Hamble Lane Improvements -...


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Hamble Lane Improvements

1. Welcome

This consultation is an opportunity for local residents and businesses to provide

their views on the existing issues, the scope of possible improvements, and the potential travel-planning initiatives for the

wider Hamble Peninsula.

Please take a look at the exhibition

boards, ask questions and complete

a questionnaire.

Hampshire County Council is developing a scheme for improvements to Hamble Lane This exhibition aims to:

Provide information on the existing issues

Seek local views to inform the design



some initial highway improvement options

Describe potential travel planning


Outline the next steps for the scheme


Hamble Lane Improvements

2. Existing Issues – Traffic Congestion Contributory Factors

Map data ©2017 Google

Main Issues

There are several factors which

contribute to the congestion and

journey delay experienced along

Hamble Lane.

The peninsula is constrained by:

• Its coastal location.

• The River Hamble and limited

crossing points.

• Limited road access with

Hamble Lane forming effectively

a cul-de-sac.

• Limited alternatives including

bus service provision and limited

rail service frequency and a rail

station with no car parking.

Lack of traffic capacity on Hamble

Lane combined with traffic growth

generally and that associated with

new developments, plus heavy

commuting in both directions,

(approximately 80% of which is by

car) compounds the problem,

particularly in peak periods.

Lack of capacity at key junctions

along Hamble Lane causes much

of the delay, particularly on the

northern section at:

• Windhover

• Tesco access

• Jurd Way

• Portsmouth Rd


Map data ©2017 Google

Typical Delay - PM Peak Hour, Tuesday 17:20

(Based on Google Maps Data)

Congestion at Windhover and

on the northern part of Hamble

Lane leads to rat-running.

Fast Slow


Hamble Lane Improvements

3. Existing Issues – Main Problems Observed

© Crown Copyright and database rights 2017

Ordnance Survey (100019180)

Very slow moving traffic on

Hamble Lane southbound,

from Windhover down to the

Portsmouth Road junction.

Queues can extend back

through Windhover towards

M27 Junction 8.

Very slow moving traffic on

Hamble Lane northbound,

from Hamble all the way up

towards Windhover.

Queues on the approach to

Hamble Lane on

Portsmouth Road, on Jurd

Way and in Tesco.

Slow moving traffic on the

approaches to Hound Road


Traffic heading southbound

on Hamble Lane north of

Tesco only uses one lane and

the left-hand lane is often

empty as further south

Hamble Lane is only one lane

in each direction.

Queues on A27 Providence

Hill on the approach to

Windhover and on A27 Bridge

Road heading towards the

Swanwick Lane lights.

Queues on A3024

Bursledon Road into

Southampton which block

back to Windhover and

impact traffic trying to

enter/exit Hamble Lane.


Hamble Lane Improvements

4. Existing Issues – Junction Congestion Hotspots

Tesco Junction

• Traffic turning right into Tesco and right out of

Tesco has priority over traffic on Hamble Lane,

which can cause queues on Hamble Lane. • Traffic heading southbound on Hamble Lane can

only use one lane, which means the nearside lane

on approach to Tesco is often empty and queues

can block back to Windhover and beyond.

• Only one exit from the Tesco car park exacerbates

this problem, with vehicles often queuing in the

Tesco car park.

Portsmouth Road and Pound Road Junction

• A high volume of traffic turns right into Portsmouth

Road from Hamble Lane, in both peak periods.

• These vehicles have to wait for gaps in the traffic and

the small right-turn bay means vehicles waiting to turn

right frequently block vehicles travelling southbound.

• Long queues of traffic build up southbound which can

block back up to and beyond the Tesco access.

• Traffic uses Pound Road to bypass the Portsmouth

Road junction.

Jurd Way Junction

• Right-turning traffic at the Jurd Way junction has

priority over Hamble Lane traffic, which

exacerbates delays on Hamble Lane.

• Jurd Way traffic also has difficulty entering Hamble


Hound Road Junction

• Notable PM congestion but mostly due to traffic

queue on Hamble Lane northbound which

prevents vehicles on Hound Road exiting

junction - caused by issues further north. Also

impacts Satchell Lane.

• Some AM issues due to lack of junction capacity

Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey 10019180

Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey 10019180

Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey 10019180

Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey 10019180

All junctions suffer from a lack of traffic capacity and un-balanced priorities between movements


Hamble Lane Improvements

5. What can be done to improve the situation?

Highways England Scheme to Improve M27 Junction 8 and Windhover

An improvement scheme for M27 Junction 8 and Windhover roundabout is

currently being progressed by Highways England as part of their ‘M27

Southampton Junctions Package of works, for which a public consultation has

recently been undertaken. The scheme also includes improvements to the

Bursledon Road / Botley Road junction.

The improvements to both The M27 Junction 8 and Windhover roundabout are

essentially required in advance of improvements to Hamble Lane to ensure that

traffic can get out at the northern end of the peninsula, before attempting to

increase the speed at which that traffic arrives there.

The Improvements to M27 Junction 8 and Windhover form one of two key

components in the package of works needed to improve traffic flows in

this area, with the Hampshire County Council scheme for Hamble Lane

that is currently being developed, forming the second component.

Windhover M27 Junction 8 Bursledon Rd / Botley Rd


Hamble Lane Improvements

6. What can be done to improve the situation?

Consideration of revised / improved

access arrangements for Tesco

including signalisation and widening

of the junction with Hamble Lane.

Consideration of capacity

improvements / signalisation and

widening at the Jurd Way junction.

Consideration of widening Hamble

Lane between the Tesco and

Portsmouth Road junctions.

Reconfiguration of the Portsmouth

Road junction, including signalisation,

widening and banned movements.

Consideration of measures to reduce

rat-running at Lowford Hill.

Consideration of improvements at the

Pound Road junction.

Consideration of measures to improve

traffic flow at Hound Rd roundabout.

Potential Measures to Improve Traffic Flow Along Hamble Lane

We want your help to develop a scheme

which seeks to address local issues as far

as possible.

The key issues have been highlighted in

previous slides however these are not


There are a number of improvements which

are likely to be required for Hamble Lane

and before undertaking feasibility design

work to identify a preferred scheme we

would like to ensure that we have a full

understanding of all the issues which we

can then prioritise and seek to address.

The main suggested next steps are

identified on the adjacent map and in the

questionnaire, which includes location

specific questions to seek local views on

the way forward.

The preferred scheme is likely to

involve a combination of junction

improvements and localised widening

where this can be accommodated,

along with other measures outlined in

the following slides.


Hamble Lane Improvements

7. What can be done to improve the situation?

How people currently travel

It is recognised that there are a number of important businesses on the Hamble

peninsula and commuting to work is frustrated by delays and congestion.

It is recognised that Hamble is a desirable place to live and many people that live on the

Hamble peninsula commute off the peninsula each day.

Attempting to reduce the reliance on the private car is considered to be

a vital component of any scheme to improve Hamble Lane.

For journeys to work from the

Hamble area approximately

77% of people use a car or

van, 10% travel on foot, 4%

use a bicycle, 4% use a

bus/minibus/coach, 4% use

the train, and 1% use a

motorcycle (Based on 2011


For journeys to work in the

Hamble area approximately

84% of people use a car or

van, 6% travel on foot, 4% use

a bicycle, 3% use a

bus/minibus/coach, 1% use

the train, and 1.5% use a

motorcycle (Based on 2011


This is part of the problem.


Hamble Lane Improvements

8. What can be done to improve the situation?

How could people travel? What improvements would help?

We can all help solve the problem. Traffic growth associated with new development, compounded with traffic growth generally, increased car ownership and longer commuting journeys all serve to increase the pressure on our road networks.

In areas where the highway network is particularly constrained such as the Hamble peninsula travel and journey planning measures are a fundamental part of the overall solution.

Types of initiatives which could be considered, subject to funding, are:

• A business/community travel-planning forum • Car sharing schemes • Improved information on alternatives to the car • Shuttle bus service between Hamble and Windhover areas • Shuttle Bus service between Hamble Rail station and locations in Hamble • Improved school transport • Better bus provision along Hamble Lane • Improved train service frequency to Hamble station e.g. 2 trains per

hour* • Improved access / facilities at Hamble Rail Station • Car parking at Hamble Rail Station • More cycle parking at Hamble Rail Station • Better cycle provision along the Hamble Lane corridor • Better pedestrian facilities along Hamble Lane

These initiatives may not be new ideas but now is the time to consider how some or all of these measures could be made to work to help improve access to the peninsula for all. If we all reviewed our travel patterns for just one day a week it would help to reduce congestion. * Proposed in the AM peak in the current South Western Railway Timetable Consultation http://goo.gl/bxdbbd

Individual car sharing


Corporate Car sharing

https://faxi.co.uk/ - Incentivising

employees to transport co-workers


Hamble Lane Improvements

9. Where Next?

What do you think? Your views are important

Your feedback will help identify the preferred way forward and will inform the design process for the

scheme. A report will be taken to Hampshire County Council’s Executive Member for Environment and

Transport in Spring 2018 which summarises the feedback from this consultation and seeks approval to

undertake a further round of public consultation on a preferred way forward in the Spring / Summer 2018.

Please fill out a paper questionnaire to let us know what you think. Alternatively go on-line at

www.hants.gov.uk/transportschemes and search for ‘Hamble Lane’ to leave your comments via the on-

line survey.

This exhibition material is also available to download on this website.

Contact us:

Strategic Transport

Hampshire County Council

The Castle



SO23 8UJ

Email address: major.schemes@hants.gov.uk

(please type ‘Hamble Lane’ in

the subject line)


0300 555 1388

Thank you for visiting the exhibition. The consultation is open for a six week

period from 27th November 2017 to 7th January 2018. The closing date for all

responses is 7th January 2018.

November 2017-January 2018

Public Consultation

December 2017 – Spring 2018

Design and Testing of Options in light of

feedback from consultation

Spring 2018 Report to Executive

Member for Environment & Transport (EMET) to provide consultation

feedback and to report on preferred way forward

Spring 2018

Public Consultation on Preferred Way


Summer 2018 Develop Preferred scheme and report back to EMET with

feedback from second consultation
