5 The Girl in the Spider’s WebFeb. 5 WidowsFeb. 19 A Star is BornFeb. 12 Bohemian RhapsodyFeb. 12 The Front RunnerFeb. 19 Robin Hood



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february 2019

WHAT MEN WANT Passed up for a well-deserved promotion,sports agent Ali Davis (Taraji P. Henson) wonders what else sheneeds to do to succeed in a man’s world. Hoping to find answersfrom a psychic, Ali drinks a weird concoction that suddenly allowsher to hear what men are thinking. Using her newfound ability, Alistarts to turn the tables on her obnoxious male colleagues whileracing to sign the next basketball superstar.

Rent Due. Ice Cream forBreakfast Day

Dump YourSignificant

Jerk Day

WorldCancer Day

ChocolateFondue Day

Wave All YourFingers at YourNeighbor Day

Kite FlyingDay

Read in theBathtub Day

February isLibrary Lovers’


Make a Friend Day Lost Penny Day Radio Day


Day!Gumdrop Day



Random Actsof Kindness Day

Play Tennis DayPluto DayFebruary is

Black HistoryMonth

Sticky Bun DayWorld Yoga Day

Play MoreCards Day Polar Bear Day Chili Day

