Handbook 2011 12 Archive


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  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive





     Approved by the College of Education Faculty May 2004

    The College of Education at Texas Tech University prepares professional educators and specialists for a diverse society

    !ur co"prehensive progra"s integrate scholarship# research# and practice in collaboration $ith individuals# co""unities#

    educational institutions# and agencies


      Approved by C!E faculty%staff# &%'(%0)

    The vision of the College of Education is to strengthen the foundations of de"ocracy and reali*e its benefits through

    excellence in research# teaching# and service !ur professional faculty and staff prepare lifelong learners to beco"e

    co"petent# effective# and caring professionals $ho are able to address the educational challenges of a diverse society in a

    dyna"ically changing $orld


     As a co""unity of reflective practitioners and scholars# the faculty of the College of Education pro"otes understanding and

    respect for differences in professional and personal identity +rofessional differences involve $or, situations# ideologies# or

    traditions including the tas,s each individual acco"plishes $ithin the College of Education and the citi*enship individuals

    "anifest through their $or,load and co""unity service +ersonal differences include# but are not li"ited to# race# ethnicity#

    gender# abilities and disabilities# religious affiliation# language%dialect# origin%abode# ideology# traditions# sexuality#

    socioecono"ic status# age# and appearance -n essence# $e believe that the uni.ue individuals in this college have

    strengths and characteristics that are vital to our college and its gro$th# and the cli"ate of diversity As $e celebrate our

    differences# $e also recogni*e our si"ilarities as $e $or, to$ard educating ourselves and our students to nurture one

    another in this endeavor

     As a college faculty# $e affir" the i"portance and necessity of providing e.uitable and needed opportunities to all "e"bers

    of our college and to the greater co""unity to learn and be successful /e ac,no$ledge that the educational opportunities

    of particular groups and individuals have been li"ited and so"eti"es denied as a result of restrictive policies and practices

    This denial or li"itation of educational opportunity and success has and continues to result in the loss of hu"an potential

    and talent and# as a result# contributes to social inustice and econo"ic ine.uality in our nation As a faculty# $e $ill

    consistently $or, to recogni*e and eli"inate these ine.uities so as to achieve our "ission to 1provide leadership for

    educational excellence and e.uity in partnership $ith co""unities and educational agencies1 College of Education

    Mission 3tate"ent

  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    -n order to achieve our "ission as a college and to create an environ"ent of "utual respect $here our professional diversity

    and strengths are nurtured and our personal differences respected# the follo$ing state"ents $ill guide us5

    Affirming Unique Professional and Personal Identities

    6 7ifferences in interest# ,no$ledge# purpose# and discipline create our uni.ue professional identities

    6 7ifferences in race# ethnicity# gender# abilities and disabilities# religious affiliation# language%dialect# origin%abode# ideology#

    traditions# sexuality# socioecono"ic status# age# and appearance contribute to our uni.ue individual as $ell as group


    Building an Inclusive Community

    6 Co""unity is built and sustained by a cli"ate of e.uity# fairness# and trust and the recognition of and response to the

    individual needs of our faculty# staff# student body# and extended co""unity

    6 Co""unity is strengthened by our "utual respect of the hu"anness and of the uni.ue contributions to our "ission of

    each "e"ber of our faculty# staff# and the student body

    Cultivating Leadership for a Pluralistic Society

    6 Excellence in a pluralistic society re.uires that leaders and leadership be available to and be representative of our college

    and greater national and international co""unity

    6 +ersonal and social barriers that bloc, or li"it the opportunities of individuals and groups to provide leadership in our

    college and the greater co""unity $ill be attenuated and replaced $ith our co""it"ent to e.ual opportunity# support# and


    Developing a Participatory Woring !nvironment

    6 A participatory $or,ing environ"ent encourages and supports "ultiple perspectives and strengths

    6 A participatory $or,ing environ"ent invites and honors discussion# dialogue# and debate that respect the hu"anness of

    those involved

    !ncouraging Policies and Practices that "eflect Social and !conomic#ustice

    6 3ocial ustice involves a co""it"ent to the personal# acade"ic# and social develop"ent of the faculty# staff# and students

    of the College of Education as $ell as to the larger co""unity that $e and our students serve

    6 Educational policies and practices that provide all individuals $ith e.ual and needed access to education and success are

    indispensable for the achieve"ent of social and econo"ic ustice

    6 3ocial ustice involves a co""it"ent to excellence that incorporates the interests of individuals $ithin a larger concern for

    the co""on good of hu"anity

    Co""it"ent to this philosophy re.uires acceptance and ac,no$ledg"ent that issues touch each of us in a different "anner

    Excellence can only be achieved by honoring individuality $hile at the sa"e ti"e $or,ing together to achieve our College8s


  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


     Approved '%(%0'# "odified and reaffir"ed )%4%04 by the faculty of the College of Education # Texas Tech University

    A Concep!"# F$"%e&o$' (o$ E)!c"o$P$ep"$"*on+ P$o(e,,*on"# E)!c"o$,

    Open*n Doo$, o .e F!!$e

    9A conceptual fra"e$or, establishes the shared vision for a unit:s efforts in preparing educators to $or, in pre;,indergarten

    through high school +;'2 schools -t provides direction for progra"s# courses# teaching# candidate perfor"ance#

    scholarship# service# and unit accountability< =CATE 3tandards The essence of the Texas Tech University TTU

    conceptual fra"e$or, for educator preparation is captured by the the"e# +rofessional Educators !pening 7oors to the


    The ter" 9professional educators#< refers to the professional education faculty and staff of the university as $ell as to our

    graduates $ho beco"e professional educators in their o$n right -t is essential to use 9opening doors to the future< in aconcrete "anner to guide educator preparation at TTU !ne $ay to do so is to consider the ,no$ledge# s,ills# and

    dispositions that enable the doors to be opened /e# as professional educators# share ,no$ledge# develop s,ills# and

    "odel dispositions $ith our candidates enabling the" to open doors to their futures -n turn# our graduates# as professional

    educators# share ,no$ledge# develop s,ills# and "odel dispositions $ith their students and clients allo$ing those individuals

    to open doors to their futures

    Further"ore# our $or, is guided as the doors are "etaphorically opened to a future $here e.uity and diversity are

    co""onplace and all individuals are respected and valued TTU educators and graduates open doors by advocating

    acade"ic excellence for all people# respecting and valuing all individuals# serving as change agents# and generally providing

    opportunities for all individuals to be successful

    +rofessional education progra"s at Texas Tech University are derived fro" a conceptual fra"e$or, having t$o "aor data

    sources First are,no$ledge bases# including research findings> sound professional practice> Texas educator proficiencies

    and content ,no$ledge> and Texas Essential ?no$ledge and 3,ills 3econd is a societal context including the needs of

    society# schools# and students> accreditation standards>certification re.uire"ents> govern"ent initiatives# and guidelines

    fro" speciali*ed professional associations

    7ata fro" ,no$ledge bases and the societal context are used to infor" the develop"ent and continual revision of "ission

    and vision state"ents Conversely# ,no$ledge bases are also "easured against# and "ade consistent $ith# "issions#

    visions# beliefs# ethics and values

    @eflections and actions $ith respect to "issions# visions# beliefs# ethics and values result in the for"ation of progra"purposes as specified inprogra" assess"ent plans clic, on 9file< colu"n to open a plan and strategic goals and obectives#

    $hich in turn provide the foundation for progra"s that are focused on clinical experiences# issues of e.uity and diversity#

    develop"ent and infusion of technology# educator proficiencies# and content ,no$ledge +rogra"s subse.uently prepare

    graduates $ho are professional educators able to de"onstrate appropriate ,no$ledge# s,ills and dispositions> integrate

    theory and practice> respect and value all individuals> advocate acade"ic excellence for all students> serve as change

    agents> and re"ain life;long learners


  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    The entire conceptual fra"e$or, is supported by an assess"ent syste"# $hich as stated in the fra"e$or,# fosters infor"ed

    decision;"a,ing through in.uiry# assess"ent# feedbac,# and follo$ up Evidence gathered and analy*ed for all standards is

    a result of the assess"ent syste"# $hich is infor"ed by the conceptual fra"e$or, A visual representation of the

    conceptual fra"e$or, follo$s -n addition# a graphic representation of the fra"e$or,# $ith lin,ages to associated

    docu"ents fo,no$ledge# s,ills# and dispositions that enable the doors to be opened /e# as professional educators# share

    ,no$ledge# develop s,ills# and "odel r clarification and elaboration# "ay be vie$ed online

     Texas Tech University

    Educator Preparation

    Knowledge Base StatementIn 199 the !ational "ommission on Teaching and #merica$s %uture &!"T#%' pu(lished a report

    entitled What Matters Most: Teaching for America’s Future. #)ter extensive study* the !"T#%concluded that caring and competent teachers are what matters most to insure student success

    &!"T#%* 199'+ The report also noted that other educators and school personnel contri(ute to studentand teacher success+ The )aculty and sta)) o) Texas Tech University$s "ollege o) Education responds

    to this report with a commitment to prepare li)elong learners with the capacity to develop into

    culturally competent &,ay* -.../ Sheets* -..0'* caring pro)essionals with the a(ilities needed toaddress the educational challenges o) a diverse society in a dynamically changing world+ &"E

    2ision Statement'

    The "ollege o) Education provides the ma3or support )or educator preparation at Texas TechUniversity+ 4owever* programs housed in units throughout the university are an integral part o)

    educator preparation and thus their visions* missions and goals are an essential component o) aneducator preparation 5nowledge (ase+ 6eview o) such may (e done at the )ollowing locations+

    7 #gricultural Sciences and !atural 6esources


    7 "ollege o) #rts and Sciences http8www+as+ttu+edu;issionStrategic:Planstrategic:plan+html7 "ollege o) Education http8www+educ+ttu+edudocsstrategicplande)ault+htm

    7 "ollege o) 4uman Sciences http8www+hs+ttu+eduplanning+htm

    7 "ollege o) ;ass "ommunication http8www+depts+ttu+edumcoma(outstratplan+html7 "ollege o) 2isual and Per)orming #rts http8www+vpa+ttu+edu",I)ramesrv+cgi<


    7 ,raduate School


    The theme o) the "onceptual %ramewor5* >Pro)essional Educators pening ?oors to the %uture*@)ocuses on the commitment to open doors )or educator candidates (y providing them with

    appropriate 5nowledge* s5ills* and dispositions &;un(y* 6ussell* A ;artin* -..1'+ In turn* candidates

    as )uture pro)essionals* open doors )or their students and clients (y providing them the 5nowledge*

    s5ills* and dispositions needed to insure a greater access to actualie a success)ul )uture+ Thus* (othTTU )aculty and candidates >open doors to the )utures@ o) those they serve &"ochranCSmith* -..D'+

    &The )ull conceptual )ramewor5 may (e viewed online+'


  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    Theoretical scholarship and empirical )indings o) (est practices in schooling constitute 5nowledge (ases* )orming the )oundation o) the conceptual )ramewor5* which in turn guides educator

     preparation programs+ Pro)essional educators must (e 5nowledgea(le and conversant in the current pro)essional literature* and a(le to critically examine their own 5nowledge and practice+ Pro)essional

    decisionCma5ing is in)ormed (y research literature* pro)essional practice* and re)lective analysis

    &Britman* 1991/ "ochranCSmith A ytle* 199F/ ,oodlad* 199D'+

    %aculty mem(ers are expected to engage in scholarship* which contri(utes to* in)orms* andtrans)orms educational practice+ The "E accepts its responsi(ility to develop the s5ills and talents

    o) its )aculty as a community o) scholars and to provide an environment that supports opportunities)or growth and achievement o) excellence in scholarship andor creative activity &"E PAT Policy*

    and TTU PAT Policy'+ These conditions result in active* )ocused research agendas+ ?ocumentationo) )aculty scholarship is )ound in )aculty vitae+

    %aculty mem(ers invite (oth initial and advanced program candidates to 3oin the "E$s communityo) scholars+ In so doing* candidates re)lect* analye* synthesie* propose* inGuire* and test theoretical

    understandings and learn to adapt this new 5nowledge in their roles as )uture educations in newcommunities o) educators &,ore A Heichner* 1991'+ By the nature o) the pro)ession to which they

    aspire* educational candidates as )uture pro)essionals accept the responsi(ility to challenge their

     (elie)s* re)lect critically upon their practices* and develop critical thin5ing s5ills+ ,uided (y such amodel* )uture educational pro)essionals emerge with cultural and pedagogical competence* willing to

    ta5e their places as re)lective teacherCleaders* analytical teacherClearners* s5illed teacherCresearchers

    in their )ields+Educator programs at TTU are grounded in research on teaching and learning &6ichardson* -..1'*

    teacher education &"ochranCSmith A Heichner* -..0/ Si5ula+ Buttery* A ,uyton* 199'* andmulticultural and (ilingual education &Ban5s A Ban5s* -..F/ ,ay* -.../ "raw)ord* -..D/ vando*

    "om(s A "ollier* -../ essowC4urley* -..0'+ # (i(liography o) the research compiled (y each program* with the most important o) those re)erences assem(led in a general educator preparation

     (i(liography+Best practice in)ormed (y empirical research is an integral part o) the 5nowledge (ase guiding

    educator preparation at Texas Tech+ The Specialied Pro)essional #ssociations &SP#' in the variousdisciplinary )ields have developed standards )or sound pro)essional practice (ased on research

    )indings and experiences o) university )aculty and practitioners in PKC1- schools+ TTU )acultymem(ers associated with various SP#s have aligned courses and programs to meet these standards+

    #lthough the standards vary (y content areas* there are common themes such as assessment o)

    candidate content 5nowledge &%loden -..1/ ;c?iarmid* 199.'* pedagogical and pro)essional

    5nowledge &?oyle* 199.' and e))ects on PKC1- student learning &Sanders A 4orn* 199'+

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    Educator standards )or sound pro)essional practice* which )orm the (asis )or candidate competencies*were developed (y the Texas State Board )or Educator "erti)ication &SBE"'+ The SBE" gathered

    university and pu(lic school educators to create state standards )or student learning and )or educatorsat the (eginning and advanced levels+ %or the initial programs )or teachers* these standards

    emphasie content 5nowledge &Texas Essential Knowledge and S5ills* TEKS' and learnerCcentered

     pedagogical and pro)essional 5nowledge+ "ompetencies* or pro)iciencies* )or other pro)essional

    educators in advanced programs are (ased on standards developed )or such programs as the)ollowing8

    Educational ?iagnostician/ Principal/ School "ounselor/ and;aster 6eading Teacher

    TTU programs are committed to )ieldC(ased educator preparation+ %aculty mem(ers have createdstrong partnerships with pu(lic school and agency personnel+ "andidates are placed in a variety o)

    clinical settings with diverse students and clients &,ood)ellow A Sumison* -.../ Proctor* Jagsta))*A choa* 199/ u* -...+ School )aculty* administrators* and other school or agency personnel wor5 

    in partnership with university )aculty in the preparation o) the next generation o) educators+ Thesecolla(orative e))orts provide pro)essional growth )or schoolC(ased personnel &,risham* Berg A

    Laco(s/ -..-/ 4olmes ,roup* 19/ Kyle* ;oore A Sanders* 1999'* and strengthen 5nowledge and

    s5ills o) university )aculty &"landinin A "onnelly* 199/ Knowles* "ole* A Sumsion* -...'+#lthough educators* prepared )or a )uture that cannot (e )ully predicted* it is 5nown that technology

    a))ects education at all levels &Schwaller* -...'+ The International Society )or Technology in

    Education &ISTE' Standards maintains that university )aculty* sta))* and candidates need to developthe a(ility to use* manage* understand* and assess technology+ "onseGuently* technologyCrelated

    courses are reGuired in some educator preparation programs* e+g+ E?IT FF1 )or the E"CD Program+Jhere standCalone courses are not reGuired* many )aculty in)use or thread the appropriate use o)

    technology throughout their instructionM(oth to enhance undergraduate and graduate studentlearning opportunities as well as to model appropriate usage+

    #s we strive to open doors to the )uture* we must consider the type o) )uture we envision and thecultural pluralistic society in which we live+ The PKC1- student population continues to (ecome

    increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse/ however* our teaching )orce does not re)lect thisdiversity &Sleeter* -..1'+ Educators )or the twentyC)irst century must (e culturally competent to

    address the needs o) the students they will serve &Irvine A #rmento* -..1/ adsonCBillings* 1990/Sheets* -..0'+ The "E ?iversity Statement envisions a )uture in which the college is committed to

    >the personal* academic* and social development o) )aculty* sta))* and studentsNas well as to the

    larger community that we and our students serve+@ The statement continues* educator preparation at

    Texas Tech University is committed to >educational policies and practices that provide all individualswith eGual and needed access to education and success*@ and a

  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    commitment >to excellence that incorporates the interests o) individuals within a larger concern )orthe common good o) humanity+@

    BibliographyBan5s* L+#+* A Ban5s* "+#+;+ &Eds+'+ &-..F'+ Handbook of research on multicultural education. San%rancisco8 LosseyCBass+

    Britman* ?+ &1991'+ Practice makes practice8 A critical study of learning to teach. #l(any* !O8State University o) !ew Oor5 Press+

    "landinin* L+* A "onnelly* %+;+ &19'+ Studying teachers$ 5nowledge o) classrooms8 "olla(orative

    research* ethics* and the negotiation o) narrative+ ournal of !ducational Thought" ##" -9C--+

    "ochranCSmith* ;+ &-..D'. Walking the road: $ace" di%ersity and social &ustice in teacher education. !ew Oor58 Teachers "ollege Press+

    "ochranCSmith* ;+* A ytle* S+&199F'+ 'nside outside: Teacher research and kno(ledge+ !ew Oor58Teachers "ollege Press+

    "ochranCSmith* ;+* A Heichner* K+;+ &Eds+'+ &-..0'+ )tudying teacher education. ;ahwah* !L8awrence Erl(aum+

    "raw)ord* L+ &-..D'+ !ducating !nglish *earners: *anguage +i%ersity in the ,lassroom.



    ed+'. os #ngeles* "#8 Bilingual Educational Services I!"+?oyle* J+ &199.'+ "ase methods in the education o) teachers+ Teacher !ducation -uarterly" / &1'* C

    10+%loden* 6+ &-..1'+ 6esearch on e))ects o) teaching8 # continuing model )or research on teaching+ In

    2+ 6ichardson &Ed+'* Handbook of research on teaching &Dth

    ed+'+ Jashington ?"8 U+S+ ))ice o)

    Education+,ay* ,+ &-..-'+ ,ulturally $esponsi%e teaching: Theory" research" and practice. !ew Oor58 Teachers

    "ollege Press+,oodlad* L+ &199D'+ !ducational rene(al: 0etter teachers" better schools. San %rancisco8 LoseyCBass+

    ,ood)ellow* L+* A Sumsion* L+ &-...'+ Trans)ormative pathways8 %ieldC(ased teacher educators$ perceptions+ ournal of !ducation for Teaching" #1 * -D0C-0+

    ,ore* L+* A Heichner* K+ &1991'+ #ction research and re)lective teaching in preCservice teacher

    education8 a case study )rom the United States+ Teaching and Teacher !ducation* &-'* 119C1F+

  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    ,risham+ ?++* Berg* ;+* Laco(s* 2+6+* A ;athison* "+ &-..-'+ "an a pro)essional developmentschool have a lasting impact on teachers$ (elie)s and practices< Teacher !ducation -uarterly" #2&F'*

    C-D+4olmes ,roup+ &19'+ Teachers for tomorro(’s schools+ East ansing* ;I8 #uthor+

    Irvine* L+L+* A #rmetto* B+ &Eds+'+ &-..1'+ ,ulturally responsi%e teaching: *esson planning for

    elementary and middle grades. Boston8 ;c,raw 4ill+

    Knowles* L+,+* "ole* #++* Sumsion* L+ &-...'+ ;odi)ying conditions o) researching in teachereducation institutions+ Teacher !ducation -uarterly" #/ &-'* C1F+

    Kyle* ?+J+* ;oore* ,+4+* A Sanders* L++ &1999'+ The role o) the mentor teacher8 Insights*challenges* and implications+ Peabody ournal of !ducation" /3&FAD'* 1.9C1--+

    adsonC Billings* ,+ &1990'+ Toward a theory o) culturally relevant pedagogy. American !ducational 

     $esearch ournal" 4#&F'* D0CD91+

    essowC4urley* L+ &-..0'+ The foundations of dual language instruction. &Dth

    ed+'+ Boston* ;#8

    #llyn and Bacon+;c?iarmid* ,+J+ &199.'+ The li(eral arts8 Jill more result in (etter su(3ect matter understanding<

    Theory into Practice" #2&1'* -1C-9+;un(y* 4+* 6ussell* T+* A ;artin* #+K+ &-..1'+ Teachers$ 5nowledge and how it develops+ In 2+

    6ichardson &Ed+' Handbook of research on teaching &Dth

    ed+* pp+ C9.D'+ Jashington* ?"8

    #merican Educational 6esearch #ssociation+ !ational "ommission on Teaching A #merica$s %uture+ &199'+ What matters most: Teaching for

     America’s future+ !ew Oor58 Teachers "ollege* "olum(ia University+vando* "+L+* "om(s* ;+"+* A "ollier* 2+P+ &-..'+ 0ilingual 5 !)* classrooms: Teaching in

    multicultural conte6ts &Dth

    Ed'+ Boston* ;#8 ;c,rawC4ill+

    Proctor* T+L+* Jagsta))* ;+E+* choa* B+ &199'+ #n ur(an pro)essional development school+ Teaching and ,hange" 1 * F0C0-+

    6ichardson* 2+ &Ed+' &-..1'+ Fourth handbook of research on teaching + Jashington* ?"8 #mericanEducational 6esearch #ssociation+

    Sanders* J+ A 4orn* S+ &199'+ 6esearch )indings )rom the Tennessee valueCadded assessmentsystem &T2##S' data(ase8 Implications )or educational evaluation and research+  ournal of

     personnel in education" #* -DC-0+

  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    Schwaller* #+ E+ &-...'+ 7no(ing Where 8ou Are 9oing" Assessment 9uides the Future ofTechnology !ducation. Peoria* I8 ;c,rawC4ill*

    Sheets* 6+4+ +i%ersity Pedagogy !6amining the role of culture in the teachinglearning process.Boston8 #llyn A Bacon+

    Si5ula* L+* Buttery* T+* A ,uyton* E+ &Eds+'+ &199'+ Handbook of research on teacher education &-nd

    ed+'+ !ew Oor58 ;acmillan+Sleeter* "+ &-..1'+ ,ulture" difference" and po(er. !ew Oor5 Teachers "ollege Press+

    /! H 20003 P$e,e$4*ce e"c.e$, *ne$"e !n)e$,"n)*n, o( )*4e$,*5 *no

    #*e$"c5 *n,$!c*on+ An ")"p"*on o( .e ABC %o)e# Journal of Teacher

    Education, 51 167-182



    The conceptual fra"e$or, serves as an u"brella over all educator preparation progra"s -n the sa"e sense an

    assess"ent syste"# the Educator +reparation Assess"ent 3yste" E+A3# serves as a foundation for those progra"s

    The Educator +reparation Assess"ent 3yste" is based on the follo$ing5

    the needs of candidates# faculty# staff# and ad"inistrators>

    the conceptual fra"e$or, for educator preparation>

    accreditation standards# speciali*ed professional association 3+A guidelines# and 3tate of Texas educator

    proficiencies and content ,no$ledge> and

    strategic and progra" goals


    E+A3 assess"ents are aligned $ith the 3tate of Texas +edagogy and +rofessional @esponsibilities ++@

    co"petencies and content ,no$ledge  These co"petencies are si"ilar in intent and design to other state and national

    standards such as those fro" the -nterstate =e$ Teacher Assess"ent and 3upport Consortiu" -=TA3C


    The goals of the Educator +reparation Assess"ent 3yste" are to5

    support data;infor"ed decision "a,ing throughout all aspects of the educator preparation enterprise# including

    "onitoring candidate perfor"ance# "anaging and i"proving operations and progra"s# and ac.uiring and allocating


    support scholarship# teaching# and service endeavors>


  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    support external relations efforts>

    support develop"ent efforts> and

    support the generation of reports and statistics


    E+A3 is organi*ed around ,ey assess"ents of candidates at progra" transition points# as illustrated by the follo$ing

    exa"ple fro" undergraduate initial teaching progra"s Associated assess"ent instru"ents are also noted and are

    available for online revie$

     Ad"ission to progra"

    B+A overall and in content fields

    Evidence of basic s,ills

    Co"pletion of specified general education core curriculu" course$or,

    -f not ad"itted# candidate "ay $or, to correct deficiencies and reapply or "ay petition the Ad"ission

    @evie$ Co""ittee based on extenuating circu"stances


     Ad"ission to Clinical Experience

    !verall B+A# B+A in content fields# and B+A in education courses as established by assess"ents of

    candidate learning outco"es specified in progra" assess"ent plans clic, on the 9file< colu"n to open a


    3uccessful co"pletion of specified education course$or, including field experiences

    -f not ad"itted# candidate "ay $or, to correct deficiencies and reapply


    Exit of Clinical Experience student teaching

    3uccessful co"pletion of student teaching as assessed against the ' co"petencies# $hich per"eate the

    progra"s and as "easured by the follo$ing5


    student teaching daily observation for">

    student teaching "id;ter" assess"ent for"> and

    final student teaching evaluation for" and rubric

    -f not successful in a given place"ent# under special circu"stances "ay be placed in another setting or "ay

    be as,ed to leave the progra" $ithout certification


  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive



    Exit of +rogra"

    3uccessful co"pletion of the Capstone Course including the professional portfolio

    +ass the appropriate certification TExE3 exa"inations# based on specified standards

    -f not successful# candidates "ay repeat the Capstone Course and%or the TExE3 exa"inations



    Candidate End;of;+rogra" survey

     Alu"ni survey

    E"ployer survey


     Assess"ents and transition points are si"ilar for the other categories of progra"s# na"ely post;baccalaureate initial

    teaching progra"s and advanced progra"s such as for counselors and principals -n addition to candidate evaluations# the

    assess"ent syste" also considers unit operations as follo$s5

    Unit $perations


     Annual report exa"ple by a faculty "e"ber  and annual revie$ bet$een faculty and depart"entchairperson

    -nstructor and Course Evaluation by candidates

    Clinical 3upervisors and clinical sites by student teachers



     Annual revie$ by faculty and staff 

     Annual revie$ by the 7ean



     Annual perfor"ance revie$ by supervisors


  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    Candidate Advise"ent +rogra"s

    Candidate feedbac, cards

     Annual revie$ by supervisor Certification !fficer


    College# 7epart"ents# +rogra"s# and Centers

     Annual Assess"ent @eports of 3trategic +lans

    =CATE%AACTE Annual @eports

     Accountability 3yste" for Educator +reparation A3E+ fro" the 3tate

    +rogra" assess"ent reports evolving fro" +rogra" Assess"ent +lans

    +rogra" revie$s fro" 3peciali*ed +rofessional Associations 3+As 

    o -nitial teaching progra"s: curriculu" and associated assess"ents have an internal consistency because they are

    based on the 3tate of Texas ' co"petencies These co"petencies are assessed $ith the follo$ing "ultiple

    "easures# the use of $hich adds to the validity of the "easure"ents

    student teaching%internship


    daily observation for"#

    "id;ter" assess"ent for"#

    student teaching evaluation for"# and

    student teaching evaluation rubric>

    electronic portfolio and rubric>

    state certification exa"inations Texas Exa"inations of Educator 3tandards>

    candidate end;of;progra" assess"ent> and

    follo$;up alu"ni and e"ployer surveys




  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    -ndividual faculty and staff "ay express concerns# raise issues# or initiate discussions about policy changes at all

    governance levels Typically# these changes originate in progra"s# depart"ents# co""ittees# and 7ean8s

    Executive%Faculty%3taff Council "eetings +roposed policy changes# after 7ean8s Executive%Faculty%3taff Council revie$#

    are then voted upon by the faculty%staff and for$arded to the appropriate council 7ean8s Executive Council%Faculty

    Council%3taff Council $ho then presents the reco""endation to the dean 3he%he $ill "a,e final decisions about policies

    related to budget# personnel and%or ad"inistrative "atters# and $ill co""unicate final decisions and supporting rationale# if

    pertinent# to the originating entity

    +olicy decisions related to curricula and progra"s reside $ith the faculty in their respective co""ittees# councils# progra"s

    and%or depart"ents


    3tudent input is sought for"ally by standing co""ittees -nfor"ally# students can express concerns or raise .uestions to

    individual faculty or ad"inistrators 3tudents "ay also give input through the Doint Education Council# $hich consists of

    presidents of all student organi*ations $ithin the College of Education


    The College8s present organi*ational structure $as i"ple"ented in the fall of 2004 This organi*ational structure $as

    designed to efficiently and effectively facilitate the $or, of the faculty @esponsibility is e.ually shared bet$een the faculty

    and the ad"inistrative officers of the College of Education Bovernance of acade"ic progra"s lies $ith the faculty $ho

    "a,e reco""endations to the Texas Tech University Teacher Education Council The Council is advisory to the 7ean of the

    College and the Executive ice +resident and +rovost


    ACAD!%IC A&D AD%I&IS'"A'I(! $))IC!S


    Dean*s $ffice

    7ean#7ale 3cott @idley# @oo" ''07# 7uties

    7evelop"ent !fficer# ?aren Dacobsen# @oo" '0G# 7uties

     Assistant Acade"ic 7ean for Finance and Gusiness 3ervices# Andrea ?napp# @oo" ''0E# 7uties

    ice 7ean# +eggy Dohnson# @oo" ''0G# 7uties


    $ffice of Communications+ P"+ $utreach+ and $perations Assistant Acade"ic 7ean for !perations# !utreach# and +ublic @elations# Dudy 3i"pson# @oo" ''# 7uties


  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    Unit Coordinator# Hearning @esources and Technology# Dan /ard# @oo" 2)A# 7uties

    -nstructional Technology 3upport 3ervices !ffice -T33# @oo" 2)0# Ext '2# 7uties


    $ffice of Academics and Data

     Associate 7ean for Acade"ics and 7ata# Iansel Gurley # @oo" ''0AA # 7uties


    $ffice of Program !valuation,"esearch Support

    7irector# acant# @oo" '0&A

    Unit Assistant 7irector# Houise =elson# @oo" '0(


    $ffice of 'eacher !ducation Programs

    7irector of Teacher Education +rogra"s# 7oug Ia""an# @oo" '0 7uties

    Certification !fficer# +a" Tipton# @oo" '0AA# 7uties

    Coordinator of Clinical Experiences# 7onna Grasher# @oo" '0A# 7uties

    Coordinator# Accreditation and Assess"ent# Harry Iovey# @oo" '02# 7uties



    7epart"ent Chairpersons# 7uties


    Curriculum - Instruction Department

      +eggie +rice# Chair# @oo" '04A

    !ducational Psychology and Leadership Department

      /illia" Han# Chair# @oo" '0A



    +rogra" Coordinators# 7uties


  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive



    Programs in the Curriculum - Instruction DepartmentGilingual J 7iversity 3tudies

    Kenaida Aguirre;Muno*# Coord# @oo" )


    Curriculu" 3tudies

    +eggie +rice# Coord# @oo" '04A


    Middle Hevel

    Bale 3toc,s# Coord# @oo" )


    Ele"entary Education

    @eese Todd# Coord# @oo" 2'(



    ?atie Gutton# Coord# @oo" 24


    3econdary Education

    7oug Ia""an# Coord# @oo" '0&



    7avid Ha"p# Coord# @oo" 2L


    Programs in the !ducational Psychology and Leadership Department

    Counselor Education

    Horetta Gradley# Coord# @oo" 2'0

  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive



    Educational Headership

    DoAnn ?lin,er# Coord# @oo" '


    Educational +sychology

    ?a"au 3i$atu# Coord# @oo" &'


    Iigher Education

    3tephanie Dones%Colette Taylor# Coord# @oo" ')%04


    -nstructional Technology

    3teven Croo,s# Coord# @oo" 24


    3pecial Education

    @oseanna 7avidson# Coord# @oo" 22'




     Although the College voting roster is restricted to full;ti"e faculty# part;ti"e personnel are encouraged to fully participate in

    all levels of decision "a,ing by attending "eetings# engaging in discussions# and generally advancing the College8s "ission


     Agnello# Mary Frances Associate +rofessor 

     Aguirre Muno*# Kenaida Associate +rofessor 

  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


     A,rofi# A""a Associate +rofessor 

     Anderson# Connie Associate +rofessor 

    Ganda# 7evender Associate +rofessor 

    Garnard;Gra,# Hucy Assistant +rofessor 

    Genavides# Alfredo +rofessor 

    Glodget# Teresa -nstructor 

    Gosch# A"anda isiting Assistant +rofessor 

    Gradley# Horetta +rofessor 

    Gro$n# 7ee Assistant +rofessor 

    Gurley# Iansel +rofessor 

    Gutton# ?athryn Associate +rofessor 

    Cain# 7avid Assistant +rofessor 

    Carpenter# Clint Assistant +rofessor 

    Carter# 3tacy Associate +rofessor 

    Cheon# Dongpil Assistant +rofessor 

    Claudet# Doe Associate +rofessor 

    Co$ard# Fanni Assistant +rofessor 

    Craig# 7ana -nstructor 

    Cre$s# Charles Assistant +rofessor 

    Croo,s# 3teven Associate +rofessor 

    7avidson# @oseanna Associate +rofessor 

    7ennis# Dody -nstructor 

    7otson# /esley# Assistant +rofessor 

    7ue"er# Hee +rofessor 

    7u,e# Hynn -nstructor 

    El,ins# Heann Assistant +rofessor 

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    Fehr# Mary Assistant +rofessor 

    Fox# ?elly Assistant +rofessor 

    Froeschle# Danet Associate +rofessor 

    Briffin;3hirley# =ora +rofessor 

    Ialsey# +a" -nstructor 

    Ia""an# 7ouglas Associate +rofessor 

    Iendric,s# Gret Associate +rofessor 

    -nan# Fethi Assistant +rofessor 

    Dac,son# 7i"itra Assistant +rofessor 

    Dacob# 3tacy Assistant +rofessor 

    Danisch# Carole Associate +rofessor 

    Dohnson# Margaret +eggy Associate +rofessor# Associate 7ean

    Dones# 3tephanie Assistant +rofessor 

    ?lin,er# DoAnn Associate +rofessor 

    Han# /illia" +rofessor# 7epart"ent Chair 

    Hechtenberger# 7eAnn @esearch Assistant +rofessor 

    Hesley# Mellinee Associate +rofessor 

    Hoc,# @obin +rofessor 

    Hupton# Dan -nstructor 

    Marbley# Aretha +rofessor 

    Matteson# 3hirley Assistant +rofessor 

    Matthe$s# ?i"berly -nstructor 

    Mausha,# =ancy Associate +rofessor 

    McHaren# Andra -nstructor 

    McMillan# 3ally Associate +rofessor 

    Mende*;Morse# 3ylvia Associate +rofessor 

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    Midobuche# Eva +rofessor 

    Mitchell# Alyson -nstructor 

    Morgan;Fe"ing# Garbara Associate +rofessor 

    Muno*# Duan Associate +rofessor 

    Myers# 3usan Associate +rofessor 

    =arayan# @atna Assistant +rofessor 

    !rti*# @ebecca Assistant +rofessor 

    +ar,er# A"y @esearch Assistant +rofessor 

    +arr# Berald +rofessor 

    +ogrund# @ona Associate +rofessor 

    +ratt# Gobbi -nstructor 

    +ratt# Co"fort Associate +rofessor 

    +rice# Margaret +eggie Associate +rofessor 

    @idley# 3cott +rofessor# 7ean

    @ich"an# 7avid +rofessor# Endo$ed Chair of the Gur,hart Center for Autis" Education and @esearch

    3ala*ar# 7ora Assistant +rofessor 

    3aldana# @ene Assistant +rofessor 

    3heets# @osa Iernande* Associate +rofessor 

    3i"pson# 7ouglas +rofessor 

    3i$atu# ?a"au !ginga Associate +rofessor 

    3"ith# /alter +rofessor# 7epart"ent Chair 

    3pears# ?aren -nstructor 

    3tevens# Tara Associate +rofessor 

    3toc,s# Bale -nstructor 

    Taylor# Colette Assistant +rofessor 

    Todd# @eese Associate +rofessor 

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    Torres# Ana -nstructor 

    alle# Fernando Assistant +rofessor 

    /al,er# Trenia Associate +rofessor 

    /ang# Eugene Assistant +rofessor 

    /hite# 7avid -nstructor 

    /illia"s# A"anda -nstructor 


    DEAN:S E/ECUTIVE COUNCIL DEC3The 7ean:s Executive Council 7EC provides a foru" for the discussions and advise on "atters related to the conduct of

    the College of Education The Council provides council to the dean# serves as a clearinghouse for the develop"ent and

    approval of College level policies# and is an interactive co""unication vehicle The 7EC coordinates the develop"ent of

    faculty "eeting agendas Me"bership is by virtue of office and includes5



    ice 7ean

     Associate 7ean for Acade"ics and 7ata

    7irector of Teacher Education +rogra"s

    Curriculu" J -nstruction 7epart"ent Chair 

    Educational +sychology J Headership 7epart"ent Chair 

     Assistant 7ean for Finance

     Assistant 7ean for !perations# !utreach J +ublic @elations

    Faculty Council Chair 

    Faculty Council Chair;Elect

    +ro"otion J Tenure @epresentative

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    3taff Council @epresentative

    7evelop"ent !fficer 

    Certification !fficer 

     Assess"ent J Accreditation Coordinator 

    Technology Unit Manager 

    7ean:s Executive Associate

    Technology Co""ittee @epresentative




    De"n Sco R*)#e5

    V*ce De"n Pe5 ;o.n,on

    A,,oc*"e De"n (o$ Ac")e%*c, "n) D"" H"n,e# B!$#e5

    D*$eco$ o( Te"c.e$ E)!c"*on P$o$"%, Do! H"%%"n

    C!$$*c!#!% < In,$!c*on Dep"$%en


    ="#e$ S%*.

    E)!c"*on"# P,5c.o#o5 < Le")e$,.*p

    Dep"$%en C."*$=*##*"% L"n

    A,,*,"n De"n (o$ F*n"nce < B!,*ne,,

    Se$4*ce,An)$e" Kn"pp

    A,,*,"n De"n (o$ Ope$"*on, O!$e"c. <

    P!>#*c Re#"*on, ;!)5 S*%p,on

    F"c!#5 Co!nc*# C."*$ Ro>*n Loc'

    F"c!#5 Co!nc*# C."*$ E#ec T$en*" ="##e$

    S"? Co!nc*# Rep$e,en"*4e Te$e," Ne"#

    P$o%o*on < Ten!$e Rep$e,en"*4e T"$" Se4en,

    De4e#op%en O@ce$ K"$en ;"co>,en

  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    Ce$*c"*on O@ce$ P"% T*pon

    A,,e,,%en < Acc$e)*"*on Coo$)*n"o$ L"$$5 Ho4e5

     Tec.no#o5 Un* M"n"e$S."ne H"%%on


    De"n:, Eec!*4e A,,oc*"e K"5 G#e.o$n

     Tec.no#o5 Co%%*ee Rep$e,en"*4e T$en*" ="#'e$


    The Faculty Council is a nine;"e"ber elected body of the faculty Eight of the "e"bers are tenure;trac, faculty including5a chair# a chair;elect# and three faculty "e"bers fro" each of the t$o depart"ents in the College The final faculty "e"ber

    is elected fro" the non;tenure trac, faculty for a one;year ter" of appoint"ent The chair elect is elected by the voting

    "e"bers of the faculty in their respective depart"ent for a t$o;year ter"# one as chair;elect and the other as chair The

    position of chair;elect $ill rotate each year bet$een depart"ents -f the Chair;elect position is vacated# then so"eone fro"

    the sa"e depart"ent to $hich the for"er chair;elect is%$as assigned $ill fill the position -f the Chair position is vacated#

    then that position $ill be filled by the current Chair;elect and# in turn# a ne$ Chair;elect $ill be selected fro" a"ong the

    faculty in the for"er Chair8s depart"ent 7epart"ent representatives are elected by the voting "e"bers of their respective

    depart"ents for staggered three;year ter"s The College8s Faculty 3enators elect a representative to serve as an ex;officio

    "e"ber# and all Faculty 3enators receive notification of "eetings and infor"ation distributed at "eetings The Faculty

    Council usually "eets once a "onth The chair and chair;elect attend "onthly Headership Council "eetings


    The Faculty Council is a vehicle for faculty governance# the e"po$er"ent of faculty to reco""end policy directly related to

    the conduct and .uality of faculty life in the College of Education The Faculty Council facilitates processes by $hich faculty

    "ay be fully involved in deliberation and reco""endation


    -n response to faculty concerns or re.uests fro" the 7ean and Headership Council# the Faculty Council5

    Encourages faculty involve"ent in College issues

    /or,s as a clearinghouse for issues and concerns of the faculty at large

    Facilitates faculty revie$ of existing or proposed organi*ational structures# guidelines# and procedures to deter"ine theiri"pact on the conduct and .uality of faculty life in the College of Education

      Ma,es guideline reco""endations to the 7ean and Headership Council and the faculty at large

    Calls and conducts faculty "eetings# either ointly $ith the 7ean or independently

    ?eeps records# copies# and "inutes relative to council actions# including the circulation of those "inutes to the faculty via

    the $eb site posting# and to the "e"bers of the Headership Council

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    )aculty Council %em2ers


     Alfredo Genavides # CJ- 20''20'4

    @obin Hoc, # E+JH# Chair 20'0;20'2

    Horetta Gradley# E+JH 20'';20'4

    Trenia /al,er # CJ-# Chair;Elect 20'0;20'

    Kenaida Aguirre;Muno* # CJ- 20'';20'

    @eese Todd # CJ- 200L;20'2

    @oseanna 7avidson # E+JH 200L;20'2

    Grett Iendric,s # E+JH 20'0;20'

    3hirley /ebb # =on;tenure trac, 20'';20'2


    The 3taff Council is "ade up of six voting staff "e"bers# a chair# a chair;elect# a secretary and three staff "e"bers# $ith

    each "e"ber being a representative fro" one of the six areas of service5 the 7epart"ents# Ad"inistration# Centers and

    -nstitutes# Certification# Co""unity Hiaison# and Technology%@esources -f an area cannot be represented# the C!E staff $illelect a "e"ber at large fro" the entire staff The C!E staff elects each "e"ber for a staggered t$o;year ter" The 3taff

    Council chair is a "e"ber of the 7ean8s Executive Council A 3taff Council officer $ill serve on the C!E Iu"an @esources



    The 3taff Council is a vehicle to pro"ote progra"s# policies and activities that validate the i"portance of the College of

    Education staff and pro"ote tea"$or, /ith the support of the 7ean and the 7ean8s Executive Council# the 3taff Council8s

    purpose is to5


    Iave a voice in the for"ation and i"ple"entation of policies at Texas Tech and the College of Education


    Ma,e suggestions and present ideas to i"ple"ent the 3ervice +lus philosophy


    @ecogni*e the C!E staff as an integral part of the college

  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive



    +ro"ote and support professional develop"ent for the C!E staff


    -n response to staff concerns or re.uests fro" the 7ean and the 7ean8s Executive Council# the 3taff Council5

    Encourages staff involve"ent in college issues


    /or,s as a clearinghouse for issues and concerns of the staff at large


     Annually revie$s the staff by;la$s that co""unicates the 3taff Council "ission# goals and "e"bership


    7evelops and i"ple"ents a ne$ staff orientation


    @eco""ends policies to the 7ean# the7ean8s Executive Council# and the staff at large


    3chedules and conducts "eetings# either ointly $ith the 7ean# independently# or $ith the entire staff


    ?eeps "inutes and records of all 3taff Council discussions and actions and circulates these to the 7ean and all staff


    Facilitate the selection of staff a$ards


    Staff Council %em2ers


    Dudy 3i"pson 20'0;20'2

    Genita Charles 20'0;20''

    @obin @e,ieta 200L;20''

    Teresa =eal 200(;20''

    Doni 3anders 200L;20''

    3tephenie Mc7aniel 20'0;20''

    Toni 3i" 20'0;20''

  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive



    AND POSTTENUREREVIE= COMMITTEEThis co""ittee is co"posed of six# tenured# faculty "e"bers holding the ran, of associate or full -n consultation $ith the

    depart"ent chairs# fro" the t$o acade"ic depart"ents# $ith the Associate 7ean for Braduate Education# @esearch and

     Ad"inistration serving as an ex officio "e"ber# the co""ittee revie$s all applications for pro"otion and tenure $ithin the

    College of Education and "a,es reco""endations to the 7ean Efforts $ill be "ade to insure that the co""ittee includes

    individuals $ho represent "ultiple diversity factors

    The "e"bers of the +JT Co""ittee $ill "eet during the spring se"ester# elect a chair# establish the procedures governing

    their deliberations# and plan their activities for the co"ing year All proceedings by this co""ittee are strictly confidential in

    nature All "e"bers of the co""ittee $ill independently revie$ the candidates8 dossiers Follo$ing the revie$# theco""ittee $ill "eet to deliberate and vote After recording the vote# the Chair of the +JT Co""ittee $ill give the "ar,ed#

    signed ballots to the Associate 7ean# $ho $ill retain custody of the ballots


    Each year t$o of the "e"bers $ill rotate off the co""ittee since all are in staggered three;year ter"s The election of

    faculty "e"bers to the+JT Co""ittee $ill occur on or before the third Monday in March# during the spring se"ester The

    chair of the Faculty Council# or the chair8s designate $ill as, the faculty to "a,e no"inations or self;no"inations for the

    open +JT co""ittee slots These na"es $ill be revie$ed and considered by both the Faculty Council and the college

    ad"inistrators eg# 7ean# Associate 7ean# t$o 7epart"ent Chairs They $ill co"plete a slate for the election $ith t$o

    persons per open slot unless this is not possible as in the case of a slot for a full professor $ith only one person eligible

     After the election is held# the 7ean and the Faculty Council Chair $ill count the votes and infor" the faculty of the results by

     April ' st


    The co""ittee $ill act in accordance $ith $ritten procedures as specified in the College of Education Iandboo, as

    developed by the College in agree"ent $ith University policies as stated in !+ 20'  This co""ittee8s responsibilities


    @evie$ing and voting on all applicants for pro"otion and tenure and posttenure revie$s# and sub"itting to the 7ean a

    state"ent of co""ittee reco""endations on each applicant


    Promotion - 'enure - Posttenure "evie4 Committee %em2ers


    =ora Briffin;3hirley# E+JH 20''

    7oug 3i"pson # CJ- 200L;20'2


  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    Tara 3tevens # E+JH 20''

    Horetta Gradley # E+JH 20''

    +eggie +rice# CJ- 20'0;20'

    3teven Croo,s# E+JH 20''

    Kenaida Aguirre Muno*# CJ- 20''

    Iansel Gurley ex;officio


    Procedures for C$! Standing Committees

    7uring March or April# faculty "e"bers are re.uested to identify co""ittee assign"ents of interest and sub"it this

    infor"ation to the Chair of the Faculty Council The Faculty Council considers all sub"issions and appoints faculty to

    "e"bership on co""ittees in early May Me"bership is for three;year ter"s and begins on the first day faculty are bac, on

    duty in the Fall se"ester Appoint"ents for vacated positions are sought $ithin one "onth after the vacancy occurs Faculty

    appointed to the vacated position# ta,e "e"bership i""ediately and serve out the ter" of the original position


    Each standing co""ittee includes three representatives fro" each depart"ent# ex;officio "e"bers# C!E student

    representatives# and other "e"bers as appropriate Ter"s are staggered to allo$ for a rotation in "e"bership Each ne$ly

    e"panelled co""ittee holds its initial "eeting $ithin ten days after the beginning of the Fall se"ester Ad"inistrators are

    not eligible for standing co""ittees# but do serve in ex;officio positions


    Unless other$ise specified# the chairperson of the co""ittee is elected by the co""ittee and serves for one year in that

    role The chairperson sets the co""ittee agenda# chairs "eetings# reports co""ittee actions to the faculty# provides

    "inutes of each "eeting to the 7ean# and represents the co""ittee to the 7ean and 7ean8s Executive Council in "atters of 

    "utual concern

     All actions and decisions of College co""ittees and College faculty are advisory to the 7ean @eco""endations fro"

    co""ittees or general "eetings of the faculty# including the Braduate Faculty# sub"itted to the 7ean# are ta,en under

    advise"ent and careful deliberation is given before any actions or decisions are "ade +rogra" faculty $ill be consulted

    first before any actions or decisions that directly affect the progra"s are "ade Minutes of College co""ittees and faculty"eetings are posted for the faculty


    C!E 3tanding Co""ittees include Braduate Acade"ic Affairs# Undergraduate Acade"ic Affairs# @esearch# and Faculty#

    3taff# and 3tudent Iu"an @esources


  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive


    Students Serving on Standing Committees of the College of !ducation

    -n an effort to pro"ote representation of students on the 3tanding Co""ittees of the College of Education# the follo$ing are

    proposed guidelines for choosing students for co""ittee assign"ents


    Undergraduate 3tudents 5 The College of Education student "e"bership of Texas 3tate Teachers Association ;3tudent

    +rogra" T3TA;3+ $ill solicit a group of students $ho $ish to serve on the standing co""ittees Then the student T3TA;

    3+ "e"bership $ill vote on those for each co""ittee each year


    Braduate 3tudents 5 The College of Education8s Braduate 3tudent Association $ill solicit a group of students $ho $ish to be

    on the co""ittees Then the graduate students $ill vote on those for each co""ittee each year


    -n the case that there are students $ho are not "e"bers of either of these organi*ations# they can sub"it their na"es to thechair of the Faculty Council $ho $ill for$ard the" to the appropriate organi*ation for consideration

    =ote '5 3o"e additional student "e"bers "ay be added to the co""ittees

    =ote 25 The ex;officio is the convener of the first "eeting Chairs to be elected at the first "eeting


    AFFAIRS COMMITTEEThis co""ittee is co"posed of three "e"bers of the faculty fro" each of the t$o acade"ic depart"ents $ith the Associate

    7ean for Braduate Education# @esearch and Ad"inistration serving as an ex officio "e"ber# and one graduate student

    "e"ber The co""ittee has the responsibility of "aintaining oversight of all "atters related to the .uality of graduate

    education# in both "asters and doctoral progra"s and in advanced certification progra"s The co""ittee shall reco""end

    to the 7ean guidelines and procedures necessary to strengthen all areas of graduate education Co""ittee responsibilities

    include the follo$ing5

    Monitoring all policies governing graduate education and considering any student appeals for exceptions to those

    policies# eg ad"issions# residency# progra" structure# grievances# and grade appeals

    @evie$ing criteria for Braduate Faculty "e"bership and procedures for i"ple"enting and reco""ending needed changes


    @evie$ing ele"ents of graduate progra"s to ensure that they reflect standards of best practice a"ong co"parable

    research institutions and reco""ending specific actions to i"prove any identified deficiencies

  • 8/17/2019 Handbook 2011 12 Archive



    3erving in an advisory capacity to the Associate 7ean for Braduate Education# @esearch and Ad"inistration


    Maintaining the course approval process for all graduate courses see !+0'

    7eveloping procedures and activities that enhance ad"inistration%student%faculty relationships $ithin the College

    ?eeping records# copies# and "inutes relative to co""ittee actions# including the circulation of those "inutes to the faculty

    via the $eb site posting# and to the "e"bers of 7ean8s Executive Council


    5raduate Academic Affairs Committee


    Mary Frances Agnello# CJ- 20'';20'4

    Fred Iart"eister# E+JH 20'';20'4

    3tacy Dacob# E+JH 20'0;20'

    =ora Briffin;3hirley# E+JH 20'0;20'

    Carole Danisch# CJ-# Co;Chair 20'0;20'2

    Mellinee Hesley# CJ-# Co;Chair 20'0;20'

    acant# 3tudent @ep B@ 20'';20'2

    Iansel Gurley ex;officio



    This co""ittee is co"posed of three faculty "e"bers fro" each of the t$o acade"ic depart"ents# a representative of the

    3taff Council# and t$o student "e"bers# $ith the 7irector of +ublic @elations and the Associate 7ean for Braduate

    Education# @esearch# and Ad"inistration serving as ex;officio "e"bers 3pecific responsibilities of the co""ittee include5



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    @eco""ending guidelines and procedures and organi*ing events that directly affect faculty# staff# and student $elfare in

    the College of Education

    • Coordinating the process of announcing# no"inating# selecting# and reco""ending faculty and students for

    College and# as appropriate# University a$ards• 7esigning and i"ple"enting an annual process of planning faculty and staff professional develop"ent

    7eveloping procedures and activities that enhance relationships a"ong ad"inistrators# faculty# and students $ithin

    the College

    • ?eeping records# copies# and "inutes relative to all co""ittee actions# including the circulation of those

    "inutes to the faculty via the $eb site posting# and to "e"bers of the 7ean8s Executive Council


    )aculty+ Staff - Student 6uman "esources Committee %em2ers


    acant finishing @osa8s ter"# CJ- 20'';20'2

    Fannie Co$ard finishing 3ally McMillan8s


    Horetta Gradley# E+JH 20'';20'2

    Derry +arr# E+JH20'0;


     Aretha Marbley# E+JH# Chair 20'';20'4

    Craig McCarron# CJ- 20'';20'4

    Genita Charles# 3taff 20'';20'2

    acant# 3tudent @ep Brad 20'';20'2

    acant# 3tudent @ep Undergrad 20'';20'2

    Iansel Gurley ex;officio

    ?aren Dacobsen ex;officio


    This co""ittee is co"posed of three faculty "e"bers fro" each of the t$o acade"ic depart"ents $ith the Associate 7ean

    for Braduate Education# @esearch and Ad"inistration serving as an ex;officio "e"ber# and one student "e"ber The

    @esearch Co""ittee reco""ends guidelines and procedures necessary to strengthen all research endeavors in the

    College of Education including# but not li"ited to# the follo$ing5

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    +ro"oting and supporting research and scholarly activities in the College


    Ma,ing reco""endations regarding the need for research e.uip"ent# "aterials# and funds


    @evie$ing faculty access to ade.uate library and co"puting resources> expert consultants in research design# statistical

    analysis# and teaching effectiveness> and sufficient travel and support funds to conduct research and to present the findings

    at professional "eetings

    7eveloping guidelines for faculty research proposals supported by private and%or state organi*ed research funds and

    revie$ing those proposals and "a,ing reco""endations to the 7ean for their funding


    ?eeping records# copies# and "inutes relative to all co""ittee actions# including the circulation of those "inutes to thefaculty via the $eb site posting# and to "e"bers of the 7ean8s Executive Council


    "esearch Committee


     Alternate @oseanna 7avidson# E+JH 20'';20'4

    7oug 3i"pson# CJ- 20'';20'4

    3tacy Carter# E+JH 200L;20'2

    7avid @ich"an# E+JH 20'0;20'

    Garbara Morgan;Fle"ing# CJ-# Chair 20'0;20'

    3hirley Matteson# CJ- 200L;20'2

    acant# Braduate 3tudent 20'';20'2

    acant# Braduate 3tudent 20'';20'2

    Iansel Gurley ex;officio

    Dudy 3i"pson 3tanding "e"ber  

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    This co""ittee is co"posed of three "e"bers fro" each of the t$o acade"ic depart"ents and one undergraduate student

    $ith the Associate 7ean for Teacher Education and the Certification !fficer for the College of Education serving as ex officio

    "e"bers The co""ittee has the responsibility of "aintaining oversight of all "atters related to the .uality of teacher

    certification and undergraduate education# including certification# courses# and progra"s The co""ittee shall reco""end

    to the 7ean guidelines and procedures necessary to strengthen all areas of teacher certification and undergraduate

    education Co""ittee responsibilities include the follo$ing5


    Monitoring all policies governing teacher certification and undergraduate education and considering any studentappeals for exceptions to those policies# eg ad"issions# progra" structure# grievances# and grade appeals


    Conducting a continuous revie$ of the curricula and courses that co"prise the acade"ic progra"s in the College

    $ith a vie$ to strengthening content and continuity# reducing redundancy# and "aintain currency throughout


    Maintaining the course approval process for all undergraduate courses


    7eveloping a plan and procedures for support activities relative to issues in teacher certification and undergraduate



    3erving in an advisory capacity to the Associate 7ean for Teacher Education and the Certification !fficer


    ?eeping records# copies# and "inutes relative to all co""ittee actions# including circulation of those "inutes to the

    faculty via the $eb site posting and to "e"bers of the 7ean8s Executive Council


    'eacher Certification and Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee


    3usan Myers # CJ- 200(;20''

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    Heann El,ins # E+JH 200L;20'2

    @ebecca !rti*# CJ- 200L;20'2

    7evender Ganda# E+JH 20'0;20'

    Trenia /al,er# CJ- 20'0;20'

    7eAnn Hechtenberger # E+JH 200(;20''

    Erin Tid$ell# 3tudent @ep Undergrad 20'0;20''

    ?ari ?ennedy# 3tudent @ep Undergrad 20'0;20''

    +eggy Dohnsonex;officio

    +a" Tipton ex;officio





    The Gur,hart Center for Autis" Education and @esearch pro"otes syste"ic change in the "anner in $hich professional

    and fa"ilies interact and plan for people $ith disabilities =ation$ide# disse"ination of research findings# activities# and

    proects of the Gur,hart Center for Autis" Education and @esearch provide an i"petus for creating this transfor"ation

    Engaging professionals and fa"ilies of students $ith Autis" 3pectru" 7isorders pro"ises far;reaching effects for

    collaboration# preparation# and i"ple"entation of instructional and transitional progra""ing to provide a higher .uality of life

    for individuals $ith Autis" 3pectru" 7isorders


    The Gur,hart Center for Autis" Education and @esearch focuses on four avenues for advancing society8s vie$ of students

    $ith Autis" 3pectru" 7isorders First# the Center provides preparation for selected educators on the 3outh +lains through

    the Gur,hart Teaching Acade"y The Gur,hart Teaching Acade"y supplies outstanding teachers $or,ing $ith students $ith

     Autis" 3pectru" 7isorders $ith "entoring# training# and "aterials to i"prove their perfor"ance in the classroo" 3econd#

    @esources and 3olutions offer area fa"ilies and professionals boo,s#77s# s"all group $or,shops# and individual

    consultation concerning issues for students $ith Autis" 3pectru" 7isorders @esources and 3olutions also exhibit a variety

    of 3ensory -ntegration "aterials for parents to try $ith their students prior to purchasing the e.uip"ent Third# the Center

    continues to $or, $ith the 3outh +lains Autis" =et$or, 3+A= to provide fa"ilies and professionals $ith current

    infor"ation on a "onthly basis 7uring the 3+A= "eetings# 3ibshops engage siblings of students $ith Autis" 3pectru"

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    7isorders in proble";solving and group;support activities Finally# The Collin Gur,hart Transition Collaborative brings

    fa"ilies# educators# and co""unity partners together to deter"ine strength;based blueprints to aid students $ith transition

    fro" school to $or, The blueprints "ap the student and fa"ily8s desires and aid the" in deter"ining practical place"ents

    and decisions for adulthood This Collaborative identifies co""unity partners to provide co"prehensive services

    and postsecondary opportunities for adults $ith Autis" 3pectru" 7isorders



    The Center for 7iversity Headership in Education is an e"bedded center $hose "ission%vision# critical success factors#

    goals# obectives# strategies# and assess"ent processes $ill be consistent $ith those of the TTU College of Education The

    Center for 7iversity Headership in Education $ill see, to engage in collaborative research and practical application

    partnerships $ith "ultiple entities across the University The proposed Center $ill generate nuanced and co"prehensiveunderstandings of the role diversity leadership can play in the eli"ination of persistent ine.uities in public education

    nationally and internationally and in the develop"ent of a "ore ust and caring global society


    The Center for 7iversity Headership $ill serve as a nexus through $hich individual researchers and acade"ic units can

    gather to share and discuss "ultiple educational# intellectual# and societal vie$s and perspectives and research proposals

    related to the provision of e.uitable educational opportunities in a global society> develop and "aintain "ultiple partnerships

    $ith internal and external university entities including international partnerships $ith other universities and organi*ational

    entities to conduct relevant theory;into;practice research on ho$ to creatively address persistent ine.uities in public

    education and in society both nationally and internationally> serve as an ad"inistrative hub for the solicitation and

    distribution of funded research for individuals and partner agencies associated $ith the Center> serve as a clearinghouse for

    research on diversity# e.uity# and leadership> function as a place that sponsors training by experts in the develop"ent and

    successful procure"ent of long;ter" federal and corporate funding opportunities related to diversity# e.uity# and leadership>

    offer leadership develop"ent opportunities for those interested in diversity and e.uity leadership in a global society



     As a university;$ide center# the Center for the -ntegration of 3cience Education and @esearch is co""itted to the concept

    that research and education in the sciences are inseparable and co"ple"entary and is co""itted to re"oval of barriers5

    bet$een education and research# bet$een organi*ations# bet$een acade"ic units# bet$een disciplines# bet$een scientistsand non;scientists# bet$een the university and the schools


    The vision of C-3E@ is to be a national leader in the integration of research and education in the sciences The Center $ill

    provide a "echanis" for assuring that the increasing research activity at Texas Tech $ill i"pact positively the educational

    experiences in the sciences of students at Texas Tech and in the regional and local ?;'2 schools

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    C-3E@ see,s to develop innovative progra"s to involve students and teachers at all levels in the research enterprise# create

    a sea"less co""unity of science educators fro" ?;'# serve as a "echanis" for recruiting "ore students and teachers

    into the sciences# and contribute positively to Texas Tech8s reputation by developing nationally recogni*ed progra"s in the

    integration of research and education


     As a university;$ide center# the Center for the -ntegration of 3cience Education and @esearch $ill encourage and enable the

    integration of science education and research at all educational levels and explore innovative "echanis"s for doing so#

    expand educational opportunities for undergraduate science students by pro"oting and supporting undergraduate research#

    and enhancing the recruit"ent and retention of pre;college science teachers



    The irginia Murray 3o$ell Center for @esearch and Education in isual -"pair"ent at Texas Tech University in Hubboc,#

    Texas# prepares specialists in visual i"pair"ent# orientation and "obility# and deafblindness -t pro"otes .uality research to

    address the acade"ic and social needs of school;age students $ith visual i"pair"ents and provides public service to assist

    local# national# and international constituencies The Center offers degree and certification progra"s in visual i"pair"ent

    -# orientation and "obility !JM# and deafblindness 7G 3cholarships are offered for students in both degree and

    certification progra"s The students in the progra" are often found throughout Texas and the bordering counties# as "ost

    of the progra"s are available through distance education The center also offers an Annual 7istinguished Hecturer 3eries in

    $hich the finest and "ost highly .ualified in their field co"e to Hubboc,# Texas to offer valuable learning opportunitiesthrough the occurrence of lectures

    7r irginia Murray 3o$ell developed the progra" at Texas Tech University $hich is recogni*ed

    internationally 7r 3o$ell began teaching students $ith visual i"pair"ents in 'L)) at the 3an Antonio -ndependent 3chool

    7istrict and received her +h7 in special education at theUniversity of Texas at Austin 3he started a personnel preparation

    progra" in visual i"pair"ent at Texas Tech University in 'L&& This position along $ith her "any years of teaching

    provided the bac,ground necessary to begin the !rientation and Mobility +rogra" in 'L(2 -n 'L(L# another progra" $as

    established that prepared teachers of students $ith deafblindness

    The irginia 3o$ell Center e"ployees nine people -t operates as a federal and state funded grant progra" 3tudents $ith

    either a Gachelor8s or a Master8s degree can receive certification as an !JM 3pecialist# training students ho$ to travel

    independently# safely# and efficiently in their ho"es# schools# and co""unities !JM 3pecialists $or, $ith individuals $ith

    visual i"pair"ents ; birth through adulthood in both educational and rehabilitation settings

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    3tudents can receive their Teacher of isually -"paired Certificate if they have or $ill receive their teaching certificate before

    co"pleting their - course$or, This $ill provide the student $ith the bac,ground necessary for assisting visually i"paired

    children ; birth to 22 years# to achieve their educational goals 3tudents $ho are prepared to teach children

    $ith deafblindness usually have a bachelor8s degree and are teachers They are e"ployed by public schools# residential

    schools for the blind and agencies serving children and youth $ith deafblindness ision specialists also $or, $ith children#

    parents# other educators# !JM specialists and other co""unity agencies They teach children the co"pensatory s,ills

    needed to function independently $ithin society

    The irginia 3o$ell Center8s progra" offers face to face instruction at a distance# $here the faculty $ill travel to a central site

    in a region to teach classes# -nternet classes# on;ca"pus instruction# for $hich students "ove to Hubboc, to attend classes

    on ca"pus# and%or a co"bination of the above

    F"c!#5 H*$*n Po#*c5

    The College of Education $ill recruit the best;.ualified candidates to fill faculty positions These individuals should have

    acade"ic and scholarly records# experiences# attitudes# and goals that $ill advance the "ission and goals of the university#

    college# and progra" Candidates $ho earn their advanced degrees fro" the College of Educationat TexasTech University $ill not be discri"ina