Handbooks, guides and textbooks


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Cultural difference and medical care : The case of the Spanish­speaking people of the Southwest, Lyle Sau nde rs, 1954, Eng lish, in Heal ing Ways , Cha pte r 4, book, clothbo und, Russell Sage Founda­tion , New Yo rk. Ad ult, p rofess iona l re ading level. Mexica n and Span­ish-Ame ri ca n f olk med icine and the rela t io n t o it of " hot" and " co ld " and othe r food s are d isc ussed, especia ll y the use of food as med ica l treatment.

Health needs of seasonal farm workers and their families, Jam es K. Sha fe r, Do nald Harting and He le n L . Johnston, 1961, Pub. H ealth Repo rts, 76:469. Adult, profess iona l hea lth worker reading level. Prob­le ms o f h o using, sanitation, occ upatio nal .h ea lth and health services provided f o r migrant farm workers in Californ ia an d elsewhere , both commenda b le and inadeq uate , are d esc ribed.

Health Care and Education . A guide for the migrant school nurse . Patric ia Swa nson, 1969, En gl ish, book, 77 pp., Mig ra nts, Inc ., St. Pa ul, Minn ., EDRS price, mic rofic he 50 cents, hard cove r $3 .85. (ED038191 32 RC004200) . Adul t , p rofessional read ing leve l. A man ua l fo r nurses a nd tea chers who work with mig ra to ry farm workers, common hea lth beliefs o f Mexican-America ns are di scussed .

Action on Serena Street, E. W ag g e ne r, 1970, English, Nutr. News , 33 (3) :1 2. Adult reading leve l. The C o lo rado Department of Edu ca ­t io n has p ublished a story, a t t he first t o fou rth grade reading level, a bo ut a family of Spanish d esce nt wi th hea lth problems, to be used in ad ult bas ic educatio n for person s w it h li mited educatio n. Ea ch segment permits introduction of maio r health concepts, includ ing diet . A teac he r' s g uide is included .

Use of hypothetical situations in a study of Spanish-American ill­ness referral systems, Th omas W eave r, 1970, Eng lis h, Huma n O rg. , 29 : 140 ·154. Adult, p rofe ss io na l rea ding level. Definitions of illness and treatment in a no rthern New Mexico vi lla ge.

Han ~tbooks, Guides and Textbooks

Bosquejo sobre 10 que debe cubrir un cursillo de nutrici6n 4-H y adultos (Suggestions for a short course in nutrition for adults). 1969, Spa nish, Extens ion Service , Un iversi t y o f Pue rto Rico , booklet, mimeo, 15 pp., Edito r, Ag ricu ltu ra l Extens ion S e rvice, Box AR , Ri o Piedras, Puerto Ri co 00928, sing le copy free. Adult, prog ra m leade rs. Sug ­g estions to consider in g iving a s hort nutriti on course t o 4·H a nd ad ults i n Pue rto Rico.

(lecciones para adultos), Extension Service, Unive rs ity of Puerto Rico, 1966 ff, Spa nis h, mimeo sheets , 3 -5 pp. e ach , Ed itor, Ag ri cul­t ural Ext e nsio n Service, Box AR, Ri o Piedras , Puerto Rico 00928 , sing le co py free. Adult, mod e ra te read ing ability. A series of les­so ns fo r adults about nutritio n and food buying and preparatio n, to be give n by a leader, the sh eet s used as handouts. Available a re Lessons 2, 4, 5 and 6, as follows: Los ninos crecen bien can bu e nos al imentos, seleccion y compra d e a limen tos, princ ipios en la p repa ra­cion d e alim e ntos, datos y fa lac ia s sob re al ime ntos .

Record para analisis de la diet .. (Record for diet analysis), A g ri­c ultura l E xte nsion Serv ice , Pue rto Rico, no d ate , Spa nish, Die ta ry reco rd fo rm, I p ., 2 sides, Ed ito r, Agricultural Extensio n S ervice , Box AR, Rio Piedras, Pue rto Rico 00928 , single copy free. Adult , low to mode rate reading ability. Fo rm fo r use in surveys of diet a nd food h a bits (preference and f reque ncy ) .

Cuando se da una demostraci6n (When you are going to give a demonstration), Zulma Buxo de Roig, 1962, Spanish, mimeo, 9 pp., Agric ultura l Extension Service, Box AR, Rio Piedras, Puerto Ri co 00928, single copy free. Adult, profess ion a l nutritionist reading level. How t o pre pare and give d e monst ratio ns of fo od preparatio n.

lista de sugestiones para demostraciones de metodo a ofrecer sobre nutrici6n y preparaci6n de alimentos (list of suggestions for demonstrations and methods of food preparation), Zulma Buxo d e Roig, 1969, Spanish, mimeo, 3 p p ., Agric ultural Exte nsio n Service, Box AR, Ri o Piedras , Puerto Rico 00928, single copy f ree. Adult, Ex­te nsion ho me e conomists. A list of sugg estions for Exte nsio n wo rke rs giving d e monstrations on nu trition and food p repa ration , for use in Puerto Ri co.

Lecciones para lideres voluntarias, Zulma Buxo de Roig, Maria T. Sa nc hez , R osario R. Reboyra s, Anto nia L. Dfaz Porto, 1968, Spa ni sh,


mimeo sheets, 3-7 pp. each, Ed ito r, Agricultu ra l Extension Se rvice, Box A R, Ri o Pied ras , Pue rto Rico 00928, si ng le copy free. Ad ult , vo lu nta ry leaders (a ides ) l evel. Practica l instruct ions for vo lun tee r leaders wo rking in Puer to Rico. Ava il a b le lessons a re: Imporl a nc ia d e l b ue n d esayuno , Como medir los ing redien tes , Inte rp re tacio n d e rec itas .

Como usar la olla de presi6n (How to use the pressure cooker). Edit.h F. Valentin, 1966, Spa nish, mi meo , 2 pp., Edito r, Agric ultura l Exte nsion Service, Box AR, Rio Pied ras , Puerto Rico 00928, sin g le copy free. Adult, mod e rate (prog ra m aide) reading level. C are and ca ut io ns in using a press ure c oo ker.

Leche; Queso (Milk; Cheese), Edith F. Va le ntin, 1968, Sp a nish, mimeo, 3, 4 pp., respect ively, Ed it or, Ag ricu ltura l Exte nsio n Service , Box A R, Ri o Pi ed ra s, Pue rlo Rico 00928, sing le copy free . Adu lt, mod e rate (prog ra m aide ) reading leve l. Lectures on the n utriti on va lue o f these food s a nd ways to use th e m. Releva nt is a 2-page o utline o f sugges tion s f o r teaching se lection , b uying a nd prepa rat io n of milk products.

Principios basicos en la cocci6n de vegetales (Basic principles of cooking vegetables), Ed ith F. Vale ntin, 1966, Spanish, mimeo, ;7 p p .. Editor, Agricultural Ext ens ion Se rvice , Box AR, Rio Piedras , Pu erto Rico 00928, single co py free . Ad ult, moderate (program aide ) read­in g level. Lecture o n th e c haracte ristics of vegetables to be co n­sidered in their p repara t ion . Relevant 2- or 3-page sh eets are on salsa pa ra veg e tales cocidos, sauces fo r coo ked vegetables; and ade rezos para ensalada s, sala d d ressings .

Manual simplificado de nutrici6n para personal que dirige pro­grama de alimentaci6n (Simplified handbook on nutrition for per­sonnel conducting feeding programs overseas), Moises Ya mpey, 1967. Span is h (also avai lab le i n E ng lis h) , booklet, 21 pp ., C hurch W orld Service , 475 Riversid e Dr., New Yo rk , NY 10027. Adult rea d ing leve l for pe rsons administe rin g aid p rog ra ms overseas. A d esc ription of bas ic food groups and nutrie nts, and the ir role in nutritiona l heelth . Includes height-weig ht t a bl es a nd growth curves for childre n in th e metric system.

A guiding star for modern nutrition, M. M. Conne r, 1967, En gli sh. J. Home Econ., 59 :734-73 5. Ad ult , profess io na l nutriti o ni st leve l. The New Yor k Bureau of Nu triti on d eve lo ped a Star of G ood E at ing le afle t and poste r i n w hich food s we re placed in six g roups, one for each o f the points of a s ix- pointed star, in ord e r to emphas ize grea te r use of polyunsatu ra ted fat s a nd encou rage limitatio n of saturated fats, to help p revent coron a ry heart d isease. It has been tran slated into Spa nish.

Nutrici6n y dieta (Nutrition and Dietetics), Lenna S. Coope r, e t aI., 1966, Spanish, boo k, Edito ri a l Interamericana, S.A., C in co d e Mayo , 19, Mexico I, D.F., Mexico, si ng le copy approximately $15 U.S. Secon dary to colleg e reading leve l. Spa nish translation of thi s wel l­know n t extbook.

Puerto Rican food habits: A sociocultural approach, Diva Sa niur , 1970, English , noteboo k, looseleaf, 37 pp., plus example posters, recipes, e tc., Mrs. Mildred Cra nce, B- IO Martha van Rensse lae r, C orn e ll Univers ity, Ithaca , NY 14850; single copy $3.00. Make c heck paya ble to C o rne ll Un ive rsity. Adult, p rofess ional nutritio nist rea d­ing level. Puerto Rican food habits , and their cultural importa nce in nutri t ion, are discussed. Th e note book also includes exa mples of mate rials developed by th e a utho r f o r use in nutrition education with New York Puerto Ri cans .

Analisis dieta basica (Analysis of a basic diet), Ano n., no date, Spa nis h, photocop ied pages, 2 pp., De partment of Health, Unive r­sity Hosp ita l, C aparra Heights , Pue rto Rico 00935. Ad ult , profe ssiona l nutri tio nist level. Nu tri ent conten t o f a t ypical Puerto Rica n d iet, and the pe rcent o f certa in food s whi ch wi ll e nhance it.

Manual de dietos del Distrito Noreste de So Iud y Bienestar (North­east dietetic manual for health and well-being), Nutrition and Di­etetics Section, no data (a fter 1965), Spanish, boo k, pa perback , mimeo, 178 pp .. Departme nt of H ea lth, University Hospital, Caparra H e ights, Puerto Rico 00953. Adult, professional nutritionist level , Hos­pital diet manual for the profess ional dietitian, including height­we ig ht and nutrient require ment t ables for Puerto Ricans.

Vol. 5, No. 2, Supplement I, April-Jun o, 1973

Tabla de composici6n de los alimentos mas usados en Puerto Rico (Table of composition of foods frequently used in Puerto Rico), Lydia J. Roberts, Ruth Davila de Fogleman, Lillian Colon de Reguero and Rosa M. Torres, no date, Spanish, photocopied tables, 18 pp., De­partment of Home Economics, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. Adult, professional nutritionist level. Nutrients in com­mon Puerto Rican foods.

Recuerdo de comida (Food record) H-IOI, Los Angeles County Healt,h Department, 1970, in Spanish and English, form, I p" both sides, available for loan and reproduction from Division of Public Health Nutrition, Los Angeles County Health Department, 313 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. Adult, moderate reading ability, professional nutrition or dietitian. Form to be used for recording a daily food diary.

Manual paraayudantes de programa en econom'a del hogar de extenci6n (Handbook for home economics program assistants), Esther J. P. Rodr.guez, translator, 1970, Spanish, booklet, 17 pp., Esther J, P. Rodriguez, Program Leader, Home Economics, Extension Service, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 00928, single copy free, Adult, program aide reading level, This is a translation done in Puerto Rico of the (U,S.) Federal Extension Service Handbook for Home Economics Program Assistants, for use in Puerto Rico.

INCAP-ICNND Tabla de composici6n de alimentos para uso en America Latina (Table of food composition for use in Latin America), 1961, Spanish (English copies available in libraries), book, paperback, 132 pp., Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama, Apartado Postal 11-88, Guatemala City, Guatemala, C.A" single copy free. Adult, professional nutritionist level. The nutrient composi­tion of foods common to Latin America. With lists of scientific, Span­ish and English names and a bibliography.

Nutrici6n infantil en paises en desarrollo (Child nutrition in de­veloping countries), Derrick B. Jelliffe, 1971, Spanish (also available in Englis,h), book, paperback, 263 pp., Distributed in Latin American countries by Agency Missions (Agency for International Develop­ment); (English version for sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, single copy $1.25.) Adult, professional nutritionist reading level. A Mexican translation of this handbook for field workers into Spanish for use primarily in Latin American countries.

Child care: A handbook for village workers and leaders, M. E. Keister, 1967, Spanish (also available in English), book, paperback, 5.8 pp.; order from: UNIPUB, Inc., P.O. Box 443, New York, NY 10016, Single copy $2.00. Adult, moderate reading ability (village-aid-Ievel). Written primarily for use in developing countries.

Tecnicas Sanitorias en el manejo de los alimentos (Sanitary Tech­niques in Food Service), Karla Longree and Gertrude Blaker, 1972, Spanish ed., paperback book, 316 pp., Editorial Pax-Mexico, Libreria Carlos Cesarman, S.A., Rep. Argentina 9, Mexico, D.P. The book is divided into four sections dealing with food hygiene and microbiol­ogy, food spoilage and poisoning, sanitary methods in food handling, and education and training of food service personnel.

English-Spanish guide for public health nurses in maternal and child health, MCH-DI3, Yolande Mezey, 1963, English and Spanish, pamphlet, 21 pp., Nutrition Program, New Jersey State Department of Health, Trenton, NJ 08625, single copy free. For professional use. A phrase book for health professionals who must work with Spanish­speaking Puerto Ricans.

School lunch booklet, National School Lunch Program, Ministry of Education and Culture, Brazil, 1960, (ed. 3), reprinted 1963, English, booklet, paperback, 42 pp., Office of Nutrition, Technical Assistance Bureau, .Agency for International Development, Washington, DC 20423; Single copy free. Adult reading level, school lunch personnel. In large type, with line illustrations, this manual for directors of school lu.nch programs has been translated from Portuguese through the auspices of the Agency for International Development.

Extending Cooperation Extension Education to Mexican-American Families-Program, Methods and Evaluation, Daniel C. Pfannstiel and Starley M. Hunter, 1968, English, book, paperback, single copies may

Vol. 5, No.2, Supplement I, April-June, 1973

be obtained free of charge from Dr. Daniel C. Pfannstiel, Associate Director, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Texas A and M Uni­versity, College Station, TX 77843. Adult reading level, college or professional (home economist, nutritionist). Report of a research study made in EI Paso, Texas, from 1962 to 196?, which includes housing, education and social conditions as well as food and nutrition.

Gu'a Practica para Com bater la Desnutrici6n en el Nino de Edad Preescolar (Practical guide to combat malnutrition in the preschool child), Research Corporation, 1970, Spanish, book, 74 pp., Appleton­Century Croft, Educational Division, Meredith Corporation, New York, NY. Adult, professional nutritionist level. Report of a meeting held in Bogota, Colombia, in March 1969 on nutritional recuperation centers for children which educate their mothers. Participants in­cluded nutrition professionals from Latin American countries and the Caribbean.

Learning Belter Nulrition: a second study of approaches and tech­niques, FAO Nutritional Studies No. 20, Jean A. S. Ritchie, 1967, Spanish (also available in English), book, paperback, 264 pp" order from: UNIPUB, Inc., P.O. Box 443, New York, NY 10016; single copy $4.00. Adult, professional health worker reading level. A reexamina­tion of techniques used in nutrition education, the need for it, and the methods and channels which seem most effective.

Adiestramiento deayudantes del programa de econom'a domestica para el trabajo con familias de escasos recursos (Training home eco­nomics program assistants to work with low-income families), Janalyce Rouls, Barbara Rice and Jeanne Priester, 1967, Spanish (also available in English), book, paperback, 104 pp., Centro Regional de Ayuda Tecnica (RTAC) c/o Miss Marjory Bowers, American Embassy, Mex­ico, D.F., Mexico. Distributed in Latin American countries by Agency Missions (Agency for International Development); (English version for sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.s. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; single copy 55 cents). Adult, pro­fessional nutritionist reading level. A translation made in Mexico for those who train home economics program aides.

Ensenanza de nulrici6n en enfermer'a (Teaching Nutrition in Nurs­ing), Henderika J. Rynberger and Jessie C. Greene, 1964, Spanish (also available in English), book, ed. 6, Editorial Interamericano S.A., Centro Regional de Ayuda Tecnica (RTAC), Agenda para el Desarrollo Internacional (AID), Mexico, D.F., Mexico (American Embassy). Adult, professional reading level. A Spanish translation (done in Mexico) of this well-known text book for nursing students.

Texas State Department of Health Migrant Project, Texas State De­partment of Health, 1966, English, annual report, 46 pp., Texas State Department of Health, Austin, Tex,; EDRS price, microfiche 25 cents, hard cover $1.84 (EDO 13680 RCOO 1649). Adult, professional read­ing level. Health services that have been provided to migrant workers in Texas.

Spanish Handbook, Nursing Staff Association, no date, English and Spanish, looseleaf booklet, 42 pp., Visiting Nurse Service of New York, 107 E. 70t~ St., New York, NY 10021; single copy $2.00. Adult, professional nurse reading level. This handbook on general health, diabetics, rehabilitation work, and maternal and infant health super­vision, has been designed to facilitate communication between the nurse and Spanish-speaking patients, with emphasis on Puerto Ricans. There is a section on food and nutrition.


Nuirition education and the Spanish-speaking American, Marcelle A. Bailey, 1970, English, J. Nulr. Educ., 2:50-54. Adult, professional nutritionist level. A review of nutrition studies that have been made by various workers of Spanish-speaking Americans in different parts of the United States. I ncluded are food preferences and beliefs, food patterns, nutrient intakes, and diets of c,hildren. It appears Spanish­Americans are increasingly using commercial products and snacks. Educators working with these groups need to encourage valid prac­tices while emphasizing those which need to be improved.

Bibliografla de Adlan: An annotated Chicano bibliography, E. Bar­rios, Ed., 1970, English, book, 177 pp., Centro de Estudios Chicanos, San Diego State College, 5876 Hardy Ave., San Diego, CA 92115; single copy $3.95. Adult reading level. Review of over 300 books and

